Phantoms and Monsters |
- A Lifetime of Mysterious Events
- The Pascagoula, Mississippi Alien Abductions - October, 1973
- Birth of a Volcano? New Mystery in Hidalgo, Mexico
- Papa's Got a Brand New Bag...James Brown's Kids Say Body is Missing
A Lifetime of Mysterious Events Posted: 13 Mar 2010 02:15 PM PST ![]() Hi Lon, I'm new to this site but have found it not only fascinating but educational, so I decided to find out if anyone on the site has had a similar incident(s). As I was growing up there was a joke in my family that I was adopted as it seemed as if I had nothing in common with the rest of them. It was all said in fun and jest, but to be honest, I felt like an outsider in a multitude of ways and that I just didn't belong here: meaning as on this planet. Silly, I know but true none-the-less. From a young age I knew I had a specific mission in life and was continually fascinated by all things having to do with Egypt and Greece. Specifically, the gods and goddesses and their religions. When I was a young child I remember pulling out Time Life books dedicated solely to Egypt and Greece, pouring over their contents and even today, one of my fondest dreams is to someday visit Egypt and its pyramids. When I was 7 years old I had several experiences which I cannot explain. One of which was getting out of bed in the middle of the night to go look for my parents. Looking back now, I can't help but wonder why a 7 year old would get out of bed and go outside in the dead of night looking for their parents. I have no recollection of returning to my bed, but woke up confused and disoriented and wondering how I ended up sleeping at the opposite end of my bed. I was very sick for days afterward and do not remember much other than I got an ear infection which bled and since then I have had problems with that ear. Another time I woke up with little monsters around my bed and I took them downstairs with me and for some odd reason opened up the freezer and offered them frozen french fries. In the morning I told my mom what I dreamed about the monsters under the bed and the whole french fry story. It could very well have been a dream. The third time I awoke to my bed shaking and shuddering. I do not remember leaving the room but I was in my parents room trying to wake my mom who told me it was just a dream. When I was about 13 or 14 years old I was sleeping in the top bunk of a bunk bed. My twin sister shared the room with me and slept on the bottom. I woke up for some reason and then I heard something that sounded like a person pounding down the attic stairs. The attic door was directly opposite my bed. It was thunderous! Then all of a sudden the attic door slammed open and hit the wall. I was completely awake now. Before that I think I was in between sleeping and being awake, kind of what I like to call twilight. My heart was beating wildly and I was breathing rapidly, I was petrified. All I could think was that if I stay here they'll get me, and if I move they'll get me! Then, I became aware that I was standing beside my parents bed trying to wake my mother to tell her what had happened. She told me I dreamed it (I sure do dream a lot of odd stuff, don't I) but the next day when I looked there was a hole in the wall from where the door knob had crashed against it. The other strange thing was that I accounted for the fact that my twin sister wasn't in the room (at least I assume she wasn't because she didn't wake up) by saying to myself that she was at work. My sister did not get a job until she was 15 and it certainly did not go late into the night! At the time it seemed a perfectly logical solution to her absence and I didn't question it or her. There were several other incidents that occurred and some included my siblings as well. My brother woke up screaming (he was 16 years old and roused the entire household) that there was something in his room. Again, my memories on these things are hazy as it seems as if I can only recall bits and pieces while others elude me all together. I once woke up to find something moving around in my room (I was 17 or 18) I called out, thinking it was my brother looking for his pants. Where I got that notion is a mystery, it wasn't even his room anymore and he didn't live at home. I then fell asleep which is odd as I was really frightened and frightened people don't normally just go back to sleep. Again, I didn't question it until many years later. Let me go back a bit, I was raised Catholic and for many years I wanted to become a nun and serve God in whatever capacity I could. It was a goal I aspired to right up until my 18th or 19th birthday. I took a year or two off as a break so to speak because there was much about the Catholic religion that did not appeal to me. For instance: I did not believe in hell, I did not believe in a God who would torture, kill or have others do those things to his children (mankind); I believed in a benevolent, loving God. I strongly opposed confession as I felt that priests were ordinary men in robes and had no special power to offer me absolution and that I could go to God in prayer with the knowledge that He would forgive my sins if I was truly contrite. I also abhorred the fact that money seemed to be the main aim and that they had lots of it. The children of God were starving and they walked around trying to fill their coffers with more and lived in luxury while doing so. Then, of course, there was the idea that to me, Jesus was a very enlightened man and teacher of the people but not the ONLY son of God. I believed that we all had the ability to become a 'Master' and that we are