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- Follow Up: The UFO Chase...and a Shattered Life
- Fortean / Alternative News: UFO Attacks Farmer, Urban Miner and Man Robs Bank For Jail Healthcare
- Videos: Bigfoot, Bear, Human or ?
Follow Up: The UFO Chase...and a Shattered Life Posted: 22 Jun 2011 01:17 PM PDT Since my recent post The UFO - Ohio Police Chase of 1966, I was directed to the following information by a relative of Portage County Sheriff's Deputy Dale Spaur, one of the police officers who was involved in the chase: HE CHASED A FLYING SAUCER, NOW HIS LIFE IS SHATTERED The Cleveland Plain Dealer Sunday, October 9, 1966 by John De Groot RAVENNA (AP)--In his world of loneliness and twisted nightmares, Dale Spaur wonders if the nightmare will ever end. It began six months ago with "Seven Steps to Hell" and ended with a flying saucer named Floyd. In the predawn hours of a gentle April morning, Portage County Sheriff's Deputy Spaur chased a flying saucer 86 miles. NOW THE STRANGE craft is chasing him. And he is hiding from it, a bearded stranger peering past the limp curtains of a tiny motel room in Solon. He no longer is a deputy sheriff. His marriage is shattered. He has lost 40 pounds. He lives on one bowl of cereal and a sandwich each day. He walks three miles to an $80-a-week painters job. His motel room costs $60 a week. The court has ordered him to pay his wife $20 a week for the support of his two children. That leaves Dale Spaur exactly nothing. THE FLYING saucer did it. "If I could change all that I have done in my life," he said, "I would change just one thing. And that would be the night we chased that damn thing. That saucer." He spit the word out, "Saucer." An obscenity. "MY ENTIRE LIFE came crashing down around my shoulders," he said. "Everything changed. I still don't really know what happened. But suddenly, it was as though everybody owned me. And I no longer had anything for myself. My wife, my home, my children. They all seemed to fade away." Spaur's wife Daneise now is alone with her two children. She has filed for divorce and is working as a waitress in a bar at Ravenna. "Something happened to Dale, but I don't know what it was," she says. He came home that day and I never saw him more frightened before. He acted strange, listless. He just sat around. He was very pale." "THEN LATER, he got real nervous. And he started to run away. He'd just disappear for days and days. I wouldn't see him." "Our marriage fell apart. All sorts of people came to the house. Investigators. Reporters. They kept him up all night. They kept after him, hounding him. They hounded him right into the ground." "And he changed." Then one night, Dale came home very late. He isn't sure what happened. He walked into the living room. There were some other people there. Things were very tense. Very confused. HE GRABBED his wife and shook her. Hard. He kept shaking her. It left big ugly bruises on her arms. He doesn't know how or why... Chief Gerald Buchert (left), Deputy Dale Spaur, and - Dispatcher Robert Wilson were hounded by the press - after the incident. That was the end of July. Daneise filed assault and battery charges. Dale was jailed and turned in his badge. A newspaper printed a story about the deputy who chased the flying saucer being jailed for beating his wife. When he got out of jail, Dale ran...left town, turned his back on everything. BUT THE SAUCER followed him, locked in his dreams. In Ravenna, Daneise can only say, "Dale is a lost soul. And everything is finished for us." In Solon, Dale said, "I have become a freak. I'm so damn lonely. Look at me...34 years old and what do I have? Nothing." "Who knows me? To everyone I'm Dale Spaur, the nut who chased a flying saucer. My father called me several weeks ago. A long time ago we had a fight. I hadn't heard from him for years. Then he calls me." "DO YOU THINK he called to ask how I say 'I love you, son... To see if I wanted to go fishing, or something? Hell, no. He wanted to know if I'd seen any more flying saucers." "I tried to go to church for help. I went to church and the minister introduced me to the congregation. 'We have the man who chased a flying saucer with us today,' he said." Dale Spaur wept as he told what the flying saucer named Floyd had done to him. He calls it Floyd because he saw it once more while he was still working for the sheriff's department. THE RADIO operators knew civilians were monitoring their broadcasts. So they agreed to use a code name if the flying saucer was seen again. They called it Floyd...Dale Spaur's middle name. Dale was driving east on Interstate 80-S one night in June [1966]. He looked up. There it was. "Floyd's here with me," he whispered into the radio. Then he parked the car and sat there, alone. This time Barney Neff was not with him. Dale did not look out the window. He lit a cigarette and stared at the floor of the cruiser. He sat there for nearly 15 minutes...not looking outside, not wanting to see Floyd. WHEN HE LOOKED up, Floyd had disappeared. Yet it still follows him. And it has ruined his life. THIS he believes. ----- OHIO DEPUTIES CHASE, LOSE BRILLIANT UFO The Cleveland Plain Dealer Monday, April 18, 1966 by Douglas Bloomfield Portage County Bureau RAVENNA--Hundreds of persons in two states reported seeing a "brilliant and shiny" object over eastern Ohio early yesterday. Two Portage County deputies chased it 86 miles. Portage County Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur said he and his