Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Legendary Humanoids: Nephilim, Evil Behemoths
- Photo: Mothman Seen In Nuremberg, Germany?
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/24/2010: Invasive Chipmunks, Witches / Wizards and Pain Relief
- Infamous Overbrook Asylum / Essex County Hospital Center To Be Razed
Legendary Humanoids: Nephilim, Evil Behemoths Posted: 24 Sep 2010 06:30 PM PDT Some mythical creatures have their origin in tradition and tales from the distant past. However, each culture is associated with a multitude of interesting and odd creatures, many of these beings are humanoids. One of these legendary humanoids is the Nephilim. The word or term 'Nephilim' appears twice in the Hebrew Bible, both in the Torah. The first is Genesis 6:1-4, immediately before the Noah's ark story: When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The second is Numbers 13:32-33, where the Hebrews have seen giants in Canaan: And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." 'Nephilim' is rendered fallen, or possibly feller: a tyrant or bully. Several English translations rendered the word "giants", but of late translators seem to prefer leave it untranslated. The "giants" translation may have come from the Greek old testament where "nephilim" was "gegantes" which looks like "giant" but in modern Greek would be "titans". In Greek mythos, the titans were the supernaturally powerful offspring of gods and humans. Some biblical researchers contend that the "Sons of God" were fallen angels who mated with human females and/or possessed human males and then mated with human females. These unions resulted in offspring, the Nephilim, that were "heroes of old, men of renown" It is also most important to note that they are mentioned almost simultaneous to God's statement that He would destroy the earth by flood, and it seems from this association that their effect upon mankind was one of the primary justifications that brought the destruction. I read a commentary that stated that if this were fact, that the Nephilim had mated with a variety of species, then we would now have a variety non-humans among us. Each has their own special traits. One example is Vampires. They were created when Nephilim fused their DNA with vampire bats. Vampire bats come out at night when the sunlight is dim as sun hurts their eyes. Like the Vampire bat, human vampires are adversely affected by sunlight and crave blood. Many true vampires, crave blood from the time of their birth. Many have donors that give blood to them and keep them well supplied. Blood often restores them to full health and well being. Another example given was Reptilians, that are non-humans that can shapeshift. This means that they can alter their DNA electrically to transform from a human form to one that is reptilian. They have to concentrate to keep their human shape, if not they turn into reptilian humanoid. These were not the only examples given. Some involved malformation, birth defects, races, genetic differences, etc. For this reason, it is understandable why the Nazis made determined efforts to find evidence of Nephilims in order to twist the legends to conform with their barbaric beliefs. We have all seen the photos of giant skeletons being unearthed as well as the urban legends told in regards to superhumans. But there was a strange incident that was disclosed a few years ago that just seemed to fade off without any explanation or followup. In 2005, there were reports that a Giant Man was killed in the Afghanistan mountains. This man was described as pale white, 15 foot tall, 1100 pound, six fingered and six toed who was feeding on human parts. It was reported that the Giant Man was killed by US Military after he reportedly attacked by throwing large rocks at them. The corpse of this Giant Man was flown to Germany for autopsy according to witnesses. Apparently the information was presented on the Coast to Coast AM show and discussed by George Noory and Steve Quayle. Since that time there has been little mention of this incident. Could this Giant Man have been a real being and/or had any relation to a Nephilim? Are there Nephilim living, thriving and breeding among us? Is there any connection with 2012 and the supposed 'end times' theories? There is a very good page on this subject at - LEVIATHAN CHAINED: The Legend of the Nephilim and the Cthulhu Mythos. In the H.G. Wells book The Time Traveler, he describes a race of monsters that live in the earth and maintain a secret society that was technologically far more advanced than the surface people. As well, these underground humanoids fed on the surface dwellers. There is a story by a Native American woman who stated her tribe was plagued by "giant" people that would steal their dead to eat them. They were red haired and lived in caves. In the end the tribe burned these giants to death. There are many stories in many cultures that refer to colossal beings in their midst. For us, it's simply a matter of what to believe. Legendary Humanoids: Nephilim, Evil Behemoths |
