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- Prince Edward Island Attachment Case Log - Spirit Rescue International
- Fortean / Alternative News: Bedroom Alien, Mass Hysteria and Utah Hoaxer Comes Clean
- Bigfoot 'Hotspot' Yields Hair Evidence, Pilfered Property
Prince Edward Island Attachment Case Log - Spirit Rescue International Posted: 21 Feb 2011 12:08 PM PST The following notes are from our most recent case at Spirit Rescue International: Lon's Notes: Tue 1 Feb 2011 - Irene and I have had an initial conversation with the client. We have also received the questionaire with the history of this case. The research tasks will be assigned today. This case is in Prince Edward Island, Canada and the activity has been occurring for quite awhile. As a result of the client's personal situations over many years Irene and I feel we are dealing with an attachment / possession by one or more entities. The activity has been varied and troublesome. That is about all the information I am able to disclose currently. More will be posted after we get the research, go over a 'battleplan', confer with the client then ultimately conduct an RV session. Stay tuned....Lon ----- Irene's Notes: Thu 3 Feb 2011 - This is a case of a lady in Canada who over the years has had some strange unexplained happenings surrounding her. Besides suffering dreams that she says are hellish and intense which she has talked to us about, things happening in the house which she has now fled had started to increase. Every door in the house slamming at the same exact second, cups flying off the work surface and pictures flying around the room in a circular fashion, now this may sound to you like an ordinary poltergeist haunting but there is much more to this case which stems back to childhood, at first when I read the details it reminded me of the film 'Carrie', anger plays a big part in this case. Whispering and talking is often heard, a vision of a young girl with Red hair and brilliant bright Blue eyes who changed in to something unearthly. The Freezer door would be found open in the mornings when they got up, the partner accused her of having been eating in the middle of the night and only believed she hadn't when one morning they found what looked like black soot handprints on the door, one of the dreams this client has is of people being burnt in a fire, this maybe or may not be connected. An apparition of what the client describes looked like a Farmer has been seen floating in a doorway, the client says she did not feel anything negative with this. This case consists not only of a haunting but also multiple attachments. This is all at the moment I am going to reveal on this case as it is one being investigated and in the early stages many things I am holding back. The research on this Island has revealed one piece of very good information that we would like to look into further, a remote view will be the next step whether this will be done by Lon or myself has yet to be decided. The results will be posted in due course. As and when we progress with this we will try to post more information here. ----- Lon's Notes: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - Irene and I conducted a remote view on this case on Monday, February 14th. Irene set the target coordinates for me and monitored the session. We systematically executed 4 phases in order to perceive the target and to gather as much information possible. In Phase 1, the coordinates (a set of two - four digit numbers) were given to me...from which an ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept) was developed. The target was narrowed down to a subject. I was drawn to an area in a house which I suspected was a living room. My focus centered on a knit or crocheted blanket or something similar which I sense held some importance to a past or present member of the household. The colors were light green and pink. There was also a fragrance of roses. In Phase 2, the target vignette was narrowed by probing for sounds, textures, temperatures, colors, luminescence, contrast and smells. Through this information I was able to focus in on any verticals, horizontals, diagonals, topography, mass and energetics as well as my overall 'feeling' of the target. In this instance, I was directed to a bedroom with a large-mirrored dresser. Again, the focus was on the blanket or covering which was now being used...possible wrapped around the client. I could tell that this was from the past and that this person was feeling fear and apprehension. There was also a man yelling and moving about the residence. In Phase 3, I made a rough sketch or drawing of what I was perceiving. At this point, the sketch included the objects in the bedroom including a doorway, a window and a bed. In Phase 4, I went into a deeper perception of the target. This included sense, magnitudes, emotions, physicals, subspace and concepts. There were other specifics used...but at this point there was no systematic procedure because the observations are starting to come together into a primary deduction, though I suffered a psychic attack early