Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- "They told me it was time to leave..."
- Fortean / Alternative News: Search Beam From UFO, Bigfoot Howls Follow Up and Singularity 2045
- Investigation Report: Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society
"They told me it was time to leave..." Posted: 15 Feb 2011 02:08 PM PST I received this amazing email last evening. Many details have been kept confidential in order to protect the identity of the writer and her family. In 2005, my husband (who I'll refer to as 'Bill') and I purchased a house near Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Bill was stationed there and we figured that he would most likely stay since he was a wounded veteran from Operation Iraqi Freedom and had accepted a permanent position at headquarters. The house was built in the 1890s and had a Victorian style to it though there had been several renovations and additions. We have 3 children, all girls, who were aged 9, 11, and 15 at the time we bought the house. There was a lot of space for everybody including a large yard with woodland surrounding the property. When Bill returned from rehab after suffering his injuries he didn't elaborate on how he sustained his injuries nor did he talk about his time in Iraq. We had been married for 12 years before he was deployed and I was content to the life as an Army spouse. When he returned, things had not really changed until we had settled in to the new home. One morning I woke and noticed that Bill was not in bed. It was around 06:30 and he usually slept in until 07:15, then he would get up, eat breakfast and head to headquarters. I woke the girls for school and made my way downstairs to the kitchen to start making breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I noticed Bill was seated at the table, arms down his side and staring straight ahead. It actually shocked me because I had never seen him like this. I sat across the table and looked directly at him. After a minute or so, he looked into my eyes and said "I need to tell you something." He decided to stay home that day while I proceeded to feed my girls and get them off to school. Bill continued to sit at the table the entire time, not saying a word. I could tell that the girls were a bit confused since he did not speak to them. When I returned home from dropping the girls off at school, Bill was sitting in the living room drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. I sat down on the sofa fearing that I was about to hear bad news. He looked at me and said "I think I'm going to be leaving soon". I was in shock. "What exactly are you telling me?" I asked. He looked away for a second then looked back towards me "It has something to do with what happened in Mosul". (His division was deployed to northern Iraq near the city of Mosul). His hands and lips started to quiver "something happened that I can't explain. I wasn't able to report it to command because of the ramifications." He stood up and walked over to the sofa and sat down beside me. "The wounds I sustained were not from enemy ordinance - I was abducted by a group of people or something." He explained that his platoon was on night patrol east of the city when a firefight began. Several of the soldiers went down requiring a retreat in order to get the wounded out of harm's way. At one point, Bill was alone covering several soldiers who helped others back towards the city. Things had quieted down and Bill was about to head back towards base when suddenly he was knocked off his feet by a tremendously loud 'thud'. The next thing he remembered he was laying face up on a table in a spacious room with bright yellow lights all around. There were four beings that looked human but were dressed in thick dark wool-like robes. Each had a small circular cap on their heads that reflected the yellow light. One of the beings told Bill that he was to become 'one of them' and that 'he had no choice in the matter'. After that, he had no further memory with the beings. When he became conscious, he was in a medical helicopter on his way to Baghdad. He was told he was being transported for medical treatment at another location. He was then given what he thought was a sedative. He woke sometime later in a dark room unable to move. After a time, a nurse come into the room and told him that he was in Germany and being treated for his wounds. She inject something into the IV then left and again the room went dark. Bill thought from that time forward he was kept in a semi-conscious state for a long period of time, possibly for several weeks. About a month after sustaining his injuries, he was admitted to a hospital for rehab. This was the first time that he was able to see the extent of his injuries as well as an explanation of what he was facing. Both of Bill's legs had deep long scars on the front and back. He was told that he lost a considerable amount of nerve and muscle tissue but that he would be able to recover much of his strength and sensation through rehabilitation. He inquired about surgery records but was told no surgery was performed. He then asked how the wounds were closed. The physician said that there was no description of sutures or skin grafting in the record. The physician agreed with Bill that this seemed very irregular. For over a year, Bill tried to get answers but was stonewalled by military and medical officials. When he returned home, I was surprised Bill was able to move around as well as he