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- 'Bigfoot Face Plant' Press Conference Falls Short
- The 'Place of Many Dead' - Devil's Lake, Wisconsin
- Fortean / Alternative News: New Crop Circle, 55ft 'Blob' Washes Up and Woman Wakes / Dies At Own Funeral
- Sasquatch Group Footprints Discovered in North Central New Mexico
'Bigfoot Face Plant' Press Conference Falls Short Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:19 PM PDT The much anticipated 'Bigfoot Face Plant' press conference called by the Sanger Paranormal Society on Thursday, June 23rd at 4 pm PDT in Fresno, CA was, in fact, a mere whimper in spite of the hype. It wasn't exactly a Biscardi 'Bigfoot in a freezer' production though the overall Bigfoot community will most likely be dealt a another blow in public opinion thanks to the rudimentary display proffered by the Sanger Paranormal group. It sincerely pains me to make these comments...Jeffrey Gonzalez is a colleague who has supplied leads and stories to me in the past. But I am troubled by what I witnessed. I feel that I need to be particularly honest when it comes to the search for this cryptid...especially since I had a personal encounter with one of these hominids and know that it does exists. Bigfoot could be a terrestrial creature, a supernatural entity or a multidimensional doesn't really matter. But I know it is real and dwells in some capacity.
The new evidence was touted as "Potentially the Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot Since the Patterson Film of 1967". wasn't. The consensus from Bigfoot researchers I talked to and who watched the press conference is that the creature in question was a California Black Bear. There was no DNA evidence presented because, it was stated, the cost for testing was too high. Gonzalez announced he is seeking donors to supply funds for further examination...though I have been told that at least one research group offered to pay for testing but was turned down by Sanger Paranormal. If this is indeed a fact, then one must wonder if other motives are already in play...for instance; potential investors. This is just speculation but the tone of the press conference sounded very similar to others I have observed. The media advisory also stated "We have an full upper body impression including half of its face on the passenger side window of a pickup truck. And on the driver's side window, the nostrils, nose and lips of a Bigfoot" Most of the photos were presented at the conference though the better photos were reserved for the media of which I was able to obtain by another associate.
The Sanger Paranormal team was said to consist of: 1. Is an award winning High School Principal with a Masters Degree, Formerly a Science Teacher and a former investigator for 2. Correctional Officer for 19 years and is Employed at a prison in California. Was featured on a Episode of Monster Quest titled" the Sierra Sasquatch". 3. Is a employee at AT&T Telephone. Associates Degree in Electronics. Founder of the (this is Jeffrey Gonzalez) Also, a 14 year Forensic Specialist who is friends with 2 of the people mentioned above was called out to come and take photos and swab For DNA.
This forensic specialist, in fact, works for the police department. He may have swabbed for DNA but he is not an expert in light of the fact that he made comparisons to animal physiology in his presentation. He attempted to line up the evidence with facial features of a black bear, mountain lion and a gorilla in order to make a point that the smudges were that of a hominid species...though he did not discount that it may also be a bear. Members of the press heading for the exits early At that point, the credibility of the exhibition started to go south. In fact, the streaming video showed many of the media gathering their equipment and heading for the exits. I stayed online for the remaining portion of the pitch even though it was apparent that there would be no tangible physical or anecdotal evidence. It will be interesting to read and hear the fallout from this demonstration as it most likely will be remembered as just another chapter in the 'Bigfoot Side Show'.