in the process. I experienced severe nausea and pain to my arms, hands, right ribs and the bridge of my nose. Irene immediately projected her energy towards me in order to alleviate the symptoms and pain. After many minutes, my pain started to dissipate. It's a difficult process to describe but it was obvious that it took a serious toll on Irene. Actually I was quite worried for her (in turn, she was very concerned for my well-being). We were eventually able to continue the session. Through the process I perceived this man, that I previously referred to, was in an area outside and near the ocean or a lake. At first, his emotions were that of severe guilt...then it suddenly changed to relief as I felt him leave his physical body. (at the end of the client's father's life he had gone missing for 10 days and committed suicide...further details will remain confidential). Later, I perceived his spirit in a dark wooded area where it was confronted by an unknown being...definitely a vengeful entity that was very tall with dark deep-set eyes and a wrinkled face that walked in a peculiar fashion. It first appeared as a bright green light that started to take form as it neared the man's spirit. I am quite positive that this entity invaded the man's spirit and may have been one of the attached entities we sensed on the client. Irene immediately made an effort to move it away from me...though it did attempt to come back. She eventually cleared this entity which I was able to witness during the remote view. Honestly, it was truly a remarkable experience though this could have easily been a dangerous event. At that time, the remote view session was ended. There are still questions to be answered, especially when we consult with the client. The presence of another attached spirit is still a very real possibility...though my sense is that it may be an entity that has accompanied the client since an early age and may be more mischievous than malevolent. There are other specifics but because of client confidentiality this information must remain private...Lon ----- Lon's Notes: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - I woke this morning with a very sore right shoulder something hit me. There is no bruise but I needed to take a Vicodin to calm it down. The attack was swift and shocking...the first I have ever experienced. I'm glad Irene was there, but she paid for it I'm afraid. ----- Lon's Notes: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - We just talked to the client who verified much of what was perceived during the RV. I seems clear that we were dealing with 2 entities, one of which was cleared during the session. There is still a mischievous spirit attached to the client...this will be dealt with very soon. ----- Irene's Notes: Wed 16 Feb 2011 - I have to admit that we took a battering with this one but to me that is part and parcel of the job and I think Lon is beginning to realise that...I am proud of him. Anyway the entity removal was successful I believe this entity at one point could of been attached to the father who in the end committed suicide then transferring itself to a friend of the client or the client themself, either way it was then able to attack the client, strange that at the time of the removal the client was with this friend who is normally very somber and witnessed a sudden change come over him, he changed, said he felt great and I am sure he felt the move. There, as Lon has said, is another attachment with this client and this one has been with the client for a long time, its not going to want to go anywhere and I already know that we have a fight on our hands to get rid of it, it is a real trickster. If I had to rate it on a danger level out of 10 I would give it an 8. I hope to take this one out in the next couple of days, so Lon or I will let you know the outcome. ----- Lon's Note: Mon 21 Feb 2011 - I talked to the client today...she states all is well. Her quote...."the last 24 days, since you started my case, have been better than my last 24 years". We will continue to follow up and keep in closed. | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Bedroom Alien, Mass Hysteria and Utah Hoaxer Comes Clean Posted: 21 Feb 2011 11:46 AM PST "Had an alien at the foot of my bed..." MUFON CMS - 9/29/1996 - Virginia - unedited: I was asleep with my husband next to me. We had watched a movie and the tv was now on a blue screen with no other lights on in the room. I woke up and saw an alien at the foot of my bed holding onto the rod iron railing. I have a sleigh bed. As I was waking up I started to re-wet my contacts by blinking alot. Then when I realized what I was seeing I started to freak out. I never believed people when they said they were so scared they were "frozen" until that night. When I saw it I tried to scream and nothing came out. I tried to hit my husband but my arms wouldn't move. It was shear terror feeling. After about 10 seconds (which felt like and eternity) I was able to get my arm to move a little. He saw me move and then his mouth went from this tiny little hole to a big opening and he