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- Chile's Millennium Humanoid Flap
- Fortean / Alternative News: UFO Over Glasgow, Police Search For Caveman and Witch Conversion
- Flying Translucent Ray-Shaped Cryptid - Hampton Bays, New York
Chile's Millennium Humanoid Flap Posted: 04 Feb 2011 10:12 AM PST Several Latin American nations experienced a substantial increase of humanoid sighting at the turn of the millennium. Mexico was starting to see increased reports of 'flying humanoids'. Brazil residents consistently reported UFOs and odd creatures that these craft transported. In Argentina, witnesses described several strange human-like creatures that varied in size and appearance. Yesterday, I posted a number of chupacabras sightings in Chile that occurred during a three month period in 2000. In the following post, I will again concentrate on Chile and the overwhelming number of humanoid/mothman/hominid encounters reported throughout 1999-2001: ---------- Las Cascadas, Chile - March 2000 - night For several nights in a row witnesses at a local residence spotted large red blinking lights land on a nearby field. Soon after tall man like figures, bald headed, wearing white tunics and dark goggles approach the house and look inside, and they then ran back to the field without making any noise. Their bodies appear to emit electric discharges as they move. Source: Caroline Uribe Assef, Diario Llanquille Chile ----- Laguna Redonda, Concepcion, Chile - May 3, 2000 - 1:30am The barking of five stray puppies shed had picked up some time earlier suddenly awakened Professor Liliana Romero Castillo. The puppies were living in the courtyard with her fierce mastiff. She looked through the window to see the back of what appeared to be an immense man, standing more than 6-feet 8 inches tall. The shoulder blades were split, as if he had wings. He appeared to be hunched over as if choking somebody. After attempting to wake up her husband without success, she looked out the window again but the tall winged creature was gone. The next day some of the children found a dead dog in the alleyway. It appeared to have puncture marks on the throat area. Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 #19 ----- Baquedano Chile - May 30, 2000 - 6:00am 37-year old Evelyn Esbry woke up early in the morning in order to use the toilet facilities located outside in the terrace. On her way there she heard sounds coming from the patio area. Suddenly an entity jumped on her back, paralyzed with fear she turned around to see a bizarre hairy creature, with a large nozzle, about 4-feet tall, and with large luminous orange, oval shaped eyes. Terrified, Evelyn fainted and did not see the creature depart. She suffered from shock and was treated at the local hospital for deep scratches. The victim told local paramedics that the creature seemed to communicate with her, using telepathy telling her not to scream. Source: Paranigma Chile ----- Baquedano, Chile - June 2000 - night Upon hearing the frenetic barking of his dogs, security guard (involved in a previous encounter) Luis Alberto Calivar armed himself with a flashlight and a knife and went outside to investigate, as he did the dogs suddenly became very still. Soon his lights illuminated a dark greenish form that ran very quickly climbing up a Wasintonia palm. As he shone the flashlight at the figure he felt his arm become "cold" and the knife and watch dropped out of his hand, at the same time the dogs stood very quiet and still. A feeling of numbness overcame his body and he ran back inside his security shack, he was followed by the dogs that hid under the room and began to shake in fear. He could only describe the creature as having large flopping ears, fluid in nature, apparently without a bone structure (!), it gave the appearance of being a flexible mass that moved around like a Kangaroo. It moved silently and was about 1.30m in height. When he first spotted the creature it seemed to have been crouching down, behind a bush. It seemed to twist its body around and never looked straight at the witness, which never dropped his flashlight. Incredibly despite the reactions the witness felt no fear and did not notice any odors coming from the creature. The encounter lasted about 5 minutes and the creature was about 9 meters away from the witness. He further described the creature as having greenish hairs about 5 to 6cm in length. Soon after the encounter Calivar had too see a doctor and lost about 20 pounds. Source: Ramon Navia, "La Verdad Oculta" ----- Villa Nonguen, Concepcion, Chile - June 7, 2000 - 4:00am Julio Reyes and wife Carmen Andrade were awaken by noises coming from the backyard, which contained a hen house and a garden. Looking out they saw bizarre humanoid flapping a pair of large wings. The creature was described as white in color. It ran towards the rear of the house. The guard dog refused to follow it out. Several hens were found dead and strange footprints were also located. Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 #24 ----- Tocopilla, Chile - June 18, 2000 - midnight *(more detail below) - A group of young people was on the beach sitting by a bonfire. Suddenly, a large creature came out of the water. They were all astonished as they saw the strange being getting closer. The creature approached one of them making several guttural sounds, as if was trying to communicate with the young man. Moments later, it placed its right hand on the young man's left shoulder, leaving a green stain on his sweater, which they described as the same color as marine algae. The Bigfoot-like creature soon left, as it got back in the water and disappeared in the dark. The eyewitnesses, whom they preferred to remain anonymous, described the creature as 8 feet tall, with long dark furry hair, long arms with hands below the knees, big round eyes, with a long nose and mouth shaped like an animal muzzle. Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center ----- Maria Elena, Chile - June 28 2000 - evening Several witnesses including investigator Jaime Ferrer were leaving a local restaurant through the back door when they all saw a strange looking bird-like creature in the sky. It was flying at an altitude of about 40 meters directly above the group. It was gray in color and it passed by so rapidly that they did not have time to take a photograph of it. Its body was shape like a duck, but it was at least five times bigger. It had a long neck and the strangest thing about it was that if it would have been compared to an ordinary bird, this one had a much larger body in relation to its wings. Nevertheless, it seemed to fly like an ordinary bird; it glided smoothly and it flapped its wings every so often to gain momentum. Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center ----- Near Puerto Cuatro Chile - July 13, 2000 - 1:30am A woman and her friend, a professor had just left the Lions Club dinner and was driving south of the city when they spotted "two strange yellow lights" on the road ahead. The driver flashed her high beams at the two intense yellow lights a short distance away. The witnesses began to slow down since the "yellow light" remained stationary. They then saw a figure standing about three feet away from their front bumper. The figure was described as large, lacking ears, covered with extremely long gray hair, particularly around the neck, with two immense slanted yellow eyes. The driver and the creature exchanged looks for about 10 seconds, after which the car drove along the left lane. The creature followed the vehicle's departure with its head, and was apparently capable of making 180-degree turns. Terrified the witnesses drove away, seeing the yellow light again as it lit up the entire road before disappearing. Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 5 #31 ----- Calama, Chile - August 2000 - 3:00am Felipe an employee at a local disco reported that one night there was a loud pounding on the outside door, in the back of the building. Thinking that it was a robbery attempt, he armed himself with a club, opened the door, and was confronted by an upright four-foot tall creature with glowing yellow eyes. The creature breathed out a strong substance, which stunned Felipe, who then saw the being silently glide away. Around the same time other local residents reported seeing metallic bell shaped craft flying over the area. Source: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo ----- Sierra Gorda, Calama, Chile - October 2000 - 5:00pm Three men standing at the front gate of the Mina El Tesoro spotted what appeared to be a pair of glowing eyes at about 30 meters away. They noticed 3 forms, one large and two small, about 1 meter in height. They were somewhat simian in appearance and bounded away towards the nearby ridge. The same guards had seen similar creatures back in May. Source: Ramon Navia, "La Verdad Oculta" ----- Los Boldos, Chile - December 2000 - 7:30pm Artidoro Inostroza Seguel was watching television with his wife and son when he briefly stepped out to the porch for a breath of fresh air. He saw about 50 meters away an approaching yellow-reddish light. He then noticed that it was a humanoid figure that was apparently carrying the light. The figure wore a dark divers suit, with a hood. On the chest area it had a white-gray stripe that glowed. The humanoid approached to within 8 meters from the witness, who noticed that it was about 2 meters in height. The guard dog did not show any reaction at all. The witness walked back inside the house. Later his wife saw strange lights from the kitchen window area; Artidoro then fired several warning shots at the lights. Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold, CEFAA ----- Butaco Valley, Chile - December 2000 - night During a period of heavy UFO activity in the area, Maria Concha Rivas and her husband reported seeing a giant humanoid figure, reddish in color and about 10-feet tall standing by a nearby river. Frightened they did not stick around and went back inside the house. They did not see the humanoid depart. Source: UFO Roundup December 2000 ----- Colonia Lolenco, Chile - December 8, 2000 - 2:50am Retired civil guard Luis Arturo Bayer Garcia, 52 year of age was riding his motorcycle along an isolated area when he saw standing on the side of the road a tall, thin, figure, almost 2 meters in height. He was not able to see any facial features, only a gray-yellow texture. It seemed to be wearing a two-piece outfit and was totally motionless. The witness accelerated away from the area at high speed. Source: Raul Gajardo Leopold, CEFAA ----- Villa Frontera, Chile - February 9 2001 - 9:30am George Calderon and several friends were at a local camping ground and were preparing a barbecue dinner when they noticed on a nearby field a group of white tunic clad figures, including