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- Paranormal / Spiritual News: Night Gallery, Ghostly Tasmanian Asylum and Haunted Costa Rica
- Fortean / Alternative News: Pleiadian Contact, Psychic Photography and Air Force UFO Directive Revealed
- Fortunate Encounter in Atlantic City
Paranormal / Spiritual News: Night Gallery, Ghostly Tasmanian Asylum and Haunted Costa Rica Posted: 27 Feb 2011 12:33 PM PST Queensland's Night Gallery dailyexaminer - Along with a beautiful, heritage-listed location and a renowned collection of artworks, it seems Grafton Regional Gallery can now boast another drawcard – its very own resident ghost. Members of the Queensland Paranormal Research and Analysis Group (QPRAG) recently conducted a night time paranormal investigation at the gallery's historic Prentice House in Fitzroy St based on reports from visitors and volunteers of ghostly occurrences there over the years. After going over hours of data collected on the night from video cameras, digital voice recorders and electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, the results are in and the team believe they have found strong evidence of paranormal activity. "Our conclusion is the gallery is rated a Category: 2 (Paranormal Activity captured but no visual evidence)," said Chris, one of the investigation team leaders. This means the data gathered by the group ticked many of the boxes indicating paranormal activity, except for the holy grail of ghost-hunting – capturing an apparition on video or camera. However, what the team did get were several digital sound recordings containing what they believe is Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), which is unexplained recorded sounds or voices. The team sent these recordings to The Daily Examiner. One of the recordings contains a male-sounding voice clearly and commandingly saying "go!", while another contains what also sounds like a male voice saying something unintelligible. These recordings turned-up on digital sound recorders placed near the gallery's staircase, which became a focal point of the overall investigation. The team has ruled-out these voices coming from its own members, with the recordings being made either during a lock-out period on the night when the entire team was waiting outside the gallery, or in the case of one recording, during a period where two members were inside, but sitting in complete silence. Along with the voices, Chris said several unexplained bangs and scrapes were recorded; irregular EMF activity (which is believed by ghost-hunters to indicate paranormal activity) was noted, and; two video cameras positioned inside the gallery were inexplicably turned off while recording, despite having plenty of battery power left. The power switch on one of these cameras was actually found to have been physically turned to the "off" position, but no one was anywhere near the camera at the time. Chris said a combination of these incidents, and others, led the team to the conclusion there was indeed paranormal activity at the gallery. She also said the gallery investigation had proven to be one of the team's most eventful. "Now that we've reviewed all the data, I think it's probably one of the best ones; it's the most we've ever picked-up in one night," she said. "That's the thing – you can be on a site for three hours and not pick-up anything, but with the gallery, we've got at least half-a-dozen things which are questionable – we have no explanation for them." Chris said the South-East Queensland-based QPRAG team was keen to return to Grafton soon and had its sights set on historic Schaeffer House, which is said to boast a ghostly tale or two of its own. To celebrate the QPRAG team's findings, youngsters will soon get a chance to do some ghost-hunting of their own at the gallery, with day-time children's ghost tours to be held during the April school holidays. ********** Tasmanian Mental Asylum's Haunted Reputation the Tasmanian town of New Norfolk stories about apparitions, strange sudden smells and unearthly happenings at the site of the former mental asylum have been circulating the local community and more recently the internet. A former mental health hospital, Willow Court has unofficially become a drawcard for people who believe in the supernatural. Now the Derwent Valley Council is determined to find out once and for all if there is any truth to the stories. Councillors recently voted in favour of a paranormal investigation in at least two of the wards still standing. A team of three from the Australian Paranormal Investigation Unit are now planning a two or three night stay in ward C and Alonnah that once housed the criminally insane. Decommissioned by the Tasmanian Government in the 1990s, some of the wards have been knocked down to make way for development. Others are still empty - trashed by vandals. Glenn Hevey, Nick Jarvis and Aiden Sullivan have long held an interest in Willow Court and the supernatural. "I've loved it all my life," former New Norfolk boy Nick Jarvis said. "What spurred my interest even more was the paranormal side of Willow Court and almost on a daily basis I've been getting reports of people seeing things and hearing things." Three years ago, the three young men decided to get serious and set up the Australian Paranormal Investigations Unit. They contacted the local Derwent Valley Council and the small team of ghost busters were given official council approval to investigate three wards that once housed the criminally