Phantoms and Monsters |
- The Flatwoods Monster - Braxton County, WV - Sept. 1952
- Recent UFOs Over Lake Erie....Look Familiar?
- 100+ Starlings Drop From the Sky, Lie Dying
- Strange Beings I Have Encountered
The Flatwoods Monster - Braxton County, WV - Sept. 1952 Posted: 10 Mar 2010 11:25 AM PST ![]() ![]() From the town of Flatwoods, of Braxton County, West Virginia, comes the mysterious tale of a burning craft which fell from the sky, and a mysterious being. The account began in the afternoon of September 12, 1952 when Sheriff Robert Carr and his Deputy Burnell Long received a call from witnesses who had seen the fiery object as it crashed into the earth. The unknown object had crashed on the Elk River, south of Gassaway. The natural assumption was that an airplane had faltered, and fallen from the skies. Not long afterward, a second unusual sighting was made by some school buddies at the Flatwoods School. Shortly before nightfall, four boys playing football saw something fall on a hill not far from the school playground. The boys, at first frightened, succumbed to their youthful curiosity, and headed for the sight, which was on the property of one Bailey Fisher. They proceeded up the hill, stopping at the house of Kathleen May, excitedly telling her of what they had seen. Kathleen and her two sons joined the search party. Reaching the top of the hill, Mrs. May remarked that, …the night was foggy and there was a mist in the evening air." "… the air had a metallic smell which burned our eyes and noses." A dog was reported to have ran ahead of the group only to return with his tail between his legs, frightened by something. Topping the hill, they could see a "glowing, hissing" object about 10 feet in diameter, about 100 yards away. Now completely dark, the night was shattered by two lights, about a foot apart. One of the boys had a flashlight, and when he turned it on the two distant lights, a creature ten foot tall appeared.."… a bright red face, bright green clothing, a head which resembled the ace of spades, and clothing which, from the waist down, hung in great folds". Suddenly, the creature began to "float" toward them, sending the group running back down the hill to the May house, where they quickly called the Sheriff. The boys also called some of their schoolmates, and when the Sheriff arrived, the scene of the event was full of locals, who had to see the creature for themselves. Reporter A. Lee Stewart, of the "Braxton Democrat," began interviewing witnesses of the unusual event. He would later state that all of the observers were extremely frightened by what they had encountered. Stewart, accompanied by one of Kathleen May's sons, made their way back to where the creature had been spotted. Approaching the sight, Stewart was overwhelmed by an odd smell, but saw nothing unusual. Returning to the exact spot the next morning, Stewart could observe "skid marks" where some object had been. Sheriff Carr believed that the group had actually seen a meteor, or comet come to earth. Reaching the top of the hill, they had seen some local animal's eyes shining through the dark, which they mistook as a monster. This explanation, though plausible, did not explain all of the eyewitness reports. The night of the monster, and the next night brought new revelations of unusual things. A resident of Birch River testified that he had seen a "bright, orange" object circling overhead the Flatwoods area. A woman and her mother stated that they also had seen the tall creature, about eleven miles from the spot of the first sighting. Well known investigator John Keel would make observations from the Flatwood incident also. Keel found one more couple, who had observed the monster, and had also seen unusual objects over the area. The case was also investigated by naturalist Ivan Sanderson, who took soil samples, and eye witness reports. His findings were not made public. The 1952 events of Flatwoods remain a mystery. ![]() Flatwoods, West Virginia Click for video _______________________ July 2007 ![]() An independent filmmaker in Los Angeles says he would gladly handle a movie about the Flatwoods Monster — provided someone can put up sufficient financial backing for the project. It was back on Sept. 12, 1952, that the 12-foot metallic oddity, emitting a sulfuric odor, horrified a gaggle of children and adults on a summer evening, after a fiery streak was spotted in the sky along a steep hillside in Braxton County. A legend was born, unleashing torrents of speculation and inspiring a book by Frank Feschino, a star player in a Sept. 7-8 gathering in Charleston devoted to unidentified flying objects. Using their own funds, Thomas Dickens and his partner, David Burke, are completing a feature-length film titled "Alien Gray Zone-X," due to be released no later than next summer. "This could be a great motion picture that could be done that could basically compete with Hollywood films," Dickens says of a possible Flatwoods movie. Dickens spoke glowingly of "Alien Gray Zone-X," using such superlatives as "amazing" and "groundbreaking" to describe it. "And that's not just because of the special effects, but there's a lot of human drama to it," he said. "There's a love story and a lot of great fight sequences that use stunt people trained in fighting. There's a message to it. Most films, and I don't want to give away our ending, kill the aliens, but ours is different." Given the funds, Dickens would do the