Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Newly Disclosed UFO Sightings, Lost Time Encounters and Huge Fireball
- Normandy Nessie: Mysterious Creature Back For An Encore?
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/3/2010
- British Horror Film Location Spooks Cast and Crew
Newly Disclosed UFO Sightings, Lost Time Encounters and Huge Fireball Posted: 03 Sep 2010 01:16 PM PDT My friend Irene, who lives in the Gwendraeth Valley, South West Wales, UK, forwarded images of a UFO she recently spotted over her home. According to Irene, she was outside with her dogs and noticed a bright star just peeking over the hill opposite her house. As she watched the star, another light came from behind the hill, became stationary for a few minutes, then began to move steadily towards her. She estimated that the object was at a very high well, it did not make any sound nor flash any lights. She quickly retrieved her camera and took a few shots at high zoom before it when out of sight. BTW...Irene's website is at Spirit Rescue International, a non profit group combining the collaboration of six teams each respectively from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, United States and Australia to provide professional spiritual help, support and guidance worldwide. ********** The following comes from the MUFON CMS: Keewaknaw Peninsula, Michigan - August 18, 2010: I was on a business trip in Michigan's upper peninsula, in an area known as the Keewaknaw Peninsula. This is the northern most portion of the upper peninsula, and is sparsely populated. My 16 y/o son was with me. We were driving back from Agate Beach on a remote back road, approx. 20 miles from the only main highway in that region, Hwy 41. It was 8:07 pm, EST. The orange light first appeared at this time. It was off to our right side, over the lake. We were ascending in elevation from the lake and had a beautiful view of an expanse of lake superior. The light was out over the lake. It seemed to large to be aircraft lights, and was moving in a slow, irregular pattern. The light seemed to be a long distance away, and getting a perspective of its size in relation to distance away was difficult, for its size and intensity of light was changing so rapidly. my son and I became somewhat nervous, because we were literally in the middle of nowhere. The nearest house with occupants was maybe 6 miles away. by the time we arrived at Hwy 41, the orange light moved inland and was to our south, still visible the entire time, now seeming to stay in one spot. About 12 miles south on Hwy 41, there was a large valley with steep hills on both sides, which is about 4 miles across. When we got to the top of the other side of that valley, the orange light had disappeared. Jupiter was now visible, low in the Eastern sky. About 10 minutes later, the orange light appeared to our east. It was very large now, and the color was very intense. Both the light and Jupiter were visible. The light began to move close to the horizon, and seemed to be following the terrain. Both my son and I were becoming really "weirded out". The light stayed in the eastern sky another 40 minutes, then suddenly disappeared. It seemed it had just "gone out", it had not moved. 5 minutes or so later we arrived in the small town of Bruce Crossing, which consisted of a bar and a small truck stop. We stopped here to use the bathroom, and asking the person at the counter if anyone had seen anything, a trucker mentioned that, as traveling west on Hwy 28, he had seen "a large orange ball to the east". As we got to our van, I looked East and saw nothing. we then turned onto Hwy 28, Westbound. about 5 minutes later my son yelled out "look behind us, there it is!" As I looked the East over my shoulder, I noticed an intense, small red light, just above the trees, just to our south, and the orange light was in the East, higher in the sky than previously. I pulled to the side of the road to text my wife (we now had signal for the first time since Houghton) and tell her what was happening. It was 11pm EST. When the van came to a stop, the red light was gone. when i finished my text and began driving, the red light "came on". My window was down, so it wasn't a reflection. A minute or so later my son yelled "what the hell is that!?", and was watching a small, intense white light moving crazily through the trees, to our right. This white light zipped over, and around our van, while the red light to our left stayed motionless. The red light seemed very close, and the white light seemed to be the size of a softball. As the white light moved into the trees, it lit up a small area dimly wherever it went. I began to think I should turn around and get back to Bruce Crossing, as the next town was 12 miles away on Hwy 28. I texted my wife " I am afraid" at 11:10 EST, which she received at 11:13, CST, she texted back at 11:15(time on my phone), asking if we were ok, and she received my response of "I'm really scared" at 11:18. But upon looking at what time I sent that text, my phone showed 11:40. we arrived in the next town, Bergland, where we were staying at a friends motel for the night, at 11:51. The lights were gone, and seem to have been gone for maybe 10 minutes, or so. I cannot explain the extra time it took to travel between the 2 towns, nor can either my son or I remember exactly how the lights disappeared. The next morning as we left, heading back to Minneapolis, I began to get the feeling I had been "read" by the red