insane. "We went through the appropriate channels went through council, the committee endorsed it and it was voted on and approved. So it was a long process and we're pretty happy to be in that position," Mr Jarvis said. The three men are certain there is a spiritual presence at the site, but believe it or not they have never had the camera when a spirit has appeared. "When I was driving down the main avenue here at Willow Court, I was driving over some of the speed humps and the headlights shone on a white apparition figure," Mr Jarvis said. This time they are determined to record a presence. "We've got voice recorders to capture electronic voice phenomena, including static or stray noises. We've got electromagnetic field metres to hopefully capture any presences. We've got cameras, and we've got temp guns which we use with temperature readings to work out if there are any temperature spikes or drops," Mr Jarvis said. Sceptic Leyon Parker wishes the team luck, but holds little hope for success. "I think it's a waste of time," he said. "I suppose people can choose to waste their time any way they like. If these people want to waste their time looking for ghosts that don't exist it's not my job to tell them they shouldn't do that." To be convinced he says he would need "photographic evidence, there would have to be electronic recordings of some sort, the clearer the better, probably accompanying eyewitness accounts and it would certainly help if there was a sceptical mind there at the time this occurred". There are some people in Tasmania hoping no such evidence is found, in fact they would prefer if Willow Court's history as an asylum for the state's mentally ill was not dragged up. Locals have never been keen to admit having a relative at Willow Court, a family secret often considered more sensitive than a person's convict ancestry. For that reason there are some councillors who are against a paranormal investigation. Barry Lathey believes the asylum's more recent past should be left alone. "I think this site is a bit too close to the people that were incarcerated in here and I think it would have, or may have, an adverse affect on their families," he said. Former Mayor Tony Nicholson worked at Willow Court many years ago. With strong memories of the patients, he believes the supernatural investigation is disrespectful. But the ghost busters say finding a spiritual presence at Willow Court could silence the sceptics and have economic spinoffs for the area. ********** Haunted Costa Rica thecostaricanerws - During the last few years, there has been an increased interest in ghost hunting, both in the United States and worldwide. Shows such as Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures-to name just three-have sparked a flurry of spirit seekers to visit locations reputed to be inhabited by people who have traveled over to "the other side." Costa Ricans-expats and locals alike- also seem to have caught the ghost-hunting bug. So the question arises: Where can you find haunted locations in Costa Rica? Perhaps the best-known location for paranormal activity is located within the shadow of Irazu Volcano. Some 38 miles from San Jose, near Cartago, is the Sanatorio Carlos Duran. Driving from Cartago, as you head toward Irazu, follow the road to the left which heads to Prusia and you will find it there. Dr. Duran felt that the location and the climate would make a perfect place to treat patients stricken with tuberculosis and leprosy and so, in 1915, he built the hospital. Throughout the years, the sanatorium/hospital was transformed from a medical facility to an insane asylum and, for a time, also served as an orphanage. However, the Colossus of Costa Rica, as Irazu is known locally, decided in 1973 that Dr. Duran's hospital had run out of time. The 1973 volcanic eruption forced the hospital to close once and for all-at least for the living. Residents in and around Cartago have long reported spectral encounters throughout the hospital grounds. Ghost Hunters International, a spinoff of the popular Ghost Hunters show on the American SyFy channel, made Dr. Duran's sanatorium one of two Costa Rican locales that were investigated. Encounters range from sounds, feelings of sadness, shadow images, and items being tossed out of the patient's rooms. One of the more persistent stories is that of an image of a nun who is seen on the grounds. Perhaps she is tending the sick in the next world, much as she did in this one. The town of Cartago is also home to a famous ghost tale. In Parque Central, Cartago, you can visit Las Ruinas de la Parroquia -a spot where churches, of one type or another, have stood since 1575. Legend has it that in the 1800s, a young priest fell in love with his sister-in-law and had a scandalous affair. The affair was discovered by his brother, the mayor, who killed the priest in a jealous rage. Soon after the murder, the original church was destroyed during the earthquake of 1841. It was then rebuilt and almost immediately after completion, it was destroyed again in the quake of 1910. An earthquake continually halted all attempts at reconstruction of the church, prompting the townsfolk of Cartago to give up on reconstruction, deducing that the grounds were evil and haunted. Although only the outer walls of the building remain, visitors tell of a headless spirit who continues to roam the church grounds. The other site, which the Ghost Hunters International team investigated, is San Lucas Island. Though inhabited