all sparks of the divine being and as such are as god-like as Jesus if only we would put in a concerted effort. A philosophy Jesus appeared to have encouraged when he said, "All these things I do you too can do... and more." I believed Mary, Jesus' mother, had other children as well. As you can see I wouldn't have made it very far in my studies for becoming a nun, so I gladly gave up on the idea. In my early to mid 20's I discovered the New Age movement. Much of it followed many of my already established beliefs: reincarnation, a higher being that all men worshiped but called by different names, the search for Oneness, Unity and Identity. I became very interested in the phenomenon known as astral projection (OBE) and remote viewing. I found them utterly fascinating. I decided I would work on trying to consciously astral project but I told no one because I didn't want them to think I was some crazy nutball. It was around then that I picked up the book 'Communion' by Whitley Strieber. I found the cover of the book interesting, it drew me in. I bought it, took it home and started reading it. It scared the bejesus out of me! Part of the reason it did was because I could relate to some of his experiences. I found myself looking in shadowed corners, checking the closets before going to bed and sleeping with the lights on. I was living out on my own and by myself at this time and I'm normally not a weenie about it, I like my solitude but I was really frightened and one could say almost paranoid. I began to have vivid dreams of looking out the back kitchen window of my parents house and then walking outside and seeing an object come down from the sky. I had numerous dreams of a similar nature. Always I was drawn outside sometimes during the day and sometimes at night. There was one dream where I was living in the house I do now, I walked out the back and into the back yard. I have a large yard with a wooded area and trees off to the side. I looked in the sky and above the tree line was this massive orb and I wondered how in the world the sun was out at night?! The entire area was lit up. I could see other people in the yard with me. Some I knew but most I didn't. I heard someone say, "We better get ready. They're coming." Back to astral projection. I apologize for digressing so often but it just feels so good to get this out. I used a subliminal message tape to help me master the art of astral projection. The first time I consciously managed to leave my body it didn't register. I sat up in bed, put my legs over the side and sat up and thought, why am I awake? I looked over and saw my body lying there and got scared and was immediately pulled back to my body. I was above myself literally nose to nose. Then, I turned and lowered into my physical body. It took some time of walking through walls and waking down roads to reach my destination (parents house, brother and friends houses) before it hit me that all I had to do was think about where I wanted to go and I'd be there instantaneously. That was fun! I went all over the place, it was quite the adventure. Then, other things started to happen. I was sleeping at my parents house. I have a younger sister who I am very close too. She is 17 years younger than me and we would often spend the night together. She would come to my house to stay or I would go to my parents to stay. My sister was about 11 or 12 years old at the time. She was sleeping in her bed and I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Coincidentally this was the same room where my brother had screamed and ran from and where I thought I'd seen someone moving around in the dark. Anyway, I became aware that I was no longer asleep. And when I say that, I mean my body was still slumbering but I was completely aware of my surroundings. It was a prelude to astral projection. While in this state I can see all directions in the room without moving my head. It's like you have eyes everywhere at once, the perspective is totally alien to our so-called every day, normal living. There are no limitations while in this state, none that I have found so far at least. I was excited and was thinking about where I wanted to go when I realized I was no longer alone. A huge, black mass was standing in the bedroom doorway. It was amazingly tall taking up the entire space from top to bottom of the doorway although it did not fill the entire space horizontally. It came across as menacing and I felt quite threatened. Nothing like this had ever happened while astrally projecting before. Suddenly, he rushed toward the mattress on the floor and was looming over me and bending down. I sat straight up screaming. My sister woke up and asked me what was wrong and apparently my reply was, "Nothing, it was just a bug." I don't remember that. When she told me what I'd said the next morning I was flummoxed. I remember being frightened out of my wits, sitting up and screaming and then calmly lying back down and going back to sleep. Now tell me, who does that? The next incident happened while at my house. My sister was sleeping over and was sharing my bed with me. It was early morning when I woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep because she was smack up against me and I was on the edge of the bed. I decided to go downstairs and sleep on the couch. It wasn't long before I heard the familiar rushing/roaring sound in my ears that indicated that astral projection was imminent. Again, I could see all angles of the room and standing next to the couch were three short figures dressed in brown monk-like attire complete with rope wrapped around their waists