Phantoms and Monsters |
- New Paranormal Museum Opens In Gettysburg
- Photos: Recent UFO/OVNI Captures
- Witness Recalls Light Beam Encounters
- NASA: Chilean Quake May Have Shifted Earth's Axis
- Reader: Incidents Around Albuquerque / Manzano Base, NM
New Paranormal Museum Opens In Gettysburg Posted: 02 Mar 2010 09:07 AM PST ![]() The downtown Gettysburg museum focuses on ghosts -- a subject for which the city already draws a lot of attention. Some ghost hunters have called the city the most haunted place in America. "I have had experiences with, well, paranormal activity," said visitor Mel Seidenzahl, of Bonneauville. The museum's Web site states that its mission is, "to give every patron, no matter what age, a look into investigating the spiritual realm and the evidence in locations of possible activities." The museum is operated by a team of paranormal investigators. Your 'Ghost' Pics Let's face it -- Pa. is prime hunting ground for spooky houses, creepy barns and phantom specters. The landscape, the history, the architecture -- all of it makes for a sort of paranormal paradise. As part of our Ghost Hunt Of The Susquehanna Valley series that aired in October, we wanted to see some of the stranger things you've caught on camera. Click through the slideshow below to see some of the pictures we've gotten through the years. Then sign up and send your photos. International Museum of Spiritual Investigations When you send your pictures, please include where you took it and what we should look for in it. Also, if there's any background story to the image or place, fill us in on that as well. These don't necessarily have to be "ghost" photos. Feel free to also send pics of those places that have always just plain given you the shivers. Thanks to my Sis, Andrea, for forwarding this article! NOTE: I sincerely hope that this museum integrates the paranormal and real history in a respectable manner. I have spent literally thousands of hours exploring the Gettysburg battlefield and the environs and have a deep reverence for the place. ![]() Above is an old photograph that was taken at the Low Dutch Cemetery which is located east of Gettysburg. This cemetery has been located there since before the American Revolutionary War and contains the remains of many soldiers from several early wars. As well, there was at least one cavalry skirmish at the location. This place has been known to be haunted for over 200 years and has attracted many young curious ghost seekers, including myself. A girlfriend and I were rudely interrupted during an amorous moment when 'something' banged on the hood of the car. We got out of the car and looked around...the only thing we noticed was a terrible odor. That was enough ghost hunting for the evening. The next day, I noticed a muddy hand print in the middle of a slight dent in the hood...Lon |
Photos: Recent UFO/OVNI Captures Posted: 02 Mar 2010 08:19 AM PST ![]() ![]() Location: Sierra Estrella overlooking Phoenix, AZ - 2/24/10 – 20:30 local time ![]() Location: Lago de Chapala, Jalisco, México ![]() Location: undisclosed in Brazil - 2009 |
Witness Recalls Light Beam Encounters Posted: 02 Mar 2010 07:41 AM PST ![]() NOTE: not sure what to make of this account. It reminded me of an image from March 2009 that I've posted below...Lon ______________________ ALIEN / BEAM OF LIGHT CAPTURED ON GOOGLE EARTH ![]() A misty shape, bearing a distinct similarity to the movie alien, was captured behind a bush next to a mysterious beam of light. The spooky snap was caught by Google image cameras in the town of Berkeley Heights in New Jersey. Some claim the image could be evidence of life in outer space while others point to a simple trick of the light. The 'ET' alien was photographed on Diamond Hill Road, a semi-rural location about eight miles from Morristown Municipal Airport, New Jersey and 30 miles from the bright lights of New York City. Malcolm Robinson, head of the Strange Phenomena Investigations, described the image as "the first of its kind". He said: "On close inspection the similarities with ET are obvious but it's hard to say with any certainty what exactly it is "Of added interest is the strange beam of light to the right, which I cannot explain either. "This picture is the first of it's kind, as far as I'm aware, in that its been captured on Google's new Street View technology. "However, because it was captured by Google it would appear that there aren't any witnesses to back up what was photographed, which is frustrating. "Without further details to go on I'm really stumped. We'd all love it to be alien, but that's a big assumption." Nick Sawyer, one of many web-users to have spotted the alien-like creature, added: "Whatever it is, you cannot deny that it looks exactly like ET. "The head is an oblong shape and it seems to have the same long neck and fat body. "There is also a beam of light right next to him, who knows, that might be an unseen spaceship trying to make contact. |
NASA: Chilean Quake May Have Shifted Earth's Axis Posted: 02 Mar 2010 06:23 AM PST ![]() Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth's rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects. "The length of the day should have gotten shorter by 1.26 microseconds (millionths of a second)," Gross, said today in an e-mailed reply to questions. "The axis about which the Earth's mass is balanced should have moved by 2.7 milliarcseconds (about 8 centimeters or 3 inches)." The changes can be modeled, though they're difficult to physically detect given their small size, Gross said. Some changes may be more obvious, and islands may have shifted, according to Andreas Rietbrock, a professor of Earth Sciences at the U.K.'s Liverpool University who has studied the area impacted, though not since the latest temblor. Santa Maria Island off the coast near Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, may have been raised 2 meters (6 feet) as a result of the latest quake, Rietbrock said today in a telephone interview. He said the rocks there show evidence pointing to past earthquakes shifting the island upward in the past. 