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- The Anguished Man: Painted in Blood
- Fortean / Alternative News: Perplexing Encounter, ANONYMOUS Warns WBC and Sheep Mutilations
- Mendocino, California UFO Video Consensus
The Anguished Man: Painted in Blood Posted: 19 Feb 2011 10:10 AM PST I received a correspondence from a reader in the United Kingdom that centers around an odd painting that is aptly titled "The Anguished Man" and is supposedly haunted: Hi, I thought this might interest you... My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting. I am currently awaiting a full paranormal investigation being carried out. - Sean Robinson Click for video - 6/1/2010 My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting..... Click for video - 6/18/2010 The noises have been getting worse. We have heard crying coming from the corner of our bedroom. We started seeing the dark figure standing at the bottom of the bed, just apparently staring at us. It seems to be a middle aged man but his features are not very clear. As a former sceptic I'm very curious so I'm moving the painting into our bedroom, previously it's been in a cupboard downstrairs. I'm feeling apprehensive and a little scared....I'll keep updating. Clcik for video - update 12/19/2010 Things seemed to have settled down so I moved the painting again, now it's started again with a vengeance. The noises are much worse, I'm finding it difficult to get any sleep. I have no explanation for what is happening but I'm convinced it is all related to the painting. I'm going to set up a camera to try and capture some of the activity.....I'll keep you updated. Click for video - update 1/3/2011 I was recently looking at some photographs that were taken when I was transporting the painting in my car, when I noticed something strange. My two sons were messing about in the back seat when one of them took this photograph of his younger brother. Is this a trick of the light or could this be the spirit that inhabits 'The Anguished Man'? Click for video - update 2/16/2011 I moved the painting back into the top bedroom. I set the video camera up and recorded for approx. eight hours over three consecutive nights. After spending several hours looking at the footage this is what I found. There were many other sounds recorded but they sounded like they came from outside, these were different. Shortly after moving the painting my wife felt someone stroke her hair in the bathroom and I saw a strange fog like mist at the top of the stairs that vanished as quickly as it came. The painting is now back in the cellar for the time being. NOTE: I referred the reader to SRI...pending outcome and pursuant to the current investigation. Lon | ||||
Fortean / Alternative News: Perplexing Encounter, ANONYMOUS Warns WBC and Sheep Mutilations Posted: 19 Feb 2011 09:25 AM PST A Perplexing Encounter MUFON CMS - Nebraska - unedited: The morning of February 7, 2011, I was driving to work. It was a particularly dark morning, cloudy, and the moon and stars weren't visible. As I was driving along the two lane highway, off to the west I could see something glowing over a hill, much like a combine looks when it's harvesting at night in the fall, or even like the sun might look as it's coming up over the horizon in the east. Just a glow. I drove for a mile or two, keeping an eye on the glow, wondering just what it was coming from. I cleared a hill on the highway and could see around the hill, and as soon as I looked to see what was causing the glow, something shot from the ground to the sky, almost like a falling star would look, except going up instead of down. It was so fast I didn't have time to make out a shape or any details, except that it seemed to have a greenish glow to the trail it left, which dissipated within seconds. The whole thing, from time I saw the glow, til it disappeared into the sky, was maybe a minute, tops. The flash of it disappearing into the sky was very quick. I was searched the sky to try and see what it was, but couldn't see anything. The glow had disappeared from over the horizon. I was quite shaken by what I saw. I've driven country roads by myself at night and in the dark ever since I was a teenager and nothing's ever made my skin crawl like seeing this did. I didn't file any reports (what would I say?) and the only people I told were my brother and a friend who is also interested in UFOs and unexplained events. I still drive by that place in the field every morning when I go to work, but haven't seen anything since that day. I do get an eerie feeling though, just remembering what I saw. ********** ANONYMOUS drops the hammer on WBC Open Letter to Westboro Baptist Church AN OPEN LETTER FROM ANONYMOUS February 16, 2011 TO THE CONGREGANTS OF WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH: We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion. Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. You have condemned the men and women who serve, fight, and perish in the armed forces of your nation; you have prayed for and celebrated the deaths of young children, who are without fault; you have stood outside the United States National Holocaust Museum, condemning the men, women, and children who, despite their innocence, were annihilated by a tyrannical embodiment of fascism and unsubstantiated repugnance. Rather than allowing the deceased some degree of peace and respect, you instead choose to torment, harass, and assault those who grieve. Your demonstrations and your unrelenting cascade of disparaging slurs, unfounded judgments, and prejudicial innuendos, which apparently apply to every individual numbered amongst the race of Man - except for yourselves - has frequently crossed the line which separates Freedom of Speech from deliberately utilizing the same tactics and methods of intimidation and mental & emotional abuse that have been previously exploited and employed by tyrants and dictators, fascists and terrorist organizations throughout history. ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites. Should you ignore this warning, you will meet with the vicious retaliatory arm of ANONYMOUS: We will target your public Websites, and the propaganda & detestable doctrine that you promote will be eradicated; the damage incurred will be irreversible, and neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover. It is in your best interest to comply now, while the option to do so is still being offered, because we will not relent until you cease the conduction & promotion of all your bigoted operations & doctrines. The warning has been given. What happens from here shall be determined by you. WE ARE ANONYMOUS. WE ARE LEGION. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. WE DO NOT FORGET. EXPECT US. ********** Workers find nearly $1M stashed inside wall elpasotimes - It is the kind of wall insulation everyone in El Paso would love to have -- cold or hot. Workmen fixing broken pipes that burst because of the freezing weather two weeks ago found a bundle of money inside a wall. Police would not say how much, but an official knowledgeable about the case said the amount is just shy of $1 million. El Paso police spokesman Darrel Petry on Wednesday confirmed reports of the discovery inside a condo in the 6200 block of Escondido. Petry said he didn't know how much money was found, but described it as a "large sum." District Attorney Jaime Esparza also confirmed that the money was found and said the case is still under investigation. Asked for comment, officials with the Drug Enforcement Administration directed all questions to the El Paso Police Department. Officials would not say in what denominations were found, what condition the money was in and where it is now. They also would not speculate on the source of the money and whether is was stashed legally or whether it may be connected to the drug trade. Speaking in general terms, Petry said that in the past, discoveries of large sums of money have been tied to drug activity. "That has been the case in a vast majority of the cases that I've seen in the past," Petry said. Petry said that in those past cases, officers investigated the origins of the money as part of operations with other law enforcement agencies. He said normal procedure in the other cases was to first learn whom the money belonged to, and then continue the investigation from there. Discoveries of large sums of money are not uncommon in El Paso. In January, Customs and Border Protection agents seized more than $400,000 in cash during a check of cars headed into Mexico. Last year, officials seized $530,000 at the Stanton Street bridge and found $212,000 in a Lower Valley home. In 2006, Mexican officials confiscated $1 million in cash at the Zaragoza Bridge. U.S. officials have said that most of the large cash seizures are connected to drug trafficking. The condo is along a strip of properties managed by DANA Properties. A manager who answered the phone at DANA Properties Wednesday said he had "no comment on anything that has to do with that investigation." Members of the Sierra Del Sol Homeowners Association also declined to discuss the discovery, citing security concerns. ********** Brazil: Sheep Mutilations in Ceará From Scott Corrales at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Source: Planeta UFO Date: 02.18.11 Brazil: Sheep Mutilations in Ceará By Paulo R. Poian Sheep farmers from the communities of Espinhos and Pizunha, nearly five kilometers distant from the capital of the Cruz Municipality in the heartland of Ceará are facing a desperate situation: animals are being attacked at night and having their eyes ripped out. This information was submitted by agronomist Antonio dos Santos Oliveira Lima, who lives in the city. "Some sheep were found dead, but others were found alive the next day, mutilated. However, unable to survive, their owners were forced to put them down," says Oliveira Lima. Animals belonging mainly to Lucio and Joao Alferes and other regional livestock farmers were affected. "Some ascribe the attacks to ETs, others believe that predatory birds known as guaxinins are involved, and others blame wolf-men. There are even those who place the blame on people who remove the organs for black magic rituals." According