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- The UFO Attack on Fort Itaipu - Sao Paulo, Brazil - 11/4/1957
- Fortean / Alternative News: Egyptian Cobra Escapes, Supermoon Blamed For Bombs and NDEs
- Sylvanic Bigfoot Deep-Sixed?
The UFO Attack on Fort Itaipu - Sao Paulo, Brazil - 11/4/1957 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 01:17 PM PDT On November 4, 1957, at Fort Itaipu, in the city of Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil, at about 2:00 A.M, two sentries saw a brilliant light descending at a frightening speed. At first, they thought it to be a star but realized it was actually an object that was descending at high speed directly towards the fort. At 1000 feet above the fort, it suddenly reduced its speed. At that moment, the sentinels could see that the UFO was circular, about 100 feet diameter, and has an intense orange brightness. The object stopped and the sentinels were so frightened that they could not react. Each of them was armed with a sub machine gun, but they hadn't dared to fire the UFO or raise the alarm. Suddenly, the UFO started emitting a strong humming, and a strong heat wave hit the sentinels, even thought there wasn't any visible flame or light. The sentinels were frightened and their clothes burned in flames. One of them did not resist, fell on his knees and fainted. The other one took cover under a cannon. The screams alerted the troops that were around there, but the lights went out before they could ever react. A minute later, the lights came back right after the heat wave stopped. Some soldiers could see the UFO going up to the sky. The burned sentinels were taken inside the fort and received medical treatment. Later on, the fort's commander sent a message to the headquarters of the Brazilian Army. Since the United States had more knowledge and experience with UFOs, Brazilian authorities asked the American embassy for help on the investigations. Not long after help was agreed to, the Brazilian Army and United States Air Force personnel flew to the fort, along with investigators from the Brazilian Air Force. The sentinels were seriously injured, but they could speak a few words. After listening to the descriptions of the UFO and of the situation, the investigators discussed why the sentinels were attacked. To this day, the Fort Itaipu incident still remains without any official explanation. "Such civilization could see that in Earth we now have atomic bombs and that we are quickly improving our rockets. Given the past history of mankind - frequent wars showing a belligerent human race - they must have become alarmed. We should, therefore, expect, specially at this times, to receive such visits. According to this, the main objective of the aliens would be to watch our space improvements, fearing we could become a threat to other planets. If this hypothesis is exact, it could be expanded to link the launching of the Sputniks with the attack to the Fort Itaipu. However, this sounded absurd for all investigators. It would mean that the aliens would be worried about our firsts steps in space, and by small space ships so primitive that would look like a canoe if compared to a transatlantic liner. It would also mean that those burnings had the purpose of demonstrate the superior weapons they could use against the aggressive explorers coming from the Earth. However, we were still far from the piloted space flight, even to the Moon. According to the human logic, we would not be able to threaten a superior space ship - not now nor later." In 2008, a document reporting the incident was written at the Brazilian Embassy in the United States. ----- Project Sign There is reliable testimony that in August, 1948, the Technical Intelligence Division at Wright-Patterson and Project Sign, decided to make a formal Estimate of the Situation. The Estimate was a top secret document that contained unexplained sightings by pilots, scientists, and other reliable witnesses. The report concluded that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. The Army Air Force was, in one form or another, involved in investigating UFOs beginning with the 8th Army's investigation of foo fighter reports during World War II. The AAF also sent intelligence officers to investigate many of the early sightings, but did not, at that point, take them very seriously. However, sightings in 1947 by military personnel of UFOs over Muroc AFB, White Sands Proving Grounds, and other sensitive installations got the AAF's attention quickly. Classified orders went out that all UFO reports were to be sent to the Technical Intelligence Division of the Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Field. In the late summer of 1947, when the Air Force had become an independent branch of the military, Air Intelligence at the Pentagon requested a report from Air Materiel Command regarding what was known about "flying disks". The Commander of the Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson, Lt. General Nathan F. Twining, held a conference with persons from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, the Office of Chief Engineering Division, and the the Aircraft, Power Plant, and Propeller Laborotories of Engineering Division T-3. As a result of this conference, on September 23, 1947, Twining sent a secret memorandum to Brig. General George Schulgen, Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division that concluded: a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. b. There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disk, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. c. There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena,such