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- The Dugway 'New Area 51' Supposition
- Fortean / Alternative News: Daily Earthquakes in Small Town, Demons Are Real and More Mass Fish Deaths
- MUFON CMS: Entity / Alien Being Reports
The Dugway 'New Area 51' Supposition Posted: 09 Feb 2011 01:55 PM PST Back in May 2009 I reported that the infamous military base, Nevada's Area 51, was once again generating it's share of wild speculation. The story continued to circulate that the base has either shut down or moved its most sensitive projects to other less-visible locations. Twenty-two years ago, Eyewitness News in Las Vegas, NV started an investigation that put Area 51 on the map. The reason Area 51 became a household name is because of allegations they had flying saucers out there...craft that were made "somewhere else." In aviation circles, a lot of people figure that story was pure disinformation, concocted by the military to draw attention away from something else that was going on out there. If that's the case, then the tactic surely backfired on the Air Force because, as a result of the saucer story, Area 51 became known all over the world and is still a focus of attention. Over the past two years civilian pilots and other eyewitnesses have been seeing strange things in the skies in and around a restricted airspace that straddles the Nevada-Utah border.
"Everybody knows about Area 51 and Groom Lake, but the interesting thing is, I don't think there is anything there anymore," said former CIA pilot John Lear in May 2009. Lear has done as much as anyone to put Area 51 on the map. He knows there are still programs underway out there, but he suspects the most sensitive projects, ones involving the most exotic technology, perhaps something resembling flying saucers, have been moved. Lear stated some of the most advanced work was being done at a sister facility, Area 52, within the Tonopah Test Range. He also harbored suspicions about an adjunct facility called Base Camp, which is halfway between Areas 51 and 52. The facility is strictly off limits to outsiders and those who work on the inside don't talk about what they do. He was even more intrigued by a vast and remote section of desert south of Wendover, Nevada on the Utah-Nevada line. Lear, an accomplished pilot whose father invented the Lear Jet, still has numerous friends in the aviation world, and they told him stories about seeing camouflaged runways that open up in the middle of nowhere. "As the pilots land, they tell me -- as they're coming in to be radar vectored at 500 feet -- they look down and it will just be like desert or normal landscape and all of a sudden, it will unzip like this and they will see a runway," he said. A search of the area south of Wendover found no evidence of runways or military facilities, though others are looking as well. Utah UFO hunters, perhaps yearning for an Area 51 of their very own, proposed that a planned massive expansion of Dugway Proving Grounds is part of a program to create a new Area 51. They also noted that Michael Air Base, which controls the airspace south of Wendover, has, like Dugway, been the site of some very strange things seen in the skies, including saucer-type craft and shafts of light that seem to emanate from the ground. Recent reports of shutdowns, strange incidents and UFO sightings at Dugway Proving Grounds abound. A telling link has been an astonishing admission, made before a high-level Wright-Patterson official's death, that this place is where alien corpses are kept. Dugway Proving Grounds is a facility in service to all branches of the US military. It is strategically surrounded by three massive mountain ranges. It's hidden size and secure, remote isolation make it an ideal location for secret testing of many types. There has been speculation that Dugway has tested the applications and effects of every known biological, chemical and radiological substance on earth. There is a long history of local concern about the harmful effects of their testing of deadly agents to the environment and to human and animal health. As recently as last month, the facility was put under a lockdown due to the loss of an "extremely toxic nerve agent" which was later recovered. New sightings and photos of UFOs around Dugway are being logged with increasing frequency. Unusual craft have been seen zipping through the skies over and around the Dugway installation by many credible witnesses for several years. In this video link from January 26, 2011, a local Utah TV station reports on the sudden shutdown of all operations at Dugway and on the simultaneous lockdown of everyone who worked there. Appearing immediately after this clip is another Utah TV station report. This one details the UFO sightings of two witnesses that occurred close to the time of the Dugway lockdown. It also airs the film