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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 35
- Fortean / Alternative News: Zahi Hawass Resigns, USAF Mystery Space Plane and Amelia Earhart's Gold?
- 'The 2011 Pennsylvania UFO and Bigfoot Conference' Announced
- Photos: Unknown Entity - Worthing, West Sussex, UK
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 35 Posted: 04 Mar 2011 01:41 PM PST The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: WITH REGRETS Clearwater, Colorado - January 1977 - night The main witness and his wife had bought a ranch in an isolated area in 1975 and for more than a year they had been experiencing strange sounds, UFO manifestations and Bigfoot sightings on the property. There were some cattle mutilations as well. One night the man and the eldest son went up to the top of a hill to examine a burned spot from the previous year. As they sat in the car, a beam of yellow light shone on them from nearby woods. Walking towards the trees, they discovered a buzzing black box, clearly seen in the light of the full moon. As they approached, it changed tone, now sounding like a swarm of angry bees. The two retreated to the safety of the car. The witness told the young man to stay by the car and went back to the spot where the black box had been; it was now gone. He saw a light in the trees and, walking toward the light, came upon two individuals standing near the light source. As he approached, they spoke to him, saying "How nice of you to come." Some distance away, down a slope, was a disk, illuminated, about 50 or 60 feet away. The two beings apologized for the trouble they had caused, promising a more equitable arrangement. They told him several things he was not to repeat, but which had no special meaning for him at the time. They regretted damage done to several of the cars, but they did not acknowledge responsibility for any of the local cattle mutilations. They told him he was wise to have backed off from the black box, which was nearby. They pointed in a particular direction and the tone on the box changed; as it did, a Bigfoot type creature got up off the ground and walked toward the box. The tone changed and the creature dropped. The meeting lasted five minutes. In appearance the beings were similar, human looking about 5'6" in height, and wearing a tight fitting outfit like a flight uniform. The suits changed colors from brown to silver. Their complexions were fair and they had blond hair, not long. The most notable features were the eyes, which were very large but otherwise normal looking. They were different in subtle ways but could pass as humans in ordinary situations. Before the witness walked away from the scene he was told by the beings that he would see them again. Source: APRO ********** DARK OUTFITS Dobroslawice, Poland - March 1987 - 8pm The witness was walking along a dirt road heading for his house when suddenly he saw 5 bright flashes of light. He looked in the direction of the flashes and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between trees and took off a few seconds later. The witness continued walking until he saw a strange creature on the road just in front of him. The creature, which was wearing a tight-fitting dark suit made a long jump into the bushes. Scared, the witness also hid in the bushes. From his hiding place he saw 5 additional creatures about 1.20 meters in height, wearing similar dark outfits. He began to run from the area when he noticed that one of the creatures was walking straight towards his hideout. He ran about 1.5 km to his house. The next day he went to the location with his family and found several footprints in the snow and a dead bull with one of its ears cut off. Source: CBUFOIZA, Poland ********** MISSISSIPPI BAT-MAN Mantachie, Mississippi - Fall 1991 - 9pm In the Fall of 1991 me and two of my friends decided to go to the liquor store and get someone to buy us a pint of booze. We were not yet of age so we had to get people who were of age to go in and buy it for us. We did this two or three times a week. The small town we live in (Mantachie, MS) most of the time leaves you alone as long as you are not bothering anyone. We got the booze and headed to the park in this small town. We go to the park to have a drink every once and a while but this night was different. We pulled up to the park and started to get out of the truck. We had not yet opened the booze so the booze did not influence us. I was sitting in the middle and my friend was getting out of the passenger's side door. When he got out and I got out, I noticed the sound of a tennis ball bouncing on the tennis court. I looked and saw this figure bouncing a tennis ball. The figure was around 6 foot tall and was wearing a dark cloak. It looked to me that he had some sort of pouch on his back. Me and my friend who got out of the truck saw this figure and told the driver of the truck to look. He did and saw the same thing. In a flash we jumped back into the truck and headed down the road to figure out what we had seen. We got a few miles away and in the distance we saw coming at us a large bat-like creature. It was several feet away from us but you could make out the red glowing eyes. It passed right in front of our windshield and vanished in the darkness. We rushed to one of our houses and didn't drink that night. We didn't do anything but stay there all night. I am a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal but I do know what I saw. Source: Witness testimony ********** LEAD SOLDIER Reggio Calabria, Sicily, Italy - Summer 1982 - 11:00pm The elderly female witness, who lived in an industrial area of the city next to the airport and facing the waterfront had stayed up late one night watching