as meteors. d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability, and actions which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically, or remotely. e. The apparent common description of the objects is as follows: (1) Metallic or light reflecting. (2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted. (6) Level flight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated. f. It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge - provided extensive detailed development is undertaken - to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in subparagraph (e) above which would be capable of anapproximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds. g. Any development in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, time consuming, and at the considerable expense of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects. h. Due consideration must be given to the following: (1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin - the product of some high security project not known to AC/AS-2 or this Command. (2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the existence of these objects. (3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of propulsion, possibly nuclear, which is outside of our domestic knowledge. The Air Materiel Command concluded by requesting that the Air Force issue a directive assigning a permanent project to study the phenomenon. From this report, since declassified, one can make some interesting inferences: 1. The Air Force Air Materiel Command, presumably with access to all of the available information about UFOs that was in existence at the time, had come to the conclusion that they were real, and not all were explainable as natural phenomena or illusions. 2. Although this was almost three months after Roswell, and Twining was at Wright-Patterson, where the Roswell debris was supposed to have been sent, he states that there is a ...lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits... By this time, U. S. intelligence had completed its analysis of German projects that were in existence during the War, and had found nothing that could account for UFO sightings, even with post-war continued development in the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Air Force determined that there was no aircraft construction material in existence at that time that could withstand the stresses resulting from the high speeds and the reported maneuvers of UFOs. In addition, even if the material could be found, the human body could not withstand the g-forces involved. On December 30, 1947, Major General L. C. Craigie, Director of Research and Development, issued an order establishing Project Sign (aka Project Saucer): collect, collate, evaluate and distribute to interested government agencies and contractors all information concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which can be construed to be of concern to the national security. There is reliable testimony that in August, 1948, the Technical Intelligence Division at Wright-Patterson and Project Sign, decided to make a formal Estimate of the Situation. The Estimate was a top secret document that contained unexplained sightings by pilots, scientists, and other reliable witnesses. The report concluded that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. The Estimate of the Situation was promptly rejected by Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenburg. It is said that he deleted the strongest parts of the original report, sent it back, and then, when he received the revised report, he rejected it on the grounds that there was not enough evidence to support the conclusions. Then, after rejecting it, he ordered all copies destroyed. Those inside Project Sign said that their morale and enthusiasm for the project declined sharply after this. Project Sign would soon have its name fittingly changed to Project Grudge. Sources: Briazack, Norman and Mennick, Simon - "The UFO Guidebook" - 1978 Vallee, Jacques - "Anatomy of a Phenomenon" - 1965 Lorenzen, Coral E. - "The Encyclopedia of UFOs" - 1980 Dolan, Richard M. - "UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1" - 2000 ********** Hi...I just want to thank everyone who has befriended me and faithfully read 'Phantoms and Monsters' over the years. I also want to acknowledge the encouragement and loyalty of those who have followed me on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio, Spirit Rescue International, the PM Wiki, etc. I really do love doing this and I always appreciate your compliments. Additionally, I'd be thankful for any donation that you would deem fit for my efforts. If you are so inclined, you can use any donation button located on the 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog site. Again, my gratitude to you for being there...Lon ********* | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Egyptian Cobra Escapes, Supermoon Blamed For Bombs and NDEs Posted: 28 Mar 2011 10:13 AM PDT Poisonous Egyptian cobra escapes in Bronx Zoo aolnews - A poisonous cobra has vanished from an enclosure outside public view at the Bronx Zoo, and its Reptile House remained closed Sunday as a precaution while zoo workers searched for the missing reptile. While the roughly 20-inch-long Egyptian cobra - a highly venomous species of snake - has been unaccounted for since Friday afternoon, zoo officials say they're confident it hasn't gone far and isn't in a public area. Its enclosure was in an isolation area not open to