Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 10
- Paranormal Mysteries at the White Inn
- Demonic Battle Within The Vatican
- Magical Stones and Leprechauns
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 10 Posted: 05 Mar 2010 09:59 AM PST THE BREEDER Location/Date: Murwillumbah Highway, near Lismore, NSW, Australia - 1996 - 7:30 am John, the witness, was driving back from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He checked under the hood but could not find anything obvious, so he decided to start walking to get help. John stated that he had a strange feeling like something was touching his spine. He looked up to see 2 bright white lights about 500m above and heard what he described as like the sound of an arc welder. He noticed that there were trucks driving by on the road. John then hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. He then noticed a "gray" alien, which said to him, "you can't get away" and grabbed him by the arm and proceeded towards one of the "motherships". John stated that the craft was shaped like Egyptian "Eye of Osiris", metallic and gunmetal gray with no apparent openings. He said that both walked straight through the wall. The alien (who John learned his name was Theoraba) took him inside and observed other aliens working on computers etc. He also noticed what he now calls "baby aliens" in flasks of red, green-orange solution. John asked Theoraba "what are those"? Theoraba replied that they were "baby aliens". Theoraba then asked him, "Would you like to have something to do with these in the future"? Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was a half human "hybrid", with the body of a woman, long arms, 5 fingers and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to father children for them, and at this point John began to panic. The female alien then took on a more human appearance as he then became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. A metal object was later introduced into his anal cavity and a patch of skin from his left palm was taken for "DNA" samples. When he asked about the skin sample he was told that their planet had "blown up" and that in order to continue their species and ensure that genetic inbreeding didn't occur that hybrids were the only alternative. That same year on another occasion John was walking along the road at Kingscliffe and saw two "motherships" again, and shouted at them to leave him alone. Apparently he met the now familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger. On another occasion whilst out in the bush John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he assumes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this was wearing what he assumed to be breathing apparatus, which went from around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she was unable to breathe in our atmosphere yet. John claims he has 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring. Source: AUFORN Queensland ______________________ ATLANTIC MERMAID Location/Date: several miles off the coast of Florida, Atlantic Ocean - 1988 - afternoon Professional scuba diver Robert Froster was diving alone, looking for mysterious undersea formations, when he noticed a disturbance in the water. When he turned to look, he saw a vague, shadowy figure slashing toward him. All around him the water had begun to churn wildly, and clouds of sediment were swirling. As the creature rushed toward him, it appeared to undulate, rather than glide. When the fast moving form got to within 20 yards of him, he noticed something odd about it. Appendages like arms, seemed to be reaching out toward him, and the end of each arm appeared to be sharply talon hands. He then saw the creature in full view. He saw an unmistakable pair of breasts, long flowing hair, smooth skin, and scaled tail from the waist down. It appeared to be half woman, half fish. Froster said, "I've never seen such evil hate in the eyes of any human or animal before." Before the creature could reach him, Froster shot up toward the surface and was able to scamper over the side of his craft to safety. He never saw the creature again. Source: eyewitness account printed in 'Great Southern Mysteries' NOTE: there have been mermaid/merman reports from various locations off the entire coast of Florida, including historical accounts by the Spanish explorers and native American inhabitants. I talked to a Royal Caribbean cruise steward in 2004 who swears he witnessed a mermaid in the shallows off the island of Grand Bahama near Freeport. He described it as a 5 ft. green colored 'fish-like human' with arms, large frightening eyes and long red hair...Lon ______________________ SCRATCHING SOUNDS Location/Date: near Holy Cross Wilderness Area, Colorado - June 26, 1993 - 2:30 am The witness was backpacking near Holy Cross Wilderness Area, After securing food he retired to his tent. In the middle of the night, he was awakened by the sound of "animals" scratching the gravel and sand around the tent. Thinking it was muskrats, he fell back to sleep. Sometime later he awoke abruptly in a