a movie on the television when she was distracted by a flashing violet colored light coming in through her window from the direction of the water. The light reminded her of the flashing light of a lighthouse. Stepping out to her 5th floor balcony she noticed a dark domed object that had apparently landed on the water directly across from her apartment. It had a bright light similar to a welder's torch that moved about in a zigzag manner. The object was large and totally silent. Soon she noticed a figure standing on the object on one side. It resembled a "lead soldier" and wore a square helmet with two rectangular openings at eye level. It wore a tight-fitting metallic suit. She could not see a nose or mouth. The figure was completely still, until it suddenly turned his head and stared directly at the witness. At this point a bright beam of light struck the witness square in the face, temporarily blinding her and causing her to fall back into her room. She continued to watch the object and the soldier like figure from a window. At times the beam of light would strike the window area as if searching for her. The figure eventually entered the object on its left side and the craft rose and left silently at high speed. Source: Witness testimony ********** THE SMILING GNOME Houston, Texas - early March 2003 - evening The witness noticed his dog chasing something in the yard, thinking it was a cat he went out to investigate and yell at his dog. But when he got there he saw a 1 foot tall figure wearing red clothing, something resembling a clown suit without the big shoes and nose. He wore a pointy red hat and had white beard. The witness called his dog over to him; he pulled him inside and closed the door. Then looked out the window to see the figure eating birdseed in the yard. As he looked out, the gnome like figure looked straight at him. It seemed to become afraid and hid behind the porch. The witness called out and the small figure peeked over the porch at him and smiled. Then it disappeared. Source: ********** BIG BLACK RABBIT? Garfield Heights, Ohio - July 2003 - 6:30am Dom D'Amico was walking his dog when the animal started barking at something. At first the witness thought it was a pine-tree a few yards away from him. So he kept walking with his dog and then he saw his head quickly move to look towards the side of the house. When D'Amico followed the dog's gaze he saw a very bizarre creature. He described it as a large, black creature standing about 6 ft tall, and it looked like it had ears like a rabbit. The weirdest part was that all he could see was a black silhouette, and the creature seemed to be looking from around the side of the house. He could see no eyes, mouth or any other features. Scared the witness immediately walked back into the house. Once inside, the dog hid under one of the bar stools, apparently terrified. Source: Witness report to police |
Fortean / Alternative News: Zahi Hawass Resigns, USAF Mystery Space Plane and Amelia Earhart's Gold? Posted: 04 Mar 2011 12:02 PM PST Egyptian Chief of Antiquities Zahi Hawass Resigns nytimes - Zahi Hawass, Egypt's chief antiquities official for almost a decade and a cabinet minister since January, said Thursday that he would not stay on in a newly formed government. Egypt's prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq, resigned Thursday, and the army asked his replacement, Essam Sharaf, to form a caretaker cabinet. "If the government will ask me again, I will not accept this job," Mr. Hawass said in a telephone interview. He also posted on his blog a list of some two dozen sites that have been looted or vandalized since the beginning of the uprising that led to the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Among them were the Metropolitan Museum of Art's storerooms at its excavation site in Dahshur, south of Cairo, which he said were attacked twice. In recent weeks, Mr. Hawass has been the target of criticism ranging from charges of corruption to complaints that he is a publicity seeker. He was closely associated with Mr. Mubarak, who promoted him to a cabinet position during his last days in power. In the interview, Mr. Hawass lashed out at his critics but said he was leaving his job because he could no longer protect Egypt's antiquities. "Those people are insects, they are nothing, but what really bothered me is the situation that you read today on my Web site," he said. Egyptologists and cultural heritage experts said they did not know who would succeed Mr. Hawass, and one expert expressed concern that his departure would lead to more looting. "I am terrified by the idea that this might be a sign to potential looters that now that last element of control is gone, and now we have a free hand to continue looting," said Karl von Habsburg, the president of the Association of National Committees of the Blue Shield, a body that tries to protect cultural heritage in conflict zones. The director of the Metropolitan Museum, Thomas P. Campbell, said the museum had not previously disclosed the attacks on the storerooms at Dahshur, which took place several weeks ago, because the "nature of the information we were getting was confused." The objects excavated from the site belong to the Egyptian government, not the Met, he said, adding that museum officials were "gravely concerned about what's going on" in Egypt. ********** England's 17th century witch chronicles put online reuters - A 350-year-old notebook which documents the trials of women convicted of witchcraft in England during the 17th century has been published online. The notebook written by Nehemiah Wallington, an English Puritan, recounts the fate of women accused of having relationships with the devil at a time when England was