Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Reader Mail: Lake Petenwell, Wisconsin Dogman, Flashing Shadow Person and Large Floating Object
- Fortean / Alternative News: Japan Groundwater Contaminated, 100s Dead Starfish and Blame Mothman / Aliens
- Sasquatch Encounter Leaves Lasting Memory
Reader Mail: Lake Petenwell, Wisconsin Dogman, Flashing Shadow Person and Large Floating Object Posted: 29 Mar 2011 10:36 AM PDT LAKE PETENWELL, WISCONSIN DOGMAN? I received the following in reference to the Dyer Lake, WI encounter: Hi, just read your WI area story. I have a place in Adams County, Wisconsin by Lake Petenwell. It is a campsite of 5 acres. I was partying out there with 3 people around midnight two years ago. We had the stereo cranked up when something started to grunt/growl louder than the radio just out of sight behind a 35ft camper. It repeated the sounds 3 times. I was ready to run for my life! I got to the stereo and turned it off but did not hear a thing after that. I had my spotlight and could not see or hear anything move away either. it sounded similar to an extremely loud bull snort mixed with a deep growl similar to the werewolf sound in the movies. It was so loud that even the people in the camper heard it! Just before this happened the whipperwills where going nuts. We no longer walk alone on the trails at night, only riding golf carts or STVs on the trails after dark. Then last year we had another incident. We went out for a cart ride and heard a loud bark. I thought it was the neighbors dog...but no! It was a white wolf! It seemed aggressive with no fear and was circling the camper with 1 other dog. I have hunted at night and lived here my whole life and never heard anything like this first encounter. It has changed all of us for life! There is definitely something unexplained out there! NOTE: I tend to agree...there is definitely something out there! Lon ********** SHADOW PERSON WITH CAMERA? Dear Lon: I read Phantoms and Monsters every day. I have something to share with you...I don't know what this was, but perhaps someone else has had a similar experience. It happened Friday night/early Saturday morning around 4:00am. I live in a townhouse apartment. I share a bedroom with my daughter on the second floor. Outside our room is a short hallway that leads to a bathroom. My son's room is next to the bathroom. His room is cold, and he keeps a small space heater running during the night. If you turn on the bathroom light when the space heater is running, it blows a fuse. So during the several years we've been living here, I've learned go to the bathroom without turning the light on. There's a security light outside not too far from our window, and it shines in a little light in the bathroom, enough that it's not pitch black. That morning, I went into the bathroom and shut the door. Immediately, there was a bright flash of light, as if a camera flash went off. I was facing the mirror that hangs on almost the entire wall over the sink, and I swear, I am not making this up...when the flash went off, I saw what appeared to be a tall, thin black figure reflected in the mirror, as if it was standing behind me, and it looked as if it had something like a camera in its hand. The room went dark and I had spots in front of my eyes like you do when you get your picture taken with a camera flash. The incident only took a second or two, but I was so freaked out by seeing that shadowy figure behind me that I groped for the door handle and yanked the door open and jumped out into the hallway. My heart was pounding and my knees were shaking. I opened my son's door and looked in; he had his heater off so I turned on the bathroom light. There was nothing in there. I used the bathroom and shut off the light, but I couldn't go back to sleep for a long time. The next morning, I took a tape measure in the bathroom. There is a medicine chest on the wall next to where this figure was standing. I measured, and whatever this was, it was 8 feet tall. I wasn't dreaming...I was awake, and I definitely saw the flash and the figure standing there. Needless to say, I'll be turning the light on at night in the bathroom from now on. Does anyone have any idea what this could have been? Do shadow people take "photos" of us? This has really creeped me out. I just keep wondering what it was, and why it was taking a photo of me. Sharon NOTE: this is definitely a new one for entity taking flash photos. Has anyone experience anything similar? Lon ********** LARGE FLOATING BLACK OBJECT I was wondering if anyone has approached you or if you have heard of a Large Floating Black Object? (looks like a person covered in black cloth but no body features just a head torso I guess). This sounds so weird, but my co-worker saw it too. It was just floating over downtown London, Ontario by St. Joes Hospital about 2 to 2.5 years ago. I have