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- Sasquatch...or Something Else?
- Fortean / Alternative News: Military Escorts Triangular Craft, Vampire Captured and Snake Venom 'High'
- Readers Respond: “Alien” Tumors / Implants
Sasquatch...or Something Else? Posted: 10 Feb 2011 10:19 AM PST The following account was posted on the MUFON CMS today: Maud, Oklahoma - 4/15/2010 - edited for spelling: Was out rabbit hunting between the hours of 2130 CDT to about 2315 CDT on a farm outside of Maud, Oklahoma. It was a clear and cold night with a quarter moon out. I was armed with an a pump-action tactical shotgun and a Kimber 5in. 45. cal. pistol along with about 100 rounds of 45 and 45 shotgun rounds. Both weapons are equipped with high end wight lights. Upon returning to my home, about 2315 CDT, I walked up on my patio which is about 5 feet off the ground. When I saw a large human like figure that was bigger then any man I ever saw. I used the surefire white light on my shotgun to see better. Due to light fog, I could only see about 25 feet with the light. The creature was out in the open enough to see an outline of the figure. I had seen all my animals act unusual prior, a feeling of being watched at hours of darkness on more then once. The figure was watching me and made eye contact. It was very large and close to 7 to 8 feet tall, was very stocky build, would guess over 400 lbs. The figure seemed annoyed that I pointed my shotgun at it. Seemed to have no fear of me or my animals. My dog (military trained) cowered down and would not respond to commands. I did contact a "bigfoot team" that showed up within 72 hours of this. No evidence was found. No footprints, hair, nothing. I did experience some lapse in memory there after. I am a retired special forces sniper with 10 yrs. experience and 3 tours in Iraq including the Iraq Invasion with the 3rd Inf. Div. on the frontlines. I have no knowledge after all I seen and done to describe this figure. I do need to be kept out of any public report because of my background and security clearance with the military. I just want answers and will provide full cooperation in person. The biggest thing that bothers me is the lack of fear from the figure and my fear back . I fear very little in life. Just want to get to the bottom of this. ----- NOTE: could this have been (what I refer to) an interdimensional Sasquatch? Here's the link for those who have not read it - The Interdimensional Sasquatch. I've maintained for the past two years or so that Sasquatch may be something other than just a flesh and blood terrestrial being. There have been countless sightings (including myself) of this creature as compared to the amount of physical evidence retrieved. This fact has forced me question the true nature of the beast, Sasquatch a multidimensional entity? Is it possible that Sasquatch has the ability to move in and out of this plane of existence into an alternative universe? Perhaps this creature is simply not an earth bound entity because it is actually extraterrestrial or of alien origin....or maybe it has traveled back from the future earth and is a creature that will one day inhabit our planet. Then again, is it possible that those alien beings and strange entities that are witnessed everyday in our present world are simply our descendants from the earth's future just paying us a visit? Lon |
Posted: 10 Feb 2011 09:53 AM PST MUFON CMS - New Hope, PA - Summer 2008 - unedited: I lived in New Hope, PA during the summer of 2008. I frequently look up when I'm outside at night because you just never know what you might see. I had gone outside my house to smoke a cigarette and just sit and stare up at the sky. Then, I heard the distant sound of approaching military jets. This was not unusual because we're not too far from the Willow Grove Naval Air Station. Well, I looked up and saw the two fighter jets, possibly F-117's but that was not what caught my attention. Between the two military jets and a little above them, there was a triangular craft just like a lot of the sketches I see reports of people seeing. Actually, it looked almost exactly like the triangular craft from the famous blurry photograph taken over Belgium in the 1980's I believe. What struck me was that I could hear the distinct sound of the two jets which sounded like they were coasting into the Willow Grove Naval Air Station. I heard no other sounds. I assumed it was a military craft because it was being escorted by the jets making every movement with them. Also, I could tell the triangular craft had lights at the corners and one round one right in the center of the bottom. The thing was, the lights weren't shining. They did look like they were on but it was like they were shifted a bit out of our spectrum. I had a very clear view of the craft but it seemed to be "grayed out" or something. The lights seemed on but they weren't shining like a regular light source. I was a little excited at the time I didn't think much of it because I just figured it was a military black project. But, now I'm seeing more and more things about people seeing this thinking it's from outer space. I believe it to be a military aircraft and completely terrestrial. I wanted to report my sighting to you to give you another point of view from someone who has also seen this object. It came to mind tonight while I watched a program on TV about the UFO flap in the summer of 2008. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures because for one, it was in the middle of the night and I didn't have a good camera at the time. I carry my camera with me at all times now. ********** St.Petersburg subway 'vampire' captured dailymail - A 'vampire' who stabbed women in the back of the neck on underground trains before telling his terrified victims to 'be careful' has been arrested in Russia. The women, aged between 16 and 28, were targeted in Russia's second city St Petersburg and were stabbed with a sharp object which drew blood. Unconfirmed reports said that with some of his 15 victims the man licked their blood before disappearing into the crowds. All the women have since undergone HIV tests. The 'vampire' was caught by police after victims shared details of their attacks on the internet. Some had more pronounced wounds than others, suggesting the attacker may have used needles or pins - and in some cases sharpened knitting needles. Police said they have arrested a 28-year-old man from Lviv, in the Ukraine, and that he has confessed to the attacks. He has not been identified. A spokesman said: 'We are trying to understand his motive.' ********** Business hotel for the dead yomiuri - LiSS Center Shin-Kiba attracted media attention soon after it opened in December in Koto Ward, Tokyo, because of its unique status as a "business hotel for the dead." The Shin-Kiba area where the facility stands is mostly occupied by factories, timber storage pools and lumber companies. The facility keeps bodies of the deceased until families decide on the funeral arrangements. One night's "stay" costs 7,350 yen. It has a refrigerated morgue, which can hold up to 37 "guests," and a tatami mat room where bereaved relatives can stay overnight to reminisce about the person they have lost. "It's my hope that family members can take the time they need here to discuss what kind of funeral would be suitable," said Nyokai Matsushima, 73, owner of the facility. Currently, about 80 percent of people die in hospitals. After someone has died, family members have to decide which funeral company they will use, and this is usually done very hastily. For a long time Matsushima had reservations about this way of doing things. As soon as the facility opened, a family from Tokyo made a reservation for a 10-night stay, according to Matsushima. Matsushima is actually a failed monk. He started his monastic training when he was 20, at a temple in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, but dropped out after three years as he "couldn't attain enlightenment," he said. Having worked at more than 10 different jobs, including a real estate office, Matsushima opened a cemetery in Tokyo at the age of 49, and began to offer new, innovative styles of funeral. These include graves that are permanently looked after for those who have no one left behind to tend to them; graves which can be "visited" online; and a system that allows clients to arrange their funerals while they are still alive. "As soon as I hit on an idea for a funeral-related service that answers a current need, I spring into action," Matsushima said. "Of course, I've had more than my fair share of failures in the past." That said, his ideas just seem to keep on coming. ********** Getting high on snake venom mindhacks - The addiction journal Substance Abuse has two cases of people using snakebites to get high. To be clear, this isn't the mix of beer and cider, a drink also known as snakebite, but an actual venomous bite from a serpent. Here's the first case – and yes, alternative reality fans – he really is named 'Mr PKD' in the report: Mr. PKD, a 52-year-old married male with a history of substance use for past 34 years started taking alcohol at the age of 18 and over the years he added cannabis, benzodiazepines, and opioids over different periods of time and in varying combinations to produce the desired effects… Two months before contacting our center, the patient learned of the intoxicating effects of snake venom through some of his friends and, as reasoned by the patient, he decided to try it in order "to experience the kick the other substances now lacked." With the help of the nomadic snake charmers common in India, the patient subjected himself twice to the snake bite over his left forearm over a period of 15 days. There was no local tissue injury at the site of the bite apart from the bite marks. The patient described a feeling of dizziness and blurred vision followed by a heightened arousal and sense of well-being lasting a few hours; a more intense state of arousal than he would experience with pentazocine injections. The patient was not able to identify the snakes used but was apprehensive about the risks involved in the process. The other case involves a man who "subjected himself to being bitten once on his left foot by a small Indian cobra (Naja naja). The patient described the experience as a blackout associated with a sense of well-being, lethargy, and sleepiness". Anyone even slightly tempted by this description should check out the off-putting illustrations on the Wikipedia page on snakebites. Slightly less trippy I'm sure you'll agree. ********** Sunday, February 13th at 10 PM ET Go to Beyond the Edge Radio - click the 'Listen Live and Chat' link then 'Tune In' |