did even though the scars on his legs indicated significant trauma. As Bill sat beside me, his voice started to shake "they will come back for me. I have no way of avoiding it." I was still awestruck by everything I had heard. I said "is there any way the medical staff at the fort can help you?" He looked away and said "it's beyond that point." We continued to live a fairly normal life despite what Bill had told me. He never mentioned the incident again and I tried to forget it. As time went by, I assumed Bill has suffered some form of battlefield stress disorder though he maintained a busy and productive schedule at home and at work. One warm evening in July 2007 Bill left us. He had been working in the yard when all of a sudden my youngest girl let out a horrific scream. I ran out the back door into the yard and witnessed Bill's lifeless body laying near the poplar tree. He had taken a pocket knife and drawn it across his throat. It was so abrupt and unexpected. Bill had stated that he did not want a military funeral and wanted to be cremated. After a coroner's inquiry it was determined that Bill had taken his own life. Last year, I was cleaning out Bill's clothes and personal effects when I discovered an envelope in a foot locker that he kept in the garage. I pull out and read the single sheet of paper, it read - "They told me it was time to leave. I'm sorry though I'm sure you'll understand." No. I don't understand. KS | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Search Beam From UFO, Bigfoot Howls Follow Up and Singularity 2045 Posted: 15 Feb 2011 09:05 AM PST Photo of similar beam from a 2010 sighting Black UFO Shoots Light Beam to Ground MUFON CMS - Tennessee - 01-14-11: I had just returned home from a little late night shopping at Wal-Mart around 1:30 AM. I was getting settled in and ready for bed, and had just come out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth. As I walked from the bathroom down the stairs to my bedroom, I heard this extremely loud buzzing/humming, almost grinding sound coming from outside that was so loud the windows of my house were rattling. Curious as to what it was and expecting to open the door to see a helicopter flying too low or a low flying jet passing over, I opened the door to look outside, only to see something I couldn't have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. Peering out from the front door of my house facing south, directly in front of my point of view, there was a large (guesstimating 150 ft. in diameter) metallic, solid black sphere hovering about 150 yards from where I was standing and maybe 150 - 200 feet in the air. Directly in the dead center of the sphere was a blue-white sort of laser-like beam spread out from the craft, and rotating back and forth and up and down very slowly as if it was searching for something, and as I was standing there this beam passed directly over me. I didn't feel any heat, or pain from it, I was only slightly blinded for a split second... but this was well after I'd gotten a good solid 20 - 30 second view of the object. The sound emanating from this object was this intense humming, grinding, almost like the sound made when you run over a tree root with a lawnmower, or when a construction worker is using a pile-drive minus the chipping sound, or when someone presses down on an object too hard with a grinder, but consistent and continuous, and again, loud enough that the sound was rattling my 2 story house's storm windows. I'm shocked it didn't wake up the whole neighborhood. After watching for a good 20 - 30 seconds, I wanted to document it somehow, so I ran into the house to grab my iPhone with the hopes that the object was low and close enough that the resolution on my phone wouldn't have trouble capturing the object, as it usually does anything from a distance at night. Here's where things get even weirder. The entire time I was in the house to grab my phone was all of 15 seconds. Mind you, when I came outside at first the object was not moving, just hovering. Within that span of 15 seconds I was inside, I came back outside to find that the object was gone from its original spot, but I could still clearly hear it. Thinking that it had to be nearby, I looked around, and then ran (as fast as I could in house shoes) around to the back of the house to find that the object had traveled at least 2 miles away, and all I could see was the faint remnant of the beam, still moving as if it was searching or scanning for something, before the object disappeared behind the ridge line. I didn't bother trying to film, I knew it was too far away for me to have any chance of capturing. Here's where it gets even more odd. As I'm standing watching it disappear behind the ridge line, I hear another loud sound of a craft, only this one is familiar. I turn around to see 3 black helicopters in formation, flying very low, and hauling ass, with only their spotlights on facing directly in front of them. They followed the exact same direction I saw the craft travel. Now, I have witnessed strange lights I couldn't explain in the sky before, I have even had one UFO experience in particular that altered my whole perception of how a viewed physics, reality, religion, and what I perceived as possible and impossible, but this... this was different. With all of those other sightings I got a sense of excitement, wonder, and even at times warmth and comfort. What I felt when I saw this object was an almost sickening sense of