cold sweat unable to move or hear anything. He was able to open his eyes. He could detect sound but in a muffled tone. Suddenly, the wind began to pick up and the tent seemed to billow and fall. The scratching sounds that had been heard previously outside returned, this time louder, as if dozens of animals were digging and scratching on the ground around the tent. After about 20 minutes everything stopped and became quiet, there was complete stillness. Then the whole tent and surroundings became brighter than daylight. A complete and encompassing white light entered the tent. It was absolutely blinding, and he was still unable to move. Within seconds, it became dark he was able to move again. He quickly abandoned the campsite. Source: NUFORC _________________________ PIGMAN Location/Date: Mariemont, Ohio - July 26, 1974 - 1:15 am Mrs. Patricia N. and her 3 daughters, were driving around their neighborhood while waiting for the gas company to investigate a strong odor of gas reported by at least 15 area residents. While driving south on Homewood Avenue, they noticed a strange figure walking toward them on the sidewalk; he was 5-foot tall and walked with a forward lunge, arms swinging from side to side. He wore no shirt; the witness thought the chest was hairy, the girls did not; he wore dark trousers with no visible bottoms, extending to "pig like" feet, or hooves---definitely not normal feet. He walked with a distinct "clicking" sound. His head was bald on top there was hair on the lower part of his face; they could see no facial features. The women turned around at the end of the street and drove back but the figure had vanished. The odor was gone when they got back home, although the technicians had been unable to find any gas leaks. Source: witness report to private investigator |
Paranormal Mysteries at the White Inn Posted: 05 Mar 2010 08:37 AM PST ![]() The White Inn is filled with mystery and many spooky rooms that attract numerous customers, not only for the food, but for the thrills that the Inn might bring. It all began in the early 19th century, when the property on which the Inn stands now fell into the hands of Dr. Squire White. The first house to be built on the land was in 1868, when White erected a frame house and made it the permanent residence of the White family. Not long after, an unfortunate event devastated the White family when the house caught fire. Devillo White, Dr. White's son, decided to rebuild a better, more substantial home. In 1868, The Second Empire brick mansion was constructed. It wasn't until 1918 that the history of the Inn would begin to develop. Murray Hill Bartley of Westfield purchased the property from the last remaining White family member, Miss Isabelle White. Bartley expanded the house considerably and opened it as a hotel to the public in 1919. Since then, the White Inn has become a popular destination. With its 40 Victorian-styled guest rooms, a dining hall and of course, its mysterious "bump in the night" noises, the Inn remains a major icon within the community. Countless stories describing what these "noises" could be include those of several figures the White Inn has seen over the years. One popular and captivating story is that of Jack Maloney and his wife, Helen. In 1968, Jack, suffering from depression, murdered his wife by clobbering her over the head with a book end. He then committed suicide by taking a shot of insulin. This tragic event has haunted the White Inn's walls ever since. Guests have reported smelling cigar smoke, possibly from Jack's own cigars. One woman even claimed a female figure appeared at the end of her bed one night and talked to her. Room 272, where the murder/suicide occurred, is available; especially to all those who wish to try their luck at experiencing paranormal activity. As Rohan Patrick, the current manager of the Inn said, "If you seek it out, it will be there." Many staff members at the Inn claim to have experienced strange paranormal activity. "Several staff mentioned that they have seen Isabella White in the kitchen, room 264 and her room where she actually resided when living here, 314," Rohan Patrick, the White Inn's most recent owner said. Slamming doors, unexplained noises and ghost sightings have been reported from staff members regarding Isabella White. "It's creepy," said one staff member, "I don't like being in the kitchen or really anywhere at night by myself." Supposedly, Isabella White was not very pleased to see her family's house converted into a hotel. It is said she used to sit in her rocking chair on her porch next door to the Inn watching, with a disapproving glare, as her house was being completely changed. It is believed that her spirit wanders the Inn because of her unhappiness and unwillingness to let the Inn, which was once her home, slip away forever. SUNY Fredonia's own paranormal group, Paranormal Research Association of Fredonia (PRAF), decided to test out these claims and conduct a ghost hunt at the Inn. While they did not see any ghosts, the members of the group reported "feeling uneasy" in room 272 and 264. Jeremy