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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 37
- Fortean / Alternative News: UFO's Watching Our Nukes, BAASS - MUFON Fallout and Manned NASA Asteroid Mission
- 2012 End Times Prophecy
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 37 Posted: 23 Mar 2011 11:02 AM PDT The following accounts are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: THE IOWA GOATMAN Location: Near Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night The witness was on his way home late one night after work. He almost always walked the train tracks because they were a straight shot towards the house. These train tracks ran past a cemetery which was alleged to be old settler cemetery. It's already dark and has been so for a few hours. There was no moon that night. As he walks near the cemetery, he starts hearing muffled footsteps behind him but doesn't think much of it. Plenty of other guys walk home this way as well. So he keeps going and the footsteps get louder and louder. About midway past the cemetery he's gets nervous and the steps are getting closer so he turns to look behind him. According to the witness he saw a "goatman" or "the devil himself". He describes this 'thing' as a man who basically had goat hooves and horns along the lines of the mythical 'Pan'. And this thing was heading straight for him. Reportedly all the snow around this creature was instantly melting as it walked through. The witness runs screaming like a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's footsteps behind him speed up to catch him as he's running. Finally he gets past the graveyard and sees the thing stop right at the edge of the cemetery. He continues running, stops to look back and the beast just vanishes. One of his older co-workers confided with the witness that there was a tale about a 'goatman' many years ago. It was supposedly a Polish immigrant who disappeared one night but returned as the creature several years later. There had been UFO and strange being reports around the same time the man had vanished. Source: Witness account NOTE: this anecdote was forwarded to me several years ago. I could not verify the story of the 'goatman' though there were a few UFO sightings and at least one reported abduction in the early 1990's...Lon ************ STRANGE CREATURE IN NEW JERSEY Location: Wharton State Forest, New Jersey - mid-December 1993 - night A park ranger, John Irwin, was traveling through a deserted road within the forest and had reached a spot where the Mullica river was next to the road. As he looked ahead his headlights shone on a large dark figure that was emerging from the woods and moving into the roadway. As he got closer the figure stood in front of the car blocking the roadway. Irwin had to stop his car in order to avoid hitting the creature. The creature was described as being over six-foot tall and covered with black fur that looked wet and matted, it appeared not to have any forelegs but had a pair of huge powerful hind legs. The creature glanced through the windshield of the car revealing two piercing red eyes, it stood a few minutes then turned and continued across the road, walking upright like a human in a peculiar robot-like fashion. Source: Fortean Times ********** TWO SHORT OLD PEOPLE Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am At the same time that the area had suffered a blackout, the main witness was leaving the Skytrain Station when she noticed a large black square shaped object moving low over nearby Slocan Park. Arriving at her daughter's residence she heard a "whoo" type sound outside. The two women investigated and saw a tennis ball size blue light maneuvering over the area. At one point it dropped close to the ground near the trees. The witnesses felt a warm sensation during the sighting. Later the main witness felt compelled to go to the nearby park and found some strange marks on the ground. Upon leaving the park she saw two short old "people" wearing jeans with rolled cuffs. They had pointy ears, glassy eyes and were smiling as they stared at the witness. Apparently she then received a telepathic message related to her sighting, when she turned around to look at them the strange pair had disappeared. Source: UFO BC ********** THE TALL URBAN ALIEN Location: Elizabeth, New Jersey - December 28, 2003 - night Enrique Rodriguez and a group of friends were outdoors in their hometown located just across Newark Bay from the New York City borough of Staten Island when they spotted something very strange. "An alien ran to the left behind some trees and disappeared", Enrique reported. He described the entity as a tall grayish figure with long, large black-brownish eyes, long arms and fingers. It had no mouth, either, just the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's backyard when he saw it. The others became frightened and ran, but he just stood there looking and the creature was looking back at him until it disappeared from sight. Enrique said the entity had gray colored skin resembling that of a dinosaur, very shiny and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the police who scoffed at him but did check the yards. Apparently nothing was found. Source: UFO Roundup ********** THE OILY MAN? Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's wedding. All my family, relatives were present to celebrate this occasion. The band played traditional songs and kompangs, though it's still a blast. During the wedding night, when the ceremony or "sanding" was over, there was still some singing and feasting. It was held at a grass field not far from the bridegroom's house. It was then when my mum told me to accompany one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had always admired this aunt, only 25 at the time, so tall and pretty. I had noticed almost all the guys (including the bridegroom, and me) feast their eyes on her. So obviously I was happy to accompany her. You know, in kampungs, the toilet is always at the back of the house, and it's real scary at night. While my aunt was doing her "business", I secretly started to smoke, looking at the surroundings. It is quite far from the crowd, but I can still hear the faint sound of music. It was very peaceful here, until I heard my aunt scream from the toilet. I thought she saw me smoking, and I threw the butt immediately, cursing myself. She then ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. What I saw behind the toilet wasn't a beauty though. It looks like a man, but his whole body was black and shiny. It seems his whole body was covered in oil. It darted away in an strange manner among the bushes, and in a split second, was out of sight. Before it ran out of view, though, I noticed it's face, which I will never forget. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, just before it took off. This thing certainly wasn't human, as no human moves like that. It reminded me of a spider, but with two legs. My aunt ran to me, catching her breath. I myself was scared, but still I consoled her. We then went back to the crowd, and I told my mother about it. She too was shocked, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the conversation, said it was an Orang Minyak, the 'oily man'. The Orang Minyak is a ghost story and this was no ghost.... Source: Witness statement | ||
Posted: 23 Mar 2011 09:39 AM PDT inforum - Four decades of UFO research have convinced Robert Hastings that we are not alone. And Hastings estimates that of the more than 120 former or retired U.S. military workers he has interviewed regarding their personal brushes with the unexplained, about 75 percent feel the same way. Hastings will talk about his research at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Weld Hall Auditorium on the Minnesota State University Moorhead campus. Much of his research explores UFO-related incidents at nuclear weapons installations and research facilities. In a phone interview, he cited a story from his book, "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites," that featured testimony from David Schuur, who worked at a U.S. Air Force strategic missile wing in Minot, N.D., in the 1960s. Schuur told Hastings about an object that was sighted in the sky above a number of Minuteman missile silos. As the object flew over the silos, the electronic consoles at the launch control facility began acting strangely. At one point, Schuur told Hastings, he and other crew members had to hit the "inhibit" switch because launch-in-progress indicators had inexplicably been activated. When the flying object disappeared, the consoles reset to normal, Schuur said. Based on that interview and others like it, Hastings said he has come to believe the Earth has been under scrutiny since the nuclear arms race began in the 1940s. Whether to save humans from themselves or to prevent interplanetary nuclear contamination, Hastings said something is periodically tampering with the world's nuclear stockpiles to send a message to Washington and Moscow "that we are playing with fire." Government officials in both the west and the east know it is happening, but from their perspective, there is nothing to be gained from letting the public in on the secret, Hastings said. He cites a former CIA official named Victor Marchetti, who maintains that governments are afraid of what such revelations might spark. "His (Marchetti's) view as a professional intelligence officer was that even if whoever is piloting these craft is not hostile … their mere presence here could create unpredictable changes in human society," Hastings said. "If suddenly you have this sophisticated, outside, non-human influence on the overall global situation … that can only create potential disruptions to the status quo," he said. ********** What Caused the Failure of the BAASS - MUFON SIP Program? By Richard Lang - MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), was the largest international UFO research organization in the world. The STAR Team was a Rapid Response UFO Investigation Unit that was funded by a special program within MUFON known as the SIP Project. During the period from February 2009 until January 2010, I served as the STAR Team Manager and SIP Project Coordinator. I was also State Director of North Carolina MUFON and Chief Investigator for MUFON of Virginia. This investigative program came to an unexpected end in January of 2010. Since then, I have received countless phone calls and email requests asking me to explain or confirm details of this project and the controversy that surrounds its premature ending. So many rumors are floating around the internet and many questions have come to the surface. I currently do not have any official association with the MUFON organization, I am no longer a member or an employee of MUFON. Continue reading at What Caused the Failure of the BAASS - MUFON SIP Program? ********** Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars reuters - Capitalism may be to blame for the lack of