Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Recent Sightings, Reports and Anecdotes
- Fortean / Alternative News: Anomalous SETI Signal, New Mexico UFO and Battle: Los Angeles
- New Livestock Attacks, Continued Big Cat Alarm in Missouri
Recent Sightings, Reports and Anecdotes Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:14 PM PST The following odds and ends are emails received from readers and a few unusual MUFON CMS reports: These incidents took place during my childhood years up until the day I graduated from high school. We lived in an old three story brownstone apartment building with a basement apartment. The whole building was owned by family. Initially, my grandmother's sister lived in the basement with her family and her two brothers occupied the second floor. My family was on the first main floor and my grandmother was on the 3rd floor. She believed in the superstition that if you moved down a level if you lived in an apartment you would soon die. She continued to climb the three flights of stairs even though she was very arthritic. As the years passed by her sister and her immediate family eventually moved out and the two brothers on the middle floor passed away. The basement level was now empty and my mother, father, sister, brother and I continued to live on the first floor. The second floor was empty and my grandmother still resided alone on the third floor. There was never a thought of renting the vacant rooms. On several nights, while we were asleep, out of nowhere the front door would slam waking everyone up. After a few seconds, there would be footsteps moving up the metal stairs followed by footsteps, shuffling and creaking above us on the second floor. My father would jump up and rush to see who broke into the house. No one was ever there of course and things would be quiet again for a few weeks and then it would happen all over again. The apartment was usually cold and drafty so we would all stand next to a wood stove in the pantry because it was our heat source. On several occasions we would see a faint apparition of someone walk towards the stove. Once in awhile we would think someone had come home and would say "hello" only to be greeted by nothing. When I turned 10-years-old my mother was sleeping on the third level in order to help care for my grandmother. My mother recalled one incident when she woke and saw me standing beside her bed. She asked what I wanted, I turned, walked away and disappeared. There was another incident where she rushed out of the bathroom on the 1st floor and was frantic because she heard her mom scream for her. My sister and I were shocked because we didn't hear anything. On another occasion my grandmother's aunt had been sick and was in the hospital. We were driving home and my mother was resting her head against the window when suddenly she raised up and shouted "oh my god, Aunt Jane just died...I just saw her face." My father looked at the clock and it was about 7:00 pm. When we got home the charge nurse was calling to let us know that she had passed away at the exact time. The most memorable incident happened when my brother and I were talking about the weird stuff that had occurred in the house over the years. I said "yeah like the old guy who used to watch us sleep". I was sort of half-joking since I wasn't sure if he had ever known since it was never brought up between us. He turns and he answers "you mean the guy that stood behind the dresser in the living room...who leaned over with his hands behind his back?" As he was talking he, duplicated the way the apparition moved exactly. That really freaked me out! ********** MUFON CMS - November 1999: I was working on a large 160 acre farm in Pendleton County, KY. I had several duties. On this day in question I was eating lunch and a local friend stop bye to say that he had saw some hunters sneaking on to the property, I told him that I would let them get settled down and after my lunch I would go out and round them up. So I finished lunch got my gun and started walking down the fence row my plan was to cut into the woods and sneak up on them. I had been out there around 45 mins to an hour and as I was making my way though the woods suddenly something step out from behind a tree. I yelled friend or foe and point my gun at it. I couldn't believe my eyes there standing in front of me and my gun was a 3 and 1/2 foot tall gray being, suddenly I had the thought that it was talking to me though my mind, I had the felling that it was a young female and it was scared and telling me it was going to run up a little knoll, just then it took off running up that knoll. I followed it with my gun barrel as it reach the top of the hill there was a flash of light and a door way opened up out of no where. It was about 4 ft wide and probably 8 ft tall It was brightly light inside and I could see the little being standing in it, now it looked like it was wearing a tight black suit of some sort. Suddenly out of the corner of my left eye, I see what looked like something was running toward me I wheeled around and right in front of me was a lizard like man about 5 to 6 ft tall and he was holding a long staff like thing in one hand, His face was more insect looking to me though, and it had dark blue eyes. Again I caught the feeling that it was the little females father, or guard. Okay I know this sound weird but just then to my right there was a 7ft or 8 ft brown hairy Bigfoot creature just standing there. I didn't hear him speak but I did hear in my mind NO! don't hurt Him. Just then