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- 'I am Jimmy Hoffa, I am Jimmy Hoffa' - The Dawson UFO Encounter / Abduction
- Fortean / Alternative News: Philippines UFO Mystery, Merlin's Grave Mound and Ukraine Stoning Death
- Ominus Start For Animal Planet's 'Finding Bigfoot'
'I am Jimmy Hoffa, I am Jimmy Hoffa' - The Dawson UFO Encounter / Abduction Posted: 01 Jun 2011 12:31 PM PDT
August 6, 1977, near Pelham, Georgia (20 miles north of Thomasville), in Mitchell County. At 10:30 a.m., retired automobile salesman Tom Dawson (sixty-three years old, at the time) took a walk down to his favorite pond to see how it looked for fishing later that day. Just as he got inside the fence surrounding the pond, a circular space ship zipped right in between the trees and hovered just a few feet above the ground. At the same time he found himself, his two dogs and twenty head of cattle, frozen in place by an unseen force. Dawson said the craft was about 15 feet high and 50 feet in diameter. It had portholes all around and a dome on top. It made no sound and changed colors rapidly from one to another. Suddenly, a ramp came down and out came seven hairless, snow-white beings, about 5 feet tall, with pointed ears and noses. Some had on tight-fitting one-piece suits while others wore nothing. They talked in a high-pitched' gibberish he could not understand. They conducted what he thought to be a medical exam of some kind. They placed a skullcap-like device on his head and a large hula hoop-shaped thing (connected to a box) around his midsection. After they had collected "some leaves and stuff," they got back on the ship and were gone in the blink of an eye. Once free, Mr. Dawson ran uphill (about 300 yards) to his trailer. He was having trouble breathing and talking, so he was taken to the Mitchell County Hospital, where the doctor said he had been shaken both mentally and physically from his encounter with the UFO and its occupants. He was treated for hysteria (given something to calm him down) and later released. Dawson said he believed that if he had been a younger man the extraterrestrials would have taken him away. - Billy J. Rachels / Billy Norris - UFO Bureau of Georgia ----- The following is another version of the original report that includes other information: Location: Pelham, Georgia Date/Time: August 6, 1977 - 10:30 am local time "I AM JIMMY HOFFA" Jimmy Hoffa Tom Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, hovered several feet off the ground in a field in front of him. He immediately noticed that he was unable to move a muscle as well as his dogs and the cattle in the field seemed likewise to be immobilized. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humanoids 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. The first stepped down cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground; then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin "as white as a flour sack," their noses were sharp and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely nude. The clothing of the rest, male and female alike, was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed, turned up toes. The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body. While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came from the object, shouting three times "I am Jimmy Hoffa" (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the voice was not heard again. After completing the examination, all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about 10 feet away and "went into a conference." They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard the word "Jupiter." He had the impression they were debating whether or not to take him on board; at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object rise to 75 feet then, in a wink, it was out of sight. Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could say nothing more than "space ship!" He was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria. - Billy J. Rachels - UFO Bureau of Georgia ----- 6 August 1977 10:30 Pelham, Georgia, USA Paralysis, 5 beings with sharp noses, pointed ears, no necks, pale white skin, removed his shirt and pants in pasture, placed skull cap on his head, heard voice in head, something about "Jimmy Hoffa". Explanation: Hoax. An abduction of a witness was reported. One disc was observed by one male 63-year-old witness in a pasture for two minutes (Dawson, T). Five pallid beings were seen. Tom Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field in front of him, hovering several feet off the ground. He found he was unable to move a muscle, and his dogs, as well as the cattle in the field, seemed likewise to be immobilized. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. The first to leave stepped down cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground; then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin "as white as a flour sack," their noses were sharp and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely nude. The clothing of the rest-males and females alike-was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed, turned up toes. The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson, and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body. While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came from the object, shouting three times " I am Jimmy Hoffa" (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the voice was not heard again. After completing the examination, all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about 10 feet away and "went into a conference." They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard the word "Jupiter." He had the impression they were debating whether or not to take him onboard; at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object rise to 75 feet, and then in a wink it was out of sight. Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could say nothing more than "space ship!" He was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria. - ----- Tom Dawson at the spot where he was paralyzed by a UFO and subjected to a medical inspection by alien beings. (Courtesy of the Camilla Enterprise) Tom Dawson made his living selling cars in Florida, then retired to the peaceful community of Pelham. He was 63 years old on August 6, 1977, living in a mobile home park on Vada Road with his wife and daughter. He arose early that Saturday morning, then took his girl to visit Linda Kolbie, who owned a house adjacent to the mobile homes. Dawson was a frequent visitor to the Kolbie home, where he enjoyed playing with their infant son. After chatting with Linda for a few minutes, Dawson decided to walk to a nearby pond and see if conditions looked right for fishing. He set out accompanied by his two dogs, walking through a pasture occupied by 50 cows to approach the fishing hole, located in a grove of trees. It was a beautiful day, the countryside quiet as Dawson neared the water. When he was 100 feet from the water, a circular space ship instantly appeared and hovered four feet above the ground in front of him. It was 40 to 50 feet in diameter and 12 to 14 feet high. A protrusion like a cabin was on top of the craft, which seemed to be colored shades of several different hues. Dawson was frozen in place-he could not move a muscle. The cattle in his field of vision were also frozen, as were his dogs-one had a leg suspended in the air, stilled as it took a step. A hatch opened on the ship and a figure emerged that Dawson dubbed the "leader." He seemed hesitant to disembark and his first step was tentative, but then he motioned four more aliens to join him. At the same moment, two "sentries" appeared on top of the craft. Of the five humanoids that approached Dawson, three were men and two were women. All were beautiful and shapely, their skin a bloodless, powder-puff white. Their ears were sharp their small noses upturned. They had no neck-their heads sat directly on their shoulders. Their heads were hairless, as were the rest of their bodies. Dawson knew because a male and a female alien were naked. The other three wore identical clothing, beautiful and with a texture and color that defied description. Their shoes, of the same material, ended in sharp, one inch high turned up toes. After hesitantly approaching Dawson, the aliens preceded to conduct a medical examination. A device similar to a skullcap was placed on his head. It was connected by cords to a hula hoop sized ring which contained an extensive series of dials. During the electronic survey, the creatures stepped up to Dawson and dropped his pants, apparently to check his sex. At this point Tom Dawson was transported to Oz. From the interior of the ship a human voice announced: "I am Jimmy Hoffa. I am Jimmy Hoffa. I am Jimmy Hoffa and I'm in this ship. I am..." and the voice was abruptly silenced and not heard again. Hoffa was a notorious labor leader who had disappeared several years earlier and never reappeared. As each alien completed their part of the exam, they reentered the ship. The last two removed the headset from Dawson, then conferred. They had appeared to communicate during the medical tests, emitting a shrill, high pitched sound that struck Dawson as gibberish. One of the females kept repeating a word that sounded to Dawson like "Jupiter." Dawson thought the creatures were debating whether they should take him with them. They declined to kidnap Dawson and the leader "waved" goodbye by crossing his open palm across his chest, then they boarded the ship. Within seconds the ship quickly rose to 75 feet and vanished soundlessly. Man and animals were instantly released from the force that had immobilized them. Dawson hastily secured his clothing and ran to the Kolbie house, where Linda was working in the yard about 9:15 a.m. "He was in bad shape," Linda told a reporter. "He couldn't talk at all. I looked up to see him waving his arms and struggling for breath." She sat Dawson down and fetched a cool rag to help calm him. The man was "wheezing and rocking, wild-eyed," she said. Linda attempted to learn what had happened, but all Dawson could choke out was "space ship." Fearing for his life, Kolbie called an ambulance, which rushed him to the hospital. Dawson recovered, but the experience had him shaken for days. Despite experiencing the disbelief of others, he stuck to his story, saying: "I don't care what they say. This is the truth...I'm not crazy. I wasn't drinking. I've never had a mental condition. "The whole time it happened, my mind was alert. I knew what was happening...I do know what I've seen. I do know what happened." Several months later I traveled to Pelham and spent a Saturday with Dawson, interviewing him, the neighbors, and the paramedics (the doctor told me to leave him the hell alone). Everybody accepted Dawson's story, and none thought a person could fake that degree of distress. This remains Georgia's most bizarre story, and I know something happened to Dawson-I'm just not certain what. - 'Weird Georgia' - Jim Miles - 2006 | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Philippines