that was taken that day of strange light-form UFOs that had made unusual maneuvers near the base, just two hours after the Dugway event. Colonel George Weinbrenner was the Chief of the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base Air Materiel Command for a period of seven years during the 1960s and 1970s. He was responsible for providing leadership and expertise to the Air Force and to the intelligence community on matters relating to the analysis of Soviet aircraft, missiles or similar technologies that came into the possession of the United States. While suffering ill health in a veteran's nursing facility and just a few months before he died, Weinbrenner made a confession to his trusted caretaker at the facility. She remembered their earlier conversation about UFOs especially when it took a serious tone as he told her something that stunned the woman. He confirmed to her that extraterrestrials are real. She looked at him incredulously. He added: "We have five aliens in Utah..." apparently catching himself, Weinbrenner would comment no more. After the Colonel passed on, the caretaker and her husband naturally reflected on Weinbrenner's disturbing and enigmatic statement concerning "the government having dead aliens in Utah." They searched to find any mention of Weinbrenner, the military and UFOs and eventually located Bob Emenegger. Emenegger was a filmaker who had visited Colonel George Weinbrenner, at Weinbrenner's office at Wright Patterson. Emenegger naturally took the opportunity to ask Weinbrenner about UFOs and their reality and a military film of a landed UFO with occupants? Emenegger explains, "Weinbrenner would not acknowledge anything I was saying, but with a wink he seemed to know what I was talking about." The caretaker's husband explained to Emenegger that his wife was told by Weinbrenner, in his last months, that aliens were in fact real and that we had stored five of them "in Utah." It was also confirmed through medical personnel and family that Weinbrenner had not suffered from Alzheimer's Disease or any other form of dementia. From the grave, Emenegger had received the confirmation that he had sought from Weinbrenner previously. NOTE: here are a few links with much more information related to Dugway Proving Grounds:, Dugway Proving grounds Survivors and - Dugway. Below is the episode from 'UFO Hunters' that examined Dugway...Lon Click for video - 1 Click for video - 2 Click for video - 3 | ||
Posted: 09 Feb 2011 10:50 AM PST Small town gets a dozen earthquakes EVERY DAY after gas drilling goes awry dailymail - A small American town has become one of the earthquake capitals of the world after suffering more than a dozen tremors every single day. Residents of Guy in Arkansas have lived through thousands of minor quakes in just six months after gas drilling apparently destabilised the earth beneath them. So frequent are the tremors - which go up to four on the Richter scale - that they have been given their own name: the Guy earthquake swarm. Only a fraction have been felt and the only damage so far has been a cracked window of a snack bar. Locals however have reported strange shifts in the ground, odd movements and bizarre noises as the Earth moves beneath them. They claim that the tremors began when a gas company began drilling nearby in a geological formation called the Fayetteville shale. The companies dig deep wells which are injected with water, sand and chemicals at high pressure to get access to to gas pockets. Secondary wells have to be dug for disposal of the waste, putting further strain on the area. Residents in Guy claim that when the wells appeared, including one opposite the school, the shaking started. Following complaints a state moratorium was imposed on any more drilling while an investigation is carried out, although scientists say they have already pinpointed the cause. Scott Ausbrooks, a geologist with the Arkansas Geological Survey, said: 'All this activity happened after these wells had gone online. 'What you could be looking at is a case where the strain was already there. You'd be fast-forwarding the clock,' he told the New York Times. His team have also already said there is 'strong temporal and spatial' evidence for a link between the drilling and the quakes. Such a phenomenon has happened in the area around Guy twice before, however. The worst was in the 1980s when the Enola swarm caused 550 quakes in six months with thousands of smaller tremors. Guy, by comparison has, had 640 over a comparable period. In both instances, however, thousands of smaller tremors were recorded. The state moratorium covering a 600-square-mile area around Guy is being reviewed on a month-by-month basis, although several wells are still operating subject to regular reporting. Charles Morgan, a lawyer representing Poseidon Energy Services, which drilled one of the gas wells in Guy, said there was 'no casual connection' between the drilling and the tremors. 