light. I cannot explain it any other way. My sons memory of the incident and mine match up until the last part with the red and white lights. looking back and remembering, my son nor I felt terror, as much as just scared, and in awe of the whole situation. ********** The following report was also filed with the MUFON CMS: Pennsylvania (no specific location provided), September 2, 2010: I took my dog out at about 4:30 am, and saw a strange light in the sky, I thought it might just be a star, though it looked something like a cigar or cylinder shape? Anyway, I was tried, so I went back to bed, just laid down, that's when I saw a flash of green light, and a voice that spoke in some strange language that I never heard before? I couldn't move, I felt my dog up against me, but she never moved or barked? I tried very hard to move my arms and feet, but it was like having sleep paralysis, but I knew I was wide awake!? I definitely felt, and caught glimpses of the presence of small shadowy figures in the bedroom? I knew I was trying to push them away from my face? I didn't feel as though I was in my bedroom anymore? The next thing I knew it was 6:04 when I woke up? I knew what happened wasn't a dream, because a little over an hour and 1/2 had passed since I saw the light in the sky, and I had just laid back down in my bed, and then it was 6:04? This is the 7th time in my life that something like this has happened to me that I know of, there may be other times that I don't remember? It felt so very real, and the strange thing was, I didn't feel afraid? I don't know what the green light said to me in the strange language, though I think now I may have heard it before, hut I wasn't afraid of it somehow? It all felt so familiar, yet I can't remember what exactly just happened to me? i feel as though I have went through this many many times before? Dirk Hartman. ********** Huge Fireball Most Recent UFO Sighting Over Shropshire Joshua, from Stirchley, said: "I was in my back garden and was looking in the sky. "I don't know if what I saw was a UFO or a meteorite falling to the ground by Stirchley Fields and the Town Park. "I only saw it for a split second but it was a huge, orange fireball and it was travelling at high speed diagonally towards the ground. "The light appeared as bright as the moon's." Joshua said he was wondering if any other readers saw what he did at about 9.15pm on Wednesday. He said: "I wonder if anyone can tell me what it was I saw?" Shropshire was known as a UFO hotspot as far back as 2008 when there had been more than 20 sightings in the county over the previous 40-odd years. Joshua's sighting is just the latest in a string in Shropshire which have left residents baffled. Among the newest witnesses was the Shropshire Star's very own video journalist James Shaw who saw – and filmed – an unidentified flying object over Shrewsbury on July 27. Research, conducted by Virgin Media, saw the county achieve fourth place for the most UFO sightings behind West Yorkshire with 34 sightings, Nottinghamshire with 29, and Lancashire with 23. The Virgin Media Files were compiled from data going back to 1961 and highlights 22 unexplained sightings in Shropshire alone. They include a sighting on the A5 towards Telford, where a motorist saw 13 coloured lights in the sky which appeared to be circling an object about 100ft in size. The research was carried out to mark a month-long Sci-Fi extravaganza on Virgin's TV on demand service. Nick Pope, the former head of the Government's UFO project, said at the time: "While we currently have no explanation why certain places in the UK are alien hotspots, there are areas where mysterious objects are repeatedly witnessed, so people who want to alien-spot should definitely head to Shropshire." *********** The Ashtar Galactic Command Hijack 1977 Click for video / audio Here's an 'oldie' but 'goodie' from the UFO / ET lore archives. The ITN News signal was hijacked in 1977 by an external source claiming to be from The Ashtar Galactic Command. Newly Disclosed UFO Sightings, Lost Time Encounters and Huge Fireball |
Normandy Nessie: Mysterious Creature Back For An Encore? Posted: 03 Sep 2010 09:59 AM PDT ![]() ![]() (Above) - Two images taken by Russ Sittloh in the Fall of 2009 of the unknown creature (Above) - Image from video taken by a vacationing family who say they saw a serpent-like creature in the water off Sand Key Park wtsp - A family vacationing from Ohio says they spotted what they describe as a 30-foot long serpent like creature swimming in the water off Sand Key Park on Monday. Was it another sighting of Normandy Nessie, the Bay area's version of the Loch Ness Sea Monster? Russ Sittloh, who first video taped a mysterious black 20-foot long creature in the canal behind his Madeira Beach home more than a year ago, believes it could be Normandy Nessie. Sittloh named the creature Normandy, after the road he lives on. Experts say what Sittloh and others have seen could be anything from a manatee to an anaconda. "Most of the time when people see this stuff, they don't get to see it for any real length of time and it's so far away, it's really hard to make out," said Vernon Yates of Wildlife Rehab and Rescue. Sittloh now believes Normandy is an anaconda and he believes he's seen more than one swimming in the water behind his home. "People don't want to believe that. They don't want it to be true, because of the tourist stuff," Sittloh said. Yates says he's captured several dozen anacondas in the Bay