Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Gettysburg, PA Area Bigfoot Sightings
- Fortean / Alternative News: Triangular UFO Over Nashville, Beings Attack Again and Bio-Station Alpha
- Revisting the Westall UFO Incident
Gettysburg, PA Area Bigfoot Sightings Posted: 06 Jun 2011 12:23 PM PDT First of all, I would like to thank those readers and listeners who tuned in to the radio show on Sunday night at Beyond the Edge Radio. We welcomed back former co-host Sean Forker who will be adding what he calls his 'color commentary' to the show. We opened the call-in line and each of us talked about our personal paranormal experiences as well as current alternative news. It really was an enjoyable show! During the show Eric and I commented on separate reports we had both received in the past week that referenced Bigfoot sightings in and around the Gettysburg, PA area. Eric's report focused on a sighting that occurred in Gettysburg...though it does need to be verified since the nature of the sighting was a bit idiosyncratic, let alone that the beast was seen digging through a trash bin and ran off with a KFC bucket. I'll leave that one to Eric! I received a correspondence from a man in Indiana who wanted to remain anonymous. It seems he and his family had spent the past week vacationing in Gettysburg and were on their way home on Friday night (6/4) at around 8:30 pm. From the information I have gathered, he was driving westbound on US 30 (Lincoln Way-Chambersburg Rd) near the intersection of Rt. 234 (Buchanan Valley Rd) on the central eastern edge of Michaux State Forest...approximately 10 mile west of Gettysburg. He noticed that about 40 yards ahead of him a large, tall dark-haired humanoid darted out onto the highway (4 lanes wide) and bound across from north to south into the adjacent woods. He states that it seemed to take only 8-10 long strides in order to cover the width of the highway. He also states that the beast was carrying an object under it's left arm but couldn't make out what it was. He said it looked towards him and he was able to get a look at the face which was lighter in color than the rest of the body. It was somewhat different than Bigfoot images he had remembered seeing...the face and chin were distinctively long. I referred the witness to several Bigfoot / Sasquatch / primate / early human images and asked him to pick out one that closely matched what he saw. The picture is posted below. I plan to get a better fix on the location as well attempt to contact local residents in order to find out if others have witnessed the creature. Though the overall area is known more for ghost sightings and well as the Conewago Phantom reports east of Gettysburg, there have been several Bigfoot reports from Adams County including the following reported to the BFRO: BFRO Reports - Adams County, PA: -January 1998 ? (Class A) - Nighttime sighting by motorists on Route 116 between Gettysburg and Fairfield -October 1997 (Class A) - Bowhunter encounters multiple creatures chasing deer -June 1997 (Class B) - Very loud, extremely powerful howl heard near home -June 1992/1993 (Class B) - Footsteps heard on porch, large dark shadow passes window, near Gettysburg -July 1961 (Class A) - Possible encounter between a juvenile and a human child, near Gettysburg ----- Saturday, November 12, 2005 PENNSYLVANIA BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS By DEBBY HEISHMAN The Public Opinion - Chambersburg, PA For anyone who's ever fled with thudding heart from a shrill nighttime sound or blurred apparition, a recent group of visitors to Michaux State Forest is willing to wager that what's out there is more real than imagined. Bigfoot Field Research Organization last week converged on Caledonia State Park to investigate hollows and hillsides of the surrounding state forest, anticipating an encounter with the elusive mystery, Sasquatch. The organization, known as BFRO, was founded in 1995 and claims the largest database of credible Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings throughout the United States and Canada. Besides collecting data, volunteer members do field inquiries throughout the country. This expedition, BFRO's first in Pennsylvania, was initiated on the strength and number of qualified sightings in Adams and Franklin counties, said BFRO founder, Matt Moneymaker. The Waynesboro Reservoir capers, which had caused a stir a few years back, were already a footnote in the "cases closed" file. Those oversized footprints, Moneymaker said, had long been debunked as contrived. Talk now centered on a 1997 report from an Adams County hunter who told of seeing three large creatures passing quickly through the woods as he crouched on his tree stand above. A dozen or more seekers, some with their own expensive, hi-tech instruments, came equipped for a scientific search. Most came with stories of their own — a never-to-be-forgotten sight or sound that kept them wondering. Michael Greene, a retired fraud investigator, owns a thermal imager, which he'd wired to a digital camera worn at his waist, and a night vision scope. Greene's eerie backwoods experience had occurred many years earlier. "I heard this ungodly loud howl," he said slowly, "unlike anything before. When I heard this same sound later