Phantoms and Monsters |
- 'Gable Film' Revealed As Hoax...MonsterQuest Ends It's Run
- The Use of Transcendental Meditation in Prevention of War / Terror Attacks
- Researcher Investigates the Mysterious Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
- Video: Disc Shaped UFO - Mahmutlar, Turkey - 3/23/2010
- Reader's 'Blue Dog' Sighting in Western Kansas
'Gable Film' Revealed As Hoax...MonsterQuest Ends It's Run Posted: 24 Mar 2010 07:42 PM PDT MonsterQuest's statement for this evening's broadcast of 'AMERICA'S WOLFMAN' History says that a large and wolf-like beast is the stuff of legend, but recently uncovered film footage and new witnesses say something frightening is out there. MonsterQuest heads into the dark, isolated forests of the Midwest to search for this creature and analyzes the evidence to finally end this mystery. ![]() Personally, I believe that there is a cryptid wolf-like creature in the northern midwest based on the eyewitness accounts I have seen and investigated. Tonight's presentation did prove one thing....the 'Gable Film' is a hoax. Yes, the truth was finally revealed after all the speculation. Honestly, I don't know what motivates people to create hoaxes and it irritates the hell out if me each time one is uncovered. Nonetheless, one's person's cheap thrills does not change my feelings about this cryptid. There may not be a 'Michigan Dogman' filmed but, IMO, there is an unknown creature roaming somewhere in the area. Honestly, this MonsterQuest production was one of the best in the entire series. It included fact based evidence (include debunking a hoax) and restrained from using ridiculous conjecture and time filler. I suppose they were saving the best for last...this episode marked the end of the MonsterQuest series. The producer of MonsterQuest, Doug Hajicek, passed along a statement to Cryptomundo today: Dear MonsterQuest Fans, Like many of you, I am a bit saddened by the official cancellation of MonsterQuest. However, we will continue to produce similar programming in the future as opportunities arise. Cryptozoology will always be passion for me personally. The official end of MonsterQuest did not happen because of any lack of topics or for lack of viewers. The Network has decided to go another direction to assure their future as a powerful force in television. We are extremely happy to have been part of the successful growth of the History Channel. I am forever grateful to Loren Coleman and everyone at Cryptomundo. I also thank the hundreds of researchers, scientists and the courageous witnesses we had a chance to work with over the last four years. It was an amazing run for the topic of Cryptozoology in prime time. I am sincerely humbled by the opportunity to have created so much programming on this fascinating topic. Sincerely, Doug Hajicek Producer/ Creator/ MonsterQuest Whitewolf Entertainment Inc. MonsterQuest did bring cryptozoology into the homes of many people who had little idea what the study of 'perceived nonexistent animals' was. That said and for various reasons, I also feel the series ran it's course. Maybe in the future, more in-depth productions will evolve from the spectre of MonsterQuest...Lon 'Gable Film' Revealed As Hoax...MonsterQuest Ends It's Run |
The Use of Transcendental Meditation in Prevention of War / Terror Attacks Posted: 24 Mar 2010 02:13 PM PDT ![]() - A leading scientific journal in Pakistan, The Journal of Management & Social Science, recently published a paper titled "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace," indicating that the military application of the Transcendental Meditation technique has merit. The paper discusses how militaries worldwide could use the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® program, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as a non-religious and scientifically verified way to prevent war and terrorism. When used in a military context, these meditation practices are known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). The paper describes the concept of a "Prevention Wing of the Military," a group of military personnel that practices the advanced TM-Sidhi program twice daily as a group. A group that reaches a critical threshold in size has been scientifically shown to reduce collective societal stress. The paper hypothesizes that war, terrorism, and crime are caused by collective societal stress. The absence of collective stress translates into the absence of tension between countries, between religious groups, or even within individual terrorists. The paper proposes that, by applying this non-lethal and non-destructive technology, any military can reduce societal stress and prevent enemies from arising. If IDT prevents the emergence of enemies, the military has no one to fight, so the nation becomes invincible. Over 50 scientific studies have found that when 1% of a given population practices Transcendental Meditation, or when sufficiently large groups practice the TM-Sidhi program together twice daily, measurable positive changes take place throughout society as a whole. The studies show decreased violence, crime, car accidents, and suicides, and improved quality of life in society. The paper reviews IDT research, such as a study published in the Yale University-edited Journal of Conflict Resolution showing that an intervention by a civilian group in Israel resulted in a 76% reduction in war deaths in neighboring Lebanon. Seven subsequent, consecutive experiments over a two-year period during the peak of the Lebanon war found: * war-related fatalities decreased by 71% (p < 0.0000000001) * war-related injuries fell by 68% (p < 0.000001) * the level of conflict dropped by 48% (p < 0.00000001) * cooperation among antagonists increased by 66% (p < 0.000001) A follow-up study published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality found that the likelihood that these combined results were due to chance is less than one in a quintillion. A global-scale study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation documented a 72% drop in international terrorism when IDT groups were large enough to affect the global population. Terrorism returned to previous levels after the experiment. IDT's causal mechanism is not completely understood. An explanation of the causality of IDT in biological terms was proposed in a study in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (Walton et al 