what appeared to be children, gathering under the moonlight. At this point the air became filled with bell like sounds and a huge luminous red round object descended over the white clad figures, which appeared to be holding their hands and chanting in an unknown language. It seemed to the witness that every time the bell sound was heard the object descended lower over the group. A little frightened the witnesses retired back into their tents and went to sleep. The next day, they checked the area directly below where the object was seen to hover and they found a large circular imprint on the ground and within that, four smaller circles. Source: La Estrella de Loa ----- Angol, Chile - March 16, 2001 - night At the local scenic lookout of Las Pinas, five persons saw three two-meter tall figures of humanoid appearance and with red lights on their hands. The beings were standing behind some vegetation, and appeared to be talking among themselves. They suddenly turned around and disappeared. Around the same time 20 other witnesses saw two huge balls of light roaming over the hills before vanishing from sight. Source: Filer Files April 24 ----- Santa Barbara, Chile - April 2001 - night In a farm a man heard his fierce bloodhound barking, stepping out he saw a tall figure approach. The figure appeared to be wearing a hood. The witness attempted to approach the figure but at this point his dog let out a loud yelp and hid. At this point the tall figure also disappeared. He described as about 1.90 meters in height, with a flat yellowish face, robotic in appearance. Source: Raul Gajardo ----- Villa Covadonga, Chile - April 8 2001 - 10:00pm Freddy Villalobos, his cousin Christopher Huanca Valenzuela and a group of friends had just finished a soccer match in a nearby field, when they saw a strange bird. It was about 70 cm in length. It landed on top of a public light pole. The light fixture dimmed as the creature landed on it; it was to a point where it was almost completely out. The witnesses were able to see that it had round reddish yellow eyes. The creature emitted short squeaking sounds. One of the witnesses turned on the truck headlights in order to obtain a better look and the bird reacted immediately, covering its head with its wings, as the light apparently bothered it. It seemed to be floating on top of the light fixture rather than having its feet on top of it. Suddenly, it opened up its wings for a brief moment and they saw its head; they described it as horrible. It resembled the head of an old man with a long nose and a triangular shaped mouth. Scared, the kids began throwing rocks at it. It shortly flew away and disappeared. Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Miami UFO Center ----- Calama Chile - April 10 2001 - 7:00am The director of a local school noticed a group of children starting at a nearby tree. All were silent and were not moving a muscle and appeared to be fascinated by something. As he approached the group he noticed a bizarre bird-like creature, about 1.80 meters in height that was flying slowly around the tree at about 4 meters from the ground. This "bird" was totally black in color and somewhat resembled a Great Dane dog with wings. It seemed to move in slow motion, and would briefly hide inside the tree branches and then exit again. The director obtained a flashlight from his office and illuminated the creature that seemed to resent the light. It had large bright white eyes. After a few minutes it seemed to disappear in plain sight. Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center ----- Calama, Chile - May 5, 2001 - 11:00am On the day following his encounter with a bizarre creature, a local farmer saw three strange looking but very well dressed men that showed up as he spoke to a friend who had also seen the creature. They stood some 30 meters away from a group of acquaintances who were busy sharing a side of flame-roasted beef. They approached the farmer and informed him that they were police officers and were going to arrest him. Surprised he asked why, since he had not done anything wrong. They told him he could not discuss what he saw the day before with anybody. He asked the strangers to show some badges but they refused. He described the men as being almost 2 meters tall, very thin and closely resembling one another, especially in their bearing and constitution. They wore sunglasses that concealed their eyes. One of them had eyes that reminded the witness of "Spiderman." They always kept their left hands in their pockets. They surveyed the entire area, and never once did they call out to one another. All three wore a type of glove, which left their ring and smallest fingers exposed, with the rest of the fingers occupying a single space. Their shirt cuffs covered part of this "pseudo-mitten" over which they wore a thin, shiny metal bracelet. He also described a 'prosthetic" covering the nail of the smallest finger, and a ring placed at the tip of the ring finger. Their Spanish was very strange, sloppy as if they were drunk. They spoke a language among themselves that the farmer was unable to understand, he was sure that it was not English. After they left the witnesses realized that the men had not moved their mouths to speak. The farmer further noticed that the group leader wore a hat "similar to a bullfighter's" which barely covered one of his ears, in which he could see a "V" shaped cut and a