partner, Deputy Sheriff W.H. Neff played tag with the mysterious object from 5 a.m. near Ravenna to 6:30 a.m. on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. Police Chief Gerald Buchert of Mantua saw the object and photographed it in front of his home. He showed a print of his picture to the Plain Dealer but said the Air Force told him not to release it or permit photographs to be taken. BUCHERT DESCRIBED it as "round when I looked straight up at it, but when it moved to the left--I feel like an idiot saying this--it looked like a saucer, like two table saucers put together." The photograph showed an object with a very dark bottom and a very light top. Each half seemed to resemble a saucer seen from the side. The lighter top "saucer" was upside down. Spaur described the object as about 40 feet wide and 18 feet high. He said he clocked it at speeds up to 103 mph as they chased it from Randolph Township to Conway, Pa. A BRILLIANT beam of light from the object lit the area. Spaur said, "It was so bright, even with the sun coming out, it stood out. Its lines were very distinct," he said as he used the bell of a flashlight to describe the object. "We were close, closer than I ever want to be again," he told the Plain Dealer. "I know nobody's going to believe it but its true." Spaur said all his former doubts about UFOs were removed. "Somebody had control over it. It wasn't just an object floating around. It can maneuver. The only sound was a steady, faint humming like an electrical transformer when we first spotted it," he said. The sound was inaudible as the deputies chased the object, they added. AT CONWAY, PA., Spaur said the object began hovering and was "going for altitude, straight up." After watching for about 20 minutes, he and the others went inside the police station to telephone U.S. Air Force officials he said, and when they came back outside the object was gone. The Federal Aviation Agency's Air Traffic Control Centers at Oberlin and Pittsburgh said they spotted no unknown objects on their radar early yesterday. ----- Cops Chase UFO - 'Seven Steps To Hell' Enigma Solved Excerpts from the original story ....Deputies Spaur and Neff were checking on a car parked alongside U.S. 224 between Randolph and Atwater. The car was filled with radio equipment and had a strange emblem painted on its side, a triangle with a bolt of lightning inside it. Above the emblem was written, "Seven Steps to Hell." Behind them they heard a strange humming noise and turning, said they saw a huge saucer shaped craft rise out of a woods and hover above them, bathing them in a warm white light. Then it moved off. Leaving the mystery car behind, never to be seen again, the two deputies hopped into their cruiser and chased the object, sometimes at speeds of more than 100 miles an hour. The chase finally ended when the cruiser ran out of gas near Pittsburgh. They said the craft they chased was about 50 feet across and 15 to 20 feet high with a large dome on its top and an antenna jutted out from the rear of the dome. Now here's the break in the case after 40 years... "Seven Steps To Hell" is an unofficial tab {used in Germany as a "badge of honor"} under the 7th's "Pyramid Of Power" patch. A lightning bolt would have been added by a Military Intelligence Unit. The 7th Army's Headquarters is still located at Stuffgart-Vaihingen, Germany. Now you have to ask what are they doing in the states? Well, a reserve Military Intelligence Unit The 353rd Comm Recon Co (Scty) of the 7th was moved to Pennsylvania in 1954. Was it one of the fabled Nazi Discs? Perhaps they were tracking a true alien craft. The eyewitness accounts and new information uncovered by Frank Riccardi of Eyepod.Org attest to the fact that the 7th was there, with their radio equipment. Whatever the craft was the United States Military was tracking it and had arrived shortly before Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur, and Special Deputy W.L. Neff arrived on scene. Full story, photo of the patch, and relavent links pertaining to the actual existance of the patch are on site at Eyepod.Org. This explains the harassment of the witnesses and the Military's quick move to orchestrate a full cover-up. Dale Spaur of course suffered the most... Here we are almost 40 years to the day... - NOTE: there is another link of interest at Strangers in the Night - In 1966, Ohio cops chased a UFO into Pennsylvania. Then the government got involved, and things got really weird....Lon | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: UFO Attacks Farmer, Urban Miner and Man Robs Bank For Jail Healthcare Posted: 22 Jun 2011 02:41 PM PDT Farmer hospitalized following UFO encounter Koiremba Kumam, a 31-year-old farmer, claims to have been hospitalized after an encounter with a UFO in Manipur, India. The Assam Tribune reports that the alleged incident took place on the afternoon of June 15th. According to the witness, he was shooting video of a fish farm with his cell phone when he suddenly saw the UFO in the sky. He claims that the UFO sped towards him, resulting in an electric shock that rendered him unconscious. After regaining consciousness, he returned home. His family took him to the hospital where he was treated and released the same day. But in the article published by the Assam Tribune yesterday, Kumam said he had not yet fully recovered from his UFO encounter. Critics of Kumam's video footage suggest the UFO was nothing more than a glitch in the camera resulting from shooting directly