2005, 17: 339-373). Serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter, has been shown to produce feelings of happiness, contentment, and even euphoria. Research indicates that low levels of serotonin correlate with aggression, poor emotional moods and violence. The study indicated that when the size of a group of IDT experts changed, serotonin production of people in the nearby community changed correspondingly. Since results were statistically significant, this study offers a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism that may explain reduced aggression and hostility in a whole society. An increase in serotonin activity and a decrease in cortisol appear to be associated with the experience of transcendental consciousness in the advanced individual TM practitioner. During the practice of TM, practitioners experience transcendental consciousness, a proposed fourth state of consciousness with brain activity distinctly different from waking, sleeping and dreaming. The state of transcendental consciousness produces coherence in the brain, and scientists speculate that this enlivens coherence within the unified field. Apparently, the effect is amplified through group practice. Theoretical physicists allude to the unified field as the basis of all laws of nature. IDT appears to work from this fundamental level. Therefore, through the unified field, there is increased coherence in the non-TM practitioner's brain as well. This increased coherence materially involved serotonin. The paper's author is David R. Leffler, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. "This paper introduces a new role for the military: 'Prevention Wings' whose purpose is to prevent enemies from arising," said Dr. Leffler. "This new approach, derived from the ancient Vedic tradition of India, is supported by over 50 scientific studies. IDT can create victory before war, and can assist in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding." The size of the Prevention Wing would usually be 2%-3% of a nation's military personnel. Land-based Prevention Wings were successfully field tested by the militaries of Mozambique and Ecuador in the 1990s. The paper explains that sea-based Prevention Wings are theoretically possible. For example, carrier battle groups supporting IDT experts could be deployed to the Persian Gulf to reduce tensions in the Middle East, without directly penetrating borders. "Since the military's primary job is to fully protect its country from attack by enemies, both foreign and domestic, all branches of the armed forces should also consider this approach," said Dr. Leffler. The paper concludes that preventing enemies from arising is both doable and economical. Military-related institutions have shown interest in Invincible Defense Technology. Dr. Leffler first presented his review paper at the "International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World" in Seoul, Korea, in 2008. He also presented the paper at the Korea Institute of Defense Analyses. Dr. Leffler also spoke at the "5th Annual Countering IEDs - Assessing the IED Threat and its Evolution on the Battlefield and in the Homeland" conference in Washington, DC. The title of his briefing was "Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) as a Means to Prevent the Implementation of IEDs." Dr. Leffler has also given presentations at the Russian Air Force Academy, The Russian Academy of Sciences, and US defense-related institutions such as the Institute of Defense and Business. Dr. David Leffler Center for Advanced Military Science The Use of Transcendental Meditation in Prevention of War / Terror Attacks |
Researcher Investigates the Mysterious Stone Spheres of Costa Rica Posted: 24 Mar 2010 02:00 PM PDT ![]() Hoopes, associate professor of anthropology and director of the Global Indigenous Nations Studies Program, recently returned from a trip to Costa Rica where he and colleagues evaluated the stone balls for UNESCO, the United Nations cultural organization that might grant the spheres World Heritage Status. His report will help determine if sites linked to the massive orbs will be designated for preservation and promotion because of their "outstanding value to humanity." Hoopes, who researches ancient cultures of Central and South America, is one of the world's foremost experts on the Costa Rican spheres. He explained that although the stone spheres are very old, international interest in them is still growing. "The earliest reports of the stones come from the late 19th century, but they weren't really reported scientifically until the 1930s — so they're a relatively recent discovery," Hoopes said. "They remained unknown until the United Fruit Company began clearing land for banana plantations in southern Costa Rica." According to Hoopes, around 300 balls are known to exist, with the largest weighing 16 tons and measuring eight feet in diameter. Many of these are clustered in Costa Rica's Diquis Delta region. Some remain pristine in the original places of discovery, but many others have been relocated or damaged due to erosion, fires and vandalism. The KU researcher said that scientists believe the stones were first created around 600 A.D., with most dating to after 1,000 A.D. but before the Spanish conquest. "We date the spheres by pottery styles and radiocarbon dates associated with archeological deposits found with the stone spheres," Hoopes said. "One of the problems with this methodology is that it tells you the latest use of the sphere but it doesn't tell you when it was made. These objects can be used for centuries and are still sitting where they are after a thousand years. So it's very difficult to say exactly when they were made." Speculation and pseudoscience have plagued general understanding of the stone spheres. For instance, publications have claimed that the balls are associated with the "lost" continent of Atlantis. Others have asserted that the balls are navigational aids or relics related to Stonehenge or the massive heads on Easter Island. "Myths are really based on a lot of very rampant speculation about imaginary ancient civilizations or visits from extraterrestrials," Hoopes said. In reality, archaeological excavations in the 1940s found the stone balls to be linked with pottery and materials typical of pre-Columbian cultures of southern Costa Rica. "We really don't know why they were made," Hoopes said. "The people