ran out of my bed room and into the kitchen which was 3 feet from my bedroom door. I heard his feet when he hit the floor in the kitchen. After another 30 seconds or so I was able to scream and start moving. I hit my husband and got him up and told him what I saw. I turned every light on into the house and went into the kitchen. The back door was not open. I can tell you he is about 3 and a half feet tall. With reptile like skin, and is kinda glossy. It was a weird green / gray color. He had 3 fingers kinda long, and yes they were on my bed railing. I took my bed railing off and it's been in my attic ever since. I can't look at it. I told my father (a retired LT. Colonel from the Army National Guard) the next day and other family members. So do I believe in aliens. YES I have seen one!!! I worked at Ruth's Chris Steak House for 8 years so you know I am not a nut case.:) I am still married. My husband does Commercial Heating and Air and I have twin boys 8 months old and a 2 year old daughter. ********** TV Report - A `UFO' Hoaxer Steps Forward In Utah Rick Phillips reports: Oh my. Ready for a little `twist' to the whole `dropping orbs' saga of the recent past? -------- Yeah, me neither; but, I feel obligated to bring you this `news'. Seems an `artist' (the TV report seemingly paints this guy as a tinkerer-mad scientist-artist) had rigged up an array of technical but relatively simple equipment to pull off a - red triangle in the sky that dropped an `orblike' flare looking substance - while no divulging his whole technique, think helium, plastic bags, flares, Lazar's (?) .... and you would be close. Continue reading at TV Report - A `UFO' Hoaxer Steps Forward In Utah ********** More UFO video from Fresno, CA My friend Jeffrey Gonzalez of Sanger Paranormal Society , who is also a State Section Director/Investigator for MUFON, forwarded this last evening: Robert Thorson catches another one....I thought it was a Mylar balloon at first but the wind and clouds are moving from left to right...The object hovered for around 15 min....balloons don't do that, then you see the object start moving against the wind..."not a Balloon". This happened today..2-20-11 during the mid afternoon. Click for video - UFO MORPHING DAYTIME FRESNO ********** Mass hysteria strikes students in central Vietnam thanhniennews - Students from a school in the south-central province of Phu Yen have been struck by inexplicable bouts of fainting spells during the past two months. Doctors suspect they suffer from a psychological disorder. Chau Lot, principal of the Son Thanh Secondary and High School in Tay Hoa District, said the phenomenon first appeared in a handful of students and eventually spread. All of the cases occurred among the seventh-grade, eighth-grade, and eleventh-grade classes, which ran in the afternoon, he said. Since January 17, between 12 and 40 students faint every day at school, mainly between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., local news website VnExpress reported. The school management has moved their classes to the morning and even allowed the students to remain at home. Despite their efforts, the problem continued. The students' parents say their children are healthy and do not suffer from fainting spells while at home. According to the school, the students all suffered from respiratory difficulties, fatigue, and convulsions. They are given to fits of screaming before they collapse. Dr. Nguyen Hung, director of Phu Yen's Preventive Health Center, told the news website that the students recovered after massages, adding that the students were suffering from symptoms of mass hysteria. Mass hysteria is caused by either a physical culprit, or psychological stress and anxiety, according to an article by Professor Gary Small from the University of California. It often afflicts children and teenagers, especially girls. Hung said that mass hysteria has struck a number of Vietnamese schools, like those in the central cities of Hue and Da Nang. The outbreaks tended to last for a shorter amount of time and manifested on a smaller scale than they have been in Phu Yen. Hung suggested that the school provide a more relaxing study environment as well as frequent exercise. He also recommended the school provide them with consultations from professional psychologists. According to Prof. Small, the illness usually manifests for a few days and tends to disappear when the afflicted crowd disperses. | ||
Bigfoot 'Hotspot' Yields Hair Evidence, Pilfered Property Posted: 21 Feb 2011 09:54 AM PST
