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- Before the Kecksburg UFO Crash
- Fortean / Alternative News: Giant Caterpillars Attack, 'Doctor Death' Dies and Police Kill Lawn Ornament
- This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio - Surprise Guest!
Before the Kecksburg UFO Crash Posted: 03 Jun 2011 02:15 PM PDT
On December 9, 1965 an object landed in the tiny town of Kecksburg, PA. It was observed as a fireball in the sky across several U.S. states and Canada. Four witnesses provided independent, corroborated descriptions of the object and its location in the Kecksburg woods. Dozens of others describe the military presence at the crash site, the cordoning off of the area, and the retrieval of an object transported by an army truck. A report was filed on 11/14/2005 in reference to another UFO sighting that took place approximately 2 months prior to and in an area that was 8 miles west of the Kecksburg incident: Summary: "I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter." Date Reported: 11/14/2005 8:49:00 PM Sighting Time: 7:00AM Day/Night: Dawn No. of Witnesses: 2 Duration: 1 or 2 seconds Appearance / Description of Object(s): About 30 feet across, color silver gold, saucer shaped, round bottom, dome on top Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 500 to 800 feet up in the sky. Description of Area / Surroundings: I was going east on Route 70 getting ready to go onto the Pennsylvania Turnspike.
Full Description & Details: I was driving east on route70 early morning going to Pennsylvania Turnpike. It was starting to get light. I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter. It went vertical for about 1000 feet, then made a sharp angle and disappeared at a high rate of speed, 2 or 3 seconds, no noise. I had a corvett with the top down. It was a very clear day. I looked to the right to see if I could still see it. I saw nothing but a small white cloud. I wondered if it was hiding in it. It was a very small cloud and it was the only thing in the sky. Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object? No never. There was nothing else in the sky. Witness Background: Retired CEO of a electronics corporation. Views on UFOs, before and after sighting: Nothing before other then the news. Now I believe in UFO and watch scientific TV channels. Reported Sighting? Yes Reported To: Stan Name: Byron H. Ritchey Location: Dana Point, CA., USA Age: 77 Source: NOTE: I assume this earlier incident was reported to Stan Gordan. His account of the Kecksburg UFO is posted below...Lon ----- "The Kecksburg, PA UFO Crash Incident" Stan Gordon It was December 9,1965, that an event occurred about 40 miles from Pittsburgh in a rural area of western Pennsylvania, that even now remains controversial for some, and mysterious to others. At the time many people saw a brilliant object moving across the sky. The news media focused on a young boy, who while playing outside, said he saw an object fall from the sky into some nearby woods. The media pursued his story since there were numerous accounts from others, that an aerial object was seen over a large area including many reports from the greater Pittsburgh area. Besides the police authorities, various newspapers, and radio and tv stations around Pittsburgh, had their phone lines jammed with calls about the object in the sky. Coincidentally, author Frank Edwards, who had written some popular books on UFO's, was a guest on a KDKA radio talk show in Pittsburgh that evening, hosted by the late Mike Levine. During my years of investigation into the matter, other witnesses who saw the object go down into the woods that day have been located. It has been stated that moments after the object fell, blue smoke rose up among the trees, but dissipated quickly. Many people say that the military, including members of the Army and Air Force, began to arrive in the area around the village of Keeksburg within a few hours after the reported landing. During the evening, reporters from numerous media sources went to Kecksburg to investigate the event. The area around the alleged impact site was cordoned off, and a search for the object was conducted in the woods. Neither civilians nor reporters were able to get near the spot where the object had reportedly fallen. Hundreds of spectators looked on from a narrow country road which circled around the area, unaware that the object appears to have fallen on the opposite side of the woods. As time passed that evening, many people left disappointed that they couldn't see the object. A few curious folks tried to sneak down into the woods, and later told me that they were tuned back by the military. Late that night, others say they observed a military flatbed tractor-trailer truck, carrying a large tarpaulin covered object, leaving the area at a high rate of speed. Reporters are among the many witnesses who verify that they saw military personnel in the Kecksburg area that night. The front page of the Greensburg, PA Tribune-Review county edition dated December 10, 1965, ran the headlines "Unidentified Flying Object Falls Near Kecksburg" and "Army Ropes Off Area." The city edition of the same paper however, on the same day ran the headline "Searchers Fail To Find Object." Officially, no object was found in the woods by searchers. It was suggested that the most likely explanation was that the brilliant object in the sky was a meteor. But word that something was removed from the site by the military that night, quickly circulated around the county. The Kecksburg incident remained a topic for area radio talk shows for years as it does today. As the years passed, I would receive various accounts