on a recording, my skin went cold. That's how strongly it came back to me." Recordings of sounds attributed to [sasquatches] have been collected for years. BFRO maintains a computer file of more commonly heard vocalizations — from a low moan to a high-pitched whistle — which are useful in the field. Sound is a new tool that Moneymaker believes will be key in getting a response from [sasquatches]. "[Bigfoot/Sasquatch] research is in its infancy here [in the eastern U.S.]," he said. "In the east, it never got much attention; it had a folkloric association." There are informal associations with individuals at northwestern universities, said Moneymaker, but because of the stigma attached to the subject, the group's academic associations are not usually not publicized. On the third night of their vigil, the team set up in a large open tract where they had heard promising evidence the night before. Breaking into four smaller groups, the team kept in touch by radio. Through the heavy, hand-held thermal imager, one pair at a distant point was seen as two clear white clumps under the gray-white stick images of trees. The night was cool and silent, with an occasional barred owl or barking dog raising voice in the distance. Mark Maisel scanned the clearing with night vision binoculars, observing the surreal nature of their quest. "Bigfoot research is considered a pseudo-science," he said. "But our methods are based on scientific method. We're curious. That's why we're out here." Maisel interviews people who report sightings. "I met with a man once who needed a cigarette before he could even talk," he said. "While he was telling me his story, the hair on his arm stood straight up. He was clearly shaken. You can't make up something like that." Paul Mateja, who investigates sighting reports in New York, said he became involved with BFRO after reporting four incidents that occurred to him and his family over a 25-year period in upstate New York. Immersed in the biology of Bigfoot identification, he has kept up a correspondence with primate researcher, W. Henner Fahrenbach of Oregon, who has published works on the Bigfoot phenomenon. Not long ago, Mateja said, his wife heard an awful call at 3:30 a.m. "The sound was so powerful, it shook the windows of our farm house and woke up the neighbors," he said. From time to time, after a signal, one of the crew would bellow into the night, a loud, deep drawn-out call that echoed among the hills. It should have scared up sounds from coyote, birds and deer all across the hillsides, said Maisel, but nothing stirred or called. A recorded scream was played through the amplifier, but as the shrillness faded out, there was only silence. For two nights, there was little to record other than vehicles that frequently hummed along distant roads, shooting lights across the dark woods. Encounter Before the team members had left their campsite for the last night's search, an uncommitted visitor dropped by to meet Moneymaker. Ray Sterner works at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., and in his spare time, he makes maps. His copyrighted relief maps are made available through North Star Publications. Sterner had become acquainted with Moneymaker after learning that one of his maps was appearing unacknowledged on BFRO's Web site. He called to set them straight. Since then, Sterner has prepared the relief maps for BFRO. At the same time, he's disproved two videos that had been submitted as evidence. In one film, what appeared to be a stick thrown across the frame was proven to be an insect that had flown across the lens. "I'm a skeptic," said Sterner. "You need a lot of proof." Sterner and his wife, who live in Carroll County, Md., hike on occasion in Michaux. When he learned Moneymaker would be here, Sterner sought him out. The men conferred briefly, holding an Appalachian Trail map against a tree. Then, huddling at the picnic table with his team, Moneymaker highlighted three possible search routes on the map. Blue marker crisscrossed the black elevation lines printed on the map. "Excuse me," interrupted Sterner. "That's my map you're using. I'll need it tomorrow if I intend to go hiking." Laughter ensued, and Sterner continued. "Could I have your autograph?" With the same blue highlighter he'd been using to route a final search, Moneymaker signed the map and handed it back to Sterner. Before they parted, the two shook hands. NOTES: if any updates or other reports come forth I will post here...Lon |
