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- The Red Bluff UFO Incident
- Fortean / Alternative News: Pilot Discusses Phoenix Lights, Zombie Warning and the Antichrist Has Come!
- Update: Southeast Texas Unknown Entities Investigation
Posted: 16 Mar 2011 12:16 PM PDT Preamble: On August 13, 1960 California Highway Patrol Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol near Corning, CA when they witnessed what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction and climbed to 500 ft. The object was described as round or oblong surrounded by a glow and having definite red lights at each end. Incident: California Highway Patrol Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were patrolling on Hoag Road, east of Corning, California when they saw what looked like a huge airliner descending from the sky in front of them. Thinking that a plane was about to crash, they stopped and got out of the car to get a better look. They watched as the object descended in complete silence to about 100 to 200 feet from the ground, then suddenly reversed and climbed back to about 500 feet from the ground and stopped. Officer Carson described it in a police teletype report: At this time it was clearly visible to both of us. It was surrounded by a glow making the round or oblong object visible. At each end, or each side of the object, there were definite red lights. At times about five white lights were visible between the red lights. As we watched the object moved again and performed aerial feats that were actually unbelievable. The officers radioed the Tehama County Sheriff's Office and asked Deputy Clarence Fry to contact the local Air Force radar station at Red Bluff. Deputy Fry reported back that the radar station verified that an unidentified object was visible on radar. As they continued to watch the object: On two occasions the object came directly towards the patrol vehicle; each time it approached, the object turned, swept the area with a huge red light. Officer Scott turned the red light on the patrol vehicle towards the object, and it immediately went away from us. We observed the object use the red beam approximately 6 or 7 times, sweeping the sky and ground areas. The object then began to move slowly to the east, and the officers followed. When they had reached the Vina Plains Fire Station, the object was approached by a second object that came from the south. The second object moved near to the first and both stopped and hovered for some time, occasionally emitting red beams. After a time, both objects vanished below the eastern horizon. They had observed the first object for a total of about two hours and fifteen minutes. When they returned to the Tehama County Sheriff's Office, they found that the object had also been seen by Deputies Fry and Montgomery, as well as by the night jailer. All described the same thing. The next day, Officers Carson and Scott drove to the Red Bluff Air Station to discuss the sighting and to speak to the operator that had seen it on radar. The Air Force, however, now denied that the object had been seen on radar, contradicting what the radar operator had told Deputy Fry the night before. The visit was completely unproductive. More information regarding the sighting was obtained by NICAP(National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) advisor Walter N. Webb, who contacted Carson and received a copy of the report, drawings of the object, and a letter from Carson. In the letter, dated November 14, 1960, Carson said: We made several attempts to follow it, or I should say get closer to it, but the object seemed aware of us and we were more successful remaining motionless and allow it to approach us, which it did on several occasions. In the original report, Carson also mentioned that: Each time the object neared us, we experienced radio interference. Again, from the letter to Webb: The object was shaped like a football, the edges, or I should say outside of the object were clear to us...[the] glow was emitted by the object, was not a reflection of other lights. The Official Explanation What was the "official" explanation for the sighting? In a letter to a NICAP member, the Air Force said: The findings [are] that the individuals concerned witnessed a refraction of the planet Mars and the bright stars Aldebaran and Betelgeux. . . [temperature inversions] contributed to the phenomena as the planet Mars was quite low in the skies and the inversion caused it to be projected upward. They also said: A contributing factor to the sightings could have been the layer of smoke which hung over the area in a thin stratiform layer. This smoke came from the forest fires in the area hung in layer due to the stable conditions associated with the inversions. When NICAP pointed out that Mars, Aldebaran, and Betelgeuse were all below the horizon at the time of the sighting, the Air Force changed the star involved to Capella, which was slightly above the eastern horizon at the time. They neglected to explain the fact that, as the sighting progressed, Capella would have risen in the sky, whereas the objects disappeared below the eastern horizon at the end of the sighting. Officer Carson had this to say about the Air Force explanations: ...I have been told we saw Northern lights, a weather balloon, and now refractions. …I served 4 years with the Air Force, I believe I am familiar with the Northern lights, also weather balloons. Officer Scott served