same for the Flatwoods Monster. "I would love to do this movie," he said. "My partner is interested. However, at this time, we don't have the budget to do it." If he ever gets such a project launched, Dickens wants to work with Feschino as a part of his team for technical advice. Feschino believes the monster was a space alien, part of a contingent engaged in a fiery sky battle with U.S. Air Force jets off the Atlantic Coast. The author also is convinced that UFOs continue to buzz the Braxton County area, since it is on a direct flight line to the White House and the regional terrain affords ample space in which to conceal craft. "Basically, we would do everything," Dickens said. "Write the script. Do pre-production. Design the creatures. Based on a true story, we would use the best research and witnesses to get the idea what this creature would look like. But we have to get a budget. We would be able to do the entire film." Dickens hopes to attend the September summit at the Capitol Theater in downtown Charleston, coming less than a week shy of the 55th anniversary of the Monster's appearance. This also is the 60th anniversary of the Roswell incident. Promoter Larry Bailey is promising attendees "hard evidence" to show UFOs are piloted by extra-terrestrials. If a Flatwoods Monster film were made, Dickens said, he would envision some scenes on site, provided landowners are willing to grant access, including a depiction of what Feschino feels were aerial warfare between alien craft and U.S. jets. In fact, that is the theme of Feschino's latest book, "Shoot Them Down." Richard Gere starred in "The Mothman Prophecies," a film dedicated to a moth-like creature said to roam an abandoned plateau near Point Pleasant in the area of an abandoned TNT site left over from World War II. Unlike Mothman, a precursor to the 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge that claimed 46 lives, no violence has been linked to the Flatwoods Monster. A 17-year veteran of the film industry, Dickens says he strives to compete with Hollywood productions in quality. "We don't want to make anything that looks low-budget," he said. "We use people who look very professional. We use people that look like they have universal appeal." Bailey says he has attracted so much interest to his UFO gathering that he might expand it by adding a Sunday matinee, since the Capitol Theater has a seating capacity of only 660. As things stand now, Friday's show runs from 6 to 10 p.m. with Saturday billed from 3 to 7 p.m. An art contest supervised by Heritage Towers will reward children for the best depictions of UFOs or aliens. Besides Feschino and Flatwoods eyewitness Freddie May, the two-day event will feature lectures by world-renowned UFO expert Stanton Freidman, who says the government has engaged in a cover-up since the 1947 incident in Roswell, where many believe the Air Force concealed the bodies of aliens after their craft crashed in the New Mexico desert. Since the first Register-Herald story was published about the gathering, Bailey said he has been besieged by media outlets across the nation, including live radio remotes in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, Calif., Brownwood, Texas, Bridgeport, Conn., and Lincoln, Neb. "We're getting contacts from everywhere," he said. Eventually, the summit could evolve into an annual event, rivaling that of Roswell, now a mecca for UFO believers, Bailey says. Skeptics are welcome, but they could find themselves hard put to counter Freidman, a nuclear physicist who has appeared on a number of cable television networks, the promoter says. "Stanton has won two debates," Bailey said. "They were with people that were scoffing or trying to tell everyone the UFOs were just meteors. He has some hard evidence that he uncovered under the Freedom of Information Act. That's some of our hard evidence." You can find more information at Flatwoods Monster Click for video In the video above, Stanton Friedman describes his experience with Meeting Frank Feschino, Jr. and learning about the Flatwoods Monster case. ____________________ July 25th, 2007 Author Says UFO-Air Force Dogfight Ended in Flatwoods Sci-fi buffs flocked to a fantasy film in 1984 bearing a title prediction that 2010 would be the year earthlings make contact with aliens. Actually, contact has come, and it was less than friendly, says one UFO researcher. Three decades earlier, in fact, back in 1952, just five years after the famed Roswell, New Mexico incident, the American military engaged a convoy of alien aircraft with orders to destroy them in a pitched air battle right off the Atlantic Coast, says Frank Feschino, author of "The Flatwoods Monster,'' a phenomenon that rocked a tiny West Virginia town that year. An illustrator and writer, Feschino has produced a follow-up book, this one titled "Shoot Them Down,'' an effort produced after years of painstaking research of the U.S. Air Force's once-classified files on unidentified flying saucers and digesting countless magazine articles on the matter. His years of exhaustive study have convinced Feschino that American jet fighters did indeed make contact -- at the point of their guns. "Shoot Them Down'' draws its name from orders Feschino says President Truman gave military commanders while an American public was growing increasingly jittery over coast-to-coast UFO sightings. Two years earlier, Truman had remarked at a news