by various indigenous groups since roughly 1000 A.D., the island is best known for its infamous prison. Prior to its construction in 1873, under the orders of Tomás Miguel Guardia Gutiérre, it was used by the Spanish as an internment camp for natives who were subsequently killed at the site of their ancestor's burial grounds. During its tenure, San Lucas had a reputation as both one of the most dreaded prisons in Central America and as the final destination of some of the most horrific criminals in Costa Rica. Murderers and rapists were intermingled with political prisoners and, as might be expected, many perished. There are countless stories of torture and of the suffering of those sentenced there. Among the many ghostly encounters recorded is that of a nurse who was reportedly raped and killed by the prisoners while she was treating them. It is said her ghost can be found in one of the holding cells which has two drawings of a woman-allegedly made with her own blood. San Lucas is now a national park and there are several tour companies offering the adventurous the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the ancients and of the ghost hunters. For those seeking a more inviting location to check out the paranormal, a visit to the beach at Playa Grande is recommended. Rumored to be an ancient burial and ceremonial site of one of the long forgotten tribes who lived in the region, Ticos and non-Ticos alike have reported various ghostly encounters. At the very least, there is the sun, the sand, and the ocean which can certainly compensate for a lack of paranormal activity. Costa Rica also has its' own version of the banshee. Although she is known throughout much of Central and South America, La Llorona (the Crier) has a unique Costa Rican identity. Maria, (the Crier's name) apparently got involved with someone while she was married and had his child. In despair, she is said to have thrown the baby into the river before taking her own life. She wanders the length and breadth of Costa Rica, usually near water, looking for her lost child and crying a warning to those thinking of having an affair. Ghost hunting in paradise? Why not? It's just another facet to explore in this green and beautiful land of Pura Vida. ********** THIS WEEK'S PARANORMAL / SPIRITUAL LINKS A sceptic of the supernatural turned ghost-buster Australian to chronicle family's ghostly encounter Black Diamond Cemetery pictures show some spooky images Ghostly Playmate Life is just a great big poltergeist Looking for the Ghosts of My Ancestors in New Orleans Which Haunted Hotel to Stay at in New Orleans? Do Ghosts in Haunted Hotels Give Guests Privacy? Can your dreams predict the future? Paranormal Activity in Zanesville Suspected haunting at downtown Toledo restaurant Walk Among The Dead | ||
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 11:29 AM PST 'I was contacted by the Pleiadians' MUFON CMS - Ohio - March 16,2006: I WAS IN MY ROOM, THERE WAS AN ELECTRICAL STORM OUTSIDE, OUT OF NOWHERE THIS INTENSE ENERGY PERMEATED MY ROOM, I was standing at the time watching television,I heard and felt this low humming sound, I was literally knocked on my ass, everything in my room was alive with light and overwhelming energy,suddenly the television screen changed, there I was me on t.v. then words started forming, You are a dragon, monkey! Again out of nowhere like watching a movie superimposed over my own reality I was literally shown the creation of life on our planet, a fish crawling out of the water and all the offshoots of the species, the tree of life.I have never felt such fear in my life! I can only explain this next scenario as thought transference. Words started coming in my brain, like a computer being downloaded with information,they said to me, do not fear little one, You are God, we live in you as you! For the next 3 weeks I was in lucid state of awareness, being shown the secrets of the cosmos. After that my battle for life had begun. I have lost all my hair and have scars like burns all over my body. They conveyed to me that they are testing something on me they called nanomolecular technology. They are here waking us up one by one! The collective event December 21, 2012. when all knowledge of the tree of life will be revealed. What is really crazy is that I was raised Catholic, you have no idea of how difficult this was and is for me, this went against everything I was taught. I suffer silently. Who will help me? I know there is something inside of me. I feel like molten metal, I can literally see the light inside of me, I was imbued with the power of a vemana! I have so much information, please help me, I am on the edge. I am willing to undergo any testing so the truth can be told. I have seen amazing things, so much more than I can state here. Please help me,so I can help others with this new paradigm. I am on the edge. please, please, help me! A child of the light. Ninette Testa ********** Book bound in human skin goes on display BBC - When Devon murderer George Cudmore was sentenced to hang at the Lent Assizes in 1830, he knew that part of his sentence was that his dead body would be taken to an Exeter hospital to be dissected. What he probably was not aware of was that a chunk of his skin would eventually be flayed, tanned and used to cover an 1852 copy of The Poetical Works of John Milton. The book is now housed at the Westcountry Studies Library in Exeter. It will go on show to the public for the first time on 26 February as part of