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- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 41
- Fortean / Alternative News: NASA Dawn Approaches Vesta, DNA Proves Shrunken Head Lore and Alien Abductions
- Sanger Paranormal's Face Print: Not It's 1st Bigfoot Evidence Claim to Fame
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 41 Posted: 16 Jun 2011 12:14 PM PDT The following are previous humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide: ALIEN PUTTY Location: Terrace, British Columbia, Canada - late February 1970 - early afternoon An unidentified second grade boy was returning to school from his lunch hour when he encountered a strange little figure, about his own height (under four feet), near a clump of trees in a field. The figure had a greenish toned skin color and was in bare feet. Nearby was "round thing" from which the boy assumed the entity had emerged, although he had not seen this happen. The entity "jabbered" at the boy in an incomprehensible language, then removed an object from a belt around his waste that looked like some type of "gun," from it he squirted a kind of putty substance into the palm of his hand, which the boy noticed had "long fingernails" (claws?). He handed the substance to the boy who, confused by what was going on, began to move away; when he turned to look again, both "man" and object had vanished. He later confided the story to one of his teachers; he was questioned and asked about the "putty", which they boy showed him; yellowish in color and flecked with green, it was about one-eighth inch thick and the size of a golf ball, quite hard in texture. The boy put the object in his pocket and as he was about to go off, the teacher noticed it on the ground nearby; it seemed to have definitely shrunk in size. The boy put it back in his pocket and the last any saw of it. Source: John Magor, Canadian UFO Report ********** IT WALKED TOWARDS ME Location: Southern Illinois - 3/1995 - 1:15 a, I was on my way home from work driving down a country road with a gravel pit on one side, and forest on the other. In my headlights, I saw something in the clearing between the forest and the road. At first I thought it was a deer, I slowed down in case it started to run into the road. As I got closer, I noticed it was walking on two legs. My first thought at this point was that there was a car accident from up ahead, and this person was looking for help. At first I was confused, an animal or person. As I approached and lowered my window, I realized that it was not a person or animal I got goosebumps which lasted for about 30 seconds. It stood as high as may car, it had a very thin body, covered in a white or semi-transparent material. The legs and arms were very thin and long. The head was slightly larger than a human, with black eyes, no nose, and a slit where the mouth would be. It moved in an erratic manner as it entered the road, then it turned, saw me and began walking toward my car with an almost spider-like walk. When it got to within 5-7 feet on the driver's side, I got really spooked, and drove away. As I drove away, I kept thinking that there was a car accident ahead. There was nothing, and that is the time I realized that something really weird was happening. For the next week I had a hard time making a logical decision as to what I had seen. I told my wife several days later, and she said that I had been acting different. Source: Witness report ********** HUGE BLACK HUMAN-LIKE BIRD Location: San Antonio, Texas - 4/19/2009 - evening I was talking on my cell at the end of my sidewalk by the street when I turned around facing my house and saw this huge black human-like bird thing gliding without a noise coming from the east maybe the distance would be like three streets over but about maybe five blocks down. When I saw this I was stunned and stared at it trying to figure out what it was and then I realized it wasn't anything I've ever seen. I ran into the house and yelled at my husband and my grown son to get out here quick. They came but seemed like forever and they looked and saw it too. When they saw it the thing was like the a few streets over and then disappeared behind the big trees. When we saw it we all said that no one would believe us; but I have recently been talking about it because it has bothered me so much. I've lived in this neighborhood all my life and I can remember three UFO sightings since I was five and all the sightings were in this neighborhood or around Stinson Field airport. I never came forward about them because people think you've lost your ever loving mind until recently when others I've spoke with shared their experiences. I have other stories but this one is the most recent and I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this thing. It is silent like it was a glider but I could see the body was exactly like a man a very large man. Source: Witness report ********** LONG HAIRED CREATURE Location: Dundonald Hill, Ayrshire, Scotland - Summer 1994 - morning Josephine Aldridge was walking on the hill with her two pet Labradors, when suddenly the two animals went berserk, running around in circles growling and snapping at the air before finally sinking to the ground with their tails tucked beneath them. Then Josephine saw a "huge creature" which appeared some distance to the side of her. It did not seem to be solid as Josephine could see the grass of the hill through its body, but