Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- The 1965 Flynn UFO Encounter - Florida Everglades
- Fortean / Alternative News: Anti-Matter Captured, Bigfoot Watching in Missouri and Death by Flying Bear
- This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio - Steven LaChance and Tim Yancey
The 1965 Flynn UFO Encounter - Florida Everglades Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:46 AM PDT Introduction: On March 12, 1965 James Flynn was camping in the Florida Everglades when he observed an object with a large cone-shaped structure hovering near the ground that was approximately 75 feet wide and 25 feet high. As he approached the object a beam of light struck him in the forehead, knocking him unconscious and temporarily leaving him partially blinded. There were physical traces on trees and vegetation, and animal reactions from Flynn's dogs. Incident: On March 12, 1965, James Flynn of East Fort Myers, Florida, an experienced woodsman, headed deep into the Everglades with his four hunting dogs. He had planned to spend several days there. On the night of the 14th his hunting dogs took after a deer. Later, hearing a sound like a gunshot, Flynn started up his swamp buggy and headed off in search of his dogs. One of his dogs had returned, which he had placed in its cage, and it accompanied him on his search for the others. Around 1 a.m., on Monday, March 15th, Flynn spotted something unusual that he judged to be slightly over a mile away. Whatever it was, it was hovering, shaped like a broad, upside-down cone, an estimated 200 feet in the air above some cypress trees. After a while it began flying off toward the Northeast. After some 2 to 3 minutes, it returned to the same place, and hovered again, this time for an estimated 5 minutes. Then it took off toward the Southwest at a high rate of speed. Soon, however, it returned to the same location again. At this point, Flynn was only about a quarter of a mile away, and the object seemed to come down among some trees into a small knoll. Flynn figured, up to this point, that he was observing a helicopter of some sort, but then he began to study it through a pair of binoculars and he realized that he wasn't looking at a helicopter at all. Then he began to suspect that it was some secret craft from Cape Canaveral. Flynn described the object as some 25 feet high, and twice that in its diameter. Up near the top were four tiers of two-foot-square square window-looking sections that emitted a yellowish glow. The thing was metallic, and seemed to be made of four-by-four plates that appeared to be held together with rivets. Around the base there was an orange-red illumination that seemed to cast a glow on the ground some 75 feet around its rim. Sometime later he regains consciousness. Finding himself initially blind he lays there for a long while until he recovers a small amount of vision in his left eye. By this time, the sun is shining and its Tuesday morning. Flynn gathers up his dogs and makes his way to the home of Henry Osceola, a Seminole Indian who lived there in the Everglades swamp. It isn't until noon Wednesday that Flynn returns home. He and his wife go immediately to pay a visit to ophthalmologist, Paul R. Brown. Dr. Brown finds Flynn's vision 20/800 in his right eye, 20/60 in his left eye. He notes a slight bruise over his right brow. The left eye appeared normal, but in the right eye he could not see the retina. Flynn complained of hearing reduction and numbness in his arms and hands following the encounter. Under careful observation and treatment by Dr. Harvie J. Stipe, a physician who had known Flynn for 25 years, Flynn was treated, and soon those symptoms disappeared. On March 26, Flynn, Dr. Stipe, and two others, returned to the encounter site in the Everglades, and there found a burned circle some 72 feet across. The circle looked like it had been swept clean of leaves, twigs, limbs -- normal forest debris. Eight cypress trees were scorched from their tops down to about halfway from the ground. In October 1966, in a phone interview with Arizona physicist James E. McDonald, Flynn stated that the UFO was probably, he figured, some secret aircraft of ours, and that if he could ever prove it then somebody would pay for the good eye he used to have. In July 1996, Flynn made a rare public appearance at Port Charlotte, Florida, where he stated: "I'm waiting for the day someone turns up the truth about this thing. I hope I live that long." - "The UFO Encyclopedia, The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 1" - Jerome Clark - 1998 ----- On the night of March 15, 1965, James W. Flynn was camping in the Everglades after training some hunting dogs. Shortly after midnight, Flynn saw a brightly lit object descending