been trying to find any information that someone else saw this but can not locate anything. Possibly I am not searching with the right criteria so it could be out there. It was moving freely and was visible to me for over 2 hours - 6:30 am to 8:30 am - it was a flowing form, seemed solid but it's "cloak" was like flowing fabric. It was solid black and hovered over the hospital and church in that area than floated around that area as well. My co-worker first noticed it from his building, and I called him to ask when he was coming in as I had something to show him, but before I ended the call, he asked me if it was the floating mass over downtown. He was on the 20th floor of his building. If you guys aren't the right people to contact or you know someone else I could email this to, I would appreciate some answers. Thanks, Kristina NOTE: OK folks...any clues? Lon | ||
Posted: 29 Mar 2011 09:40 AM PDT U.S. experts: significant water contamination in Japan reuters - Groundwater, reservoirs and sea water around Japan's earthquake damaged nuclear plant face "significant contamination" from the high levels of radiation leaking from the plant, a worrying development that heightens potential health risks in the region. Nuclear and environmental scientists in the United States darkened their assessment of the risks markedly on Monday after operators at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant said that highly radioactive water has entered underground concrete tunnels extending beyond the reactor. Sea water and fresh water used to cool the reactors, critically damaged by Japan's March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and spent fuel pools at the plant have been put in storage tanks there. But reports indicate these tanks are full or over-flowing with tainted water, experts said. "It's just hard to see how this won't result in significant contamination of, certainly, sea water," said Edwin Lyman, a physicist and expert on nuclear plant design at the U.S.-based Union of Concerned Scientists. "There will be dilution, some of that will be reconcentrated, but I don't think this can be sugar-coated at this point." The experts said they need more information from Japanese authorities before accurately assessing the exact environmental and health impact. They did not say whether the latest developments can explain low levels of radiation in Tokyo's water supply. But their remarks were gloomier than a few days earlier when scientists said the vast ocean would dilute radiation and it did not appear to pose a health risk. Surface and sea water used to cool the damaged plant is tainted with radiation and could contaminate the adjacent ocean, surface reservoirs and groundwater, Lyman said. In addition, water is leaking inside various parts of different reactors and beyond, posing a threat. "There's already been an enormous amount of radioactivity released from this plant into the air, and that will deposit on sea water and surface water supplies," said Lyman in a telephone briefing on Monday. "It's hard to imagine that there won't be some significant contamination that will have to be dealt with." Reports that plant workers were exposed to radiation 100,000 times normal in water inside reactor No. 2 at the weekend could suggest a breach in some parts of the reactor buildings, where tainted water is pooling and getting into tunnels. "Pathways for that (radioactive) material to get out are numerous," said David Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer and director of the union's Nuclear Safety Project. Lochbaum noted that the reactor buildings for units 1, 3 and 4 at the Fukushima plant are no longer intact and therefore not acting as barriers to nuclear contamination. This contaminated water "may leave as it evaporates from puddles on the floor," he said. Contaminated water can also be discharged in liquid form, Lochbaum said. BIG OCEAN Sea contamination is a concern for the Japanese, who consume about 9 million tons of seafood a year, second behind China. The Kuroshio Current lies along Japan's east coast, where the $2 billion annual catch includes various kinds of tuna, mackerel, other flat fishes, squid and crabs, according to the Sea Around Us project, a collaboration of the Pew Environment Group and the University of British Columbia. Radioactive material can get into water from steam or smoke which is carried by wind, rain or other precipitation onto land, surface reservoirs or the ocean. It could also be discharged directly into the ocean or leak onto land and eventually seep into groundwater. Two materials are of concern -- cesium 137 and iodine 131. Iodine 131, which can cause thyroid cancer, decays quickly, with a half-life of eight days, meaning its potency falls by a half in that time. The amount of this radioactive isotope of iodine is a tiny fraction of the amount of normal