Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 23
- Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft Update, Saskatchewan Crop Circle
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/16/2010
- Cameron Lake Monster Mystery Expanding
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 23 Posted: 16 Sep 2010 12:38 PM PDT ![]() CYCLOPS! Location/Date: Torrent, Corrientes, Argentina - February 11, 1965 - night A group of citizens in that neighborhood saw the landing of a strange transparent craft near their homes. 5 creatures a little larger than human beings stepped out, and the terrified witnesses saw that the visitors Cyclops....a single eye in the middle of their foreheads. The witnesses ran back to the road. Then it was stated that one of the figures entered a house to look it over. A few moments later, with his companions, he went away in the UFO. Another reports states that in a field belonging to Mr. Souriou, 2 of his sons and several peasants met gigantic creatures whose stature was more than 8 ft. One of the peasants had his right arm paralyzed when he tried to attack the creatures, and the automatic rifle of one of the sons of the owner of the field inexplicably failed to work. Frightened, the men ran to the house and shut themselves in. From outside, a light came in through the walls, illuminating the interior. At no time did they see any type of flying craft. Source: Dr Robert Banchs & Antonio Ribera NOTE: witness sketch above ********** SMALL DEFORMED BEINGS Location/Date: Towakomai, Hokkaido, Japan - July 1973 - 1:30 am An anonymous 20-year old man, on night guard at a lumberyard, observed a wildly maneuvering light that approached and a point over the nearby ocean, at some 20 meters above the water and hovered, at which time a transparent tube-like extension emerged and descended to the water, apparently taking on water. The operation was accompanied by a strange "cicada-like" sound, and the tube glowed until the operation was finished. The tube withdrawn, the object then approached the witness to a point some 50 meters above his head and he could see through lighted windows around the center several figures. One was visible through a center window, and two more two windows to the right. They were "too small and deformed to be called the shadows of men." During this the witness experienced a feeling of being bound hand and foot; he then noticed several more ball-like objects in the same vicinity; they were quickly withdrawn into the larger object and the UFO moved off rapidly into the north. Source: Jun-Ishi Takanishi, FSR ********** A CHILD'S RECOLLECTIONS Location/Date: Adelaide, South Australia - 1969 - night The eleven year old witness, Susan, was abducted from her bedroom by one tall entity, and a group of small, entities that entered the room via the bedroom door. The smaller beings were about 100cm tall, with large bald heads. They had large eye sockets, no visible pupils, with dark blue or black eyes, and a slit mouth, and a small nose. The taller being seemed to be in command and was about 200cm tall. She was levitated off the bed and taken to a circular "room" where she received a medical examination whilst lying on a metal table. The next conscious recollection was of waking up in her own bed. The witness also recounts numerous lifelong episodes of such things as poltergeist activity, the sense of a presence in one house she lived in, being told she levitated whilst asleep, seeing objects such as childrens' tricycles moving by themselves, experiencing apparitions, precognitive visions, telepathy and spirit photographs. There are also claims of unusual implants in her face; X-rays were taken by dentists of these. One shows an apparent anomaly, whilst a second more detailed one shows nothing present. Source: Keith Basterfield, UFORSA ********** TIME TRAVELERS? Location/Date: Cape Spear, Newfoundland, Canada - August 22, 1993 - 3:35 am John had been watching television for some time when he glanced at the clock and noticed the time, then back to the TV. It was at that moment that he noticed odd lights in front of the hill opposite to the house. There was an object about 100 yards away at an altitude of roughly 150 feet. The object moved slowly. It had huge lighted windows, thirteen in all, along its side that appeared to be 8-ft wide and 6-ft high. Each had round corners and they were approximately six feet apart. The altitude of the object was lower than any plane that he had ever seen. He made his way to the bedroom and retrieved a pair of binoculars. The object moved parallel to his position and towards the ocean. It was impossible to see the outline and therefore the shape of the object...a fact that bothers John to this day. The windows were, however, highly visible due to a bright light that appeared