Phantoms and Monsters |
- Oarfish Omen, Extraterrestrial Warning Suggest Calamity For Japan
- Videos: 'Probe-Like' UFOs / OVNIs
- Hotel Phantoms Enjoy Touching Guests, Making Noise and Watching C-Span on TV
- New UFO Flap Over Stephenville / Dublin, Texas
- Have You Ever Wondered What a Traditional Witch Thought About the Subject of UFOs and Aliens?
Oarfish Omen, Extraterrestrial Warning Suggest Calamity For Japan Posted: 06 Mar 2010 12:40 PM PST ![]() A quake with a magnitude of 6.4 has also struck southern Taiwan. This rash of tectonic movements around the Pacific "Rim of Fire" is heightening concern that Japan - the most earthquake-prone country in the world - is next in line for a major earthquake. Those concerns have been stoked by the unexplained appearance of a fish that is known traditionally as the Messenger from the Sea God's Palace. The giant oarfish can grow up to five metres in length and is usually to be found at depths of 1,000 metres and very rarely above 200 metres from the surface. Long and slender with a dorsal fin the length of its body, the oarfish resembles a snake. In recent weeks, 10 specimens have been found either washed ashore or in fishing nets off Ishikawa Prefecture, half-a-dozen have been caught in nets off Toyama Prefecture and others have been reported in Kyoto, Shimane and Nagasaki prefectures, all on the northern coast. According to traditional Japanese lore, the fish rise to the surface and beach themselves to warn of an impending earthquake - and there are scientific theories that bottom-dwelling fish may very well be susceptible to movements in seismic fault lines and act in uncharacteristic ways in advance of an earthquake - but experts here are placing more faith in their constant high-tech monitoring of the tectonic plates beneath the surface. "In ancient times Japanese people believed that fish warned of coming earthquakes, particularly catfish," Hiroshi Tajihi, deputy director of the Kobe Earthquake Centre, told the Daily Telegraph. "But these are just old superstitions and there is no scientific relationship between these sightings and an earthquake," he said. __________________________ EXTRATERRESTRIAL WARNING Friday afternoon, I received a telephone call from a friend who had a dire warning. First off, this friend has had repeated alien contact for several years which I have documented. He has proven to me that he is not a charlatan through his verbal accounts and the physical evidence he has presented. The warning was that in the month of April 2010 to expect a sizable earthquake in the Pacific, notably in the area of Japan, as well as a tsunami that will effect the west coast of the United States and/or the Baja Peninsula. This is not the only time I have heard a similar warning. A few months ago, an 'experiencer', who I had interviewed in 2007, contacted me that she had received a message from 'the guide' (according to her, 'the guide' was present during her abduction) to "take steps and prepare for major heed the 'messenger'." It upset her enough to call me several times and insist that we talk. By the way, this woman is married to a USMC officer and lives on Okinawa. In spite of the recent major earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, I hadn't given much thought to the 'message' until I read last night the significance of the oarfish as the 'Messenger from the Sea God's Palace' in Japanese lore. For centuries, the Japanese have associated the sighting of deep sea oarfish as a harbinger of earthquakes. Many will call it superstition and that I am making too much of this...but it is an strange coincidence. Oh, don't shoot the messenger...Lon |
Videos: 'Probe-Like' UFOs / OVNIs Posted: 06 Mar 2010 09:46 AM PST Click for video This video was recorded during daytime....9/11/09 near Lemoore, California at 7pm local time. You can see an UFO and what appears to be 3 spheres around it. My initial reaction was CGI....but there's is a certain quality to it that makes me wonder....Lon Click for video The commentary is in Spanish and presented by reporter Carlos Clemente. Some subtitles have been included. The footage, taken by Salvador Guerrero, shows an alleged UFO releasing something in the night skies over an undisclosed location. The film also has other UFO clips. Could it be a flare? The high speed puts that theory into question. Your opinion....Lon |
