Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 13
- Wild Coyote Captured in Manhattan
- Breast Implants New Terrorist Weapon....Dutch Prisoners Need Psychics
- 'X-Woman' DNA Identifies New Ancient Hominid
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 13 Posted: 26 Mar 2010 12:24 PM PDT MIB? Location/Date: Boynton Canyon, Arizona - May 1987 - afternoon Christa Tilton and her friend Barbara had gone walking up a mountain and were resting under the shade of a tree when soon they heard a car engine on the road below. Turning to look, they saw the weirdest black car they had ever seen. It was an old fashioned limo that was 'so shiny they could see their reflection on it." Everything about it was black. Suddenly the rear door opened and a man, dressed in all black, peered out and rotated very mechanically as if her were a robot, gesturing to Christa that she should follow. Screaming to her friend that had kept walking up the hillside, Christa jumped into her car and pursued the limo. It headed off toward what seemed to be a military compound with a guard at the gate. By the time Christa arrived there, the black car had vanished and the guard denied he had seen such a vehicle. Feeling rather scared, Christa drove off back toward her friend, only to find the black limo blocking her path ahead. From this angle it was possible to see inside the car. There were two men, both in black and wearing sunglasses. Rolling down the window on her car, she heard the man say to her "The time is all wrong," before mumbling something about the local topography in words she did not fully understand. Christa then followed the strange limo and attempted to take a picture but her camera malfunctioned. The limo was soon lost from sight. Source: Jenny Randles: 'The Truth Behind The Men in Black' NOTE: In the weeks I have been digging into old sighting reports, I now realize that there are many more MIB encounters involving 'disappearing and reappearing' than I had previous realized. Unless these MIB are a type of 'decoy', my developing theory of the MIB is that these are actually extraterrestrial beings and not government entities. Maybe I'm watching too much 'Fringe'...Lon ______________________ ALIENS IN THE WARDROBE Location/Date: Sydney, Australia - January 1994 - late night The witness was laying in bed when he felt a presence in the room & heard some shuffling noises at the foot of the bed. Then he felt a sharp pain, like a pin being stuck in his toes. When felt hands around his feet, he looked up and saw five small figures looking at him from the foot of the bed. The beings had apparently come out of the wardrobe which now looked like the inside of a large hangar which went back into the wall a considerable distance. One of the figures then proceeded to stick a long needle like implement into one of his toes. He then noticed three more figures come out of the wardrobe stand at the foot of the bed and proceed to stick something into his leg. He was then able to move again. He lifted his leg and stared directly at the beings. They were about 3-4 feet tall, with long arms, small heads, dark grayish in appearance with lizard like scaly skin that was the same grayish color throughout the body. One seemed to be the leader as it ordered the other ones around. At one point as one of the beings grabbed his ankles he noticed that it had three long thin fingers. Soon the beings walked back into the hangar-like wardrobe and disappeared inside, the wardrobe-hangar then disappeared into a cloud of vapor. Source: NUFORC __________________________ THE FOUR-EYED HAIRY MONSTERS Location/Date: Poggio Umbricchio, Italy - July 28, 1999 - 6:30 am Two teenage brothers, Giacomo and Alfio, were collecting mushrooms in a pine grove near their home when a loud rustling sound attracted their attention to some nearby trees. They stood looking at the spot where the noise had originated from and waited in total silence for about 15 minutes. Suddenly they heard loud grunting sounds coming from the brush. Curious, both boys walked toward the brush to see what was making the strange sounds. Suddenly out of the brush stepped out a bizarre creature covered in dark black hair, about 1.50 meters in height, with an oblong shaped face with four eyes, two on top and two closer to a snout-like nose. It had normal hairless ears and what appeared to be five clawed legs. The creature stared at the boys with a malevolent gaze full of hate. As both watched in horror four other similar creatures walked out of the woods. Both witnesses fled the area in a panic. Later they debated whether to notify local authorities, but they decided against it. Source: CUN Bologna NOTE: Gianfranco Degli Esposito of CUN Bologna left a footnote stating that both boys gave credible anecdotal evidence and where genuinely fearful when they returned to the site with Esposito. The investigator notes that a similar report was filed in 1951 with police in a nearby jurisdiction. This was 35 years before the boys were born. ______________________ ![]() Location/Date: Between Kailua-Kona & Keauhou, Oahu, Hawaii - July 2 1975 - 11:50 pm Two men, Neil and