fear, discomfort, and dread. With all the other sightings I WANTED to see it again, I was excited to have seen them. This thing... I wished I hadn't seen it, and it had me so uneasy I had a lot of trouble NOT picturing it when I was trying to sleep. Everytime I got the image in my head, and remembered that sound it made, it sent chills up my spine. I'm asking the UFO community, anyone who reads this who has seen this object whether in person or in some kind of video they've seen to share their experience with me, as I'm hoping to find some answers as to why or even what this thing could have been. Thank you for your time, and keep watching the skies! Thanks to Tammy for the heads up! ********** Follow Up: Bigfoot Howls The following is a response to a previous post - Fortean / Alternative News: Bigfoot Reports and Updates Listening to the Bigfoot howls the first one is very faint at best the second one with out a doubt I have heard that one myself... My parents live up in Placerville Foothills of the Sierras here in Northern California....We had BFRO come out to my parents one weekend a few years back along with Kathy Moskowits Strain and her now husband Bob Strain... I showed them the tree breaks I had found which they thought were excellent and the sounds we had heard... Late in the night we blasted some sound recordings they brought and got a return call... Kathy looked at us with a big smile and said is that what you have heard.. I told her yes it is... She smiled and said yup you have one or more that are in the area... Until you hear it yourself in the mountains or woods you can't get a true appreciation or feel for a Bigfoot... Every time I hear someone laugh or say there is no such thing.. I tell them I would love to see you way out in the middle of the forest especially at night and hear a howl... I guarantee they will change their tune along with their underwear.... Here is the link to the report I initially filed with BFRO.... ********** Atlantic raft expedition update telegraph - At the age of 84, Anthony Smith is crossing the Atlantic on a raft. This week his crew battle with a broken rudder, and enjoy life atop an ocean of food chains. To be on a raft at sea is to be on a snooker table whose frame rests on a bouncy castle. The structure stays happily intact, but the actual angle at any moment is the castle's choice. As for the poor balls, they go wherever gravity dispatches them, be they a desired pen, a pair of specs, a pan of food or the mere human in pursuit. Unfortunately it is only the four of us who can grab a passing handhold. The pen, specs, food and whatever are only halted when some other thing gets in their way, whether mast, cabin, water barrel or circumferential netting. The human balls change their colour according to circumstance. A black period definitely ensued when I realised a pernicious pharmacy had sold me a stack of hearing aid batteries all empty of energy. From now on, I will live more with my own thoughts than those expressed by others. Further blackness ensued when the toilet roll, neatly encased within several plastic bags, managed to acquire water donated by a passing wave. Of course, there are better times too. Sunset and sunrise are always a joy, whether pink or blue or just suffused with yellow. Reds are the most common. The sun is the dominant feature of our days, though at night a zillion stars try to outdo in their numbers the single globe that highlights day. As expected, there seem to be few fellow travellers on these waters. A single cruise liner has been spotted; a few aircraft have strobed their passage through the sky; and a gathering of dolphins once graced the water ahead before departing, sad perhaps that we had no great bow wave with which to impel their bodies into extra bursts of speed. No whales as yet, and it might therefore seem that the ocean is a lifeless place. Not a bit of it. We placed a plankton net in our rear, waited five minutes, and then hauled in a cornucopia of living things. There were little shrimp-like copepods and amphipods, each paddling so busily until warmth, I assume, got the better of them. There were Volvox lookalikes, round balls of little creatures fused together to make a sphere of life rather than a separated quantity of what books like to call animalcules. Undulating past them were the smallest of jellyfish, less than a millimetre in diameter, but precise replicas of their bigger brethren we may see when swimming nervously among them or treading between dead giants washed up along the shore. An ocean, in short, is alive with food chains. The smallest, perhaps mere eggs or larvae, are eaten by those a trifle larger. These are then consumed by creatures higher up the ladder, and so on, until major animals are doing all the eating. It is a world on its own down there, beneath our raft, beneath the turbulence, and whose apparent lifelessness is nothing of the kind. All of this was forgotten when our rudder broke last week. A steel pinion snapped and its attached marine ply then broke, half of it to float away. Tragedy? Yes, but not without a happy remedy. My three crew members jury-rigged a replacement, more of a steering oar than a rudder, but in fact the four daggerboards suddenly proved their worth. More like tabletops with us than any weapon, these have been constructed in ancient Peruvian fashion near the four corners of our craft. We immediately discovered, by lowering one or two of them, that we could steer effortlessly in the