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The 'Place of Many Dead' - Devil's Lake, Wisconsin Posted: 23 Jun 2011 12:47 PM PDT ![]() Devil's Lake of Wisconsin has its share of geological oddities such as glacier scratches on unusual rock formations and petrified sand waves of an ancient sea, but it is the Amerindian mounds that are especially interesting. Three major effigy mounds are located in Devil's Lake State Park. One in the shape of a bear and another, which resembles a lynx, are at the north end of the lake. A bird-shaped mound is at the southern end. Did the moundbuilders wish to acknowledge real animals or phantom creature forms that haunted the shores of Devil's Lake? From nearby Baraboo (three miles north of Devil's Lake), stories were circulating in the seventies of giant ghost elephants. Or were they mastodons? August Derleth, author and follower of H. P. Lovecraft, likes this area of southcentral Wisconsin because he felt it contains "Cthulhu power zones." During the summer of 1970, campers at Devil's Lake complained of shadowy "somethings" prowling around their tents. Department of Natural Resources personnel stated that no bears are found in the area. However, Bigfoot accounts are well known from Wisconsin. Devil's Lake is also the location of an 1889 lake monster report. Additionally, the surface of the lake is broken with the ghostly wake of a phantom canoe seen in the mists of cold, still nights. The place does have an aura about it. Folklore tells of an Indian maiden and her lover leaping to their deaths. In general, the site is said to be a "place of many dead." When the first missionaries arrived in the Devil's Lake area they where greeted by the Nakota Tribe, who told them about a year in which the area experienced a great drought. During this drought the Nakota Tribe remained near the swiftly drying lake, not only because it was the only source of water for miles, but also because it drew animals from all over to its shores in order to drink, providing the tribe with a stable food source. As the summer drew on and the drought continued to lower the lakes levels it eventually became two lakes, separated by a shallow strip of mud which ran through the middle. One morning the Nakota people awoke to find what they could only describe as a huge, fish like creature trapped on the strip of mud which now divided the two remaining bodies of water. The tribe described the large creature as having a long neck, small head and wide body that it thrashed and wiggled in an attempt to free its self. After several days the creature was able to free its self and slip into the deeper of the two remaining pools of lake water. Researchers tend to vary in opinion as to what the Devil's Lake Monster might be, some have suggested a form of giant fresh water octopus while others have looked to a more familiar face in the lake monster world, suggesting it may be a plesiosaur that found its way into the lake after the last Ice Age. Either way what ever the Devil's Lake Monster is, or was, there has been no real sightings of the creature for some time, leaving some to speculate what ever the creature was may be long gone by now. ----- ADDITIONAL HISTORY - THE DEVIL'S LAKE MONSTER Some say that this octopus-like beast was responsible for an untold number of deaths, but the Nakota Indians tell a tale about a struggling creature which is uncannily similar to the allegedly extinct Plesiosaur. Located in Sauk County, Wisconsin, Devil's Lake is an eerie, mist shrouded, body of brackish water, Carved by glaciers during the last ice age, this bluff quarantined lake could generated a deep-bone chill even if it weren't the alleged home of a pair of vicious aquatic monsters. Originally known to the Native American Nakota Sioux's as "M'de Wakan" — roughly translated as "Mystery" or "bad Spirit" Lake, although some insist that it simply means "sacred" — this stretch of deep, cold, salt-infested water has been known by many names over the centuries But it wasn't until white settlers finally claimed the land in the middle of the 1800′s that the lake finally gained its current appellation: "Devil's Lake." It is a name, which residents claim, the lake lives up to. One of the earliest legends involving the creature of Devil's Lake revolves around a Native American Indian chief who assembled an expedition of young warriors to go on a late night hunting trip on the fauna fertile lands across the lake. The full moon reflected off the night blackened waters as the young men and their leader slipped the canoe the water and began their late night trek. Suddenly, a flurry of tentacles ripped through the surf, capsizing the canoe and pulling the thrashing, terrified men beneath the brackish water. Although no one survived this ill-fated expedition, their screams alerted fellow tribesmen, who rushed onto the beach and were able to bear witness to this horrific event in grisly detail due to the moon's lingering glow. The surviving warriors of the tribe, in order to pay homage to their fallen brethren — as well as appease what they believed to be the demon of the lake — held a festival every year, during which gifts and animal sacrifices