to be coming from inside though the source of the light cold not be seen. John opened the living room window and was disturbed to discover that the object did not emit any sound. Through the binoculars he could see people at the left side of the object sitting at tables that were in every window. There were also three or four people walking abreast, to and from the front and rear of the object, sometimes passing as groups without having to make room. There were tables on the other side as well with people sitting at them, mostly three to four people at a table. Everyone was dressed in the same, gray uniforms with high collars, which reminded John of something out of the American Civil War era. None of the people had any hair on their heads and none wore hats or helmets of any sort. They all appeared to be of very similar in size and slightly built. They were also very pale. Most of the people sitting seemed to be engaged in drinking from extra large white, luminous cups. One group, however, were staring continuously down at the table as if they were watching something that could not be seen by John. By now John says he was sweating and shaking and having a hard time holding onto the binoculars. He was also having difficulty swallowing. The object then continued to move slowly out over the water, it then went towards Conception Bay, disappearing from view. Source: NUFORC ********** DELIVERY ROOM Location/Date: Santiago, Chile - February 1, 1997 - 1:00 am While Claudia Fuente's sister felt a warm rush of air enter her room, Claudia left the house and suddenly found herself walking down a long hallway in which she was met by several humanoids, described as having long arms, wrinkled mouths and four fingered hands. The humanoids led her to a place resembling a hospital, removed her lower part of her garments, and placed her on a stretcher. Although Claudia was not aware that she was pregnant, as six-foot tall creature extracted a fetus through her vagina, placed it inside a square jar filled with a bubbling fluid, and walked away with it. Claudia also reported seeing other creatures with similar features but measuring only 3-feet in height. She has no doubt that she spent well over three days in that place, although only 3 hours elapsed in normal time. When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying in the middle of the town square, where some witnesses claimed seeing a sudden burst of light. There she was found in a semi-conscious state, frightened, weeping and with wet hair. Source: Scott Corrales, UFO Files Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 23 |
Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft Update, Saskatchewan Crop Circle Posted: 16 Sep 2010 11:51 AM PDT MUFON CMS - Nashville, TN - 9/2/2010 - unedited: I am forever amazed at the number of so-called experts in this field of study… who profess to know what is authentic evidence... and what is not. You guys can't seem to get past the limitations of digital technology to analyze what is real… and what you state is not. Since most experts who sell books and lectures have very little experience, regarding the information that they weave into their sales and lectures, than maybe the chase of this anomaly will gather no real and substantial foundation other than the sensationalist venue where it has thus been historically limited. I suppose… that is good for cover-up and book sales. But for the eye witness, you know in your gut… that which is real. You need not rely upon people, or experts, or anyone else to validate your experience. Let he who has eyes… let him see! Gary Mansfield, F.I. Nashville, TN NOTE: The report was moved to an investigator report section. There has been a significant amount of activity over the Nashville, TN area lately...Lon ********** ![]() ![]() ![]() MUFON CMS - 5/7/2007 - near St. Gregor, Saskatchewan - (unedited): I had just met Dan Aykroyd last night, and we discussed shortly about UFO's in which he asked do u have any photographic evidence and i was like no but then i remembered hey i do have some evidence!, So he told me to report on forums when ever i see one or catch one on camera. So a few years back in 2007 i caught news from a local newspaper that a crop circle was found out on a farm in the St Gregor area of Saskatchewan. So the article stated that it was not the first time this happened on that particular farm and that the reporter that went to investigate was having difficulties with her cell phone which was registering dates of calls from the 1940's and also that her cell phones memory was erased. So I thought wow i need to go check this out. So a group of friend's and I travelled to this crop circle about 3 hours east of Saskatoon. We arrived about 7:30 pm and stayed about 2 hours just walking around in it and takeing