Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Paranormal / Spiritual News: 'Among the Spirits', Gettysburg Entity and Mysterious Australia
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/26/2010: White Elephant, Lonely Vampire and 'Grow a Pair!'
- Ghosts and the Phenomena of 'Looped Time' Anomalies
Paranormal / Spiritual News: 'Among the Spirits', Gettysburg Entity and Mysterious Australia Posted: 26 Sep 2010 04:37 PM PDT Click for video Interesting slide presentation showing a dark figure in a bed and breakfast at Gettysburg, PA. I wish the actual location was mentioned. These dark forms are seen quite frequently in many locations throughout the Gettysburg area. ********** 'Among the Spirits' Medium, remote viewer and friend Irene Block - Spirit Rescue International - finished writing her autobiography 'Among the Spirits' recently. My wife Vanessa and I have been reading through it this weekend....honestly, it's brilliant! Vanessa describes it as "an intimate chronicle of Irene's connection with earthbound spirits who need help and understanding as well as how those spirits have affected her personal life." Hopefully, her story will be available for all to read in the near future...Lon ********** The Mysteries, Monsters and Ghosts of Australia hearaldsun - Matthew Jones was totally unprepared for what he saw as he stood in his garage in suburban Canberra in October last year. Packing boxes for a house move, he was confronted by a stocky, hairy monster standing in the corner of the garage staring at him. The creature, according to James, was a juvenile covered in hair, with long arms that almost touched the ground. "It was inquisitive about what I was doing," he said. "It was definitely trying to communicate with me." At the time, James had no idea what the creature could be. A friend later told him it could be a yowie - the creature described in the newly-published Something Is Out There as "the big daddy of all Australian mystery monsters". It is, according to the book about the paranormal, the Aussie cousin of North America's Bigfoot, the Himalayan Yeti and the Abominable Snowman. The Aussie monster is as elusive as he is controversial, often seen but never photographed, according to the book's authors Julie Miller and Grant Osborn. They claim the yowie is an important part of folklore, making numerous appearances in the Dreamtime legends. The yowie is most often described as a solitary, nocturnal creature with a frightful growl. If you are chased, the best thing to do is jump into a waterhole, because they cannot wet their feet. The book claims that there have been almost 10,000 reported yowie sightings during the past 200 years. Something Is Out There also lists other Aussie monsters, including a mega shark, giant lizards, panthers on the prowl and phantom kangaroos. The authors have divided their book into three parts: UFOlogy, cryptozoology (the search for bizarre creatures) and the general supernatural. As they admit, the paranormal is "generally viewed through the prism of pseudoscience". It lurks in the murky corners on the borderline of accepted knowledge. "Whereas established science, rigid and rigorous by definition, might bow to accept a new discovery only when laden with suitable proof, pseudoscience is more than happy to plough straight ahead and make spectacular flights of logic from conjecture to hypothesis to theory on the wings of nothing but sheer imagination alone". Nevertheless, these sceptical souls admit that they have seen things during the writing of the book that they cannot explain. They have been chased down a dark highway by strange lights, watched doors in supposedly haunted houses open of their own accord and felt "the physical presence of invisible forces". The authors travelled to the sites of infamous ghost sightings, houses, towns and prisons, including the Old Melbourne Jail. From 1842 until its closure in 1924, 136 people were executed at the jail in Russell St, some of whom, according to legend, still haunt the site. The ghost of Ned Kelly, the most famous victim, is noticeably absent from the prison's corridors. The authors also visited the Princess Theatre, where the ghost of actor Frederick Baker is said by some to still roam. Baker - known as Federici - died during a performance and may still be performing, even outside the theatre. The book reveals that in 1972, during filming of a documentary on Federici at his gravesite in Melbourne Cemetery, photographs showed a man dressed in stage costume lingering beside the camera crew. The book also investigates the many local sightings of UFOs. One in three Australians believe in UFOs. In the Northern territory the figure soars to 60 per cent and 16 per cent of Territorians claim to have seen a UFO. The authors' chase for UFOs led them from the suburbs of Melbourne to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney and to a small spot in the Red Centre known as the UFO capital of Australia. But the