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- Photos/Videos: Amazing UFO Sightings Over NSW, Queensland and Victoria, Australia
- Fortean / Alternative News: Two Suns, ET Life Evidence and Florida Great White Sharks
- Paranormal / Spiritual News: Couple Scared From Flat, Spirit Rescue International Update and Weekly Links
Photos/Videos: Amazing UFO Sightings Over NSW, Queensland and Victoria, Australia Posted: 06 Mar 2011 01:52 PM PST northernstar - Marybourough's UFO phenomenon remains unsolved after government authorities and weather experts yesterday failed to explain strange orange lights sighted by hundreds of residents during the past week. The Chronicle was bombarded with phone calls, emails and visitors all day yesterday after publishing a story on the hovering objects, which appeared in the night sky above the city last Thursday, Friday, Saturday and yesterday. While all residents had similar descriptions of the glowing balls of light and their slow movements back and forth across the sky, the story did take quite an eerie twist – no one was able to successfully capture the unidentified objects with a camera. "My partner, my brother and I all saw the lights. I tried to film them on my phone, but when I later looked at the footage nothing showed up – very strange," Phil and Karina said in an email. "I took a very magnified photo of the last single orange orb, but it does not seem to have come out on my camera," Martine said. "It was very weird ... (the lights) did not seem to be flying too high above us." Greg said: "We saw four lights in a group," "I tried to take photos with my camera, but they didn't come up. "I grabbed my binoculars to try and get a better look. "It was queer ... while I could see a string of lights without the binoculars, when I looked through the binoculars I could only see one light." UFO Research Queensland sightings officer Martin Gottschall, who has studied UFOs for more than 30 years, yesterday said he had received reports about orange balls of lights moving over Maryborough. "It could well be UFO activity. They (UFOs) are pretty clever at camouflaging themselves and making themselves look like conventional objects," he said. As for the objects not showing up in photographs, Mr Gottschall said it seemed as though extraterrestrial craft could "make light do things that we haven't learnt yet". "People have theorised that maybe the force field around the UFO somehow affects the way in which ordinary light like infrared shows up. "For example, when people take photos of what they think is a UFO and there's an aircraft nearby, the aircraft will come out defined while the UFO is hazy." Gay Cayabyab, the Maryborough Neighbourhood Centre's multicultural worker, dismissed suggestions the orange lights were Chinese New Years lanterns. "The population of Chinese in Maryborough is not very significant and it's no longer Chinese New Year, for one," she said. "Lanterns are released as signs of good luck, but I'm not aware of any celebration and it's very unlikely that they would be released for several days in a row." A Fraser Coast Regional Council spokesman said it was unlikely the lights were caused by aircrafts using the Maryborough Airport. "There's nothing out of the usual happening at the airport." A spokesman from the Bureau of Meteorology said yesterday he "could not think of anything weather-wise that would cause something like that" and directed the Chronicle to two different Queensland UFO organisations. The Australian Army was contacted but did not respond to a suggestion the bright lights could have come from its Wide Bay Training Area at Tin Can Bay. Click for video Statement with video: Latest UFO sightings - New video of multiple UFO sightings in the sky over Sydney in Australia. This was taken on Sunday, 20th February 2011. Witness report: Accidentally I captured a multiple U F O sightings.I didn't know what I filming.the first U F O was very fast, and change the directions to.went towards the Sydney airport. the next video, I see something that was a aeroplane, I stop filming I moved the camera, when I watch back my video I saw, the very fast object toward the aeroplane. Click for video Statement with video: Friday morning on checking the weather at my front veranda as I usually do a unit appeared in the north north eastern sky and paused then started a treck across the sky toward the south. I grabbed my camera from inside and these three short clips are the result. The first is in colour mode m focus to infinity. The next is with nightshot turned on. The third is a second unit in the western sky ten minutes later with super nightshot mode. Both were solid light, none strobing and within 5km all shots, no sound was heard or recorded. As the first unit was 3/4 travelled across the passage I received a light flash from a 3rd unit higher and to the east of the first just prior to losing shot. Included are still frame shots with enhancements from night session 19th Feb as no still frame shots of the units of the 25th were taken. All my videos are shot from my property located at Greta, NSW Australia Click for video NOTE: Orbs, plasma-like formations, diamond shapes, etc. There have been extraordinary sightings over Australia's eastern-southeastern coast the past 2 weeks. The lights appeared in the sky above Maryborough four nights in a row. The Australian military won't comment on the sightings so far...Lon |