Fortean / Alternative News: Triangular UFO Over Nashville, Beings Attack Again and Bio-Station Alpha Posted: 06 Jun 2011 10:26 AM PDT Triangular-shaped UFO hovers over Nashville, TN MUFON CMS 0 6/5/2011 - Nashville, TN: I took this photo at the corner of Riverside Dr. and Eastland Ave. in Nashville, TN at 2144 CST on 5 June 2011 with my HTC Thunderbolt Phone camera. There was a large triangular form with lights at each point. It appeared to be massive, over a football field in size. It also appeared to be over the river or close to it. It gained altitude while rotating clockwise and the "faded out" while heading NW. The rear lights faded before the front one. My wife and I were driving home from visiting my parents who are flying to CA in the morning. On our return home we were heading West on Eastland Ave., up a slight hill. My wife points to the left over some trees and I can see something, it turned out to be these three lights. We stopped at the stop sign at the top of the hill and I got out my phone. I notice a car coming behind me, so I turned right and pulled immediately to the shoulder of the road. I got out and noticed that the car behind me stopped and got out too. As I took the photo I realized that at least 7 cars had stopped and were watching. It lasted about 3 minutes from when we first spotted it. I took a quick video as well. After it faded everyone was just in shock and got it their cars and left. We talked to the guys who pulled up behind us, and I showed him the photo I took. We high-fived and left. It was certainly disturbing and everyone was in disbelief. ********** Attacked by the 'same beings' MUFON CMS - 5/14/2011: Same Beings since Sept-2006 usual attack usually once or twice a year. My first attack was Sept-2006. I was on Amtrak enroute to go and work for Homeland Security. I was going to work for US Customs and Border Patrol-Duty Station-Piegan, Montana. Past US Customs ID 194485 Class 626A Sept-2006. My life was threatened on Amtrak Train in Charlottesville, Virginia. A Black Female on the train told me that I was going to die. I did not know the female. I moved to another area of the train and called 911. I was told by the dispatcher to get off the train at the next stop. I got off the train in Charleston, West Virginia. I was afraid to take a taxi from the station so I attempted to walk to a hotel within site of the Amtrak Station. I went out of the back of the station and walked across railroad tracks. I dropped my pillow and blanket on the tracks and began to run. I ran to the left and attempted to make it to a Bridge. I made it to the bridge area and then my mind goes blank. I wake up at another bridge about 1 or 2 miles from where I was at. I do not know how I got to the other bridge. My clothes were still on and I still had cash in my pants pocket. I still had my black bag with all my personal items in it. I was like in Shock. I began walking down the road and some Police Guy picked me up and all I said to him was to please drive me to a hotel. I got to a small hotel across from the Hospital there in Charleston, West Virginia. I was in shock and I sort-of felt like I had been drugged. I felt like I was being hunted by something. All of my Survival Instincts turned on. I did not feel safe in the hotel that I was at. I began calling Family Members to come and get me. They could not come until 2 days later. I was stuck in Charleston, West Virginia for two nights. I was afraid of something that I cannot even explain and I was cautious of other humans. I feel like I was being hunted and tracked. I made a report with Barbara Inselman at Fort Snelling, MN-Human Resources with Homeland Security. I called US Customs in DC and begged them to come and get me! I called my Duty Station in Piegan, Montana-Don Terry whom is now working and Canada and Begged for someone to come and help me. Fact-Something took me from one bridge in Charleston, West Virginia and took me to another bridge about 1 or 2 miles away. My mind is blank-The only physical affect that I have suffered is coming back to NC with Telepathic Abilities. Getting back to my attempt to get to my duty station. I made it back to NC from West Virginia. I re-scheduled and tried again. I had no problems until Amtrak Train 29 DC to Chicago. I could not afford to Fly so I was stuck back on Amtrak attempting to make it to Montana. On train 29 DC to Chicago I felt like I had been drugged. My heart was skipping beats, my mouth dry and numbness in my head and arms and confusion and slurred speech. I called 911 from the train and was taken to a hospital in Chicago. I told the doctor that I felt like I had been drugged on the train and I was en-route to work for US Customs in Montana. The doctor was a white male in his 40's tall brown hair maybe 6'2 190lbs. I overheard the doctor tell someone in the hallway that he did not want HOMELAND SECURITY in there investigating! When I over heard this I knew I was not going to get the care and test that I needed. I signed myself out of the hospital and put my Customs ID on the paperwork-194485 Class 626A Sept-2006. I stayed at a hotel withing walking distance from the hospital for one night and attempted to treat myself. I made it as far as Rugby, North Dakota and called my duty station and told them that I still felt like I was being tracked and hunted and that I felt like I had been drugged. I was told that because I was 2 days late for duty to turn around and go back to NC and start the process over again. US Congressman Patrick McHenry attempted to get me re-instated to my same position but some smart ass from Customs in DC sent back a letter indicating that my travel difficulties were not serious enough to give me re-instatement. I had to call someone in NC and borrow money to rent a car to get back to NC. I had spent everything I had to make it to Montana. I rented a car from Minot, North Dakota-the first rental car place as you walk in the door to the left. They would not give me a car-even though they had a parking lot filled with cars. They insisted that I drive