Steincamp, president of PRAF described the room as "really uncomfortable." "There were so many weird noises. It's an old building, so weird noises are normal. No one else was in the building, so the door slamming has no explanation. And the unexplainable EMF [Electro Magnetic Field] readings, that's still a mystery," Steincamp said. Putting aside all the reports of what might be paranormal activity, Patrick focuses on taking care of the facility. When he became manager of the White Inn a year and a half ago he was not informed of the building's paranormal history. However, as much as he does believe in the paranormal, Patrick tries to look at things optimistically. The White Inn has had several previous owners, including SUNY Fredonia professors David Briant and David Palmer. These individuals spent 13 years refurbishing and renovating the Inn. Following the ownership of Briant and Palmer, Robert Contiguglia and Kathleen Dennison took over the Inn and kept the lodging and food services running. Under the ownership of these individuals, the paranormal activity was used as an extra way to draw in guests and grab people's interest. Patrick has a different approach. "Previous owners played it up a lot. They liked the idea of the mysteries and haunting. It's not that I don't like it but I don't play on it," said Patrick. "I have a philosophy and it's 'let the dead rest in peace.'" Although the belief in paranormal phenomena is not universal, many guests and staff have made it clear that what they have experienced is definitely out of the ordinary. Unexplained noises, slamming doors and unidentified ghost sightings are among the thrills and chills the Inn has already presented to its guests. The White Inn is quite an impressive, historical attraction. Not only does it charm people with its delightful, welcoming rooms and suites, but it serves as a fine dining facility. And of course, we can't forget the Inn's additional feature: a home to the spirits of the White Inn's past. _____________________ THE WHITE INN'S STRANGE ACTIVITY Innkeeper of The White Inn in Fredonia, Robert Contiguglia, is proud of the supernatural drama and history of his business. He feels the ongoing evidence of ghosts only enriches its continuing heritage. The White Inn: Isabel White and Room 264 There are two parts of the inn, the old and the new. The old is the original structure dating to 1868 and includes Room 264. The new was added in 1919 and includes supplemental lodging, dining space, and the porch with stately pillars viewable from Main Street. Isabel White was the last White family member to reside in the home. It is believed her spirit hangs around the inn due to her nostalgia for her childhood homestead. Though she favors Room 264, Isabel roams the entire inn. Room 264 is found in a narrow, dead-end hallway. A pleasant couple rented Room 264 one evening in November 1993. In the morning, the couple proceeded to breakfast. Contiguglia greeted them and asked about their slumber. The couple said, "We had a little visitor last night." Embarrassed, Contiguglia immediately assumed they were referring to a rodent, but then the couple continued, "It was a young lady." Contiguglia, a non-believer at the time in errant spirits, became aghast at the notion of other guests helping themselves into others' rooms. The couple corrected Contiguglia, saying it was a ghost. "She was a young lady in her teens. She had blonde hair and cobalt blue eyes - a nice complexion," the pair described. The ghost sat on the edge of their bed and told the twosome of ensuing milestones in their lives, including the birth of a baby boy. Some time later, the couple returned as guests of the inn. They had two requests: Room 264 and a crib for their new baby boy. Eager to present their son to the she-ghost, they were disappointed she did not reappear. On a separate occasion in July 1996 around 10:30 p.m., a man entered asking for a room. He was given the key to Room 264. The man explained he was exhausted after an eight-hour drive, and asked if the bar was still open. It was, so the man first proceeded upstairs to put his things in his room. "It wasn't 30 seconds later when he came running back down the stairs," Contiguglia retold. The out-of-breath man panted and demanded, "Do you have ghosts in this building?" The man told the innkeeper that as he was fiddling with his room key, he looked down the hall toward the dead end and saw a girl in her nightgown. The man assumed she was having trouble with her key, so he opened his room, set his bag inside, then turned to help her. The girl had vanished in a dead-end corridor. Exasperated, he tore down the stairs. The man described the girl to Contiguglia as young, perhaps 15 years old, with blonde hair, alluring blue eyes and a peaches-and-cream complexion. To Contiguglia, it was an uncanny similarity to the description given by the breakfast couple. The shaken man took solace at the bar. A bludgeoning Contiguglia discerned his inn is inhabited by two entities. Isabel is one, the other is Helen and Jack Maloney, melded into one. The Maloneys were the