approximately a mile away. Flynn thought it was a helicopter until he looked at it through binoculars. Thinking it may be some kind of a plane in trouble, or 'some new device from Cape Kennedy' he drove his swamp buggy towards the light, while it was visible through the trees. About a quarter of a mile away, he got out and headed towards the light on foot. As he neared the object, Flynn saw the craft was not a plane, but a large, cone-shaped machine hovering a few feet above the ground. The craft was about 75 feet in diameter at the base and 25-30 feet high. Four rows of ports of windows were visible, with yellow light shining through them. Flynn heard a whirring like 'a diesel generator,' which disturbed one of his dogs 'who was howling in his cage and trying to get out', but could observe no equipment or occupants. After several minutes, Flynn approached the craft, Within 200 yards of the UFO, jumped out of his swamp buggy, stepping into the circle of light and raising his hand as a friendly gesture in case he was being watched. As he did this, the UFO emitted a jet-like noise and a blast of wind that knocked him off-balance. As he continued to approach within a few yards, the UFO emitted a light beam like a welder's torch, striking him on the forehead and knocking him unconscious. Later he told the local newspaper "I felt a blow like a sledgehammer between the eyes, and that's all I know." When he came to hours later, he found himself partially blinded, and a painful bruise was left on his forehead where the light beam had struck. The craft was gone, but there was a charred circular area where it had hovered, and the tops of nearby trees had been burned. Flynn sought aid from an Indian acquaintance who helped him back to Fort Myers. He required medical treatment and had a small dark spot on his forehead. In addition to the painful bruise on his forehead and the effect on his vision, doctors determined Flynn also had an impairment of deep muscle and tendon reflexes, numbness and loss of hearing. During the five days when Flynn was in the hospital, intelligence officers, under the orders of General O'Keefe, phoned him from nearby Homestead AFB. After obtaining a basic report, they informed him they would interview him again when he was released from the hospital. Flynn's doctor found impairment of muscle and tendon reflexes which he believed could not have been faked, and the NICAP investigation concluded that the account of the event was supported by the physical evidence: extensive physical trace evidence was found at the site, including a circular area of burnt sawgrass 72 feet in diameter where the object has been hovering, and burns of the nearby trees. Unfortunately Flynn's encounter came at a time of maximum difficulty for the Air Force, indeed during a major flap in the locality, and they were doing their best to play down the sighting. Attempts were made to discredit Flynn which backfired when many leading citizens, police officers and doctors vouched for him. The Air Force's suggestion that Flynn may have hoaxed the encounter ignored the remarkable ground and tree traces and his own physical impairments which his doctor believed "could not have been faked". In the end the Air Force settled for the somewhat useless statement that, when questioned, they had nothing on their files concerning the Flynn incident. - "UFOs at Close Sight" - Patrick Gross / Fort Myers, Florida News-Press - March 18, 1965 ----- Joan Woodward: Animal Reaction Feature - NICAP Case Directory ----- James Flynn, a rancher of East Fort Myers, Florida, walked into the office of ophthalmologist Dr. Paul Brown in Fort Myers, on Wednesday, March 17, 1965, and asked to be treated. The area around his eyes was red and puffy and he was nearly blind. His right eye looked like a bloody marble. After hearing his story, Dr. Brown notified Mrs. Flynn, who came and took her husband to Lee Memorial Hospital, where he remained for five days. The story told by Flynn is fantastic, but so were his wounds. The following is reconstructed from conversations and correspondence between the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), Dr. Harvey Stripe, Flynn's personal physician, and Flynn himself. On Friday, March 12, Flynn took his swamp buggy, camping gear, and four dogs, and set out for the Everglades, about eighteen miles east of the Big Cypress Indian Reservations. On Sunday night, the dogs jumped a deer and ran off. Flynn whistled and called until about midnight, then started his swamp buggy and headed in the direction in which he last saw them running. An hour later, at about 1 A.M. (Monday), Flynn spotted a huge light in the sky above the cypress trees about a mile away. It moved from east to west and back to