triplicate - Kirk Stewart displays a cast he made of a large footprint found on his French Hill Road property. Take a 3-mile excursion up a winding mountain road near Gasquet, go down a driveway lined with heavy brush, and there's a meadow. In that meadow roam horses, cows, cats, and occasionally, the landowner believes, Bigfoot. Kirk Stewart, the owner of a residence on French Hill Road, is still waiting on detailed analysis of hair samples he collected after a night three years ago when he thinks Bigfoot broke through a wire fence, plucked about seven of his peacocks and then made off with them. The next morning, Stewart said he found a trampled fence and a piece of his peacock pen peeled off. He also noticed feathers on the ground and on a tree limb about 7 feet high. "I was thinking it was a bear, up until I had seen how it opened the pen," said Stewart. As he assessed the damage, Stewart said he happened upon a clump of about 16 hairs attached to one of the barbs on his fence. They were about 7 inches long with a fine texture and a slight curl. "The hairs are the smoking gun," he said. Stewart sent them to the North America Bigfoot Search. A preliminary analysis determined them to be from a primate, according to a book by the organization's director. A more detailed analysis is expected within six months, it said. NABS claims to use scientific methods to investigate possible incidents involving Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, a purportedly ape-like creature whose existence is discounted by a majority of scientists. NABS was created about six years ago by a group of private donors who wanted to find answers to their childhood curiosities about whether Bigfoot exists, said David Paulides, director of the organization based in Los Gatos, Calif. It has collected dozens of hair samples from around the country to genetically analyze them. Along with Stewart's samples, NABS has received hair samples from Hoopa, northern Humboldt County near Bluff Creek, and Oregon. "(Del Norte) has to be one of the hottest places in the world" for Bigfoot reports, said Paulides in a telephone interview with The Triplicate. He's especially interested in Stewart's property, where the resident said several other things have happened that seem Bigfoot-related. "I've been at his property several times," said Paulides. " What's going on there is very strange." Stewart said he made a cast of a giant footprint he found on his property on a different occasion than the 2008 peacock disappearance. It's about 7 inches wide and about 17 inches long. In 2007, Stewart was throwing a birthday party for his son, when he heard a loud yell coming from near his melon patch. When Stewart later went to the patch, he said he found a line of about 50 melons that had been pried open, he said. There were circular holes in the melons with fingernail indentations, he said, adding there was also a big indentation in one of the large tires that housed the melons. Perhaps Bigfoot used it as a resting place while gorging on melons, Stewart speculated. "If I ever had him over for dinner, I'd cook peacocks and cut honeydew melons," joked Stewart as he walked around his property recently. "I believe it's what they call a Bigfoot," he said. "It's not some long-haired hippie running around." Stewart said he has yet to sign a contract with NABS releasing his rights to the hair samples. He said he makes his living farming his property. He also has a lawsuit pending against Del Norte County seeking the cash value of marijuana plants confiscated from his land even though he had a valid medical marijuana caregiver license. The drug-related charges against Stewart were dismissed, but he's currently on probation for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Before it started collecting hair samples, NABS set out to gather anecdotal evidence from people who claimed to have encountered Bigfoot. Through commonalities in the evidence gathered, Paulides said he was able to profile behavioral attributes of the creature. "We named food sources," said Paulides. "Bigfoot eats mushrooms. That's a food source people didn't really think about. Also, there's a series of green shrubs and ferns and water plants." NABS has also hypothesized Bigfoot is not going to be far from water. After gathering anecdotal information, NABS had a forensic artist draw sketches of Bigfoot that people who claimed to have seen it described. The facial features of Bigfoot are more humanlike than previously suggested and its hair color runs the color spectrum similar to human hair, said Paulides. "We flew right into the face of old-time researchers," he said. Paulides included anecdotal evidence and the forensic sketches in his book, "Tribal Bigfoot." Stewart was featured in the book, as were several other people from Del Norte and Humboldt counties. While the book released in 2009 was being written, NABS was in the beginning stages of hair sample analysis. A letter about a preliminary laboratory analysis of Stewart's sample was published in the book. The letter states that an expert examined the hair and found it to be from an animal of primate origin. Since then, dozens more hair samples have been submitted for evaluation, and NABS hopes to have results soon, Paulides said. The research has taken longer than expected due to the complexity of genetically tracing the hairs, Paulides said. "That's probably one of the reasons no one has tried to jump through the hurdles that we're jumping through," said Paulides. "It's much more complicated than anyone thought." Paulides anticipates having the analysis completed within the next six months. The work will be