and cowls which covered their heads and faces. I decided I didn't want to astral project anymore but one of the monk-like figures lifted his arm and pointed it at me and I could feel myself being pulled out of my body through the top of my head. I did not like this and started to pull back. In essence, we began a game of tug of war. In my mind I shouted, "I don't want to go." He lowered his arm and telepathically answered back, "We don't make anyone do anything that they are not ready to do." They let go and I pulled myself back in my body and sat up and looked around, but they were gone. In hindsight I kick myself for not just going with them. I wonder what I would have seen, what they would have shown me and most of all I wonder if it might not have been something that could have been used to make this place a better place to live in. So, I was just wondering if anyone out there has seen or experienced what I'm talking about. Lon, many thanks for your time. Shelley A Lifetime of Mysterious Events |
The Pascagoula, Mississippi Alien Abductions - October, 1973 Posted: 13 Mar 2010 04:47 PM PST ![]() On the night of October 10, 1973, fifteen different people witnessed a UFO over a housing project in St. Tammany Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana. Two of the witnesses were policeman. This sighting was only the beginning of what was to occur the next night on the nearby Pascagoula River. Two fishermen, nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker, and forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson were about to have an experience that would forever change their lives. Parker and Hickson were good friends, and often fished together. They were both living in the town of Gautier, Mississippi. On one particular night, they were fishing the waters of the Pascagoula River, when suddenly they heard a strange buzzing sound. The two men immediately turned to see what the source of the strange noise was. They were shocked to see an egg-shaped object with bluish front lighting. The object was only a few feet above the water, and about ten yards from the two frightened fishermen. While they sat stunned, a door opened in the UFO and three beings of unknown origin began to float toward the two. The beings did have legs, but did not use them. They literally floated across the water toward Hickson and Parker. The two fishermen would later attempt to describe what the beings looked like, saying "...about five feet tall, had bullet-shaped heads without necks, slits for mouths, and where their noses or ears would be, they had thin, conical objects sticking out, like carrots from a snowman's head." Hickson sat frozen on the river bank. Suddenly, two of the odd-looking beings grabbed him, while the third being snatched Parker, who immediately fainted from fear. The beings supported Hickson by literally holding up his body. As they did, he felt numbness over his entire body. By some power he could not see, he floated into the bowels of the object to a brightly-lit room. The room had no gravity. He floated while a strange eye-like device moved over his entire body as if it was scanning him. After the eye-like device was finished with Hickson, he was left floating in the room alone. The beings had probably left to examine Parker. Approximately 20 minutes after the ordeal had begun, it was over. Hickson was now floated back out of the craft. Back on the river bank, he could see Parker, who was crying and praying on the ground. Shortly, the strange flying object rose straight into the night sky, and flew away. After collecting their senses and strength, they began to talk about what action they should take. At first they were afraid to report their experience, but they felt obligated to tell someone. What if these beings were taking other people in the area? Fighting fears of public ridicule, they called Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi. They were instructed to report their incident to the local sheriff's department. Sheriff Fred Diamond thought their story was a hoax or trick. Trying to get to the bottom of their account, the two fishermen were placed in a room wired for sound. It was thought that they would discuss the joke between themselves, and their story would be found out. Instead, they continued to talk about the incident and seemed terribly distressed. Soon law enforcement personnel knew that something had certainly frightened Hickson and Parker, and that this was no joke. Very quickly, details of the alleged abduction began to leak out to the public. First, the account of the incident was published in local newspapers, soon followed by the wire services. In a matter of a couple of days, the Pascagoula, Mississippi, abduction was a big news item over the entire United States. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) sent University of California professor James Harder to investigate the story. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who represented the U.S. Air Force also would research the case. ![]() Harder and Hynek did a lot of the investigative work together. The two well-known researchers first interviewed the two fishermen together. Harder tried to do regressive hypnosis on Hickson, but the abductee was so frightened, that the hypnosis was stopped. To get things off on solid ground, both of the witnesses took polygraph tests, and both passed without a problem. Harder and Hynek both believed that the two tormented men were telling the truth. Esteemed UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek would proclaim that "... there was definitely something here that was not terrestrial." Even after thirty-plus years, both Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson still testify to the same story, and have never wavered in their account of what happened that October night on the Pascagoula River. ![]() __________________________ THE 'SECRET TAPE' Sheriff Fred Diamond interviewed the men, who related their story. After repeated questioning, Diamond left the two men alone in a room that was, unknown to Hickson or Parker, rigged with a hidden microphone. Sheriff Diamond assumed that if they were lying, that fact would become immediately apparent when the two spoke privately. Instead, they continued to talk about the incident and seemed terribly distressed. This so-called "secret tape" was held on file at the Jackson County Sheriff's department, and has since earned wider circulation amongst UFO researchers and enthusiasts. Parker, who seemed particularly shaken, spoke repeatedly of his wish to see a doctor. A partial transcript of their interrogation and of the "secret tape" is available; immediately below is part of the conversation on the "secret tape", as transcribed by NICAP: CALVIN: I got to get home and get to bed or get some nerve pills or see the doctor or something. I can't stand it. I'm about to go half crazy. CHARLIE: I tell you, when we through, I'll get you something to settle you down so you can get some damn sleep. CALVIN: I can't sleep yet like it is. I'm just damn near crazy. CHARLIE: Well, Calvin, when they brought you out-when they brought me out of that thing, goddamn it I like to never in hell got you straightened out. His voice rising, Calvin said, "My damn arms, my arms, I remember they just froze up and I couldn't move. Just like I stepped on a damn rattlesnake." [sic] "They didn't do me that way", sighed Charlie. Now both men were talking as if to themselves. CALVIN: I passed out. I expect I never passed out in my whole life. CHARLIE: I've never seen nothin' like that before in my life. You can't make people believe- CALVIN: I don't want to keep sittin' here. I want to see a doctor- CHARLIE: They better wake up and start believin'... they better start believin'. CALVIN: You see how that damn door come right up? CHARLIE: I don't know how it opened, son. I don't know. CALVIN: It just laid up and just like that those son' bitches-just like that they come out. CHARLIE: I know. You can't believe it. You can't make people believe it- CALVIN: I paralyzed right then. I couldn't move- CHARLIE: They won't believe it. They gonna believe it one of these days. Might be too late. I knew all along they was people from other worlds up there. I knew all along. I never thought it would happen to me. CALVIN: You know yourself I don't drink CHARLIE: I know that, son. When I get to the house I'm gonna get me another drink, make me sleep. Look, what we sittin' around for. I gotta go tell Blanche... what we waitin' for? CALVIN (panicky): I gotta go to the house. I'm gettin' sick. I gotta get out of here. Then Charlie got up and left the room, and Calvin was alone. CALVIN: It's hard to believe . . . Oh God, it's awful... I know there's a God up there... Seeing that the police were skeptical of their story, Hickson and Parker insisted that they take lie detector tests to prove their honesty. Click for video _______________________ From 2/28/08 Mississippi Man Recalls 1973 Alien Abduction ![]() "I was terribly frightened," Hickson told WLOX News. Late one October night in 1973, Charles Hickson decided to go fishing on the Pascagoula River with his buddy, 19-year-old Calvin Parker. But something happened that night that would change their lives forever. "It look to me like air, or steam, or something escaping from a pipe," Hickson said. A piercing sound made Hickson and Parker stop what they were doing. That's when Hickson says he spotted a large UFO hovering behind them. "It was some kind of craft, it was probably 30 or 40 feet. There were three things, they weren't human beings. I know now they were robots. " The sight of the aliens is burned into Hickson's memory. "They appeared to me that they had something like elephant skin, it was very wrinkled. These things came to us and took a hold of me, and one took a hold of Calvin. We went into that beam of light and they carried me aboard that craft." He says the aliens held them for about 30 minutes. "Something came out of that wall, like a big eye. It came up in front of me, it went under me, and it came back up my back side. The next time I saw it, it came over my head in front of me. They turn me around and carried me right back out where they pick me up." The Hickson says, within the blink of an eye, it was all over. The UFO was gone, and the men were left wondering what happened. "I thought it might be a threat to the country, some type of threat to the country. We talked it over again, and decided we would go the sheriff's department," Hickson said. After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair's story never wavered. "I am not trying to force anybody to believe anything. I just simply tell them what happen to Calvin and me, and they make up their own minds if they want to believe it or not." Now, 35 years later, Hickson says he still can't get the ordeal out of his mind. "They're just simply unidentified flying objects that come from other worlds out there, and those worlds are, [pause] I have no idea. " Hickson and Parker's alleged abduction played a crucial role in the creation of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle. The center is a centralized place for people to call and report strange and mysterious things they see. NOTE: the original audio clips can be found here Classic Interviews from the very early days of Modern Ufology...Lon Sources: The Pascagoula, Mississippi Alien Abductions - October, 1973 |