'The evidence is anecdotal at best,' he said. Despite Guy's record, it still has some way to go before it is the earthquake capital of the world. The most closely watched earthquake town on Earth is Parkfield in California which sits atop the San Andreas fault, closely followed by nearby Hollister and Coalinga. Tremors happen on an hourly basis in Parkfield and every few years residents can expect one of at least six on the Richter scale to rattle their homes. Among the biggest was the first to be recorded in 1857, a foreshock to the great Fort Tejon earthquake which ruptured the fault from Parkfield to the south-east for over 180 miles. ********** Exorcist depicted in movie says demons are real wnct - The real-life priest depicted by Anthony Hopkins in the movie "The Rite" says most of the people who come to him seeking exorcism suffer from psychological rather than demonic issues. But the Rev. Gary Thomas says he has performed exorcisms -- in Rome where he was trained and in California's Diocese of San Jose. Thomas says paganism, fortune telling, witchcraft, serious drug abuse, sexual abuse and pornography are all "doorways" to demonic possession. In one case, he says he saw the face of a woman who had been involved in witchcraft become distorted and "very serpentine," and she began coiling like a snake in his parlor. He says exorcism always involves casting out the demon "in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." ********** Police tell wannabe superhero to 'back off' gammasquad - It seems like there's been a rash of people pretending to be superheroes recently. They pop up, get a bit of news coverage, then fade off into obscurity. They usually don't even do anything that would make the cops take any interest (and they're usually pretty interested in masked mystery men). But the superhero that "patrols" Columbia, Tennessee, The Viper, has gotten the police's attention…they've just told him to stop his silliness. When cops recently stopped The Viper on his patrol and found him armed with a utility belt filled with a screwdriver, wrenches and a cell phone, which he said that he'd use to report any crimes he saw. But it turns out there are laws in Columbia against wearing a mask in public. So, it looks like The Viper will be hanging up is bootleg "Kick Ass" costume and going back to his college classes. Now, normally I'd point out how the ABC news about The Viper uses the same slightly condescending tone that the news usually reserves for comic-book-related stories. But if this story doesn't deserve to be mocked, nothing does. ********** A sign of the times: "Can you empty that till for me, please?" As the owner of a Shell gas station, John Henry has been robbed before. But he never expected a theft like this. The thief kept apologizing while holding up the gas station in White Center, and all of it was captured by surveillance cameras. Everything seemed normal enough when the mild-mannered thief walked into the store, forking over $1.30 for a cup of coffee. But then came the twist. Thief: "Now if you'd do me a favor." Clerk: "Yes." Thief: "Can you empty that till for me, please? Put it right here." Clerk: "What do you mean?" Thief: "Put the till right here. I'm robbing you." Clerk: "You sure?" Thief: "Yes, I'm sure." Working behind the counter was Henry, the owner of the Shell station. The man, Henry said, was as polite as possible but brandishing what looked to be a real handgun. He told Henry he had to do this for his children. Thief: "I'm really sorry to have to do this, but I've got kids." Clerk: "How about if I give you $40 and this is it?" Thief: "Well, I can't do that, sir. I've got rent to pay. I've got bills, and the kids need to eat." Henry handed over $300 in cash, genuinely believing the thief desperately needed money, but highly skeptical for what reason. "He told that me he needed the money for his kids, and he looked like 65 years old," Henry said. "It's not true, because if you're 65 years old, you are not going to have kids." The robbery took place around 11:30 a.m. Saturday. The man did nothing to conceal his identity, and his every move was captured by the 14 surveillance cameras installed inside and outside the gas station. Before he calmly walked away, he made Henry a promise: "Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And I'm sorry. And if I ever get back on my feet again, sir, I'll bring it back." Detectives arrested a suspect in the case on Monday after Henry made an identification in a photo lineup. The 65-year-old man was captured in the Top Hat area. Click for video ********** Thousands more dead fish wash up on U.S. beach in latest mass death mystery dailymail - First it was birds falling out of the sky in Louisiana and Texas. Then scores of devil crabs were found dead on a beach in England. Now, in the latest unexplained mass animal death to hit the headlines this year alone, thousands of fish have again washed up dead in Florida. This follows similar incidents where large schools of fish were found lifeless on beaches in Arkansas, Maryland and New Zealand in January. What caused the fish in this latest incident to die is not yet known, but biologists believe they may have been killed due to a lack of oxygen in the water. Fishermen at Sebastian Inlet State Park first made the grim discovery on Friday. 