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- The Sgt. Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction
- Fortean / Alternative News: Government Big Cat Search, Deadly Bird Warning and Yeti Hunt
- Recent UFO / Anomalous Reports
The Sgt. Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction Posted: 14 Feb 2011 10:23 AM PST SUMMARY: At 1:15 a.m. August 13, 1975, Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, to observe a meteor shower. A silver glowing object separated itself from the brilliant flashes far above and began to descend to the desert floor a few hundred feet from the startled serviceman. At a height of twenty feet or so, the UFO, approximately the size of a city bus and now emitting a high pitched whine began to move in his direction. He desperately tried to start his car, giving up after repeated attempts produced no response. The strange craft finally stopped a few feet from Moody and hovered, shadowy figures vaguely visible through a rectangular widow. The serviceman felt a numbness steal through his body followed by a sense of lethargy. The next thing he remembered was the object rising back into the heavens and disappearing. Upon his arrival home he was astonished to find it was 3 a.m., an hour and a half was missing. Over the following few days physical problems began to appear, namely a lower back pain and a lower body rash. His physician believing it to be psychosomatic, possibly stress related, advised him to try self hypnosis/hypnotic regression as an aid in remembering the missing time. Evidently the advice met with some success, Moody remembering the events that followed the UFO's descent and the numbness and lethargy that followed its approach. Two beings about six feet in height had approached his car and rendered him unconscious, when he awoke he was inside the craft, on his back, and paralyzed; standing next to him was an alien dressed in a silver suit with whitish grey skin and a bald head who though somewhat shorter than the others exuded authority and was apparently the leader. After telepathically questioning Moody as to whether he would be compliant and receiving a positive response he removed the paralysis. Moody was then apparently given a tour of the ship, shown its drive unit and informed the vessel was only a landing craft, the mother ship was in orbit 400 miles away. The leader then purportedly rendered the Air Force sergeant unconscious again, crew members carrying him to his car. FURTHER DETAILS: On August 13, 1975, Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody was in the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico, observing a meteor shower. It was 1:15 AM when he saw a glowing, metallic, saucer-shaped object lowering to the ground approximately 300 feet away. Moody estimated the object's length at about 50 feet, and its diameter at eighteen to twenty feet. The UFO began to wobble as it descended. Moody was extremely frightened as the object began to move towards him. Moody tried to run from the object, but when he tried to start this car, the engine would not respond. He could now hear a high-pitched sound as the object came to a stop in mid-air about 70 feet away from him. He could make out a window in the UFO, and see shadows of a human-like form. The high-pitched sound came to a stop, and as it did, he could feel his body going numb. His last conscious memory would be of the UFO rising back up into the sky, and finally flying away. Moody's description of the windows and humanoid forms are very similar to the description in the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. As the UFO left, Moody was now able to start his car. Still trembling with fear, he sped away from the desert, finally arriving home. As he entered his house, he was shocked to see that it was now 3:00 AM. Somehow, he was missing about one and one-half hours. The next day, he began to have physical problems, starting with severe pain in his lower back. A rash would break out all over his body in the next few days. Taking his problems to a physician, he was told to try a type of self-hypnosis to recover the lost one and one-half hours. It seems that the self-hypnosis was working. Within a couple of weeks, Moody began to recall bits and pieces of his desert encounter, and felt that he had a fairly good account of what had happened to him. He now believed that after his body became numb, he had seen two beings coming towards him. The creatures were about six feet tall, and wearing skin-tight black clothing. He had tried to fight them off, but was overcome with the numbness and went unconscious. He remembered waking inside of a craft on a table. He could not move his arms or legs. An alien creature stood by him. This alien was much shorter than his two abductors. He also wore a silvery suit, instead of black. He had no hair on his head, like the other two creatures. His brow protruded outward, and he had round eyes, small ears and nose, and his lips were extremely thin. This "leader" as Moody saw him, began to communicate telepathically. Moody was asked if he would stop fighting his abduction, and cooperate. With Moody's compliance, the alien used a rod-like device on his back which stopped the paralysis. Soon, Moody was transported to a different part of the UFO, where he was shown the alien drive unit. This drive had a long rod, and three holes in it which were covered by glass. There was a crystal-like object with a rod on both ends. During his short tour of the alien ship, Moody was told that there was a larger mother-ship which was waiting above the Earth. The alien leader also told him that no future