embroiled in a bitter civil war. The document reveals the details of a witchcraft trial held in Chelmsford in July 1645, when more than a hundred suspected witches were serving time in Essex and Suffolk according to his account. "Divers (many) of them voluntarily and without any forcing or compulsion freely declare that they have made a covenant with the Devill," he wrote. "Som Christians have been killed by their meanes," he added. Of the 30 women on trial in Chelmsford, 14 were hanged. Wallington also recounts the experiences of Rebecca West, a suspected witch who confessed to sleeping with the devil when she was tortured because "she found her selfe in such extremity of torture and amazement that she would not enure (endure) it againe for the world." Her confession spared her. Carol Burrows, who managed the notebook's digitization, on Thursday told Reuters that Wallington's journal was important because of its connections to the civil war. "It's a personal account and it tells us a lot about the time -- they were troubled times," she said. "It's in English and it's very easy to read so it's going to be of interest to the general public as well as scholars," she added. The manuscript is one of Wallington's seven surviving notebooks. The woodturner wrote 50 journals about religion, the civil war and witchcraft trials during the course of his life. A team at The University of Manchester's John Rylands Center for Heritage Imaging and Collection Care spent two weeks photographing the notebook kept at Tatton Hall in Cheshire so they could make it available online. The notebook can be viewed free of charge at ********** Amelia Earhart mystery takes bizarre bullion said to be onboard downed plane radioaustralia - Rumours involving sunken treasure and one of the world's great aviation mysteries are swirling around the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea. Locals believe a plane wreck could be the final resting place of the American airwoman Amelia Earhart who disappeared somewhere over the Pacific in 1937. Even more incredibly they say there's gold bullion on board and that a giant snake is guarding the wreck. But an expert on Earhart's disappearance says the claim is "silly beyond description". PNG correspondent Liam Fox reports. FOX: The rumour mill, or coconut wireless, as its known is always running hot on Bougainville. Many of the tall tales that fly around the island involve gold. One of them was given prominence by the Post Courier newspaper this week with the front-page headline "Plane wreck believed to be Earhart". It said there are "strong indications" a plane wreck found off the coast of Bougainville was the one flown by Amelia Earhart, who famously disappeared in 1937 while attempting to become the first pilot to circle the globe close to the equator. If that wasn't amazing enough the report said there was gold bullion on board and a six-metre snake was guarding the wreck. The man at the centre of the claim is local businessman Cletus Harepa who's paying for divers to inspect the wreck. HAREPA: Somebody saw it when they were diving for fish and they saw the plane but they didn't know the plane was Amelia's plane until I got my divers to dive 70 to 100 metres down, and I told my divers, got and get something from inside. FOX: He says a diver found two skulls in the cockpit and three boxes of gold bullion but the bars were too heavy to carry to the surface. FOX: What will you do if you recover the gold? Will you keep it for yourself or do you give it to the government ? What's your plan? HAREPA: The government can have some, I will have some. What I want to do is to improve the island. Get a good hospital, a good school, good water supply. FOX: Mr Harepa admits they're yet to find proof the wreck is Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Electra, but he's confident it is the plane because of another, older rumour that female pilots used to smuggle gold out of Lae on the PNG mainland in the 1930s. Lae was Earhart's last stop before she vanished. Mr Harepa does say however that the story about the giant snake is rubbish. HAREPA: It's an eel, it's a brown eel that uses the plane as just a place to hide. FOX: American Ric Gillespie is a leading expert on the Earhart mystery and has spent the last 22 years trying to find her final resting place. GILLESPIE: These stories about gold bullion and a six-metre snake guarding the wreckage are just frankly hilarious. There is simply no way that the Earhart aircraft could be anywhere near Papua New Guinea. FOX: Mr Gillespie says radio transmissions and other evidence indicates Earhart landed on Nikumaroro atoll in the Central Pacific, where she and her navigator later perished from a lack of food and water. He says the story coming out of Bougainville is testament to the enduring mystery surrounding her disappearance. GILLESPIE: The whole thing is silly beyond description, but I guess it's just an indication of how popular the Earhart mystery is, and how everybody wants a piece of that action. FOX: Meanwhile gold fever has broken out on Bougainville with armed men reportedly preventing outsiders from diving on the wreck. ********** Air Force's mystery space plane again heading into space cbsnews - Intrigue continues to shroud a small prototype unmanned space plane that the U.S. Air Force hopes to launch on Friday from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The first X-37B returned to Earth in December after finishing its 225-day journey. That mission, too, was classified and the military said little other than that it was pleased as punch with the results. So what's the project all about? The sometimes fevered speculation that's accompanied the project from the start has been annotated