Hotel Phantoms Enjoy Touching Guests, Making Noise and Watching C-Span on TV Posted: 06 Mar 2010 09:00 AM PST ![]() My first stop was a labyrinth in West Bend. I'm a fan and had been looking for a new one to check out so it seemed as good a place as any. If you like your labyrinth overlaid with English country cottage charm next to a busy street, then this one will do it for you. Me, not so much. But hey, at least I made it there and walked it. It's all part of the road trip experience. The endless possibilities of 'where next' lay before me. Which meant one thing. Lunch. A grilled ham and cheese sandwich later and I'm looking toward the road again. The wonders of traveling with a GPS means that you're never without a nearby antique mall. One mall leads to another, kind of like M&M's or BBQ potato chips, and I'm far enough northwest to wonder, "Do I turn around and head home or commit to an overnight somewhere? Hey, I've never been to Fond du Lac. That's on Lake Winnebago. I've always wanted to see Lake Winnebago." That's how I ended up in Fond du Lac's haunted hotel. It's just the sort of place I'd pick, too. Not because it's haunted, but because it's a very old building in the old downtown, and it's reasonably priced to boot. It's got a bar and a restaurant on site. It's on the National Register of Historic Places. I've struck gold! Now it's a Ramada, but it used to be called the Hotel Retlaw. When I checked in, alarm bells went off in my head. Where had I heard about this place before? Why is this so familiar? Why does the place feel peculiar? Well, duh Susan! It's on just about every haunted places index I've ever read. It wasn't until I was in my room that it dawned on me. A cell call to my husband, who did a quick search on the interwebs, confirmed my suspicions. I'd checked into a haunted hotel. I might have wondered about ghosts even if I'd not had my suspicions googled. The hallways were creepy and a bit disorienting. In my room, it felt like something was at either door — the one from the hall and the one from the bathroom. I did a lot of whistling a happy tune, which is what I do when I'm para-nervous. "Oh, la, la, la, it's all my imagination, la, la." At about 12:30 that night, I forced myself to turn off the light and try to get some sleep. Try being the operative word. Fond du Lac and environs has some stellar hauntings, so I'm sure there will eventually be a Haunt Spots tour of the area. I'll save the full story of the Retlaw Hotel for then. So, the question remains. Would you stay at a hotel simply because you knew it was haunted? I might, if I weren't alone and if I had the nerve to explore more. _______________________ FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - OLD RETLAW HOTEL Formerly the Hotel Retlaw, former owner Walter Schroeder still haunts the hotel property. Activity includes lights and faucets that turn themselves on, screams, banging noises and apparitions. The Fon Du Lac Retlaw Hotel (Ramada Plaza), is one of several that Walter had built in Wisconsin. ("Retlaw" is Walter spelled backward, you see...) Although it seems that Walter was never murdered here, let alone even died in the building, staff was quick to tell stories of the strange encounters that they all blamed on Walt. In life, Walt was a generous gentleman and a charitable philanthropist who donated money to libraries and other nonprofit organizations. Rumor is that Walt was murdered in the hotel and his specter resides there. The paranormal incidents are centered in and around room 717. In 2001, guests and staff members heard screams emanating from the room. When they tried to unlock the door, the key didn't work. The sounds continued, and the door was moving as if someone was forcefully kicking it from the inside. When the key finally worked and the door opened, they discovered the room was vacant and there were no marks on the door. People have felt tingles on their backs and their hair being pulled. Lights and faucets are turned on and off. Witnesses reported hearing banging on walls. Although the incidents are not characteristic of the man, many believe the haunter is Walt. Among other odd occurrences, which often center around teenage girls, are "tingles up your back", "hair pulling", one instance of a flash of light like a camera's flash from an empty balcony, and the relatively frequent switching of the TV channel - often to C Span. There are reports of people hearing a strange humming and sighting a glow in one of the smaller banquet rooms. Spectral figures roam the halls. Disembodied male voices are heard around the clock. Phantom footsteps follow guests and staff. Unseen bodies bump into people. There's a ghost of a man who walks into the hotel's walls. A beautiful redheaded woman wearing a white bathrobe appears to be startled when seen and immediately disappears into one of the halls. The chandelier in the ballroom inexplicably sways and trembles. An employee who heard a noise in the room, investigated and saw a couple dancing, then vanish. This happened to another staff member who fled down the hall and heard lockers in the locker-room shaking. The hotel unofficially keeps a log of the ghostly activity. Sources: |