conference, "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.'' "There are tons of documents right there, intelligence reports, talking about pilots chasing these things, going after them,'' Feschino said, citing the once-hidden reports on the Air Force's so-called Project Blue Book. "That's when it hit the fan, and the government stepped up. That is when they had to simmer the whole country down. The whole country was in an uproar. Everybody was panicking. The job of the government is to keep things under control, and they couldn't let the country panic.'' UFOs were buzzing the entire country that year, "and a good chunk of them were over military installations, and power plants, like Oak Ridge,'' the author says. Feschino pulls his theory largely from the writings of Air Force Capt. Edward Ruppelt, a decorated World War II veteran, recalled to duty when hostilities erupted in Korea. Roswell might stand out as the mother of all UFO stories, but 1952 was the most prolific year by far for aircraft sightings -- by one account, some 30,000 alone in the United States, many of them reported in local newspapers around the country. Craft ranged from discs to round balls to elongated, cigar-shaped ships, the Port Orange, Fla., resident said. "Capt. Ruppelt was dropping clues throughout his book,'' Feschino said. "And that's the premise of my book. During that time of 1952 we had the highest amount of sightings.'' In a book he wrote, Ruppelt said "other assorted historians have pointed out that normally the UFOs are peaceful,'' but he alluded to a chase in which one of two pilots engaging unidentified aircraft perished. "They just weren't ready to be observed closely,'' he wrote. "If the Air Force hadn't slapped down the security lid, these writers might not have reached this conclusion (about peaceful aliens). There have been other and more lurid duels of death. That's what everybody missed.'' Feschino flatly says the Air Force took on alien aircraft just off the coast with orders to destroy them in a move to pacify a public growing ever restless over bizarre sightings. In the battle, apparently one craft hobbled back inland, resting on a knoll in a West Virginia community known as Flatwoods. And it was there on Sept. 12 a group of boys, accompanied by some adults, scampered up the hillside and saw a metallic, 12-foot object emitting a sulfuric odor. Locals dubbed it "the Flatwoods Monster.'' "I have no idea who they were,'' Feschino said. Based on his interviews with some 200 residents of Flatwoods, however, the author believes the aliens remain interested in rural West Virginia. "There are people in West Virginia who have been seeing UFOs for the past 50 years, and there are key locations where they are being seen -- Wheeling, Huntington, and quite a few south of Charleston, around Cabin Creek, even down in the Beckley area,'' he said. _____________________ The Legend of the Flatwoods Monster - A Narrative The legend was born after a reported sighting of an alien creature in the hills of Braxton County. Some dismissed it as a hoax, but those who were actually there at the time have a different perspective. The event has had a profound impact. As a result of it, Flatwoods would earn the nickname "Home of the Green Monster." The frightening tale would be told time and again by those who witnessed the event, and friends and neighbors would speak of it in whispers. The story would live on, passed down through the generations and becoming part of the oral folklore that is so unique to our mountain culture and heritage. I was five years old when I first learned about the Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster, the Phantom of Flatwoods, or simply the Green Monster. It was an experience that was burned forever into my mind. During the early 1950's, my family and I lived in Summersville, and I loved to go on fishing trips with my dad and other relatives. On one of these fishing expeditions late one summer, we spent most of the morning fishing up and down the Elk River, just above Sutton, in Braxton County. Tired and hungry, we retreated to a local restaurant for lunch. This restaurant was located at the "Y" intersection of routes 4 and 19, about half-a-mile south of downtown Sutton. We were seated in a booth near the window, and had just finished ordering our food. We were making small talk with the waitress when she looked at me and commented, "You'd better look out, or that monster will get you." Why would someone offer that kind of "helpful" advice to a five-year-old kid? Her words, nonetheless, had the desired effect, and I felt the blood drain from my face in terror. I looked to my father for reassurance, or a conspiratorial wink, or a smile indicating that the waitress was kidding. But there were none! An uncomfortable silence fell over the afternoon dining crowd, and the room took on the stale air of a funeral parlor. In quiet, hushed tones, conversations slowly resumed. My young ears picked up bits and pieces of dialogue laced with words such as "fireball," "spaceship," "red eyes," and "10-feet tall." My heart thumped painfully against my thin chest when I heard the phrase, "Eat you alive!" Apparently, the fear in my heart was communicated clearly on my face. A burly gentleman leaned around our booth and commented, "Don't worry about the monster getting you, kid. You'll smell it before it gets near enough to grab you." The diners around us erupted into gales of hearty laughter that reverberated