life on the planet Mars, Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday. "I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet," Chavez said in speech to mark World Water Day. Chavez, who also holds capitalism responsible for many of the world's problems, warned that water supplies on Earth were drying up. "Careful! Here on planet Earth where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts. Where there were rivers, there are deserts," Chavez said, sipping from a glass of water. He added that the West's attacks on Libya were about water and oil reserves. Earlier this month, the U.S. National Research Council recommended that NASA's top priority should be a robot to help determine whether Mars ever supported life and offer insight on its geological and climatic history. It would also be the first step in an effort to get samples from Mars back to Earth. A NASA team recently tested a space suit in a setting with extreme conditions akin to some of those found on Mars -- an Argentine base in Antarctica -- for possible use on a visit to the Red Planet. ********** NASA begins preparation for a mission to land astronauts on asteroids - Astronauts are lining up to be candidates for an extreme trip of a lifetime. In a press conference this morning NASA released the details of its plan to land astronauts on an asteroid by 2025. And while "planetary defence" is the most exciting of several reasons why NASA could be undertaking the mission, the agency says it isn't planning a Bruce Willis kamikaze mission. That kind of drama and intrigue is reserved for Hollywood, said Dr Paul Abell, NASA's lead scientist for planetary small bodies. "The Armageddon film with Bruce Willis was a very fun movie but not exactly the most scientifically accurate", Dr Abell said. "This is going to be an exciting endeavour but not quite that dramatic. It's going to happen a little bit more slowly." The mission is designed to garner new information about the potential to harvest resources from asteroids, as well as the origin of life as we know it. "This exploration incorporates both the science, exploration, resource utilisation and planetary defence all in one go," Dr Abell told "We can do things that will further humanity's forays into space — going to Mars and expanding the human presence in the solar system. "We also expand our scientific horizons in learning about what's out there in the solar system. "And also being able to live off the land – resource utilisation is going to be key." Oh, and did we mention planetary defence? "Very important to the general public is the aspect of planetary defence and making sure we don't have an impact and making sure our grand-children or great grand-children don't have to worry about an asteroid coming in and hitting the planet," Dr Abell said. NASA won't be able to land a spacecraft on the asteroid directly however, as most asteroids have a very weak gravitational field. That makes things a little tricky, because asteroids travel at speeds ranging from 54,000 to 90,000km/h. The spacecraft is going to have to travel at the exact same speed as the asteroid while the astronauts deploy to and from it to collect samples and conduct experiments. "One of the things we are looking at in earnest is seeing if we can anchor or attach or tether equipment and astronauts to the surface," Dr Abell said. Though they've had plenty of volunteers, NASA is yet to pick a team of astronauts and do not plan on doing so for at least another five years. But if you're thinking of applying for the job, know this — you have to be an experienced spacewalker. "It takes a tremendous amount of strength upper body strength and endurance. It's very, very tiring," Dr Abell said. "You're probably going to have to be doing EVAs (extra vehicle activities) on the order of maybe 8 to 12 hours at a time on these missions, so the astronauts really have to be fit both physically and mentally for what they are going to be doing." In fact the physical activity is so strenuous that NASA is considering recruiting a new generation of younger astronauts for the job — blowing yet another hole in the plot of Armageddon. Bruce Willis and his team would simply have been too old. "The astronauts we send on this mission may not even be the ones we have in our current core," Dr Abell said. "They may be people who are in university right now or in high school right now. We'll see." NASA hasn't yet chosen an asteroid on which to land yet either, but they have it narrowed down to a group of 1200 "potentially hazardous" asteroids that present a potential risk to Earth and its inhabitants. "If an object is potentially hazardous, it's because it makes close approaches to the Earth," Dr Abell said. "So the objects that are potentially hazardous, even though they're present a hazard, they also present the best opportunity for us to go out and get them and learn about them." ********** Mystery as cars with no occupants collide and burst into flames...time travelers? Two cars were destroyed after bursting into flames in the Wellswood area of Torquay yesterday. No one was injured in the incident which happened in Kents Road just after 8.30am. Witness Bill Harborne, who took the picture and lives in Kents Road, said: "I was asleep at the time and woken by this banging noise. "I looked out and saw these two cars on fire. It must have been a considerable collision. My wife saw the fire first — and I rang the brigade. They were already on their way." Police and firefighters say the circumstances of the collision were not clear. Two fire crews attended the incident where two hosereels were used to extinguish the blaze. Cutting gear was used to gain access to the vehicles to put out the flames. A police spokesman confirmed that details of how the fire started remained uncertain. Recovery teams were called to take away the written-off cars. | ||