it was covered in "longish, charcoal colored hair." It made no indentations on the grass. Its eyes were two long slits, which glowed a bright red, it had two holes where the nose should have been, and very thick lips, and it stood well over ten feet on two legs. Terrified the witness began to pray, the creature after a few moments slowly faded out of sight. She left the hill in a hurry, and not to far behind, her two whimpering dogs. Source: World of The Strange - UK ********** FLOATING HEADS / GLOWING GREEN EYES Location: Putnam County, New York - August 13, 1988 - night On Upper Magnetic Mine Road, Harold Egeln and a friend were looking around when Harold's friend decided to meditate. Harold walked away and looked towards the nearby reservoir, he noticed what looked like large and glowing slanted green eyes in large, hairless heads, floating through the woods many yards out. There were five. He could not see their bodies, only their heads. Calling out to his friend, she saw them too and they stopped moving. Harold aimed his large flashlight, at which moment the immediate scenery changed, with branches in front them that were not there a split moment before. A barking black dog was getting closer to them, so they ran into their rented car. They rested there for over an hour only seeing a "parade" of raccoons crossing the road in front of them. Source: Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters ********** THE INVISIBLE MAN Location: Tambunan, Keningan, Malaysia - February 18, 2001 - night Yabi Gistubod had been reported missing and was later found sitting in a bush in a stupor. They gave him a medical check up, and he was found to be in good health. He told family members that he had encountered a strange man with a square body, who he believed was an alien. The man wanted him to go to a strange place. The night before he disappeared, he was wearing white and seemed to be floating just above the ground, according to his wife who touched his shirt and saw it turned black. Yabi then passed out. He vanished again on the 20th and was found 11 days later walking towards his home. He had his eyes closed and was communicating in sign language. According to his wife, Yabi became invisible the second night he vanished right before her eyes. Source: UFO Roundup |
Posted: 16 Jun 2011 10:52 AM PDT Dawn spacecraft approaches asteroid Vesta This movie shows surface details beginning to resolve as NASA's Dawn spacecraft closes in on the giant asteroid Vesta. The framing camera aboard NASA's Dawn spacecraft obtained the images used for this animation on June 1, 2011, from a distance of about 300,000 miles (483,000 kilometers). Vesta's jagged shape, sculpted by eons of cosmic impacts in the main asteroid belt, is apparent. Variations in surface brightness and hints of surface features can be seen. Vesta's south pole is to the lower right at about the 5 o'clock position. Vesta is 330 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter and the second most massive object in the asteroid belt. It is also the only large asteroid with a basaltic surface formed due to volcanic processes early in the solar system's history. Vesta is considered a protoplanet because it is a large body that almost formed into a planet. The video presents 20 frames, looped five times, that span a 30-minute period. During that time, Vesta rotates about 30 degrees. The images included here are used by navigators to fine-tune Dawn's trajectory during its approach to Vesta, with arrival expected on July 16, 2011. The Dawn mission to Vesta and Ceres is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. It is a project of the Discovery Program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. UCLA, is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Va., designed and built the Dawn spacecraft. The framing cameras have been developed and built under the leadership of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, with significant contributions by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, and in coordination with the Institute of Computer and Communication Network Engineering, Braunschweig. The framing camera project is funded by NASA, the Max Planck Society and DLR. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena. - NASA ********** Shrunken Head DNA Proves Horrific Folklore True A remarkably well-preserved shrunken head has just been authenticated by DNA analysis, which provides strong evidence that anecdotal accounts of violent head-hunting in South America were true. The study, published in the latest issue of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, marks the first successful effort to unveil the genetic make-up of a shrunken head. "The shrunken heads were made from enemies' heads cut on the battlefield," co-author Gila Kahila Bar-Gal told Discovery News. "Then, during spiritual ceremonies, enemies' heads were carefully reduced through boiling and heating, in the attempt to lock the enemy's spirit and protect the killers from spiritual revenge." Kahila Bar-Gal is a senior lecturer in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Koret School of Veterinary Medicine. She is also a faculty member within the university's department of Agriculture, Food and Environment. For the study, she and her colleagues used DNA testing and other techniques to examine the authenticity and possible cultural provenance of a shrunken head displayed at