a White Van with Virginia Tags on it back to NC. I found this STRANGE. Before I left North Dakota I called DON TERRY at my duty station in PIEGAN MONTANA and told him the tag number on the Van. I felt like the damn thing was going to blow up and it had been sprayed down with something. I am leaving out details because I am being rushed to get off the computer. I am at a cookout at my boyfriends sisters house. Since Sept-2006 I have been attacked by these beings 1 or 2 times a year. These beings may appear as Shadows, Lights, Orbs, or Grey Like Beings. They have put something in my Right EAR. These beings touch me..they can basically do what they want to me and my own boyfriend is laying beside of me not knowing a damn thing is going on. I can feel when these beings are around and they have been back since Feb-05-2011. These beings can also jump into other humans and their eye color will change. These beings are coming in stages and then leaving. I am having to get off the computer..If there is anyone out in this world that is going through what I am please e-mail me at [email removed/cms/tg] Sincerely, Amy in NC ----- Continued: As I stated in my previous message I never made it to my duty station in Piegan, Montana. I was going to work for US Customs in Piegan, Montana. My past ID is 194485 Class 626A Sept. 2006. I was attacked on Bridge in Charleston, West Virginia and somehow taken to another Bridge about 1 or 2 miles from where I was at. My mind is Blank..I do not know What or how I was taken. Physical Problems since the attack-These Beings put something in my Right Ear and I came back to NC with Telepathic Abilities. Telepathic Ability- I will attempt to explain this- It is like being able to hear other humans in my head without the use of my ears. It is like listening to a Radio and not being able to turn this off. The others that I am able to hear talking in my head have used me like their own ET doll. I mean they have attempted to program me like a computer. They have used the book of war on me. They have attempted to make me go without sleep for days-usually 3 at a time until I go nuts. I finally just got to the point I would take a sleep aid to knock me out. As long as I get sleep I am ok and can function. Some of the speech patterns are familar to me of humans that I know. I have even tested these other humans and gave them my cell phone number and address attempting to get them to make actual contact. These other humans or whatever they are will not do this. So basically I hear them talking about me 24 hours a day other than when I am asleep. Sleep is the only break I get! These others that I can hear have developed some kind of code or use certain words that sort-of clue me in on who they are. These telepathic thing is totally seperate from when I am attacked by the Alien Beings. When I am attacked by the Alien Beings I am physically being attacked. Others may not be able to see the beings but they can touch me. They mess around with my physical body. They have not bothered me since May. These being come and go..They will appear to be lights or shadows-orbs or gray like beings. Problems I have gone through since my return to NC- When I first got back I was in shock..instead of someone taking me to my regular doctor and getting me checked out physically my mother had me thrown into a Mental Hospital. I was TORTURED by FOREIGN DOCTORS. It took me 1 month to get released. My Career in Law-Enforcement was destroyed by this action being taken. I am not Crazy! I have been attacked by these beings and no-one would believe me. I am banned at home from saying the word Alien, Customs, or Montana. I am not allowed to talk about what has happened to me. Basically I am told to just get on with my life and forget. I have been beat up by the cops here in NC-Cherryville City and Cleveland County Sheriff Department and Rutherford County Sheriff Department. Basically someone in my family will go and take out InVoluntary Committment Papers on me and then the Cops chase me down and send me off to a Mental Hospital where they attempt to Kill me by Over Dosing me on Meds. The last attempt to kill me in a Hospital was at Gaston Memorial where they forced meds on me that dropped my BP down to 77/44. If I am sent off to a local hospital it will take up to 2 weeks to get out. If I am sent off to a State Hospital it will take 1 Month. I work full-time as a CNA at Cleveland Pines in Shelby, NC and I will be going to college this Fall at Cleveland Community College in Shelby, NC. I am going back to school this fall for Nursing-RN degree. What I need from you guys is protection-from the Police and from being thrown into Mental Hospitals when there is nothing wrong with me. I need for you guys to move in people around me in this area-Gaston County-Cleveland County-Rutherford county-see if you guys start picking up this Telepathic Thing going on down here. Every time I get thrown into a Mental Hospital the first people I call are the Church Of Scientology in Charlotte, NC and then they make contact with CA or NY. NY has saved my life before from Kings Mountain Hospital where they were attempting to kill me with meds. You may contact me through me e-mail [email removed/cms/tg] I do not have my own computer but I am saving