Photo: Mothman Seen In Nuremberg, Germany? Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:10 AM PDT yorkpress - A woman from York captured an unexplained object in her holiday snaps this month, and wants your help identifying it. Abbey Linfoot, 22, was on a European holiday with her boyfriend when she took a photo of this street in Nuremberg. When she looked at the photo later, she saw something she couldn't explain, high above the buildings. "I was taking lots of photos to show people where we'd been, but when I got back into the car I noticed there was something on this one," said Abbey, who is currently studying at Newcastle University "I just though, 'What it that? That looks weird', and couldn't work out what it was." Abbey has shown the picture to friends and family, including a photography student, and nobody has yet come up with a clear explanation. "I thought it looked like a cherub," said Bev, Abbey's mother. "I also thought it looked a bit like a naked Buzz Lightyear toy, but could be a bee or an insect or something." Looking into the region online, Bev found there had been a fatal crash at an airshow near Nuremberg earlier this summer. "There was a crash on September 5 where one person was killed and nearly 40 injured. It's really odd," said Bev. So what do you think - is this a trick of the light, a partly-invisible insect, a naked space ranger or something else? NOTE: not sure what to make of this but the influx of cellphone camera image overlays, especially in Europe, has me wondering.I attempted to pull up image info but there is nothing there but the link source. Should we keep an eye on Nuremberg in the near future? It'll be interesting to see if other sightings are reported...Lon Photo: Mothman Seen In Nuremberg, Germany? |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/24/2010: Invasive Chipmunks, Witches / Wizards and Pain Relief Posted: 24 Sep 2010 06:38 PM PDT Witches, Wizards Banned From Advertising In Russia - Russian lawmakers have backed a bill that bans witches and wizards from advertising in the media amid concerns that they give false hope to cancer victims. Nearly one million practitioners of the occult advertise their services in Russia, offering to cure anything from cancer to missing husbands for a fee, London's Daily Telegraph reported today. According to one report, almost one in five Russians consult the self-professed "faith healers," in a trend that has alarmed lawmakers. "Citizens, if they have the money, are even sometimes promised elevation to a new level of evolution," lawmaker Tatyana Yakovleva told the daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper. "Only last year in Moscow 300,000 people turned to the services of wizards and healers according to the Interior Ministry." Cancer specialists have warned that patients waste valuable time on consulting with witches or wizards, only to be told that there is nothing that can be done when the client runs out of money for a "cure." The bill would require anyone claiming to be able to solve people's health problems to get a licence to operate from the health ministry. It needs two more votes to become law. ********** Siberian Chipmunks Invade Ireland irishtimes - Wildlife experts have issued an "invasive species alert" following sightings of Siberian chipmunks on the loose in Co Waterford. The striped rodents, native to northern Asia, are regarded as a "significant threat" to the survival of the Irish red squirrel, which is already imperilled by the grey squirrel. Colette O'Flynn, manager of the National Invasive Species Database, explained that "Co Waterford remains a stronghold for red squirrels as the invasive grey squirrel has not as yet, penetrated into the heart of the county" but the chipmunk has "similar habitats and food requirements". She said the authorities were "alarmed" by sightings of chipmunks last month in Colligan Woods near Dungarvan. It is believed the creatures were bought as pets and escaped or were deliberately released into the wild. The first sighting occurred on August 10th when a member of the public spotted and photographed a chipmunk crossing a road. The sighting sparked concern among officials at the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. There was relief three days later when a dead chipmunk was found in the area. Officials hoped the sighting was "a one off". However, a fresh sighting occurred on August 15th when a local resident, Dina Walshe saw and photographed another chipmunk whose behaviour suggested it might have been a former pet "as it did not shy away from close human contact". She submitted photographs to the National Biodiversity Data Centre, which then issued the invasive species alert. The Siberian chipmunk (Eutamias sibiricus) is normally found in woodlands in northern Russia, China, Korea and Japan and is distinguished by five longitudinal stripes along its back. The rodent can grow to a length of 25cm and lives on a diet of shrubs, mushrooms, berries, birds and other small animals. Chipmunks can spread rabies and also carry the ticks which harbour Lyme disease. In Russia, they are regarded as pests which cause widespread destruction of nut and grain crops and can also threaten ground-nesting birds. Ms O'Flynn confirmed it was "illegal to release any non-native species into the wild in Ireland without a licence" and that it was also "cruel to release a pet into the wild". She pointed out that "Siberian chipmunks do not make ideal pets" as they "do not suit confinement and are difficult to contain". She also appealed to people who spot a chipmunk in the wild to take a photograph if possible and report the sighting. Ms O'Flynn added, "during 2009 and 2010, we have seen a number of species associated with the pet trade end up in the wild in Ireland". ********** American Angler Bitten By Fish With Human-Like Teeth orangeAn angler had a shock - when a mystery fish bit him back with distinctly human-looking teeth. Frank Yarborough was fishing in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, when he hooked the fish which was 5lb and nearly 1ft 8ins long. Assuming it was a catfish, he