into the sun. However, there has been no official explanation for this UFO, or for the physical reaction claimed by the witness. - openminds Click for video ********** Argentina: Researcher Challenges Official Commission Over Ituzaingó UFO Source: Diario Popular (Argentina) Date: 06.19.2011 Scott Corrales - Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology Argentina: Researcher Challenges Official Commission Over Ituzaingó UFO By Sebastián Aranguren The enigmatic sequence of UFO cases recorded in recent times over Ituzaingó in Western Greater Buenos Aires has led ufologist Luis Burgos to launch a challenge against the recently created Comisión de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CIFA), urging it to discuss the chain of events that now numbers dozens of witnesses in that sector of Greater Buenos Aires. The Ituzaingó events resulted in a flurry of media coverage which brought to light the manifestations of strange, unidentified flying objects plowing the nation's airspace without any official clarification on the bizarre situation. From the organization he leads – Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Burgos was among the first ufologists to popularize the subject by reporting on a series of phenomena taking place in precisely the area that now concentrates the attention of scholars, journalists and curiosity-seekers, and which he dubbed "The Western Corridor" (Corredor del Oeste, in Spanish). In the preliminary investigations he has performed, as he advised Expedientes Secretos, the cases occurring at Ituzaingó are not necessarily framed within manifestations of alien intelligence, but rather "the possibility that they may be U.S. or Israeli experimental aircraft." Speaking in a personal capacity rather than as director of his UFO research organization, and RADIO, the researchers' collective that he presides, Burgos railed against CIFA, believing that the specialized commission must "at least issue an official communiqué about what's going on in Ituzaingó." In conversation with Expedientes Secretos, Burgos stated that the current wave of cases detected over Ituzaingó began last March and noted in this regard that the two and a half months elapsed since the first sightings merit "an explanation or at least information" on the cases on the part of the organization constituted by elements of the Argentinean Air Force and ufologists of national renown. Instead, Burgos remarked: "we are faced with absolute silence...if we have a phenomenon occurring as close at hand as Ituzaingó, and a research commission engaged in these matters, why it has not become involved in the situation cannot be understood." The official silence noted by Burgos has given rise to speculation that the unidentified flying objects in Western Greater Buenos Aires "are triangular super-secret aircraft" whose design and operation Burgos attributes to the United States and Israel. What is taking place in Ituzaingó, in Burgos's opinion, "may go beyond a conventional phenomenon with UFO characteristics." In other words, he said "it may be placed within both a terrestrial and extraterrestrial context, and the Commission should account for it." ********** Urban miner An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold. Raffi Stepanian, 43, has begun crawling around the New York 'Diamond District' on his hands and knees, plucking jewels and fragments of precious metals from between the slabs. Armed with a pair of tweezers, Mr Stepanian, an unemployed diamond setter from Queens, claims to have collected $1,010 (£623) worth in the past fortnight. "I'm surviving on it," he said. "I may be about to trigger a new gold rush on the streets of New York," Mr Stepanian said. "The soil in the sidewalks of 47th street are saturated with the stuff". Mr Stepanian's haul so far has included chips of diamonds and rubies, bits of platinum, and gold fragments from watches, earrings and necklaces. He has sold most of his discoveries to metal refiners or diamond sellers, while keeping some gold with a view to melting it down for future use. Mr Stepanian said that his surgical inspection of pavement cracks had been so fruitful that he had taken 25lb of soil from the area home with him to sift later on. "Being in the jewellery industry for 26 years, it was second nature to spot glistening fragments on the floors and in elevators," he said. Click for video **********
Man robs bank to get medical care in jail Some people who need medical care but can't afford it go to the emergency room. Others just hope they'll get better. James Richard Verone robbed a bank. Earlier this month, Verone, a 59-year-old convenience store clerk, walked into a Gastonia, N.C., bank and handed the cashier a note demanding $1 and medical attention. Then he waited calmly for police to show up. He's now in jail and has an appointment with a doctor this week. Verone's problems started when he lost the job he'd held for 17 years as a Coca Cola deliveryman, amid the economic downturn. He found new work driving a truck, but it didn't last. Eventually, he took a part-time position at the convenience store. But Verone's body wasn't up to it. The bending and lifting made his back ache. He had problems with his left foot, making him limp. He also suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. Then he noticed a protrusion on his chest. "The pain was beyond the tolerance that I could accept," Verone told the Gaston Gazette. "I kind of hit a brick wall with everything." Verone