New UFO Flap Over Stephenville / Dublin, Texas Posted: 06 Mar 2010 07:18 AM PST ![]() NOTE: SW has forwarded some recent MUFON sighting reports from the Stephenville / Dublin, Texas area as well as her depictions of the events. Her blog is at Lights in the Sky...Lon MUFON Case# 22122 Date: 03/03/2010 19:40 CST Location: Dublin, Texas Summary: Four orange lights comprising the four corners of an inverted trapezoid. They blinked out individually. ![]() Approximately one minute later, I was on the east side of the courtyard facing west. I was watching the activity in the courtyard when something caused me to look up over the roof of the outbuilding to the west. I saw four orange lights forming the corners of an inverted trapezoid. The lights were of medium intensity, very similar to seeing an old streetlight in the distance. These lights did not seem connected, and as my eyes adjusted, I thought I saw stars between them, though I can't be sure because of the lighting around me at ground level. When I first noticed them, I knew immediately that these were the lights that had been seen before from this same location around Thanksgiving. My wife and son along with several others had noticed the lights in the same position (west) in the sky during an outdoor fellowship meal. The lights did not change position or intensity. Since I registered them as streetlamp-like lights, my mind guessed an altitude of 500 - 1,000 feet. The interesting thing about my vantage point is that there is a very narrow distance between the top of the outbuilding's roof and the steel-framed roof, limiting the combinations of altitudes and distances that these objects might have. If my altitude guess is correct, this would place the lights directly over the town of Dublin. I had time to realize that I was seeing a light event, look for structure between the lights, and sense that there was none before they went out one by one - I believe that top left, lower right, top right, lower left was the order they went out in. They turned off in a manner consistent with a power source being removed, rather than the flickering or changing intensity associated with a burn-out event of a flammable object. The delay between one light going out and the next felt precise. If you say "One and two and three and four" that's the time pattern they followed. Because of the afterburner sound beforehand, I was completely convinced that this was a military operation from the moment I saw them. I immediately switched to looking for structure, and couldn't see any. After that, I mainly focused on the upper left light because it felt "closest", and I looked for structure around the light. No structure was detectable. At 8:23pm, two military jets flew over, one to the west of the church, and one directly overhead. The one overhead registered as being at greater than 10,000 feet, and had just enough engine noise to make me look up and look for it. That was the last thing I saw in the sky before we left. No one else around me at the time (7-8 adults, ~30kids) reacted, but I did find out that a couple of the girls in the kids group saw the lights as well. Within an hour of the event, after relaying the story to other adults, two different men told me that military jets and helicopters had been flying extremely low around the Stephenville and Hamilton areas in the preceding days. Of significance, there had been a very low flyover of the A&M Agricultural research facility at the corner of Hwy 281 and Hwy 8 (Lingleville Road). This location is approximately 12 miles north/northwest from the location of the sighting. * * * Note: I live approximately 45 miles NNW from Dublin and at about the same time as this witness claims to have seen these lights, I also briefly witnessed distant lights over the general area of Dublin. One moment I could just make them out, then they were gone. I also noticed quite a bit of air traffic after this event. -SW More Dublin and Stephenville sightings are being reported during this first week of March, 2010. Here are two of them. I will update if more sightings are reported.- SW _____________________ MUFON Case #22135 Event Date: 03/04/ 2010 20:20 City: Dublin/Stephenville Region: Texas Summary: 30-40 large yellow tint lights flashing in a round shape for a few minutes ![]() Turning into the drive way, the house obstructed my view of the UFO lights. I began honking my horn as I drove into the drive way, trying to get my mom and daughter's attention so they would come outside and see what was going on. As I ran up the walkway to the front door I could barely see the UFO lights. When they came outside the lights were gone, BUT we saw and heard 10-15 jets flying much higher in the area above their house. Funny thing though, I heard no noise coming from the UFOs. The only thing I felt was excitement, I was wearing extremely high heels and am 5 months pregnant, otherwise I would have ran toward the lights, because they appeared that close. About 20 feet behind my parent's house in the pasture just behind. I was the only car driving at this time on a dark farm to market road. _____________________ MUFON Case #22138 Event Date: 03/04/ 2010 20:15 GMT City: Stephenville Region: Texas Summary: four square orange light that disappeared one at a time On 03/04/2010 at approximately 20:15 I was stopped at a stop sign Wolf Nursery and the north west loop. When I looked South to make sure traffic was clear I noticed four Orange lights to the Southwest. I noticed the light were from East to West and started to disappear one at a time. I told my wife and she did not see anything at the time. I turned south and drove to water tower road to get away from all the city lights. On the way my wife saw several flashing light to the West of the water tower. We stopped and saw multiple flashing lights that were moving from West to east. The object was moving to the east toward Granbury and was followed by what I believed to be air planes that were very fast, I cannot say that the planes following were military or not, I do know that object left after the planes arrived. _____________________ UPDATE! This was just reported to LITS, that the lake at Granbury, Texas was the location of another sighting, on March 4, 2010. Event Date: 03/04/10 City: Granbury, TX Description: Large disc shaped object with multiple lights hovering above the lake |