to buy one. I do not have a phone right now because someone broke into my jeep and stole the only 2 phones that I had. PS- My youngest Child was taken from me because I was talking about being attacked by Aliens. Gaston County DSS did this to me Feb-15-2010. I have been fighting to get him back and I will be in Court in Gaston County Tues-at 9:30AM. I am doing all that I can to get my child back and if there is anything that you guys can do to help me I would be very thankful. My youngest son is 16 years old and I have a job and a home for us to live in and there is no reason that I cannot get him back. Sincerely, Amy in NC NOTE: Amy...if you are able to read this, please feel free to contact me. Your story is similar to others. If anyone knows Amy's identify, please forward my message to her...Lon ********** "Bio-Station Alpha" calling from Mars An American 'armchair astronomer' claims he has discovered a strange structure on the surface of Mars while browsing Google. David Martines was scanning Google Mars when he discovered the long white edifice and has even listed the coordinates (49'19.73"N 29 33'06.53"W) so others can see it for themselves. Mr Martines posted a video of the 'station' on YouTube which has been viewed more than 200,000 times. On the video, he talks through the discovery he has named "Bio-Station Alpha". "It's very unusual in that it's quite large, it's over 700 feet (210m) long and 150 feet (45m) wide. It looks like it's a cylinder or made up of cylinders," he says. "It could be a power station or it could be a biological containment or it could be a glorified garage — hope it's not a weapon. "I don't know if NASA even knows about this." NASA and Google have yet to respond to media inquiries. - ninemsn ********** Scientists Find 'Werewolf' Gene Scientists have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for a disorder that causes people to sprout thick hair on their faces and bodies. Hypertrichosis, sometimes called "werewolf syndrome" is a very rare condition, with fewer than 100 cases documented worldwide. But researchers knew the disorder runs in families, and in 1995 they traced the approximate location of the mutation to a section of the X chromosome (one of the two sex chromosomes) in a Mexican family affected by hypertrichosis. Read more at Scientists Find 'Werewolf' Gene |
Revisting the Westall UFO Incident Posted: 06 Jun 2011 08:25 AM PDT By Jewel Topsfield - On April 6, 1966, students from Westall High School and Westall State School claimed to have seen a mysterious metallic flying object hover above them before descending behind trees in Clayton South. Many more say they later saw the perimeter of a perfect circle singed into the grass at the Grange Reserve near Westall State School. The Age reported the next day that hundreds of children and a number of teachers saw the unidentified flying object, which the paper said might have been a weather balloon. The article said witnesses had seen a number of small planes circle around the object - however, a check later showed that no commercial, private or RAAF pilots had reported anything unusual in the area. But despite the many witnesses, exactly what happened at 11am that day in Cold War-era Melbourne suburbia has remained a mystery. Suzanne Savage, who was in form 2 at Westall High in 1966, recalls principal Frank Samblebe holding a special assembly after she and her science class saw a ''classic saucer-shaped object'' descend into Grange Reserve and then disappear into the sky. ''He said he didn't want to hear any more about this nonsense. We were not to discuss it ever again - and so I didn't,'' Ms Savage told The Saturday Age. Ian Cochrane, who was in form 3 at Westall High in 1966, also believes the bizarre occurrence was covered up. Mr Cochrane recalls returning to Grange Reserve the following Saturday to show his mates the perfect circle of flattened grass, only to discover the site had been dug up. ''If you talked about it you'd get nutbags to contend with, or people who couldn't cope, so you just didn't talk about it,'' Mr Cochrane said. What did the students see? Was it a UFO from outer space, a secret military aircraft, a meteorological oddity or an example of a psychological phenomenon, where people were influenced by each other to believe in something they did not really see? Forty-five years later Shane Ryan is still searching for answers. The English teacher has spent the past six years investigating the flying saucer enigma, which he believes ranks alongside the daylight school-based UFO sightings in Broad Haven in Wales in 1974 and Ruwa in Zimbabwe in 1994. ''It's obvious to me people saw something very strange and unusual and somebody in the government didn't really want the story to get out,'' he said. Mr Ryan has interviewed more than 300 people connected to the case, 89 of whom claim they saw a flying saucer and 138 who saw the circle. He said several witnesses told of police and men in military uniforms who cordoned off the landing site and interviewed some students. However, despite extensive searches, Mr Ryan has been unable to find police or military personnel who attended on the day or locate documents that may be held by state and federal government agencies. ''I'm so frustrated that after