by the usual questions: Will the X-37 serve as the prototype for a new kind of James Bond-like spy ship? Could it sneak up on rival countries' satellites and zap them with a laser? On Wednesday, the Union of Concerned Scientists, which has been critical of the program, added its voice to the debate, registering a public complaint about the vehicle's practical use. "Because of its weight and relative lack of maneuverability, the space plane is not well-suited for a number of missions," wrote Laura Grego, a scientist with the group's Global Security Program "For example, it would have a harder time carrying payloads into orbit, maneuvering in space, rendezvousing with satellites, and releasing multiple payloads. Yes, the space plane may offer more flexibility and is potentially reusable, but that comes at a very high price compared with the alternatives. We have not seen an analysis that shows why it is worth that high price." In the past, Air Force officials have rejected suggestions that the X-37 project was designed with the intention of "weaponizing" space. And they're still on message. In its most recent statement, the Air Force said that the program was designed to test reusable technologies for future American space exploration as well as for "operating experiments" which researchers can later examine back on Earth. That and 25 cents won't be enough to get you on the subway. So it's still watch and wait. ********** Holy sh*t! Thief steals almost $250,000 via plane's toilet - An ingenious thief swiped almost a quarter million dollars on a flight in the Caribbean after sneaking into the cash-laden cargo hold via the toilet, police said Thursday. A Brink's security employee placed three sacks of cash containing a total $1.65 million in the hold of the Air Antilles plane before it headed from the French island of Guadeloupe to the Franco-Dutch island of Saint Martin. The security guard took his seat on the ATR-42 turboprop plane but when the flight landed 40 minutes later it was discovered that $236,809 were missing from the sacks. Police are seeking a man who complained he felt ill and spent most of the journey in the toilet. In fact, he was removing panels to gain access to the hold in the rear of the plane. Shortly before landing, the unnamed man -- who was travelling with a woman who appeared concerned about his health - asked a hostess for an ambulance to meet him on the tarmac, witnesses said. When the ambulance arrived, the man said he felt suddenly better and walked out of the airport without having to go through the normal security checks and disappeared, police said. Cleaners who found bundles of notes in the toilet raised the alarm. The woman travelling with him was questioned in the baggage arrival hall but did not have any of the missing money. |
'The 2011 Pennsylvania UFO and Bigfoot Conference' Announced Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:04 AM PST John Ventre, Director of the Pennsylvania MUFON Chapter and Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society are proud to announce the 2011 Pennsylvania UFO and BIGFOOT CONFERENCE. The two day event will take place the weekend of October 22 and 23rd, 2011. Click for video The event will be held at Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, Pennsylvania. This is a two day event which will feature UFO speakers, displays and vendors on Saturday, October 22 and Bigfoot speakers, displays and vendors on Sunday, October 23, 2011. The tentative line up of speakers is as follows PA MUFON Conference line up: William Konkolesky Stanton Friedman Bill Birnes R Marsh-UFO Witness theater John Ventre David Twichell East Coast Bigfoot Conference line up: Eric Altman Billy Willard Steve Kulls Stan Gordon Dave Dragosin Additional speaker to be added upon confirmation. Both events will feature speakers, displays, an all speaker meet and greet dinner Saturday night. Ticket prices are: Saturday only - $20.00 Saturday night meet and greet dinner - $25.00 Sunday Only $16.00 for general admission and $20.00 for reserved seating (first 100 seats) Full Conference package 2 days including meet and greet speaker dinner - $55.00 ----- PA MUFON will host a UFO Conference in Philadelphia the week prior on October 15 and 16, 2011 at the Sheraton NE. The speaker line up for the Philadelphia event is: Sat Philly lineup: $31. Joe Marra John Ventre LM Howe Bill Birnes Bill Weber 6pm dinner with all conference speakers - $36. Sunday Philly lineup - $30. Col Robert Dean Maj George Filer Dr Lynne Kitei Jerry Jonas Chris Augustin Full Conf pkg of 2 days plus speaker dinner is $90. For more information or to purchase tickets please visit the official website for the 2011 PA MUFON UFO/EAST COAST BIGFOOT CONFERENCE at |
Photos: Unknown Entity - Worthing, West Sussex, UK Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:26 AM PST I received the following correspondence from a reader in West Sussex, UK: A couple of years ago a neighbour and I were discussing ghosts and the paranormal. She said she had something to show me. On her cell phone were 3 pictures taken by her 5 year old son at 5am in the morning. His mother had gone downstairs to get a baby bottle heated up for her 8 month old son. You can see the edge of the bed and her husbands bulky legs under the quilt. The cot with her 8 month old son is in the left hand corner. The eldest 5 year old son, who had hopped into her bed snapped the pictures as he usually likes playing with her cellphone. It's a common occurrence with him. She came across the photos when clearing out her phone of clutter some months later. The time stamps on the photos were removed when I transferred them over to my computer and then an external hard drive. However, I did witness