Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Is 'The Event' Actually A Disclosure?
- UFO Investigation Continues - New Video - Wilson County, Texas
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/21/2010
- Inexplicata: Mystery Animals of Yesterday and Today
Is 'The Event' Actually A Disclosure? Posted: 21 Sep 2010 04:54 PM PDT ![]() Sean Walker (played by Jason Ritter) takes his girlfriend Leila (Sarah Roemer) on a cruise for a romantic getaway. During their vacation, his plan to surprise her by proposing marriage goes off course when they befriend another couple, Vicky and Greg, after Sean rescues Vicky from drowning while visiting a tropical island. Hung-over after a night of drinking, Leila stays in her cabin while Sean and Vicky go snorkeling. When he gets back to the room, not only does his key not work, but Leila is missing and their names are erased from the ship's records. Even her cell phone is no longer in service. After realizing that Leila has been kidnapped, Sean boards a plane that, once it takes off, he hijacks at gunpoint. His reason? Leila's father, Michael (Scott Patterson), is the pilot, and Sean somehow knows that Michael is planning to fly the plane directly into the President's residence in Florida. But despite his best efforts, Sean can't stop Michael. Luckily, at the moment of impact, the plane instead disappears into a portal of unknown origin. Now, there is a group of detainees at a base in Alaska led by Sophia (Laura Innes) that the CIA doesn't want President Martinez (Blair Underwood) to find out about. But once he does, he instructs his national security adviser, Blake Sterling (Zeljko Ivanek), to take him to the facility. Later, Martinez meets with Sophia and prepares to announce the detainees' release at the press conference at his home in Florida, which is when the plane containing Sean and Michael suddenly starts bearing down on them. Once the plane vanishes, Sophia admits, "I haven't told you everything," the episode's final line and its title. While Sean and Leila are on their vacation, Michael, his wife, and their 7-year-old daughter relax at home. Armed men break into their home, capture the girl and appear to shoot the wife. Immediately after, we see Michael (in his pilot's uniform) board the plane, telling his confused co-pilot that there's been a schedule change and now he's going to be handling this particular flight. Later, as Sean is trying to reason with Michael on the cockpit phone, he tells the Michael that he loves Leila too but that she would never want him to do what he's about to do. Michael doesn't seem to be listening, almost as if he's under control by an outside force. A man named Simon Lee (Ian Anthony Dale) meets with Sophia at the Alaska prison, where they speak about 'the Event.' Later, he is racing in his car after Michael's airplane, desperately phoning air-traffic control to halt its takeoff. When air-traffic control asks who he is, Simon doesn't tell them. After the plane takes off and away from the chase, he calls someone else to say that he couldn't stop the flight in time. The obvious questions are: Who's behind Leila's kidnapping? Do Greg and Vicky have anything to do with it? How did Sean know that Michael was flying this plane? How did Sean know that Michael was planning on crashing it? How did Sean get a gun onto an airplane? Who are these detainees? Are these aliens with powers to move time and space? Are they behind the missing plane? Why have they been locked away? Are Michael's wife and daughter indeed dead and did the home invaders put him up to hijacking the plane? Who does Simon work for? Does he know anything about Leila's kidnapping? Did he know about the attack on President Martinez? The thinly veiled characters and incidents are also very noteworthy. There is a black U.S. President, covert government detainees, hidden bases, etc. All this suggests that we are about to witness 'The Event' on television before we witness it for real. In the style of 'LOST' and '24', are we about to view our future? Is 'The Event' Actually A Disclosure? |
UFO Investigation Continues - New Video - Wilson County, Texas Posted: 21 Sep 2010 12:11 PM PDT Click for video Video description: Real 911 call made at 8:54PM after seeing a ship fall through a cloud (14 September 2010) near La Vernia, Texas. On the day after the 911 call, my son and I start a video investigation. At 9:00PM we both see a UFO fly right over our heads between Stockdale and Nixon, Texas. The next day, 16 September, at 9:03PM four of us try to film yet another UFO near Stockdale. ![]() Click on image for larger version MUFON CMS - near LaVernia, TX - 9/14/10 - (unedited): I was driving west on Texas State road 87 towards La Vernia. It was lightly drizzling and the traffic was driving slowly. I saw a little light shining through the rain clouds so I pulled over to get a better look at it because there no other star or light in the sky at that time. I stepped out of my truck and stood there next to the driver's door for an about five minutes. As the rain cloud slowly dissipated and moved from South to North and I discovered I was looking at a shining star or a planet. However, as I was about to reenter my truck, something fell out of the slow moving rain cloud. At first I thought there was a mid-air collision so I imminently called 911 to report it. First I got through to Bexar County 911 dispatch then I was transferred to Wilson County 911 dispatch. A second car pulled off the road about 100 feet behind me and I believe they too witness this event. This is what I reported to 911: I told them I was driving on 87 heading to Stockdale, Texas. I was presently between San Antonio and somewhere near La