all these years I can't get an official answer about why the powers that be were there that day and why they didn't want the students to talk about what they saw,'' he said. Mr Ryan's search for the truth is the subject of the documentary Westall 66: A Suburban UFO Mystery, directed by Rosie Jones, which will screen at 8.30pm on Tuesday on the Sci Fi Channel on Foxtel and Austar. The Australian Teachers of Media have also created a study guide around the event, which can be used in the national history curriculum. The study guide says Westall 66 reflects a fascinating and pivotal period in world history. ''With its undercurrent of Cold War paranoia, secret US airbases and a strong military relationship between Australia and America, this story raises questions about the acceptability of cover-ups and untruths delivered by governments in the interests of national security,'' it says. Study guide co-writer Lee Burton says these are themes that have repercussions today. ''This is an example of how we can help students understand an historical event within a local community that occurred in living memory,'' she said. ''My guess is it will be very popular.'' - theage ----- The Day the Earth Stood Still in Clayton South ![]() ![]() heraldsun - Flying saucers, crop circles, missing film, disappearing files, denials, military cover-ups, threats and shadowy Men in Black. It couldn't happen here? Most people would say it couldn't happen anywhere! But more than 100 witnesses to one of the world's biggest UFO mysteries are adamant that it did, in broad daylight in Clayton South on April 6, 1966. And 44 years after the event, many are still fuming that the military they say were swarming around the scene for days have offically denied the incident and no record appears to exist. They say they spent their lives being doubted and want some official acknowledgment that something weird happened above and behind Westall high and primary schools that morning. London's Telegraph newspaper rates it as the fifth-greatest UFO mystery of all time, but another mystery is how little-known the episode is here. A documentary - Westall '66: A Suburban UFO Mystery - premieres on Austar and Foxtel's Sci-Fi Channel at 8.30pm tomorrow. Producers hope it will flush out an official who can say what the military were doing and what they found. Researcher Shane Ryan has spent five years tracking 110 witnesses, many found through an appeal in the Herald Sun in 2006, but could find no military officials, and no record of a military response. But locals remember it vividly, saying it lasted days. The 110 Mr Ryan has found who say they saw saucers include professionals, tradies and a Ministerial Adviser, but not one military official of the time. He says time is running out for them to come clean. "Whatever security concerns there were at the time, they are redundant now,'' he says. A TV crew covered the incident and it screened on the 6pm news, but the film canister from the job was recently found empty in the station archives. Several witnesses say they were warned off speaking by sharply-dressed men in dark suits, in the principal's office and at home. Others recall school threats of detention for UFO talk. But talk there was, and coverage. The Dandenong Journal reported the incident on its front page for consecutive issues and ran interviews with witnesses. Many were school pupils who say they saw flying saucers from their school yards. Some ran to Grange Reserve, where the craft appeared to have come down. Terry Peck, 56, was among them. She says she was playing cricket on the oval, saw the saucer and chased after it to Grange Reserve. "Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance,'' she says. Ms Peck says she saw a silver, classic-shape saucer rise up. "I was about 6m away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it. "We all got called to an assembly ... and they told us all to keep quiet. "I'd absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say 'yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up'.'' Jacqueline Argent, 58, in Form 3 then, says she saw a UFO from the oval and was one of the first three kids over the fence looking for where it came down. "Originally I thought it must have been an experimental-type aircraft, but nothing has emerged like that after all these years,'' she said. She says she was called into the headmaster's office and interrogated by three men: "They had good-quality suits and were well spoken. They said, 'I suppose you saw little green men'? ![]() "I spoke to my parents about it at the time and they were pretty outraged.'' Retired engineer Kevin Hurley, a Monash Uni student then, missed the saucers but saw the aftermath. "There were army or air force people in the area,'' he said. "I'm pretty sure they were going around the area with geiger counters or metal detectors. "I'm not a freak that thinks Martian people are coming. I don't think that kind of stuff, but it's bugged me. "After 44 years, I reckon they need to come clean on this.'' NOTE: you can read more on this incident, including videos and commentary, at The Day the Earth Stood Still in Clayton South...Lon ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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