who made them didn't leave any written records. We're left to archeological data to try to reconstruct the context. The culture of the people who made them became extinct shortly after the Spanish conquest. So, there are no myths or legends or other stories that are told by the indigenous people of Costa Rica about why they made these spheres." Hoopes has a created a popular Web page to knock down some of the misconceptions about the spheres. He said the stones' creation, while vague, certainly had nothing to do with lost cities or space ships. "We think the main technique that was used was pecking and grinding and hammering with stones," said Hoopes. "There are some spheres that have been found that still have the marks of the blows on them from hammer stones. We think that that's how they were formed, by hammering on big rocks and sculpting them into a spherical shape." ![]() NOTE: these stone sphere have fascinated me for quite some well as other paleolithic stone structures worldwide. Here are links to interesting sites on the subject THE STONE BALLS OF COSTA RICA and The Diquis Spheres...Lon Researcher Investigates the Mysterious Stone Spheres of Costa Rica |
Video: Disc Shaped UFO - Mahmutlar, Turkey - 3/23/2010 Posted: 24 Mar 2010 12:48 PM PDT Click for video NOTE: Below, I have posted the infamous Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO videos and other interesting accounts/videos/photos since 2007. These sightings are considered by many ufologists as some of the best evidence ever gathered. Is there is new 'flap' beginning over Turkey? There have been some spectacular sightings during the last 3 summers...Lon __________________ Videos: Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Sightings Click for video This extraordinary incident took place in a compound in Kumburgaz/Istanbul was witnessed by nearly a dozen of residents and filmed by a night guard in several different times. The images captured are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the world and be listed as the most important UFO/extraterrestrial images ever filmed. As is well known, UFO's and proof of extraterrestrial life have been frequently witnessed by both government officials and civilians in our country as well as throughout the world. In several cases, these observations were captured on tape by amateur cameras. In July-August 2007, a number of nation-wide UFO sightings were reported while some of them were filmed and aired. Within the same period, the objects witnessed by the residents of Kumburgaz/Yeni Kent Compound, caught on video by a night guard named Yalcin Yalman and the footage were considered as the closest and the most significant images ever filmed in Turkey and around the world. In these amazing video footage which would likely have major repercussions around the world and be listed as "the most significant UFO video ever", physical forms of UFO's and their metallic structures reflecting moonlight are clearly noticeable. What's more important is that in the close-up pictures of the objects, silhouettes of two entities can be distinctly made out. The incident went on for two months intermittently before the very eyes of the residents of "Yeni Kent Compound", filmed by a night guard named Yalcin Yalman for 22 minutes. The detailed analysis of a certain portion of these extraordinary videos showed that three different objects were captured at the same time. It is our belief that these outstanding first-ever video images of extraterrestrials will launch a new era in which further images of extraterrestrial beings can be captured on tape. Click for video Click for video ______________________ Click for video During a 4 month period, between May and September 2008, many UFO sightings were reported from different parts of Turkey. During the same period of time, these objects were also witnessed by the residents of Kumburgaz/Yeni Kent Compound, caught on video several times by a night guard named Yalcin Yalman. ![]() _____________________ Click for video NOTE: this video was released on June 5th and noted as the return of the Istanbul, Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO on May 13 & 15, 2009. At 4:05 through 4:25, check the reaction of the dog....seems to be barking at the UFO. Very interesting video...Lon Video: Disc Shaped UFO - Mahmutlar, Turkey - 3/23/2010 |
Reader's 'Blue Dog' Sighting in Western Kansas Posted: 24 Mar 2010 01:19 PM PDT About 4 years ago my wife and I were taking a rare child-free trip to a judicial conference in Colorado. We were driving across a pretty flat and desolate part of Kansas (there's a shock) and it was around sunset. We had recently finished laughing hysterically at some Kansas Department of Transportation guys who were striping the highway by having one of them lean backwards off the back of the truck with the striping paint in his hand while another worker held his legs (this made the trip fairly memorable by itself) and my wife had drifted off to nap while I drove. I noticed an animal coming from a field across the highway from left to right and I slowed to let it cross in front of us. In Oklahoma one has to make way for deer, free-roaming ranch dogs and coyotes this way in the rural areas so it was no big deal. In our neighborhood one can come home at twilight and find a coyote in the front yard or walking casually down the street toward the nearby golf course—a coyote is not a particularly exotic sight. As we got closer, I noticed this was neither any breed of dog I recognized nor any type of coyote I recognized. For one thing it was pretty big. It had extremely short hair (or none, I couldn't tell), a really long and odd looking snout and a distinctive dark blue color which I assumed was being exaggerated because of the sunset light. It didn't dart across the highway, but looked over at our car and trotted across. Very odd looking critter. Given the reports about blue canines in Texas, thought I'd pass this report on to you. Whatever they are, we saw something basically fitting that description in western Kansas. Bruce Freeman Reader's 'Blue Dog' Sighting in Western Kansas ______________________ WTF! George W. Bush shakes hands with Haitians...then proceeds to wipe his hand on Bill Clinton's shirt! Click for video Send us an email ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! ![]() ![]() Join the ![]() |
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