'I saw the fish jumping out there and I thought it was going to be a really good day for fishing, and then I noticed over here in the surf that they're all dead,' fisherman Jeff Johnson told WPBF 25 News. 'It's a little shocking, yes. I don't know if there's chemicals in the water or the temperatures that caused this.' The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) are in the midst of carrying out tests on water samples but they do not suspect that chemicals or cold temperatures are to blame. Instead they are checking for signs algae in the water which can lead to a lack of oxygen. FWC biologist, Kelli O'Donnell, said: 'Just because there's such a large school of them, they use up the oxygen really quickly, and because they are coming closer to shore, there's not as high of a water turnover rate sometimes when you're in an area with not as much tidal flow.' The majority of the dead fish were Menhaden, which are widely used in the U.S. for oil, fish meal, and fertiliser. Biologists also recorded Spot fish, Spade, Snook and Spot Tail Pin fish among the bodies. Only last month thousands of dead fish were found floating in a warm creek in Port Orange, Florida. Two million fish were found dead on shores in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland and days before an estimated 100,000 drum fish were found dead along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River. This was blamed on disease while the deaths in Maryland were due to the stress caused by unusually cold water and over breeding among spot fish, according to the Maryland department of environment. Preliminary tests of the water in Chesapeake Bay showed the quality was acceptable, officials said at the time. Mass winter deaths among spot fish have occurred twice before in the Maryland area - in 1976 and 1980. Biologists said the cause of the Port Orange deaths were due to the cold snap in January but hundreds of snapper fish were also found dead in New Zealand last month. As well as fish, this year thousands of Turtle Doves rained down on roofs and cars in Italy while thousands of birds were found dead on a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. MASS DEATH LIST: EVENTS THIS YEAR * Thousands of turtle doves fall out of the sky smashing onto roofs and cars in Faenza, Italy * 450 red-winged blackbirds, brown-headed cowbirds, grackles and starlings found littering a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana * 3,000 blackbirds on roofs and roads in the small town of Beebe, Arkansas * Thousands of 'devil crabs' washed up along the Kent coast near Thanet * Thousands of drum fish washed along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River * Two million small fish in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland * Thousands of dead fish found floating in warm Florida creek * Hundreds of snapper fish found dead in New Zealand * Scores of American Coots found dead on Texas highway bridge Three thousand blackbirds fell on roofs and roads in Beebe, Arkansas and scores of American Coots were found dead on Texas highway bridge. The cold snap was also blamed for the deaths of 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs - known as 'devil crabs - found littering beaches in Kent, England. Experts have speculated that New Year fireworks, thunderstorms, cold weather, parasites and even poisoning may be behind the deaths. But conspiracy theorists have also speculated on the internet that secret government experiments could be behind them, with some even claiming it was a sign of a looming Armageddon at the end of the Mayan calendar next year. Another theory is that the rapid movement of the Magnetic North Pole towards Russia may have affected the birds' innate navigation systems. Inbuilt navigation systems in birds and fish is believed to be affected by magnetism. Scientists have said the Magnetic North Pole is shifting at an average of around 25 miles a year. With birds and fish relying on it to travel to breeding grounds and warmed climes, there are fears that the shifting pole could be confusing the animals which means they do not migrate in time to avoid cold weather. | ||