Devon's annual Local History Day. An inscription in the front of the book states whose skin it is and his crime. Cudmore, a ratcatcher from Roborough, was convicted of killing his wife Grace by poisoning. He was hanged at the Devon County Gaol - on the site of the current Exeter Prison - on 25 March 1830. "We don't really know why the skin was retained or, indeed, where," said Tony Rouse, senior assistant librarian. "It must have been kept somewhere until 1853 when it was used to cover the book." Inscription in front of book bound in skin The book is inscribed with information on whose skin it is made from While binding books in human skin is not common, it is not unusual, says Mr Rouse. The practice is known as anthropodermic bibliopegy and seems to have been most popular during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the first books covered in human skin were medical books - the skins were primarily from amputated body parts and unclaimed corpses. Occasionally, as in the case of Cudmore, the skin of executed prisoners was used. "It sounds grim but if I gave you the book to hold and didn't tell you what it was covered in you would never know, it just looks like normal leather," said Mr Rouse. And although no-one knows for sure who covered the book there are some theories it was Exeter bookseller W Clifford, as his bookseller's ticket was discovered in the front of the book. The bookplate in the front of the volume shows it was once part of a Mr Ralph Sanders' library, which was probably donated to the Exeter City Library, eventually ending up in the Westcountry Studies Library. This year's local history event has a crime and punishment theme and as well as the book, the Exeter witchcraft trials and executions and the sites of the gallows in the county are up for discussion. "I would really encourage people to come and have a look," said Mr Rouse. "It's not been on display before and it's really not as gruesome as it sounds, although it is certainly one of the more unusual items we have here." **********
Thoughtographs: Psychic Projections/Photographic Impressions explorehoward - An unusual photography exhibit at UMBC's Kuhn Library Gallery prompts you to wonder whether reality is more than a simple black-and-white affair. "Psychic Projections/Photographic Impressions" concerns a scientific study conducted during the 1960s. A Chicago bellhop, Ted Serios (1918-2006), claimed he was able to use psychic energy in order to directly place his mental images onto Polaroid film. A Denver psychiatrist, Dr. Jule Eisenbud (1908-1999) undertook experiments to test that claim. Studying several hundred photographs that he called "Thoughtographs," Eisenbud became convinced that Serios truly had paranormal powers. Although the UMBC exhibit strenuously remains neutral in this matter, the exhibited photos sure do make you wonder what produced them. Much of the exhibit is devoted to documenting how these photos were taken. Serios typically would sit in a room, rest the camera on his knee, and then take a sequence of photos of his face. Many of the resulting photos apparently just show the facial and room details you would expect, and many others simply printed as either a blurry all-over white or a blurry all-over black. Although the exhibition texts could do more to explain the nature of these so-called "whitie" and "blackie" images, these non-images are not really where the paranormal aspect kicks in. What's exhibited at UMBC are mostly dim and indistinct pictures in which isolated objects can be seen amidst the murky backgrounds. Some of these images have such a ghostly quality that it's not exactly clear what you're seeing, but others are sharply defined. They amount to dark-edged, solitary portraits of the Chicago Water Tower, Big Ben in London, a double decker bus, a windmill, a castle, a station wagon and more. Serios said that he did not see these images in his mind before actualizing them on film. Instead, he would concentrate, point the camera toward himself, snap photos, and then somehow produce images of objects that in most cases existed hundreds of miles away. Quite a few of these images depict the objects from the high angle one would expect if one somehow were floating through the air in a kind of dream state. There's a picture of the Denver Hilton, for instance, that shows the hotel from just such an elevated perspective. Skeptics obviously wondered whether the camera-wielding Serios deployed some sort of trickery. Besides allowing Serios to take his own pictures, Eisenbud and his colleagues often held the camera themselves. They would stand at least a few feet from Serios and only then take photos of him. Sure enough, ghostly images still popped up. There was an, er, spirited debate within the scientific community as to what in the world (or in the other world) was going on here. Magazines and TV news programs of the era also gave coverage to this dispute. Serios produced the last such photo in 1967. Appropriately enough, that final shot depicts what look like living room curtains. His further attempts to mentally cast images reportedly only resulted in all-black or all-white results. It was curtains for Serios. You'll walk through this exhibit with plenty of questions and no definitive answers. The question that I pondered more than any other relates to the fact that the hard-drinking Serios often drank as much as four or five quarts of Budweiser during the prolonged photographic sessions. Why don't any of the exhibited photos depict a brewery? NOTE: this is a local exhibit though it may be presented in the future at a location near you. Very interesting subject....Lon ********** Air Force revision of UFO regulations revealed paranormaloldpueblo - On February 27, 1960, United Press International (UPI) reported on the revision of Air Force regulations related to UFOs. Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, quoted in the article below, was the first director of the CIA. He also served on the board of governors of the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) from about 1957 until 1962. AIR FORCE ORDER ON 'SAUCERS' CITED Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a 'Serious Business' WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI) An Air Force spokesman confirmed issuance of the directive after portions of it were made public by a private "flying saucer" group. The new regulations were issued by the Air Force inspector general Dec. 24. The regulations, revising similar ones issued in the past, outlined procedures and said that "investigations and analysis of UFO's are directly related to the Air Force's responsibility for the defense of the United States." Committee Reveals Document Existence of the document was revealed by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. The privately financed committee accused the Air Force of deception in publicly describing reports of unidentified flying objects as delusions and hoaxes while sending the private admonition to its commands. Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter (Ret.), a committee board member and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that a copy of the inspector general's warning had been sent to the Senate Science and Astronautics Committee. "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings," he said." The Air Force confirmed that the document had been issued. A spokesman said it was put out by Maj. Gen. Richard E. O'Keefe, acting inspector general at the time, to call attention to revised Air Force regulations concerning unidentified flying objects. The statement was included in an "operations and training" pamphlet circulated at intervals to bring commands up to date. Pentagon aides said the new regulations covering seven printed pages, made no substantive change in policy but had been rewritten as a matter of course. The Air Force has investigated 6,132 reports of flying objects since 1947, including 183 in the last six months of 1959. The latest Air Force statement, issued a month ago said, "no physical or material evidence, not even a minute fragment of a so-called flying saucer, has ever been found." Admiral Hillenkoetter said that "behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFO's." "But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense," the retired admiral said. He charged that "to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel" through the issuance of a regulation. ********** Notorious Quebec cult leader Roch Thériault killed in jail montrealgazette - The RCMP has arrested a 59-year-old inmate after the death on Saturday of notorious cult leader Roch (Moses) Thériault. Thériault, who ruled a commune in Quebec and Ontario in the 1970s and '80s with as many as 12 wives and two dozen children, was found dead in his jail cell Saturday morning after an apparent assault. There was evidence he was attacked in his cell at the Dorchester, N.B. detention facility, Correctional Service of Canada spokesperson Etienne Chiasson said. The service and the RCMP are conducting an investigation, Chiasson said. Thériault was found dead at 9:10 a.m. Thériault, 63, was sentenced to life in prison in 1993 after he was found guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of his wife, Solange Boislard. Thériault killed Boislard while trying to disembowel her with a kitchen knife during a cult ritual. He had been a resident at the Dorchester prison, a medium-security facility, since 2000, Chiasson said. Although some of the 456 inmates there do share prison cells, Chiasson would not say if Thériault was sharing a cell at the time of his death. NOTE: an interesting post on Theriault's prison life - Cult Killer Roch Theriault's Artwork For Sale...Lon | ||
Fortunate Encounter in Atlantic City Posted: 27 Feb 2011 10:43 AM PST I received the following anecdote today: Hello, I wanted to relate an unusual event that happened to me in November of 2010 in Atlantic City. I attended the US Poker Championship at the Taj Mahal. I stayed 10 days and participated in various poker tournaments. On the last day, I decided to depart in the very early hours to avoid the busy hours at the check out desk. I called the Bell Captain at 04:30 AM. He came and assisted me with my bags and clothes on hangars. The Taj Mahal Check Out desk is a considerable distance from the room that I stayed in and we took our time to get to the Check Out desk. It was about 4:55 AM when I then walked to the garage to retrieve my vehicle. I returned to park in front of the departure zone at approximately 5:15 AM. When I initially parked, the Bell Captain was inside the Taj Mahal and was about 200 yards inside the building. I had opened up my vehicle thinking that he would be out to assist me, but he did not see me pull up and park. I decided to go in and let him know I was here, but I did not want to leave my vehicle open, so I closed it all up and locked it. I walked in to wave that I am here but he still did not see