area over the years with the largest measuring about 15 feet long. But Yates says anacondas will usually stay away from salt water. "Does the possibility exist it could be an anaconda? Very much so. Probability, not really, because again, he would stay out of the salt water," Yates told 10 News. ********** Originally posted 10/9/2009 Unknown Creature Reported in Madeira Beach, Florida The following letter was published in the Tampa Bay Weekly: At the risk of having everyone think I have lost it, gone bonkers or whatever, I must share this visual sighting with everyone since it has happened two times now. The last time was a week ago and it came out of the water further than previously and I could estimate the girth that came out of the water at 12 to 15 inches in diameter. It continued its roll seemingly for a long time and it had to be 12 to 15 feet in length judging by the roll time. It was brown on top with mottled brown and yellow lower side. It finally flipped its tail before disappearing and it was a flat, lamprey like vertical caudal fin an estimated 9 to 10 inches maximum flare tapering to a point. I never saw the head and there was no dorsal fin nor pectoral fins visible. I have seen many porpoise almost daily here that swim up and down the canal usually in pairs and this was NOT a porpoise, no way! After the first sighting I thought it might be a huge snake (python like in the Glades) that someone turned loose, escaped or whatever because it did not roll as high out of the water so the size (girth) was not real evident although it was the same color on back and sides from what I could see. It did not flip its tail that time so the weird shaped caudal fin was not visible. I am sure glad that I told Bet about the sightings so the little guys in the white jackets don't come for me. She believes me though it sounds a bit far out! LOL! I see people in their wee kayaks paddling up and down the canal and think about how they could be a snack for the Normandy Nessie! LOL! I am dead serious and this is not a spoof, joke or ruse. From the size of this thing it could pose a real danger to people and small animals. Russell Sittloh Madeira Beach Normandy Nessie: Mysterious Creature Back For An Encore? |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/3/2010 Posted: 03 Sep 2010 09:37 AM PDT guardian - God did not create the universe, the man who is arguably Britain's most famous living scientist says in a forthcoming book. In the new work, The Grand Design, Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the Big Bang, rather than occurring following the intervention of a divine being, was inevitable due to the law of gravity. In his 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking had seemed to accept the role of God in the creation of the universe. But in the new text, co-written with American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, he said new theories showed a creator is "not necessary". The Grand Design, an extract of which appears in the Times today, sets out to contest Sir Isaac Newton's belief that the universe must have been designed by God as it could not have been created out of chaos. "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing," he writes. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going." In the forthcoming book, published on 9 September, Hawking says that M-theory, a form of string theory, will achieve this goal: "M-theory is the unified theory Einstein was hoping to find," he theorises. "The fact that we human beings – who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature – have been able to come this close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph." Hawking says the first blow to Newton's belief that the universe could not have arisen from chaos was the observation in 1992 of a planet orbiting a star other than our Sun. "That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions – the single sun, the lucky combination of Earth-sun distance and solar mass – far less remarkable, and far less compelling as evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings," he writes. Hawking had previously appeared to accept the role of God in the creation of the universe. Writing in his bestseller A Brief History Of Time in 1988, he said: "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God." Hawking resigned as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University last year after 30 years in the position. Click for video NOTE: Four years later, I still chuckle at this explanation that the banana is evidence of God's intelligent design. BTW, the two geniuses making this argument are Rev. Roy Comfort and Kirk Cameron...enough said. Lon ********** Messin' With Sasquatch Student Commercial Contest ![]() Jack Link's® Beef Jerky is offering student filmmakers a chance to create their own TV spot! The Assignment: Since its introduction in 2006, the Jack Link's Beef Jerky Messin' With Sasquatch campaign has infiltrated pop culture and attracted millions of fans worldwide. Here's your chance to write and shoot your very own Jack Link's TV spot. However, rather than Messin' with Sasquatch, you have full creative license to develop something completely new that plays off the "Messin' With…" theme. Messin' With Your Roommate, Messin' With Your Neighbor, Messin' With Your Little Brother – so long as Jack Link's Beef Jerky is featured in your video, it's 100 percent up to you. The Payoff: A panel of judges representing Jack Link's Beef