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Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 40 Posted: 04 Jun 2011 05:25 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: LUMINOUS HUMANOID Location: Sevilla, Spain - October 14, 2000 - night Joaquin Aranda was out hunting in a field near his ranch when he spotted on top of a nearby hill, a luminous figure that as it walked, emitted flashes of bright light. Aranda then told his dog to go towards the strange figure. The animal walked a few paces then ran away into the brush. Lacking options and a little frightened the witness fired a shot into the air. Instead of being intimidated the luminous figure began walking towards the witness. At this point Aranda fired towards the figure that ignored the shot and apparently was not harmed and kept approaching him. Frightened Aranda dropped the rifle and fled from the area. Returning to the scene the next day accompanied by his sons, Aranda found the rifle propped up against a tree, and no tracks or footprints around it. That same night Diego Garrido was driving on the C-421 motorway near the city when as he rounded a curve he noticed a very luminous figure that appeared to be walking along the embankment. As Garrido drove by, the figure lunged towards the car, causing the witness to slam on the brakes. He noticed that the figure had amorphous facial features, with two concaved cavities where the eyes would have been and a small dot in the area of the nose. Terrified the witness accelerated and left the area at high speed. Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero ********** LEAP OF FAITH Location: Putre, Chile - June 27-28, 1974 Young Bolivian student Lucio Quevedo Lazarte was sleeping in his room when a noise coming from the living room woke him up. Going to investigate he was confronted by a man with very short white hair, wearing a tight-fitting shiny black outfit that ended in a closed turtleneck. On his arm he wore a bracelet and his hands were enclosed in dark gloves. He also wore a strange metallic belt with several sphere and rhomboid shaped object clinging from it. Lucio at first thought that the stranger was a thief and begged him not to steal the curtains. The entity answered him by saying: "I could changed that what you call a curtain for something of more value." At that moment the humanoid took out of his belt one of the rhomboid shaped objects and placed it in front of Lucio's face, at this time Lucio lost consciousness. Later he woke up from a kind of trance and the stranger had already gone. He went back to bed and covered himself completely even though he was unable to sleep after that. The next day, Lucio woke up in his bed stiff, pale and unable to move. A local police doctor attended to him and concluded that he had some type of virulent disease. He woke up around noon, seemingly returning to normal. Around 1500 he suddenly got up from bed and climbed up on top of a bunk and proceeded to jump out the window. His brother Julio saw him and ran quickly to assist him, but to his surprised he could not find Lucio anywhere, not a trace of him. The police were called and they searched for him throughout the afternoon. Around 9:00 pm a scream was heard: "He is here!" Everyone ran to the location and found student Donato Perez on the ground with Lucio lying directly on top of him. Donato explained that he saw Lucio being accompanied by two men that upon seeing him dropped him to floor and vanished. Lucio's clothing was dirty, and his shoes stained with grayish volcanic sand. During a medical examination it was discovered that his fingertips had triangular shaped scars on them. A couple of days later he was able to recall what happened and remembered that as he fell out of the window two short humanoids grabbed him and took him flying to the nearby Taapaca Volcano. There they entered a landed object and inside he saw additional humanoids (not described). Later the same 2 short humanoids took him back and that's when Donato saw him arriving. In the area around the Volcano investigators found several ground traces. Source: Cristian Riffo ********** ABDUCTION / REFUEL Location: Iron Mountain, Michigan - 1972 - 10:50 pm The witness was driving out of the parking lot of his foundry job when he noticed an object flying about 100 ft in the air above a junkyard. He noticed 4 lights, 2 red and 2 green. Suddenly it shot a bright beam down onto several of the wrecked cars in the junkyard, shut it off, and proceeded east repeating the same thing. The object then stops to hover above some trees and bushes. The witness drove closer to the object and realized it was a giant round disc shaped craft. There was a dome-like structure on the top with a giant pane of glass with 2 creatures standing. One pointed towards the witness car, turned to the other and immediately the glass was covered by some kind of barrier so it simply looked like a disc with a dome. The witness then stood directly under the object where he saw a mesmerizing red light that had an extremely tranquilizing effect on the