from sources who claimed knowledge of the event. Many of those involved with the incident even today, wish to remain anonymous. Others have gone public and stand by their accounts. Some have faced personal attacks and ridicule. Many important witnesses have passed away. What we now know is that there are individuals who say that they went down into the woods that December day in 1965, before the military arrived, and came across upon a large metallic acorn shaped object partially buried in the ground. The device was large enough for a man to stand inside of it. The object was a bronze-gold color, and appeared to be one solid piece of metal, displaying no rivets or seams. At the back of the acorn shape was what witness Jim Romansky calls the bumper area. Upon this area were unusual markings that Romansky says looked similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Romansky who has been a machinist for many years, says the object itself, looked as though it had been made from liquid metal and poured into a big mold. Since the object was impacted in the ground, the bottom portion was not visible, but what could be seen appeared well intact. The late John Murphy, was the new director of WHJB radio in Greensburg at the time, and is believed to have been the first reporter on the scene. His former wife says that she was in radio contact with him from the site that day, and that he told her that he went down into the woods and saw the object. Various informants have approached me with information. Some of these were people who had military or government affiliation and wish not to be identified at this time. Some information is expected to be revealed in the future, when these sources feel that they are safe to disclose what they know. I have also received anonymous tips that pointed me in the right direction which helped to uncover other details. Before Unsolved Mysteries broadcast their story about Kecksburg in 1990, 1 was contacted by a former Air Force security policeman who told me that he was among the unit that guarded the object from PA, when it arrived in the early morning hours of December 10, 1965 at Lockbourne Air Force near Columbus, Ohio. He remembers extreme security measures at the time, and says that the object was only a the base for a short time, and then continued on to Wright-Patterson Air Force base near Dayton, Ohio. We later learned that the object was allegedly sealed up inside a building at that base. After years of searching for government documents relating to this event, the only official record located was in the Air Force Project Blue Book files. Included in the report it was stated "A further call was made to the Oakdale Radar site in Pennsylvania. A three man team has been dispatched to Acme [Some residents not far from the site have an Acme mailing address] to investigate and pick up an object that started a fire." While the report shows a lot of interest from various agencies concerning the aerial object, the report also indicates that the search found nothing. I have learned a lot about the Kecksburg case over the years, yet there remain many unanswered questions. I surely don't have all of the answers. Based on the accounts of multitudes of eyewitnesses which I have interviewed, I am convinced that an object did fall from the sky and apparently was removed by the military. Other witnesses say they saw NASA personnel at the scene that night also involved in the search. Many have asked me what I believe that the object was, and my reply still is "I don't know." As I have stated in the past, the two most likely possibilities are (1) a highly advanced man-made space probe with some reentry control capability (2) an extraterrestrial spacecraft. It has been confirmed that a faulty Soviet Venus probe identified as Kosmos 96, reentered in Canada on the same date, but at about 3:18 A.M. The sightings around Kecksburg occurred at about 4:47 P.M. many hours later. The Russian's have told me that Kosmos 96 was not the source of what fell that day. Other researchers have provided me with interesting but unverifiable information, that they have talked with former NASA sources who claimed to have examined the object which fell in PA, and determined it to be Soviet in origin. I have also talked with two former military men who are unknown to each other, that told me that during different years, and at different installations, they saw the recovery report on the Kecksburg object, and both said the report indicated that the object was extraterrestrial. From what the observers tell us, the object whatever it was, appeared to be slowing down a few miles before it impacted. During it's flight, it appears to have made some turns, and those who saw the object drop from the sky, say it was moving quite slowly as it moved towards the woods. This might account for the good condition of the object itself, and the little damage at the impact site, except for trees which were reportedly knocked down. One question we must ask is what was it that fell which was so important that it caused the military to act the way they did at the scene? Various witnesses have now gone public confirming that armed solders were around the village, and were preventing anyone from trespassing near the crash site. Jerry Betters, a popular jazz musician from Pittsburgh, has gone public and told his story that soldiers aimed rifles at him and his friends, ordering them from a back road, as an Army flat bed tractor-trailer with an acorn-shaped object on board, was making it's way up from a field. More recently, a prominent businessman contacted me and told me how he and his friends, then teenagers