around the room for a good two minutes. I looked questioningly at my father, still hoping for some form of reassurance, and he began to explain. Recently, some people in the nearby community of Flatwoods had an unusual experience, he said. A fireball, it seems, had fallen from the sky. A few residents witnessed this phenomenon and had gone to investigate. When they got there, they discovered a hideous monstrosity with fiery red eyes. Some of the search team reportedly were overwhelmed by a highly noxious odor and ran for their lives. My father finished by saying that he wouldn't let the monster get me. I felt a little better, but my once-strong interest in bass fishing was now completely overshadowed by a nagging fear of monsters. My thoughts strayed, and I felt a desperate urge to retreat across the mountain to the safety and comfort of home. That episode in the restaurant left an impression on me so intense, that still today I am repulsed and fascinated by the Green Monster. Sources: The Flatwoods Monster - Braxton County, WV - Sept. 1952 This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Hotlinking of P&M Network images and copyrighted material is strictly forbidden unless permission is obtained. |
Recent UFOs Over Lake Erie....Look Familiar? Posted: 10 Mar 2010 09:48 AM PST fox8 - For the sixth consecutive night, Eugene Erlikh said a bizarre series of lights flickered outside his apartment building window. "It gets bright, bright, bright," said Erlikh, 20. "Different colors and then it gets dim and as soon as it gets dim, it starts moving from there, this way." Erlikh said the unexplained light show has appeared in the skies over Lake Erie for six nights and his friend, Nick Hausen, was also a witness. "At first, I figured it was just a star but the way it would move, it would move so fast, I've never seen anything like it." FOX 8 took the video and pictures to Richard Lee. He is a member of a Cleveland-based UFO club who has tracked the possibility of an alien life form for decades. "The camera is shaking," said Lee. "There's not the controls that you would like to have to do a really in-depth analysis of the video." However, the self-proclaimed UFO expert said anything is possible because Ohio has a long history of sightings. "It's probably in the top 5 or 10 states as far as the number of sightings and the people involved." Lee said it's all in the eye of the beholder. But the head of the National UFO Reporting Center said more people need to see it and more research is necessary before it makes anyone else a true believer. "I couldn't say what it is, I'm not an astronomer," said Erlikh. "I have absolutely no expertise in this field, but I can guarantee you that it is not human!" FOX 8 checked with NASA's Glenn Research Center. A spokesperson said they have a few aircraft that perform routine testing, but those planes were not flying the past few nights. Cleveland / Northern Ohio = UFO Hotspot _______________________ THE MICHAEL LEE HILL VIDEOS Michael Lee Hill has posted new UFO video, shot over Lake Erie and similar to his initial video which has been seen on Fox News, CBS and several major paranormal websites. Hill's previous video has also appeared in UFO's Unplugged with Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda's film "From Here to Andromeda". Flashing orbs over Lake Erie 9-18-2007 The first video is probably the best of the four. Click for video Click for video Click for video Click for video Recent UFOs Over Lake Erie....Look Familiar? ![]() This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Hotlinking of P&M Network images and copyrighted material is strictly forbidden unless permission is obtained. |
100+ Starlings Drop From the Sky, Lie Dying Posted: 10 Mar 2010 09:46 AM PST ![]() dailymail - It was like a grisly scene from a horror film. On Sunday night, over a quiet Somerset house, scores of swooping starlings tumbled out of the sky and fell, dead, into a single front garden. Covering an area 12ft across, more than 100 birds carpeted the garden, each with blood oozing from its beak and curled up claws. Most had died, although some flapped lamely, clearly in pain until the RSPCA put them out of their misery. Householder Julie Knight, 53, returned to her home in the quiet village of Coxley at 4.15pm to find the macabre scene, which has mystified experts. An RSPCA expert said the cause of the deaths was 'a mystery', adding that the only plausible explanation was that the flock were being chased by a bird of prey and hit the ground as they changed direction Julie, a nurse, said: 'It was like something out of an horror film - like Hitchcock's The Birds - it was absolutely terrifying. 'The sky was raining starlings. One of my neighbours saw them. They seemed to just fall out of the sky. About 70 were dead straight away. 'The only way to describe what they looked like is that they seemed to have had a fright and were petrified. 'We called out the RSPCA and their animal welfare officer took a few away in cages and euthanised the rest. 'There must have been over 100 birds in total. I've been a country girl all my life and I've never seen anything like it.' Some of the bodies fell into the boughs of a tree, where a number of distressed surviving birds perched. Just six survived. The uncanny scene in Mrs Knight's garden mirrored that of an episode of cult Channel 5 hit Flash forward, in which a flock of crows falls out of the sky in Somalia. Similar incidents of flocks of birds plummeting to earth have been reported all over the world, with pesticides and collisions sometimes being blamed. Mrs Knight added: 'I'm worried about what could have killed them because I have a young grandson and two cats that are often in my garden. 