contact with earthlings would be made for twenty years. Also, Moody's memory would be lost to him for several weeks after he was released. The alien then rendered him unconscious once again. Noted Discrepancies: It is very difficult to make an assessment of the validity of Moody's claims. Investigator Jim Lorenzen took exception to some of his claims. In two separate accounts, Moody gave the distance of the mother-ship from Earth as two different amounts, and he also claimed that the aliens were robust six-foot-tall creatures, but also called them "frail." On the other hand, Moody was examined by Charles McQuiston, inventor of the Psychological Stress Evaluator, which allegedly proves if a person is telling the truth. McQuiston determined that Moody was indeed being truthful about his encounter. NOTE: Alamogordo, New Mexico is where Holloman AFB is located and has been a hotbed of UFO / extraterrestrial lore since the end of WWII. You may want to review the following links that reference historic activity at this location: Alien Body Count Supposedly Recovered By U.S. Government President Eisenhower's 'Close Encounter' at Holloman AFB Are These Craft From Holloman AFB or Somewhere Else? Former Legislator Issues Statement on Official Eisenhower-Alien Meeting Brief Emenegger Interview - Holloman AFB Incident / Alien Technology Laura Eisenhower Mahon: "I am fairly certain Ike was aware of aliens visiting Earth" Sources: Sachs, Margaret - 'The UFO Encyclopedia' - 1980 Lorenzen, Coral and Jim - 'Abducted: Close Encounters of a Fourth Kind' - 1977 Good, Timothy - 'Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence' - 2007 Hopkins, Budd - 'Missing Time' - 1981 |
Fortean / Alternative News: Government Big Cat Search, Deadly Bird Warning and Yeti Hunt Posted: 14 Feb 2011 09:17 AM PST Government searches for big cats in Victoria theage - The state government is on the prowl for the folkloric big cats of Victoria - such as the panther-like creature said to haunt the sheep country around Beechworth. But veteran hunters of the often-seen but never caught pumas and cheetahs say the government is on the wrong track. Simon Townsend and John Turner of are urging Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh to grab rubber gloves and a swab and start DNA testing the claw marks found on the remains of savaged lambs and calves. Mr Townsend says his website receives up to three sightings a week, many by farmers who have complained about big cats killing stock. It was this history of unhappiness that led Nationals leader Peter Ryan to pledge an investigation into the big-cat issue and establish ''once and for all'' if they actually exist. Says John Turner: ''There's no doubt they exist. We have more than 500 eyewitness accounts. People can say it's just a black wallaby … but it's not a wallaby if it snarls and slinks about on four legs.'' Mr Turner has seen two such beasts, the last being a leopard-sized cat outside Beechworth four years ago. He and Mr Townsend worry that the government won't commit enough funds to the task. Says Mr Townsend: ''The best way would be DNA analysis of stock kills. That costs $500 for one sample. So let's hope they have sufficient funds allocated.'' Mr Townsend says the government ''seems to be serious, but I don't think they understand what a big undertaking it will be. They want to get it done quickly but that's not viable.'' Mr Townsend has been after them for 40 years, after first spotting a ''large black feline'' along the pipeline outside Warburton. The Sunday Age has been told the preferred rubber-glove forensic approach has taken a back seat to the cheaper option of whatever you call that rubber studded thing you put on your thumb to avoid a paper cut. Rather than hitting the bloodied trail, Department of Agriculture staff are trawling through all the records of sightings to establish if any of them ring true. A spokeswoman says: ''We are conducting a limited investigation into the issue of big cats to determine once and for all if they exist.'' ********** 'Frost quakes' shake Southwest Ohio, Indiana daytondailynews- Frost quakes, a rare phenomena that simulate earthquakes, rattled hundreds of residents Thursday in Darke and Miami counties in Ohio and Randolph County in Indiana, emergency management officials said. The quake, or cryoseism as it's known in scientific circles, occurs when moisture soaks into the soil and a quick freeze causes a sudden, even violent expansion and contraction. Darke County's 911 director Brandon Redmond said the quakes erupted for eight hours Thursday, starting at 1 a.m. The heaviest reports were between 5:30-7:30 a.m. Redmond, who lives in Arcanum, experienced it Thursday morning in the shower. The shaking of his house caused him to rush out of the bathroom at 7:15 a.m., thinking a transformer exploded nearby. He watched as his lights flickered. "It wasn't 'till I came in to work that I realized I hadn't lost my mind, and I started hearing that other people experienced the same thing," he said. Throughout Thursday, hundreds of messages appeared on the Darke County Sheriff's Facebook page. Redmond said consultation with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio and Indiana Emergency Management officials led to the frost quake assessment. There have been no reports of damage, Redmond added, although damage has been reported from other occurrences. The phenomenon has been reported mainly in northern states such as Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts and upstate New York. ********** Cyclone affected Aussies warned to stay away from deadly giant birds telegraph - Residents of communities around