required direction. At the moment we are heading more or less south-west to gain advantage of the trade winds which will take us towards our destination on the ocean's other side. Our snooker platform is therefore doing as it should, even if the balls sometimes go merrily elsewhere, whatever their colour and the time of day. That is the nature of the craft with which we are voyaging so contentedly. Being on a raft is amazingly pleasing, whatever the turbulence. ********** 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal On Feb. 15, 1965, a diffident but self-possessed high school student named Raymond Kurzweil appeared as a guest on a game show called I've Got a Secret. He was introduced by the host, Steve Allen, then he played a short musical composition on a piano. The idea was that Kurzweil was hiding an unusual fact and the panelists — they included a comedian and a former Miss America — had to guess what it was. On the show (see the clip on YouTube), the beauty queen did a good job of grilling Kurzweil, but the comedian got the win: the music was composed by a computer. Kurzweil got $200. (See TIME's photo-essay "Cyberdyne's Real Robot.") Kurzweil then demonstrated the computer, which he built himself — a desk-size affair with loudly clacking relays, hooked up to a typewriter. The panelists were pretty blasé about it; they were more impressed by Kurzweil's age than by anything he'd actually done. They were ready to move on to Mrs. Chester Loney of Rough and Ready, Calif., whose secret was that she'd been President Lyndon Johnson's first-grade teacher. But Kurzweil would spend much of the rest of his career working out what his demonstration meant. Creating a work of art is one of those activities we reserve for humans and humans only. It's an act of self-expression; you're not supposed to be able to do it if you don't have a self. To see creativity, the exclusive domain of humans, usurped by a computer built by a 17-year-old is to watch a line blur that cannot be unblurred, the line between organic intelligence and artificial intelligence. That was Kurzweil's real secret, and back in 1965 nobody guessed it. Maybe not even him, not yet. But now, 46 years later, Kurzweil believes that we're approaching a moment when computers will become intelligent, and not just intelligent but more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity — our bodies, our minds, our civilization — will be completely and irreversibly transformed. He believes that this moment is not only inevitable but imminent. According to his calculations, the end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away. Continue reading at 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal | ||
Investigation Report: Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Posted: 15 Feb 2011 07:49 AM PST Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society has kindly allowed me to republish the following information and photos: This is an update to the preliminary investigation we conducted yesterday. Today, February 12, 2011 Saturday, Feb 12, 2011 Follow up investigators: Brian & Terrie Seech, Dr. Paul Johnson and Fred Saluga As written by Terrie Seech and edited by Eric Altman to keep witness name confidential. We met witness at 10 am. He told us about his sighting and we looked at Topo maps Paul brought to figure the best way to get to the sighting area. We went to the entrance of the PA Turnpike west (towards Ohio) and parked our vehicles on the side. Looking across the turnpike at a lightly wooded area on a hillside, there is a house and outbuilding where the witness saw the creature. We determined we could take a back road to find the spot. We drove back to the area and the properties along that road are all posted on both sides of the road: No trespassing, no hunting, no fishing. We determined the exact property where this sighting took place. Some tracks were see down by the road and up the driveway, but unable to determine exactly what made these tracks as it was snowing this am and the wind was blowing snow around, covering the tracks. We drove back up to the main road where the radio tower is s and Eric and others were on Friday. This is on the opposite side of the turnpike where the creature was seen. We did note survey flags along the fence on the hilltop with tracks in the snow (possible recent surveyors?) We gave the witness a PBS reporting form with our card and he will be contacting Brian next week and meeting with him with the completed form. This general area has had historical sightings reported. Note from Eric Altman: This original area is the correct area where Chris and I began our initial investigation and the area where we discovered the tracks. We will continue to minitor the area and the investigation will remain open at this time. On Tuesday Februay 8, 2011 at approximately 8:20 am, a male witness who I will call Sam contacted me by cell phone. He was quite excited about what he had just seen and eager to share his experience. His claim was that around 7:45 am while exiting route 60 and about to enter the Pennsylvania Turnpike, he looked to his left and up on a nearby hillside he sighted a large dark brown figure walking on the hillside. He continued driving and shocked by what he had just witnessed, he quickly stopped and backed up his car and stopped to watch this large dark brown figure the color of dark tree bark as it took three large quick strides and entered the woodline on his left. His