Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Skinwalker Chronicles II
- Fortean / Alternative News: The Sideshow - 'Finding Bigfoot' or Hoaxing Bigfoot
- Locals Report Recent Loch Ness Monster Sighting
Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:04 PM PDT This past December, I posted Skinwalker Chronicles that referenced stories of the infamous malevolent witch capable of transforming itself into a wolf, coyote, bear, bird, or any other animal. Since that time, I have received several anecdotes and inquiries about Skinwalkers. The following is a condensed collection of those responses that were forwarded and referred to me: "....the one I saw was an hour or so before sundown. Just about the ugliest thing I ever seen in my life. Dark colors - like quilt patchwork. The eyes were hollow, tail just flapping around. Ran like a monkey but shaped like a dog. My elders told me that the evil ones avoid people with guns. In earlier days the bad people would walk on our roof to try and scare us." ---- "...all of the sudden we heard the dog barking at what seemed to be a flute playing in the distance. My grandma didnt seemed brothered but I started to freak and my little brother was scared too. About an hour later, as me and my brother had just dosed off, we heard a knock on the door. I was happy since I thought it was my parents, so I got up quickly and started to run to the door. As I was running my grandma yelled for me to get away from the door. I froze...she had never yelled at me like that. She yelled at the door in Navajo, "who's there?" ....there was no answer. She yelled at it again. This time the knock on the door got louder and more rapid. My grandma sat back down on her chair and yelled, "go away we dont want you here...leave us alone." The knocks grew to pounding this time. My little brother and I sat down by my grandma. The dogs began to bark loudly and then there was thumping on the roof as if someone was walking on top of the house. The person was still at the door. All of the sudden at the window nearest to the door a black figure appeared but it did not have the outline of a human. It began pounding the door and tried to force the door knob. This continued for over a half hour while my brother and I cried in fear. My grandma, who still seemed not bothered by this, began to sing in Navajo. Then suddenly, dead silence. We sat there frozen in fear, listening to see if it was just waiting. In the side windows we saw car headlights. It was my parents and older brother...the beast had fled." ----- "My friend and I were talking when all of a sudden we heard the screen door open and slam shut. We thought it was my dad. While that happen, my mom claims she heard footsteps go through her room toward the restroom. She also thought it was my dad, but soon realized that she was unable to move as if she were paralyzed. Still in my room with my friend, we soon heard the screen door open and slam again...this time louder. It had woken my dad up and he came to my bedroom to check on us and see if we were still there. I assured him we were not into mischief. My mom told us the next morning about what she heard, and how she could not move. She also told us that the second time the door slammed she then heard horse hooves run by her bedroom window." ----- "...suddenly all the dogs started barking and we all went outside to see what was going on. They were barking to something in the trees. We heard the trees rustle but there was no wind. Soon we heard this weird sound and then it got quiet again. We stayed outside for at least another 30 min but then back inside and went to sleep. In the morning we noticed our chicken and hens pen gates were open and all our chickens and hens were out. We all walked around looking for them and couldn't find any. We went to the where we heard the noise last night and found these weird unknown footprints. It led us to the outhouse...but that was all we found. We told my Grandma what happened and she blessed us and told us that was a skinwalker. From that day on we still hear weird stuff but we pray and go outside and yell in Navajo "go away and bother someone else." ----- "...I was all alone in the hogan and got up 2to use the restroom. I heard something outside so I went outside to go check what it was. I noticed a dark figure so i grabbed my gun and shot at it. Nothing happened. Then suddenly it ran at me as I turned and ran back to the hogan. I said a prayed in dine (Navajo)....then something was banging on the door. Within seconds the door broke down and I ran to the back of the hogan praying still. The next thing I remember was that it was morning and I was in bed...the gun still in my hands." ----- "My family never mentioned Skinwalkers or witches to me so I knew nothing about them. My grandpa died a few years ago so my parents sent me to live with my Grandma to help her around her ranch. I brought my cat along. Well just after two weeks of living there my cat went missing. I figured that he would come back but he never did. I called him and looked for him but nothing. So I went to go put some hay behind the barn for the horses when I saw my orange cat's remains. I thought maybe something attacked him like a coyote so I picked it up and I saw that there were no bones just skin and the outside of his fur there was red and yellow even white paint on the outside of him. I couldn't figure out what it was. I buried him behind a hill with a little stone with his name carved on it...I was so heart broken. My grandma said she could get me a new cat but I didn't want a new cat. Pretty