the lizard looking one, looked right at me and his eyes changed right in front of me to a yellowish gold. I turn to run and when I did. I was just standing there in the dark in the woods, yes it was night time. I stood there in shock for a moment trying to collect myself. I looked around and I was alone. I started my walk out of there. Back to the farm house, when I got back there was another farm hand that said where have you been we thought you got lost. I didn't say a thing. I come forth now, because I have tried to live with this for years, but recently I was watching TV the History Channel show Ancient Aliens and saw something that looked like the lizard man on the TV. It brought back memories of that day and I started having dreams again and thinking strange thoughts like, could that have be a portal I saw the little one go into? Are they interdenominational? or time travelers? Is this why no one finds Bigfoot bones? and so on, also I'm having dreams about our future. I need to know what happened to me, out there that day. So I come to you for help. ********** Hello When I was growing up at night I would have several episodes of being pinned to my bed. It wasn't until 1996 on going to bed that I had a nervous feeling again as I tried to go to sleep. I woke up suddenly several hours later as I was pinned to my bed, only this time I was fully conscious and I could see. In my bedroom ( I can only describe as Greys) there were three beings. I was being held by one of them so I struggled and pushed it of me. As I did this the bigger of the three moved forward and I was caught in his gaze and I became motionless and could not move. In his right hand he held an instrument that was of a gold or brass colour at the handle and was another 8'' long but this tapered from an inch in diameter from the handle to a millimeter or less at it's tip, like a spike, made from a crystal like material and shone with a very bright white light. I could not move and he put this instrument up my left nostril. It was pushed up to between my eyes and maybe an inch to an inch and a half back. The pain was one of the worst I had experienced. This being seemed shocked that I was feeling this and was fully aware of what was happening. As the instrument was pulled out I became aware of another being standing in the corner, only this one was a male human in a dark blue jump suit and dark aviator style glasses. All of a sudden I was released and all four moved very quickly out of the bedroom door onto the landing where with a bright intense white flash of light they were gone. I felt in shock and questioned if this was a very real dream. I got up and went to the bathroom put on the light, looked in the mirror and noticed a small trickle of blood coming from my left nostril. I have had feelings of deep anger about this and I have 90% of the time numbness and tingling (only slightly) on the left side of my face and head. I have also been left with a link with the biggest of the three beings from when he linked with me. Even now if I feel the thought pattern of him I link mentally with him. At first he recoiled in fear and as time went by with irritation, now it is just acceptance. I hope I get answers and that this perhaps helps somebody. Love and Light. Andy - UK ********** MUFON CMS - New York - 10/26/2010: Sometime during my sleep on that night, I was hit with a strong frisson of fear and the immediate impression that I said (to who, I have no idea) either 'Don't take me' or 'Don't leave me'. Immediately after that I felt, physically felt, firm but gentle pressure on both my biceps above my elbows, pushing me backwards onto my mattress and into my pillows. At the exact same moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and calm, and almost felt sad when the pressure ended. I regained awareness that I was in my bed a short time later, and didn't feel any sense of fear or anxiety, just kept the calm, peaceful feeling. My dog didn't seem to have been bothered by anything, and nothing looked out of place in my room. But I was certain something had happened. The next morning I awoke with an amazing sense of joy, purposefulness, and was incredibly energetic and productive at work. The only odd thing was that I heard a ringing/buzzing in my right ear that lasted for days after. But since then I've been a bit more attentive to the phenomenon, which has prompted a bit of a paradigm shift in my thinking. Something else occurred later that has me thinking perhaps we are going to be given the opportunity to meet these 'others', whoever they may be. I'm going to try not to get too freaked and try to keep an open mind and heart. ********** I was surprised to see your post about Area 51 and Dugway Proving Ground. I used to live in Terra, Utah form 1992-1996. Dugway is where my kids went to school when we lived there. I became friends with a lady who had a daughter that was in one of the same classes as one of my daughters. She lived on post and her husband was a pilot, she once told me that things were being moved from Area 51 onto Dugway. She seemed very disturbed about it and wanted her husband to transfer to a different post. All of it made me very uncomfortable, back then I didn't believe in that kind of stuff and I thought that maybe I made a bad choice in being friends with her. I ended our friendship as slowly and easily as I could (because our daughter's were still friends) and that pretty much ends my story. There are a lot of people in Terra and all over Skull Valley who are (or were living) during the time of the nuclear testing. I met alot of people who were down-winders and many people who had cancer or lost family members. It is a closed group in that area, even the natives that live there keep to themselves. If they did move something from Area 51 to Dugway, the government chose well. | ||