the time stamps, dates and the pictures showed they were taken within 3 -7 seconds of each other. The picture shows a woman that looks nothing like my neighbour, the head shape is all wrong and it appears she is wearing a suit and skirt. When you enhance the picture certain features look terrifying. My neighbour stated she had been in her dressing gown and pj's. My neighbour has had lots of paranormal activity in her house over the years and has witnessed on one occasion a red-eyed being staring through her dining room window at night. Her husband has also witnessed the same strange going's on. I have no reason to disbelieve my neighbour as she is one of the most honest and open people I know. I have myself had weird going's on in my home. Appliances turn on and off, the usual weird things, which I ignore most of the time as I believe all ghosts to be demonic and I basically tell them to take a hike. It doesn't scare me in the slightest, although from your POV it probably should. LOL I happened to snap a picture in my garden one day and this is what prompted my neighbour to show me her photographs as I rushed round to show her the garden shot (I was excited). If you zoom into the fence you should see 3 brown wooden dots, scroll up slightly and you shall see a transparent human figure wearing what looks like a hat. I have placed a smaller version of the original so you can see the location, and then you can find it on the original larger file. (NOTE: I examined the photos of the garden and determined that it may simply be a light anomaly. I have posted the images below - you can click the images for a larger version...Lon) We live in Sussex, near to Clapham Woods (Friends Of Hecate sacrificial grounds) and Highdown Hill. Sussex is steeped in mysticism and hauntings, so I shouldn't be too surprised. M NOTE: I examined the images of the figure and have determined that there was no manipulation and, in fact, that the photos may be genuine. What I find interesting is that there does seem to be some definition on the entity. My associate Irene took a look and agrees with me that it looks like a person or being looking to it's left wearing some type of scarf and jacket / suit and the hands in the pockets. My impression is that this is a non-terrestrial being and not a human spirit. Your thoughts...Lon ----- THE CLAPHAM WOOD MYSTERY The Clapham Wood Mystery is the name given to a collection of unusual events which are associated with Clapham Wood, West Sussex, England, resulting in the area developing its own lore in popular culture. Events have included reports of people making unusual sights or experiencing unusual phenomena, and of family pets disappearing or sickening. There have also been several human deaths associated with the location. Since the 1960s the area has experienced a rash of UFO sightings, reports of people experiencing nausea or the sensation of being pushed by unseen forces, or of witnessing patches of strange grey mist developing suddenly on pathways through the woods. Some people have also reported a strong sense of being followed. Studies with a Geiger counter have revealed slightly elevated levels of background radiation in the area, which is surprising since the area is situated on chalk which is normally low in radiation due to a lower level of Potassium 40. Early photographs of the area appear to show a large crater or depression within the woods, although the area is now more heavily forested and difficult to search. In 1975, several reports, including some in the national press, were made of pets going missing in the area. Initially, two dogs were said to have disappeared without a trace, a third to have vanished but later reappeared suffering from an unidentified illness for which it had to be euthanised. After news of these three cases became public, other dog owners came forward claiming that their pets had experienced agitation in the woods. Four deaths have occurred either in or close to the woods and have since become part of the lore surrounding it. The first death was in June 1972 when police officer Peter Goldsmith disappeared while hiking in the region. His body was discovered 6 months later. The second death was that of Leon Foster whose body was discovered in August 1975. He had been missing for 3 weeks. The third death was of Reverend Harry Neil Snelling, the former vicar of Clapham. He disappeared in October 1978 and his body was not found until 3 years later. English coroners ruled open verdicts in all three cases. Tim Withers was jailed for all four murders after he was found guilty. In September 1981, Jillian Matthews - a homeless schizophrenic - disappeared. Her body was discovered 6 weeks later. She had been strangled and sexually assaulted. In their 1987 book The Demonic Connection Toyne Newton, Charles Walker and Alan Brown claimed that Clapham Wood had been used by a satanic cult called the Friends of Hecate (FoH). Part of the book dealt with an incident in 1978 when Charles Walker is said to have been contacted by an initiate of the group, who claimed that it was responsible for the sacrificial slaughter of dogs and other animals. The man said that the FoH planned to use the wood for at least another decade before finding other locations, and he claimed that people in high places were involved, and would tolerate no interference in the group's activities. Walker claimed that the cult was later forced to leave the area due to a combination of press attention and a storm, known as Great Storm of 1987, which damaged large tracts of the wood the year that the book was published. - / Click for video - 1 Click for video - 2 Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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