the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv. The head remains in an incredible state of preservation, with the deceased man's hair, facial features and other physical characteristics intact. Many shrunken heads are forgeries, with some 80 percent suspected to be fakes. The late 19th through the 20th centuries saw a rise in manufacture of such fakes for profit. The shrunken head at the Israeli museum, however, turns out to be legit. "The shrunken head we studied was made from a real human skin," Kahila Bar-Gal said. "The people who made it knew exactly how to peel the skin from the skull, including the hair," she added, mentioning that it was also salted and boiled. The researchers determined that the skin belonged to a man who lived and died in South America "probably in the Afro-Ecuadorian population." The genes reveal the victim's ancestors were from West Africa, but his DNA profile matches that of modern populations from Ecuador with African admixture. According to the scientists, he was probably a member of a group that fought the Jivaro-Shuar tribes of Ecuador. These tribes also lived in Peru during the post-Columbian period, and were thought to make ritual shrunken heads out of their enemies. Although Kahila Bar-Gal said the DNA could not pinpoint the exact age of the shrunken head, the scientists estimate the individual was killed between 1600-1898 A.D. The early date marks the entry of Africans into the region, while the latter date was when the last major nomadic populations of hunters and gatherers in Ecuador were thought to have existed. Accounts of what happened to shrunken heads after the post-battle spiritual ceremonies vary. There are accounts that the Jivaro-Shuar warriors kept the shrunken heads as "keepsakes or personal adornments," even wearing them at certain times. Leonard Clark, who traveled to the region in 1948, however, said that he saw a shrunken head, called a "tsantsa," used in a ceremony and then stuffed in an old earthenware pot that was placed in the thatched ceiling of the house. "Robbed of its soul, the savagely beautiful trophy no longer had any spiritual value," Clark wrote in a 1953 account. Chuck Greenblatt, a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Hebrew University's Hadassah Medical School, told Discovery News that "the ancient DNA techniques employed by the authors are appropriate and I have no doubt as to the authenticity of their results." Kahila Bar-Gal hopes other museums will consider having certain objects genetically tested, as the method can reveal authenticity and uncover important historical information that may not otherwise be available. - discovery ********** Wichita, Kansas experiences bizarre 'heat burst' csmonitor - The weather is supposed to cool down at night, providing some relief during this blistering heat wave. Not so for the residents of Wichita, Kan. At 12:22 a.m. CDT on June 9th, the temperature was 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius) at a local airport as a thunderstorm hit the area. Twenty minutes later, the temperature rocketed to 102 degrees F (39 degrees C), reported the local NBC affiliate. The weird weather is what's known as a "heat burst" and it was accompanied by wind gusts of up to 60 mph (97 kph). The heat burst was short-lived, however, as the winds and temperatures rapidly spread across surrounding areas. Heat bursts are created when rain hits very dry air high off the ground, around 3,000 feet (900 meters) up in the atmosphere, causing the rain to evaporate. The evaporated rain rapidly cools the dry air, compressing it and making this patch of air heavier than the air around it. The heavy air mass then falls toward the ground, heating as it compresses, eventually hitting the ground as a hot ball of air. A few other recent heat bursts include: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Aug. 3, 2008: The temperature rose from the lower 70s F (20s C) to 101 degrees F (38.3 degrees C) in minutes. Midland, Texas, June 16, 2008: At 11:25 pm CDT the temperature rose from 71 degrees F (21.7 degrees C) to 97 degrees F (36.1 degrees C) in minutes. Emporia, Kansas, May 25, 2008: The temperature rose from 71 degrees F (21.7 degrees C) to 91 degrees F (32.8 degrees C) between 4:44 am and 5:11 am CDT. ********** Indonesian Censors Take Aim at Ghost Themed Films With a Hollywood movie ban already in place, the Film Censorship Board is taking aim at the current mainstay of Indonesian cinema — sex and ghost-themed films. Muklis Paimi, head of the board, known as the LSF, appeared to suggest it would consider banning the popular genres for screening. "We want to use the upcoming Ramadan [Muslim fasting month] as the right moment to suggest that filmmakers stop making low-quality movies with a lot of sex scenes in them," Muklis told Metro TV on Wednesday. "We will not pass any movies exploiting those two things." He advised filmmakers to make movies with educational values. The LSF, he said, also welcomed any filmmakers wishing to discuss the concepts of their upcoming movies. "If they want to make such movies, they have to have a dialog with us first. The current practice is, [filmmakers] only come to us once their movies are finished," he said. He said the current situation posed a dilemma for the LSF. "It's problematic. If we censor the movies too harshly, the movie producers will hold a rally against us, saying that they will suffer material damages if we