pictures. Nothing out of the ordinary happened the cell phones were fine the only thing odd was that upon takeing pictures it seemed like the cameras energy was being drained. The battery level stayed steady but the flash was not working properly the pictures appeared darker then it was at that time of day. The time this has happened to my camera before was when i took a picture of a friend who had bike reflectors on so i am thinking weird what is screwing with my camera flash. After we left me and the other two passengers felt really exhausted which was also odd considering two of us had slept in quite long that day and me the driver is use to driving long road trips so it just can't be explained. Upon returning home I got on the computer to upload my pictures and i noticed in some of them there were objects in the sky that i did not see while i was out there, So i blew the pictures up and well you can see for yourself I have no idea what to think is that an object? save and zoom in on it they look cylinder. Also after returning home i couldn't help but feel really odd like i was being watched so i went to go camp over at my brothers house, and another thing most pictures were filled with orbs which i think were wheat particles mabye? Picture 1: is just to show you how dark the flash was making it look Picture 2: top left side is an object with a tail Picutre3: another object on top of the person. NOTE: I thought I remembered something about this incident - Farmer embarrassed by crop circle hoax. There had been several crop circles in the area, so this may not be the same incident....but, there were known shenanigans going on...Lon ********** UPDATE: BURNING CRAFT FREE-FALL ![]() MUFON CMS - Leesville, TX and Nixon, TX - 9/15/2010 - (unedited): My son and I have driven to the little town of Leesville, which is five miles north of Nixon, Texas to look for more eyewitnesses to the prior night report (See 'Jet liner with no visible wings burning and falling out of a cloud' September 14th 911 Call). After spending about two hours in Leesville and the surrounding area, we drove back to Nixon and asked around if anyone had seen anything in the sky. At approximant 8:30PM, my son and I started our drive West from Nixon on Texas 87/97 toward Stockdale. We had drove pass the town of Pandora when my son makes me pull off to the side of the road. He said something is zigzagging between three stars. With the truck still running and traffic coming at us in both directions I jump out with my camera and ran over to his side. My son was now standing outside the truck and is pointing in about a 55 degree angle up and is pointing northwest. I asked him again what he saw. He stated it is not an airplane, not a shooting or falling star. It was moving zigzagging and it is now coming right to us. Since I was driving my eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to the night sky. I told my son to get the spot light and point to it (we learned to carry a high power spot light with us at all times). He points the spot light at a now slow moving light, this is moving right towards us from about 1,000 to 2,000 feet above. As it moved closer to us, a few more cars and trucks pass us on the road but nobody stopped. At first it was a solid light but as it flew closer I can see three separate lights in a tight triangle formation with a huge light at each corner. Each light was glowing and had a shape like those sunken ceiling light used in modern kitchens, you can only see the lower half of the light. We could not see any metal or any shadow of the body but you can see the three lights where mounted onto some kind of fixture. I believe the diameter of each light would be 15 to 20 feet across and the space between each light about 6 to 8 feet. I would give it a size between a Caravan 675 and a Citation CJ4 or a length of 50 to 100 feet. It moved steadily over our heads from the northwest to the southwest without changing its speed or direction. My truck was still running so we could not tell if it was making any noise. I predict it was moving about 70 to 80 miles an hour for it took about ten minutes to fly over us and out into the horizon. I so busy trying to get measurements and directions in my head that I forgot to film it. Go figure. After it faded into the night we drove up to the next crossroad which is County Road 538 and turn left and drove about 100 feet to get away from the traffic. We parked there observing the night sky for another hour or so but there was no more activity. We are planning to set up there again tonight. ********** ![]() MUFON CMS - Long Island, NY - 7/3/2010 - (unedited): I was in the parking lot of a music venue on Long Island, tailgating with friends prior to the show, on the 3rd of July 2010. I had my cell phone out and was taking a picture of the venue and the sky at 7:00pm (note: not a single cloud in the sky). Approx. 