to the agronomist, over 40 animals have had their eyes removed. In a single night, 15 were mutilated in a pen without neighbors hearing any noise. "Upon examining the victims, one had the impression that the organs were removed with a very sharp blade, as there is no deformation of the affected area. For this reason, some believe that this cannot be the action of natural predators," adds Oliveira Lima. All incisions were made in an identical manner, with eyes being extracted in all cases. The information we have received up to now was collected by the Centro Sobralense de Pesquisa Ufológica (CSPU - Sobralense UFO Research Center), by the Grupo Ufológico de Guarajuá (GUG) and conveyed by reports received at the Portal da Ufología Brasileira ( The situation has reached such extremes that the Diario do Noreste newspaper published an article on 20 October [2010] on the mutilations, taking the sheep farmers' concerns seriously. "At daybreak, I found over a dozen sheep -- out of 16 I was raising -- attacked at once. Some of them were dead in a lagoon that's on my property. The only animal seen in the area was a puppy," said David Geraldo de Vasconcelos. "Other animals were also attacked in the same region." (Special thanks to Paulo Poian and Guillermo Gimenez. Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU) ********** USC transplants kidney into wrong person USC University Hospital shut down its kidney transplant program last month after a kidney was accidentally transplanted into the wrong patient, according to a spokesman for the program that coordinates organ transplants in Los Angeles. The patient escaped harm apparently because the mistake involved a kidney that happened to be a close enough match, said Bryan Stewart, a spokesman for One Legacy, which was notified of the error by the hospital. In a statement, the hospital confirmed that it had temporarily and voluntarily halted transplants Jan. 29 after a "process error" was discovered. The hospital did not detail the nature of the error and declined to answer questions. But it said that no patients were harmed. A spokesman for the state Department of Public Health said the licensing agency was investigating. The hospital said transplants may resume as early as today, pending the conclusion of its own investigation. Continue reading at USC transplants kidney into wrong person | ||||
Mendocino, California UFO Video Consensus Posted: 19 Feb 2011 01:13 PM PST Click for video Description: Filmed in the early morning on Feb 12th 2011 near Mendocino, California. Thought it was an airplane at first, but now I have no clue. Click for video - Zoomed and enhanced A viewer comment: I am from Mendocino County, 21 years ( as in, my whole life) - I have seen many strange things in the night sky, but during the day? I even recognize those mountains, in between Navarro and Philo. Rumors have it that there is a base over the hills (east) from the coast from my current location. My mother lives north of me, only 7 miles from town, she sees strange lights every other night very similar to this. I noticed several lights, making this certain video not just a coincidence for myself but also very "unidentifiable". My area, Mendocino County, has also been the victim to "offshore military testing" - which no locals have been privy to knowing anything about - trust me I've looked. Yet regardless this sighting is from the East. There are two small airports in this area, and I can assuredly tell you that this was no plane (that I have seen, considering we only see small private planes in that close vicinity, as far as I know). Another viewer comment: Mendocino County, especially along Highway 1 which I believe this was taken, though I may be wrong, is notorious for tourism, in fact most of the county relies mostly on tourism. The age you speculated on fits the "ratio" of which I speak of. Also I apologize for coming off dogmatic at all, but the likelihood of footage in my area of this caliber is very intriguing to me. I'm also not a sun dog specialist, nor can I prove that it isn't a hoax. But I can say that my area is notorious for tourism, and our roads are filled with people parked on the side of our highways, taking videos of our lucky scenery. So eh, I don't know if it is a sun dog of which you speak actually. But I have researched "UFO"s for quite some time, and the way these lights move in full screen with HD included I would have to say this is a very peculiar instance. NOTE: there have been a myriad of explanations...anywhere from optical illusion to sundog to fog or sea mist caught in an upstream. Of course, it could simply be CGI which is what I'm guessing since there seems to be manipulation with the audio speed (see video below) in the original that was later replaced with a soundtrack. I enhanced two of the screen captures below. Did anyone notice the black dot below the object in the video? It just showed up when I removed some of distortion. I'll keep an eye open for any follow-up sighting reports or video...Lon Click for video - UFO Hoax The Mendocino Footage
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