Fortean / Alternative News: Anomalous SETI Signal, New Mexico UFO and Battle: Los Angeles Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:18 AM PST
An Anomalous SETI Signal Explanation: No one knows for sure what caused this signal. There is a slight possibility that it just might originate from an extraterrestrial intelligence. The bright colors on the blue background indicate that an anomalous signal was received here on Earth by a radio telescope involved in a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). A search for these signals is ongoing by several groups including volunteer members of the SETI League. Time labels the vertical axis of the above plot, and frequency marks the horizontal axis. Although this strong signal was never positively identified, astronomers have identified in it many attributes characteristic of a more mundane and ultimately terrestrial origin. In this case, a leading possibility is that the signal originates from an unusual modulation between a GPS satellite and an unidentified Earth-based source. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified. No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence. ********** MUFON CMS - UFO sighting – Approximately 9:00 PM, Thursday, February 10, 2011 – Ruidoso, NM Facing northeast under a clear cold early nighttime sky, I sighted a star like object (slightly larger than bright planet Venus on a summer night) shimmering brightly and moving slowly in a general westerly direction. After a few seconds, the object veered north and northeast and its light disappeared. At this time I thought I was witnessing the landing lights of an aircraft coming in for a landing. However, the lack of lights on the wings and tail was curious. Seconds later, the object reappeared farther west than where it disappeared. And again, a few seconds later, it veered north and northeast and its light was extinguished. It reappeared a second time, again further west, but shortly thereafter the tall pine trees obstructed my view. Throughout the episode I did not hear any sound emanating from the object. A few seconds later after I lost sight of the object, I observed a high flying plane high in the eastern sky moving in a westerly direction. I felt that the aircraft was following, or tailing, the object that I saw. Minutes later, a jet approached from the east (possibly from Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo?) and flew overhead, again in the same westerly direction. I am a retired public school mathematics teacher...and I must admit that this is the first time I have ever witnessed such an unusual event. ********** Man tried to board plane with three suitcases full of wild life A man who went on a wildlife shopping spree in Bangkok's Chatuchak Market was detained by authorities at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport as he tried to smuggle his haul that included live snakes, tortoises, squirrels, spiders, lizards and even a parrot out of Thailand inside three suitcases. The Indonesian man was stopped after the regular luggage scanning process at the airport showed images of an array of animals stuffed inside his three black bags. The Airports of Thailand officer who noticed the suspicious items alerted a National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department officer who checked the bags and detained the suspect. The 34-year old had stuffed 88 Indian Star Tortoises, 33 Elongated Tortoises, seven Radiated Tortoises, six Mata Mata Turtles, four Southeast Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle, three Aldabra Tortoises, one Pig-nosed Turtle and even one Ploughshare Tortoise, the worlds' rarest tortoise. Alongside these, he packed 34 Ball Pythons, two Boa Constrictors, several Milk Snakes, Corn Snakes and King Snakes as well as a Hog-nosed Snake. The suspect also had 19 Bearded Dragons, four Spiny-tailed Lizards, two Sunda Plated Lizards, six Argentine Horned Frogs. He also managed to fit in 18 Baboon Spiders, each in its own plastic container, 22 Common Squirrels and one African Grey Parrot into his luggage. The suspect, from Surabaya in Indonesia, admitted to authorities that he had purchased the animals from Chatuchak Market. He was scheduled to board an Air Asia flight home when his illegal loot was discovered. He is in police custody and is expected to face charges. ********** BATTLE: LOS ANGELES For years, there have been documented cases of UFO sightings around the world – Buenos Aires, Seoul, France, Germany, China. But in 2011, what were once just sightings will become a terrifying reality when Earth is attacked by unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine staff sergeant (Aaron Eckhart) and his new platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encountered before. Directed by: Jonathan Liebesman Written by: Chris Bertolini Produced by: Neal H. Moritz, Ori Marmur Executive Producers: Jeffrey Chernov, David Greenblatt Cast: Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez, Ramon Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Ne-Yo and Michael Peña This film has been rated PG-13 by the MPAA for SUSTAINED AND INTENSE SEQUENCES OF WAR VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION, AND FOR LANGUAGE. Click for clip 1 Click for clip 2 | ||