1 minute later (7:01pm) a typical commercial jet/airplane (i.e. 747) appeared in the sky and was passing overhead. It looked cool in the all blue empty sky so I aimed my camera phone and took a pic. As soon as I pressed the shutter I saw in the corner of my naked eye (and on the screen of phone) a object approx. the same size as the tail of the 747, moving very rapidly from left to right, at least 2 - 3 times faster than the airplane. By the time I tried to take a second picture it was gone from view over the horizon. I wish I had my real camera instead of the 1 megapixel camera phone, but I am relieved to know I captured the object. I hope this can help UFOlogy(gists) and it is added to a confirmed Unidentified/Unexplained phenomenon of flying objects/crafts. One other thing i would like to add is to me it appeared as if there were definitely 1 and maybe 2 round what appeared to be portholes you could just see with the naked eye. Please any one interested in having this/my photo analyzed, studied, researched, etc. I welcome you to contact me. Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft Update, Saskatchewan Crop Circle |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/16/2010 Posted: 16 Sep 2010 10:47 AM PDT Click for video Although the scientific community considers BIGFOOT to be a combination of folklore and myths, that didn't stop toy designers from setting out to capture the legendary, elusive creature. Fisher-Price found BIGFOOT and brought him back to its world-renowned Play Laboratory where designers unfolded the complicated, misunderstood monster who, surprisingly, wooed them with his charm. After years of intense research (and a few laughs) with BIGFOOT, Fisher-Price is ready to share his engaging personality with the world. "BIGFOOT The Monster is completely on-trend for 2010. Fisher-Price has interpreted a classic play pattern for contemporary kids," says Chris Byrne, content director for, aka The Toy Guy(R). "Inspired by the legendary 'BIGFOOT,' Fisher-Price scores again with a toy that effectively combines the fun and engagement of R/C robotic play with technology that's easy and engaging for preschoolers to use. BIGFOOT is feature-rich, offers long-lasting play value and reflects a preschooler's sense of humor, all of which deliver on the value consumers are looking for this year. " BIGFOOT continues to roam freely and eyewitness reports persist, generating public scrutiny and misconceived perceptions of the obscure monster. With New York Toy Fair approaching, Fisher-Price is prepared to show the world the true persona behind the myth…but it doesn't stop there. Rumor has it that Fisher-Price will continue to work with the friendly monster throughout the year, with special character appearances and brunches at national zoo events including San Diego Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, Brookfield Zoo, Tampa's Lowery Park Zoo, Toledo Zoo and San Francisco Zoo. To track Big Foot sightings until then, parents and children can log onto for updates. Unlike the legendary BIGFOOT, the Imaginext(R) BIGFOOT The Monster from Fisher-Price is a life-like remote controlled monster friend for kids three to eight, with lots of personality, fun facial expressions and interactive phrases like "Wanna Play?" and much more. Featuring over 80 actions and phrases, BIGFOOT comes to life with a kid-friendly foot shaped remote control that has easy-to-use, icon-driven buttons. With the simple touch of the remote, preschoolers can make BIGFOOT walk forward and backwards, elicit happy or angry emotions, fall asleep, throw a ball, exercise and even do a forward somersault and a backwards roll! BIGFOOT also features interactive touch points on his belly and mouth that will make him laugh or eat a leaf that evokes fun chomping and burping sound effects. Although the legendary BIGFOOT has mainly been spotted in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. ********** MUFON Pennsylvania UFO Conference Contact information: John Ventre or UFO CONFERENCE Pennsylvania leads the Nation in UFO Sightings "UFO's. . . Seeing is Believing". The Pennsylvania Mutual UFO Network will present its 3rd Annual UFO Conferences on Saturday, October 9th, 2010, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langehorne, PA 19047; and on Saturday, October 16th, 2010, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Westmoreland County Community College, 145 Pavillion Lane, Youngwood, Pa 15697. Pennsylvania has been the epicenter of the world's largest UFO wave since the summer of 2008. There have been over 650 UFO reports filed with MUFON from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia over the past two years. "We're getting clusters of sightings