Fortean / Alternative News: Two Suns, ET Life Evidence and Florida Great White Sharks Posted: 06 Mar 2011 02:12 PM PST Two Suns in the Sky Footage from Taiwan's CTV. Reportedly seen from Peng-hu Islands. Explained as an instance of sundog. Some fear that this is a bad omen heralding "the end of the world." NOTE: Here's a link for more information on this phenomena...Lon ********** 'Massive' sharks reported near Port Canaveral, Florida floridatoday - Fishermen always like to share fish tales. The past few weeks, some have been telling a great white one. Perched atop the 36-foot "Relentless," a charter boat out of Port Canaveral, Derek Redwine saw a dark shape come into view while scanning the green waters for fish seven miles off Cocoa Beach. While searching for cobia last Sunday -- a large fish that spends much of its time swimming alongside manta rays -- Redwine hollered for Capt. Scott Bussen to slow down. "I thought I saw a ray with a big cobia swimming above it," said the Merritt Island artist who owns BoldWater graphic design. "As we got closer, a shark came into focus." A big shark. So big, in fact, that what Redwine thought was a fish hovering above a manta was actually the long shadow cast on the approximate 15-foot great white shark by its own dorsal fin, he said. "The girth was unbelievable to me," Redwine said. Captain Bussen slowed the Relentless to a halt above the slow-moving shark for a better look. The fish apparently had the same idea. "He hung around for a good 15 minutes, just slowly circling us," said Redwine. "He was really peaceful and docile." The shark -- a few feet longer than the boat's 12-foot beam -- did not attempt to devour some fresh catch the fishermen were offering. Instead, it passively swam around the boat before meandering off. Equipped only with a cell phone camera, the anglers snapped photos and video. Last weekend, at least a half-dozen boats reported seeing an identical shark off Port Canaveral. In the past month, fishermen from as far south as Islamorada in the Florida Keys have been reporting white shark sightings. Two weeks ago, spearfishermen off Deerfield Beach watched as a white shark mauled an 80-pound amberjack they had speared. The bite marks were nearly two feet across. "I feel really fortunate to have seen this shark," admitted Redwine, who has fished the waters off Central Florida for two decades. He was glad to share the experience with his 12-year-old son, Alden. Whether the multiple sightings off Port Canaveral are multiple sharks or just one is still in question. "There have been a lot of big sharks around," said Captain Scott Bussen, who operates Relentless Offshore Adventures. "I've been seeing hammerheads nearly every trip out, along with blacktips, threshers and even a large mako." The sharks' appearance is no surprise to George Burgess, director of shark research at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville. "These are animals that prefer cooler waters and they're more likely to be seen off Florida in the winter," Burgess said. "We've had them turn the bend around the tip of Florida and come into the Gulf of Mexico. In years past, they were more common in the Gulf, back when there were monk seals." Extensively hunted since the 1400s, the Caribbean monk seal once populated the Caribbean and southern Gulf of Mexico. Declared extinct in 2008, the monk seal was an attractive food source for the giant sharks. When the seals disappeared, the sharks' range shrank. Not fazed by this fish's reputation, Redwine does not think beachgoers or surfers should head for higher ground. "I don't think people should be scared. It's such a cool fluke, such a rare occurrence for us," Redwine said. Burgess agrees. " 'Scared' is not the word that should be in people's vocabulary, but 'respect' is," said Burgess. "When we enter the sea, we're entering a foreign environment and we need to be aware of the risk. There are small and large things that can cause harm -- jellyfish, stingrays. These are risks we have to accept." Most surfers probably have a good understanding of how fragile we are as invaders of the sea, they understand that they're going into the shark's world. "Swimmers should know that they're not going into the neighborhood pool." ********** Raelian Movement, the World's Largest UFO Religion, Launches 'God is a Myth' Billboard Campaign goddiscussion - Kicking off the month of March, the International Raelian Movement launched the next phase of its atheistic campaign by purchasing very high profile billboard space on the busy I-15 southbound freeway in Las Vegas. Each month for the next six months, hundreds of thousands of people will see the huge "GOD IS A MYTH" message while commuting or visiting the city. Ricky Roehr, leader for the North American Raelian Movement, explained why the Raelians plan to make this huge public statement that will possibly upset so many Christians and members of other religious faiths. "If you drive the freeway between Vegas and Los Angeles, you'll see several signs warning drivers to follow the Bible or else face eternal hell," he said. "Those signs are designed to make viewers feel fear and guilt. We want to counterbalance that fear by letting them know there is no God or Devil. There's no need to live in fear. We should enjoy our precious lives to the fullest while of course giving love all around us. Surely that's a message even Christians recognize as one that Jesus taught. But, whether the source is the Bible, the Koran, or Greek or Roman mythology, all gods are myths, just as there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny etc. What there are, however, are human beings who