visitors. "To understand the situation, you have to understand snakes," zoo Director Jim Breheny said in an email Sunday. The animals seek out confined spaces, so this one has doubtless hidden in a place it feels safe, he said. Once the snake gets hungry or thirsty enough to leave its hiding place, workers will have their best opportunity to recover it, Breheny said. In the meantime, the Reptile House remained closed indefinitely. The missing cobra is an adolescent of its hooded species, which is believed to be the type of snake that was called an asp in antiquity. Cobra bites can be deadly if not treated properly, but the snakes aren't likely to attack people unless the reptiles feel threatened, according to a fact sheet on the San Diego Zoo's website. Opened in 1899, the Bronx Zoo is run by the nonprofit Wildlife Conservation Society. ********** Supermoon blamed for 100+ WWII bombs washing up on a Southampton beach dailymail - For decades they lay beneath the sea, undisturbed by time or tide. But after 70 years, almost 100 Second World War bombs finally fulfilled their explosive destiny yesterday, thanks to the power of the 'Supermoon'. A Navy bomb disposal team detonated them after abnormal tides thought to be caused by the unusual proximity of the moon washed them up on a Southampton beach. The experts, who warned that more of the still potentially deadly mortar bombs may yet be uncovered, were initially called in after the low tide revealed six near Calshot Activities Centre, which runs canoeing and dinghy-sailing lessons for adults and children. The water had receded so far that it uncovered the 70-year-old mortar shells, which were then pushed onshore as the tide came in. After imposing a 600 yard exclusion zone and detonating them, the Navy team was shocked to see another 87 appear over the next 24 hours. They spent yesterday wiring up the bombs in groups of ten with explosives, waiting until the tide came back in to detonate them. 'We blow them up when they are covered with water because it absorbs a lot of the shock,' said explosives expert Lieutenant Commander Al Nekrews, who added that it was 'unprecedented' to find so many unexploded bombs. His colleagues fear more of the Mark I high-explosive mortar bombs, which are 4in by 20in, could wash up on the shoreline. Lt Commander Nekrews added: 'We would tell all members of the public to definitely not handle them and to call police. They are always a danger. 'They were in an unstable state because of the amount of corrosion they have suffered over the years.' A Navy spokesman said the bombs were English but it was not known whether they had been fired from land or from a ship. The Moon is the closest it has been to Earth since 1993, making it a so-called Supermoon and increasing its gravitational effect on the tides. ********** Does she really know what happens during a near-death experience? express - An expert in near death experiences, Dr Penny Sartori has spent 15 years interviewing patients who claim they came back from the dead. We have all heard stories of patients lying apparently lifeless on a hospital bed while doctors work frantically to resuscitate them. When they come round they talk about seeing a white light at the end of a long tunnel. They may often report talking to loved ones. While sceptics may dismiss these visions as little more than the effect of anaesthesia, these tales are accounts of classic near-death experiences (NDEs). After more than 21 years as a nurse, the last 17 of those in intensive care, I've heard countless similar stories. I became so fascinated with NDEs I decided to undertake my own study at the Morriston Hospital in Swansea where I work. I began documenting NDEs and my research is the largest of its kind in the UK. I was awarded my PhD in NDEs five years ago from the University of Wales. At first I thought this phenomenon was caused by hallucinations but one 59-year-old's experience I documented clearly suggests this isn't the case. The woman was admitted to A&E with severe asthma and revealed that she suddenly found herself feeling calm. In reality she'd blacked out. Next she was looking down on her body in the hospital bed and she spotted a mousetrap on top of the cupboard. She then saw a bright light. She was drawn towards it and figures appeared as outlines. She felt incredibly peaceful and travelled towards the light but the figures told her she had to go back. "I wasn't sure who the beings were but I had a feeling I knew them," she told me. "They felt like family members." When the woman woke up in A&E she told a nurse about her experience. The nurse then discovered the mousetrap on top of the cupboard. Other people I've interviewed for my research reported travelling down a tunnel and meeting relatives, some have seen spiritual or religious beings standing in bright light, while others have even undergone a life review where everything they've done flashed before them. However all the cases I've spoken to have one thing in common: they are told it's not their time or they make a voluntary effort to return to their body. The traditional medical view of NDEs is that they're caused by drugs, a lack of oxygen to the brain or hallucinations. However my research found that in some cases oxygen levels were normal during an NDE and other patients were not receiving drug treatments yet both still had NDEs. I have also talked to people who have been recorded as clinically dead for up to five minutes yet during this time they've undergone a powerful experience they can recall. Following 15 years of research, I have come to the