were thrown into water. The tradition continues to this day, although nowadays the annual event is treated more along the lines of an annual picnic that celebrates tribal legends and traditions. As if a colossal octopus-like beast weren't more than enough monster for one body of water, when the first Christian missionaries arrived on the shores of Devil's Lake they were greeted by the Nakota tribe who told them about yet another creature that was revealed in the year of the great drought. The Natkota's remained near the swiftly drying lake, not only because it was the only water source for miles, but also because the animals upon which they fed were forced to expose themselves in order to drink, providing the tribe with an ample — and relatively simple to hunt — food source. As the summer progressed the lake grew smaller and smaller, until it eventually became two lakes, separated only by a shallow strip of mud, which ran through the center. One morning the Nakota's awoke to find what they described as a huge, fish-like creature, which they referred to as "Hokuwa," trapped on the narrow, muddy strip of exposed lake bed. The tribe watched as the apparently amphibious animal, which they described as having a large body, long neck and small head thrashed and writhed in an effort to free itself from its drying perch for days. The sight filled the Nakota with both awe and terror and not even the bravest warrior dared to approach the creature, which they believed it to be an Unktizina — the vile progeny of the evil spirit Unk and the lizard beast known as UNKCEGI — for fear that the spirit's wrath would bring on even greater hardships than just the drought. Eventually the animal was able to free itself and (presumably) make its way back into the deeper portion of the lake. - | ||||||||||
Posted: 23 Jun 2011 10:12 AM PDT Coat of Arms Crop Circle in Wiltshire An intricate crop circle resembling an ancient coat of arms has appeared in a field overnight. The remarkable formation was snapped at West Woods, near Marlborough, Wilts, by crop circle expert Lucy Pringle. Mrs Pringle, of Petersfield, Hants, said: "The area is flown over regularly and this creation was definitely not there the day before I photographed it. "It has a resemblance to a Cross Clechee with arms spreading out gradually from the centre. This cross denotes knowledge, guardianship, and dominion. "Similar to the Cross Toulouse, it is assumed that the bearer of this cross was a crusader from the area of Toulouse." Mrs Pringle said the new formation is the latest in a long line of strange designs to crop up in the UK over the years. Previous patterns have included stars, triangles, birds, complicated three dimensional shapes and even designs with hidden mathematical codes. ********** 55ft 'Blob' Washes Up In China You'd need a big portion of chips to go with this. A gigantic sea beast measuring 55ft has been discovered washed up on a beach in Guangdong, China. It was found wrapped in fishing lines, leading locals to suspect that fishermen cut it free from their nets because it was too big to haul in. The creature is too badly decomposed to be positively identified by sight, but it's thought to have weighed around 4.5tons. Despite the carcass's extraordinary smell, it's proved to be quite a big draw for people living in the area. Three marine biology experts — Scott Baker of Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute, Bill Perrin, from the National Marine Fisheries Service, and Bob Brownell, from the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration's Fisheries Service – were all shown photographs of the creature by Live Science. Their conclusion is that, based on its throat grooves, the creature is a whale. Mr Baker told the journal: 'Judging from the reported size of 55 ft, it's maybe a fin whale. From the photo, however, it does not really look to be 55 ft, and so might be a smaller balaenopterid, like one of the "Bryde's" whales.' He added: 'We all hope somebody collects the bones and a tissue sample for genetic analysis as recovery of whale carcasses is rare along the coast of China.' - dailymail ********** The call of the weird: In praise of cryptobiologists Last December an 8-second amateur video went viral. Shot in remote northern Tasmania, the blurry footage featured a long-tailed mammal trotting across a meadow with an oddly stilted gait. According to the film-maker, Murray McAllister, the animal was a Tasmanian tiger. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is a wolf-sized marsupial predator that has been presumed extinct since the last known specimen died in Hobart zoo in 1936. Yet despite its apparent demise, reports of Tassie tigers refuse to die. Hundreds of sightings, many from seemingly credible observers, have been recorded, both in Tasmania and on the mainland. When I saw the video there was something vaguely familiar about it. Then it hit me: the animal moved like a red fox. I'd raised a fox as a boy in the western US, and they have a peculiar way of trotting. Soon, others were saying the same thing. Then a faecal sample McAllister collected was analysed for its DNA: it was a red fox. McAllister has been searching for the Tasmanian tiger since 1998. Though he might not describe himself as such, he is a cryptobiologist, a chaser of mythical, mysterious or supposedly extinct species. Cryptobiologists are a diverse lot, ranging from conventional scientists to eccentrics far from the mainstream. All share a dream of discovering elusive or unknown creatures unrecognised by conventional science - and with it their share of instant fame. Everyone knows about fabled creatures like Nessie and Bigfoot, but cryptobiologists actually chase a far larger menagerie of exotic beasts which they collectively term "cryptids". Some, like the Tasmanian tiger, clearly once existed. Others, such as giant vampire bats, conceivably might exist, having somehow escaped the attentions of conventional scientists. The third category, oddities such as the Jersey devil and the mothman, are strictly on the fringes. The more credible side of the cryptobiology crowd can be a pretty serious lot. Some, such as tropical ecologist David Bickford of the National University of Singapore and Aaron Bauer, an evolutionary biologist and herpetologist at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, are respected mainstream scientists. Bickford has discovered a number of previously unknown species, including a bizarre lungless frog that lives only beneath waterfalls in Borneo. The most committed cryptobiologists spend big sums of their own money to finance their quests. Being outside the realm of traditional science, they don't usually have a choice. For example, the late Grover Krantz, a physical anthropologist at Washington State University, invested around $50,000 for a light aircraft, infrared heat detector and other expensive gear in a decades-long search for Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest. But for mainstream scientists, being a cryptobiologist isn't easy. Some have paid for their efforts in more than money. Roy Mackal, a dedicated chaser of Nessie and mokele-mbembe, an aquatic dinosaur that supposedly lives in the Congo basin, was booted out of the biology department at the University of Chicago; few if any dispute that his cryptid-seeking was the chief cause. Others endure sneers from their colleagues, a loss of credibility and even academic isolation. Why tolerate such treatment? "The search for the fringe and fanciful captivates many people," says Mike Trenerry, a biologist with the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management who uses automatic cameras to search for rare beasts. "We want to believe there is more out there than what we already know about." And the truth, of course, is that even in the 21st century, the natural world is still brimming with mystery. Tropical biologists commonly find that half or more of the insect species they capture in the rainforest canopy are new to science. Undiscovered fish and other species are frequently found in the deep sea. Up to half of all the plant species in the Amazon are still scientifically undocumented. Not all of the new discoveries are small or obscure. The Mindoro fruit bat, discovered in the Philippines in 2007, has a 1-metre wingspan. The same year saw the discovery of a venomous snakein Australia and a large electric ray in South Africa. And despite the misfire of the recent Tasmanian tiger video, there are many Lazarus species that have been rediscovered after having been presumed extinct. Until 1951, the Bermuda petrel had not been seen by scientists for 330 years. The Javan elephant, okapi, coelacanth, mountain pygmy possum, venomous Cuban solenodon and giant terror skink were also erroneously consigned to oblivion. The Laotian rock ratMovie Camera, discovered in 1996, is now the sole known representative of a rodent family that was thought to have vanished 11 million years ago. The Wollemi pine - the only known survivor of a 200-million-year-old plant family - was discovered in 1994 just a stone's throw from Sydney, Australia. It is the Lazarus species, perhaps more than any other cryptid group, that most inspire cryptobiologists. They give them hope by revealing that nature is still very much shrouded in uncertainty. From the coelacanth to the mountain pygmy possum, Cuban solenodon and giant terror skink, even dramatic species are sometimes wrongly presumed to have vanished. So we should celebrate the intrepid efforts of cryptobiologists. Yes, they chase bizarre creatures and flit around the fringes of conventional science, but we ought to appreciate their adventurous spirit rather than be disdainful. - newscientist ********** Dead Buddhist spiritualist in death meditation Amazing video - Dead Buddhist spiritualist in death meditation - A monk could not be cremated because his followers believed he was still alive. ********** Woman dies of heart attack caused by shock of waking up at her OWN funeral A woman died from a heart attack caused by shock after waking up to discover she had been declared dead - and was being prepared for burial. As mourning relatives filed past her open coffin the supposedly dead woman suddenly woke up and started screaming as she realised where she was. Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia. Devastated husband Fagili Mukhametzyanov, 51, had been told his wife had died of a heart attack after she'd collapsed at home suffering from chest pains. Mr Mukhametzyanov said: 'Her eyes fluttered and we immediately rushed her back to the hospital but she only lived for another 12 minutes in intensive care before she died again, this time for good. 'I am very angry and want answers. She wasn't dead when they said she was and they could have saved her.' Hospital spokesman Minsalih Sahapov said: 'We are carrying out an investigation.' - dailymail | ||||||||||