description was that the figure was very tall and lanky, later calling the figure massive. He stated he saw the creature for about 15 to 30 seconds before it dissapeared from sight. He told me he was a believer in Bigfoot and had seen many documentaries on the subject and the figure walked just like the cgi figures did in those documents, taking large quick strides with its arms hanging down at its sides. Being that the sighting had just occured, I contacted two of our investigators Brian and Terrie Seech. I gave them the witness name and phone number and had them contact him for additional information. I also contacted the PA Bigfoot Society Assistant Director Dave Dragosin and informed him of what occured in hopes he could get to the area. Being that all four of us were working, Brian agreed to go to the area after work at 430 pm. I gave him the location and witness information. Brian and Terrie Seech travelled to the location however could not locate the exact spot where the man was when he saw the creature. They drove the back roads and were not able to find the area. On Friday 2-11-2011, after dropping my car at the garage and wife at work, my Brother in Law Chris Brinker and I drove to the location. Based on a map of the area and the witness description of where he stated he was, we found a back road above the hillside from where we thought the witness sighted the creature. We arrived at 10:30 am. We parked the vehicle on the side of a snowy road. Weather conditions were 12 degrees, aproximately 1 to 2 inches of snow on the ground and sunny. We loaded up a video camera, 35 mm camera and bincoulars. We entered the woods from above after walking a short distance on a private driveway. The majority of the area is private property and we were able to find a location that was not. We walked approximately a quarter mile down the wooded hillside to the open field where we believed the witness sighted the figure. Upon initial observation, we saw an abundance of animal tracks. We saw multiple deer tracks and large canine tracks which we assumed were coyotte or large dog. After walking around the area we also discovered small boot prints in the snow. We could clearly see they boot prints and within the past day or so. Looking around we discovered what appeared to be very large impressions in the snow that resembled the shape of human prints and they were bipedal. The tracks were olde had snow blown over them and there was a thin layer of ice/snow on top so we can not say for sure if they were human or something else. However they did definitely resemble the shape and size of large human like prints and were bipedal. We followed the tracks around the bottom of the hillside. They went both up and down in almost a zig zag pattern around to the right around the front of the hillside. After a while, we lost the tracks. Continuing to walk, we discovered them again, and what may have been two sets of tracks. They were headed up the hillside through brush and small tree sapplings. Chris and I followed the tracks. I photographed them and Chris video taped them. The track size was consistant, 16 inches in length and 8 inches wide. The stride range was 27 inches going up the hill and on flat surfaces and 21 inches coming down. Our stride measured 17 to 19 inches as we walked. What was peculiar about these tracks were the fact that following them they did not go around the trees and brush, but through them as if the person or individual didnt avoid them. Stepping right through, while it could have easily stepped around to the left or right to avoid the briars, branches and brush. While following the tracks we found a pile of frozen feces. Although small in size, it resembled cow feces and it was right where the tracks were, lying on its side in some brush. If it were cow feces, it was about 100 feet outside of a fenced in area that held beef cattle. We collected the sample for testing as we could not positively identify it and were unsure if it was in fact cow or something else. The cold killed the battery in my Sony Cyber shot 35 mm camera, however Chris was still able to continue to video. We continued to follow the tracks up to the barbed wire fence. The tracks followed along the perimiter of the fence for a great distance. Then the turned and went down the hill towards where we started our investigation. We followed the tracks to a small stream where they turned to the left and up into the wooded ravine we came down. This portion of the ravine was extremley steep and a very difficult angle for us to walk up without assistance or on two legs. Another peculiar thing we discovered was that these tracks continued to walk up the hill without slippage or any signs of the individual using trees, brush or its hands to pull itself up. Meanwhile as we followed up the steep ravine we found ourselves having to take our time and use these things to pull ourselves up. Once on top, we followed the tracks again through brush and small sapplings not around them. The tracks led us back to the road, where they stopped about 75 feet from the road. They turned right and walked to the driveway we pulled into and backed out of when we first arrived. The tracks stopped and the individual turned and walked back the same way it came, some times stepping in vicinity where it had originally walked. We followed them a short distance and noticed they travelled back in the same direction from where they came, which may explain the second set of tracks we