soon enough I kept hearing meows outside the hogan and scratches at the door. My grandma doesn't have any other cats so I would open the door and find nothing. Then one day, I went to go check on my cat's grave and dig it up to make sure he was still there. He was gone...but his bones were there. I just couldn't believe it! Why were his bones there? I thought I buried his skin? Ever since I have lived there I have experienced some of the strangest things in my life. I don't want to go back. I can't even share what kind of crazy things happened to me because from there I drew the line. I was confused and scared about these people but at the same time I knew I was one of these people. I have a greater respect for the Navajo people which is why I don't think getting involved with Skinwalkers is a good idea, Just don't mess with them and they wont mess with you." ----- "Sixty years ago, when I was young, I knew these two men that were cousins. They tried to become Skinwalkers by drinking the blood of the firstborn son. They both were firstborn sons so they drank each others blood. One cousin's name was Troy, who became an eagle and the other was Cody who became a wolf. Troy was good and helped people while Cody killed people. They had an argument one night and decided to gather six other people and have one on one battles to decide who was right and who was wrong. Finally the last battle was Troy vs. Cody one-on-one. Troy tried with all his might to fight Cody off, but it just wouldn't work. Cody was too strong. Troy possessed tonfa while Coy believed in just pure strength. Cody transformed into his wolf form and hurt Troy very badly. Troy then revealed his secret power. His skinwalker power let him create eagle feathers anywhere. He surrounded his tonfa in eagle feathers and his tonfa became very powerful. Troy defeated Cody and Cody's evil tyrany was over. Now still today, Cody and Troy walk amongst us disguised as humans...but they are Skinwalkers." NOTE: Cautious Navajo will not speak openly about Skinwalkers, especially with strangers, because to do so might invite the attention of an evil witch. After all, a stranger who asks questions about Skinwalkers just might be one himself, looking for his next victim...Lon |
Fortean / Alternative News: The Sideshow - 'Finding Bigfoot' or Hoaxing Bigfoot Posted: 21 Jun 2011 11:31 AM PDT The Bigfoot Sideshow Continues The following was posted recently by Loren Coleman from Cryptomundo on the Sanger Paranormal Society Facebook page in reference to their complaint that Coleman posted their photo of a supposed Bigfoot 'imprint' prior to a scheduled press conference: You leaked the photo. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. First off, Jeffrey and David, don't complain to me about all the publicity, notice, and comments you are getting. You put out a press release. That means you wanted publicity. You leaked, released, forgot you posted, and so forth your photo. Fair use and public domain come into play. After your press release, what, did you think people would sit on our hands and not investigate? Now you have national AOL News attention because I told them about your press release, and you are "pissed" at me? OMG. Get a grip. This is what you wanted and now you aren't happy it is not developing in the fashion you scripted it in your head? This is media attention. You wanted media attention. You should be thanking me, not cursing me. Would you rather you were given the silent treatment? Gosh. You can't put out something, not take responsibility for it, and then blame everyone else for reacting to it. Think about how you are reacting to this, and chill out. Huh? Maybe a case of envy and/or rivalry...or simply resentment for what may be another stunt that further diminishes the reputation of Bigfoot research? The press conference is scheduled for June 23rd, 2011. Is this just another chapter of the Bigfoot sideshow or is this more than speculation? We'll soon see. ********** 'Finding Bigfoot' Hoax Exposed - By the Cast! The TV show Finding Bigfoot has a lot of critics debunking the evidence that the legendary cryptid really exists. That now includes the people who appear on the show itself. Cast members from the TV show have commented in various online forums that they are bugged by the heavy-handed editing done by producers of the series, and are not happy that they seem to be putting false words in their mouths. To say nothing of using tricks to make their actual findings more seemingly groundbreaking. Critics of this kind of documentary-style Reality TV shows have pointed to programs about the Paranormal which seem to build on the gullibility and limited experience of viewers. The phrase "what the hell was that?" is becoming a catch-phrase for the practice. It derives from the many characters in these shows who utter the phrase as they respond to perfectly normal, and easily explained, phenomenon caught on camera. Usually through night-vision FLIR lenses and "filming" ghosts or the famed Sasquatch itself. This seems to be the case in the latest example of rigged Reality TV. Cast member and BFRO leader Matt Moneymaker says, in response to a question about one particular scene with typically grainy footage, "... the thing I ran after up the hill was a human — someone who was sneaking around us in the woods trying to watch the production in progress. I said so repeatedly and vehemently at the time, for the cameras, but they edited out all of that in order to make it seem unclear what I was chasing after." That seems to be all the proof needed. Looks like