its original position four times. The object then settled to the ground and appeared to hover at an altitude of four feet. Flynn drove closer, got out his binoculars, turned out the light on his swamp buggy, and watched it with the glasses. It was an unusual object of between thirty and thirty-two feet tall and twice as big across the bottom (in diameter) as it was high. Eight feet from the top was a row of windows, below which were three more rows of the same size—about two feet by two feet. Around the windows was a black strip, perhaps two inches wide. From the bottom of the lowest row of windows to the bottom of the ship was a distance of about twelve feet. Flynn judged the size by comparing the object with the surrounding cypress trees, which were about twenty-five feet tall. It was cone-shaped, except the top was not peaked but rounded. The whole object appeared to be metallic and comprised of pieces of material four feet by four feet and held together with rivets. The windows gave off a dull yellow light, and the area under the object was lighted by an orangish-red glow. He watched the object for thirty to forty minutes with his binoculars. Flynn was by this time about a quarter mile from the object and decided to investigate further, so he cranked up his buggy and approached it. He got within a few yards of the edge of the light and stopped, switching off his buggy lamp again. The dog he had on the buggy in a cage was so upset it had begun trying to tear out of its cage. Flynn walked to the edge of the lighted area, raised his arm and waved. He got no response, and after waiting an estimated one half minute, he walked about six feet into the lighted area, raised his arm, and waved again. Suddenly a "short beam" of light erupted from just under the bottom of the windows and struck Flynn on the forehead. He lost consciousness. He awoke in the early hours of Tuesday, after twenty-four hours of unconsciousness; although he did not know at the time that he had been unconscious for such a long period. He was lying on the ground behind his buggy, and the dog on the buggy had nearly torn his cage apart. Flynn looked around the area, found a perfectly symmetrical circle of burned ground cover where the object had hovered. Several cypresses on the opposite side of the circle were burned at the tops. He also found marks in the vicinity of his buggy indicating that he had crawled around before he regained consciousness, although he had no recollection of crawling. Weak from his long period without food, Flynn drove his buggy back to his campsite about two miles away, cooked bacon and eggs, and ate them. He then drove to the home of a Seminole Indian friend, Henry Billy, on the Reservation. The going was slow as he had only partial blurred sight in his left eye and was blind in his right eye. Billy offered to accompany him back to Fort Myers, but, with partial sight, Flynn felt he could make the trip alone and arrived there at 4 P.M., Wednesday. He went to Brown's office and it was there that he learned that he must have been unconscious for twenty-four hours instead of just a few minutes or hours; he had lost a whole day. The first consideration in this case is, of course, the integrity of the witness, and James Flynn's reputation was good. He was not a drinking man. He was a rancher who enjoyed hunting in the wilds of Florida's Everglades. This trip was not his first. He had not, prior to his experience, been interested in "FLYING SAUCERS." APRO requested from Dr. Stripe his opinion of Flynn, and what follows is the text of his letter to APRO, dated April 28, 1965: "I have known Mr. Flynn for 25 years and have always considered him a reliable, emotionally stable individual. "I also accompanied him to the site of his observation of the flying object. I have made a few pictures of the burned area, which is not conclusive of anything but a fresh burn and scorched treetops in a perfect circle near the area marked by Mr. Flynn as site of the hovering object. There were also fresh scuff marks on two trees 12 or 15 feet apart in the area underneath the burned circle of trees. The marks were as if a heavy object in a straight line had slid down the trees about 2 feet and there stopped. There was no mark of any kind on the soft dried marsh underneath. No animal, human, or vehicle tracks of any kind. I could not account for those scuff marks." Very Truly Yours, (Signed) H. J. Stripe, M.D. Dr. Stripe's medical report reads as follows: "I was asked to see Mr. Flynn about 48 hours after he was admitted to Lee Memorial Hospital by an opthalmologist, for an injury to his right eye. The eye condition was hemorraging into the anterior chamber of the eye, apparently traumatic. "Mr. Flynn gave a history of being