darker shade of color. He also recalled the following details: a very sharp vocal tone, short blond hair, broad forehead, high cheekbones, straight nose, thin neck, small mouth (except for the leader, who had thick lips and was wearing a safari-type jacket), a mechanized walk, similar gestures, line eyebrows, black ties and tie clips the same color as the stones on their rings. One of the men engaged in roasting the side of beef remarked: "They approached us at one point and looked us up and down, but said nothing at all. They appeared to walk and spin on the tips of their feet. They gave the impression of weighing less than a normal person." They did not accept any water from the witnesses and threatened the farmer once again. They boarded an ivory-lead colored pickup truck which made no noise whatsoever and vanished after a certain distance. Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center ---------- Chile: Winged Creature in Angol Mr. Oscar Solar Valdebenito, married, a sergeant with the Carabineros, was performing his duties as a security guard in the Preventive Custody Center of the city of Angol on Friday, April 28 2000. The facility was under construction at the time. Mr. Solar was alone and was making his rounds of the construction site's interior. Once he returned to the guard shack on the southern side, using a passageway located in the back, he noticed the presence of an "animal" standing 1.20 meters tall, average complexion, with a small head in proportion to the rest of its body. The creature sat on top of a metal pole ending in four luminaries, standing some 8 meters tall. The animal landed at the very same time that the watchman turned his attention to the site. Solar was able to see the lights go out and the pole shake as a result of the creature's descent. The estimated weight of this strange being was some 40 to 50 kilograms (according to the eyewitness). Its head featured two medium-sized ears, sideways and pointing upward, with rounded tips, pricked up like those of a police dog. Two long wings with pointed ends emerged from its shoulders. It never folded its wings, keeping them unfurled "like a vulture under the sun" (eyewitness's description). He saw no feathers, only a kind of velvety skin, dark grey or black in color. He was unable to make out the face. The wings extended to the creature's lower body, where he could also see two legs. A pair of stubby arms could also be seen under the head. The witness was accompanied by four dogs, a beige bitch in the lead. Apparently, the "winged animal" pounced on the dogs, but these took off running and howling in a southward direction, abandoning the construction site. Five or six youths coming down from the north along the train tracks that go beside the site, also took off running when they saw what was going on. The witness explained that he was standing some 30 meters from the pole. He didn't manage to move or turn on his flashlight, such was the degree of fright and surprise inspired by the situation described. He recalls having heard a sharp, loud squawk as the "animal" landed on the pole. Judging by the tone of this squawk, it was reminiscent of a loudspeaker's crackle. The "animal" eventually landed on the ground after making a flight in a gentle curve. It landed on a conical pile of dirt. After the dogs took off, it flew off with two gentle flaps of its wings, flying over a 3 meter wall, above which five wires are suspended, providing light to another streetlamp on the corner. The creature never came close to touching them. The animal came within 10 meters of the witness's position. Its descent to the ground left prints on the mound of dirt - the witness managed to see "three thin holes" and fenced them off, but they were erased and destroyed on the next day at the order of the construction supervisors. Personnel from Carabineros (state police) reported to the scene the next day, along with the Servicio de Investigaciones (civil police) who displayed their annoyance with the construction supervisor for having erased the prints, despite having been informed of the situation. Further details: The witness confesses that when "the animal" was close to him, flying off with a gentle beat of its wings, he was unable to control a bowel movement, a fact that he has tried to keep confidential on account of the customary jokes that tend to emerge in such cases. The young men who were walking along the train tracks were never located, although efforts are under way, and Radio Los Confines apparently succeeded in this endeavor. But this rumor has not been confirmed. - Source: - translation: Scott Corrales - IHU ---------- *BIGFOOT IN CHILE For the first time, this latest case alerted us about the possibilities that the Bigfoot might have some kind of connection with Chupacabras phenomenon, given that northern Chile, for the most part, is well known for its Chupacabras sightings. This was something that never would have occurred to us before. A strange coincidence is that so many elements in both the Islamorada and the Tocopilla cases are almost identical; both creatures were seen leaving and entering the sea. This makes us think that they might hide under the sea, lakes or swamps. Both creatures left footprints the size of a football and other similar traces behind. Nevertheless, they have never been photographed, and in spite of countless efforts, they have never been