Phantoms and Monsters |
- CCTV Apparition Spooks Store Staff
- Mystery 'Crashed' Plane Now Declared Optical Illusion?
- FEMA, NOAA Run Solar Storm Worst-Case Scenario Exercise
- The Fear
CCTV Apparition Spooks Store Staff Posted: 01 Mar 2010 06:13 PM PST Click for video Click for original video Two women working in Simply Food & Drinks in Durranhill Road, Botcherby, were stopped in their tracks when a strange white mist appeared on CCTV screens showing the outside of the store. Trish Nolan was working in the shop alongside Sonya Hird when the mysterious spirit appeared to drift in and out of the shop almost 10 times in one hour on Tuesday night. Miss Nolan, 42, said: "I have never believed in things like ghosts until that night but unless somebody can explain to me what it was, I believe now. "I wish to God I hadn't seen it. I kept serving afterwards, but half the people that came in were standing staring at the screen." The ghostly apparition could only be seen on the shop's CCTV cameras, and the recording has quickly become notorious around Botcherby. One theory says that the spook has been disturbed by workmen renovating a flat across the road, which was also said to have been haunted. And it is an idea that makes sense to Miss Nolan. She said: "I turned around last night and said I felt that it was coming across the road as they have disturbed the flat upstairs. I said to Sonya before we saw anything I was freezing, right down my right hand side I was freezing. At one point we were standing there and I said 'it's going to happen again', and it did. "I am the worst for watching the CCTV screen while I'm working, and I have never seen anything at all before this. As the night goes along it gets a brighter orange and seems to be more of a definite figure." NOTE: too cold for insects...possibly a light reflection? Use the link for the video...I'll see if I can find an embeddable copy...Lon |
Mystery 'Crashed' Plane Now Declared Optical Illusion? Posted: 01 Mar 2010 09:24 AM PST ![]() smh - Northern Territory authorities have resumed the search for a mystery plane that numerous witnesses claim they saw crash into the bay off Darwin's northern suburbs. A woman who was standing on the jetty at Nightcliff initially reported that she saw a small plane, similar to a Cessna, go down near the mangroves in the water about 6pm yesterday, police said. Emergency authorities conducted both an aerial and a boat search last night, but no trace of the aircraft was found. Territory Superintendent Bruce Porter said the search resumed at first light this morning. "We've spoken to the witness and a couple of other witnesses that state the same thing, so it's not just one person, which is why it's been a bit strange," he said. "They said they could still hear the engine running, but we searched the area and couldn't see anything." Mr Porter said Darwin's International Airport tower had no record of any planes missing. The resumed search will include several boats and Darwin's CareFlight helicopter. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) in Canberra, which co-ordinates major sea and air searches nationally, called CareFlight to conduct an aerial search of the area in the dark last night. Using the helicopter's night sun searchlight and, with the crew using their night vision goggles, CareFlight spent more than two hours sweeping the area from a height of several hundred metres. The crew will again sweep the area from about 150 metres high today. A CareFlight doctor is one of the four crew on board the helicopter, which is equipped with a rescue hoist. _________________________ How Optical Illusion Triggered Plane Panic - Two buildings, poor weather and a low-flying aircraft created the illusion that a light plane had crashed into mangroves near Darwin Harbour overnight, police say. Several witnesses told police they had seen a light plane end up in bushes just after 6pm, sparking a large-scale search involving the CareFlight helicopter and land-based police. "[We had] seen a plane balancing on top of the mangroves," a witness was quoted as saying in the NT News. "It was a small five-seater plane that was balancing." The search was called off early this morning after no sign of the missing aircraft was found. Duty Superintendent Mike Murphy said two buildings, bad weather and the close proximity of Darwin airport's flight path combined to create the illusion. "Given the environmental factors, the rainfall, the low light, mate, it would be easy to misinterpret it as a light aircraft," he said. "I've actually seen it myself. "It's remarkable how it looks like a light aircraft pointing out into the ocean." He said the witnesses did the right thing by alerting emergency services to a potential accident. |
FEMA, NOAA Run Solar Storm Worst-Case Scenario Exercise Posted: 01 Mar 2010 07:01 PM PST ![]() That was their conclusion after participating in a tabletop exercise that looked at what might happen today if the Earth were struck by a solar storm as intense as the huge storms that occurred in 1921 and 1859. Solar storms happen when an eruption or explosion on the surface of the sun sends radiation or electrically charged particles toward Earth. Minor storms are common and can light up the Earth's Northern skies and interfere with radio signals. Every few decades, though, the sun experiences a particularly large storm. These can release as much energy as 1 billion hydrogen bombs. How Well Can We Weather The Solar Storm? The exercise, held in Boulder, Colorado, was intended to investigate "what we think could be close to a worst-case scenario," says Tom Bogdan, who directs the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder. The Center is a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "It's important to understand that, along with other types of natural hazards, (solar) storms can cause impacts," says Craig Fugate, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who also took part in the tabletop exercise. Bogdan and Fugate say that eventually there will be another storm as big as the ones in 1921 and 1859 — a sort of solar Katrina. But the impact is likely to be far worse than in previous solar storms because of our growing dependence on satellites and other electronic devices that are vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. In the tabletop exercise, the first sign of trouble came when radiation began disrupting radio signals and GPS devices, Bogdan says. Ten or 