as a paratrooper during the Korean Conflict. Both of us are aware of the tricks light can play on the eyes during darkness. We were aware of this at the time. Our observations and estimations of speed, size, etc. came from aligning the object with fixed objects on the horizon. I agree we find it difficult to believe what we were watching, but no one will ever convince us that we were witnessing a refraction of light. A check of the meteorological records of the area for that night by atmospheric physicist James E. MacDonald failed to find any evidence that would indicate the presence of a temperature inversion. Over the next week, similar sightings were reported, including another sighting the very next evening by Deputies Fry and Montgomery that was also seen by a Corning police officer. - ----- THE RED BLUFF, CA CASE I have interviewed one of the two California Highway Patrolmen who were the principal witnesses and have spoken with two other persons who were involved in the incident. CHP officers C.A. Carson and S. Scott, driving east at 2300 hours on a back road south of Red Bluff, suddenly sighted what they first took to be an aircraft about to crash just ahead of them. Pulling their patrol car to a rapid stop and jumping out to be ready to render whatever assistance they could, they were astonished to see the long metallic looking object abruptly reverse its initial steep descent, climb back up to several hundred feet altitude, and then hover motionless. Next, it came silently towards them until, as Officer Carson put it to me, "it was within easy pistol range". They had their pistols ready and were debating whether to fire when it stopped. Attempts to radio back to the nearest dispatcher failed due to strong radio interference, which recurred each time the object came close to them during the remainder of this 2 hour long sighting. Huge bright lights at either end of the object swept the area. Carson stated to me that one light was about six feet in diameter; other smaller lights were also discernible on the object. After some initial minutes of hovering only 100 to 200 feet away from them and at about the same distance above the ground, the object started moving eastward away from them. They then contacted the Tehama County Sheriff's office that handled their night dispatching work, and asked for additional cars and for a check with Red Bluff Air Force Radar Station. Then they began to follow the object. The full account is too involved to relate here, but it is important to point out that a number of witnesses confirmed the object from various viewing points in the county. A call to the AF radar unit brought confirmation that they were tracking an unknown moving in the manner reported by Carson and Scott. However, when Carson and Scott went the following day to talk with personnel at the Red Bluff radar base, they were informed that no such radar sighting had been made. Their request to the officer in charge to speak with the radarman on duty at the time of the incident was denied. The Bluebook explanation that came out after a few days attributed this very detailed, close range sighting of a large object, seen by two experienced officers to "refraction of the planet Mars and the two bright stars Aldebaran and Betelgeuse" NICAP referred the question to one of their astronomical advisors, who found that none of these three celestial objects were even in the California skies at that time. Bluebook then changed the explanation to read Mars and Capella. Capella, the only one of those celestial bodies that was even in the sky at 2300, was nowhere near the location of the sighted object, and could not, of course, give the impression of the various movements clearly described by the officers. Carson subsequently stated, "No one will ever convince us that we were witnessing a refraction of light." Carson remarked wryly to me on the Bluebook explanations, "I'd sure hate to take one of my cases into court with such weak arguments." Dr. Menzel concurs with the Air Force explanations and speaks of this being a night of "fantastic multiple inversions of temperature and humidity", such that he would have expected many more reports of UFOs. I should like to know what radiosonde data Dr. Menzel is citing, since the data I obtained does not fit that description. Any such casual putting aside of the details of the basic report has no scientific justification in the first place. If Menzel and Bluebook think California Highway Patrolmen draw their .44s in uneasiness over looking at a refracted image of Capella, and misinterpret it as a 100 foot object with huge bright lights, I am afraid I cannot share their readiness to so easily discredit and discount reliable witnesses. When I spoke with Carson a few months ago, I found him still deeply impressed by this incident six years after it occurred. "I've never seen anything like it before or since." - Dr. James E. McDonald NOTE: there have been several incidents in the Red Bluff, CA area, including those at the following links: WHY IS RED BLUFF SUCH A HOT SPOT FOR UFO/CATTLE MUTILATION ACTIVITY? - Red Bluff UFO Encounters, Then And Now - 28 August 1980 13:20 - Red Bluff, California - Resonance in Red Bluff, California...Lon Sources: NICAP - Loy Lawhon - 'The Red Bluff Refraction' Dr. James E. McDonald - 'UFOs: Greatest Scientific Problem of Our Time?' - 1967 | ||||||