'My only thoughts are that the birds, who are greedy in nature, had been eating crops sprayed with weedkiller and were poisoned - but it's all very weird.' Lloyd Scott, from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, said: 'This is one of the oddest things I've ever heard about. 'We've certainly never come across anything similar.' He said it was unlikely that the birds had flown into each other in confusion. 'Starlings have natural habits and behaviour, when flying around in a murmuration they relate each movement to the seven birds closest to them. 'They are hardwired into doing this and on instinct they stay away from each other.' He speculated that the birds may have flown into a glass conservatory while taking part in their sky dance, but Mrs Knight insisted they had simply fallen out of the sky. Post mortems on the starlings carried out today proved inconclusive. They were all found to have physical injuries - with most suffering either broken wings or a shattered beak - but no underlying health problems or toxins which could explain their sudden deaths. RSPCA spokesman Helen Cohen said the cause of the incident was 'still a mystery'. She said: 'We were informed that a lady had reported many dead or dying starlings on her property. This is obviously an extremely unusual occurrence. 'Tests were carried out on some of the birds and they were found to have physical injuries but we could find no evidence of any health issues which could explain what had happened. 'We know they did not strike power cables because they would have fallen directly beneath and there are none nearby. 'The only possible explanation we can think of is that something has caused the flock to suddenly change their direction of flight and caused them to hit the ground. 'It could have been that a bird of prey could have scared them into doing this, but it is still a mystery really.' 100+ Starlings Drop From the Sky, Lie Dying This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Hotlinking of P&M Network images and copyrighted material is strictly forbidden unless permission is obtained. |
Strange Beings I Have Encountered Posted: 10 Mar 2010 08:02 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - My life has been filled with strange events, encounters and people since I was a small child. Besides encounters that I would consider alien in nature I have had experiences with those I have not been able to qualify as human, alien or something else. Three of these happenings stand out in my mind as experiences with the strange and unidentified. The first event occurred when I was in my early teens. I lived on Long Island New York at the time. It was the mid 60s and most of the Island was still rural small towns minus the crowded areas and malls that it has become today. At that time there were a few big Department stores that we would travel to shop. My mother liked Gertz which was a favorite at the time of many of the mothers. The Gertz we shopped in was located in Bay Shore along the south coast of Long Island. My mother would visit Gertz about once a month or so to shop for the family. I would usually go along in hopes of talking my mother into buying me something new, as teenage girls do. During our trips to Gertz my mother would often point out an albino family by whispering for me not to stare but look when able at the unusual family also shopping in Gertz. It seemed we would notice this family shopping almost every time we were in the store. My mother would comment on how well dressed the entire family was at all times. I found a family of albino's extremely odd and could not help watching them as we shopped for bargains at Gertz. The five members of the albino family all were 6ft or over in height including the mother and daughter. The male members stood between 6ft –3 inches to 6ft- 5 inches. They were extremely tall people. When they walked through the department store they stood a head above most of the other shoppers. Each of them had thick full pure white hair. They were beautiful people with high cheekbones and straight model like features. Their skin was white – pure white. They all had the same color eyes, which were clear, big, and very light blue. They kept to themselves. They would stay together when they shopped and seemed to be quiet and polite. Even as a teen I thought about the possibility of two beautiful albino people who looked so much alike in height, looks and facial features meeting and marrying. Although it may be possible I knew the odds had to be nearly impossible. I continued to run into this family when shopping or walking along the main street of the town of Bay Shore for most of my teen years. Time passed and life moved on. I never forgot this unusual family. Years later while attending college in the late 1970's I came upon an article that talked about the eye problems that went hand and hand with those who were albino. I also read that the eye color of the typical albino runs towards the pink or reddish tint. I know that there are degrees of the condition which would have a lesser or greater effect on things like eye and skin color (or lack of it) in those with this