scooped his hand in the water to pull it out, only to find his fingers clamped between what appeared to be a set of dentures. Robert Stroud, a freshwater fisheries biologist with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, has confirmed that samples from the fish have been sent off to determine the fish's species. Stroud told WBTV: "This fish is more than likely a common species of Pacu, Colossama macropomum, originating from the Amazon River basin of South America and is quite common in the aquarium trade." Pacus, a distant relative of the piranha, is a warm water fish, and not native to Lake Wylie. Biologists believe it was probably raised in an exotic fish tank and released when it got too large for the tank. The fish is currently in a freezer in Mr Yarborough's Clover home, but unsurprisingly he has no plans to cook his catch. ********** Woman Attempts to Kill the Anti-Christ...Goes to Jail theweeklyvice - Sandra Clanton, a 39-year-old Elmhurst woman, was arrested Saturday night after she allegedly attempted to kill her 9-month-old grandson because he is the anti-Christ. According to DuPage police, Clanton placed her 9-month-old grandson on the counter next to the kitchen sink and then apparently lost her mind. Investigators say Clanton slammed the babies head against the counter and then cut his face with a knife. DuPage police say the child's mother and a friend were in the home during the attack and they called police. When investigators questioned Clanton, she reportedly told them that the baby was the anti-Christ. Clanton was transported to a hospital under police watch. While there, Clanton allegedly tried to commit suicide by slitting her wrists with a plastic cap from a bottle. Police say that Clanton then repeatedly banged her head on a table when they told her to stop. Clanton was transported from the hospital to the DuPage County Jail and charged with attempted first degree murder, aggravated battery to a child, and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Her bond was set at $2 million. ********** Have Pain? Touch It Away sciencedaily - There may be a very good reason that people naturally clutch their hand after receiving an injury. A new report published online Sept. 23 in Current Biology shows that self-touch offers significant relief for acute pain under experimental conditions. The researchers suggest that the relief comes from a change in the brain's representation of the rest of the body. "Pain is quite an important, but also complicated, experience and can be caused in many different ways," said Patrick Haggard of University College London. "We show that levels of acute pain depend not just on the signals sent to the brain, but also on how the brain integrates these signals into a coherent representation of the body as a whole." Haggard and his colleague Marjolein Kammers, also of University College London, made the discovery by studying the effects of self-touch in people who were made to feel pain using an experimental condition known as the thermal grill illusion (TGI). "The TGI is one of the best-established laboratory methods for studying pain perception," Haggard explained. "In our version, the index and ring fingers are placed in warm water and the middle finger in cold water. This generates a paradoxical feeling that the middle finger is painfully hot." That's ideal because it allows scientists to study the experience of pain without actually causing any injury to those who participate in the studies. When TGI was induced in an individual's two hands and then the three fingers of one hand were touched to the same fingers on the other hand immediately afterwards, the painful heat experienced by the middle finger dropped by 64 percent compared to a condition without self-touch. That relief didn't come when only one hand was placed under TGI conditions. Partial self-touch in which only one or two fingers were pressed against each other didn't work either. Nor did it work to press the affected hand against an experimenter's hand that had also been warmed and cooled in the same way. "In sum," the researchers wrote, "TGI was reduced only when thermosensory and tactile information from all three fingers was fully integrated. That is, TGI reduction required a highly coherent somatosensory pattern, including coherence between tactile and thermal patterns and coherence of stimuli between the two hands." Haggard said that earlier studies of chronic pain had suggested the importance of body representation in the experience of pain. For example, the phantom pain that is often felt following amputation of a limb appears to lessen with time as the brain converges on an updated representation of the body. Haggard said the new findings extend the important role of body representation to acute pain and may lead to a better understanding of the brain mechanisms involved in chronic pain as well. The findings might be put to practical use, the researchers say. "Our work suggests that therapies aimed at strengthening the multisensory representation of the body may be effective in reducing pain," Haggard said. The researchers include Marjolein P.M. Kammers, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, Alexandra House, London, UK; Frederique de Vignemont, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS/EHESS/ENS, Paris, France; Transitions NYU-CNRS, New York, NY; and Patrick Haggard, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, Alexandra House, London, UK. Fortean / Oddball News - 9/24/2010: Invasive Chipmunks, Witches / Wizards and Pain Relief |