New Livestock Attacks, Continued Big Cat Alarm in Missouri Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:16 AM PST Photo credit: Missouri Department of Conservation riverfronttimes - Two alpacas are dead after being attacked by one or multiple unknown animals outside of Hillsboro last night. Ron Arnhart with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department tells Daily RFT that the mystery predator(s) attacked the hindquarters, head and neck of the alpacas. One was found dead on the scene around 6 a.m. today in the 9900 block of Sandy Church Road. The other died this afternoon at the veterinarian. Arnhart describes the face of one of the alpacas as being so mangled that he couldn't tell if it had been eaten or just attacked. An official with the Missouri Department of Conservation took paw prints from the scene but hasn't yet determined what kind of beast attacked the alpacas. "The prints were in the snow, so they were pretty distorted," says Arnhart. "The conservation official agent didn't speculate on what it might have been." Last summer a pack of wild pit bulls were blamed for killing a horse and attacked other equines in Lonedell, Missouri, about 15 miles northwest of Hillsboro. Meanwhile, two mountain lions have been killed in Missouri already this year and another caught on camera in Chesterfield. That said, the Missouri Department of Conservation has no evidence of mountain lions attacking Missouri livestock since a cougar was first seen in the state in 1994 following a 60-plus year absence. ----- 1/20/11 St.Louis County Sighting Confirmed to be a Mountain Lion - The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has confirmed a mountain lion sighting in western St. Louis County. Garrett Jensen, of Chesterfield, recently contacted MDC with photographs taken Jan. 12 from a trail camera showing a mountain lion in a wooded area. "We have examined the photos and visited the location," said Jeff Beringer, MDC resource scientist and member of the Department's Mountain Lion Response Team. "While we did not find further evidence, such as tracks, we can confirm that the photos are of a mountain lion at the reported location. We don't know anything else about this cat other than it was here." This is the third confirmed report of a mountain lion in Missouri since November. A landowner in Platte County contacted MDC in late November with photographs of a mountain lion in a tree on his property. On Jan. 2, a hunter shot a mountain lion while hunting raccoons in rural Ray County. "The three reports over the past several months bring our total number of confirmed reports over the past 16 years to just 13," said Rex Martensen. Martensen is on the Mountain Lion Response Team and supervises MDC's wildlife damage control program. He has hunted mountain lions in Colorado and has worked with cougar biologists in South Dakota and New Mexico. "We get hundreds of calls and emails from people who claim to have seen a mountain lion," said Martensen. "When there is some type of evidence we investigate. More than 90 percent of these investigations turn out to be bobcats, house cats, or dogs. Our investigations involving claims of pets or livestock being attacked by mountain lions typically turn out to be the work of dogs. We have no documented cases in Missouri of mountain lions attacking livestock, people or pets." He added that mountain lions are nocturnal, secretive and generally avoid contact with humans. "To date, we have no evidence to suggest that a breeding population of mountain lions exists in Missouri," added Beringer, "In states where even small populations of these big cats exist, there is plenty of hard evidence. Florida, for example, has a population of only 100 mountain lions, yet several are killed by automobiles each year. They also have other clear, hard evidence like tracks, scat, and kill sites." Beringer explained that mountain lions seen in Missouri are probably young males roaming from other states in search of territory. "Young males seek new territories at about 18 months of age," explained Beringer. "With most births peaking in the spring, young males typically begin roaming in their second fall and winter. And it makes sense that these big cats could roam into Missouri from the west and use the Missouri River corridor to cross the state without being easily detected. These three recent confirmed reports, along with one in Callaway County in 2003 and one in Clay County in 2002, have all been pretty close to the Missouri River." Mountain lions (Puma concolor), also called cougars, panthers and pumas, were present in Missouri before pioneer settlement. The last documented Missouri mountain lion was killed in the Bootheel in 1927. The closest populations of mountain lions to Missouri are in South Dakota and a small population in northwest Nebraska. Beringer said that MDC has never stocked or released mountain lions in Missouri and has no plans to do so. He added that there are 20 people in Missouri with permits to keep a total of 32 captive mountain lions. MDC maintains records of these animals' DNA and identifying microchips. Mountain lions are protected under the Wildlife Code of Missouri. The Code does allow the killing of any mountain lion attacking or killing livestock or domestic animals, or threatening human safety. The incident must be reported to the MDC immediately and the intact carcass, including the pelt, must be surrendered to the MDC within 24 hours. 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