knew he needed help--and he didn't want to be a burden on his sister and brothers. He applied for food stamps, but they weren't enough either. So he hatched a plan. On June 9, he woke up, showered, ironed his shirt. He mailed a letter to the Gazette, listing the return address as the Gaston County Jail. "When you receive this a bank robbery will have been committed by me," Verone wrote in the letter. "This robbery is being committed by me for one dollar. I am of sound mind but not so much sound body." Then Verone hailed a cab to take him to the RBC Bank. Inside, he handed the teller his $1 robbery demand. "I didn't have any fears," said Verone. "I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police." The teller was so frightened that she had to be taken to the hospital to be checked out. Verone, meanwhile, was taken to jail, just as he'd planned it. Because he only asked for $1, Verone was charged with larceny, not bank robbery. But he said that if his punishment isn't severe enough, he plans to tell the judge that he'll do it again. His $100,000 bond has been reduced to $2,000, but he says he doesn't plan to pay it. In jail, Verone said he skips dinner to avoid too much contact with the other inmates. He's already seen some nurses and is scheduled to see a doctor on Friday. He said he's hoping to receive back and foot surgery, and get the protrusion on his chest treated. Then he plans to spend a few years in jail, before getting out in time to collect Social Security and move to the beach. Verone also presented the view that if the United States had a health-care system which offered people more government support, he wouldn't have had to make the choice he did. "If you don't have your health you don't have anything," Verone said. The Affordable Care Act, President Obama's health-care overhaul passed by Congress last year, was designed to make it easier for Americans in situations like Verone's to get health insurance. But most of its provisions don't go into effect until 2014. As it is, Verone said he thinks he chose the best of a bunch of bad options. "I picked jail." - yahoo ********** Kid hit by taxi regains sight A cheeky Grade 1 pupil can see properly again - courtesy of being hit by a taxi! Gerhard van der Merwe, 7, had very limited sight in his right eye until he was hit by a taxi in front of his parents' house in Parys Avenue about about two weeks ago. Now he can see everything. He had been wearing glasses since the age of nine months and could only see with the aid of strong lenses. "Doctors always thought he had very bad eyesight because I am diabetic and injected myself with insulin during my pregnancy. He could barely distinguish light and dark with his right eye," his mother, Gretha van der Merwe, said. Gerhard, a pupil at Baillie Park Primary School, and his 12-year-old sister Nadia were crossing the road to call a worker when a taxi hit him. "He didn't see the taxi approaching from his right and walked right in front of it. He was flung about 12m through the air. Nadia was walking behind him. We were afraid that he was dead," said Gretha. But he only hurt his eye and had mild concussion. Pinched nerves It now appears that Gerhard's bad eyesight may have been due to pinched nerves. "In hospital he kept telling us he could see. He had to get stitches in his right eyelid, and it was swollen. So we thought he meant the swelling was subsiding and that he could distinguish light again. But he kept saying he could see," his mother said. An eye specialist tested Gerhard and said he could read "from the largest to the very smallest letter on the chart". Dr Gideon du Plessis of the Eye Institute in Pretoria on Tuesday confirmed that Gerhard had extremely defective vision in his right eye. He had not examined the boy recently and would not comment on the possibility that the accident had contributed to his improved eyesight. "There have been treatments and the situation had started turning around and improving. He was two years old when we treated him the first time and it had definitely been improving," Du Plessis said. Gretha said Du Plessis will see Gerhard on a follow-up visit during the July holidays. For Gerhard, who is very fond of fishing and "Bulletjie" rugby, the best thing is not to have to sit right in front in class any more. "He says that is where all the naughty kids ought to sit. - news24 ********** 'Phantoms and Monsters' Amazon Users and Kindle Readers First off, thanks for subscribing and reading. I truly appreciate your loyalty. 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Videos: Bigfoot, Bear, Human or ? Posted: 22 Jun 2011 10:39 AM PDT I noticed an unusual video from 2008 posted by Sharon Lee at The Bigfoot Field Reporter that shows 'something'. In light of the upcoming Sanger Paranormal 'Bigfoot evidence' press conference and being only 3 years removed from the 'Georgia Bigfoot Hoax', I thought I'd present these videos for your interpretation. Supposedly this creature was in a forested area near the Pennsylvania / Ohio border. Click for video - Western Pennsylvania forest creature sighting Click for video - Western Pennsylvania forest creature sighting 2 This next video is most likely computer enhanced...though it is creepy. I have interviewed witnesses who claim to have seen very similar entities. What do you think? Click for video - Shadow creature caught on camera ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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