me. A Taj Mahal employee then walked over to me and asked what I was doing. He and I were the only people in the area and the Bell Captain was still 200 yards away. I said I am trying to get the Bell Captain attention. He then stated, "Wait here and I will go let him know...". I watched him go in and walk to the Bell Captain. When I observed that he had alerted the Bell Captain, I then reopened my vehicle and as the Bell Captain approached the revolving doors, I decided to assist him and hold open the side door next to the revolving doors and let the Bell Captain guide the cart through the side door. As I walked to the side door, I noticed a man suddenly walked up on the cement walkway and stopped at about 25 feet away. As I was holding the side door and the Bell Captain guided the cart, I also noticed that the Bell Captain did not acknowledge the man that was standing there watching us. The Bell Captain then came through the side door and positioned the cart directly behind my vehicle. Since the cement walkway was about 20 feet from the door and ends in a curb. The Bell Captain had to maneuver the cart over the curb and I noticed the man was silently observing us. I have an SUV and had the rear hatch opened and I took my bags off and placed them in the back and then closed it. I had the side rear door open and motioned the Bell Captain to position the cart near the vehicle so I could take the clothes on hangars and place them in the hangar in the SUV. The man was still silently watching us. When the Bell Captain finished assisting me, I tipped him and he pushed the cart back over the curb, still the Bell Captain appeared not to notice the man watching us and as the Bell Captain went back in to the Taj Mahal, I once again held the side door for him and at this time the man was about 10 feet from us and the Bell Captain again paid no attention to this man, as if he did not see him. As I went back to my SUV to close the rear side door this man quickly walked up to me and stood about 3 feet away. He had a gray baseball cap on with no insignia. A dark brown leather jacket (aviator like), khaki trousers, and had a mustache. He stood about 5' 7" and dark brown eyes. He spoke with urgency as he stated, "Excuse me, sir...could I ask for some assistance"? I replied "What's wrong?" He then said, "My wife and I have our car up in the garage and it is going to cost me $5 to get it out and I am wondering if you can help me with some extra change." I assessed by looking into his eyes (and I am a very good at reading peoples eyes) that he was telling the truth and that this was not a scam. I then went into my pocket and pulled out a large hand full of change which I estimate was probably a couple of dollars. I put my hand out and he put out his hand, palm up. We did not touch. As the coins fell into his hand, a couple of coins fell on the roadway. He and I both looked down and then he stated, "I usually do not bend down to pick up coins but today is special." He bent down and picked up the coins and stood back up and then said, "You know that what is going on here is beyond your wildest imagination!" It is then that the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and I realized that something highly unusual is happening here. He then stated, "I really appreciate what you have given me and my wife." I then felt the urgency to help him even more and I pulled out a wad of bills that I was carrying in my now coin free pocket and handed him a $10 bill. He then once again stated emphatically, "You know that what is going on here is beyond your wildest imagination." I said, "Go to your wife and get your car and have a great day!" He then said, "Thank you so very much. You know that I am known to give people very good luck. Go ahead and touch my elbow?" He positioned his elbow towards me and without thinking about it, I motioned my elbow up and briefly touched it. I was really starting to get antsy about this whole encounter and I reached around to close my rear side door (this action took no more than one or two seconds), as I returned to say good bye, he was GONE! I looked around and he was no where to be seen! My vehicle was the only one in the departure zone! I walked around my vehicle to see if I could see him running away and did not see anything. There was no one on the departure zone except for my and my SUV! I then quickly got in my vehicle and sped away with my heart pounding realizing that I just went through a PARANORMAL EVENT. To this day, I do not know whether that man was the Creator, a ghost, Satan, or a Jinn....whatever it was, my luck has definitely changed. About a month after this incident, as I was telling this story to a co-worker, we were walking to an elevator and just as I was finishing my story, the elevator door opened and there was a $20 bill on the elevator floor and the co-worker freaked out. My career has taken a turn where I have just landed a prestigious position where I will be earning a substantial raise in salary and the position has high visibility where I will undoubtedly be promoted within the very near future. I attest that this story is absolutely true. Please do not ask me my identity nor where I work as I regard my privacy as extremely important! NOTE: most likely another 'watcher' scenario with a twist of good fortune added. Ironic that 'Mr. Lucky' shows up in the parking garage of a casino...Lon Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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