Posted: 23 Mar 2011 08:29 AM PDT
2012 End Times Prophecy By John J Ventre Since becoming the Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia Mutual UFO Network State Director in 2007, I've had many opportunities to speak about UFOs at Conferences and various radio shows all over the Northeast. My daughter, Vanessa, attends most of these Conferences. She often reminds me that she likes my 2012 talk the best. I coincidentally published "12/21/2012 A Prophecy" within weeks of becoming a MUFON State Director. What follows is an outline of my 2012 talk which covers various cultures and new age thoughts along with scientific facts. All over the world, doomsday vaults are being built. To be precise, 1400 seed banks are being built and managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust Board. These vaults are deep within mountain ranges at 300 feet above sea level and house millions of seeds at -1 degrees and can store them for 1000 years. These vaults must be completed by 2012 and serve to safeguard against asteroid strikes, nuclear wars, climate change, and natural disasters. The Frozen Ark Project at the University of Nottingham in the UK also collects DNA from thousands of species and stores them. Some believe that Noah's Ark actually was a UFO that stored DNA to restart the planet after it was destroyed by the great Flood. In 2004, the asteroid Apophis was discovered. Apophis, also called Apepi, Apopis or Rerek, ancient Egyptian God of chaos who took the form of a serpent and, as the foe of the sun god, Re, represented all that was evil. Although the serpent generally symbolized divinity and royalty, Apophis inhabited the underworld and personified death and destruction. Each day Apophis encountered Re at an appointed hour in the sun gods ritual journey through the night in his divine bark. The voice of Apophis betrayed him and Seth, who rode as guardian in front of Re, attacked him with daggers, slaying him. The ancient Egyptians thought they could help Re by reciting payers against Apophis. (Encyclopedia Britannica) Project SpaceGuard was formed in 1998 by NASA to identify all near earth asteroids. There are 1100 such objects larger than one mile wide. The categorizing was to be completed by 2020. The United States and China have the greatest likelihood on a strike. The asteroid Apophis has been tracked since 2004 and will be tracked for years. It is the first asteroid promoted to a level four threat on the Torino scale which measures the threat posed by near earth objects. These size asteroids strike the earth every 70,000 years. It is one half mile wide and passes the earth every seven years. It has a 2.8% or 1/37 chance of hitting the earth on April 13 2036 with the force of a 500 megaton bomb. Apophis is not a planet killer, but it would wipe out a large city or small country upon impact. Its trajectory is across the Yucatan peninsula and across the Atlantic Ocean towards Nigeria. NASA believes it has time to deal with the problem. In 2029, Apophis will pass by at the height of our satellites, skimming the earth's atmosphere just 22,000 miles away. Satellites orbit at 26,000 miles or one tenth the distance to the moon. It was then that corrective action would be taken. We are not technologically prepared to divert an asteroid on such short notice and have not yet tested the technology. It will be visible in the night sky in 2029 from Europe, Africa and Asia. In April of 2008, I told everyone I knew that Apophis would pass by on the 13th and there should be interesting news in the newspapers and on TV. To my surprise, there was not one news article written on Apophis when it passed by closer to the earth than to the moon. I was stunned that the media would keep this story silent for the "good" of the public. In March of 2009, with two days notice, the 152 foot asteroid DD45 was discovered. It passed by at twice the distance of our satellites at 44,750 miles from earth. It was the same size as the asteroid that exploded over Tunguska Siberia in 1908 which flattened 80 million trees on 80 square miles. Amazingly, the Siding Spring Space Observatory reported that, "No object of that size or larger has been observed to come closer to the earth". Apparently our Space Observatory never heard of Apophis. In June of 2009, US satellites that detect asteroids that enter our atmosphere are now classified secret and off limits to the scientific community due to the fact that these satellites also track nuclear test explosions. The data will no longer be released. It is instances like this that reinforce my belief that the government censors what we are told and that the truth about many anomalies are not told to us. Is the urgency and silence regarding Apophis a cover for a larger more deadly asteroid that has targeted earth or do they know that Apophis will strike on its next go around? In Georgia, someone constructed the Georgia Guide Stones which consist of 5 Granite tablets in 1980 with Cuneiform writing on it which gives 10 Directives. The first of which is to maintain human population under 500 million in balance with nature. The Mayans, Toltec's, Hopi