'Ice-Skater Effect' "It's what we call the ice-skater effect," David Kerridge, head of Earth hazards and systems at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh, said today in a telephone interview. "As the ice skater puts when she's going around in a circle, and she pulls her arms in, she gets faster and faster. It's the same idea with the Earth going around if you change the distribution of mass, the rotation rate changes." Rietbrock said he hasn't been able to get in touch with seismologists in Concepcion to discuss the quake, which registered 8.8 on the Richter scale. "What definitely the earthquake has done is made the Earth ring like a bell," Rietbrock said. The magnitude 9.1 Sumatran in 2004 that generated an Indian Ocean tsunami shortened the day by 6.8 microseconds and shifted the axis by about 2.3 milliarcseconds, Gross said. The changes happen on the day and then carry on "forever," Benjamin Fong Chao, dean of Earth Sciences of the National Central University in Taiwan, said in an e-mail. "This small contribution is buried in larger changes due to other causes, such as atmospheric mass moving around on Earth," Chao said. |
Reader: Incidents Around Albuquerque / Manzano Base, NM Posted: 02 Mar 2010 05:17 PM PST ![]() NOTE: I received the following information from a reader. Lon Re: your recent article: Photos: UFO Lights Morphing / Readers Respond to Grapevine Canyon, CA Sighting, I may have something else for you. This first part wasn't my personal experience, but I was listening to Coast to Coast am on Friday Night when Ian Punnett was hosting Open Lines for George Noory. The first caller, a man named James from 'New Mexico,' (whom I believe was probably from Albuquerque, based on much of what he said he saw), said that a black, rectangular shaped 'aircraft' overflew the Sandia Crest summit from west to east, at the very top of the Sandia Mountain range, which is located in Albuquerque. It then headed out towards Edgewood, a small town on the East side of the Sandia Mountains, approximately 25 miles or so from Albuquerque. At this point, all the power where the TV and radio towers are located on the summit, the Summit Restaurant, and a 'small' residential area, went out for a period of time. He didn't say anything else, and no one else called in to verify this sighting. So I don't know if anyone saw anything else, or how long the power was out. But I do know that if those towers were without power, then essentially, Albuquerque was without a communication network, since many of the cell phone and other communication-related towers are up on the summit, as well. That's TV, radio, telephone, Internet and Cable at least. EVERYTHING was down for a period of time. No doubt there's redundancy, but that is some powerful equipment, and when they go out, the grid winks out and locks up. I've seen it happen standing on 9 Mile Hill on the West side of Albuquerque when the lights of the entire city winked out one section at a time like a wave. During that particular incident, the WHOLE city was affected. No traffic lights, few back-up power generators (though many more now, which is why the power outage seemed restricted to a 'small' area), and even the hospitals had a difficult time functioning. I lived in Albuquerque twice, once for 10 years, and later on again for 6 years, so I'm very familiar with the Sandia Mountains and that entire area. I am also aware that the military portion of the Albuquerque Sunport, takes up the section of the runway that abutts the Manzano Mountains and is east of the air traffic control tower. Although from my understanding, it has always been considered fictitious, at one time there was another Air Force Base at the foot of the Manzano Mountains (though I suspect it's still there, based on the proliferation of sightings, even since it was supposed to have been closed down), south of the Sandias on the south side of Interstate 40 (the old Route 66). My father was stationed at Manzano AFB in 1965, right before he 'retired.' I can assure you it was there, since I was on it several times, and it was supposedly used to house ... various things, including a few top secret programs/projects, one which involved experimental and possibly other types of (i.e. back-engineered) craft. It's now rumored that the Roswell disc or parts of it (including... J-rod) were at various times located in some of the hangers and inside a false mountain at Manzano. Btw, in case you haven't heard of it, Manzano Air Force Base was located to the East of Sandia Army Base which took up the SW portion of the base from the Wyoming Gate, heading south, and which is located on the North side of all 3 bases, as was Sandia Army Hospital, which has also, since been closed down. Because my father was in the Air Force, we lived in base housing off of Perimeter Drive located on the West side of Sandia Army Base, just south of the Louisiana Gate; our back fence was located to the North of the edge of the military portion of the airport runway from where my mother and I often watched various supposedly top secret military aircraft maneuvers from the early to late evening. A side note: My mother was also ex-Navy, as well as a cryptographer, though I have no 'official' confirmation that she was with Naval Intelligence, I can only assume that she based what she told me about some being experimental craft, some not from this earth, on many things she and my father were involved were over the years. Regarding what we saw landing and taking-off from the military airport, although It became more difficult to see as the evening wore on, more often than not I COULD see shapes of craft which were