John, were bar hopping from one hotel to the next on Alii Drive when as they drove around a bend and saw a "maiden" with long black hair, dressed in a black and red "mu'umu'u" (native dress) walking in front of their car. No street lights existed in that remote area. The woman appeared to be walking in the middle of the road, away from vehicle, with her back in view. But her feet nowhere in sight. It was if she was floating gracefully just above the road. Neal felt the hair on the back of his neck start to rise, so he slowly, carefully drove around her and passed her. John, unaware of the legend of Madame Pele, wanted to stop to pick her up. Neal warned him not to stop and not to even look at her. They drove away from the area. Three nights later on, July 5 1975, the Mauna Loa volcano erupted, after approximately 25 years of rest. Source: Rick Carroll: 'Hawaii's Best Spooky Tales' NOTE: I figured a ghostly 'humanoid' account was OK. Anyway, the following is a brief account of the Legend of Madame Pele: The legend states that Pele's father sent her away from Tahiti because she had a hot temper. It seems she was always fighting with her older sister (Na-mako-o-Kaha'i), who was the Goddess of the Sea. Pele left Tahiti in a canoe and went to Hawaii where she made many fiery volcanoes. However, every time she made a volcano, her sister (who had followed her) flooded the fire and put it out. Finally, they had a very big fight and Pele was torn apart by her sister. Then, Pele's spirit was free and she became a goddess. It is said that Pele's spirit lives in the Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes on earth). Pele is still known for her violent temper. It is said that she comes to us in many forms. You could see her in the form of a beautiful young woman, flowing crimson dress with the blackest of hair. Others say to have seen her as an old woman. Many encounters with Pele have been seeing her hitchhiking on the side of a road, asking for cigarettes, seeing who respects her requests and who does not. Others mention seeing her figure accompanied by a white dog. This is said to be a sign of warning, a sign that an eruption isn't far behind! Another myth about Madame is to never take a piece of her land for a souvenir. Bad luck is said to follow you from the moment that you leave with it! Although the myth is said to be a story make up years ago, hundred of rocks are sent back to the islands every year with a note pleading to please put the rocks or sand back on the island. "…the staff at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park doesn't want another story written about lava rocks. They say that each article generates even more returns of lava rocks to the park. Norrie Judd, one of the park's rangers, receives about five packages a day from visitors wanting to return something they took from the island. A majority of the items sent back are lava rocks, but sand, coral, figurines, and jewelry made out of lava are also common. "People sent them back for a reason. They have very sad stories," she says "Their house was broken into, they broke their leg, somebody died. Then they hear about this curse of taking things off the island and they send it back with their humble apology in hopes that the curse is broken." Click this link for a site that gives more detail on the legend. Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 13 |
Wild Coyote Captured in Manhattan Posted: 26 Mar 2010 10:30 AM PDT ![]() foxnews - A wily coyote who was seen roaming the streets of lower Manhattan was caught today at about 11 a.m. on West Street, authorities said. Cops shot the coyote with a tranquilizer dart near a Watt Street parking lot and transported it to the Manhattan Animal Care & Control on the Upper East Side. The officers were tipped to the coyote's location after a witness spotted him in the area and called 911. NYPD Det. Robert Mirfield said officers "waited for [the coyote] to calm down, and then we put an animal noose around his neck." The coyote had first been spotted Wednesday coming out of the Holland Tunnel at 3:52 p.m. He hardly had time to get reservations at Nobu before officers tried to hunt him down. It's unclear if this latest coyote was a bridge-and-tunnel type who came from New Jersey, or if he's the same coyote spotted in Central Park and Chelsea over the past few weeks, who entered the tunnel headed toward the Garden State but thought better of it and turned back. Cops caught the coyote a day after giving cops the run-around on Wednesday. After trotting around the traffic circle just outside the tunnel, he then headed south on Broadway. About 90 minutes later, he was spotted on Thomas Street and surrounded by officers from the First Precinct and the Emergency Service Unit in a private park outside the AT&T building. "I thought it was a little wolf," said Demetrius Jones, 18, a painter who saw the coyote craziness. "It looked scared." NOTE: it seems that coyotes have invaded every lower 48 state. There is plenty for these animals to eat in urban areas. The increasing number of cats, dogs and wild species that are in our city parks and suburbs here on the east coast is astounding...Lon Wild Coyote Captured in Manhattan |