witness. The underside of the object had a slight lip around the edge. Crisscrossing the belly were what appeared to be some kind of tubes or I-beams, which passed through to each of the lights resembling a "cross" or plus sign. Eventually, the witness heard a whine like an electric motor starting, and then silence set in. The lights then became more intense, while four globes beneath the object began to send off what looked like bolts of lightning. Out of nowhere and completely encircling the disc, came a coil, which looked like it was made up of overlapping scales, like fish scales, roughly spherical in shape and about 12 inches at the widest. The disc then rose cleared the top of the foundry roof and preceded slightly northeast, it momentarily turned its lights off as it glided across a street. The craft then stopped and disappeared. The witness then suddenly found himself back home. Years later the witness remembered being lifted up on a beam of light and being inside of the disc. There he met the same two beings he had seen previously. One of the humanoids was about 4-½ ft tall, the other 4 ft. Their skin was kind of iridescent gray and they had large eyes, no ears, or mouth. They had 4 fingers on each hand with a tiny suction cup-like on each finger. Inside the object everything was metallic with sky-blue seat cushions. The humanoids seemed to lack what we would call substance, rather like a holographic image of one kind or another. He was told telepathically that they had needed electrons from the iron in the junked cars, which they needed as fuel. The witness could not remember how he left the object. Source: Michigan UFO Central ********** FROM INSIDE THE GLOBE Location: Cincinnati, Ohio - October 2, 1966 - 8:20 pm Mrs. Everett Steward was talking on the telephone when she smelled a foul odor in the room. She went to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she saw an oval shaped object with portholes & red, green, & white lights revolving around it. It was 75 ft in diameter & 100 ft up. She woke her husband, who also saw it, and called her married daughter, Mrs Janet Emery, a mile away; the Emerys also saw it, and a neighbor with binoculars could see that it had square windows glowing yellow. Janet went outdoors & saw the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvered while the first UFO took off southward. The red ball flew 75-100 ft over Jane's head; it was oval, and its underside was shiny like aluminum foil; it was "bigger than my cottage and yard combined." She also smelled the garbage like odor. Mrs. Steward went to bed, the odor still in the house. After some time, the room was filled for an instant with brilliant white light; then this vanished, and a globe of light about 21" in diameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside this globe were 5 "non-human, hairless heads" with oval, sunken eyes. "Instead of noses, there were slits, and they had no mouths." Telepathically, they repeated several times "We have made contact." Mrs Steward screamed, and the globe disappeared. She was so disquieted by the experience that she was under psychiatric care for the next 2 years. Source: Leonard Stringfield ********** "...SO MANY LESSONS TO LEARN" Location: South Dakota (no specific location) - November 30, 1994 - late night The witness was returning home from her sister's funeral and was very exhausted. She began to see shadows and movement on the road ahead and stopped at a rest area. She turned off the engine and layback to sleep. Her next memory was of looking down at herself in the car, her head was back, eyes shut and mouth wide open. She could see some type of craft next to the car and some beings were holding something that directed a beam of white light into her mouth. The beings spoke among themselves, saying, "That she had many lessons to learn." The beings said that she had to get cancer, and kept repeating the phrases about "so many lessons to learn." She found herself talking to a being that had soft tanned skin. The beings were humanoid with large eyes, but no hair. Next she found herself in the car and drove home arriving at 3:00 am. The witness did indeed develop breast cancer and was operated. She apparently recovered. Source: Claude DiDomenica |
Fortean / Alternative News: Anomaly Over Virginia, Scary E. Coli Strain and Talking Monkey Posted: 04 Jun 2011 03:10 PM PDT Strange Anomaly Caught While Photographing Moon MUFON CMS - 12/2009 - Virginia: The date and time are pretty much forgotten, but that information will be in the picture data. I was trying to take a photo of the moon, using a Nikon D60 Gold Edition 10 megapixel camera. As I didn't want to shake or jar the camera, I used the timer button to take the picture so my button pushing wouldn't shake the camera. I had it on manual setting, except for focus, so I had a longer shutter opening than normal. I stood next to the camera as it did its job, watching the sky, the moon, etc. At no time during my time outside did I see anything at all besides the moon in the sky. I had no idea that a strange