captured. Furthermore, no one has ever found any remains of these creatures. There are many reports of ufos entering and leaving the sea, both in Florida and in Chile. During an interview for Teletrece, a national Chilean television network, dated October 21 of 2001, Jorge Martinez, a retired Admiral and former Chilean Chief of Naval Operations, admitted that he personally had witnessed two ufo sightings at sea. During one of them, a nearby ufo caused interference with the navigation systems and the ship's radar. It is widely known that many other naval officers have seen similar objects, which they call "UUOs", (Unidentified Underwater Objects). According to the former Chilean Navy Chief, this phenomenon is real. A taxi driver, who we call Carlos, and happens to be a friend of Jaime Ferrer, our associate in Calama, Chile, has told us that during a trip to Tocopilla, he and some customers saw several low-flying ufos coming from the sea towards the nearby Atacama Desert, where later, tracks made by some kind of landing gear, as well as Chupacabras tracks were found. The tracks appeared to be coming from the exact spot where the ufo landed. Coincidently, just like the Chupacabras and ufo tracks in Chile, there have been reports of ufos in the same areas where Bigfoot creatures have been seen. Although we have not been able to establish a possible Bigfoot-UFO connection in the United States, we can look at the cases reported near Mount Rainier, in the State of Washington, where Kenneth Arnold observed nine ufos in 1947 giving popularity to the "flying saucer phenomena". Yet, in the same area, there have been countless Bigfoot or Sasquatch sightings dating back to the XIX century. On the other hand, in light of the evidence found in Chile, we can now affirm that the Chupacabras is part of the ufo phenomenon. We have not found evidence that it is part of some kind of terrestrial genetic experiment, nor do we believe that it is an ordinary animal. The evidence points out to a ufo related origin; I don't have slightest doubt about it. All this is creating a new chapter in the investigation of the ufo phenomenon that undoubtedly, many will find difficult to accept. But this is very typical. For example, the abduction phenomenon took more than 20 years before ufologists accepted it as part of the ufo investigative field. Even today, many still doubt that alien abductions take place. It is not my intention to try to convince anyone that the Bigfoot and the Chupacabras phenomena are the same; instead, like many other strange creatures, these may have a possible relation with ufos. It is not a coincidence that we receive reports mentioning a Bigfoot creature in Tocopilla, Chile, followed by numerous Chupacabras and ufo sightings, in what we could call the Chilean 2000-2001 wave. We are facing a presence of intelligent or programmed creatures that have appeared sporadically and have been associated with other phenomena for more than a century, to whom erroneously, we have given them different names. To finally understand what is really behind all of these creatures, we have to study their characteristics, their behavior, and most importantly, the other associated phenomena that are often reported when these cases take place. We should know and learn about these phenomena, not only for their physical aspect of these creatures, but for their intentions, and most importantly, for their actions and their reactions. We are buried in some kind of game where our intelligence faces another intelligence, which happens to be strange or, to say the least, different than ours, where the apparently incompatible logic doesn't seem to work, let alone our intuition. Accumulating data from field investigations is all we can do at this point in time. But, will we finally ever know the essence of these phenomena? We still don't hold the truth in our hands, but we are looking for it. - |
Fortean / Alternative News: UFO Over Glasgow, Police Search For Caveman and Witch Conversion Posted: 04 Feb 2011 08:30 AM PST UFO spotted over Glasgow shopping centre STV - A UFO sighting over Glasgow's Parkhead Forge shopping centre in the east of the city is being claimed by a visitor to the STV News website. In an email, Paul Brown said that he made the sighting on January 17 at around 8pm. "It was heading east and at first I looked up and thought it was helicopter spotlight, it moved at similar speed as emergency helicopter would if low in sky but this was very high - as high as a jet." He continued: "I watched for the lights of plane or helicopter but nothing. It continued to travel east shimmering like a star in winter sky, a tangerine kind of glow round shaped." While the description appears to correspond to that of a Chinese sky lantern, the increasingly popular paper and bamboo objects that rise into the air when a small candle is lit inside them. There have been many reports of UFOs in recent years that can be attributed to them. They are able to travel considerable distances and reach great heights, the candle producing hot air that is trapped in the paper, causing it to rise and be carried by the wind. However, Mr Brown was quick to doubt this could explain the object. He said: "I thought maybe a lantern, but it was way too fast and steady trajectory to be wind powered. There was no wind anyway and it wasn't rising, it was heading east at (an) exact height." He added: "I've studied astronomy for many years and seen many things in the sky this was very new and I've not found a match." ********** 'Caveman' Suspected in Arson Fire dailymail - The discovery of fire was a pivotal moment in the evolution of man - and one Neanderthal appears to still be entranced by the flames. A man linked with a blaze looks as if he speaks only in grunts and hunts wild animals with a club. Police have not called the man a suspect but have released this composite sketch image of a person of interest who bears a striking resemblance to Captain Caveman. An estimated $135,000 of damage was caused by the fire at 421 Dodge St in Iowa City last Saturday and this man is wanted by police as a possible witness. 