20 minutes later electrically charged particles "basically took out" most of the commercial satellites that transmit telephone conversations, TV shows and huge amounts of data we depend on in our daily lives, Bogdan says. "When you go into a gas station and put your credit card in and get some gas," he says, "that's a satellite transaction." Disabled Satellites Are Just The Beginning The worst damage came nearly a day later, when the solar storm began to induce electrical currents in high voltage power lines. The currents were strong enough to destroy transformers around the globe," Bogdan says, leaving millions of people in northern latitudes without power. Without electricity, many people also lost running water, heat, air conditioning and phone service. And places like hospitals had to rely on emergency generators with fuel for only two or three days, Bogdan says. In many ways, the impact of a major solar storm resembles that of a hurricane or an earthquake, says Fugate. But a solar Katrina would cause damage in a much larger area than any natural disaster, Fugate says. For example, power could be knocked out almost simultaneously in countries from Sweden to Canada and the U.S., he says. So a lot more people in a lot more places would need help. Individuals don't need to make any special preparation for a solar storm, Fugate says. The standard emergency kit of water and food and first aid supplies will work just fine. "If you've got your family disaster plan together, you've taken the steps, whether it be a space storm, whether it be a system failure, whether it be another natural hazard that knocks the power out," Fugate says. |
Posted: 01 Mar 2010 07:03 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - I received a great deal of email and interest from my article about the woman abductee I interviewed. The woman was the one of the most interesting people I have ever talked to. My article received a great deal of interest so I asked the woman if she would talk with me again. A few weeks ago she agreed and I was able to spend a few hours a day with her over a three day period. My time with this woman was an extreme experience. I will be writing about our time together over the next few weeks. She requested I do a few things for her which of course I agreed to do. The first thing she asked me to do was to rewrite and re publish my article about the Fear. She felt it important for those who truly want to understand the subject of lost time events and abduction experiences to understand it from the eyes of those who have lived and survived it. She asked me to press the points I made in that article to my readers in hope the message would be clear to the truth of abduction. I was a bit hesitant to fulfill this request. When I first published the original article on 'The Fear' it was received with a bored cool indifference. Others became angry and outraged sending me hateful emails for going against the fad at that time of warm fuzzy lovable aliens here to save mankind. Time has passed and I seem to find a new far more logical realistic view breaking through the nonsense of the paranormal world. The trend seems to be bending now to consider those who report a far colder harsher experience by those enduring abduction or lost time events. I am hopeful this time around my words are at least considered as a possibility by those who have taken off the rose colored glasses and are looking at the strange events of those enduring these events as possible and truthful. That is the hope of those who have endured the unknown. They do not want attention or fame. In fact it is exactly the opposite with the abductees I have talked to. They do not want anyone to know they are dealing with this type of strangeness in their life and recoil if they are threatened with being identified. The main hurdle I always have is to convince those I interview that I will protect their identity before all else. Although I write about all things paranormal my special interest is UFO's and aliens. The people I seek out to write about are those who report having real time sightings and encounters. For me real time events are those encounters that do not take place during bedtime or sleep periods. Real time events happen when the abductee is fully awake and clearly recalls being taken or the start of the event followed by knowing when they are returned. Most often the actual event is memory wiped leaving the abductees with partial recall of what took place during the abduction. Some abductees recall being taken and nothing of being returned or vice versa. Others recall more of the time during the abduction while someone else may not recall any of the lost time. The main thing is that these events all take place while the person is busy living their normal life and fully awake. The real time abductees are the people I find extremely interesting. My thoughts and warnings come from the combined interviews of those who have lived and survived through a real time lost time or abduction event. I have listened to them and I have collected what they think, feel and wish to pass on to those who are willing to consider their side of the subject known as alien abduction. I have a personal interest in this as well as I admit with regret that I belong to this group of people. The woman abductee I recently interviewed wanted me to talk about 'The Fear' The fear is the key that makes me pay close attention to those I talk to who claim they have had a close encounter with other beings. When I see or hear this fear that I have come to know so well- I listen. Reference to this fear usually persuades me more to believe who I am talking to. This fear is so powerful you do not feel you will survive it. This fear is a heart stopping paralyzing sense so strong you are certain it will kill you. It is of absolute horror- a feel of fright that is like no other. It is a fear that life has stopped as you have known it and something else deadly and sick now replaces it. It is fear that changes you once you have known it and stays with you once you experience it. It is indescribable deadly and something I would not wish on any living being. This devastating fear is what a human feels when face to face with a situation they do not think they will live through. It is a feeling that locks your senses and over takes your body with such power you do not think you will live another second. This gut retching fear is what is felt when you are alone