spot of blue light was in the picture until I came inside and loaded it into my computer. Upon zooming in on the object, it appears as though it is an object of some kind, not a star. Oddly, when the object is magnified, it seems to take on the shape similar to the space ship that was wrecked at the beginning of the movie "Alien". What motions it had are totally unknown, as I did not see the object while it was being photographed, as though it were invisible to the human eye. (There was simply nothing in the sky besides the moon as far as I could see). All the info you require below for the witness agreement can also be found in this section, so I'm not going to waste time filling it out. Either it is something that can be explained or it can't. Either way, you DON'T need this huge volume of information. ********** Giant Jellyfish in the Mississippi Sky MUFON CMS - 3/6/2003 - Mississippi: I was awakened by the telephone. It was my mother, a 20 year special ed teacher, calling. She was very upset and wanted me to go outside and see if I could see anything in the sky. I was talking to her as I walked outside and looked around the sky. Looking to the northeast it was unmistakeable. A huge Jellyfish or squid looking object was in the sky. I was immediately scared as I knew it was no flying object manmade. The object was huge. It had 8-10 long tentacles is the best way to describe it. They where waiving back and forth and had lights going up and down them. I would say the object was no more than 5-10 miles high. I went and woke a friend who was staying at my house and we both sat and watched as what appeared to be little craft flying in and out of the largest craft. I was almost brought to tears as I watched and knew that we in fact were not alone. My mother called the sheriff station and was only laughed at. My mother was approx. 4 miles away from me and we talked on the phone as we both witnessed this event. The Jellyfish made no maneuvers other than the tentacles waving back and forth until just before sun up. As the sun rose the lights on the tentacles began to pulsate brighter and the craft slowly faded from sight. That night made me a firm believer in life from outside our planet. It was a very scary event, as well as a life changing event. I have searched intensely on the internet to find a video or picture of what I saw. If you know of such media, please let me know at the email I have provided. Thank you. ********** Township mob burns 'talking' monkey as witch guardian - A monkey was pelted with stones, shot at and burned to death in a South African township because residents believed it was linked to witchcraft, an animal welfare agency has said. A mob chanted "Kill that witch!" as the vervet monkey was put in a bucket, doused with petrol and set on fire, according to witnesses. Children who witnessed the killing last week were said to be traumatised. One resident, Tebogo Moswetsi, admitted he had captured the monkey as it sought refuge up a tree in Kagiso, west of Johannesburg. "I was curious to see this monkey that people claimed could talk, and when I saw a group of people chasing after it, I joined them," he told South Africa's Star newspaper. "When it went up the tree, I climbed after it and brought it down because I was curious as I found it unbelievable that a monkey could talk. "I feel guilty. I shouldn't have taken it down from that tree. I dropped it down after someone poured petrol on it. I had no choice." Moswetsi added: "Someone struck a match. [The monkey] got out of the bucket and dropped down dead. They continued throwing stones at it." Cora Bailey, manager of Community Led Animal Welfare (Claw) in South Africa, was alerted by a local resident and arrived at a scene of "sheer criminality". She said: "We just got there too late. What was incredibly sad is that there were so many little children in the crowd – some of them very traumatised. "There were youngsters literally laughing in my face. But there were older people who were devastated by it. Everyone was saying sorry. While I was talking, the monkey was burning behind me." Bailey said there is a "dreadful superstition" about monkeys and witchcraft in some communities, fuelled by ignorance that the animals can become separated from their troops or displaced from their natural habitats. "We deal with this kind of situation on a very regular basis. We usually manage to do crowd control so the monkey doesn't come to any harm." Bailey said she was horrified by racist comments that have appeared online in reaction to the incident. "Every time this happens, it's people in the community who call us. Cruelty to animals is not a racial thing. I've worked in townships for 20 years and there are good and bad people in all communities." *********** Mysterious creature discovered in Sichuan A mysterious creature was spotted recently in a villager's home in the Dujia Village of Tianhui Town (天回镇度假村). The young animal, described as looking like a mixture between a dog and a mouse, is covered in gray fur and has a large tail. A Chengdu Commercial Daily