Phantoms and Monsters |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 11
- Museum's Beetle 'Shot Down' By Victorian Collector
- Tombstones Discovered in Basement of Haunted Virginia House
- 'Tall Hairy Man' Reported - Androscoggin County, Maine
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 11 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 12:35 PM PST UNFORTUNATE ENCOUNTER Location/Date: Mafra, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Summer 1986 - 10:00 pm After hearing unusual noises coming from outside in the front yard, a family of three including a 5-year old girl. Her mother opened the wooden door and her father armed with a piece of wood peeked outside to see a bizarre creature standing no more than 4 meters from the front door. After seeing the look of terror on her parents the little girl ran to the door and also saw the creature, which years later she described as about 3 meters in height, man-shaped, with a pair of huge wings covering its back, shiny black in color. It had large pointed ears, and brilliant red triangular shaped eyes. It carried in one hand an object resembling a "trident". She did not remember seeing a mouth or nose. The little girl screamed and the terrifying humanoid stared at her. Her mother then pulled her back from the door, not before she saw her stepfather fling the piece of wood at the creature....but, before it reached the figure, the piece of wood vanished in plain sight. The creature remained immobile. It then suddenly pulled what appeared to be some kind of cape over its body emitting something that the witness could now only describe as a "magnetic field" and vanished in front of the terrified family. They never spoke about the matter and her mother always prohibited any discussion about the encounter. Strangely, soon after the encounter, her mother developed a rare type of cancer, which killed her in a very short time. The witness believes there was a connection with the encounter and her mother's untimely death. Source: Portal UFO Genesis, Brazil NOTE: a man from Louisiana had a similar encounter during the same time period: Location/Date: Metairie, Louisiana - Summer 1986 - late night The witness was asleep when suddenly he woke shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. After a few minutes, he became calm....he opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing over him, wearing a dark robe and hood. It was standing in front of the window and the light from the streetlight outside seemed to pass right through the being. It had round very large eyes, at least three times larger than normal and they glowed in a black radiance. Its eyes were totally black, but shone bright. The eyes and face had no expression and stared coldly at the witness. The entity never spoke or touched the witness. The witness was partially paralyzed and was struggled the get free. He was finally able to break free, leap to his feet and throw a punch at the figure....but it had vanished completely. To this day, the witness experiences violent shaking tremors while sleeping. Source: MUFON News _______________________ DEADLY ABDUCTION Location/Date: Nildottie, South Australia - June 1979 - early evening The two witnesses, Jack and Don, had been experiencing problems with their outside TV antenna being twisted around. The cause puzzled them. One evening, after cooking a meal, the Venetian blinds went up and down. Both went outside to look and were approached by 'European' looking people. They appeared to be wearing dark colored woolen jumpers and were both male and females. A bright light shone on them and both men felt calm. They were then taken over to a mound of gravel adjacent to which a oval shaped craft was located. The men were escorted inside though they never remember entering a passageway. It was cold, so the beings agreed to escort them back to the house to get coats. They were not allowed to take food. They then returned to the craft and it took off. As it rose they saw the TV antenna on the house below twist around. They could see across the Murray River as they rose up. Don, the younger of the two, was given strange, repetitive tests. Many hours later they were returned. Later, a neighbor visited and found them confused. The local police were immediately called in. The two men were taken to a local hospital and seemed to be suffering from yellow jaundice and eye problems. Both men, who were in their 30's, eventually lost their sight and passed away within two years of the encounter. There was an autopsy performed on both men but an official cause of death was never released. Source: "The Oz Files" through witness statements ___________________________ THE DEVIL MONKEY NOTE: the following was forwarded to me a few years ago by a friend who has been collecting reports of what he describes as a 'Devil Monkey'. Of course, "chupacabras" came to mind, but these descriptions were somewhat different. In at least one instance, this creature killed and fed on dogs and cats but did not bother livestock...Lon On January 12, 2006, the witness walked into his home to find a devil-like creature confronting his 6 year old labrador dog. This creature seemed to be an unusual combination of a monkey, dog, and the devil. Suddenly, it sprang to its hind legs and ran, nearly pushing us over to get to the open door I had just come through. This creature had long fangs, monkey-like tail and extremely bright glowing