Mission Beach, on the north Queensland coast, which was almost flattened by the category five cyclone earlier this month, have been advised to beware of the 6ft tall birds, which are known to attack if they feel threatened. Famed for their long talons – their dagger-like middle claws measure 12cm long – and powerful legs, the birds, which are unique to the rainforests of northern Australia, are said to be able to disembowel humans, dogs and horses with just one kick. Weighing more than 10st, cassowaries resemble an emu, and in 2007 were named the most dangerous birds in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. However, thanks to land clearing and development along the coast, the fearsome birds are seriously endangered, with just 1,000 left in the wild. Queensland authorities and green groups have warned that over the coming weeks the birds will be forced out of the rainforest after violent winds from Cyclone Yasi stripped trees of their main food source, fruit. The government, which is arranging emergency aerial food drops for the birds in an attempt to keep them away from residential areas, has warned locals to be on the lookout for hungry cassowaries. "It's vital that members of the public don't feed cassowaries – for their own safety and in the interests of the birds' survival long term, Kate Jones, the Queensland sustainability minister, said. "Cassowaries that come to expect food from humans can become aggressive and dangerous." The warning comes after several cassowaries were spotted close to towns following Cyclone Larry, which hit the same stretch of coast in 2006. After the storm, one third of the population of cassowaries died, and conservationists fear that without intervention the same could happen. Bob Irwin, a conservationist and the father of late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, said it could take 18 months for the rainforest to grow back and that in that time scores of cassowaries could starve to death. "As well as losing their food they are losing their homes so they will be very disoriented. "Like any other animal, if you interfere with them there could be a risk, but the main threat is to the birds themselves." While the birds, which resemble emus, are known to be highly aggressive if approached, there is only one documented human death caused by a cassowary. In 1926 Philip McClean, 16, was killed after he and his brother attempted to beat a cassowary to death. The bird fought back, charging at McClean and knocking him down and slashing his neck with a claw. ********** Mystery Illness Spreads at Playboy Mansion thecelebritycafe - After a party on February 3, Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion is undergoing an investigation by the Los Angeles Department of Health. 100 guests reportedly came down with respiratory illnesses, some with flu-like symptoms and pneumonia, the Chicago Tribune reports. According to the Los Angeles Times, one party guest, Nico Zeifang, created a Facebook list of 77 people that contracted the illness. "Only medical authorities are qualified to identify this illness and investigate its ultimate source.... It's important not to speculate or make unfounded assumptions," conference organizer Mason Cole stated. This party was the finale of the annual DOMAINfest global conference, which lasted for three days and took place in Santa Monica, California. "There were a lot of models brought into the Playboy party that were not at the rest of the conference. They should find out if those girls became ill," party guest David Costello said, according to ABC. The Playboy Mansion is giving its full cooperation to the ongoing investigation. ********** Yeti Hunt in Assam Whilst in Tura on the trail of the Indian yeti we visited a local surgeon Dr Lao. Dr Lao believed that the mande-barung existed but he thought that it was now very rare. He had a collection of books on Indian wildlife. Among them was a book entitled A Naturalist in Karbi Anglong by Awaruddin Choudry first published in 1993. The book, by one of India's best known naturalists, records his time in the Karbi Anglong district of Assam, the Indian state to the north of Meghalaya. One chapter of Chourdy's book is given over to the Khenglong-po, a yeti like creature seen in the area and unheard of in the west. As Assam boarders onto Bhutan there is a link or corridor if you will directly from the Himalayas down to the Garo Hills along which yetis are reported and along which they could travel at will. Continue reading at THE YETI IN ASSAM |
Recent UFO / Anomalous Reports Posted: 14 Feb 2011 08:07 AM PST Hey Lon, I know that you are always interested in some of the weird and interesting anomalies that exist amongst us mortal beings on this third rock. That is why I thought you might be interested in this photo that I captured of a strange object flying thru the skies of west Nashville, TN. I know that most people are usually too busy to look up and take notice of the skies above. But, what most people don't understand... is that if they only knew why lurks above them in the dark hours of night... and the daylight of day, then they would have the most profound awakening to the shocking reality... that would move the very foundations of their own souls! We are not alone! And the skies above...are alive! Gary Mansfield, F.I. ********** Unconfirmed sighting over Pingguoyuan, Beijing, China Click for video ********** Supposed craft landing near Posadas, Misiones, Argentina Click for video ********** Starting about a month ago, I became aware of these strange glowing lights in the sky when I looked out the second story window of my house in