do not recommend their movies. In the end, it will affect the national film industry," he said. "But when we are being lenient with our censorship, we will receive protests from the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) and the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)," he said. ********** Lost Time in Maryland MUFON CMS - Maryland - 1962: I was about 10 years old & was outside playing in the dirt (with toy horses) and the air felt cool (like early spring or early fall) & I knew that it would be dusk sometime soon but it was still daylight. I felt like I was being watched & I stood up & instinctively looked above me. I was not afraid and just stood there looking. I observed a large disk space ship hoovering above me over our back yard. We lived in a place that used to be farmland, a new development still in the process of building townhouses (3 per building) & most were not complete yet & there were only a few young families who had moved in. The development was also next to a golf course. So it was kind of bare & isolated to some extent. Not many people around to notice a spaceship over someones yard. I just stood looking up at the craft. I noticed that it had 3 big lights... one was a dome light, 2 were underneath & were 2 different colored lights. Then all of a sudden I noticed that I could see through the craft ... it was a disk and the middle was similar to a car steering wheel shape (like 3 spokes with spaces between them) wherein you could see between the spokes & now I noticed that I could see the stars & sky between the spokes. I wondered how that could be. As it was leaving, moving to my right and angleing up I could see it had lighted windows along the inside spokes & outside rim. As the craft moved swiftly up & away (at first like slow motion & then it was gone in seconds) I ran into the back door of the house to tell my mother. The house was not well lit, my mom wasn't inside so I ran out the front door & immediately stopped in my tracks confused that it was dark outside. My mother said what I saw was not possible unless it had been the Sputnik. I am terrified of the movie "Fire in the Sky" & I have only seen brief parts of it... I feel like I am having a panic attack. I did not have any feelings like that at the time of sighting. ********** Abduction Scenario in Athens, Texas MUFON CMS - Athens, Texas - 2/18/2010: I met this gentleman for the first time, well over a year ago. I was in my front yard with a telescope, upon seeing him I asked him to have a look. The next time I see him he relates this story to me. This happened to him in Athens, Texas. At the time we spoke February 18, 2010, the event had just happened approximately ten days earlier. The time of the abduction was 11:00 or 11:30 pm. He was shaking and had goose bumps covering his arms as he was telling me his story. I reported this abduction to another web site but did such a botched job, I felt I had to file it again. Subject got out of a car he was riding in with friends. He was going to walk across a field surrounded by woods to an apartment complex. His reason for not going directly to the apartments was that he did not want someone at the apartments to see him with his friends. As he was crossing the wooded area heading to the field he felt a presents above him. Some how he knew it was a ufo without looking. He started running through the woods to escape. This is when he heard a twitching noise in the bushes in front of him. He turned and ran in a different direction but no mater which way he turned he would hear the same noises ahead. The noises keep him running in a circle. Then he became paralyzed and could only move in a jerking motion and fell to his knees. At this time God told him not to open his eyes. He became weightless for a few moments. Next he was examined with some device that he called a scanner. As it was moved around his head he could hear a buzzing sound similar to a radio being tuned across the band. This devise made his hair stand up as it was moved over his head. As he was relating this to me he was holding both sides of his head as if he were in pain. While in the craft he hears someone say, he is still alive. Then hears someone one else say, I need a transfer then a string of numbers. For some reason he felt that these numbers were very important and related to me that he wished that he could be hypnotized to reveal the sequence. The duration of the time he was abducted was approximately fifteen minuets. He told me that he cried so much that his shirt was soaking wet. The event was so traumatic that he prayed to God that if he made it through the ordeal that he would give his life to God. When he was returned he was standing, his arms outstretched, looking up at the sky. The condition of the sky before the abduction was cloudy, after his return no clouds with the stars clearly visible. I forgot to add this part. He also told me that they scraped his skin, I think he said his stomach. He ask me why would they scrape his skin. I told him that maybe they were collecting his skin cells for DNA. He said they must really like my DNA |