'They know who they are and we need to talk to them as a witness, and hope they'll come forward for themselves,' said Sgt. Denise Brotherton of the Iowa City Police Department. The witness is described as being between 5ft 10in and 6ft tall and was wearing a dark coloured coat and trousers. He has a heavy beard and long hair and police believe he may be a transient man who is not from the Iowa City area. Officers have refused to confirm whether they believe the man pictured started the Dodge St fire, with left a dozen people without a home. Fire officials said the cause of the blaze remains under investigation. Anyone with information about the identity of this person is asked to contact Investigator DJ Steva at 319-356-5284. All calls are held in strict confidence and anonymity is guaranteed. Individuals providing information do not have to reveal their identity to collect a reward. ********** How to convert witches to Catholicism telegraph - Witches can and should be converted to Catholicism, according to a robust new booklet from the Catholic Truth Society that portrays spell-casting as spiritually empty, exhausting and immoral. Instead of "seeking to change God's mind or violently alter his plans through circle-casting", it says, Wiccans should be encouraged to surrender this often frightening burden and accept the love of Christ. In other words, come to Mass, leaving your broomstick at the door. Actually, I should make it clear that Wicca & Witchcraft: Understanding the dangers by Elizabeth Dodd doesn't make any silly cracks about broomsticks. But I can't resist. There's no eco-bore like a Wiccan eco-bore. I've met a few and, believe me, you need to be under a spell to sit through a three-hour whinge about Mother Gaia from a practitioner of white magick. It makes one long for the days when witches restricted themselves to a quick cackle before riding off into the night. (Just kidding, witches and pagans! Seriously, last time I had a go at them they reported me to the Press Complaints Commission, which proved resistant to their magick.) Ms Dodd is reasonably polite about Wicca/paganism, but she's not buying any of its bullshit about being descended from prehistoric totemic and animist religion via the Pharaohs, Rosicrucians, Cunning Men, Illuminati etc. "Modern Wicca's origins lie in Victorian occultism," she says (also finding room to mention the movement's early links with Aleister Crowley). "Wiccans are encouraged to develop their own pantheon of gods and goddesses with whom they are comfortable to work – a religious 'dream team' … There are no limits to the creativity Wiccans can employ when creating their religious pantheons: it would not be uncommon to come across a Wiccan who worshipped Odin, Poseidon and the Buddhist Bodhisattva Kawn-Yin simultaneously." (And was willing to talk about it in detail, I'll bet.) As for the overlap between white and black magic, Dodd makes this point: "Whether or not a Wiccan can successfully communicate with the dead or summon a spirit, whether spellwork is effective or not, has no bearing on the psychological damage that can be done to a young person who is convinced that they have summoned the dead, or have performed a spell that has hurt or injured another. Wicca has no hierarchy or support structure in place for these vulnerable young people … The use of magic, the practice of witchcraft, offends God because it is rooted in our sinful and fallen nature. It attempts to usurp God." You wouldn't read anything this feisty from the Bishops' Conference, but that's typical of CTS, which stopped watering down its Catholicism years ago and is thriving as a result. Whether Dodd's tips for evangelising witches actually work I can't say – you're supposed to emphasise that Christianity frees us from the self-centredness of Wicca and to find common ground over ecology (though even here Dodd is combative, accusing Wiccans of worshipping creation itself). One thing's for sure: should a group of right-on Wiccans convert to Catholicism, they'd be welcomed a damn sight more warmly by certain south coast bishops than the members of the Ordinariate. There's always room for female eco-fanatics in the episcopal bureaucracy. Especially if they're already members of a magic circle. NOTE: yep...this one is going to generate comments from my Wiccan readers...Lon ********** North American Raccoon caught on camera in Hampshire metroThe raccoon, nicknamed Rocky, has also rummaged through rubbish and swiped food from a bird table. The creature is thought to be an escaped pet and has visited the garden in Ringwood four times. 'It was a shock but I feel lucky to have seen it,' said John Rothwell, who took the photographs of the mammal from his conservatory. 