Have You Ever Wondered What a Traditional Witch Thought About the Subject of UFOs and Aliens? Posted: 06 Mar 2010 06:56 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - I interviewed a traditional male witch a few months ago. Mer-amun is a man who spent over a decade of his life studying the history and correct traditions of traditional witchcraft. He lives his life following the traditions that have been practiced on earth for thousands of years known as Wicca. Mer-amun is not one of the silly wanna be people claiming to be a witch. Mer-amun does not give you the evil eye by way of a web cam or threaten to cast a black spell upon you in a silly chat room. Mer- amun is a real educated practicing Traditional Witch. This man is well read, knowledgeable and living a life style he fully researched, learned and practices with care and understanding. During our first interview Mer-amun and I talked mainly about the traditions and beginnings of witchcraft that can be found in all civilizations from the beginning of the human experience on earth. During my recent interview I decided to ask Mer-amun questions not often asked to a witch. I was curious to find out what a traditional witch thought about UFO's and Aliens. Mer-amun did not disappointment me when I asked for his opinion on these subjects. I found his thinking very interesting and know from talking with others who practice witchcraft follow in line with what other witches have told me. The following is what Mer-amun told me his opinions are concerning UFO's and Aliens: "Just as we spend money on the dream of some day visiting Mars to terra-form it and colonize it, so was our own Earth deliberately terra-formed and colonized from the time life inexplicably and suddenly appeared here. Just as we plan to place lichens and micro-organisms on Mars to slowly make it habitable, so were life forms placed here on earth for the same purpose long ago. Here on earth we raise and farm various animals for our consumption or for scientific experiments. I think earth life was deliberately seeded as an experiment by another species from another place out among the stars. I am sure there are many extra-terrestrial races that are perfectly aware of us here on Earth. I am sure some have visited us, some may use us for their own purposes like biological material while others may be more interested in uniting or learning about us in a civil kind manner. I am sure there are also those that may not want anything to do with us at all. From what I understand there are 2 main extra-terrestrial races that do interact with us. One type called The Grays it has been told are the ones responsible for the terra-forming and seeding of life upon this earth. They are the ones that may be using us for our genetic material. They are typically described as having large egg-shaped heads with over-sized black almond shaped eyes, long spindly arms and legs, and characteristic gray skin. The Grays are beings who visit and use other life forms for their own agendas where the Blondes are more peaceful kind beings who seem to keep a handle on the actions of the Grays and the life forms they both visit. At different times, both races have genetically altered life on the Earth. For example there was a time in the distant past when this planet had no life forms that were sexed. All creatures were androgynous, and reproduced alone. A mutation was created in the genes of the life forms on this planet. We were at that time, mutated into females and males. The Blondes did not intervene seeing an opportunity for this to bring about beings that would develop in to caring loving creatures through the introduction of sex. The Blondes decided not to intervene with the Gray's operation of mutation. (In hind-sight, this decision to go along with the sex experiment has since been thought by the Blondes to have created more trouble and complication, and in some cases more inhumanity than it was worth.) The Blondes also it is told were involved with transforming us from a more big foot looking creature into the humans we are today. It is told that our refinements and intelligence came by way of our combination of genetics natural to this planet and our alien visitors influence if not adjustment to looking more like them then they like us! While the Grays typically visit in UFOs conduct abductions and experiments on us thinking of us as their property or worse livestock- the Blondes are far more typically born and living among us. The