most amazing possibility of UFO action occurred not far outside Melbourne. At 6.19pm on October 21, 1978, Frederick Valentich, a 20-year-old pilot, took off from Moorabbin Airport aboard a Cessna aircraft. His destination was King Island, in the middle of Bass Strait. The conditions were fine - light winds with good visibility. But about 45 minutes into what should have been an 80-minute flight, Valentich reported seeing a big unidentified craft passing above him at high speed. The pilot had told an air traffic controller that the unidentified craft had been "playing some sort of game". He said the aircraft was "sort of metallic like" and "shiny on the outside" with a green light. Then he reported that the aircraft had just vanished and then reappeared. Valentich's last words were these: "That strange aircraft is hovering over the top of me is hovering...and it's not an aircraft." Five minutes after he reported the strange craft, radio transmissions from Valentich stopped. Sea and air searched found no trace of the pilot or his plane. Valentich seemingly disappeared into thin air. What happened to Valentich and his Cessna? The authors of Something Is Out There suggest a close call with an alien vessel may have caused Valentich's plane to stall. No debris was found, perhaps suggesting Valentich and his plane were abducted. The book's authors said the number of UFO reports from across the southern coast of Victoria on the night of Valentich's disappearance is "astounding" - with some sources claiming up to 50. More than a dozen reports referred to "an erratically moving green light in the sky". Amateur photographer Roy Manifold was taking sunset photos at Cape Otway about 20 minutes before Valentich first reported the UFO. Manifold's prints revealed a mystery aerial object. The RAAF said one photo showed the object photographed by Manifold was simply a dissipating cloud. So what happened to Frederick Valentich? No one really knows. Coincidentally, a memorial erected in 1998 by the Valentich family at Cape Otway, overlooking the strait where he vanished, has also disappeared. ********** Psychics to Investigate Unsolved Murder Case in Laguna, CA egcitizenFour years have passed since 15-year-old Robert Maisonet died after being assaulted by three people in broad daylight in Laguna. Authorities are still trying to identify suspects in the cold case, and a local paranormal investigator believes he has a solution. Paul Dale Roberts plans to bring a group of people who claim to be psychics to Maisonet's murder scene where they will try to use their skills to identify the killers and their getaway vehicle's license plate number. Roberts said that he is amazed that witnesses did not help Maisonet during the assault or record the killers' license plate. "It always stayed in my mind how nobody got any information and now this is just a cold case," he said, while standing at the murder site. "You could say it haunted me." The investigation will commence on Oct. 9 at the sidewalk spot where the Franklin High School student died when he was beaten into unconsciousness near the corner of Laguna and Franklin boulevards. Elk Grove police spokesperson Christopher Trim said that his agency will not participate in the event and will only regard the psychics' findings as a tip – just like any tip that citizens give to detectives. Roberts said that psychic investigators have aided the FBI and the CIA, and mentioned that he witnessed cases where psychics discovered secrets. He said that he took psychics along in his searches for ghosts and said they found accurate information in those cases. "If they could actually identify the (Maisonet) assailants that would be of so much help for his grieving family for some closure, and that would help the police department," Roberts said. He noted an incident where he saw a psychic look at a person and then inform her that her brother's name is Steve who died of a drug overdose, and he wants his sister to visit a doctor. Roberts later heard from the person that she was later diagnosed with emphysema. "If I have a psychic who knows all this information, I would like to see what they can accomplish," he said. Roberts is the general manager of H.P.I. International, which specializes in investigating paranormal activities. He said that he has been involved in more than 300 paranormal investigations and he regularly writes about his visits to supposedly haunted places, including the now-closed Elk Grove Brewery in Old Town. The search for the killers Very little is known about Maisonet's killers. On Jan. 7, 2006, a group of four people, possibly juveniles, drove up in a dark-colored SUV to Maisonet while he was walking home from school where he served detention around 2 p.m. The passengers left the vehicle and attacked Maisonet a few yards from the vacant lot next to the Peace Presbyterian Church. Maisonet reportedly died from blunt force trauma after the killers left him unconscious and fled in