hit by something like a flash of light while approaching an unidentified flying object hovering just above the ground. "I am sure you are acquainted with the account of his observation of his unidentified flying object. When I first examined Mr. Flynn, he had both eyes covered by bandages and I was not able to observe his eyes or forehead. He was alert and cooperative. The physical examination showed a well-muscled, well-nourished male. The heart and lungs were normal. The abdomen was normal. The only abnormal findings were neurological. No paralysis was noted, but the deep tendon reflexes of biceps, triceps, patellas, and achilles were absent. Plantars and abdominal were absent, but cremasterics were present. "Mr. Flynn was observed carefully for several weeks. His reflexes gradually returned over a five-day to one-week period, but returned irregularly. The forehead was finally examined and presented a thickened area just above and medial to the right eye; in the center of this area was a depressed, slightly abraded spot about 1 centimeter in diameter. Very small amount of haematoma was noted across right upper eye-lid. There was never any mental confusion or evidence of HALLUCINATION. "About the fourth day in the hospital, Mr. Flynn complained of hearing reduction and numbness in arms and hands. This cleared in about 24 hours. "When last seen about 16 April 1965, approximately 4 weeks after the injury, Mr. Flynn was again checked. The abdominal reflexes were not present, but all others were normal. The depressed area over the right eye was still present and prominent. He still has a cloudy vision of the right eye. No other abnormal physical or neurological findings were noted." The huge burned area, the scorched tops of 25-foot cypress trees, the scrape marks 4 feet off the ground, all support Flynn's account. - "The Encyclopedia of UFOs" - 1980 ----- Pulsating UFO Lands in Florida Swamp On the night of March 14, 1965, James W. Flynn, who is a rancher and hunting dog trainer, was camped out for the night in the Everglades. Just as he was settling down for the night, his dogs became restive and upset. He looked around expecting visitors, but instead he sighted a bright light silently and slowly descending about a mile away. Thinking that perhaps an airplane had gotten into trouble and gone down, he prepared his swamp buggy for the journey and set out to render aid if needed. He was guided directly to the spot by the glow which continued unabated. This worried Flynn as he expected to find a burning plane and probably injuries or fatalities. He found neither. When about a quarter mile away, he grounded his swamp buggy and continued on foot. Soon he found himself in a large clearing and he wasn't alone. Some twenty yards away he saw a circular, cone-shaped object with a pulsating glow. It hovered just above the ground with a slightly perceptible wobbling motion. He detected, after a bit of study, a sound he could only describe as a hum. He estimated the size at well over seventy-five feet in diameter and twenty-five to thirty feet thick. There were four rows of ports or windows encircling the craft, each emitting a yellow light unlike the color of the craft's overall glow. A partition immediately behind the windows prevented him from seeing any internal details or occupants. For many minutes Flynn just stood there, amazed. He had heard of such things, but, until now, had never really taken them seriously. Overactive imagination, he'd thought. But this was not imagination. It was real. Curiosity overcame fear. He started to approach the craft to get a better look. He never made it. A pencil thin blue light shot out from "somewhere" on the craft hitting Flynn on the forehead "right between the eyes." He was unconscious before he hit the ground. When he regained consciousness, he was partially blind, sluggish, had a terrific headache and a large, sore bruise on his forehead. The craft was gone. Somehow he got his swamp buggy going and got to his hometown of Ft. Meyers, Florida. He was rushed to a hospital for examination and treatment. After he told his story, investigators went back to the spot. They found a large circular spot in the clearing where the ground and grass were charred. The tops of some nearby trees were severely burned. The trunks and limbs of some of the trees were scarred. The Air Force, at that time, normally debunked and belittled UFO sightings and the people who reported them out of hand, but in this instance, they did not reckon with Flynn's standing in his community. On this occasion the Air Force had to partially back off. They only took one shot, that I can find, in that they labeled it by innuendo to be a hoax. Question is, how did Flynn fake the charred circle of ground, how