either outlined by lights or had other visible means of delineating the silhouettes. Several times I also saw a triangle-shaped craft which appeared black against the evening sky and had a light at each point of the triangle. Again, experimental US military? Back-engineered? Don't know. They didn't say. Other points of which you may or may not be aware: Sandia National Laboratories and Kirtland Air Force Base are located in Albuquerque. Los Alamos National Labs is located approximately 60 miles to the NW of Albuquerque. Dulce/Archuleta Mesa is located in Northern New Mexico, on the Colorado border. There have always been sightings in New Mexico, especially Albuquerque. I've seen many myself. Just recently a young boy on one of the Native American Reservations near Albuquerque was attacked in a parked car by something he claimed was an alien. Whatever the creature was, it grabbed him, leaving claw marks down the boy's arms. Fortunately, his father and a sibling, I believe, heard him yelling, and showed up just in time to scare the creature off. They don't know what it was, but it wasn't anything they'd ever seen and it appeared reptilian/alien. Additionally, Albuquerque seems to be the headquarters, or at least very large and critical centers for several military projects, like Project Pegasus, Project Talent and others. If you haven't heard Andrew Basiago's interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast, you might want to check out the video (posted below), with his premiere interview being done by Alfred Lambremont Webre of Note this article, too, if you haven't already read it: Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted "planetary level" whistleblower for Mars life and time travel I know how much work it takes to do the research for these newsletters and the blog. I applaud your dedication. Blessings and Peace, Kat Click for video NOTE: the video below was from a recent MUFON witness report...Lon Click for video ______________________ Below is the official description of this facility MANZANO BASE ![]() Click image for larger version The Armed Forces Special Weapons Command constucted two operational sites after World War II. One was known as Site Able, located in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains, just east of Sandia Base. The other base was Site Baker near Kileen, Texas. Construction on Site Able started in 1946, with the first operational facilities activated on 04 April 1950. Although activated in 1950, construction on the major facilities wasn't finished until 1961. On 22 February 1952, Site Able was renamed Manzano Base, and operated by the Air Force, while Site Baker was renamed Kileen Base and turned over to the US Army. Portions of America's nuclear stockpile was stored in Manzano (the Spanish word for apple) Mountain for 40 years, and nuclear weapons are now secured in a modern underground complex at Kirtland Air Force Base. A presidential emergency relocation center was built deep inside Manzano Mountain as a command post for President Eisenhower. It retained this function until the advent of thermonuclear weapons, by which time it was no longer regarded as a survivable site. In the early 1700s explorers visiting a small village on the eastern edge of these mountains discovered very old manzanos (apple trees), a tree not native to this country. No one knows where these trees came from, but the name stayed with the region. Construction began in June 1947, and the facility became operational in April 1950. Under the top-secret project designated Operation Water Supply, construction crews carved out tunnels and blast-proof underground steel vaults to protect the small stockpile of atomic weapons. The first weapons stored at Manzano were the Mark 5, a first-generation atomic device which required assembly. The weapons were stored without plutonium, in reinforced concrete and steel bunkers throughout Manzano. Inside the complex, steel gates protected a hallway containing four chambers guarded with heavy safe door. Each vault stored a protective container called a birdcage, each of which enclosed enough plutonium for a single atomic warhead. On 11 April 1950 a B-29 aircraft departed from Kirtland Air Force Base [Albuquerque, NM] at 9:38 PM and crashed into a mountain on Manzano Base approximately three minutes later killing the crew of thirteen. Detonators were installed in the bomb on board the aircraft. The bomb case was demolished ans some high explosive (HE) material burned in the gasoline fire. Other pieces of unburned HE were scattered throughout the wreckage. Four spare detonators in their carrying case were recovered undamaged. There were no contamination or recovery problems. The recovered components of the weapon were returned to the Atomic Energy Commission. Both the weapon and the capsule of nuclear material were on board the aircraft but the capsule was not inserted for safety reasons. The Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area was surrounded by a barbed double-fenceline (one of which was electrified) beyond which the concrete bunker entrances which span the base of the mountain range are visible. In June 1992, the Manzano WSA was deactivated, including deactivation of the Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Alarm System, and Phillips Laboratory assumed responsibility for its maintenance. SNL continues to provide minimum security, although the Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Alarm System was deactivated with the termination of the main mission in 1992. Some of the old tunnels and vaults in the Manzanos still serve as storage. The Manzano WSA is currently being used in part for storage of a variety of items such as furniture and document boxes. Source: Join the ![]() Become a Fan at Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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