their SUV on northbound Franklin Boulevard. For the Oct. 9 psychic investigation, Roberts explained that he will have psychics take turns walking across the murder scene and attempt to "pick up" any psychic readings. He said that some members of the group are clairvoyant, while others can visualize images of past events and even detect the feelings of those involved in such incidents. If a psychic is unable to find information or if their findings are outrageous, Roberts will dismiss that investigator and move on to the next psychic to take a reading. "I'm not going to waste people's time if they come up with crazy stuff," he said. If the team finds significant information, Roberts said they will pass it on to the Elk Grove police. "I want to try this as an experiment," he said. "If it works, that would be great – we'll continue on. If it doesn't work, then I'll just nix it." ********** Hi...I'd like your input on the following. Along with my daily Fortean / Oddball News, I am contemplating a regular weekly Paranormal / Spiritual News that I would post on the weekend. I'd like to include information and updates on cases, evidence, books, presentations, etc. I will also include paranormal announcements offered by the readers. Please offer your suggestions on this and other posts you'd like to see at Phantoms and Monsters...Lon Paranormal / Spiritual News: 'Among the Spirits', Gettysburg Entity and Mysterious Australia |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/26/2010: White Elephant, Lonely Vampire and 'Grow a Pair!' Posted: 26 Sep 2010 09:55 AM PDT Chinese Media To U.S. Regarding UFO Coverage: Grow A Pair! technorati - China's People's Daily Online, the official news agency of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in China (CPC), is reporting that two students photographed a UFO above the city of Pingyao September 22 while taking nightscape photos during the 10th Pingyao International Photography Festival. Over a 40-minute period, the students snapped roughly 200 pictures of the UFO, which they described as "a sphere with two flickering columns on its two sides," but which could not be seen with the naked eye. The only published image, shown here, does not impress. Grainy and indistinct, it's typical of the vast majority of UFO photos. But the real story here isn't the photo. It's People's Daily's persistent willingness to report UFO sightings without flip comment, specious hypothesis, de rigueur debunker counterpoint, or meteorological speculation. The People's Daily headline is straightforward: "UFO photographed over ancient Chinese city. " Not "Purported UFO..." Not even "Suspected UFO..." There's no reference to Little Green Men and no evidence of any invitation extended to air traffic controllers, military spokespeople or government officials to make official non-statements. It's just so ... so ... Un-American. If two students attending a photography festival in the United States were to tell the local media that they'd photographed a UFO, it's a virtual certainty that they'd be either ignored or made a laughing stock. Substance abuse, at a minimum, would be assumed and implied. So why does China handle the topic so differently? And why don't we? Maybe it's because, when you get right down to it, we really do know everything worth knowing. ********** White Elephant Discovery Seen As Positive Omen In Burma telegraph - The seven foot tall beast was captured on Thursday in Rakhine state in the northwest, and is the fifth white elephant caught in a decade. The elephant is estimated to be 18 years old. The newspaper, a mouthpiece for the ruling junta, hailed the elephant's capture as a sign the country will be peaceful and free from all dangers, and its people will enjoy greater prosperity and progress. "It is auspicious that a rare white elephant emerged at a time when Myanmar was going through a democratic transition and the elections will be held peacefully and successfully," it said. White elephants, actually albinos, have for centuries been revered in Burma, Thailand, Laos and other Asian nations. They were normally kept and pampered by monarchs and considered a symbol of royal power and prosperity. Burma's military rulers, like many of the country's citizens, are said to be particularly superstitious. The Nov 7 general elections will be the first in 20 years. The National League for Democracy party of Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi won the last polls but was not allowed to take power by the military. It is boycotting this year's vote, charging that the election rules are unfair and undemocratic. The New Light of Myanmar said the elephant's capture will ensure that peace, stability and prosperity will continue under the new elected government, explaining that white elephants only emerge in places where the practice of Buddhism flourishes and rulers govern justly. It said that according to ancient treatises, it is hard to find even a single white