iodine in ocean water, said Timothy Kenna, an expert on the ocean and radiation at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. Cesium 137, also a carcinogen, takes much longer. It has a half-life of 30 years. There are still traces of this radioactive isotope lingering from nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific in the 1950s and 1960s, Kenna said. So far, it has not been a threat to marine life, he said by telephone. Both chemicals would likely stay in the upper 100 yards (meters) of the ocean if they were deposited on the surface by emissions from the Fukushima plant, he said. The ocean has an average depth of 4,000 yards, meaning it has a far large volume to allow for dilution compared with rivers or lakes. Global nuclear weapons tests showed that marine wildlife tends to absorb less radioactive material than organisms in lakes or rivers, said F. Ward Whicker, an emeritus professor at Colorado State University and one of the founders of the field of radioecology, which addresses the affects of radioactivity on the environment. Additionally, when there is plenty of potassium and calcium in the ocean, marine life will absorb those nutrients before taking in radioactive materials, lessening the danger of seafood contamination, experts said. ********** Hundreds of dead starfish wash up on Talybont, Wales beach BBC - Several hundred dead starfish have been found washed up on a north Wales beach. It comes following the discovery at Talybont, between Harlech and Barmouth in Gwynedd. Council maritime officer Barry Davies said it is common for starfish to be washed ashore during spring tides but it was not clear why they had migrated so far up the shoreline. Barmouth harbour committee chairman said an inquiry is needed. Councillor Trefor Roberts said: "What I would like is a full scientist report on what caused the deaths of these starfish." Mr Davies said he did not think anything suspicious has led to the deaths of the starfish. Seagulls He said that the common starfish - found around the UK coast - feed on mussels and other crustaceans and while there is no clear reason why the starfish migrated so far along the coast he felt one reason could be a shortage of food. "We are confident that the cause is not related to pollution or to a vessel having dredged the starfish and discarded the starfish overboard," he said. Although a distressing sight to see, he said the starfish were not a hazard and would probably be consumed by seagulls. Talybont resident David Haddon said: "I can understand one or two dying, but there have been occasions where loads of jellyfish have died in this area." ********** Whistle-blowing witch grounded by TSA Here's a situation for all you aspiring managers: If you were the boss at a U.S. government agency and one of your employees complained that she was afraid of a co-worker's religious practices, what would you do? Would it change your decision if the religion were Wicca, and the employee feared her co-worker because she thought she might cast a spell on her? Here's how the Transportation Security Administration handled it: It fired the witch. Each person's story is unique, but what happened to Carole A. Smith gives us a glimpse of the work life of the 400,000-plus Wiccans in the United States. And it sheds light on work life at the TSA, where the 40,000-plus public employees who keep bad people and bad things off of airplanes have started voting this month on whether to join a union. At New York's Albany International Airport on March 12, 2009, transportation security officer Smith was called into the office of the No. 2 TSA boss there, the assistant federal safety director for law enforcement. Smith, then 49, was a probationary employee, on the job for just seven months. Records show that she'd had several minor disciplinary actions — she'd forgotten her name tag one time, had been a few minutes late, had stayed too long on break — but the agency classified her performance as "satisfactory." Continue reading at Whistle-blowing witch grounded by TSA ********** Ivanka Trump's accused stalker blames aliens and Mothman for mental problems gothamist - The man who is accused of stalking Ivanka Trump was in court yesterday, where he pleaded not guilty to continuing to stalk her while out on bail for those very charges. Justin Massler, aka Cloud Starchaser, faces four counts of criminal contempt in addition to the stalking and harassment charges, and a judge ordered he take a psychiatric fitness exam. "I should stop bothering her, but I like her," Massler, who gave his address as "a volcano on Hawaii," told authorities yesterday. After missing several court dates over the past year due to a lack of funds, Massler was arrested in LA and extradited back to NY in February. He plead not guilty to the misdemeanor stalking charges last month, and was freed on $10,000 