Indians, I-Ching, and Hindu Kali Yuga all have 2012 or end time prophecies. Nearly every culture has a legend of the Great Flood . . . because it did happen. The Mayan culture lasted from 300 BC to 1500 AD. The period I will review is from 300-900 AD. This Stone Age culture suddenly developed suspension bridges, astronomy, medicine and the most accurate calendar we have ever seen. More accurate than our Gregorian calendar because they started at 12/21/2012 and counted backward. Mayan records say that a dark rift exists in the center of the sky. In 2002 we discovered a black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. In 1993 we discovered that from the earth's view, the sun will rise in the center plane of the Milky Way Galaxy on the morning of 12/21/2012. This happens every 25,800 years due to the fact that our rotation changes by one degree every 72 years. The Mayans have three calendars which end on 12/21/2012 and one is on a 25,800 year cycle. The last Ice Age started 25,800 years ago and marked the end of Neanderthal and the rise of Cro-Magnon man whose rise and departure was too quick to be explained by evolution. Will there be another change for Homo sapiens? The Jewish 7000 year calendar also ends around 2012 and the Kyoto treaty expires in 2012. The solar cycle of sun spots peaks in 2012 and every summer has been hotter than the previous since 2000 (except 2009). The most sacred Mayan text is the Popul Vuh which tells of extraterrestrials coming to earth and creating a perfect human species and then destroying it and replacing it with a "dumbed down" version. This is a similar story to older Sumerian tablets found 10,000 miles away. The Mayan long count is on a 5125 year cycle and also ends on 12/21/2012. Stone Henge and the Great Pyramids of Giza were built 5125 years ago. Some believe that there will be a vibrational shift in our consciousness caused by the thirteen perfectly carved crystal skulls unearthed years ago. The Mayan legend of Kukulcan says that a Caucasian male with blond hair rose from the sea and had an elongated skull. He gave the Mayans their technology and before returning to the sea, he said that he would return. When the Spaniard Cortez arrived in 1519 he was mistaken for the return of Kukulcan. Cortez brought with him diseases that killed 90% of the Aztec population and what remained of the Mayans while he raided their gold and burned their libraries similar to the burning of the Library of Alexandria by the Romans. The Hopi Indians (500 BC to the present) say that, "In 2012 the earth will be shaken by an explosion that will rock North and South America". There have been three previous great cleansings by an asteroid or volcano, the Ice Age and a Great Flood. "The Sacred Ones will arrive via Flying Shield". This resembles the Book of Enoch where Ezekiel goes up into a "Flying Wheel". It is also similar to third century Roman writings that described a "fiery shield" crossing the sky. The Hopi's perform Kachina dances where their outfits look like space suits with helmets. There has been other Hopi prophecy that has come true. "We will talk through spider webs" which has been accepted to be phone lines. "We will ride in carriages without horses. Women will wear men's clothing". "In the end, a purifier named Pahana will arrive to destroy evil people. There will be flood, famine and hail storms (similar to the Book of Revelation)". Edgar Cayce, also known as the "Sleeping Prophet", saw the destruction of Japan and the west coast of the United States in 2012. He foresaw upheavals at both Poles and a reversal of hot and cold climates. In the 1920's, he predicted solar bursts or sun spots years before scientists discovered them for the year 2012. Jean Dixon had a vision of Washington DC as a barren wasteland in 2012. She had a vision of Queen Nefertiti holding a Muslim baby who would grow to be charismatic and a lover of peace at first and then at 50 years old in 2012, become the Anti Christ. Jean Dixon also correctly predicted the 1967 Apollo tragedy, FDR's death, the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, and that Churchill would lose his election after winning WWII. In 1124 AD, Father Malachi O'Morgair, the first Irish Saint, wrote the Papal Prophecy and named every Pope from 1124 to the last Pope who will be named Peter....same as the first Pope. He said there will be 266 Popes. Pope Benedict is number 265. The end of days will start with the 266th Pope, Peter. The Vatican kept Father Malachi's writings locked away until 1595. Father Malachi also correctly predicted his own death on November 2, 1148 in Clairvaux, France of natural causes. Zecharia Sitchin, the author of the 12th Planet, theorized that there is a planet on a 3600 year orbit that will pass close to the earth in 2012. I always doubted this theory due to the fact that deep space is -434 degrees and solar radiation will boil your blood and dissolve DNA. I read recently that there may be a distant planet on an elliptical orbit that orbits a dwarf star which keeps it warm and cannot be detected until it is very near to earth. Sitchin also speaks of their people being named the Nephilim, same as the Bible. Other 2012 Prophecies speak of the magnetic poles reversing. We know that they are weakening right now and have reversed in the past. It is evident in the geologic stratum of rocks. The weakening of the Magnetic poles will cause our brain waves to change and so will we. A reversal of the poles would wreck all