Breast Implants New Terrorist Weapon....Dutch Prisoners Need Psychics Posted: 26 Mar 2010 08:49 AM PDT ![]() Explosives experts have reportedly said just five ounces of Pentaerythritol Tetrabitrate packed into a breast implant would be enough to blow a "considerable" hole in the side of a jumbo jet. It would be virtually impossible for airport security scanners to detect the explosive if hidden inside a breast, medics have said. Joseph Farah, a terrorism expert, told The Sun: "Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaeda are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery." Plastic surgeons may also have inserted the chemical into the buttocks of would-be suicide bombers. The discovery was reportedly made after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a London-educated Nigerian, attempted to blow up an airliner bound for Detroit on Christmas day with explosives packed into his underpants. Hours after his attack failed, British intelligence services reportedly picked up "chatter" from Pakistan and Yemen that alerted them to the bizarre new method. One plastic surgeon told The Sun: "Properly inserted the implant would be virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines. "You would need to subject a suspect to a sophisticated X-ray. Given that the explosive would be inserted in a sealed plastic sachet, and would be a small amount, would make it all the more impossible to spot it with the usual body scanner." ________________________ ![]() "I tell them that dead relatives are doing well and that they love them. That brings them peace. Big strong men burst into tears," he said. Mr van Bree, who also publishes annual predictions of the future, claims to be from a long line of clairvoyants, including his mother and grandmother. The Dutch paranormal, who describes himself as the "happy Buddha" told De Tijd magazine that he is not the only psychic healer employed by the Dutch justice ministry. He has claimed that by talking to both the prisoner and the prisoner's dead parents he can discover key psychological insights to help the prison authorities rehabilitate criminals. "With my antennae I sometimes reveal more than a psychologist or a prison welfare officer," he said. "My work can be compared to mental health care in widest sense of the words." A spokesman for the Dutch justice ministry said: "This is not something which fits in our treatment field." The Dutch employment service has also looked beyond the normal to use "regression therapy" and tarot cards to help the jobless. Uncooperative welfare claimants have been told they will lose benefits unless they accept the guidance of a regression therapist to help them get in touch with their past lives. In 2007, 42,500 Dutch people signed up to state funded spiritually-based "personal development programmes". Breast Implants New Terrorist Weapon....Dutch Prisoners Need Psychics |
'X-Woman' DNA Identifies New Ancient Hominid Posted: 26 Mar 2010 08:08 AM PDT ![]() bbc - Scientists have identified a previously unknown type of ancient human through analysis of DNA from a finger bone unearthed in a Siberian cave. The extinct "hominin" (human-like creature) lived in Central Asia between 48,000 and 30,000 years ago. An international team has sequenced genetic material from the fossil showing that it is distinct from that of Neanderthals and modern humans. Details of the find, dubbed "X-woman", have been published in Nature journal. Ornaments were found in the same ground layer as the finger bone, including a bracelet. Professor Chris Stringer, human origins researcher at London's Natural History Museum, called the discovery "a very exciting development". "This new DNA work provides an entirely new way of looking at the still poorly-understood evolution of humans in central and eastern Asia." The discovery raises the intriguing possibility that three forms of human - Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and the species represented by X-woman - could have met each other and interacted in southern Siberia. The tiny fragment of bone from a fifth finger was uncovered by archaeologists working at Denisova Cave in Siberia's Altai Mountains in 2008. An international team of researchers extracted mitochondrial DNA from the bone and compared the genetic sequence with those from modern humans and Neanderthals. Origin unknown Mitochondrial DNA comes from the cell's powerhouses and is passed down the maternal line only. The analysis carried out by Johannes Krause from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and colleagues revealed the human from Denisova last shared a common ancestor with modern humans and Neanderthals about one million years ago. This is known as the divergence date; essentially, when this human's ancestors split away from the line that eventually led to Neanderthals and ourselves. The Neanderthal and modern human evolutionary lines diverged much later, around 500,000 years ago. This shows that the individual from Denisova is the representative of a previously unknown human lineage that