Infamous Overbrook Asylum / Essex County Hospital Center To Be Razed Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT baristanet - It's time of service past, the now defunct Essex County Hospital Center campus in Cedar Grove — which housed and treated psychiatric patients from 1896 until its final closure in 2007 — has been slated for demolition. In a news conference this afternoon, Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. will join with officials from K Hovnanian to discuss the details of the plan. The County Executive requested that K Hovnanian remove the abandoned buildings because they had become "safety hazards and eyesores in the community," according to a press release. Formerly known as the Overbrook Insane Asylum, the facility has been a source of eerie fascination for many, and the site of ongoing alleged paranormal activities. The subject of TV shows Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters in 2008, the 90-acre ground is said to be haunted. According to Weird New Jersey, which has written extensively on the hospital's history, Overbrook suffered a major catastrophe during the winter of 1917. The failure of the hospital's boilers during particularly cold weather resulted in the death of 24 patients in 20 days, with patients freezing to death in their beds. The New York Times featured the tragedy on December 21 of that year. Click for video Overbrook was a central facet of Essex County's history throughout the 20th Century. The hospital was laid out at the bottom of a hill atop which sat the Essex Mountain Sanatorium—a facility used at various times to treat tuberculosis patients, wayward children, and drug abusers. The two facilities and the many abandoned buildings associated with them became Essex County's most legendary location, home to escaped lunatics, troubled ghosts, and roving gangs of ne'er do wells. For a generation of North Jersey teens, a visit to the Overbrook site was a rite of passage— going to "The Asylum," "The Bin," or "The Hilltop"—was a surefire way to test your mettle and impress your friends. The thousands of tales that made their way back from the site via these adventurous teens have long cemented Overbrook as a vital part of the tapestry of New Jersey's local lore. - Weird NJ Recollections of the hospital complex: "I still remember using the road through there as a short cut and the patients literally hanging out of windows screaming and carrying on during a summer full moon. We rolled up the windows, locked the doors, and never used it again. Later, I had a friend that worked the boiler room at night while going to college…The buildings are all connected by tunnels that carried steam for heat and their own generated electricity. One night, the door to the tunnel flies open and this voice booms out 'It's you!' Well, he runs over, shuts and barricades the door and calls security. The guards that came tell him not to worry, then go and open the door and call into the tunnel 'Hey, Frank.' A minute later a small, meek voice says, 'Yea.' They say, 'We got a job for you.' After a minute of silence they say, 'A real important job.' Another minute passes and then this little guy—maybe five feet tall— comes out and says, 'OK, I'm ready.' The friend always made sure the door was blocked first thing when he got to work after that."Escaped Inmates from Overbrook. - Y.A.D __________ I was born and schooled in Essex County, New Jersey. As I recall, there was a mental institution named "Overbrook" that was in Cedar Grove and the Essex County Sanitarium that was in Caldwell. Growing up, I lived in Cedar Grove very near the Verona line. Our eighth grade had graduation exercises at Overbrook in 1944 before the new school, and before Cedar Grove had a high school. We were shipped to Bloomfield High School to complete our education through grade twelve. I always laughingly said that I graduated from a mental institution. A few years later, when I was a young mother, we lived near Overbrook. One day I was in my yard sunning myself along with my infant son when I heard my neighbor call to me in a loud whisper. I was near to her side of the house. She said she observed a man acting strangely, and that I should pick up the baby and hurry over to her house. I did. We called the police who later identified the man as an inmate who wandered off from the mental institution. Needless to say, I was scared to death. We moved soon after that incident. - Charlotte Springer Click for video Click for video ********** from 8/2008 Anjelica Huston's Latest Movie Set Was Haunted ![]() Director Clark Gregg, who adapted Chuck Palahniuk's novel for the big screen, opted to film scenes in an abandoned New Jersey psychiatric hospital, where one crew member saw a ghost. Gregg recalls, "This hospital was a collection of maybe 70 buildings, built in 1910; it was a city for the insane called Overbrook. It's now down to five buildings and they were all abandoned. "We had these very tough guy cops who were there training police dogs while we were shooting and they were so matter of fact that there were two ghosts in two different buildings. One was kind of a sexy turn-of-the-century Florence Nightingale nurse ghost, but the other wasn't so friendly. "Building five had this unspeakable satanic dark energy. The crew member who walked into that building and had this experience with a ghost was not even capable of speaking about it - still isn't." Infamous Overbrook Asylum / Essex County Hospital Center To Be Razed Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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