Bartlett, Illinois. Living here for 19 years, and knowing that O'Hare Airport is in that direction, I thought nothing of it. I thought they were probably just planes or helicopters. It was strange, as I had not seen anything like this before, though. That's what stuck out at me. These objects stayed in one relative spot. They moved, but not erratically. Just slightly around each other. I noticed they would stay in patterns. Either these objects would form a triangular configuration, or take a linear configuration. I thought this was something pretty strange if they were conventional aircraft. I also noticed that they don't blink. They glow, and slightly flicker. These objects would appear out of nowhere starting around 6 PM CST, and they would stay for hours, usually ending around 9 PM CST. I have never seen these objects during the day. On February 14, 2010, I decided to try to record them (for a second time), as they appeared at dusk instead of the usual night time, and it would be easier for my camera to capture them. After recording the video, I uploaded it to my computer. I took a screenshot of a scene in the video, put it into Photoshop, and used the "emboss" effect to see exactly what shape these objects took. What I saw really surprised me. They were showing up as spheres. Six of them, in a triangular pattern with three smaller ones in the middle. When my sightings first started, there were only 3 of these lights visible. As time has progressed, these sightings have become more and more frequent, with more objects. Now almost nightly, I can see at least 5 of them, and usually no more than 8. As I have stated, these objects will stay for hours on end. I have watched these objects closely hoping to catch them doing some crazy UFO-like behavior, like zooming back up into space, but all they do is kind of "fade out," and I lose sight of them. This does not happen EVERY night, but close to it now. Seeing these objects make me more confused than anything. If they are planes, how are they visible for so long? Why don't the lights get bigger as they get closer, or smaller as they get farther? If they are helicopters, why do they glow instead of blink or flash? Why do they show up in the EXACT same spot so frequently, and hover for so long? Why don't I ever see them move anywhere, except around each other in a relative manner? I will attach the original screen shot taken from my video, the embossed version of the screen shot, and the video itself so you can decide. You can also check out the link at the end of this to see my discussion with other people, who have confirmed the lights are not a radio tower or something of the like. What they are remains a mystery to me. Click for video ********** MUFON CMS - Almont, Michigan - Fall 1990 - unedited: Thought I would resubmit this sighting because it sounds like the Romeo sighting report you have posted in 1988. I would be interested in finding out from those whitnesses If my sketches looked similar to the craft they saw. If you can contact them and ask I would appreciate it. There have been so many instances of really great close up sightings in the Michigan thumb area. It really is an intrest of mine. I believe *(Name deleted--CMS/sg) was involved in quite a few of them. I did report this about several years ago to *(Name deleted--CMS/sg), I'm not sure why I waited so long but for some reason it really started to occupy my thoughts. We had several emails about it and he seemed very interested, he eventually referred me to someone from the Michigan Mutual UFO Network, he emailed me a few times and that was it. To tell you the truth I just felt better telling someone that had an interest in it, but I'm not sure if the guy either believed me, or just wasn't interested. I will give you a brief summery, to me this was the most unusual event in my life and I still think about it daily. It was the fall of 1990, I was in my home in Almont, MI. That time of year it gets dark quite early, it must of been around 8:00 p.m., "the times are now just an approximation". My son, who at the time was around 12 came running in the house saying there was a UFO right outside our house. Let me add at this point I was not one that believed in UFOs. I went outside and my son pointed south and upwards and said look! The funny thing was at first I didn't see anything, but I did notice it was unusually dark, then I noticed a very dim light, I suddenly realized that the reason it was so dark was that there was a huge craft right over our driveway. It was at tree top level and was moving north at a very slow pace, "approximately a slow walking speed". There was a very distinct humming, exactly like a large transformers hums,but you could feel the sound the resonance was so low. There was a very dull light in the middle and as it traveled down or driveway I made out a row of windows around the craft, the windows looked very large. I remember walking down the driveway with my son, then the next thing I remember is standing out in the field north of my house still looking at the UFO, when suddenly it went from approximately 90 or 100 ft straight up in the sky to where it was a pinpoint of light. It just looked like another star. This happened in under a second. We continued to watch it for quite awhile when it took off in a northwesterly direction like a meteor and was gone in a second. There are allot of things I can describe if your interested, but this is the basic part. I don't feel like I was abducted, but I honestly do not remember how I got from my driveway and then in the field. I ask my son about it and he remembers things the way I do, but what I find