looking into the non-human face of a creature you have never seen before. This is what is felt when you have lost control of your surroundings and find yourself being completely controlled by others. This fear is what you feel when your destiny is in the hands of an alien and you are powerless and without choice in the matter. This fear is what those who are taken against their will feel when abducted by beings that are not human and are not asking but taking you without your consent. This fear is why I find those who go looking for aliens with flashlights and cameras extremely foolish and child like in their thinking. I have been told there are abduction cases that concluded with the abductee having a wonderful adventure. I find it hard to believe anyone would enjoy being taken against his or her will under any circumstance. I have never heard of anyone being asked if they wish to be taken, examined or questioned. I have only been told of those who have been taken- against their will. That one fact seems to be the main truth of the alien abduction agenda- they take us without permission.Be it a child, teen, adult or senior citizen if they want you they simply take you. I do not find that friendly, fair or fun. It would be far too harsh for me to say I do not believe the claims of those who talk about being taken by lovely beings who fly them about the universe in scenic flights while sharing a lovely chat about the meaning of life. I will say I personally do not find any interest in this type of report. I am far more involved and drawn to the less fabulous but far more realistic reports that have common threads that I find in those I interview and by way of my own encounters. The common threads I found in those who report real time abductions include: 1. Being taken against their will 2. Not recalling the event in full however do suffer from hellish flash backs of things they do not understand 3. Suffer the incredible fear when encountering a partial memory or flash back. 4. Are fearful this will happen to them again 5. Many felt ill after the event and report having rashes, sick to their stomachs or have strange bruises or body changes that can last for years if not a life time. There are exceptions with alien contact that take place when humans encounter the human like aliens that also visit this planet. I understand people who have had face-to-face encounters with beings that fit in with our concept of humanoid looking creatures have a far less traumatic close encounter. I have spoken with those who have had encounters with human looking aliens. They told me they were cautious knowing they were in contact with a creature that was not human but did not have the deadly fear of those who encounter other forms of aliens. As comfortable as they may be with this type of visitor it is always clear they are having an encounter with a non human being and caution remains paramount in their dealings. The fact of the matter is that being taken is terrifying. Being viewed with the same attitude we view monkeys or lab rats is an extremely frightening event to endure. The reason I understand this is because I have known this fear and I have shared this feeling with others like me. It is a mortifying experience to be on the wrong end of the microscope. It is something that changes your life and cannot be placed aside or forgotten. It is a hard world to be in when those who have no idea about these things mock and ridicule you for talking about your encounters making them even crueler and harder to endure. Every time I write about my own experiences I receive two types of emails. One is from those who have been enduring the same things and have lived through abduction. The other emails are from cruel nasty people attacking me for writing the truth about these things. I receive emails from those who never had any type of sighting or encounter yet send hate filled name calling insulting mean spirited mail. I can only assume doing this somehow calms the fear they have of paranormal subjects. The only other reason for this reaction concerning something they have no knowledge about would be a brain washed trained trigger or simply ignorance. I imagine I make those who wish to live in fantasy angry and frighten those who do not want any of this to be true. It is sad but that this is the nature of humans. They quickly become unkind and vicious to those who do not tell them what they want to hear and filled with anger at those who talk of things they do not want to be real. I cringe each time I read or hear about people who go to deserted areas in order to draw the attention of unknown crafts and beings to them. I can only shake my head as I listen to ideas of using laser lights, radio signals and even camp fires and smoke signals to try to draw the creatures of the unknown to their location. I have discussed this with other abductees and we can only wonder what in the world are these people thinking? We cannot think of anything more dangerous or reckless and fear for those who do this type of thing. I am curious how they know they will catch the attention of kind benevolent beings? I wonder how they would feel if emotionless beings who care little about the human race arrived, took them and what they wanted from their bodies and discarded them when done like worms or rats. Do they really think that this type of careless action could not bring them harm? Are these people living under some ridiculous notion that nothing bad will ever happen to them? This type of reckless dangerous behavior has always been a mystery to me. I think until you experience 'THE FEAR ' that goes hand and hand with a real time close encounter with a being of unknown origin you cannot understand the emotional life long horror that follows abductees through each and every day. That fear is why I write and why I will stand up for those who live daily with the fact they were taken. Be careful out there and always be fully aware of what you wish for. Some dreams do come true and those nightmares can last a lifetime. I dedicate this article to Edward, Millie, Jo Patrick and John plus all the abductees whom I respect and thank for their reports of the experiences they have endured with beings that are not of this world. To all of you I say thank you. Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Join the ![]() Become a Fan at Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? 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