eyes. In another report, An Ohio woman driving through Roanoke, Virginia at about 2:30 a.m. reported a similar encounter in the late 1990's while driving on a dark road at night and forced to take a detour due to road construction. She had driven past a road sign that read, "Red Wolf Crossing" close to Elizabeth City when a creature, which was not a wolf, leaped in front of her car. The creature was all black with very short sleek fur, pointy ears and had a long thin tail. She described it as catlike, and yet not like any cat she had ever seen. The snout was flatter than a dog's and more like a cat's. The creature was very tall, because she saw it when it was standing on its hind legs and was easily 6 feet tall. She indicated its torso looked very much like that of a very thin man and its head resembled a large monkey but with a pointy beard. However, the creature's hind legs were like a wild cat or dog. It was very muscular and thin. Later, the woman checked with the US Game and Wildlife Department who told her there were no black wolves in the area, but suggested she had seen a feral dog (feral meaning "wild") or a wolf-dog hybrid. But the woman was emphatic it was not a wolf or dog. The woman explained the creature may have been on all fours just before leaping. The creature leaped with such force and height that it only took one bound to make it across both lanes of the highway. This indicates the creature leaped more than 18 feet or 6 meters to get across the road. Dogs and wolves do not leap this far in one jump. Even larger animals such as deer usually take several bounds to leap across a road. These descriptions are somewhat similar to the infamous 'Dover Demon' which began at on April 21, 1977, in Dover, Massachusetts. Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 11 |
Museum's Beetle 'Shot Down' By Victorian Collector Posted: 12 Mar 2010 10:45 AM PST ![]() Staff at the museum became puzzled by small circular holes in the giant bug's tough carapace. But it was only when cameras started rolling for a BBC documentary on the museum that the mystery was solved. Forensic scientist Heather Bonney confirmed the beetle had been shot. Her investigation identified entry and exit wounds, and X-rays revealed a shotgun pellet still inside the the body. The positioning of the wounds showed the beetle was in flight when it was bagged, but the pellets hit the creature's back and not its underside. Experts think it must have been performing one of the high aerobatic displays that make Goliath beetles notoriously difficult to catch. Beetle curator Max Barclay said: ''Our collections are full of mysteries and every year scientists are discovering more about them and using them as evidence to help understand the world around us. ''The number of new discoveries just waiting to be made in these collections is astronomical, and every one of the museum's 70 million specimens has a story to tell.'' Goliath beetles belong to the scarab family and are one of the largest insects on Earth, growing up to 4.5 inches long and weighing as much as 3.5 ounces. The Natural History Museum specimen is 3.9 inches long and described as being about the size of ''a large sparrow or small blackbird''. Museum's Beetle 'Shot Down' By Victorian Collector |
Tombstones Discovered in Basement of Haunted Virginia House Posted: 12 Mar 2010 10:03 AM PST ![]() For the last week, Edward Grogg has been doing handy work at the a one-story home on Triangle Street, helping landlord Elliot Diamond get the 60-year-old house ready to be rented again, after two "unfavorable" tenants abruptly left with little notice two weeks ago. While in the basement, Grogg said he saw slabs of concrete lying on the floor. "When I picked them up I could feel the grooves, so I took them and turned them around, leaned them against the wall and then I realized they were real tombstones," said Grogg. "I don't believe in ghosts, but I was kinda spooked." According to Grogg, the tombstone discovery is the latest in a series of eerie events in this house, including a light bulb that inexplicably turned on while power was shut off to the house. The headstones of Mary J. Fitton, alive between 1880 and 1935, and David M. Ingram, alive between 1957 and 1980, are now in a police evidence room in Woodbridge. Grogg called authorities on Diamond's advice and reported what he'd found. Prince William library historian Don Wilson said a check of local records showed Fitton lived with her husband, Hanson Fitton, on Saint Asaph Street Alexandria before her death on Oct. 6, 1935. Social Security death records showed Ingram lived in Washington in 1971. Wilson said both people could be buried in Alexandria, and that their headstones could have been stolen or replaced. "Usually, when we find a tombstone in Prince William County, it has been removed from a grave site and replaced with a new one, after the stone begins to show wear," he said. Investigators do not know how the stones got into the house, but they're trying to find out. Diamond bought the house as an investment property in 2003, and said his last tenants were a man and a woman who argued frequently. He said the man left without notice, and the woman weeks later surrendered the key to the house, leaving no contact information behind. "The headstones weren't there when I was in the basement about a year ago," said Diamond. "The police are going to have to track down where these guys went and