Posted: 16 Mar 2011 10:34 AM PDT It's been almost 14 years since Phoenix became the center of the UFO-sighters' universe, thanks to a phenomenon known as the Phoenix Lights. "Greg" is a commercial airline pilot who asked not to be identified. On that night- March 13, 1997- he and his wife were driving home in the West Valley after a date night. "All of a sudden, with some urgency, my wife said, 'What are those lights?'" Greg said. Continued at Commercial Airline Pilot Saw Phoenix Lights Watch video at Commercial Airline Pilot Saw Phoenix Lights ********** More on the Winkfield UFO hoax papers getbracknell - Top secret Government UFO files relating to a suspected flying saucer crash in Winkfield in the 1960s have been released. The new papers reveal letters relating to the UFO's crash landing later turned out to be an elaborate hoax involving multiple "crash sites" across the country. In September 1967 a group of students at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough planted six 'flying saucers' in locations across the south of England, including one in the garden of Nyewood House in Winkfield. The saucers, which were fitted with a motion sensitive alarm that sounded when they were moved and filled with a foul-smelling green gunge, made international headlines. People were so frightened of the saucers, which were seen as evidence of an alien invasion, that the Army was called in. Last week the Government released previously secret files relating to UFO sightings and operations at the time and it was hoped the files would contain more information about the Government reaction to the Winkfield saucer. But the only pieces of information relating to the incident in thousands of pages of files are a letter to the MoD from filmmaker John Keeling, who is researching the hoax, and the response to that letter. The letter is asking for permission to speak to MoD officials and the reply, from one of the officials, says: "Investigations of UFO sightings were one of my duties at that time. "I advise you, however, that the extent of my support could be circumscribed by requirements of the Official Secrets Act." John, whose book on the hoax should be out later this year, said: "When the original incident happened there would have been witness reports generated but they're all missing. "I had been told some time ago that there is no more information to come out but it is still disappointing. "It's also rather sobering to see your name in top secret Government files! ********** Man tells police he set fire because of Satan heraldnet - Convinced that he was sharing a motel room with Satan, a man set his blankets ablaze in Lynnwood, WA on Friday, according to what he told police. The man, 52, of Redmond, had been staying at the Days Inn on 196th Street SW for about a month, according to a police affidavit filed in Snohomish County Superior Court. Fire crews were called about 8:30 a.m. Friday when smoke began pouring out of the second floor room where the man was staying. The fire was contained to one room because of fire sprinklers, officials said. About six rooms were damaged in all, as well as guests' personal property. The man told police that he set the room on fire because Satan was in there, according to the affidavit. He reportedly said he wanted to protect "the good people" by setting the fire. The investigation showed that flames began in the room in at least four different places, including the blankets. Hotel officials told police the man had repeatedly called hotel employees the "anti-Christ" and "spawns of Satan." Hotel management had asked the man to move out the day of the fire. The man was being held Monday at Snohomish County Jail for investigation of first-degree arson. Police who searched his room after the fire found two bottles of lighter fluid, records show. The case remains under investigation by Lynnwood police. No injuries were reported. ********** Run children! The Antichrist, Oprah Winfrey, has come!! Click for video This nutball is Rev. James David Manning of ATLAH World Ministries in Harlem, NYC. As a younger man, Manning burgled homes, mostly on Long Island. He spent about three and a half years in prison in New York and Florida for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges before his release in 1978. While in prison, he became a devout Christian. He is known for his attacks on prominent African-Americans especially President Barack Obama, comparing him to Hitler and frequently calling him a criminal and "long-legged mack daddy." ********** Abductions: What do we Really Know? September 19 of this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the famous Betty and Barney Hill UFO encounter – an event that, arguably, ushered in the phenomenon that has become known as "Alien Abduction." But, almost half a century after the Hill's firmly added a new category to UFO research, what do we truly know about the real nature of abductions? Let's take a look. Continued at Abductions: What do we Really Know? - Another great piece by Nick Redfern posted at Mysterious Universe. ********** Warning: Zombies Ahead! thedenverchannel - A highway sign warning of zombies has prompted CDOT to make sure all the electronic signs it uses are locked to prevent hacking. The issue arose early Monday morning when a Colorado Department of Highways electronic road-warning sign in Boulder flashed a warning of "ZOMBIES AHEAD." The sign, at Foothills Parkway near Baseline Road, was supposed to say "Shoulder work Feb. 28 through June," but someone was