conclusion that NDEs are real, spiritual experiences that can have a profound effect. Some people change their lifestyle and careers while others become less materialistic. The psychological impact can be overwhelming with people afterwards saying they now know the death of the physical body isn't the end. I've even discovered people whose energy field appears to change. If they stand near household appliances, such as kettles, the equipment blows up or becomes faulty for no apparent reason. I recently headed up new research called The Hereafter Report which shows that 66 per cent of people in the UK now believe in life after death, up from 47 per cent in 1955. I'm not surprised by the high figure because I suspect many people have NDEs but are afraid to disclose the experience for fear of being ridiculed. I also believe current scientific thinking is unable to understand NDEs and that the boundaries of science with respect to this phenomenon need to be revised. But of course however we investigate NDEs, we will never be 100 per cent sure what happens after death until we die ourselves. Meanwhile we can simply try to make sense of the tantalising glimpses reported by others. ********** Going into the light irishtimes - A new study of deathbed experiences has found a surprising number of similarities, writes FIONOLA MEREDITH GIVEN THAT many of us shy away from talking about death and dying, it is not surprising that we know so little about what happens in the last hours of a person's life. But an unusual new study, funded by the Irish Hospice Foundation, aims to break through the taboo of the deathbed. The study – Capturing the invisible: exploring Deathbed Experiences in Irish Palliative Care, by researchers Una MacConville and Regina McQuillan – examines the strange visions that often accompany the dying process, asking members of the Irish Association of Palliative Care to report their experiences. The results are startling. In one frequently reported scenario, the dying person spoke of seeing deceased relatives or religious figures, or of experiencing a radiant white light in the room. Perhaps because they defy explanation, these deathbed phenomena are rarely discussed by healthcare professionals, despite being a familiar occurrence. Yet rather than avoiding the topic, MacConville says education about such experiences could raise awareness of the phenomena and help palliative care professionals to normalise them for patients and families as a common and even comforting part of dying. After all, as MacConville points out, there is nothing new in these visions: accounts of deathbed experiences (DBE) are common throughout history and across cultures. William Shakespeare makes reference to them, and the earliest medical encyclopaedias recognise such phenomena as indications that death is close. In most cases, they have a positive effect, bringing peace, comfort, calmness and joy to the patient. One nurse who responded to the study said, "I have often heard patients refer to seeing someone in their room or at the end of their bed, often relatives, and also it is not a distressing event for them. Family are usually shocked by hearing it and want to know the significance of it." Another odd but quite frequently reported occurrence – 31 per cent of respondents mentioned it in this study – is when a dying person unexpectedly emerges from a coma, suddenly becoming sufficiently alert to communicate with family and friends. A respondent reported that, "In one incident the patient, who had been in a coma, opened his eyes and smiled at his three daughters and wife. Profound calmness and peace filled the room. It was special to be part of that experience. In another incident the patient said he saw a light, a bright light; he died shortly afterwards." Less dramatically, the dying person may also experience vivid dreams that have particular significance for them, sometimes helping them resolve unfinished business in their lives. Others report a sudden and unexplained smell of roses, or claim to see angels appearing in their room. However you explain them, most of these experiences sound benign, even reassuring. But MacConville says that deathbed phenomena sometimes can be frightening encounters for the dying person and their relatives: "Family members may become distressed because they realise that death is imminent, and the dying person may be disturbed by the visions because they don't understand them." One respondent told MacConville and McQuillan that relatives often become "upset and emotional if patient talks to them as they realise time is very short". Neither is a deathbed experience any kind of guarantor of a peaceful death. In the study, only 24 per cent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that patients experiencing DBE have a peaceful death as a result. Some 59 per cent were neutral and 17 per cent disagreed. MacConville says deathbed experiences are rarely talked about precisely because it's not clear what these visions are. One common sense explanation may be that the visions are drug- or fever-induced hallucinations. But 68 per cent of respondents agreed, or strongly agreed, that DBE have different qualities from such hallucinations. MacConville says there appears to be a difference in the quality of the visions: they appear with greater clarity, and they are experienced as meaningful, with significant associations, rather than random, as they would be in drug-induced cases. An earlier study also indicated that patients experiencing deathbed phenomena are usually calm and composed. In contrast, drug- or fever-induced