MUFON CMS: Entity / Alien Being Reports Posted: 09 Feb 2011 09:58 AM PST I was browsing through the MUFON Case Management System and noticed a few recent entity reports. I have also included a few past entity reports that I have not posted previously. A lot of strangeness in these accounts: MUFON CMS - Michigan - October 2006 - unedited: I was followed by a vehicles bearing U.S. Govt plates when I lived in Florida in 2004 and was followed every day. My wife and other family members seen this as well.It has to do with what I was investigating. I moved to Michigan in 2005 and I kept being followed there to. My wife's family in MI said to me "what did you get yourself into"? In October of 2006 I found myself being followed out of the Lake Orion, MI Library. I was traveling at 45 MPH the vehicle behind me was traveling at same rate of speed.I sped up and started speeding at 80 MPH and turned around going towards the vehicle,in my lane of course. The vehicle pulled off the road, and I stopped in my lane next to it.I made eye contact with a woman for like 8 to 10 seconds, then a gold illuminating like dust started appearing engulfing her body going slowly in a counter clockwise direction and in seconds,she was gone. I have had these visions/thoughts since this encounter in which I cant explain.My life has not been the same since then.I only reported this to Mr.Bill Birnes of UFO Magazine,and he suggested I report this to a man named Maximillian DeLalafayette. I have not contacted him yet,I wanted to report it to your agency first. It is scary to have visions/thoughts of the past and future of humanity. I have kept silent on this since 2006. I just thought who would believe me.Some of the visions/thoughts from the past include Earth being nothing but "an animal planet,and an asteroid did not take out the dinosaurs,aliens did,and they took the DNA from the chimpanzee and mixed it with theirs and made a hybrid race. They are here on Earth now,and have been since their creation of humanity.I know what they want from us for the future. ********** MUFON CMS - Wisconsin - 2/8/2011 - unedited: I have and intense passion for anything other-wordly. I've had several sightings within the past year and the very first one pushed me into making UFO chasing a hobby. Tonight I wasn't even looking really. Tonight's purpose was to console my best friend who is going through a rough time at the moment. We did some back country driving and venting and out of the corner of my Eye I spotted it (a small gold colored orb) . I pointed it out to my friend (who is also interested in this hobby) and she was amazed. It hovered still as if it might be observing. I flashed my brights at it and then it took off with great speed. It was gone. No where to be seen. So out of curiosity I decided to go in the direction where it went. It appeared again as a bright star and the closer we got to it, it drifted away but still remained the same size and shape but it still seemed like one of them "door at the end of the tunnel" situations. Once we reached an intersection we finally caught up to it. It sat stationary over a large field with no trees or houses. At this point we noticed that it had a pulsating bright red light along with the white light. It did not blink like and air plane would. very lovely. I decided to take a right down another road because I could not go straight toward it since the road cut off at the intersection. I turned around on a whim and noticed that the object was now following us!!! gleee!!! I found a driveway and turned around to face it and then it started going back in the other direction. I was a little upset by this and then out of curiosity I turned my brights off. After that it stopped and sat there. I get the feeling that whatever it was wasnt very fond of bright lights. This ufo friend hung around for the majority of the a watcher. Very interesting and fun indeed. second sighting of the evening: This one stands out the most to me and is also very important to me because this is a new style of sighting and one of the most interesting that I've seen. After playing tag with the first one we noticed 3 dim orbs off in the distance that slowly inched toward each other. They were horizontal in the horizon and resembled a formation that of Orions belt. The second orb and the third orb came together with the first orb and created one very large and very very bright orb! The orb would grow dim and very bright....dim and very bright....And than disappeared completely. After this we stopped at a gas station and then decided to head back home. On the way home we were followed by two of these orbs up until about a few miles from home. Folks of southern wisco....someone had to have seen this least id hope so...people seem to take the sky for granted these days and tend to keep their head down but never upward toward the possibilities....but there are a handful of you out there with an open mind...Don't be afraid to come forward if you've seen