able to open the unlocked control panel and change the warning message. Rick Barron and his wife saw the sign while he was driving her to the airport. "My first thought was, 'Did that really say Zombies Ahead?' And my second thought was 'I've been in Boulder almost 30 years. If there were naked zombies riding bicycles with pumpkins on their heads, I guess we'd be used to it," said Barron. There are instructions for changing the electronic signs on the Internet which explain what the default passwords for the signs are and explains how to reset the password if it has been changed. The control boxes for the orange signs are usually locked, but apparently some of the control boxes aren't. A project engineer for CDOT, Gerry Padilla, told the Daily Camera that the crew overseeing the sign on Foothills Parkway had left the control box unlocked. He said the crew was reprimanded. Other electronic signs operated by CDOT were being checked Monday to make sure they were all locked to prevent tampering. The signs don't belong to CDOT but to a contractor. "I'm sure it's just a question of contacting the contractor and asking them to make sure their signs are locked," said CDOT spokeswoman Stacey Stegman. "There are no zombies that I know of in Boulder, but stranger things have happened." Stegman told 7NEWS that electronic Colorado traffic signs have been hacked about three times in the last 10 years. She said the fine for tampering with Colorado highways signs is $66. The "Zombies Ahead" warning has been seen across the United States by pranksters who access the control panels of the highway signs. | ||||||
Update: Southeast Texas Unknown Entities Investigation Posted: 16 Mar 2011 03:28 PM PDT
As I stated in a previous post, Irene and I were asked to assist in an investigation centered around a location in southeast Texas. As you read the current case log you may be able to get a sense of what is going on. It is a very perplexing investigation that I'm quite sure we will need to monitor in the future...Lon Sat. 3/5/2011: A request has been made for Irene and I to advise, research and remote view a location in southeast Texas that has been experiencing consistent UFO and alien entity activity for an extended period of time. Unlike most incidents of this variety, there are several witnesses and a fair amount of raw photographic and video evidence. As well, there are 'boots on the ground'...namely, professional and qualified investigators who I know and trust. I can't go into too much detail but I will state that a certain UFO network has 'dropped the ball' twice on this case. Weds. 3/9/2011: Irene and I have looked at several photos from the witness. I do have to say that there does appear to be a 'craft' of some sort moving at high speed. As well, we may have found an image of a being...not quite sure what it is yet. (NOTE: the being has been seen on two images and has been noted by the client...I refer to it as "The Watcher") Tonight, I received (and forwarded) a video of a supposed landing by a 'craft'. The quality could have been better but I'm afraid the witness is not the most keen when it comes to digital photography and video. Nonetheless, something is definitely going on. I really hope more evidence is forthcoming. Irene and I have decided to conduct a remote view on this location before our investigators go in person. Honestly, they are relieved by this since they want an idea of what they are getting into. I look forward in getting to the bottom of this case though I realize that might not be entirely possible...but we will be focused. Click for video - Unknown Object UFO Landing - Southeast Texas Investigation Fri. 3/11/2011: Irene and I have conducted a remote view on this case today. We plan to organize a 'psychic tune-in' session this evening. Investigators will be on-site tomorrow (Friday) and plan to be there for a 12 hour period depending on the amount of activity and evidence gathered. I will be in communication with the investigator during the period. Sat. 3/12/2011 The investigators reached the location around 12 noon Friday. The lead investigator, SW, called me around 7:30 om ET to keep me updated. The investigative crew consists of 4 people including several witnesses, some who have come forward at the request of the client. First off, SW wanted to verify some of the information Irene and I obtained during the RV. I can't go into much detail but the RV was very accurate. There were some real-time incidents perceived along with the times...each was verified. A note about the location in is quite large. I estimate the entire surface search area at approximately 18-20 acres. This includes several buildings and woodlands. There was a particular area where Irene and I felt a portal was present. SW went to the spot with dousing rods which immediately started to 'spin like a top'...something SW and another investigator have never seen before. SW and one of the witnesses started to search another part of this location. It was dusk and SW noticed a dark colored 'grey-like' being scamper up a pine tree. This being was moving from tree to tree within the dense woodland. SW pointed out the being to the witness who verified he had seen it and described. There were also 'pad-like' footprints found in the dirt near the woodland. SW noted that the area is high in iron ore and that there are underground tunnels that go beyond the search area. All witnesses will be questioned and recorded.