innkeepers and restaurateurs in the 1940s through the '60s. Contiguglia described them as nice people, but gluttonous alcoholics. One wintry evening, Jack came home inebriated. He trudged upstairs to the couple's room, in what is now the Presidential Suite located in the older part of the inn. He shut and locked the door. There was a struggle ending with Jack bludgeoning his wife to a bloody death. Then using a lethal combination of sleeping pills and booze, he killed himself, too. Contiguglia discussed the autopsy that described Helen's head as "crushed with a heavy object." Fast forward to 1992 when a couple experienced "a major occurrence," as Contiguglia defines it. The innkeeper booked them in the relaxing Presidential Suite, an expansive two-room suite with extras like a fireplace, floor globe and jacuzzi. About 1 a.m., the couple awoke to a terrorizing racket in the common room. They heard the clamor of furniture moving and glass breaking. What seemed like an eternity may have only been three or four seconds, and then the suite turned stone silent. Getting up the nerve to open the bedroom door, the couple peeked in, fully expecting shambles. To their astonishment, nothing was out of place, wrong or broken, save for one thing: the globe was twirling on its own. The two entities are never experienced together and take their cues from the general aura of the inn. When the inn pumps with positive energy, Isabel is thought to reign, and when swirling with negativity, the Maloneys are in charge. Whoever is at the helm, sightings remain unpredictable. Sources: |
Demonic Battle Within The Vatican Posted: 05 Mar 2010 07:21 AM PST ![]() The splendidly named Fr Gabriele Amorth stated in a memoir published last month "yes, also in the Vatican there are members of Satanic sects." Asked if this involved lay Catholics or clergy, he said: "There are priests, monsignors and also cardinals!" The allegations of Fr Amorth – who btw, has said in the past that the scenes in the 1973 film The Exorcist are "substantially exact" – are recorded in Father Amorth: Memoirs of an Exorcist. My life fighting against Satan, a series of interviews edited by Marco Tosatti. He asked Amorth if Pope Benedict XVI himself knew of the existence of Satanic sects in the Vatican."Of course he was informed " replied Amorth. "But he does what he can. It's a horrifying thing." This week, reports Catholic News Online a second Rome-based demonologist, the Spaniard Fr Jose Antonio Fortea (another appropriately named priest) responded, stating on his blog that some priests ,"are more spiritual and others more earthly, some more virtuous and others more human." He added: "from there to affirm that some cardinals are members of Satanic sects is an unacceptable distance." He then mentioned those seeking help for demonic possession, along with, "innumerable persons" alleging to be the recipients of divine Revelation, including some whose visions have a flavour of the apocalypse, or include "revelations about the infiltration of Satan and the Masons [editor's note – a particular obsession with European Catholics] within the dome of the Church." The only acceptable stance in such cases, explained Fr Fortea is to "suspend judgement of the messages" while they are discerned. Fair point. Then he tackles the interesting question of how one can know if a demon is telling the truth. In many cases, he said, this is impossible, explaining: "We can know with great confidence when a demon tells the truth in the subject directly related with the exorcism. That is, the number of demons, their name and similar things. But we cannot be confident in what regards concrete news relating to people." "Father Amorth does not have other sources of knowledge than the two that I just cited." That may be true but I prefer to leave the last word with the redoubtable Fr Amorth, who in this interview , pointed out that power anywhere leads to temptation: "I have no doubt about the fact that the demon tempts the authorities of the Church especially, just as he tempts every authority, those of politics and industry." Demons aside, is pride, chief of all sins, to blame for human corruption in the Church? |
Magical Stones and Leprechauns Posted: 05 Mar 2010 06:35 AM PST ![]() Baffled Jacek Slominski has been swamped by demands from hundreds of patients since he pulled the stone from the earth where it had laid undisturbed for hundreds of years. "It has a huge Z carved into it and as soon as I touched it I felt this tremendous energy coming from it. I've had a bad back for years but all of a sudden all the pain left me and never returned," he said at his home in Bialystok. Now Jacek has become a full time healer as patients travel hundreds of miles just to touch his healing stone. "I don't understand it but it works and it's better than fixing broken toilets," he said. _____________________ The Leprechaun Fairy Watch - Tipperary, Ireland ![]() Thanks to Janet for the heads up! Join the ![]() Become a Fan at Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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