Sanger Paranormal's Face Print: Not It's 1st Bigfoot Evidence Claim to Fame Posted: 16 Jun 2011 09:21 AM PDT The following is Lee Speigel's interview with Jeffrey Gonzalez of Sanger Paranormal in reference to the new Bigfoot evidence announcement. The images were briefly posted then removed from the Sanger Paranormal website. Further down, I have posted another media advisory made by Sanger Paranormal in reference to a Bigfoot evidence claim on July 6, 2009: AOL - by Lee Speigel - California Bigfoot investigators were shocked over Memorial Day weekend when they found strange markings and hair on their pickup truck windows. Now, they're hoping DNA tests will prove once and for all the existence of the legendary man-beast. "On the passenger side window, when I first saw it, I almost threw up," said Jeffrey Gonzalez, an AT&T electronics technician and founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society. Gonzalez and several others were in California's Sierra National Forest searching for evidence to confirm the reality of the creature. When it started to snow at their campsite, they were forced to leave two of their vehicles behind. "Two days later, we came back to pick up our vehicles and that's when we found the impressions," Gonzalez told AOL Weird News, recalling what he and his companions noticed on the passenger window. "Apparently, the creature was looking in the window and left behind dirt and oil on it, leaving such an awesome picture, you can see the nose, the eye, the hair all over the face and the shoulders -- it's creepy, and it's not a bear." Gonzalez and his friends -- including a former science teacher and a correctional officer -- also found a 12-inch footprint at the site. They concluded their hairy intruder wasn't a bear because none of the four ice chests that were filled with food on the back of Gonzalez's truck had been touched. But it wasn't just the passenger side window that presented a surprise -- the driver's side of the truck showed the imprint of a much larger creature, strongly suggesting there were two unexplained visitors to the campsite. "An impression was left of a nose, eyes and lips, but they were extremely large," Gonzalez said. "The lips measured about 6 inches long. You can see that the whole face was full of hair, so when it leaned up against the window, you can see the depth of the eye socket in the glass. "I've shown people -- non-believers -- this photograph and this totally freaked them out." After Gonzalez returned home that day, he called a forensic expert to take DNA samples of the fur or hair that was left around the window impressions. "One of the cautions I have about finding a nose print or anything on the side of a car is that it could be a homeless person, resulting in people letting their imaginations go wild," suggested Loren Coleman, owner of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. "Of course, if you take a DNA sample and it comes back near-human or primate, then it would match both Bigfoot and a homeless person," Coleman told AOL. But what about the addition of the large footprint near the truck where the window impressions were made? "A 12-inch footprint is not too exciting, because it could be a human or bears imprinting on top of each other," Coleman speculated. "In this case, it might not have been a homeless person, but in wilderness areas, there are other hikers and somebody would've naturally put their nose up to the window to look inside the car." Gonzalez is holding a news conference on June 23 at the Piccadilly Inn in Fresno, Calif. "I'll be presenting video of both windows, pictures and live testimony from the people who shared the event with me. We will also have a forensic expert who took DNA samples," he said. Coleman, a long-time investigator of Bigfoot and other legendary creatures that come under the category of cryptozoology, is cautious about the outcome of this kind of news. "You know, I'd be a fool if I didn't say that I'm hoping there's definitive evidence of Bigfoot found. I hope somebody will turn over any evidence to some scientists who could then hold a news conference at a university. "Then people won't doubt what's going on." NOTE: Thanks to Phantoms and Monsters reader Rick Sheen for the heads up! ----- The original media advisory: For Immediate Release *********** MEDIA ADVISORY********** Potentially the Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot Since the Patterson Film of 1967 We have an full upper body impression including half of its face On the passenger side window of a pickup truck And on the drivers side window, the Nostrils, Nose and Lips of a Bigfoot Who: World Media – Please RSVP to We will contact you to confirm your attendance What: No, it's not a Bigfoot in a Freezer and we are not affiliated with those guys in any way. This evidence was captured during an expedition in the High Sierra's of California during the Memorial Day weekend of 2011. There were a total of 5 people in attendance who made the discovery. Three of those people are…………. 1. Is an award winning High School Principal with a Masters Degree, Formerly a Science Teacher and a former investigator for 2. Correctional Officer for 19 years and is Employed at a prison in California. Was featured on a Episode of Monster Quest titled" the Sierra Sasquatch". 3. Is a employee at AT&T Telephone. Associates Degree in Electronics. Founder of the Also, a 14 year Forensic Specialist who is friends with 2 of the people mentioned above was called out to come and take photos and swab For DNA…… This location where the evidence was captured is known for heavy Bigfoot activity And has been regularly visited by the investigators mentioned above. When: June 23, 2011 at 4:00 pm (Pacific) Where: Piccadilly Inn, Banquet Hall 5115 E. McKinley Ave Fresno, Calif. 