from every town from Pittsburgh to Philly along the southern half of the state," MUFON Pennsylvania State Director John Ventre said. "We have 151 reports in the Pittsburgh-Westmoreland County area and 355 in the Philly area. I get reports of UFOs coming in from Lake Erie in Ohio and across Wheeling, West Virginia, into the Pittsburgh area and they are seen minutes later on the eastern part of the state." The Conference will present a combination of expert paranormal, abduction and UFO speakers. Speakers include Richard Dolan, who has written numerous books on the government cover-up, Bill Birnes of "UFO Hunters," Budd Hopkins on Abductions, Kathleen Marden on Betty and Barney Hill, Peter Robbins who investigated the Rendlesham Forrest UK incident, John Ventre of the Mutual UFO Network, Stan Gordon presenting Kecksburg then and now, and Leslie Kean who sued NASA presenting on Kecksburg's 45th anniversary. "The quality of speakers at this conference rivals the larger, pricier conferences that take place around the country," Ventre said. Professional presentations and vendor tables will highlight these conferences in an academic setting. "We also have a few surprises for the audience and they are not Halloween tricks," Ventre said. Admission prices are $20 in Pittsburgh, and $30 in Philadelphia. Advance orders and the Conference agenda can be obtained at John Ventre's website at or John Ventre can be reached at 724.836.1266 or at The Mutual UFO Network was founded in 1969 after the US Air Force concluded their 17-year Project Blue Book study of UFOs and concluded that UFOs are not a threat to National Security. "They never said UFOs don't exist," Ventre said. "There is overwhelming evidence that they do. I believe this is an aviation safety issue. The only reason there are not more collisions is because of their ability to maneuver, not ours." MUFON has 2,700 members worldwide and over 900 certified investigators. The Pennsylvania MUFON branch has 129 members and 21 certified investigators. Anyone interested in joining MUFON can speak to John Ventre or one of the many investigators that will be at the conference from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey and Ohio. "One thing I know from conducting my investigations – if you've seen one, you believe," Ventre said. ********* 99 Years for Stealing Smokes nbcdfw - A central Texas jury has sentenced a man to 99 years in prison for stealing a carton of cigarettes from a smoke shop. The McLennan County jury sentenced 55-year-old Leon Willis Wilkerson in Waco Thursday after finding him guilty of robbery Wednesday. Wilkerson was charged as a habitual criminal. He had a record of eight previous felony convictions and 12 misdemeanors. According to court documents, Wilkerson stole the cigarettes in July 2008, tucked them in his jacket, then shoved to the ground a man who tried to stop him. The fallen man was injured, allowing prosecutors to upgrade the charge against Wilkerson from theft to robbery. ********** IHOP (International House of Pancakes) vs. IHOP (International House of Prayer) HP - The International House of Pancakes is suing another IHOP, the International House of Prayer, saying the church mission shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of the restaurant chain's famous name and acronym. The Kansas City Star reports that the chain says it sued only after the church mission refused repeated requests to stop using the IHOP acronym. Restaurant spokesman Patrick Lenow said the church has expanded and some branches are serving food. The lawsuit was filed last week in federal court in Los Angeles. Gary Cooper, a former Houston attorney who until recently served as the church mission's chief financial officer, said he didn't think the lawsuit had any legal basis. The religious group, which promotes its belief in daily, continuous prayer, has drawn thousands of people to Kansas City since it opened 10 years ago. ********** Canadian Man Charged With 'Pretending' to Practice Witchcraft CTVNews - Police have charged a Brampton, Ont., man with fraud, and the unusual charge of pretending to practice witchcraft. Sgt. Zahir Shah of the Peel Regional Police told CTV Toronto on Wednesday that the accused allegedly promised to perform magic for money "and that (he) would be able to solve any and all of your problems." The complainants allegedly paid the accused, who worked out of a large home. "Obviously he wasn't able to perform any magic and their problems remained unsolved," Shah alleged. The sergeant said that the charge of pretending to practice witchcraft "is not one we lay very often." An additional charge of fraud under $5,000 was also laid. The charges were laid after a victim came forward to police. Officers said they don't yet know how many people may have been victimized, but they suspect the accused has been operating for more than one year. Shah clarified that practicing witchcraft is not illegal, saying, "If you want to be a wiccan, that's your business." He added that someone is committing fraud if they say they have the ability to practice magic in return for money or a service. Yogendra Pathak, 44, was arrested on Monday. He is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 7. No allegations against him have been proven in a court of law. |