reporter who observed the animal sleeping on the open palm of one of the village residents, described it as "just around 10 cm long. Its pinkish skin is covered in light gray fur, its four limbs are short and stocky, the five toes on each paw all have nails, and its hair-covered tail is longer than half of its body length. And on its head, apart from its two unopened eyes, the most remarkable feature is its pointy and upturned nose." Wu Kaiquan, who found the animal five or six days ago in his house, said that there were two of the animals, but that the other left the house for the nearby bamboo forest, where it was recaptured. An animal enthusiast who heard about the mysterious creature believes it to be a masked palm civet. Nearby residents recall that two or three years ago, other young masked palm civets were also discovered in the area. Another of the species was discovered over a year ago in Suining's Daying County. Tianhui Town is located between Chengdu's north Third Ring Road and High Speed Ring Road. - gochengdoo ********** E. coli strain is 'scary' The E. coli outbreak that started in Germany is getting bigger and a lot scarier. Ten countries have reported a total of 1,614 severe cases to the European branch of the World Health Organization as of early June 2. Thousands more have no doubt fallen ill with less severe symptoms. On June 1, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported two cases (both travelers) in the U.S. of infection with the strain, called EHEC 0104:H4, and is asking state health departments to be on the lookout for more. It is still the early days in the outbreak but as a science journalist, I have three main questions for which I would really like to find a few answers. 1. Where did this rare EHEC 0104:H4 strain come from? I'm not talking about which country it came from but rather how did it develop? Given how quickly and how widespread the outbreak started, I'm particularly interested to learn if any particular industrial agriculture techniques—like liquid manure spreaders—were involved? 2. Why are adults (and particularly women) being more severely affected than children or the elderly? Perhaps this is just a fluke—for instance, women probably eat more greens than men. Or is there some underlying biological reason—such as an overly robust inflammatory response to the infection called a cytokine storm, as has happened in other toxic E. coli outbreaks? 3. What is the likelihood that this new EHEC 0104:H4 might pick up even more genes that confer resistance to antibiotics? Part of the reason this strain is deadly is because it has picked up the genes to make two different deadly toxins (one that causes bloody diarrhea and the other that attacks the kidneys). And the Robert Koch Institute in Germany has determined that EHEC 00104:H4 strain is also resistant to 14 different antibiotics. Fortunately, it is still susceptible to two of the carbapenem antibiotics (imipenem and meropenem). I shudder to think what would happen if EHEC 0104:H4 picked up the genes that confer resistance to carbapenems, which are drugs of last resort for gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli. As Maryn McKenna reported in "The Enemy Within" (preview) back in April, carbapenem resistance genes are now proliferating around the world and have already spread to a few strains of E. coli. Given how frequently severe E. coli outbreaks have occurred in recent years, it seems like only a matter of time before we have an E. coli outbreak that is both extremely deadly and completely immune to antibiotics. - scientificamerican ********** Rats on the a plane A flight crew checking the cabin of a Qantas plane before takeoff found rats in a compartment holding medical equipment, grounding the plane for more than a day, a spokeswoman said Thursday. Crews did a visual check of the plane Tuesday afternoon and found no more rats or any damage. The rodents had been in a cabinet holding a defibrillator. The plane returned to service Thursday morning. Passengers had not yet boarded the Sydney-to-Brisbane flight and were instead put on another plane. A Qantas spokeswoman called the incident "very unusual." She declined to be named, citing policy. But Scott Connolly of the Transportation Workers Union told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio on Thursday that members have had concerns about hygiene and sanitation on Qantas flights. The spokeswoman denied that was the case. "This is a very irregular occurrence," she said. Qantas, Australia's national carrier, has experienced a series of troubles in recent months, including an engine explosion and forced landings. Earlier this week, a Qantas flight from Dallas, Texas, to Australia made an unscheduled stop on a Pacific island after pilots feared they might run out of fuel because of strong headwinds. The Qantas spokeswoman said the airline was committed to the route – which is new and one of the world's longest for Boeing 747 jets. ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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