condition. I could not find anything concerning albino's who had clear big blue eyes. I tried to find out if there were blue-eyed albinos or if this oddity could run in an entire family but came up empty handed in my search. I am not qualified to answer the question to the chance of this happening but feel at best it would be a very rare occurrence. I thought about this family and had to admit that finding two tall beautiful blue-eyed albinos who married and had three tall beautiful blue-eyed children was either an incredible happening or they were not a family of albinos! Later in life I came upon a site on the Internet that talked about the Tall Whites. While investigating the site I came to an artist's drawing of the alien species called the Tall Whites. I was stunned as I looked at the same tall people with the same beautiful faces – white hair, blue eyes and high cheek bones as the albino family that use to shop for their clothes and house wares in Gertz department store in Bay Shore , Long Island , New York in the 1960's. I will never know if that strange gentle family of tall beautiful people was simply a very rare family of human albinos or if they were a group of entirely different beings? I often wondered about that family or group of people. I have tried to search a few times to see if I could find some type of information about a family fitting that description but always came up empty handed. Maybe they still live in that area; maybe they split up and moved away to another city, state- or planet! The next event in my life that brought me to experiencing extreme strangeness occurred when I was 16 years old. It was a summer night in 1967. I was out with my friends but needed to return to my home at dark to return the car I was driving. My family was out and my house empty. When my friends and I drove up to my house we were met with a strange light show going on by someone in the house turning lights on and off in a frantic display of speed that would be impossible for the average human. It was almost as if the lights inside and out were set on a rapid line something like you see at Christmas time when music is set to outside lights for a holiday display. That was not yet available in 1967. Along with the strange light show we could hear a growling loud howling coming from the house in anger at the fact we would not enter the house. The police were called and the house searched to find an overpowering putrid smell filling the house, claw marks on the walls, my clothing ripped to shreds in my room and a small chair placed behind my bedroom door with a rope and large knife lying next to it on the floor. The house smelled for days after. The police searched the area and could not find anyone of anything. They did think this thing escaped via a large water pipe tunnel system that ran in front of our street into a state park and then out to the Great South Bay. This thing returned two weeks later to my neighbor's house right next door. This family also had teenage girls. The people were in the home at the time. This thing tried to enter the house by ripping a large wooden window frame and all out of the side of the house to reach for one of the girls sitting near the window watching TV. The mother was at home and ran with a shot gun after hearing the window being ripped from the house and fired at the thing reaching in to the house for her daughter. The woman described the thing as a reptile looking fish colored being with a long arm with long claw like fingers. She shot the creature and it took of howling in to the night. Again the police searched but could not find it. I could not wait to move from that house. The smell and sound of that creature has stayed with me my entire life. I do not know if it was some kind of human or some other type of creature, I just know I never want to come across it again. I realize people do not believe me when I tell this story. I cannot do a thing about that. I do know this happened and it was one of the events in my life that make me still shake in horror to this day and one that will stay and haunt me until the end of my life. The last experience with a strange being is not frightening however so different I never forgot about the man. I was in my late 20s at the time. It was in the 70's. I was working in New York City at the time. I was working in research and worked with people from three large universities on a joint project. Pete was one of the people I worked with on a daily basis. The moment I laid my eyes on Pete I knew he was different – very different. Pete was a small man. He was slight even frail looking except for large extremely well defined arms. He looked like a typical nerd right down to his pocket protector who spent hours lifting weights. He had thin little legs and wild light colored hair that he wore in an Albert Einstein type disaster. My bet was that the nest on top of his head had never seen a comb. Pete had the most unusual eyes I have ever seen. They were bright almost as if they were omitting some type of light. They would dazzle anyone talking to him so that you had to look away as keeping eye contact was simply impossible. His eyes would look different all the time ranging from a deep blue all the way to green or grays. They had many different pigments that made one color seem to mix to the next if you did try to look straight at him Pete told me he was once a lawyer, and an architect and a scientist but now was