Jerky will view every submission and choose one winner that most exemplifies the true spirit of the Jack Link's Messin' With Sasquatch campaign. The winning submission will be aired nationally on ESPN and, in addition, the winning student will receive: * A trip for two to Las Vegas to watch the winning commercial air live during an ESPN viewing party * The chance to create a commercial that represents the No. 1 U.S. meat snack brand * Enough Jack Link's Beef Jerky to stay satisfied all school-year long The Details: * Using Jack Link's Messin' With Sasquatch commercials as a guide, your submission must involve Jack Link's Jerky as the catalyst for the featured prank * Send video entries to * Open only to legal residents of any one of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia who are currently enrolled in post-secondary film or advertising school or degree program * Entrants must be 18 years of age or older as of Nov. 1, 2010 * All entries must be received by 11:59:59 CST on Oct. 20, 2010 * Each entrant is allowed a total of ten (10) submissions * The winner will be notified by Oct. 25, 2010 Jack Links - Messin' with ??? Film Contest ********** Stranded, Ill Whale Blown Up Explosives have been used to put down a sickly humpback whale which washed up onto a sandbar off Western Australia's southwest coast. The 9.5m humpback whale became stranded in Albany in WA's southwest two weeks ago. The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) had intended to let the whale die of natural causes but on Thursday decided to euthanase the animal with an explosive charge after it repositioned itself on a sandbar. In a statement, DEC Albany district manager Mike Shepherd said the whale had moved a couple of metres from its original position, which was enough to stabilise the whale and kill it humanely. "This was not an option that was available to us until now as the animal, even while terminally sick, was still strong enough to present a serious safety risk to DEC staff and volunteers," he said. ********** Chinese Traffic Jam Part Deux: Thousands of Vehicles Stuck in 120km Mess BBC - More than 10,000 vehicles are stuck in a 120km (75-mile) traffic jam on China's Beijing to Tibet motorway. A state television reporter said the gridlocked section of the road, in the north-eastern region of Inner Mongolia, resembled a "big car park". The majority of the vehicles stuck in the jam, which began on Tuesday, are coal trucks heading to the capital. A 100km traffic jam that had lasted nine days on the same motorway was cleared just over a week ago. The authorities say roadworks are to blame for the latest gridlock. The motorway is among China's busiest, as Beijing's population of more than 20 million requires massive quantities of goods. For instance, a huge number of coal lorries have to travel daily from Inner Mongolia in order to ensure a constant supply for the country's coal-burning power plants, which provide more than half of its electricity. The BBC's Martin Patience in Beijing says that in recent years, there has been a boom in road building across China, with the country spending billions of dollars on improving its infrastructure. But critics say that China is still struggling to keep up with the demands of its growing economy, and that huge traffic jams could be here to stay. Fortean / Oddball News - 9/3/2010 |
British Horror Film Location Spooks Cast and Crew Posted: 03 Sep 2010 08:30 AM PDT ![]() On the very first day of shooting the Director, Philip Gardiner, found his mobile phone ringing even though it had been turned off. The actress, Layla Randle Conde was stood before him in a scene and yet when Gardiner looked at his phone it was Layla calling him. Her phone was in her bag some distance away. Following this was a rapid succession of batteries draining instantly, more mobile phones playing up, car alarms going off, photographs of bizarre light effects, kettles constantly turning themselves on and dials on cameras working as if they were in the Twilight Zone. The events were so regular that it inspired some of the cast to actually return to the set during the night to hold seances where they reported strange feelings and an evil presence. "It's a fascinating experience even if you don't believe in the paranormal because we we're actually filming a horror movie. It's as if fiction is coming to life and in all honesty I didn't mind because it has brought an extra edge of tension to the filming." Said Gardiner. The movie, being filmed on location at one of the UK's most haunted sites is already drawing attention from the world of paranormal research with one expert saying that it's one of the biggest "events" in years. Set to be released in 2011 following a festival tour, the film is produced by Reality Films and has been written by the Director, Philip Gardiner, who wanted a completely different approach to his film. "I didn't want to copy Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity. I'm aiming at classic British horror in the vein of the very best Hammer House. We have so many scary scenes that the editing is going to be hard work, but the location, cast and even the music are just so perfect that I am totally enthused by the whole thing." Said Gardiner. British Horror Film Location Spooks Cast and Crew Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, support and guidance worldwide SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() |
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