Sasquatch Group Footprints Discovered in North Central New Mexico Posted: 23 Jun 2011 09:32 AM PDT Since much of the recent crypto-news has been centered around supposed Sasquatch evidence, the following article crawled in under the radar: Sasquatch Tracks of Two Adults and a Juvenile Found Near La Queva Creek in Glorieta, New Mexico My companion and I, after learning that the New Mexico State Police had looked into a report from campers about strange sounds and huge footprints near La Queva Creek in Glorieta, New Mexico, found a series of huge footprints in the area and followed them for approximately three quarters of a mile over varied mountain terrain until they faded out on an extensive rock outcropping. The prints consisted of three sets from three distinct individuals. Two were of the typical Sasquatch type: splayed toes, wide heel and forefoot with the typical mid-tarsal break. The third was of an apparent juvenile and of the same general shape, but perhaps ten inches long by four inches wide from heel to toe, with the splayed toe area slightly wider. The two apparent adults varied in several respects from each other. One apparent adult had feet measuring about 17 inches long by six inches wide and of uniform appearance from toe to heel. Dermal ridges were absent from all three individuals in the two day old mud. The seventeen inch prints were compressed into the aluvial soil in spots perhaps three inches deep and varied in depth according to the soil consistency and the apparent activity of the individual. The other apparent adult set of prints were approximately fourteen inches long and about five inches wide. The right foot of this individual showed evidence of severe healed trauma. This print was curved inward and of a sickle shape, presented itself consistently over the whole range of prints, and generally, when the individual appeared to be standing in a stationary pose with the smaller individual cradled between the adult individual's legs, appeared less impressed into the soil as if the individual had been favoring this limb.
Five distinct areas of grouping were found, two behind large trees, one behind an earthen embankment, and one in a brushy ravine. The indiviual leaving the largest prints was consistently separated from the other apparent adult and juvenile in these groupings by about twenty feet and consistently in a forward position, uphill from the other two. In two distinct, open areas evidence of "playing" or "frolicking" was evidenced by the confused nature and large number of prints left by the apparent juvenile member of the group. In these areas slipping and sliding is apparent in the distortion of the prints. In these groupings the smaller apparent adult was positioned in a stationary position facing the large grouping of "frolic" prints left by the apparent juvenile. The larger apparent adult left prints facing away from the other two individual approximately twenty to thirty feet away and uphill from this group. No noises other than normal forest noise was noted while following these tracks by the investigators, nor were any out of place smells noted although on one occasion the two Rottweilers accompanying us barked furiously in the direction of the heaviest part of the forest and cowered between our legs for the rest of the walk back to the road. This was approximately one hour after discovering a large, dead cottonwood slab with its softer, inner parts torn and shredded away leaving an eight foot slab resembling a dugout canoe or a medium wooden sater trough. At this area I tried some "tree knocking" to see if there might be a response. There was not, and nothing notable occurred until the cowering of the Rottweilers, a breed known for its courage, not for timidity. No conclusions can be, or are drawn from this apparent evidence in the form of footprint trails through the woods of the Sangre De Christo Mountains in Northern New Mexico other than something heavy with huge human-like bare feet left prints over a large area in the vicinity of La Queva Creek in Glorieta, New Mexico. No evidence seems to exist in the logs of the New Mexico State Police even though numerous residents of the area related that two State Police cars were parked by the side of the La Queva Creek Road for several hours on, or about the afternoon of June 10th in the same area as the author and his companion found the series of footprints described here. - by bonobomichael - Yahoo! Contributor Network ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() ![]() Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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