unusual is that 1. I didn't really focus on it that much after the initial day it happened until a few years ago. 2. My son doesn't seem as interested as I am, even though he is a very intelligent guy. I was a flight simulator instructor in the air force and I have allot of knowledge regarding aircraft. This will always go down as the most bizarre day in my life. By the way, it seemed like I was being watched by someone in the window, but it was like you could only make out a shadow. I am now fascinated by UFO's and I know that there out there. Please, if you have any more questions feel free to ask. Almont is about 20 SE of Brown City. I have never seen another unusual craft. This was defiantly a UFO, there is no other explanation for it, I am the type of guy that checks his facts, there is nothing on our planet that I am aware of that could do what I saw! The pilots would be dead just from the G forces. It surprises me that there have been so many incidences in that area and I never heard about it. From my house to the field was approximately 1000 feet, " you would think that with what was going on, I would remember that sort of distance". I am not really concerned weather anyone believes me or not, unless it is someone that is suppose to investigate this sort of thing. They really need to have an open mind and check the facts. The last few years I have gotten increasingly interested in this subject and there have only been a few incidences that I have read about where people have been as close as I was. I guess I am just intrigued. It really fascinates me! I was so close, 90 ft. The funny thing about it was I didn't feel threatened, In a weird way I felt like it was something from our future, as bizarre as that sounds. I feel that we need to have confidence in our instincts, I felt like I was on display and really being watched. One thing I didn't mention and to this day I am not sure why I didn't act, is that I am a professional photographer. What a dummy! the shot of a life time and I didn't even think about it. This is another thing I cant explain, I take my cameras everywhere with me. The first ten years, I would occasionally ask my son if he remembered everything about that night and he would say yes, but not really want to talk about it. It seemed like more of a dream. WHY? Neither my son or I am the type of person not to act on something so significant, an event of a life time. Another factor about that night was the route the craft was traveling, right down my driveway. My power lines go right down the drive and sometime that winter I had to call Edison out, they told me that the wires were completely bare" no insulation at all", and had to replace them, including the transformer. I am not sure if it relates, but I have read stories about these craft using power lines. ********** UFOS Over Kentucky dailyindependent - Larry and Cathy Martin weren't expecting to see an unidentified flying object as they delivered copies of The Independent early Wednesday morning, although both say they had plenty of time to watch the oblong object with red-and-green lights hovering in the sky before it suddenly gained altitude and flew off to the west. A spokesman for the Greenup County 911 Center said a call was received shortly before 2:30 a.m. Wednesday reporting a UFO "moving and darting around" in the western sky with a "pulsating red light." The Martins, who have been delivering The Independent for six or seven years, said they noticed police officers looking into the early-morning sky and became curious about what they might be looking at. "We were passing papers and saw the police in the parking lot at the animal clinic (Guardian Animal Medical Center in Flatwoods) with binoculars. I asked what they were doing and they said they got a UFO?call," Larry Martin said, explaining the officers then handed him their binoculars so he could see for himself. "I saw a red-and-green light, not moving at all. It was kind of long … oblong," he said, later describing the object as being shaped like a cigar. "I watched it for probably 10 minutes." His wife, Cathy, provided further details. "The object was hovering for about 10 minutes. It was oblong with red-and-green lights. It was too high to be a helicopter and not high enough to be an airplane," she said. "It then rose up real fast and took off to the west and it was gone completely out of sight. We didn't know what it was. The police said they didn't know what it was either." While she doesn't deny the object might have been a weather balloon or some other more common object, Mrs. Martin said she is certain she would have recognized the object if it had been an airplane or a helicopter, adding her husband is a Vietnam veteran who would have easily identified the object if it had been a chopper. "He said there was no way it was a helicopter," she said with certainty. John Parker at the Ashland Regional Airport in Worthington said that facility was "closed and locked up tighter than a drum" at that time in the morning, and added he was personally unaware of any aircraft in local airspace that might have been confused for an unidentified flying object. An air-traffic controller in the tower at Tri-State Airport said, "Not that I'm aware of," when asked if he had any knowledge of anything that might have appeared to be a UFO in the local skies early Wednesday morning. Send us an email Phantoms and Monsters Now Available on Kindle ![]() Spirit Rescue International™ Providing no-cost professional spiritual help, personal support and guidance Take the first step towards genuine peace of mind
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