in 1965, tried to get near the site and were stopped my military personnel. He was frightened at the time of the experience, he thought the soldier was going to shoot him. Would armed soldiers respond to the scene of a meteorite crash? Who issued the orders for such an operation to take place? Some of you are aware that earlier this year, I released a 92 minute video documentary on the incident called "Kecksburg The Untold Story" which I produced at my own expense. Many key witnesses are getting up in years, and some are not in good health. This was an opportunity for those involved to tell their own experiences about what occurred. For the first time some new and startling information is revealed about what allegedly occurred. Some of these people reveal details which strongly suggests a coverup. Also included in the video, are audio excerpts from the original 1965 WHJB radio broadcast "Object In The Woods." One man details his claim of seeing a partially covered body inside a building at Wright-Patterson, at the same time the Kecksburg object was being examined. This case is much to involved to cover here in detail. One good source of information on the case can be found in Kevin Randle's book "A History of UFO Crashes." The Kecksburg mystery remains. Was the object a man made space device or did we receive a visitor from outside of our world? Recently while visiting an area business, a worker recognized me and asked about the Kecksburg case. He told me that he has had an interest in the incident for years since he had a relative who worked at the pentagon at the time, and this relative had made a special trip to this area to investigate that matter. When this person asked his relative about what had happened, he refused to give any details, but his words were remembered "There was more to it then you'll ever know." I have no doubt that there are other individuals who have important information on this case. It's time that the truth is revealed, regardless of what the source of the object was. It's been 33 years, it's time to break the silence. - Stan Gordon NOTE: this general area has a very rich UFO and paranormal history. Of further note, the Flight 93 Crash Site / National Memorial is located 27 miles east of Kecksburg, PA...Lon | ||||
Posted: 03 Jun 2011 12:58 PM PDT Villagers from the border region between Yogyakarta and East Java have reported being attacked by what can only be described as jumbo caterpillars. Surono, a resident of Sambirejo village, Gunung Kidul district, told the Jakarta Globe on Friday that the unusually large caterpillars — covered in long hair which make them appear about the size of a child's fist — began appearing about 10 days ago. "Villagers were shocked and scared because these caterpillars looked really unusual," he said. "It is a bit bigger than a regular caterpillar, but the hair is so thick it makes them look jumbo-size." Surono said the caterpillars had initially only attacked nearby plantations, but over the past several days they had decimated other trees in the area and were also invading villagers' homes. Pest control officers, he said, had recommended pesticides be used to get rid of the caterpillars but villagers opted not to for fear of damaging crops. "These caterpillars also didn't die easily with the spray," he added. Surono said the villagers had instead been killing the caterpillars by hand, shaking them off the branches of affected trees and burning them. "It's almost under control now," he said. The official Web site of the district administration said a similar outbreak had previously attacked a hamlet in Ngeposari village, southeast of Yogyakarta. An official from the province's forestry and agricultural agency, Sugeng Widodo, said it had collected specimens to conduct lab research, but still had not turned up any information about the unusual creatures. Since March, millions of hairy caterpillars have cropped up in at least five subdistricts in Probolinggo on East Java's north coast, invading fields and homes. Aside from giving residents itchy rashes, the caterpillars have also destroyed more than 8,800 mango trees — the district's main agricultural product. - jakartaglobe ********* Jack Kevorkian, 'Doctor Death', Dies Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the controversial assisted suicide advocate, has died at a Detroit-area hospital at the age of 83. Kevorkian's attorney and friend, Mayer Morganroth, told The Associated Press that he died early Friday morning at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, where Kevorkian had been hospitalized for kidney and respiratory problems. "He says nurses played classical music by Kevorkian's favorite, Johann Sebastian Bach, before he died," the AP reports. An official cause of Kevorkian's death is not yet known. Kevorkian, a proponent of "right-to-die" legislation, earned the nickname "Doctor Death" after a string of assisted suicides in the 1990s. He was released from a Michigan prison in 2007 after serving eight years of a 10 to 15-year sentence for second-degree murder. (Kevorkian was acquitted in three earlier trials; a fourth ended in a mistrial.) In the 1999 case, Kevorkian administered a deadly combination of drugs to Thomas Youk, who was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease, the devastating neurodegenerative disease that can lead to paralysis. It was captured on video and broadcast on "60 Minutes." "It's not necessarily murder," Kevorkian told Mike Wallace in an interview. "But it doesn't bother me what you call it. I know what it is." Kevorkian, who was trained as medical pathologist but stripped of his medical license, admitted to