did he burn and scar the trees and, most importantly, how did he self-inflict a bruise of such shape and intensity? One final piece of evidence helped exonerate James Flynn. One of his physical injuries was atrophy of internal muscles. Medical science tells us that one can't be faked; period! - Republican Journal - Belfast, Maine - July 2, 1987 - Glenn Sparks Sources: "The UFO Encyclopedia, The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 1" - Jerome Clark - 1998 Keyhoe, Donald E., and Lore, Gordon I. R., Jr. - "Strange Effects from UFOs" - NICAP - 1969 "UFOs at Close Sight" - Patrick Gross Fort Myers, Florida News-Press - March 18, 1965 NICAP APRO "The Encyclopedia of UFOs" - 1980 Republican Journal - Belfast, Maine - July 2, 1987 - Glenn Sparks |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 09:05 AM PDT Anti-matter captured and stored for record 16 minutes Scientists have trapped and stored antihydrogen atoms for a record 16 minutes, a stunning technical feat that promises deeper insights into the mysteries of anti-matter. Particles and anti-particles annihilate each other in a small flash of energy when they collide. At the moment of the big bang, nearly 14 billion years ago, matter and anti-matter are thought to have existed in equal quantities. If that balance had persisted, the observable Universe we inhabit would never have come into being. For unknown reasons -- and fortunately for us -- Nature seemed to have a slight preference for matter, and today anti-matter is rare. This asymmetry remains one of the greatest riddles in particle physics. But ongoing low-energy experiments with hydrogen atoms could be a key step toward solving it. "We can keep the antihydrogen atoms trapped for 1,000 seconds. This is long enough to begin to study them -- even with the small number that we can catch so far," said Jeffrey Hangst, spokesman for the ALPHA team conducting the tests at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. In the study, published in the journal Nature Physics, researchers report trapping some 300 antiatoms. Scientists used CERN's high-energy accelerator to create the antihydrogen atoms, and then chilled them to near-zero temperatures. The aim is to use laser and microwave spectroscopy to compare the immobilised particles to their hydrogen counterparts. The same team succeeded last year in trapping dozens of anti-matter atoms and holding them in place for a fraction of a second, a world first at the time. But that was not long enough for the excitable particles to settle into the stable "ground" state needed for precise measurements. The new benchmark extended this storage time 5,000 fold, making it possible to carry out crucial experiments. Scientists will now look for "violations" or discrepancies in something called the charge-parity-time reversal (CPT) symmetry. Measurements of trapped antihydrogen are due to get underway shortly, and could yield results before the end of the year. - telegraph ********** Death by flying bear A young Ottawa woman and her friend were killed on Monday night in a bizarre collision involving two vehicles and a bear on Highway 148 in the Pontiac. Police say a vehicle travelling eastbound near Luskville, Que. hit the 300-pound black bear at about 10:30, sending the animal into the opposite lane. The bear was then struck by an oncoming car, sending the animal through the windshield and out the back window. "Add the weight of the bear, about a 300-pound bear, plus the speed of the vehicle, it's a deadly impact," said Const. Martin Fournel, spokesperson for MRC-des-Collines-de-l'Outaouais. The two occupants of the first car escaped injury. However, two people in the second vehicle were killed instantly - those victims have been identified as a 25-year-old female driver from Ottawa and her friend, 40-year-old Steven Leon from Gatineau, who was riding in the back seat. The bear was also killed. - CTV ********** UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock Rick Phillips has posted a thought provoking piece titled Hokum From Beyond? The Galactic Federation Of Light - Speaks. Bookmark the UDCC blog...lot's of interesting information. Lon ********** JOIN SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL Spirit Rescue International invites you to apply for voluntary positions within our organization. Are you interested in the paranormal, have an open mind with a willingness to help others? Openings are available in client support, case research and administrative duties. Internet and medical knowledge a plus. Forward a brief bio and contact information to: Apply at Spirit Rescue International ********** Bigfoot Group Watchful along Flooded Missouri River They haven't seen anything yet, but a group searching for