published in a report written by a group of scientists who will scrutinize the findings, Paulides said. "I think if you have any scientific acumen to you and you're an educated person then it's hard to ignore science," said Paulides. "In reality there's thousands of (Bigfoots). They're much more common than anyone realizes." "The forrest floor is so efficient at disposing of things," said Paulides, adding that he's spent thousands of hours in the woods, but has never seen a fully intact skeleton of a mountain lion. "If we can prove theres a primate out there that's bipedal and it has been ignored by science for eternity and we can now show it exists," said Paulides, "I don't care what kind of evolutionary belief system you have, I believe that will alter the course of science." ---------- The following is a report made to the BFRO in 2002 referencing a sighting in the same geographic area. As well, this link lists sightings in Del Norte County, California: YEAR: 1985 SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: unknown STATE: California COUNTY: Del Norte County LOCATION DETAILS: Our camp was located just a short way up Patrick Creek road, maybe just 1000 feet up from Hwy 199. We camped near the creek in a small clearing. We arrived at dusk and left just after breakfast the next morning. NEAREST TOWN: Gasquet, CA NEAREST ROAD: Patrick Creek Road OBSERVED: I live in Humboldt Co. CA and have heard night screams that sounded like an incredibly loud out-of-control frat party in 1985 when a friend and I were remote camping in a heavily wooded unihabited area around Patrick Creek in Del Norte Co. just north of Humboldt. There were voices in deep male tonations as well as slightly higher and higher still [juvenile?] I've heard coyotes, bears wolves etc etc. I've also spent time with my sister who was doing her graduate project in anthropology on primates at the San Diego zoo. The closest I can compare the sounds to were Howler monkeys, but controlled. The voices almost sounded like a dialect but none I've ever heard; like I could almost make out words. The sounds were definitely primate in nature though definitely not human. At the time, my wolf-hybrid dog who traveled 300+ miles of the Pacific Crest Trail alone with me and who at the time was a veteran of wilderness encounters and very bold [never would hesitate to tree the largest bear] was trying to bite a hole in the tent to get in. Once I let the trembling dog in the tent she actually tried to climb inside of my sleeping bag. She refused to go back outside and remained whimpering in the tent with me until dawn. At one point in the night, I awoke to hear a very heavy body tramping just outside the tent. I heard breathing, very deep like in a broad-chested animal. I dared not go outside until light. Upon first light I went outside and saw what looked like a stampede had been through our campsite. The duff was heavily scuffed with signs of foot traffic, which hadn't been there the night before. I've read a few Bigfoot stories and I've noticed that sometimes the sound of children playing has attracted sighting situations. I once had a problem with a mentally ill person who was sneaking in my horse barn at night and letting the horses out. After months of frustration and being told I was paranoid, I got a remote camera that had some infrared capabilities. As expected, I caught the man and turned in a point-blank video to authorities of him. If your researchers want a good chance at getting Bigfoot on film, why not set up a week-long or so remote campsite with tents etc. and install a infrared video camera to view the camp. Have recordings or better yet, actual children squealing in play through the hours of the night. Review the tapes each day and see what you get. It worked for me. From the sound of how intelligent the Bigfoot may be, the more 'natural' you make your camp appear as just a family outing, the more likely you'll get what you're after. That's why I think using real children would work. Good luck getting any brave enough to do it though! ALSO NOTICED: Only that many years later I talked with a man who lives up Patrick Creek road whose name I forget, but he is a retired police officer so his credibility can be assumed. He reported that the sounds we heard then are common to his experience and that he has actually seen Bigfoot families cross the road to where his house is! OTHER WITNESSES: Yes, my roommate was with me. We were both just recreating, cooking over a campfire, laughing at jokes and going to sleep. OTHER STORIES: Yes, just what I've reported above. TIME AND CONDITIONS: Sounds were heard at around 11:00PM. It was pitch black with a drizzling light rain. The sounds seemed to come from the top of a nearby ridge to our campsite ENVIRONMENT: Mixed hardwood/coniferous forest. Madrones, douglas fir and maybe a redwood or two. The terrain is hilly, and mountainous at points. There was a creek nearby. We selected the spot to camp because of it's unused and remote look. Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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