back in school and would shortly be a medical doctor. Pete had a soft speaking voice and was not only smart he was without question a gifted genius. Pete told me how he finished his first blast through the university system at age 16 and kept going since trying out different things along the way. It seemed Pete could not find one area of interest that would hold his attention for any amount of time. Pete held a law degree, a PhD. in physics and was a licensed architect. Pete was now going to get his medical degree. Pete had a photogenic memory and could repeat anything he had read or learned in complete detail. Pete was not like the rest of us. I talked to Pete for hours. He was fascinating. The key was to talk to him one on one in a way he felt comfortable. Pete told me how he had suffered a lifetime of ridicule because of his differences and found it very hard to form friendships. I remarked about his unusual eyes but Pete simply looked away a bit uncomfortable while he explained them as a family trait and nothing more. During our work time together Pete and I became friends. I will remember Peter for the rest of my life. During our time working together and as friends Pete told me a few startling things. Pete told me that he could travel outside his body at will. He just blurted this out while we sat on a bench in Central Park drinking coffee and eating muffins during our work break one day. "I can leave my physical body and travel with my mind to where ever I want to go you know" I just looked at him and mumbled something like "What are you talking about?" Pete then told me that he was able to leave his body and travel with his mind to see what or whom he wanted whenever he wanted. Pete told me he was born with this ability. Not wanting to insult my friend and not sure what was going on I could only think to say. "Where do you go and what have you seen lately?" Pete then said something that stunned me as if he had hit me with a laser gun. "I went to your house to see what was going on" You were helping your son build a volcano for his science project and your dog was throwing up. Oh by the way the dog is eating an old seat cushion hidden behind that old shed in the back. That is what is making him sick." I do not think I moved even blinked. He was absolutely right! I just sat there. Pete looked at me and said. "You have always known I was not like you or the others. Why are you acting so shocked at this?" Pete and I talked for a few hours that day. Pete told me he was just not like other humans. For one thing his IQ was far greater than anyone could imagine and his ability to use his brain and natural abilities were more advanced or different then the everyday human. Pete knew he was different all his life. His parents raised him to understand this and also provided him with what Pete needed to reach his full abilities. Pete was one of a kind. I just did not know one of what kind. When I asked Pete straight out if he was a human Pete just turned his head side to side as if he was looking at me for the very first time but he did not answer me. Pete also told me he was a situs inversus totalis, which means he was born with a total reversal of his body's organs. Everything that we have on our left is on his right. His heart is even located differently. Pete placed his hand over his beating heart and indeed it was not where it should have been. Pete told me his life had been difficult as he tried to fit in with a population of people who were not like him. I did not know what to do or say to Pete. I told him I considered him a friend but did ask him not to visit me with his mind without my permission. Pete agreed, but oddly enough I did not believe him and think he peeks in whenever he wants to! I long ago lost contact with Pete. I did hear he was doing great things in medicine and living somewhere in New England. I always knew Pete was very different. I never understood how or why he was the way he was. I often wonder if Pete is a super human or something else. I guess I will never know. I did try to ask Pete but he would not tell me. Through all my experiences with the unknown including odd people or beings I have stumbled across in my life I find I am left with more questions than answers. It is clear to me that we know very little about this earth and our universe. I do not have the answers to why the people I wrote about in this article are the way they are. I have no answers to most things considered strange or unknown. I do know many events, experiences and sightings that take place daily continue to be unexplained and left to that known as the paranormal. One day we will open our eyes and minds to understanding all of these things. Until then I am afraid we will remain lost in the Dark Ages of our own blindness when it comes to that which we find too odd to investigate or consider among that which is strange or unknown. I do hope I live long enough to one day understand what we now refuse to know. Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World. Inquiries and comments can be directed to the author through her site. Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved ![]() This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Hotlinking of P&M Network images and copyrighted material is strictly forbidden unless permission is obtained. Join the ![]() Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? 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