proof of Bigfoot is alert for reports along the Missouri River, where they believe heavy flooding could disrupt the legendary creature's normal comings and goings. "We're definitely going to keep our eye open for more reports that might come in, because the creatures might be a little displaced from all that flooding," said investigator Rachel Luffman with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, "They might be venturing into areas where there are more people, and more people might be seeing them." An online community of some 400 Bigfoot researchers nationwide, the BFRO investigates sightings and looks for patterns. One pattern, Luffman says is clear — where there's water, there's Bigfoot. "Over the years, we found that it really does seem like sasquatches do tend to use river systems and creeks as roadways," Luffman said, "They tend to stick close to fresh water and they stick close to those rivers. If the rivers start flooding, they might be moving out of their comfort zone." Luffman admits her field of research suffers from hoaxes, jokes and shakey videos. But she insists there is something real about it that can't be dismissed. Her own father, she says, went from Bigfoot skeptic to believer, after attending a night time expedition with her in 2009 in the Shawnee National Forest. "We were out there. We went up a trail and cooked some bacon, hoping that might attract something," Luffman said, "And we had done some calls, and on the way down, we had our lights on because it was dark and we had to see, and my Dad just happened to turn his head off the trail and saw two huge eyes looking back at him from about 30 feet away. "And when I came back, I looked and with both of our lights shining on this creature we could see his eyes, the shape of his head. It was just amazing, He took a few steps away from us. He sounded enormous. He was obviously walking on two legs." With floodwaters rolling down the Missouri River, Luffman says hikers, campers and motorists should be circumspect for possible Bigfoot sightings — anything from a road crossing to a face-to-face encounter. "Do stay calm. Remember that they're not as a rule aggressive animals . They're pretty quiet. They're curious about people. "And don't try to shoot it or anything like that. Don't run after it. Just try to stay calm and show it some respect and you'll have an experience that is incredible." - stlouis.cbslocal ********** Prohibited - sale/consumption of alcohol to those possessed by any psychic anomaly? This was publicly posted in Lisbon, Portugal: ********** Barbie: Serial Killer An environmental organization has accused Barbie, the world's most popular doll, of being a sadistic serial killer. According to Greenpeace, the 52-year-old fashion icon immortalized in plastic by Mattel, Inc., is involved in rainforest destruction in Indonesia. "Barbie is trashing rainforests and pushing critically endangered wildlife, like tigers, towards extinction," said Bustar Maitar, head of Greenpeace's campaign to save the forests in Indonesia. "This is happening because Barbie's packaging comes from the rainforests of Indonesia, home to species like the Sumatran tiger," Maitar continued. Greenpeace said they opened the investigation of Barbie after forensic testing revealed the origin of her packaging. The organization also claims they have obtained company certificates that allegedly show that Mattel uses packaging produced by a company that was previously exposed for wrecking rainforests. "Mattel ... must stop wrapping the world's most famous toy in rainforest destruction," Maitar said. The dark underbelly of Barbie's alleged activities has damaged her relationship with her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Ken, Greenpeace said. On Tuesday, activists dressed as Ken dolls lowered themselves down the 15-story Mattel headquarters building in El Segundo, Calif., and hung massive 2,500-square-foot protest banners that read: "Barbie, it's over. I don't date girls that are into deforestation." According to Rolf Skar, a blogger for Greenpeace, Barbie -- or rather a female activist dressed as Barbie -- was present during the protest. "On ground level, Barbie cruised around in her bright pink 'dream dozer' more worried about her wardrobe than the fate the forests, tigers, and our climate," Skar wrote in a blog post. "When asked what her reaction was to Ken's objection to her role in forest destruction, she smiled, batted her lashes and said, referring to her bulldozer, 'do you think they will let me park this at the mall?'" Nearly a dozen activists, including "Barbie," were arrested after hanging the posters. They were charged with conspiracy and trespassing, according to Reuters. Mattel has since issued a statement regarding Greenpeace's allegations, saying they are disappointed in the organization's actions. "Playing responsibly has long been an important part of Mattel's business practices. ... Over the past months we have been in communication with Greenpeace on a variety of paper sourcing issues. We are surprised and disappointed that they have taken this inflammatory approach," the statement read. The company said they will "continue to assess our paper sourcing and packaging improvements" as they move forward. - Click for video |