UFO Mystery, Merlin's Grave Mound and Ukraine Stoning Death Posted: 01 Jun 2011 11:24 AM PDT Mysterious Light - UFO on the skies of Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines Click for video Roxas City is a medium-sized city in the province of Capiz, Philippines. It is the provincial capital and a component city. The city is a center of copra and aquaculture production. The surrounding area grows sugarcane, rice, coconut, fruit, hemp, and tobacco. The abundance of marine life makes Roxas City the "Seafood Capital of the Philippines." ********** A Wiltshire mound where the legendary wizard Merlin was purported to be buried has been found to date back to 2400 BC. Radiocarbon dating tests were carried out on charcoal samples taken from Marlborough Mound, which lies in Marlborough College's grounds. The 19m (62ft) high mound had previously mystified historians. Some believed it dated back to about 600 AD. English Heritage said: "This is a very exciting time for British prehistory." Dig leader Jim Leary said: "This is an astonishing discovery. "The Marlborough Mound has been one of the biggest mysteries in the Wessex landscape. "For centuries people have wondered whether it is Silbury's little sister; and now we have an answer. " 'Dramatic history' Silbury Hill, an artificial man-made mound about five miles away, also dates back to 2,400 BC. Marlborough Mound was reused as a castle and became an important fortress for the Norman and Plantagenet kings. It was also the scene for major political events, such as the general oath of allegiance sworn to King John in 1209. Nicholas Sampson, Master of Marlborough College, said: "We are thrilled at this discovery, which confirms the long and dramatic history of this beautiful site and offers opportunity for tremendous educational enrichment." The work is part of a major conservation programme being undertaken by the Marlborough Mound Trust. - BBC ********** California woman arrested while pushing trashcan of human body parts down the street A California woman caught wheeling a trashcan full of body parts was arrested on Monday on charges of homicide. Carmen Montenegro, 51, of San Bernardino, Calif. was spotted with the macabre container around 2:30 in the afternoon and nabbed by police who were tipped off to her bizarre activities. "Officers stopped her leaving the location and in the trashcan we found human remains," Detective Jeff Crittenden told KTLA-TV. The contents of the trashcan are being investigated by the coroner's office, but police believe it is a homicide and that there is only one body. They are still working to clarify the connection between the woman and the remains and to identify the victim. Crittenden told reporters he did not have much information on Montenegro, but said she is a relative of the homeowner whose house she was spotted wheeling the body away from. One neighborhood resident's daughter told a KTLA-TV reporter she is Montenegro's cousin, and that the woman came to the home for help disposing the body. Other residents said Montenegro's mother lives in the home, and that Montenegro herself lived there sporadically for over a decade. The body is believed to have been dug up from the yard of the house where Montenegro was first spotted, according to police. - nydailynews *********** False teeth save man's life Of all the things you'd expect to save someone's life -- a lifejacket, a bullet-proof vest, a motorcycle helmet -- would you ever include the humble pair of dentures? Well, it seems like we might have to after reports of some fake gnashers coming to the rescue of a Brazilian barkeep. Thursday's bizarre incident saw the bar owner from the town of Alta Floresta, western Brazil, taken to hospital after a gunman opened fire at him while he was tending bar. His name: Zacarias Pacheco de Moraes. His age: 81-year-old... and still kicking, thanks to his pair of miraculous false teeth. The bullet was heading straight for his brain before ricocheting off the chompers and lodging in the back of his throat. It's too delicate to remove right away, doctors have said, but there's no doubt that it all could have ended far, far worse. It reminds of that surreal story of the man who was shot in the head and sneezed out the bullet afterwards, as well as this World Cup football star who managed to get a bullet in his brain... and still survive. Now, time to visit the dentist, just to be careful - asylum ********** Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to death after taking part in beauty contest' A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under 'Sharia law' after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine. Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home. Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest. Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared. Police have opened a murder investigation and are looking into claims that three Muslim youths killed her, claiming her death was justified under Islam. One of the three - named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev - is under arrest and told police that Katya had 'violated the laws of Sharia'. Gaziev has said he has no regrets about her death. Stoning is a divisive subject among Muslims, with some groups interpreting it as Islamic law and others disagreeing. According to Amnesty International's annual report on death sentences worldwide, issued in April, there were no reports of judicial executions carried out by stoning in 2010. However, new death sentences by stoning were reportedly imposed in Iran, the Bauchi state of Nigeria and Pakistan. At least 10 women and four men remained under sentence of death by stoning at the end of the year in Iran, where adultery is the only crime which carries that penalty under Sharia law. It was widely imposed as a sentence in the years following the 1979 Islamic revolution, and even though Iran's judiciary still regularly hands down such sentences, they are now often converted to other punishments. The barbaric practice was thrown into the international spotlight last year when an Iranian woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery after suffering years of abuse at the hands of her drug addict husband. Miss Ashtiani's lawyer said she was allegedly beaten and sold for sex by opium-addict Ebrahim Ghaderzade, who she is accused of killing. She was jailed for ten years for murder and sentenced to death for adultery. She was also convicted of having illicit relations for which she received 99 lashes. The Iranian authorities eventually suspended the stoning after an outcry from the international community. The European Union has called the sentence 'barbaric', the Vatican pleaded for clemency and Brazil, which has tried to intervene in Iran's stand-off with the West over its nuclear programme, offered Miss Ashtiani asylum. A number of celebrities, including Robert Redford, Robert De Niro and Sting called for her release in an open letter to the Iranian regime, backed by more than 80 actors, artists, musicians, academics and politicians. When Carla Bruni, the French First Lady, prominently gave her support to the 43-year-old mother-of-two, Iran responded by launching two scathing attacks on Miss Bruni, branding her an adulteress with a 'vastly immoral lifestyle'. Last week Amnesty international called for 'clarification' on the legal status of a jailed lawyer who represented Miss Ashtiani, Javid Houtan Kiyan. It issued a statement that read: 'If – as appears - he is held solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression, including in connection with his work as a defence lawyer on behalf of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, he should be released immediately and unconditionally. 'The allegations that he has been tortured while in detention should be investigated immediately and anyone found responsible for abuses brought to justice.' The Islamic republic says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings. Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran. In March, Iran hanged a woman convicted of murdering a love rival. Shahla Jahed, 40, had been a 'temporary wife' of Nasser Mohammad Khani, a former striker for the Iranian national football team. The execution was thought to be the 146th so far this year. At least 270 people were executed in 2009. - dailymail ********** Attorney General orders more episodes of the "The Wire", or a movie Sometimes government officials draw fire for potentially overstepping their authority — but Attorney General Eric Holder will probably get some praise for ordering the writers of the critically-acclaimed television series HBO "The Wire" to come up with more episodes or a movie. The gritty fictional series, which ran five seasons on HBO, showed the raw side of Baltimore as it endured hundreds of murders annually and a rampant drug scene. The show focused on the cash-strapped city police trying to root out crime as well as the drug dealers fighting for turf, using children to run their corners and the related effects on the city. On Tuesday three of the actors, Wendell Pierce ("Bunk"), Sonja Sohn ("Kima") and Jim True-Frost ("Prez"), dropped by the Justice Department to join Holder in trying to draw attention to the issue of protecting children from drug abuse and exploitation. But Holder could not resist a plea — well really an order — to the writers David Simon and Ed Burns for more. "I want to speak directly to Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon: Do another season of 'The Wire'," Holder said, drawing laughter and applause from the audience. "That's actually at a minimum. … If you don't do a season, do a movie. We've done HBO movies, this is a series that deserves a movie. I want another season or I want a movie. I have a lot of power Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon." Wendell "Bunk" Pierce, who is now on the latest HBO hit "Treme", chimed in with a "hear hear." - reuters NOTE: "hear, hear" indeed! I was able to watch the filming of "the Wire" on several occasions and got to meet with several of the actors and crew during those years. One of, if not, the finest TV series ever produced...Lon | ||
Ominus Start For Animal Planet's 'Finding Bigfoot' Posted: 01 Jun 2011 07:28 PM PDT Animal Planet throws their hat into the Bigfoot hunting ring with a new six-part series beginning Sunday, June 5th, at 10/9 Central called "Finding Bigfoot". Of course, they won't FIND Bigfoot because we would have heard something by now. I watched the sneak preview Monday night on Animal Planet. There were a few interesting pieces of evidence though the law enforcement dashcam episode has already been called a hoax. As well, some of the personal claims made by Matt Moneymaker were questionable. Overall, this isn't a good start for the newest TV presentation about finding Bigfoot. The following is an article published back in January 2011: ----- Bigfoot 'sighting' lures TV network Although it's not writ in stone, Animal Planet is making plans to visit Lumpkin and Union counties. They are stalking the legend of Bigfoot. The Discovery