Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 12
- Photo: Have Natalee Holloway's Remains Been Found?
- Sixteen Separate UFO / ONVI Cases Reported On Night Of Chilean Earthquake
- Weird: Chickens Kill Fox....Cannibal Eats Boy's Brain
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 12 Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:06 AM PDT 'THEY'RE HERE...' Location/Date: near Norton Air Force Base, California - 1973 - unknown time The witness was employed by the Air Force as a photographer. One day he received unexpected news that his security clearance had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and another military photographer were flown for a temporary duty assignment to Norton Air Force base. As they landed they were taken on a two-hour drive inside an Air Force vehicle with blacked out windows. They finally arrived at their destination, which turned out to be inside an underground installation. They were ordered to disrobe and given white smocks to wear. The main witness was taken to a room, which contained a disc shaped craft suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a small opening on the side. The witness was lifted up to the opening and put inside. He was shocked to see that the inside looked to be about 10 times the size of the outside. Disoriented he poked his head back outside to check the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter only. He continued to photograph the inside of the disc and was later taken to photograph 2 actual alien bodies dressed in blue jumpsuits. Very little description of the alien beings was given other than they were of small stature, had smooth bluish skin and large football shaped eyes. One body had deep lacerations and missing tissue and appeared as if it was involved in an horrific accident. At that point, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to complete the assignment. No further details were provided. Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports NOTE: what's most interesting about this report is that it suggests possible, though anecdotal, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The account of an object's interior being larger than the outside appearance has been documented in several other alien encounter cases...Lon ____________________ THE VEILED STRANGER Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - March 20 1993 - 6:30 am Ziporet Carmel woke up earlier than usual and went to her kitchen. As she got there she noticed that the room was bathed in a strange light. She went to check the grounds and as she walked around the storage shed she noticed what appeared to be a large fruit silo on a nearby field. As she took a closer look she noticed that the silo-like object was silver colored and square in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 glowing square windows along its side. Five huge beams of a powerful light shone from its top into the sky. Suddenly, what appeared to be a second section of the object materialized doubling in size. Then a seven-foot tall man-like figure appeared near the object. The dogs reacted in a violent manner upon seeing the figure. The figure wore a metallic overall and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear with a veil that covered his face completely. The figure and the witness then stared at each other for about 30 seconds. Ziporet then quietly whispered "Why don't you take off your hat so I can see your face." She then heard a clear voice inside her head that spoke in Hebrew telling her that, "That's how things were." The witness then felt compelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a search of the field numerous ground traces were found an unknown smelly substance that made people sick with nausea, was also found. Source: UFO Universe newsletter ________________________ WHITE BIGFOOT Location/Date: near Cache, Comanche County, Oklahoma - January 10 2005 - 8:30 pm Near Quanah Road two witnesses were leaving their house when they decided to check out a tree in the yard which they thought they had seen something about 2 weeks prior. The tree is located about 60 yards from the house and close to the road. They drove to the tree with the bright lights on the car. As the neared the tree they saw something huge and white sitting on a branch of the tree. One witness noticed the head and shoulders. The shoulders were broad and it didn't look like it had a neck. The other witness saw 2 legs dangling down. The legs were hairy and were moving. The head and shoulders were moving slightly back and forth like it was getting ready to jump down. One of the witnesses screamed while the other was in shock but managed to put the car in reverse and backed out of the area as fast as possible. According to the witnesses there had been other reports of people seeing something run across the road and people have heard blood-curdling screams coming from a nearby creek. One witness description in particular stated that a tall, muscular man-like creature with long white hair on it's upper body was seen in another area of Comanche County and seemed to vanish and reappear at will. Source: BFRO Oklahoma ______________________ VADIG Location/Date: near Adelphi Maryland - February 1968 - night After work Sunday, a friend dropped off Tom Monteleone at home. As the friend pulled away, a large black car with its lights out glided from the shadows and halted at the curb. The entity called Vadig then called out to Monteleone from the car. Another man was in the car. Monteleone later recalled only that he wore a gray coat, had black hair, and never spoke. Monteleone got into the car. The car was a very old Buick, but was very well kept and looked brand even smelled brand new. They drove for about 30 minutes to a remote spot on a back road. When Monteleone got out of the car he was astonished to see an egg shaped object waiting for them. Inside the object he was put into a circular room containing nothing but a couple of bucket seats and a gray TV screen. Vadig and his companion disappeared into another part of the craft. After a few minutes the TV screen came alive, the object shuddered as Monteleone watched the image of the earth receding to a tiny speck on the screen. Three or four hours passed. It seemed like hours before another planet appeared on the screen, it grew larger, and then the craft landed with a thump. The young Monteleone found himself in a place no too unlike the Earth. He and Vadig got into a wheel less vehicle that traveled along a 'trough'. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced with pride in his voice. Their vehicle traveled through a large city with low, flat buildings and signs written in some kind of Oriental looking characters. The people, male and female, were all nude. After the tour, they returned to the egg-shaped craft and took off again. Monteleone sat alone in the same circular room watching the television screen for hours. Finally they arrived back on Earth at the same place from which they had left. Monteleone, Vadig, and the silent man returned to the old Buick and drove for about 30 minutes until they reached his apartment house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig declared, the car drove off. To Monteleone's amazement the whole trip, including the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had taken less than two hours. Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies NOTE: a full transcript that references this incident can be found at The Mothman Prophecies. May I suggest that anyone interested in cryptids should take the time to read this book...Lon Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 12 |
Photo: Have Natalee Holloway's Remains Been Found? Posted: 19 Mar 2010 09:35 AM PDT ![]() ![]() "We only discovered it after we got the film developed," the 62-year-old Rapho Township, Lancaster County, woman said. Flipping through the prints in December, the Muldowneys realized Patti had photographed more than just underwater scenery. One picture appears to show a human skeleton. "You can see a fish. You can see some rocks. And then you can see this body lying on its back, facing up," said her husband, John Muldowney. They showed friends. They showed the local police. All agreed: It looks like human bones. "I showed my doctor," John Muldowney said. "He said it looks like it's weighted down with some rocks." Skeleton. Aruba. Could it be? The Muldowneys wonder. * * * The Muldowneys forwarded copies of the photo -- which they had enlarged -- to the FBI field office in Philadelphia, but investigators won't say what, if anything, they're doing with it. John Muldowney has a gut feeling the skeleton could be that of Natalee Holloway, the 18-year-old Alabama honors student whose mysterious disappearance in Aruba in May 2005 continues to make international headlines. "It just seems so strange that that girl never showed up, and here we are right off the shoreline, right where she disappeared, and there's a body lying there," said John Muldowney, 78, a retired propane inspector with the state Department of Labor and Industry and owner of the Pinch Pond Family Campground. "I hate to say I wish it was her, but it would give that family some closure." Muldowney said he contacted the Lancaster newspaper about the photo because he was getting nowhere with the FBI. The FBI in Philadelphia sent the picture to its senior investigators who work in the Caribbean. "We did receive that photo, and it was sent to the lead agent down in Miami who handles that area in the Caribbean," said Special Agent Frank Burton Jr., a spokesman for the FBI's field office in Philadelphia. It is unclear what happened to the photo after that. The FBI in Miami said it has no record of getting it, and neither does the agency's legal attaché in Barbados, which has jurisdiction over Aruba. * * * Holloway was last seen on May 30, 2005, during her high school's graduation trip to the Dutch Caribbean island. Her classmates reported seeing her leave the Carlos 'n Charlie's in the capital city of Oranjestad. The case remains unsolved, though a man once suspected of involvement in Holloway's disappearance has recently claimed to have disposed of her body. Joran van der Sloot, 22, said in an interview with RTL Nieuws that Holloway accidentally fell from a balcony and he disposed of her body in a swamp. He previously told an undercover reporter that she died unexpectedly while they were kissing and he dumped her body in the ocean. Aruban prosecutors say they lack evidence to charge Van der Sloot. Holloway's family has offered a reward of $250,000 for help solving her disappearance. It has also offered a $1 million reward for information leading to her safe return. Since her disappearance nearly five years ago, tourists have reported finding skeletal remains on the island. Tests have shown them be those of shipwrecked sailors, however. * * * The Muldowneys were on a seven-day cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Adventure Of The Seas, whose first port was Oranjestad. They and another couple from Lititz had taken a catamaran out to a snorkeling site. "It was far enough out that we couldn't see land," remembers family friend Ken Dimm. The couples remember the site was near a shipwreck, though which one of the numerous wrecks off the western coast of Aruba is unclear. The most popular snorkeling and scuba site there is near the Antilla, a German freighter that was scuttled in World War II. Patti Muldowney went snorkeling with the Dimms while her husband stayed above on a catamaran. She had purchased a disposable camera and was taking pictures from just under the water's surface. "It was kind of hard, my first time taking pictures. You can see a little bit of the wreckage, so I saw it down there and snapped it," said Patti Muldowney, who works in the billing department at Luther Acres. Only two months later, in December, did she realize there was more to that picture. Evette Dimm noticed it first. "She looks at the one picture, and you can see a fish in it," remembers John Muldowney. "Then she says, 'God, that looks like a skeleton or a corpse.'" Patti Muldowney wonders whether the skeleton is that of Holloway. "The thing is, they haven't found her yet," she said. "So, for the parents' sake, I would hope that this picture does help. "But we have not heard anything. I hope they do look into it. It would be good if the parents have finality." Photo: Have Natalee Holloway's Remains Been Found? |