hallucinations can be disturbing and frightening, with other symptoms of drug-induced toxicity and high temperature present as well. Reflecting on the deathbed phenomena, one anonymous palliative care nurse admitted that such visions "do not often have a rational explanation". Nonetheless, "I don't believe people's experiences can be discounted or disputed. It is individual, intense and real for many patients and families." Being able to put a name to these experiences, and to talk about them openly, is one important step towards overcoming the fear and confusion that surrounds the last hours before death. ********** "Spare the rod, spoil the child?" wisconsingazette - The pastor and seven members of a small fundamentalist Christian church near Mazomanie, Wis., have been arrested on charges of child abuse for beating infants as young as two months old with wooden rods, reported AOL News. Philip Caminiti, 53, pastor of Aleitheia Bible Church in Black Earth, and his brother, John Caminiti, 45, pleaded innocent to a dozen counts of child abuse last week. The alleged victims range in age from infancy to 6 years old, according to the Dane County Sheriff's office. "During interviews with detectives, Phil expressed his belief that the Bible dictates the use of a rod over a hand to punish children. He stated that children only a few months old are 'worthy' of the rod and that by 'one and a half months,' a child is old enough to be spanked," according to the sheriff's office release. "Throughout the investigation, the church members were open with detectives about their 'Spare the rod, spoil the child' philosophy. They described using wooden dowels and wooden spoons on the bare skin of children, starting as young as 2 months old," the sheriff's office said. The pastor told deputies that the Bible prescribes the punishment for infants who are "being emotional, grumpy or crying." Six church members charged in the case also pleaded innocent. According to the sheriff's office, the wooden dowels used to beat the infants were 12-18 inches long with a diameter about the size of a quarter. Former church members who brought the complaint to the attention of authorities told detectives that "redness and bruising" were the "common effects of the spankings." The children often were punished when they cried or failed to sit still during church services, a former church member told authorities. "Phil was very strict about children being quiet during church," the complaint states. John Caminiti told investigators in November that he does not allow his family to communicate with people outside his religious beliefs and has punished his wife and son by confining them to their rooms until they corrected their disobedience, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. None of the children of people charged in these cases has been removed from their parents' homes. | ||
Posted: 28 Mar 2011 08:44 AM PDT Many of you may recall the Sylvanic Bigfoot claims by Todd Standing as well as claims from the Erickson Project. Seems that there was a connection...and what makes this more interesting is that Todd Standing has apparently removed the Sylvanic website as well as images and videos of his 'discovery.' has posted a piece today. Below are some of the more recent claims by Standing and the Erickson well as other links of interest. ----- From 10/24/2010 Another Sylvanic Bigfoot Claim / Photo Todd just returned from an 8 day expedition with incredible Bigfoot documentation. It was a bit of an adventure as he had a confrontation with a Grizzly bear that ended in rescue by RCMP and Search and Rescue after being missing for 3 days. The team and his family are thrilled he made it back safely and he is ecstatic with his new photo and video evidence! Here is one of the photos where he caught Bigfoot watching him through the bushes~as you can see it was taken in full sunlight with fantastic detail. Erickson Project: The Sylvanic Connection Bigfoot Lunch Club: Todd Standing Sylvanic Bigfoot Project: Populated Bigfoot habitat found -----
Is this the real face of Bigfoot? Click for video Statement with video: I have been lucky enough to view the best clip in "The Erickson Project" documentary, soon to be released. I was not asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement, so I have described what is shown in the clip in some detail here, so that the patient research community who has been waiting for five years can get a better idea exactly what to look forward to. Hope you enjoy! Also posted: The Kentucky Footage Soon to be Released as part of "The Erickson Project" Documentary I am one of the few people lucky enough to have viewed the best clip… Much more detailed than the Patterson/Gimlin Film Here is just some of what you are going to see: A full facial close-up: ~ nose similar to ours (but w/ larger nostrils) ~ slightly chapped, rosy lips ~ pink mouth, blackish tongue ~ pointed teeth, like fangs ~ deep set eyes that dart around and don't blink ~ her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla's, but her brow is much more prominent ~ she has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face ~ when she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film I can't wait 'til everyone can see this. Here's the link to The Erickson Project ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() Click here to check out John Ventre's most recent book! ![]() Use coupon code PM with any order and receive an additional 10% off! Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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