This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio - Steven LaChance and Tim Yancey Posted: 09 Jun 2011 08:07 AM PDT This week on BTE Radio, Eric, Lon and Sean welcome two gentlemen with a lot in common. They are both paranormal investigators, both host their own paranormal talk show, both lecture at conferences around the world and they have survived a malevolant haunting! Steven LaChance and Tim Yancey have both experienced encounters with an evil malevolent force. Tim had his experiences as a child and Steven as a single father with three children after they moved into a haunted house in Union, Missouri. They have taken these negative experiences and turned them into something positive by helping others understand what they went through and letting them know they are not alone. They both travel around the country and lecture at conferences and events on their traumatic experiences in hopes of helping others in need. About Steven: Steven is an Author, Broadcaster, Director, Producer. He has been featured on The Discovery Channels, A Haunting about his own personal experience in the now infamous Screaming House. He had a starring and writing credit on the Booth Brothers documentary, "Children Of The Grave" and was also featured in the Booth Brothers film "The Possessed." He made his directorial debut with 2009's "The Morse Mill Project. And he is currently in production on the highly anticipated horror documentary, "Monstrosity." He also has two other unannounced film projects in the works. He was featured in a documentary for the fifth season DVD release of Supernatural. He has been featured on Fox, Discovery, SyFy, NBC Universal, and Warner Home Video. His 2008 release of his bestselling book "The Uninvited" made many "best of" lists for that year and this past year was released in a French version. This work has also been included in the Library Of Congress. He released his book "Crazy" in 2010 to critical acclaim and it also made many "best of" lists for that year as well. Steven is currently working on his new book "Aftershock" for a future release, as well as, a screenplay for "Crazy." Steven is not a stranger to broadcasting and has been a featured guest worldwide and currently does a weekly internet broadcast on the Pararock Network called Fear Frequency. Steven also will be filming for a Canadian TV show sometime this year as well. To learn more about Steven, Check out his website at About Tim: Tim Yancey has been a radio talk show host since 1994, when he began broadcasting his first paranormal themed radio show, "Portraits Of The Paranormal" to the world over the internet. He later joined the International Broadcasting Corporation, and became the host of a very popular weekly talk radio program known as "Encounters", which was broadcast around the world on AM/FM stations, shortwave and satellite. In 2006, he signed a contract with Clear Channel Communications, and became the host of "Encounters Paranormal Radio Series", along with new co-host and wife Trish, and Jason Gowin from A&E televisions "Extreme Paranormal". The show was aired across the South Florida market on Talk Station WBZT. In 2009, Tim ended his contract with Clear Channel to create a new live streaming video telecast, "Encounters Live". At a young age, Tim and his brother began experiencing violent haunting phenomenon in their home, which began a haunting that his family endured for years. It was the catalyst for his interest and passion in the paranormal, and he now has over 40 years of personal research and investigation in violent paranormal phenomenon. Tim is a much sough-after specialist and public speaker on the topic of violent hauntings, his personal family experiences having placed him at the forefront of knowledge on the subject. He has spoken at Colleges and Universities, paranormal conferences and conventions around the country on the subject of violent hauntings. He is also the webmaster of "The Official Amityville Horror Website" which he created with his good friend and fellow haunting survivor, George Lutz. You can find out more about Tim by visiting his website at ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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