elephant among a thousand, but five of the rare beasts have emerged from 2001 to 2010, and the latest discovery is a matter of "national pride." The country's fourth white elephant, a 38-year-old female captured in the jungles of Rakhine state in June, was given a lavish welcome ceremony when it was taken to the administrative capital of Naypyitaw. Three other white elephants caught earlier are kept in a special park in Yangon, where they live in an enclosure with spiralled pavilions, a man-made waterfall, ponds and trees. ********** South African Poacher Killed, Eaten By Great White Shark telegraph - A poacher in South Africa has been eaten by a great white shark during an illegal fishing trip. Khanyisile Momoza, 29, was attacked as he harvested valuable perlemoen shells in the waters near Gansbaai in South Africa. The fisherman was among a group of 12 poachers who had tried to swim to safety after spotting the shark in shallow waters. A friend of Mr Momoza, who witnessed the attack, said: "There was screaming and crying. We just swam, we didn't look back. We were swimming in a group but he was a bit behind us. "It jumped out of the water with him and then it took him down." The attack took place on Tuesday between Dyer Island and Pearly Beach, east of Cape Town. In an interview, the victim's friend told how the poaching group had left the beach at 6am and swum for two hours before reaching the island three miles offshore, where they began hunting for perlemoen shellfish. The men were swimming back to shore with their catch when the great white approached. The survivors admitted they had been too scared for their own lives to help the stricken swimmer and raced back to dry land. Once ashore the group alerted authorities to the tragedy. Illegal harvesting of perlemoen is big business in South Africa, where the valuable shellfish are common along coastal areas. The molluscs' fleshy insides are considered a delicacy similar to oysters, and either served raw or cooked in seafood dishes. But widespread farming of the shells has sparked fears the population could plummet. In 2007 South African authorities listed the species, also known as abalone, as endangered with the global wildlife protection body CITES. The restrictions were loosened in July this year, although it remains illegal to harvest perlemeon without a licence. However hundreds of local fishermen are believed to continue to work in the illegal trade. Many poor workers risk arrest or injury to hunt for the wild shells, whose meat can be worth up to £25 a kilo. ********** Loneliness Sucks...Vampire Seeks Mates SMH - Morpheus knew he was a vampire from the age of three. ''When all the other kids wanted to be Luke Skywalker, I wanted to be Dracula,'' he said. Morpheus, 34, a law student from Bronte who does not want his identity revealed, believes drinking blood will prepare him for a better afterlife. ''I don't believe my body is immortal but I believe my soul is,'' he said. ''I believe that by drinking blood, I imprint my consciousness, so that in the next life I will remember who I am now.'' He first tasted blood in primary school, having bitten a fellow student in a fight. ''It almost tasted like I had done that before,'' said Morpheus, although he now exclusively drinks the blood of women with whom he is romantically involved. Despite the resurgence of vampire tales in popular culture, Morpheus said it had not translated into an increase in ranks. ''I'm quite lonely; I used to have a circle of people but most of them moved to Melbourne - Sydney really doesn't have any vampires left,'' he said. ''I'm more than happy to teach anyone who is interested about vampirism.'' Drew Sinton, 48, a self-styled vampire who owns the Haunted Bookshop in Melbourne, said it did not surprise him that blood believers were moving south as ''Melbourne is much murkier''. Mr Sinton worked in advertising before studying to become an Anglican priest. He left the church after a research trip to Nazareth left him disillusioned. ''I was always a bit of an outsider but then I swapped advertising, a blood-sucking career, for a blood-sucking lifestyle,'' he said. A girlfriend with a taste for being bitten was his first foray. ''That was just her fetish … I would bite harder and harder until there was blood,'' he said. Popular culture's fascination with vampires was not new. ''Since Bram Stoker's Dracula [1897], each generation invents the vampire it needs. Usually it is at a time of crisis, when young people are looking for identity.'' Fortean / Oddball News - 9/26/2010: White Elephant, Lonely Vampire and 'Grow a Pair!' |