Sixteen Separate UFO / ONVI Cases Reported On Night Of Chilean Earthquake Posted: 19 Mar 2010 09:02 AM PDT inexplicata - The earthquake was followed by a boom in UFO sightings, but sixteen cases occurred on the night of the tragedy alone (some of them accompanied by significant visual material) which have been subjected to study by UFO researchers. Researcher Rodrigo Fuenzalida told Publimetro that the highest concentrations of reports appear to be Las Condes, Peñalolén, Providencia and Colina. "We have eyewitness testimony from a couple that refused to sleep in their apartment on the night of the earthquake, choosing instead to spend the early morning hours in the street. They were able to see an object that looked much like the moon, but immediately realized that the moon was on the other side. This event may have been seen by residents of other communes," said Fuenzalida. Another major sighting took place on Isla Robinson Crusoe, part of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, where people witnessed an object emerging from the sea shortly before the earthquake. Regarding the case involving a humanoid -- reported by passengers on a bus in Iquique -- Fuenzalida notes that while startling, he is aware of other similar cases, but people "do not dare report them, fearing that they will not be believed. "I've heard of the manifestations of these "luminous men", said the ufologist. "We are in an ideal period for sightings. I would ask everyone to be alert, but be mindful to avoid confusion, or a state of hysteria." Sixteen Separate UFO / ONVI Cases Reported On Night Of Chilean Earthquake |
Weird: Chickens Kill Fox....Cannibal Eats Boy's Brain Posted: 19 Mar 2010 08:33 AM PDT ![]() sky - A group of plucky chickens got their revenge on a sneaky fox after it crept into their coop - by knocking it out and pecking it to death. Michelle Cordell, 43, went to collect eggs from the pen at the bottom of her garden in Basildon, Essex, on Saturday morning and found a dead fox lying amongst the birds. The animal seemed to have been pecked to death and was covered in blood marks from its legs to its head. Dude the cockerel is suspected to have led the rebellion assisted by his female friends Izzy, Pongo and Pecky. "The little table in the corner of the coop which the chickens perch on had been kicked over and was lying next to the fox's head," Ms Cordell said. "It seems they kicked over the table, knocked the fox out and pecked it to death. "It was not a cub, but it was only young and Dude and Izzy are big birds." Ms Cordell lives with her partner Gary Howell and daughters Maddi and Ruby, who had hand-reared Dude from a chick. Foxes have broken into the coop before but previous battles have always resulted in bird casualties. NOTE: Uh...I've seen chickens go after small animals but never actually kill a predator. Though, I did witness a medium sized Rat Snake badly pecked by several chickens on one occasion...Lon _______________________ Chinese Cannibal Eats Child's Brain to Cure His Epilepsy - A Chinese cannibal allegedly killed an 11-year-old boy and ate his brain in order to cure his epilepsy. It was said that Wang Chaoxu, of Qixian village in Yunnan, southwest China, believed an old wives' tale that eating a child's brain could cure fits. Police said the boy, Li Xuetang, was found buried nearly 5km away in a grain field in a neighbouring village, The Sun reports. The top of his head was peeled back and part of his brain removed, The Sun reported. Heartbroken mum Yu Chaohu became anxious when her son disappeared late at night. She said: "It was getting dark, but I couldn't find my son anywhere in the village. "I even asked the village head to broadcast on the radio to ask my son to come back home for dinner." A few hours later Li was found, after a villager Zhang Huansheng saw a man kneeling over him, and holding him by the neck. The boy's mum was desperate to see her son but was told the body was too badly damaged. Yu added, "I can't bear to think about what happened to him. I have nightmares thinking about it." Wang Wenzhong, the village leader, found two blood stained rocks in the field and some fractured bones, before the boy's body was discovered buried nearby. Wang Chaoxu was arrested and told police he believed eating the brain with earthworms and ants would cure his illness. Wang said he was married to a nurse, but she left him because his illness meant he was unable to work. It was claimed a three-year-old girl, who was reported missing on the same day, may also be one of his victims. The girl was found dead in public toilets with a knife cut to her head. Police are investigating whether the cases are linked. 5 People Who Actually Predicted the Future Physicists Create Universe Smaller Than a Marble Transparent Animals 8 Fascinating Object Graveyards Weird: Chickens Kill Fox....Cannibal Eats Boy's Brain Send us an email ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! ![]() ![]() Join the ![]() |
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