Birth of a Volcano? New Mystery in Hidalgo, Mexico Posted: 13 Mar 2010 11:44 AM PST ![]() Click for video Source: Ana Luisa Cid and Bisemanario Ruta Date: 9 March 2010 Hidalgo, Mexico: Air Being Expelled from Holes in the Ground Locals reported the phenomenon to the authorities, who in turn advised journalist Fernando Pérez of the NQ News Broadcast. The air is cold and is expelled with great force. Residents of the Achatempa District, attached to the community of Santa Ana Hueytlalpan, advised the Fire and Civil Protection Department (PC) that three holes -- from which cold air is expelled with considerable pressure -- were found on their arable land. Elements of the brigade reported promptly to the scene of the events and cordoned it off under the supervision of the first deputy inspector, Jesus Garcia Avila, who explained that after confirming the report, the Servicio Geologico Mexicano (Mexican Geological Service, SGM) was advised to send personnel to determine the cause of this air flow. According to the answer received from the SGM, a team of specialists will reach the site today (Tuesday, 03.10.10) to make the corresponding investigation. Alicia Rodriguez, deputy delegate of the community, led reporters from Bisemanario Ruta to the site where the three holes are located. She pointed out that while they are located on cultivated land, it is a trail used by those who live nearby. She explained that Mrs. Fortuna Romero became aware of the phenomenon on January 23rd, but just as she was getting ready to report it, the holes stopped producing air and it wasn't until yesterday that exhalations were reported. Elderly residents of Achatempa recall that approximately 27 years ago, a water well was dug in one of the highest areas of the community in the hopes of supplying the surrounding region. However, the well only functioned for half a year and then began to expel air. Alicia Rodriguez mentioned that the phenomenon caused such a sensation that over 70 people had come to the site from Tulancingo, Metepec and Agua Blanca. She advised that local residents shall be alert to the progress of the investigations and expert inquiries for the community's own peace of mind. An interview with Fernando Pérez - Journalist and Producer of the NQ Broadcast "We found out because some elements of Public Safety were kind enough to advise us of the discovery. Commander Raul Vega told me that in a community of Tulancingo known as Santa Ana Hueytlalpan, there were some holes in the ground that were releasing cold air. We went there and detected the phenomenon. In my opinion, this is not related to the February phenomenon, involving the alleged crash of an object or meteorite on the border between Hidalgo and Puebla. "I'm inclined toward the possibility that the air is entering through a cave and emerging through the holes, as there are some caves in the area. Of course, the explanation will be provided by experts, especially since the Mexican Geological Service has been advised. "The air is cold and comes out with some force, as though propelled by a fan. Sometimes there is noise. I recorded it with my cellphone and played it on my newscast. The phenomenon is very intriguing. I'd never heard of such a thing." Comment by Ana Luisa Cid: While this news item appears to be foreign to the main subject of this blog, I think its important to make it known. What is going on in Hidalgo? Is it true that there is no link to the explosion heard last month? Many thanks to Lic. Fernando Pérez Rodríguez for his attention and courtesy in allowing us to present this exclusive video on Mexican television. NOTE: here is the link to the previous incident in Hidalgo which is unrelated. In my opinion, the 'crash' was not Russian space junk...something significant happened there. As far as this new revelation, it anybody's guess right now...Lon Birth of a Volcano? New Mystery in Hidalgo, Mexico |
Papa's Got a Brand New Bag...James Brown's Kids Say Body is Missing Posted: 13 Mar 2010 11:11 AM PST ![]() And Pettit thinks foul play's involved. "My daddy's body has disappeared. I have no clue where it was taken but I need to know where it is," she told the Daily Mirror. Brown died on Christmas Day 2006, due to complications stemming from pneumonia and heart failure. But Pettit thinks people were out for Brown's money and that his death was no accident. "I'm convinced his death was suspicious and I want those responsible brought to justice," she said. "The only way to do that is to exhume his body and have an autopsy. It was common knowledge daddy took illegal drugs until his death. He was also hooked on painkillers. At the very least there were enablers who helped cause his death." While Pettit's elaborations end there as to whom the grave robbers could be, it's not to say that she's totally out of left field. In 2007, she came forth claiming to be an illegitimate daughter of the Godfather, and DNA tests proved her assertion to be 99.9% accurate. Should Pettit's claims turn out to be right again, it's safe to say we hope there's some payback to whoever did this. Papa's Got a Brand New Bag...James Brown's Kids Say Body is Missing Join the ![]() Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! ![]() Vote For Phantoms and Monsters at Paranormal Top Sites List Top Sites Become a fan of 'Phantoms and Monsters' at Facebook ![]() |
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