'It was shortly after midnight when this animal just walked past. 'I didn't know what it was to begin with but I knew that it wasn't a cat or fox or even a badger. 'As soon as I saw it I knew what it was. It has such distinctive masks on its eyes like a bandit. 'It came back for four nights in a row, eating peanuts that I'd left out for the hedgehogs.' Raccoons are from North America and are nocturnal creatures, eating meats and plants. The RSPCA said: 'As they are not native, this is likely to be someone's pet which has escaped.' NOTE: to my British readers...please hope that this scavenger does not get a foothold in the UK. If you think the North American Gray Squirrel invasion is bad...these varmints are downright awful. Raccoons can open doors, pull out drawers, open fish traps, etc. Because of their nimble little hands, sheer determination, and natural curiosity when it comes to food, raccoons are notorious for making a mess as they search for something to eat. This species is considered a pest in the United States...especially here in Maryland. On a lighter note, roasted raccoon is very tasty...Lon ********** UFO mystery over India - object witnesses by five pilots deccanherald - A glowing round object making a speedy descent near the West Bengal-Bihar border early on January 26 left pilots of five aircraft baffled, triggering widespread speculation about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The first person to sight the object was a senior Air India pilot who was navigating the aircraft at a height of 34,000 ft during its flight from Kolkata to New Delhi. "The plane was just entering the airspace of Gaya, close to Bengal-Bihar border, when I first noticed the glowing object, below the aircraft, hurtling down at a very high speed," Captain Rishi was quoted as saying by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower here at Dum Dum International Airport. The Air India pilot initially didn't pay much attention as it is customary for the pilots to notice several such things midair. But when the aircraft was close to Varanasi, the object was still brightly visible. Without wasting time, he informed the Varanasi Air Traffic Control from where ATC, Kolkata, was alerted. The officials at ATC pondered over whether pilots of other international flights that might have crossed the Kolkata-Bihar-Varanasi route, had also observed the glowing object reported by Capt Rishi. Accordingly, the ATC, Kolkata, beamed asking signals for other international flights that flew the same airspace during the period concerned. To their utter surprise, the air traffic control officials were told by as many as four foreign airlines flight pilots that they had seen the same object and all of them reiterated that it was falling down at a great speed! FinAir of Finland and Novou Air of Sweden were flying from the West to East while a couple of flights of Cathay Pacific and Dynasty Airways of China were moving in the opposite direction at an altitude between 34,000 and 37,000 ft over the airspace supposed to be in the trajectory of the object. Once the foreign airlines pilots radioed back the ATC tower here, confirming their sighting of the object, ATC engineers immediately got in touch with the Indian Air Force. However, the IAF engineers pointed out that their powerful radar had failed to track or notice any unusual object. "It could be a shooting star or part of a meteor or a metal that had a sudden entry into the earth's atmosphere as a result of which it turned into a burning object and appeared glowing from a distance," explained Positional Astronomy Centre director Sanjib Sen. "There is no denying the fact of its existence as so many pilots having seen it." But when everyone had seen it falling at a high speed, where and when the object had hit the earth? There is apparently no answer to this question so far. |
Flying Translucent Ray-Shaped Cryptid - Hampton Bays, New York Posted: 04 Feb 2011 07:37 AM PST I received a very interesting email on 2/3/2011 that described an encounter with a 'manta ray' shaped flying entity on Long Island: Hello, Lon... My name is Jeni and I live in New York; I grew up on Long Island and have always loved heading out East - the Montauk Projects, Brookhaven Labs; we've had a lot of experience with the unexplained out here (I've seen a plethora of various types of UFOs on LI since early childhood). I stumbled across your blog and am writing in response to the post "Winged Manta Ray Shaped Cryptid - Near Ashton, WV - 12/3/2004". (NOTE - follow up at Additional Ray-Shaped Cryptid Sightings in WV Ohio River Valley Revealed...Lon) Date of Event: July, 2006 Time: 9:00 - 10:00 pm EST (estimated time frame) Weather Conditions: Clear, bright night. The moon was very bright and large and you could see every star as the further east you go, the less 'light pollution you experience. Location: Traveling West on Dune Road, stopped at the Jetty in Hampton Bays, NY (the end of Dune Road). My experience occurred sometime in July 2006, right after my father had passed away. I regularly take long drives out to the East end of Long Island and walk on the beaches at night as it's very peaceful and isolated. The beach in Hampton Bays (the Jetty at the end of Dune Road) is particularly nice at night. I've been there at least a hundred times and had never experienced anything out of the ordinary. I took my then-fiancee out there to