93727 559-251-6000 fax-559-251-6956 Directly across from Fresno Yosemite International Airport Jeffrey Gonzalez Founder - Sanger Paranormal Society NOTE: On Sunday night, during the 'Beyond the Edge' radio broadcast, I mentioned a media advisory I had just received in reference to the discovery of new Bigfoot evidence that was going to be released in the near future. Since then, a date for a news conference has been set. Jeffrey Gonzalez of the Sanger Paranormal Society issued the release. Even though I do know Jeffrey, I am not privy to any of the evidence other than what is stated in the advisory. Honestly, I don't know what to make of this so I'm just going to post the release 'as is' and leave it up to you...Lon ********** Sanger Paranormal Society States Bigfoot Photo Authentic MEDIA RELEASE - SANGER PARANORMAL SOCIETY - JULY 6, 2009 The Sanger Paranormal Society has confirmed the object that was photographed with a trail camera is not a tree stump or a bear. The team returned on Wednesday July 1, 2009 to the exact spot where the photo was taken. It was verified by Jeffrey Gonzalez, his wife Cheryl, Emerald Bonilla, Investigator for Sanger Paranormal and David Raygoza, veteran Bigfoot investigator. Other photographs were taken by the same camera during that same time period but were not posted because we wanted to see what kind of a reaction we would get from the paranormal field. Many Bigfoot investigators simply said the object was a tree stump or a figment of our imagination. Other said it was a bear standing on its hind legs and / or scratching its behind on a tree. One Bigfoot organization simply said and I quote, "we went to your site but we didn't see anything". But there are several problems with the opinions stated by the public and the paranormal investigators. For example, its not a tree stump because the dark object is no longer there. (see photo's) Another problem with the bear theory is that if you notice the head, it does not have a snout. You can see the features of a human face such as the nose, mouth and chin. The arms on a bear, when standing, do not hang that far down. We also took measurements on how high this thing was. According to the leaves and the branches that were covering the objects face, the tape measure said it was between 8 and 9 feet tall. The same camera that took the picture of the object also took pictures of other animals such as black bear and deer, which does not resemble the object in any way. These cameras were left up in the Sierra National Forest Memorial day weekend and retrieved on June 7, 2009. The memory cards were downloaded that same day on my computer and the memory cards were taken back home with David Raygoza. We did go through the photos on my laptop while we were in the forest but never saw the object until 3 days later. I received a email from David Raygoza telling me to take a look at picture # so and so and look at the top left hand corner. I had all the photos on my laptop so I was able to look at them. David Raygoza has been visiting this location for 6 years now and was told about this spot by an elderly native American. He told David this particular spot in the forest was sacred Indian land and that weird things happened there. David Raygoza has had many individual sightings with many footprints but has never had the shot until now. With examining all the evidence and debunking the tree stump and bear theory, we can honestly say that we have captured a photograph of a bigfoot. I don't care what people are going to say...this is for real……Jeffrey Gonzalez UPDATE: I received this next batch of photographs from Jeffrey Gonzalez taken at the same location as the original photos. There are images from different times during daylight for comparison. Jeffrey points out that the angle of the hill is close to 45 degrees which would make it very hard for a bear to stand upright. As well, he states that there is no stump and that the object is clearly brown in color (not a black bear). Anyway, he promises that his group will continue to investigate the area. Jeffrey Gonzalez states ..."If this bear was walking up the hill on his hind legs, well, I better go find it because it needs to be in a circus. Also, they say it was a tree stump, well, the tree stump grew legs and walked away. They were saying that it was a bear rubbing its ass, what....between the 2 tree's and at a 45 degree angle? Quote me...we have a photo of BIGFOOT!" (click images for larger detail versions) ![]() Photographs of the same location (click images for larger detail versions) ![]() (click images for larger detail versions) ____________________ ![]() ![]() ![]() I received these images from the Sunday June 28th with the following note: Please look top left hand corner. You need to zoom in. Feel free to crop it and clean it up or go to my web site where it's already cleaned up. If you use the picture on this email, please put on there Copyright-David Raygoza. He is a BFRO investigator who was with me and this picture is his property. We are going back this Wednesday to take measurements of the tree and see if there are any tracks or hair samples. I am also going to stand in the same place and have a picture taken. This is not a bear. Look how long the arms are. They go past the knees. Also, the face looks more human than bear. 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