were advanced scientists who created all forms of life, known as the Elohim. You can read about them in the oldest versions of the Bible, and the oldest versions are always the less polluted versions." Extraterrestrial Origin of Life. Founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Rael, Raelism is described in Wikipedia as "the largest UFO religion in the world." The Raelian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials called the Elohim. Members of this species appeared human and when contacting the descendants of their human creation, they were mistaken for angels, cherubim or gods. Raelians believe that Jesus, Buddha and other avatars are actually messengers of the Elohim. Roehr said the Raelian explanation about the extraterrestrial origin of life has become more accepted in the United States after the History Channel's "Ancient Astronauts" series. "Making people live in fear not only greatly diminishes the quality of life; it facilitates intolerance and hate," Roehr said. "But religious leaders know that fearful masses are much easier to control. Humanity is paying a huge penalty for all this fear because when people live in fear, all higher thinking like love and compassion shuts down. That's why violence continues on Earth, and this is why we cannot stay silent like most atheists do when we see god believers maintaining people in fear and promoting their scriptures full of hatred and encouraging so many crimes." An Atheistic Religion. "The God of the Koran is mythical to Christians and the Gods of Hinduism are myths to monotheists," Roehr said. "Whether he's a Jew, a Muslim or a Christian, one man's true religion is always another man's myth. We Raelians just deny the existence of one more God than they do. Yet there's a very important difference between most atheists and the Raelians: We're still Creationists! The Raelian Movement is an atheistic religion that is preparing humanity to welcome back its true creators, the Elohim, without fear or guilt." Raelians are conducting their annual Happiness Academy (seminar) in Las Vegas from March 27 to April 2 at the Alexis Park Hotel. ********** NASA scientist claims he has a meteorite with evidence of extraterrestrial life cbsnews - In what's sure to rekindle the debate over the question of life beyond Earth, a scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center says he has fossil evidence of bacterial life inside of a rare class of meteorites . Writing in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology, Richard B. Hoover argues that an examination of a collection of 9 meteorites - called CI1 carbonaceous meteorites - contain "indigenous fossils" of bacterial life. "The complex filaments found embedded in the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites represent the remains of indigenous microfossils of cyanobacteria," according to Hoover. That matter-of-fact sentence also underscores the shout-out-loud implication that the detection of fossils of cyanobacteria in the CI1 meteorites raises the possibility of life on comets. And Hoover does not shy away from offering that very conclusion. Skeptics will doubtless weigh in soon with questions. Still, Hoover's proposition may have stirred more controversy several years ago. More recently, though, some scientists have suggested that meteors and comets slamming into the Earth brought with them the very integuments of life, including water and a host of complex organic chemicals. If he's right, Hoover may have evidence to support that theory. He argues that the complex filaments he found embedded in the meteors are micro-fossils of extraterrestrial life forms that existed on the meteorites a long time ago prior to the meteorites' entry into the Earth's atmosphere. "This finding has direct implications to the distribution of life in the Cosmos and the possibility of microbial life on in liquid water regimes of cometary nuclei as the travel within the orbit of Mars and in icy moons with liquid water oceans such as Europa and Enceladus," he writes. In an accompanying comment, Rudy Schild, the journal's editor-in-chief and a member of the Harvard-Smithsonian's Center for Astrophysics, announced that the publication has sent out a "general invitation" to more than 5000 scientists to review the paper. "We believe the best way to advance science, is to promote debate and discussion," he wrote. |
Posted: 06 Mar 2011 10:43 AM PST Couple spend £3,000 on hotels after poltergeists force them from their dream flat dailymail - A couple have spent £3,000 of their life savings on hotel rooms after catching poltergeists on tape haunting their rented dream home. French musician Jean Marc Mariole and his former model wife Charlotte have been tormented by the spectres ever since moving into their home in Frodsham, Cheshire. Bumps in the night, ghostly orbs and spine-tingling spooks caught on CCTV have left the couple so scared to spend a night in their beds that they have even resorted to begging an exorcist to ward off the evil spirits. But the house, which is close to the scene of two suicides, remains haunted. The pair says the eerie goings-on started just four weeks after moving into their flat last April and include stamping noises, flying blobs and even levitating bed sheets. The case bears a startling resemblance to the recent Hollywood horror film Paranormal Activity, in which a couple use a home video camera to record supernatural occurrences in their home. The constant thumping through the night means the couple have not had a decent night's sleep in months - snatching what rest they can at nearby hotels. On several occasions, they have been forced to flee their home in the middle of the night, desperately checking into the local Holiday Inn in the early hours. But after spending £18,000 on decorating the luxury flat, the couple are fast running out of cash to spend on hotel rooms. Charlotte, 53, originally from Bordeaux, said the peak of the paranormal pranks came when she was suddenly locked in her bathroom while washing her face. 