Sat. 3/12/2011: SW is on her way home from the location...very long drive. They spent a little over 24 hours at the site. The client provided SW with a 30+ minute long raw audio from a recording he made using a parabolic receiver set at low range. The sound was coming from a nearby wooded area where sorted activity has been noticed for several months. As soon as I receive this evidence I will start to evaluate it and post here. Two UFOs were witnessed by SW while at the location. The first was a long or wide disk shaped object with six large orange lights. SW witnessed the craft move along the top of a woodland northwest of the location. The craft soon ascended then shot off into the cloud cover. The second UFO was a large boomerang shaped craft with 12-13 white lights. It was hovering in and out of the cloud above the location until it finally disappeared. SW was walking from a workshop to the main building at the facility when she noticed that a large humanoid shaped shadow rose in front of her from a light behind her. SW quickly turned around....nothing was there. During the night, a Geiger counter was positioned in the main building. It was set to record any changes. There was at least one spike of 40 mrems during the period...not necessarily a dangerous dose for short exposure but over an extended period it could present some concerns, especially since the source of this radiation is not evident. There are also at least two earth bound entities that frequent the area namely, a relative of the client and a deceased pet.
Tues. 2/15/2011: I'm working on the audio recording again today. All I can say right now is that I've never heard anything like it. It is definitely a communication of some type with a harmonic / data / voice matrix. I will need to put a warning with it...I went into a 'trance-like' state twice while editing it. Warning: A few investigators have experienced headaches, nausea and trance-like reactions to this audio. Please be advised...Lon A note from Irene Block: When I listened to the original the other day for the first time I suddenly had a banging headache come out of nowhere - no warning it was coming on. Just heard what Lon has put on here earlier and after the recording stopped I had to pull myself out of a deep daydream state. I realised I had been sitting staring into space (excuse the pun) for some time. During the recording all sorts of thoughts and sights were going through my head now I am trying to make sense of it all....will have to listen a few more times. Click for audio/video 1 Click for audio/video 2 Report from LITS Lead Investigator Sunny Williams: Amongst the piney woods of Southeast Texas, there is a bustling little town full of friendly folk and abundant hospitality. There is also a dark secret which no one seems to know of. If they do, no one is talking about it. Preliminary Report: I arrived Friday, 3/11/2011 to conduct an investigation but when I left, there were more questions than answers. Due to the nature of the investigation and the witnesses involved, I can not discuss nor reveal the exact location at this time. My friend and colleague, Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters/Spirit Rescue International, along with a colleague of his had already done a remote view of the location. During my on-site investigation I was able to corroborate their findings. I myself experienced something, saw something and was physically affected by something while I was there. I am very sensitive to certain energies and am adept at dousing. I did a sweep of the area and detected what I felt was a cavern or tunnel underground, crossing below the entire length of the property and extending on for miles. Other equipment used was an EMF detector and Geiger counter, both showing unusual readings. I, along with an assistant, witnessed an entity in broad daylight. While I was the only one to actually see this being scurry up a pine tree as easily as a sprinter running up stairs, we both witnessed it watching us from it's perch among the boughs. You couldn't have paid me enough to approach this entity, or the woods. As soon as we drove on site I began to feel ill, with pressure behind my eyes and a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. No, it wasn't the chicken fried steak I'd had for lunch. This ill feeling didn't leave me until after we had left for our trip home and were several miles away. Another odd occurrence on site, was a Geiger counter that was left on a table overnight. I made sure that it was set to 'zero'. As clouds rolled in and the sky was no longer visible, the day's investigation and a constant feeling of being drained of energy suggested I retire for a short nap. The time was 02:30, 3/12/2011. There was a sofa placed in front of large windows, at such an angle that I could lay down and see the entire Eastern sky. I stretched out and watched the clouds roll in, then drifted off for a bit. When I awoke, I walked to the table and that is when I noticed that the Geiger counter had spiked and was on "4" mR/hr (milli-Roentgens per hour). What could have caused this, I don't know. There has been UFO and possibly alien activity in this location. I spoke with other witnesses and I found them intelligent and honest. Also included, is an audio recorded by the witness using a shop made parabolic microphone ("Big Ear") with digital recorder. This audio is quiet disturbing to some. I will post a more complete report when all data and photos have been analyzed. Sunny Williams Lead Investigator for LITS NOTE: there will be additional evidence forthcoming...this is just an update to keep the readers informed on the case. Please forward any information / evidence that may seem pertinent to this case or another similar situation...Lon Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! 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