bail. At the time, he told the News that he wouldn't try to visit her again in person, but he wouldn't let go of the prospect of wooing her from afar: "Instead, I'll become like a big-time millionaire, real estate mogul so that she's the one who contacts me. It will be more indirect, like, let the girls come to me." But the judge yesterday said he had continued a campaign of harassment, and was ordered held without bail. When we spoke to Massler last month, he told us that he viewed himself as a "fake stalker" and performance artist: "To me, honestly, this is all like a game of make believe, and I'm just tired of adults taking the world so seriously. I don't see the need to be so serious all the time." Massler's lawyer, George Vomvolakis, echoed that assessment of him, but added that his client needs profesional help: "He's a highly intelligent individual with various mental issues he's been addressing his entire life." Many of the dallies have pointed to a YouTube video Massler made which blames aliens and Mothman for his current situation as proof of his mental instability | ||
Sasquatch Encounter Leaves Lasting Memory Posted: 29 Mar 2011 09:49 AM PDT
By Chris Bush - Nanaimo News Bulletin - One of my co-workers asked me, jokingly, if I saw any sasquatches on my recent holidays. No, but.... A few of us in the newsroom are mountain bikers and encounter the occasional deer and bear on our wilderness excursions. They scurry off at the sight of creatures with shiny, coloured heads that ride on animals with round black hooves by grabbing their antlers and rapidly kicking the enslaved beasts. When you ride by yourself and stop for a drink and a snack you sometimes get that eerie feeling someone or something is watching you. I've never seen a sasquatch on the Island – I guess most other people haven't either – but, a bunch of us kids were pretty sure that's we saw one night at summer camp many years ago. I was 11 in July 1969 when my mother sent me to Camp Jubilee, about halfway up Indian Arm east of Vancouver. Camp activities involved a lot of swimming, hiking, archery and verbally and physically bullying each other to establish the pecking orders in our cabins. One afternoon we hiked into the bush to camp overnight in a wide dry creek bed. As it got dark, kids hunkered down in the rocks for the night. I found a comfortable spot in the boulders. Some boys caught little lizards that ran around in the rocks. Occasionally a kid would let out a yelp when his new pet bit him. We were settling down when we heard something trucking through the woods, snapping branches as it went, seemingly unconcerned about the noise it made. A bear maybe? The last of the twilight was fading, but the moon was full, so there was plenty of light to see by. What walked out of the woods was no bear. It was about 12 metres from us, not just walking upright, but taking big easy strides across the rocks. About halfway across the creek bed it stopped, as if it realized suddenly that we were there, and turned to look at us. It was nearly two metres tall and its body was proportioned just like a large man's, except its forearms were a little longer than ours, so its hands hung closer to its knees. It's body was covered in hair, but it was so fine, almost like an Irish setter's, that you could see its muscle definition underneath. I remember his forearm muscles being clearly defined and, yup, "it" was definitely a "he". He just stood there and sort of regarded us for a moment as we gaped back in stunned silence. His face appeared human and was covered in an even finer layer of hair. His eyes were a medium shade and when I looked in them I remember thinking, "That's a man." Then he turned and continued on his way. The sound of branches snapping started again when he entered the woods and eventually faded into the distance. The encounter didn't frighten me. I was simply amazed. Our silence broke when a few terrified kids started freaking out and crying. We ran to our counsellors' campsite in wooded area not far down the creek to tell them what happened. They were just teenagers themselves, and were sitting around a campfire talking and playing guitars. They just told us to get lost. In the morning we found a narrow trail paralleling the creek bed and saw branches snapped off the trees about shoulder height of the creature. The counsellors found this a bit strange, but figured it must have been a bear. I've seen films on TV and heard sensational stories about sasquatches over the years, but none of those have ever described anything like what we saw that night. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() Click here to check out John Ventre's most recent book! ![]() Use coupon code PM with any order and receive an additional 10% off! Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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