Blondes try to work with us. We seem to be the ones caught in the conflict of these two visitors right on our own planet. It is as if we are all aliens without a true earthling to be found! If this story sounds crazy, it is because it is supposed to. Extra-terrestrials work together as to keep their existence within the tight confines of those who are in their tutelage. Having those who talk about these things on earth ridiculed and laughed at is exactly what they plan and hope for. The idea that these subjects are openly considered crazy and without credibility is exactly what they want. This is a very effective technique for controlling public opinion on a topic, simply: make it seem crazy. For example, in 1995 the CIA experiments with Remote Viewing became published. Today, in order to continue those experiments without inquiry and without intervention by public opinion- it is simply said that Remote Viewing no longer exist. The subject was no longer in fad or style and those who continued to discuss it are laughed at or accused of being crazy. The film, 'Men Who Stare at Goats' is one example of this. The extra-terrestrials themselves are the first to use this behavior on society to keep public scrutiny and opinion easy to deal with. The last 80 years are unprecedented in recorded history as the era we have gained an awareness of and belief in extra-terrestrials and UFOs. All over the world people have become aware of UFOs, aliens, and abductions. I was taught and believe that we are being prepared as a society for the unveiling of the great alien human secret. I think some of us alive today will live to see the emergence of the extra-terrestrials openly into our civilization here on earth. It is said that the same openness between earthlings and aliens that once occurred on earth will one day be our way once again. I have been taught and believe the visitors from the stars will openly reveal themselves during the next 60 to 80 years. Once years ago when I was studying my traditional beliefs I was explaining to one of my teachers some of the things I learned concerning the Grays and the Blondes that visit or live among us. When I finished my teacher spent an hour to discredit me in front of everyone else present. His reaction took me by surprise. While the class was laughing at his suggestion everyone should make tin foil hats he leaned over to me and whispered in my ear: "a day will come when you will regret having learned so much about this." Needless to say I was a bit shocked at the detailed and strong opinions concerning visiting aliens and the subject of UFO activity that Mer-amun explained to me. I actually thought I was going to get a far less thought out answer. I did not anticipate the strong opinions concerning the alien connection from a traditional witch however learned quickly he not only believes we are being visited he considers it part of our history. I have asked the same questions concerning aliens and UFO's to two other people who practice the Wiccan ways. One was a traditional female witch and the other a pagan witch by their own definitions. Although the three people I asked including the two females and this male traditional witch did not know each other they all told me almost the same things concerning these subjects and all consider it part of this earth's history. I admit I may not agree with everything they believe to be true however I also do not disagree with some of the ideas concerning the interference of aliens with our evolution as a species and our advancement as societies. I do enjoy finding out what those around me think and think the traditional male witch who gave me the opinions in this article is a smart rounded educated man. I think the main thing for us all to understand is that we really do not know what went on in history and should keep open our minds and views to scenarios we have not yet incorporated into our thinking about what really went on in the history of our being who we are or how we ended up as we are today. I for one never thought our history was correct or our understanding of the science of life and our own biology close to being understood. There are so many unknowns and speculations that remain lost to science that I find it impossible to rule out any cause for our being or development here on earth. I think we most likely a combination of evolution of the planet, design by an ultimate creator and interference or manipulation by visitors already evolved. I believe we are the total sum of nature, god and visitors hands. Until these things can be proved or disproved for me they all remain on the table of possible reasons you and I exist today. Next time I ask a interesting person for a viewpoint I will know it may result in a controversial incredible line of thinking I may need to share with everyone- exactly like my asking a traditional male witch what he thought about aliens and UFO's! Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Join the ![]() Become a Fan at Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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