derives from a hitherto unrecognised migration out of Africa. "Whoever carried this mitochondrial genome out of Africa about a million years ago is some new creature that has not been on our radar screens so far," said co-author Professor Svante Paabo, also from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. ![]() The divergence date of one million years is too young for the Denisova hominin to have been a descendent of Homo erectus, which moved out of Africa into Asia some two million years ago. And it is too old to be a descendent of Homo heidelbergensis, another ancient human thought to have originated around 650,000 years ago. However, for now, the researchers have steered away from describing the specimen as a new species. Dr Krause said the ground layer in which the Denisova hominin fragment was found contain tools which are similar to those made by modern humans in Europe. Slice of time "We have ornaments, there is a bracelet, so there are several elements in the layers that are usually associated with modern human archaeology," he told BBC News. "That's quite interesting, but of course, it is hard to prove that the bone is strongly associated to this archaeology, because it is possible that bones could have moved within the site. "We are also not sure how exactly the excavation was done. It could have come from a deeper layer, so that's hard to say." Professor Clive Finlayson, director of the Gibraltar Museum, said the find presented a number of questions, such as to what extent culture could continue to be used as a proxy for different prehistoric human groups. Referring to his research on Neanderthals and modern humans in southern Iberia, he told BBC News: "The assumption is that when one group - the moderns - arrives the other group disappears. Here you have a very clear example of co-existence for long periods. "Where is the rule that says you can have only one species in an area? Especially if they're at low density... the implications are big." The research contributes to a more complex picture that has been emerging of humankind during the Late Pleistocene, the period when modern humans left Africa and started to colonise the rest of the world. Professor Finlayson has previously argued: "A time slice at a point in the late Pleistocene would reveal a range of human populations spread across parts of Africa, Eurasia and Oceania. "Some would have been genetically linked to each other, behaving as sub-species, while the more extreme populations may well have behaved as good species with minimal or no interbreeding." It was long known that modern humans overlapped with Neanderthals in Europe, apparently for more than 10,000 years. But in 2004, researchers discovered that a dwarf species of human, dubbed "The Hobbit", was living on the Indonesian island of Flores until 12,000 years ago - long after modern humans had colonised the region. Difficult classification Neanderthals appear to have been living at Okladnikov Cave in the Altai Mountains some 40,000 years ago. And a team led by Professor Anatoli Derevianko, from the Russian Academy of Sciences, has also found evidence of a modern human presence in the region at around the same time. Professor Stringer commented: "Another intriguing question is whether there might have been overlap and interaction between not only Neanderthals and early moderns in Asia, but also, now, between either of those lineages and this newly-recognised one. "The distinctiveness of the mitochondrial DNA patterns so far suggests that there was little or no interbreeding, but more extensive data will be needed from other parts of the genome, or from the fossils, for definitive conclusions to be reached." Experts have been wondering whether X-woman might have links with known fossil humans from Asia, which have controversial classifications. "Certain enigmatic Asian fossils dated between 250,000-650,000 years ago such as Narmada (in India), and Yunxian, Dali and Jinniushan (in China) have been considered as possible Asian derivatives of Homo heidelbergensis, so they are also potential candidates for this mystery non-erectus lineage," said Prof Stringer. "However, there are other and younger fragmentary fossils such as the Denisova ones themselves, and partial skulls from Salkhit in Mongolia and Maba in China, which have been difficult to classify, and perhaps they do signal a greater complexity than we have appreciated up to now." Other experts agreed that while the Siberian specimen may be a new species, this has yet to be shown. "We really don't know," Ian Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, told the Associated Press news agency. Dr Tattersall, who wasn't involved in the new research, added: "The human family tree has got a lot of branchings. It's entirely plausible there are a lot of branches out there we don't know about." Loren Coleman offers his take on this discovery at X-Woman Discovered: Is She Yeti? Almas? What? 'X-Woman' DNA Identifies New Ancient Hominid Send us an email ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! ![]() ![]() Join the ![]() |
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