show him the phosphorescent shrimp that wash ashore as he had never seen them; we parked the car and proceeded to walk down to the water. The moon was very bright that night, so you could look down the long stretch of beach and see everything. We were alone. No other people were on the beach, no other cars were parked nearby and all establishments were closed; it's a rather remote area aside from a few scattered private residences and a few restaurant/bars. Now, a bit about me: I'm an artist, was raised with an open mind, am a healthy skeptic and I don't scare easily. As soon as we stepped onto the beach I had a feeling of general unease; that instinctive fear that one would experience in the presence of a predator. I chose to ignore it; occasionally peeking over my shoulder at the long, empty stretch of beach behind me but mostly focusing on the tiny glowing shrimp beneath our feet. At one point I felt a presence and again, chose to ignore it as I've dealt with that quite a bit in my 30 years. I had not voiced my unease to my fiancee, so he was completely unaware. About 5 - 10 minutes into our short walk we were both hunched over, his back facing the jetty, mine facing the stretch of empty beach when he started peering over my shoulder, up into the sky. Perplexed, he'd look for a second, then look away - at this point I was still trying to retain my composure and not look. Finally, after a few minutes, he looked over my head and yelled "oh my god! What *is* that?!" - I turned to look and 'flying' directly over my head was this huge creature I'd never seen! I will detail as best I can: It appeared translucent/transparent; no color whatsoever - no visible structure outside of the motion which indicated what it looked like; now, I myself am a visual artist, so this left a very distinct impression on me. This 'creature' was shaped and moving in the way a Manta Ray would; yet completely transparent! No color at all; I could see the stars through this thing; the only thing to allow the structure any appearance was the moonlight shining somehow on its' exterior! It was larger than a standard sedan. It's wingspan was at least, from what I could estimate, 10' in width; while it was 'flying', its wings moving up and down. The movement seemed familiar, like that of a gull swooping down and hovering over the shoreline. It was approximately 10 - 15' over my head; it had no visible 'head' or 'tail'; no discernible limbs or appendages of any kind. It appeared and moved exactly as a Manta Ray without the 'Cephalic Lobes' or tail. I was completely awe-struck, but that fear took over and after about 30 seconds of staring at this thing we both turned and bolted toward the car. While running, we both simultaneously jerked our heads to the right in response to a glowing green light which seemed to flash twice (it was not the light from the tower on the jetty, nor was it from any boat; that water was clear). I never looked behind me. We started heading back on Dune Road when we saw what I could only describe as two, smaller 'rays' which moved more like a bat would, flying together from right to left overhead past the car. These two were translucent and had a grayish color to them... strange. They were flying in the direction of the beach, where the larger, more transparent creature was. On the ride home, we spoke about how confused we were, but didn't compare notes on what we had seen - I told him I wanted to wait until we got home to do that. Now I consider myself a well-educated believer in Supernatural/Paranormal phenomenon and have a long-standing fascination with Cryptids but I always approach everything with a healthy dose of skepticism. As soon as we arrived home, I tore two pages out of a sketchbook, grabbed two pencils and gave one of each to my fiancee, instructed him to draw exactly what he had seen and left the room; I did the same. When we were done, we placed our sketches side by side and they were identical. That was enough confirmation for me. I immediately went online to try to research any reports which would help explain what we had witnessed, but I couldn't find anything at all! It was extremely frustrating. I did report the sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center (, but still, until I stumbled across this post, was at a loss for any confirmation or additional reports of this type of creature. I really would love to hear of anyone else who may have experienced something similar on the East end of Long Island... feel free to post this if you like. I'd love some answers as I'm fascinated by this event. It's so difficult to describe the appearance due to the fact that it was transparent, yet we could see the motion. Almost like when heat rises from asphalt and wrinkles the air... I really was amazed and have no idea what this thing could be! "It was so beautiful and strange! It reminded me of a sea creature more than anything else, maybe our air is like water to them." - I feel the same way; I instantly felt that it seemed to be 'swimming' through the air. I also believe that it's possible that multiple dimensions are simply a vibration away; that many things are likely coming over and going back from time to time... Thank you, Jeni NOTE: please forward any information similar to this sighting. If you have seen this cryptid, I can post as a follow up and/or forward to Jeni...Lon |
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