anything tonight as well. ********** MUFON CMS - California - January 2011 - unedited: I have always been different. Many say I am an Indigo. I am not sure I was abducted, I don't have lucid memory of any abduction. Here is what happened: Several nights in a row within one week in January 2011 I had the feeling of someone grabbing my ankles in bed. Some of the times when I was clearly awake. One night when this happened I looked out my large bedroom wall window to see about 5 fast flashes of light and then I experienced a loud multi-tonal ring in my ears for about 30 seconds. I have seen what I thought was craft 3 times in my life. In childhood there was a time I went for a walk in the woods with a friend (we were 12) and were scared and ran back home to be reprimanded for being gone so long. We thought we were away from home only a short period of time. I am curious to hear your input. Since the last experience happened this month I have had a heightened sixth sense (more than normal), and a sudden obsession with ETs. When I see certain photos of aliens I feel unexplainable deep compassion mixed with some fear. There are also 2 windows in my home that I won't walk by at night by myself, just those 2, I am afraid of, no others. Also, suddenly, I feel like I am part of something large going on. I feel a strong sense of duty. If so inclined, your input would be appreciated. ********** MUFON CMS - Michigan - 6/11/2010 - unedited: I have no photos of the event because it occurred in my dream (if it was a dream). I remember lying awake in my and turning over on my stomach. my bed is next to my wall. The next thing I remember, this is in my "dream", I wake up; I can't move as I'm on my stomach and my bed is in the middle of my room. I look around and see 7 figures standing around me. Each of them are wearing a black trench coat type clothing or robe, and their fingers are somewhat tentacle like. I remember starting to feel terrified for some reason as they looked at me and I was telling myself to wake up but could not. This went on for at least 4-5 minutes. Finally, I "wake up" but I'm on my back, instead of my stomach, and my bed was moved an inch or so from where it was earlier. I've never woken up so terrified in my life. EVER. I can still remember the dream as if it were yesterday. Never been so vivid and I haven't had the dream since. Also, before this, I was in the military in Kuwait. It was summer of 2008, I think. Anyways, I was sitting in my truck looking up at the stars and I noticed a bright star that was moving in an odd manner. At first the object was moving fast. Then it slowed, sped up, and slowed down again. After doing that for a few minutes it stopped completely and then it started to get smaller and dimmer. Not more than 2 minutes later, two military jets came into the area and circled around for about 5-10 minutes. The star had disappeared so the jets flew away back to where they came. Can't explain it. ********** MUFON CMS - New York - 7/2/2007 - unedited: Last week while out at my summer cottage near Lake Erie in Western New York State, I was walking my dog out at about 8:00 p.m. The sun was just beginning to go down behind the trees, casting a beautiful fractured light on the front of the house. In the distance could be heard the sound of my neighbors ATV driving around the undeveloped wetlands adjacent to my property. Suddenly my dog began acting erratically, pulling on the leash to go back inside and turning his head toward the sky, looking this way and that. I spoke to him asking what was wrong and looked around to see what was disturbing him, other than the noise in the woods. That is when I saw a peculiar winged creature flying from out of the woods across the front of the house. The creature's wings were about three inches across. The wings were transparent and rounded at the ends. If you formed a "c" with your thumb and forefinger and then touched your thumb nails together, you would have a rough estimation of the shape of the rear wings of the creature. The wings were not fluttering like a butterfly or vibrating like a dragonfly, which are two common insects in my yard. The creature was gliding, with perhaps a slight vibration. I only saw the creature for the length of time it took to fly to the end of the house. Once it got beyond the house into the open area of the front yard, it disappeared. My eyes were on it the whole time. I was not able to see any of its body, just the back wings from below as described above. By the shape of the wings I assumed it was a four winged creature. My thought after the being disappeared was, "That must be what people see when they say they have seen a fairy." I felt elated seeing this creature. It was nothing I had ever seen before. Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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