Ghosts and the Phenomena of 'Looped Time' Anomalies Posted: 26 Sep 2010 09:12 AM PDT helium - by Terrence Aym - An entirely new type of physics is being played out—literally before our eyes and ears, yet few scientists bother to investigate the evidence. The physics of time (and its relationship to space and the quantum reality) may be better understood by determining the underlying nature of the auditory and visual anomalies that cross the boundaries into our space-time during regular or irregular intervals. The phenomena points to aberrations of time exhibited as 'time loops.' Throughout history these snippets of looped time have been lumped together with unassociated phenomena under the general heading of ghosts. The elusive nature of space-time What scientists have gleaned through observations and experiments over the past century is space-time is not uniform. Astrophysicists and cosmologists have hypothesized that time in other regions of space may exist at a different rate than our own. Various factors may cause the disparities including gravitational effects, dark matter, even the possibility of dark energy. Intersections of hyper-dimensions between our reality and others could create random folds, ripples or creases in the universal space-time continuum in various regions of space. These regions—where space may have a 'kink'—could exhibit qualities that we perceive as space and time anomalies. The anomalies may be massive or microscopic; they could occur anywhere in the universe and have a duration of scant nanoseconds to unfathomable eons. Space-time anomalies and ghosts Looped time ghosts are spectral images or auditory phenomena that tend to repeat themselves. Some repeat at regular intervals while others are erratic and unpredictable. Examples of these phenomena are rife throughout history—many have been witnessed dozens or hundreds of times during their manifestations. During modern times some have been recorded, photographed, filmed or videotaped. The chanting monks of Beaulieu Abbey Within the walls of the famous abbey of Beaulieu, England reside the chanting monks. The Catholic monks of the Cistercian order are heard devoutly singing mass, yet no monks have occupied the abbey since 1538. Established in 1204, the abbey flourished until King Henry VIII ordered it closed. The phenomenon of the singing monks has been recorded. It usually lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. Each time the singing is exactly the same, as if a recording is being played back. In a sense, a recording is being played back. At some point during the hundreds of years the Cistercian monks lived there, a funeral prayer-chant became embedded into the fabric of space-time that surrounds the abbey grounds. The voices of the monks can distinctly be heard despite the fact no monks have inhabited the abbey for almost 500 years. With some exceptions, the ghostly singing has been heard around the hour of sunrise. The singing is firm and robust—quite easy to hear. Evidence suggests that the recorded singing is apart and separate from the surrounding space-time. It seems that when the right conditions are met—probably the exact same conditions that were present when the space-time impression was created—the embedded auditory phenomenon is replayed. The busy Confederate soldiers of Cashtown Inn While looped ghosts have been seen walking down staircases that no longer exist, checking out motel rooms that are long gone, or heard walking across old wooden floors that were since covered with thick carpeting, one of the most unsettling sights are the Confederate soldiers that make impromptu appearances at the Cashtown Inn outside of Gettysburg, Virginia. The soldiers appear only from the knees up. The phenomena has been captured on film and seen by thousands over the past 150 years. Why would the images of the soldiers be seen time again only from the knees up? Interestingly, the Inn was restored many decades ago and during the restoration the new floor was constructed measurably higher than the old one. The time loop recording of the Confederate soldiers occurred during the Civil War before the Battle of Gettysburg when the inn's floor was at its original height. Thus, it now appears that the soldiers are walking on a floor beneath the floor—and that is exactly what they are doing. The fact that the images of the soldiers were captured when the floor was lower and are now being replayed like a video, dutifully recreating the height of the original floor, lends credence to the idea that the images are really a trick of space-time and are being played back. Serious study should be given to these phenomena and the others like them that occur with some regularity around the world. A new aspect of physics is waiting to be discovered. Determining exactly how events can be naturally imprinted upon the fabric of space-time could provide great insight into the workings of time, the quantum reality, the nature of the multi-verse, and even existence itself. Discovering the secret of how time can be looped upon itself could even provide Mankind with a pathway to the stars. Terrence Aym AYM Communications Chicago, Illinois Contact: Ghosts and the Phenomena of 'Looped Time' Anomalies Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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