electronics, satellite transmissions and communications. Our magnetic fields reflect radiation and a weakening would increase the greenhouse effect, melt the poles and cause severe climate change. All life support will be under stress; air, oceans and agriculture. There has always been climate change. It is a natural process minimally affected by mankind. In 6000 BC temperatures dropped eight degrees. From 900-1300 AD temperatures warmed seven degrees. Temperatures then cooled seven degrees through 1850. Our planet is still warming since the last Ice Age and will rise ten degrees by 2100 and sea levels will rise by three feet. There have been four Ice Ages; 800K, 200K, 75K and 26K years ago. Every Ice Age was climate change but on its own. The reason we are not seeing sea levels rise now is because the continental shelf is rising as the ice sheets melt. By 2050, Niagara Falls will be a stream as it tilts backwards toward Lake Erie. Antarctica contains ninety percent of the world's ice and it is not melting, it is getting thicker at the center. If all the ice melted around the world, sea levels would rise 200 feet. Some people believe that evolution is speeding up. We only use 10% of our brain capacity and only 3% of our DNA. The other 97% is junk DNA. It is hard to believe that God had no purpose for the 97% or that we may be ready to evolve into the next stage of human as we use 20% of our brain capacity and 10% of our DNA. In a March 2009 poll, only 39% of respondents believed in the theory of evolution. Some believe that there will be a shift in our consciousness away from materialism and towards the next level of our potential. It will be the end of a male dominated society dependent on government and centered on war. There will be a global wakeup call. Time will seem to speed up. People will be compelled to perform righteous deeds and will have dreams or visions that come true. They will hear voices while awake and then see an angel. There will be an evolution of consciousness and our psychic ability will increase. There will be a singularity where all people are connected psychically. We will anticipate each other's thoughts and actions and sense impending danger. Crime would dramatically decrease as we would know what each other have done and plan to do. This telepathic capability is the next step in being able to operate vehicles, electronics and spacecraft using our minds. Indigo or Star children have been born since 1982. They are technologically savvy, question authority, have higher IQ's than their parents. They will refuse to support the government, pay taxes and enlist in the military. An April 2009 news article read that "Tibetan Monks predict that extra terrestrials will save earth in 2012". Tibetan monks have used remote viewing for thousands of years. They see regional wars and an increase in terrorism in 2010. In 2012 they see a nuclear war between China, India and Russia. Extra terrestrials have been watching us and will intervene. They have intervened in the past. They will reveal themselves so that we will not be scared. We are destined to see and interact with them. Man will not be allowed to alter the future or destroy this planet. After 2012, we will be more in tune with spirituality and the mind body soul reincarnation connection to God. Few know that Sir Isaac Newton spent more than half his life trying to decode the Bible. Michael Drosnin wrote the Bible Code books in which the Old Testament, Gone with the Wind and War and Peace were analyzed through a computer program. These three books all have about the same number of words. Numbers were applied to letters in order to search for words found on the same page that tell us the future. The Bible is a cryptogram and fore tells the future. Over 50 prophecies were discovered in the Bible as compared to just one in the other two texts. When 2012 was searched, it appeared on the same page with the words "earth annihilated". Deuteronomy 12:12 (12:12 being a coincidence?) reads that, "Only God could've written the Bible. It was sealed before God". I also remember reading that the Torah is written without spaces and that if you change or alter a single letter, you can alter the future. Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project, refers to an Internet bot software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. It was created in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends.[1] The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, who call themselves "The Time Monks"[2], keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website . Future predictions include: • November 17, 2010 - The web bot warns of a big tipping point, possibly World War III.