ask them about it if they are going to find out who they belong to." While Diamond said he doesn't know about any paranormal activity in his house, Grogg said the tenants previous to the man and woman who abruptly left moved out because they heard strange voices, doors slamming and footsteps on the wooden floors where no one was walking. Grogg lives next door with his fiancée, Sabrina Ham, on the first floor of a house also owned by Diamond and below is a woman who helps Diamond manage his properties. For a few dollars off the rent, Grogg agreed to help Diamond clean the vacated house. Three days ago, Grogg was doing electrical work there and had shut off power to the house. While back at his home, he saw a light on in the vacant house, and so did the property manager, who asked him about it. "She said 'Look inside the house, the light's on,'" said Grogg. He pointed Wednesday to a single round light bulb that hangs in a light fixture above the kitchen, saying it had inexplicably turned itself on. With much of the cleaning nearly finished, Grogg said he will not volunteer to paint the house or do any other side jobs there. He said he'll leave them to someone else. Tombstones Discovered in Basement of Haunted Virginia House |
'Tall Hairy Man' Reported - Androscoggin County, Maine Posted: 12 Mar 2010 07:33 AM PST ![]() sunjournal - He's calling the area the Turner Triangle and this beast the "Leeds Loki." Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman visited Line Road last week to do his own investigation into a couple's claim that something like Bigfoot walked in front of their car. On Monday, Coleman said that the man had reported seeing something hairy, 7 feet tall and walking upright cross the road on the morning of Feb. 8 near the Greene-Leeds town line. The woman with him put its height at closer to 6½ feet. Coleman is protecting the couple's identity, so far only communicating with them through a friend. "They're just afraid it would ruin their lives because of all the ridicule," Coleman said. "They're really very skittish." Coleman, who has a museum in Portland dedicated to mostly unconfirmed creatures (Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, the Jersey Devil), was involved several years ago in naming the Turner Beast, a black animal that created enough mystery that it made national headlines before being unmasked as a dog. The area has had other historical Bigfoot sightings, he said, as well as sightings of animals described as black panthers and cougars. Mystery cats, Coleman said, seem to live in one place year-round; he questioned whether Bigfoot migrates through the area in spring and fall. "I think what's happening, we may have a Turner Triangle where there's a lot of marshy lands," Coleman said. "My conceptualization is that the whole area is more wild than the people in Lewiston or Portland understand." Eric Nickerson lives on Line Road, a quarter-mile from the point of the sighting. He said he's never seen anything strange in the woods there. In the early 1980s, however, 8 miles away on Turner Center Bridge Road, he claims his brother saw a Bigfoot and, that riding home one day on his bike, he himself was chased by one. "It was right behind me for a ways," Nickerson said. "Thank God, the house was there — I don't know if it might have caught me or not." A family member has called History Channel's "MonsterQuest" to offer up several stories, he said. Coleman has been featured before on the monster show. Bill Dubois, manager at the family business Red Roof in Leeds, said people had been in the store gossiping about the sighting, though most of the information was second- or third-hand. "The people that saw it seemed pretty spooked," he said. His take on whether something could be in the woods out that way: "In this world, you never know. I have one customer that was just a Bigfoot freak; he believes in it. Telling him, he got all excited." _______________________ Possible Bigfoot Sighting In Leeds wgme - Gossip is flying in the town of Leeds, but it's not typical talk for small town Maine. A local couple says Bigfoot is real and he's living nearby. Monday morning a pair spotted a 7 foot tall, hairy man crossing the road near the Greene/Leeds town line. And they're not alone. Over the last 25 years, There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings, leaving locals to believe there may be some truth to it. And it's getting enough traction that a cryptozoologist visited [the] area to do his own investigation. In 2006 – there was a mysterious beast thought to live in Turner. It was later confirmed to just be a dog. Loren Coleman posted a detailed article on the area where this sighting occurred The Leeds Loki: 2010's Maine Bigfoot Thanks to Blackmyst! NOTE: I've been watching this incident for a few days hoping more evidence would be disclosed. Other than what Loren Coleman and the local press has reported, this sighting has not garnered wide scale attention....then, of course, that's liable to change. This area has had a bunch of strange encounters over the years....use the link above to Loren's detailed piece...Lon 'Tall Hairy Man' Reported - Androscoggin County, Maine Join the ![]() Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! ![]() Vote For Phantoms and Monsters at Paranormal Top Sites List Top Sites Become a fan of 'Phantoms and Monsters' at Facebook ![]() |
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