being present in at least 130 suicides of terminally ill patients between 1990 and 1999. He also developed a suicide machine, which according to WIRED, was essentially an automated drip hooked up to an IV needle that patients could personally trigger. Many groups and individuals were vehement in their opposition to Kevorkian and his views. In 1995, the American Medical Association called him a "reckless instrument of death" who "poses a great threat to the public," The New York Times reports. But others hailed Kevorkian as a hero. "I think that Dr. Kevorkian was a man who sought out humanity," said Frank Kavanaugh, a member of the board of directors of the Final Exit Network, a non-profit and right-to-die organization. "He was a very controversial figure, but I think even critics would agree that because of that, hospice care has really boomed in the United States." Kevorkian's attorney told the Detroit Free Press that he was present at the time of his death, as was his niece. "It was peaceful," he told the paper. "He didn't feel a thing." ********** Italian Seismologists Charged With Manslaughter for Not Predicting 2009 Quake Italian government officials have accused the country's top seismologist of manslaughter, after failing to predict a natural disaster that struck Italy in 2009, a massive devastating earthquake that killed 308 people. A shocked spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) likened the accusations to a witch hunt. "It has a medieval flavor to it -- like witches are being put on trial," the stunned spokesman told Enzo Boschi, the president of Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), will face trial along with six other scientists and technicians, after failing to predict the future and the impending disaster. Earthquakes are, of course, nearly impossible to predict, seismologists say. In fact, according to the website for the USGS, no major quake has ever been predicted successfully. "Neither the USGS nor Caltech nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake," reads a statement posted on the USGS website. "They do not know how, and they do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future." John Vidale, a Washington State seismologist and professor at the University of Washington, agreed that earthquake forecasting is simply impossible. "We're not able to predict earthquakes very well at all," he told LiveScience. "One problem is, we don't know how much stress it takes to break a fault," Vidale told the site. "Second we still don't know how much stress is down there. All we can do is measure how the ground is deforming." Not knowing either of these factors makes it pretty tough to figure out when stresses will get to the point of a rupture, and an earth-shaking quake, LiveScience explained. The seven scientists were placed under investigation almost a year ago, according to a news story on the website of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) -- the world's largest general-science society and a leading voice for the interests of scientists worldwide. Alan Leschner, chief executive of AAAS, said his group wrote a letter to the Italian government last year -- clearly, to no avail. "Whoever made these accusations misunderstands the nature of science, the nature of the discipline and how difficult it is to predict anything with the surety they expect," Leschner told The case could have a "chilling effect" on scientists, he noted. "It reflects a lack of understanding about what science can and can't do," he said. "And frankly, it will have an effect of intimidating scientists ... This just feels like either scapegoating or an attempt to intimidate a community. This really seems inappropriate." Judge Giuseppe Romano Gargarella said that the seven defendants had supplied "imprecise, incomplete and contradictory information," in a press conference following a meeting held by the committee 6 days before the quake, reported the Italian daily Corriere della Sera In doing so, they "thwarted the activities designed to protect the public," the judge said. Boschi's lawyer, Marcello Melandri, has been taking the news badly, reported the AAAS story. He was particularly stunned because -- despite of the near impossibility of predicting earthquakes Boshi had been indicating that a large earthquake would be coming, though he did not say when. Melandri told the AAAS that Boschi never sought to reassure the population of L'Aquila that there was no threat. On the contrary, the INGV head made it clear that "at some point it is probable that there will be a big earthquake." In addition to Boschi, those facing trial are: * Franco Barberi, committee vice president; * Bernardo De Bernardinis, at the time vice president of Italy's Civil Protection Department and now president of the country's Institute for Environmental Protection and Research; * Giulio Selvaggi, director of the National Earthquake Center; * Gian Michele Calvi, director of the European Center for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering; * Claudio Eva, an earth scientist at the University of Genoa; and * Mauro Dolce, director of the office of seismic risk at the Civil Protection Department. - foxnews ********** Police responding to a rare alligator sighting in suburban Kansas City took quick action to dispatch of the beast, shooting it in the head, as instructed, while it lurked menacingly in the weeds leading down to a pond. It wasn't until a second rifle shot bounced off the reptile's head that the officers realized they had mortally wounded a concrete lawn ornament. A resident of a subdivision near the pond called police Saturday evening to report