[15] • Major catastrophe in 2012 - The Web Bot has gained most of its notoriety for contributing to the 2012 phenomenon by predicting that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth's magnetic poles or a small series of nuclear attacks leading up to a major attack during the year. The prediction does not necessarily call for a complete end of the world. (Wikipedia) Many scientists believe that earth is past the tipping point; we're heading toward our galactic midnight. We are suffering from over population, pollution, ozone depletion, terrorism, climate change and economic collapse. Earthquake activity and hurricane strength has increased each of the past four decades. Bats are dying from white nose syndrome and bees are dying of colony collapse disorder where infected bees abandon the hive in a suicidal attempt not to infect the queen. HIV, SAR's and different strains of flu are also on the increase. Yet, we have the technological powers attributed to past Gods. Buried in our DNA is the collective memory of past devastation. Evolution doesn't explain the sudden jumps or advances in development. Whole new species suddenly appear. Our DNA shows mutations in intelligence 6000 years ago when the Bible claims man was created, 17,000 years ago when Homo sapiens replaced Cro-Magnon and 26,000 years ago when Cro-Magnon replaced Neanderthal man and 35,000 years ago when the DLL gene was introduce to man causing the brain and skull to enlarge. Homo sapiens have 223 genes that are not found in its predecessors and cannot be a result of evolution. Humans have the most diseases and genetic mutations of any species on earth. This may be because we contain the DNA of two species. Yet, our bodies contain the same percentage of salt that ocean water does and we also have the same percentage of water as the earth compared to land. No prophecy discussion would be complete without a discussion of the Book of Revelation. "A star will fall to earth by the name of Wormwood with the breaking of the sixth seal". Will this be an asteroid strike? The Red Horse signifies war. We've had 9-11 and Iraq. Will there be a global war for resources? The Black Horse signifies famine. I wonder if it doesn't signify the want of oil. There will be food shortages; the United States feeds 100 countries. The Pale Horse signifies plague. One million people a year die of malaria. Small pox is the only plague that we have cured. Polio is the only disease that we have cured. Will it be a man made pandemic? There are only three species that wage war; ants, chimps and humans. The White Horse signifies the rise of the Anti Christ. He will be charismatic, persuasive and a peace lover at first. There will be seven years of bounty prior to his rise. From Sept 11 2001 to Sept 2008 the stock market and housing prices soared. Then, 25% or 1.6 billion humans will die. The sky will go dark from an asteroid strike or a super volcano eruption. We know that there have been five massive extinctions in the past. It would take an asteroid of at least one mile in size to cause an earth changing event. An asteroid over four miles would be an extinction event. When an asteroid strikes, it is not like the movies or Deep Impact. You don't get to watch is for minutes as it streams across the sky. If you can see a large asteroid, you will be incinerated. It will enter our atmosphere at 29,000 MPH or sixty times faster than a speeding bullet. It will strike at 2500 MPH. The jolt will resonate like a church bell many times throughout the planet. Two seconds later, ten miles away, a magnitude eight earthquake will be felt. Twenty seconds later, a 700 MPH heat blast will incinerate everything. There are eight Super Volcanoes around the world. Three are located in the United States. Ninety percent of humans died 74,000 years ago when a Super Volcano in Indonesia blew. We know this from our mitochondrial DNA. Yellowstone Park is a 40 mile by 60 miles Super Volcano which is 40,000 years overdue from blowing. In January of 2009, it experienced 21 tremors and the ground is swelling up and moving lakes and hill sides. The caldera is one half the size of Long Island or Puerto Rico. It would blow ash into our upper stratosphere and darken the skies for weeks. Acid rain could kill our oceans and all crops would fail. Maybe this is the urgency to complete 1400 seed banks around the world. There are also 129 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB) in the US with a connecting tunnel system which may also account for the humming sound that many people experience. The bread belt of the United States would be covered in eight feet of ash. There have been five great civilizations; Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Rome and the United States. Could this be how the United States comes to an end? At a conference, I was asked what makes me think that the United States is a great civilization. My answer was that everything that this world is came from Western societies; mainly the United States and Europe. Technology, the rule of law, today's freedoms are all products of the United States. Eighty percent of all new inventions, technology and patents are "made in America". Militarily, it is the greatest civilization that has ever existed. If a Super Volcano or asteroid doesn't destroy the United States, then it will be the mental illness of Americans who seem to hate this country when it is the greatest place to live! Like Hamlet's "To be or not to be", picture your current frustration with housing prices, stock prices, unemployment and your 401K decrease. Everyone is upset and on the edge. Our national debt is $14T and our state debt is $2.6T or $52K per person so maybe it just doesn't matter because they know that this is still the "Good Times" compared to 2013. Now imagine a series of natural disasters that disrupt the food chain; we lose all power for weeks and regress to feudal times. Population will be brought back in harmony with nature and resources. An asteroid, a global earth quake or a Super Volcano: all events that you have no control over. It's predicted, it's possible, and everyone senses in their collective memory that it is coming. It is coming in 2012! John Ventre can be reached at or 724 836 1266. 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