originally discovered. Being that we were short on time as I had to pick up my wife from work that afternoon, we returned to the truck and decided to drive to the location where the witness stopped and claimed he saw the creature. We arrived at the location at approximately 1230 pm. Unsure of where exactly the witness had his sighting, we called him to get the location again. We learned after several phone conversations and pictures sent to his phone that we were in the wrong area. He guided us to the spot where he stopped his car as he watched the figure walk into the woods. Upon investigating, I walked to the hillside where the man stated he saw the figure walking right to left into the tree line. At a four foot high fence, we discovered a similar set of tracks that walked from right to left to the edge of small patch of woods, turned and walked right to left and into the tree line. The tracks measured 15 inches long, 7 inches wide with a 20 inch stride. These remembled the tracks we had discovered at the previous location. They could have melted and refroze. They had a light dusting of snow and ice crust on top of them and we could not positively identify the tracks. We followed them into the tree line and up a hillside following the tracks as they went. However these tracks went around small brush, briars and tree sapplings. There were several occasions where they walked to the fence and we found florescent survey tape tied to the fence. The fenced in area housed a cellular tower and maitenance building. The tracks were were following up the hillside continued to walk along the perimiter of the fence and stopped near the tape as it walked. On the opposite side of the fence we clearly saw boot prints of someone who walked up and tied the tape to the fence in those locations. We followed the large tracks for a while and back down the hillside on the opposite side of the hill. The tracks turned to the right and followed along the fence line. they never crossed the roadway and into another section of woods as I had checked. Chris and I met back up at the car and discussed our second finding. We came to the theory that what the man saw was not in fact a creature, but a member of a survey crew who was on the hillside walking along the fence line and perhaps was bundled up in dark brown carhartt work overals and had a hood over his head. Although we can not say for sure what made the tracks on the outside of the fence, we feel that it was not a creature nor Bigfoot. Our logic is based on the fact that these tracks walked the perimiter of the fence stopping at the survey tape as it did, and we saw boot prints on the other side of the fence doing the same. We can not say 100% that it was a person but that is what we agreed the witness probably sighted was a man in dark brown overalls with a hood walking along the fence line assisting in the survey of the fence. the weather the day of the sighting was very cold, in the single digits and snowing, so that would account for the attire of the survey crew member. However we were not at the location the day the man claims what he saw, so we can not say 100% that our theory is correct. As for the first set of tracks we discovered in the wrong location, we have no explanation for those tracks and who or what left them. The possibility of thaw and freeze accounting for the size of the tracks, plus weather affecting the tracks we can not rule out the possiblity of these prints being human. And although not out of the realm of possibilty, these tracks could have been left by a human out for a walk in the woods. However we are left with many questions about these first set of track discovered. In conclusion, I believe we are able to rule out the initial sighting of the witness as he seeing a member of a survey crew dressed in dark brown overalls and winter attire. however the tracks discovered at the first location leave us with numerous questions. This area does not have a lot of shelter to offer and the terrain was not an easily walkable terrain. Why would someone be out in such bitter cold and poor weather conditions walking in the snow as easily as it did when we had difficulty walking in numerous spots having to balance ourselves and being very careful going up and down these hills. Why did this individual walk through brush, trees and thick briars? It could have easily walked around them as we did. (No we did not find any hair on the branches, briars, and twigs but we did find lots of broken branches). Why did this individual have such ease going up the steep embankement while it took us a while to get up and we had difficulty navigating the hill without assistance. Why did this individual stop 75 feet from the road and then turn to walk to the driveway and then turn and walk back the same direction it came from walking in the same patter it originally did? As stated, it is not out of the realm of possibility that both sets of tracks were made by humans. However our preliminary investigation leaves us not 100% certain. Pa Bigfoot Society researchers Brian and Terrie Seech, Fred Saluga and Dr. Paul Johnson will be meeting with the witness at the location today for further follow up and investigation. I have included photos of our initial findings from yesterday. I have the collected sample of feces protected in two plastic baggies and am hoping to find some one who can identify it and do further testing on it. A few photos:
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