Channel, which produces Animal Planet, called local resident Mary Scott, requesting an interview with her. Scott, as well as a Lumpkin County Sheriff's Office deputy with whom she was riding during a Citizens Law Enforcement Academy ride-along, reportedly saw a Bigfoot about a year-and-a-half ago and captured it on the dashboard cam. Scott said they were out in the Frogtown area when the sighting occurred. "We were going about 55 mph on a curvy road. It was really late-after midnight, I think. We hadn't passed any other cars, and this thing came out of nowhere," Scott says. "The officer hit the brakes and we both jumped out. We looked on both sides of the road but didn't see anything, and we looked at each other kind-of like, 'You saw that, didn't you? I saw that.'" Realizing the event had been recorded by the patrol car's dash cam, Scott and the officer returned to the Sheriff's Office where they viewed the happening on a larger screen. "We were both just shocked," Scott says. "It was really tall, and it really looked like the pictures you've seen of Bigfoot." The film found it's way onto the Internet, and that's how the Discovery Channel tracked Scott down, she says. "I told them it all happened in seconds. It just came and went," she says. The TV representative told Scott they are planning to visit the area in February and plan to camp out in the area where she and the deputy made the sighting. They may change their minds, however, when they learn that Sheriff Stacy Jarrard claims to have proven the sighting to be a hoax. Jarrard said he went out the next day to question homeowners in the area. At the first house he stopped at, he says, there were two young men, students at North Georgia College & State University, who were "acting really nervous. You could see their hearts were beating really fast," he says. The two did not admit to the prank right away, but later in the week they copped to one of them donning a gorilla suit and running across the road in front of vehicles on the night in question. Jarrard says he even has a photograph of the two boys with the gorilla suit. If Animal Planet does decide to not to visit Lumpkin, they will probably still most likely visit the North Georgia area. "They sent us a letter requesting to film at Track Rock in Union County," said John Campbell with the National Forest Ranger Station in Blairesville. "The area is an archeological site, and is purported to have the footprint on Bigfoot." - thedahloneganugget Click for video NOTE: you can find more information at Finding Bigfoot: The Evidence for Bigfoot: Animal Planet and Finding Bigfoot ----- As expected, Matt Moneymaker responds to criticism of 'Finding Bigfoot' (unedited): The comments by Jarrard were not true, as we discovered while we were there. He wouldn't take questions from us when we tried to nail down his story. No one from the sheriff's department went out to speak with any of the neighbors after the incident. We spoke with the neighbors though when we were shooting the episode. There was never any college students living in the area, and there was no photo of college kids with a gorilla costume. Jarrard story sounded unlikely from the beginning, and apparently it didn't happen. None of the other sheriffs had heard about this story that Jarrard told to a reporter. It seems he came up with the story to quel any fear that local people might have about a monster in the woods, and to prevent hunters from going to look for one. There was no other show that aired the dashcam footage. Finding Bigfoot was the first program to air the footage. Lotsa false nonsense coming up on this site today, but anonymous people claiming things they kinda sorta recall but can't quite put their finger on it. Moneymaker also replies to the "wood knock" and "call blasting" claims of who did it first: That's pretty weak...a book published in 1993 about a famous indian story teller. It doesn't count. I had already been talking about that behavior for a year or more on the Internet (and debating with all the people who were saying I was crazy to suggest that) while that book was being assembled. I had been saying that bigfoots use knocks to locate eachother prior to 92, but all you have is the claim by a famous "story teller" in a 1993 book...that he knew they did that long ago. It doesn't count. Bill Dranginis is notorious for not telling the truth, and he was kicked out of the BFRO almost 15 years ago for exactly that reason. If he says he recalls an article describing someone else doing call-blasting before I did it...then he needs to produce that article. I kinda doubt it exists. Dranginis would not hesitate to make up something like that. Also, there were no recordings of sasquatches available in the 1980's that could be used for that purpose. I got the first fairly clean recording that could that be used for sound blasting, and I got it in 1993. Let's see Titmus' writings saying he did wood knocks back and forth with a sasquatch in BC...not just someone's "recollection" of him talking about that. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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I'd be thankful for any donations to help offset costs associated with producing the free daily newsletter as well as the other web sites and services I provide at no charge. If you are so inclined, you can use any donation button located on the 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog site. Again, my gratitude to you for being there...Lon ********* |
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