Cameron Lake Monster Mystery Expanding Posted: 16 Sep 2010 09:52 PM PDT ![]() vancouversun - John Kirk is elated when an unusual blip registers on the fish-finder. "Whoa, hello!" the scientist calls out as he studies the sonar screen with colleague Adam McGirr. Both men are researchers with the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club — monster-hunters, in other terms. On Tuesday, the pair was cruising the waters of Cameron Lake in search of a creature that has been the topic of local legends for years. The B.C. Scientific Cryptozoology Club first visited the area in September 2009 after an invitation from Oceanside Tourism to probe for evidence of the Cameron Lake monster. They weren't able to shed much light on the mystery, but two large strikes on a fish-finder prompted the team to return. Last year, poor weather and equipment troubles bogged down the expedition. It was a large fish — not a lake monster — that sparked a brief moment of excitement Tuesday afternoon as the researchers showed reporters a few of their methods. But earlier that morning, Kirk, who is president of the BCSCC, said the team encountered two large hits on the fish-finder that they couldn't explain. They were found near the Pacific Rim Highway at a spot known as Angel Rock — close to the same spot where cryptozoologists encountered two fish-finder strikes last year and also where a number of people reported seeing the creature. Kirk is convinced there's something unusual lurking beneath the surface of Cameron Lake, but the chances of it being a previously undiscovered monster-like animal is "way out in left field." There's not enough food in the area to support a massive aquatic creature — and with a maximum depth of about 64 metres, it wouldn't have much room in which to hide. A likelier scenario, he said, is that the monster rumours were sparked by the presence of massive sturgeon, which could have been released into the lake years ago as a prank. "There's something in the lake for sure, there's no question about that," said Kirk, whose team has also hunted for evidence of the legendary Ogopogo on B.C.'s Okanagan Lake. McGirr, the club's chief technologist, said Cameron Lake is "fairly deep" for an inland lake and the water is quite cold in some spots, creating a decent environment for sturgeon. But abnormally large trout could also be behind the mystery. McGirr said a cutthroat trout weighing about 45 kilograms was caught in the Northwest Territories. There have been reports of other freakishly large animals in B.C. as well — including a six-foot-long black salamander at Pitt Lake, he added. Human meddling seems the likeliest explanation for a non-native species, such as sturgeon making its way into an inland lake; Little Qualicum Falls presents a major obstacle to what is apparently Cameron Lake's only link to the ocean. The club also will examine whether there is an aquifer between Horne and Cameron lakes that the creature could have passed through. BCSCC has received reports of 15 sightings dating back to the 1980s, with most people seeing it during sunny summer days. Also, some witnesses have reported seeing three creatures at the same time. Oceanside Tourism, which helped funded the BCSCC's visits to Cameron Lake, hopes media attention will give the local tourism sector a boost. About half a dozen reporters responded to an invitation to join the cryptozoologists on the lake Tuesday and last year the association issued a news release enticing travel media to write "on the many eclectic man-made, natural and possibly supernatural attractions found in the region." Tourism officials say they don't expect tales of the lake creature to be a major draw. But a little mystery doesn't hurt, they add. NOTE: here is a link to a previous post on this searchCryptozoologists Back to Search for Cameron Lake Creature - ...Lon Cameron Lake Monster Mystery Expanding ********** Rick Phillips has posted an interesting followup article at Seeing Time-Travelers In Oldtime Photos - The Aftermath. I had posted a link to the original piece here at Phantoms and Monsters which, in turn, helped generate significant discussion on the internet. Take a minute and check out the post. ********** Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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