'The door just slammed behind me and the window was not even open, so it couldn't have been a breeze' She said: 'It was really frightening - the door just slammed behind me and the window was not even open, so it couldn't have been a breeze. 'The shower curtain started sliding back and forth along the rail. It was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. 'I tried to soap up the lock, but it wouldn't open and I had to resort to calling for the neighbours to help me.' Items around the house are frequently moved by the ghoulish houseguests, and Jean Marc claims he often feels the sensation of someone breathing on his neck while he practises on his piano. One night, the couple were left terrified when the sheets on their bed mysteriously levitated before falling back down again. And after just a few months living in the flat, the couple were forced to move their bed downstairs to escape the constant haunting. Chillingly, CCTV recordings the couple have made clearly show dozens of mysterious orbs gliding about the empty rooms in the dark. Jean Marc, 64, who married his wife last March, said: 'We have seen somewhere between 200 and 300 of these things flying about the house. 'It's terrifying. We see black silhouettes on the walls and hear screams at night. Sometimes it sounds like a grown man crying. 'I have lived in England for 45 years and thought I'd finally found the perfect place to live, in a peaceful village. We have spent £18,000 kitting the flat out and now we have to leave, if only for our sanity.' Now the couple say they are thinking of fleeing to France just to escape the creepy incidents, despite having spent their life savings on the 19th century two-bed home. Charlotte added: 'We have even resorted to sleeping in the car to escape the horrors of the house, which as you can imagine is not very comfortable. 'We just want to leave and get a decent night's sleep again.' Poltergeist activity has often been believed to be the work of malicious ghosts. The word poltergeist comes from the German words poltern 'to make a noise' and geist 'spirit'. The term itself literally means 'noisy ghost' and victims often report inanimate objects being picked up and thrown, noises such as knocking, rapping and human voices - or even physical attacks. ********** Haunted Places: La Carafe Bar ghosteyes - La Carafe is an antique bar located nearly dead center in the heart of Houston, Texas at 813 Congress Street, just off the Katy Freeway at Interstate 10. The quaint tavern serves daily visitors, local patrons and passers through, as well as serving up some fascinating ghost stories in historic downtown Houston. Situated directly upon the foundation of the very first commercial business in Houston, the original building that is now La Carafe – believed to be the oldest bar still operating in Houston – was first erected in 1866 by John Kennedy, a baker who had moved here over 20 years prior in 1842. Kennedy started the establishment as a steam powered bakery, naming it after himself – Kennedy Bakery. The bakery served up local fare for nearby residents, but was more famous for filling the bellies of the Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. It was later used as a station for the Pony Express. The Kennedy family retained the property for more than 100 years, throughout five generations of Kennedys, running various operations out of the property. In the 1950's it became La Carafe and remains so to this day, even though the family sold the haunted lounge in 1987 to a Mr. Wenglar. Unfortunately, the new proprietor met an untimely death shortly thereafter, leaving La Carafe to his sister, and current owner, Carolyn Wenglar. The most recognized ghost of La Carafe is that of Carl, a former bartender at the historic downtown Houston bar. The apparition of Carl is most often sighted peeking out of the second story window, though some patrons have reported his presence elsewhere, by visual manifestation, unexplained noises and/or a general strong feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. Footsteps are sometimes heard coming from the upstairs area, also associated with La Carafe's ghost of former employee Carl. Cold spots have been reported and objects seem to move of their own accord, or at least with the help of the spirit world. La Carafe shows its age to this day. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the building maintains much of its original design as prescribed by Nathaniel Kellum in 1847. After more than a century and a half situated on a slanted street, the inside of La Carafe still stands fairly level, which is a structural phenomenon in and of itself. Visitors feel that they are stepping back in time when they enter Houston's La Carafe, from the rustic interior right down to the massive and undoubtedly monstrously heavy antique cash register that is still in use today, making it a small event in itself to pay for your services. Thus, as you might surmise, cash is the only form of payment accepted, although there is an ATM conveniently located near the restrooms. Should you find yourself in the core of historic Houston, Texas, be sure to stop in at La Carafe for reasonably priced beverages and a hospitable, lackluster crowd that is anything but stuck-up. You just may find yourself having a personal experience of paranormal activity, but if not, the atmosphere alone is more than enough to be worth the trip. ********** Spirit Rescue International Case Updates Southwestern Ontario - Spirit Attachment Hi to all....Irene and I conducted a remote view on this case on Wednesday, March 2nd. Irene set the target coordinates for me and monitored the session. We systematically executed 4 phases in order to perceive the target and to gather as much information as possible. In Phase 1, the coordinates (a set of two - four digit numbers) were given to me...from which an ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept) was developed. The target was narrowed down to a subject. I quickly sensed that the target was a subject and that it was the client. In Phase 2, the target vignette was narrowed by probing for sounds, textures, temperatures, colors, luminescence, contrast and smells. Through this information I was able to focus in on any verticals, horizontals, diagonals, topography, mass and energetics as well as my overall 'feeling' of the target. Again, my perception was quick to identify an area near water and rocks. I heard drumming and chanting, sensing there were other people along with the client. I heard the client talking and pleading for help, as well the symbol of a 'cross' or 'X' was perceived. I also noticed small 'swirls' of energy moving about and above the client. In Phase 3, I made a rough sketch that included the water (which I thought to be a lake or river), the client, other people in the vicinity and large rocks. In Phase 4, I went into a deeper perception of the target. This included sense, magnitudes, emotions, physicals, subspace and concepts. There were other specifics used...but at this point there was no systematic procedure because the observations are starting to come together into a primary deduction. Immediately, I sensed that the client was standing by herself on a riverbank facing the water and talking to herself. I noticed that one of the 'swirls' started to manifest into the shape of a small dog-like creature....then it simply faded off. Right away, three human entities rose from the middle of the river and walked towards the riverbank...stopping in front of the client. These three entities were definitely Native American and had distinct expressions of anger. Their energy was not malevolent but conveyed feelings of disgust. At this point we ended the RV session and contacted the client in order to verify some of the information gathered. She pointed out that about the time she started to suffer the chest pains (and the constantly uttered words of 'don't crucify me') she had been at a local park in her vicinity which has a river and rocky bank (Spring 2010). A festival was also taking place nearby. She stated that she would 'talk' to her 'spirit guides and angels' while standing there. This was not the first time that she would visit this location. The client does exhibit some psychic ability and is a devout Roman Catholic. The next step will involve a distance clear by Irene and follow up care along with protection instruction and counseling by Spirit Rescue International case mediators. NOTE: The word 'Pontiac' came to mind during Phase I am fairly sure that there is a Native American connection to this attachment. I learned later that if 'Pontiac' was the actual word I perceived then it would make some sense since this area of southwest Ontario was inhabited by the Odawa (Ottawa) and their leader was Chief Pontiac who, at the time of the French and Indian War, led a conglomeration of many tribes against the British. As well, the client's location was once a prominent Odawa village in the 1690's, which was later taken by force by the British. More research will be needed. There are other specifics but because of client confidentiality this information must remain private...Lon Southwestern Ontario - Spirit Attachment - Please note: Access to Spirit Rescue International case logs requires registration ----- Alien Entities / Infestation - Southeast Texas A request has been made for Irene and I to advise, research and remote view a location in southeast Texas that has been experiencing consistent UFO and alien entity activity for an extended period of time. Unlike most incidents of this variety, there are several witnesses and a fair amount of raw photographic and video evidence. As well, there are 'boots on the ground'...namely, professional and qualified investigators who I know and trust. I can't go into too much detail but I will state that a certain UFO network has 'dropped the ball' twice on this case. Keep watching for updates...Lon Alien Entities / Infestation - Southeast Texas - Please note: Access to Spirit Rescue International case logs requires registration ********** THIS WEEK'S PARANORMAL / SPIRITUAL LINKS Parapsychology Vs. Ghost Hunting Ghost Hunters Talk on Paranormal Chills Spines New Death in the Cemetery The Dangerous Man Londoners 'Least Haunted' According To Ghost Map Trackers hunt reported ghosts in secret location General Wayne Inn Tavern on Main Ghost Video 'Ghost' of former pub landlady caught on camera The Sterling Opera House Ghosts Strike! Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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