that his children spotted the alligator while they were playing in some nearby woods. After consulting a conservation agent, who told them to kill the gator if they felt it posed a danger, one of the officers shot it twice in the head before realizing something was up, said Tom Gentry, an Independence police spokesman. "It didn't move," Gentry said. "They inched up closer and closer and discovered it was a mock-up of a real alligator made to look like it was real." In the officers' defense, it was growing dark when they shot the fake gator and it was partially submerged in the weeds. The property owner told police that the gator was meant to keep people off his property, Gentry said. Officers told him a no-trespassing sign would have been wiser. "Now he'll have to patch up his alligator," Gentry said. Conservation agent Derek Cole said the department has received calls in the past about alligators that had been set free in populated areas, so there was no reason to believe the Saturday sighting wasn't valid. "The department doesn't get involved in something like that," Cole said. "They asked if they could go ahead and dispatch it if it was a danger, and I said there's a kill shot on alligators, a small kill shot on the head. I said if they can get a shot like that, go ahead." - aol ********** Senators Want To Put People In Jail For Embedding YouTube Videos Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. A few weeks back, we noted that Senators Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn and Christopher Coons had proposed a new bill that was designed to make "streaming" infringing material a felony. At the time, the actual text of the bill wasn't available, but we assumed, naturally, that it would just extend "public performance" rights to section 506a of the Copyright Act. Supporters of this bill claim that all it's really doing is harmonizing US copyright law's civil and criminal sections. After all, the rights afforded under copyright law in civil cases cover a list of rights: reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works or perform the work. The rules for criminal infringement only cover reproducing and distributing -- but not performing. So, supporters claim, all this does is "harmonize" copyright law and bring the criminal side into line with the civil side by adding "performance rights" to the list of things. If only it were that simple. But, of course, it's not. First of all, despite claims to the contrary, there's a damn good reason why Congress did not include performance rights as a criminal/felony issue: because who would have thought that it would be a criminal act to perform a work without permission? It could be infringing, but that can be covered by a fine. When we suddenly criminalize a performance, that raises all sorts of questionable issues. Furthermore, as we suspected, in the full text of the bill, "performance" is not clearly defined. This is the really troubling part. Everyone keeps insisting that this is targeted towards "streaming" websites, but is streaming a "performance"? If so, how does embedding play into this? Is the site that hosts the content guilty of performing? What about the site that merely linked to and/or embedded the video (linking and embedding are technically effectively the same thing). Without clear definitions, we run into problems pretty quickly. And it gets worse. Because rather than just (pointlessly) adding "performance" to the list, the bill tries to also define what constitutes a potential felony crime in these circumstances: the offense consists of 10 or more public performances by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works So yeah. If you embed a YouTube video that turns out to be infringing, and more than 10 people view it because of your link... you could be facing five years in jail. This is, of course, ridiculous, and suggests (yet again) politicians who are regulating a technology they simply do not understand. Should it really be a criminal act to embed a YouTube video, even if you don't know it was infringing...? This could create a massive chilling effect to the very useful service YouTube provides in letting people embed videos. - techdirt | ||||
This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio - Surprise Guest! Posted: 03 Jun 2011 11:14 AM PDT Due to circumstances beyond his control, our scheduled guest Nick Redfern has to cancel his appearance on this weeks show, however we have a surprise for you! Tune in this week with Eric and Lon as they bring you a surprise guest to the show! It's so secret, we don't even know who it is until the guest shows up! It will be another fun show this Sunday night at 10:00 pm est. Our interview with Lloyd Pye is now available on podcast at BTE Radio welcomes Lloyd Pye and the Starchild Project 05/08/2011. Lloyd's website can be found at ![]() Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and the crew LIVE each Sunday at 10 PM ET as we go Beyond the Edge! ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind ![]() The Spirit Rescue International™ Haunted Help Forum *Join Our Group On Facebook* ![]() ANOMALIST BOOKS Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Astral Perceptions - Discussing ultraterrestrial and multidimensional phenomena and the proficiency of remote viewing ![]() ![]() Click here to check out Stan's most recent book! ![]() Click here to check out John Ventre's most recent book! The Social - Paranormal Network ![]() A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() (410) 241-5974 ![]() Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle |
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