Readers Respond: “Alien” Tumors / Implants Posted: 10 Feb 2011 08:50 AM PST I received a few very interesting emails in reference to my post - Review: "Alien" Tumors / Implants: Lon, I am writing to tell you of what my wife has gone through. She had a tumor between her shoulder blades that she could feel moving under her skin. When the tumor was removed it weighed 30 pounds and had tentacles and was moving on its own. The doctor said it was a lypoma tumor. The only other thing that she was told is that they shipped it to the Mayo Clinic. My wife has had abduction experiences in her past. I am almost 100% certain that the so called tumor that she had was a direct result of those experiences. Thank you very much for the informative post as it has showed the both of us that she is not alone. Sincerely, EF ---------- Hi there, I wanted to write and share my one of my experiences and perhaps see if anyone knew of anything like it. You know, I've had so many similar experiences it's difficult to relate them. Especially since, many times, I just get "weirded out" and tired of trying to figure it out, or embarrassed by speaking about something that's happened that no one understands and so I deliberately force myself not to think about it. So here goes! I had an experience many years ago in broad daylight with my then sister-in-law and many neighbors where we all watched an extremely large UFO for over an hour as it passed over from north to south, from the mountains north of San Bernardino, CA, over Riverside, and continued south. We were sitting on my apartment balcony waiting for our husbands to come home from work one summer day and noticed a strange looking dark cloud in the distance. The sky was clear except for this one huge, dark cloud. We watched as it moved fairly quickly from far to near and tried to figure out why it was there. The appearance, sound, altitude, speed, and direction of movement were all anomalous. It was black as a thundercloud and flashed ocassionally but as it got closer, it was clearly lit from within with a strange pulsing yellow orange light and bright flashes, like lightning but there was no thunder afterwards. It only "hummed" loudly with a very deep resonance. It looked almost identical to a huge storm cloud but at the same time not "normal". From my experience of watching aircraft and falling bodies all day in my skydiving days I would say it was pretty low in the sky, maybe 2000 feet at most. It was surrounded by vapor that roiled around the body and drifted at the edges but never dissipated like a real cloud. The appearance was like an imitation of a cloud, with the exception of the low, loud hum and didn't fit with the weather which was dry, hot, and with just the beginning of the usual evening breeze that blew in from the coast, west to east. We talked and watched the thing along with our neighbors in the complex who stopped to watch also. Some people were pulling into the parking lot from work and as they noticed us staring, they would join us and discuss it too before going about their business. We turned on the news to see if anything was being mentioned since this object was probably the size of a small block and so many were watching it. Nothing ever was reported. It was so strange but at the same time no one seemed at all troubled by it! We mentioned as we discussed it that even if we reported it, we'd never find out what it was and it would be pointless so why bother! I sometimes think about it though and wonder what it was. Maybe someone else has seen it also or something like it. The year was between 1987 and 1989 because of where I lived, I'm thinking probably 1987. I was in Riverside, CA at the time. Because it was coming from the high desert area I just assumed it was something the military was doing but, man, it was just gigantic and why would it look like a cloud? One thing I always thought about too is the huge number of people I knew who were present at the time who became seriously ill shortly after, including myself and my sister-in-law. She developed a form of thyroid disease that I can't recall now but it caused her eyes to bulge terribly and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. My youngest daughter who was at home and present has thyroid disease also, while my oldest who wasn't in the area is not affected. Several children in the area developed rheumatoid arthritis or other serious illnesses, like seizure disorders, also. Weird. Regards, LAF ---------- Hello, Four years ago I experienced a horrific alien abduction that lasted 3 days. Several weeks after the incident I noticed that I had a very stiff neck when I would wake in the morning. Eventually, the pain increased to the point where it bothered me all the time. I went to my physician and had X-rays and a CAT scan where it was determined that a foreign object that was made of a metallic material was embedded in vertebrae very near my spinal cord To make a long story short, I had surgery to remove the object. The surgery was performed at the Long Beach VA Hospital in California. I had requested that the object be preserved because I wanted to have it analyzed. I was told that the object was 'lost' after surgery but I was later told by an attending nurse that it was immediately shipped off to an Army research facility. She said that she got a look at the object which was about a half inch in length and was made of a black colored metal. She also said that the object was difficult to capture during surgery and seemed to 'move' away from the surgical instruments. I am interested in other experiences and thoughts. I would like some answers. 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