Reality TV itself is the next Sasquatch. Someday everybody will try to prove it really does exist - by Tom Rose - Gather ********** Climate change disasters can be predicted Climate change disasters, such as the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, dieback of the Amazon rainforest or collapse of the Atlantic overturning circulation, can be predicted according to University of Exeter research. Writing in the journal Nature Climate Change, Professor Tim Lenton of the University of Exeter shows that the 'tipping points' that trigger these disasters could be anticipated by looking for changes in climate behaviour. Climate 'tipping points' are small changes that trigger a massive shift in climate systems, with potentially devastating consequences. It is already known that climate change caused by human activity could push several potential hazards past their 'tipping point'. However, it is often assumed that these 'tipping points' are entirely unpredictable. Professor Lenton argues that a system of forecasting could be developed to enable some forewarning of high-risk tipping points. The approach he outlines involves analysing observational data to look for signs that a climate system is slowing down in its response to short-term natural variability (which we experience as the weather). This characteristic behaviour indicates the climate is becoming unstable, and is a common feature of systems approaching critical thresholds known as 'bifurcation points'. Professor Tim Lenton of the University of Exeter said: "Many people assume that tipping points which could be passed as a result of human-induced climate change are essentially unpredictable. Recent research shows that the situation is not as hopeless as it may seem: we have the tools to anticipate thresholds, which means we could give societies valuable time to adapt. "Although these findings give us hope, we are still a long way from developing rigorous early warning systems for these climate hazards." - sciencedaily ********** Gators escape...still at-large Eight alligators are still free after 17 escaped from an alligator farm in Citrus County Saturday. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, an investigator received a call from a local nuisance-alligator trapper, saying eight 4- to 6-foot alligators had been captured over four days. The alligators were found in a housing development, but the investigator found a gator farmer nearby. According to an FWC statement, "the alligator farmer was surprised to learn that of his 18 alligators, only one remained in the enclosure." They had escaped by digging a hole under a fence. The farmer, who had a license for the farm but now has surrendered it, was cited for maintaining wildlife in an unsafe/unsanitary condition. He had 20 animals, two of which died. Eight alligators are still missing; the recaptured alligators have been sent to permitted farms. - firstcoastnews |
Locals Report Recent Loch Ness Monster Sighting Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:26 AM PDT Foyers shop and cafe owner Jan Hargreaves and her husband Simon believe they caught a glimpse of Loch Ness's most elusive resident — Nessie. It was while taking a break on the store's front decking — looking out to the loch — when Mrs Hargreaves and kitchen worker Graham Baine spotted an unusual figure cutting a strange shape through the water. "We were standing looking out and saw something that looked bizarre," said Mrs Hargreaves. "I said to my husband to come and have a look. "We stand here all the time and look out and we see boats and kayaks but it didn't look like anything we have seen here before." Despite the unidentified creature being quite a distance from their vantage point, 51-year-old Mrs Hargreaves said it had a long neck which was too long to be that of a seal and it was black in appearance. "It went under the water and disappeared for probably 30 to 40 seconds and then came back up again," said Mrs Hargreaves. "It was around for a good four to five minutes. It was just so strange." Keen to stress she is not seeking publicity, Mrs Hargreaves does firmly believe what she saw was the Loch Ness Monster. "It was so exciting," she declared. Since August last year, The Waterfall Cafe and Foyers Stores with post office, opposite the village's famous Falls of Foyers, has been run by Mr and Mrs Hargreaves. Nessie hunter Steve Feltham, who lives in a former mobile library turned research centre on Dores beach, said he heard about the possible sighting when he popped into the store last week and believes because it was from residents rather than tourists, it is more credible. "I'm excited by the fact it was locals who had seen it," said Mr Feltham. "It's quite a distance from the shop to the water and they watch everything that goes on there. "For them to be impressed then there is a possibility it could have been Nessie." What particularly excited Mr Feltham was that it was from the exact same vantage point where Tim Binsdale shot the best footage of the legendary creature back in 1960. "I'll put the sightings with the other sightings," said Mr Feltham. "I will also continue to carry out surface observations." The sighting was recorded on Wednesday afternoon between 2.30pm and 3pm. - inverness-courier NOTE: here are a few recent 'Nessie' related posts - Science Professor Believes Loch Ness Monster Family Exists - Retired Detective Insists 50 Year Old Loch Ness Monster Footage Authentic - Nessie Surfaces Again?...Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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