Vernia. I told 911 to hold on and I jumped back into my truck and drove about 200 to 300 feet to give them a crossroad. I pulled up to County Road 365 and relayed my position. Then I explain that I saw something about the size of a jet liner fall straight down from the rain cloud but there was no more rain coming from it now. The 911 dispatcher asked if I was sure it was a plane. I told them it looks like an airplane but the wings had broken off (I did not see any wing on the side facing me) and about the size of a Boeing 757 or a bigger 747. I estimated the bottom of the cloud was 20,000 feet and it fell for about 5,000 to 10,000 feet and I think I counted 2 to 3 seconds of free fall. The object was about 20 to 30 miles East of me and was burning up on its way down but it was engulfed in blue flames with dripping hot metal falling more from one side of it (Like when you see videos of the Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up on reentry). Except this thing is dropping straight down from the cloud and it was falling horizontal as if the plane hit a wall, stayed intact and started falling. As I watched it fall, all the flames had burned out about 5,000 feet above the ground. I could not hear anything because of the passing traffic and I did not see a ground impact because of the trees on the horizon. I told 911 that it was not a meteor because meteors fall like left to right or across the sky. 911 asked me where I thought it had falling. I told them it fell to the north and between of La Vernia and Stockdale. They asked for my full name and said they are sending a car out to investigate. After I hung up the phone with 911, I continued my drive to Stockdale and picked up my son and told him what I had called into 911 about 15 minutes earlier. So we continued East on 87 looking for the crash. We drove all the way to Nixon with no luck so we stopped into Nixon's Dairy Queen to get something to eat and asked around if anyone had seen anything fall from the sky. There were about four employees but no one had seen or heard anything. It was now exactly 9:51PM when I stepped outside of the Nixon's Dairy Queen when I heard and noted a twin engine plane flying very slow in a circular formation right above the town. I motion my son to come out and verify the aircraft. I could not see any markings (just the anti-collision lights flashing) but by it slow speed and altitude I believe it to be a search plane. Next we drove back to Stockdale. On the drive back to Stockdale from Nixon, we passed two police cars heading East but I could not tell if they where State or Local law enforcement. About 4 miles West of Stockdale we took up a looking position at the southern corner of the intersection where 87 and 97 from Floresville meet. At exactly 10:33PM a low flying Helicopter was flying from West to East just north of 87 in the direction to where I reported the possible impact area. At exactly 10:55 two police cars with sirens and lights flashing were driving very fast from Stockdale direction towards La Vernia direction. At about 11:15 with no further incidents, we drove home so I could make this report. I have added a few maps of the area to show my location when I called 911. UPDATE: BURNING CRAFT FREE-FALL MUFON CMS - Leesville, TX and Nixon, TX - 9/15/2010 - (unedited): My son and I have driven to the little town of Leesville, which is five miles north of Nixon, Texas to look for more eyewitnesses to the prior night report (See 'Jet liner with no visible wings burning and falling out of a cloud' September 14th 911 Call). After spending about two hours in Leesville and the surrounding area, we drove back to Nixon and asked around if anyone had seen anything in the sky. At approximant 8:30PM, my son and I started our drive West from Nixon on Texas 87/97 toward Stockdale. We had drove pass the town of Pandora when my son makes me pull off to the side of the road. He said something is zigzagging between three stars. With the truck still running and traffic coming at us in both directions I jump out with my camera and ran over to his side. My son was now standing outside the truck and is pointing in about a 55 degree angle up and is pointing northwest. I asked him again what he saw. He stated it is not an airplane, not a shooting or falling star. It was moving zigzagging and it is now coming right to us. Since I was driving my eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to the night sky. I told my son to get the spot light and point to it (we learned to carry a high power spot light with us at all times). He points the spot light at a now slow moving light, this is moving right towards us from about 1,000 to 2,000 feet above. As it moved closer to us, a few more cars and trucks pass us on the road but nobody stopped. At first it was a solid light but as it flew closer I can see three separate lights in a tight triangle formation with a huge light at each corner. Each light was glowing and had a shape like those sunken ceiling light used in modern kitchens, you can only see the lower half of the light. We could not see any metal or any shadow of the body but you can see the three lights where mounted onto some kind of fixture. I believe the diameter of each light would be 15 to 20 feet across and the space between each light about 6 to 8 feet. I would give it a size between a Caravan 675 and a Citation CJ4 or a length of 50 to 100 feet. It moved steadily over our heads from the northwest to the southwest without changing its speed or direction. My truck was still running so we could not tell if it was making any noise. I predict it was moving about 70 to 80 miles an hour for it took about ten minutes to fly over us and out into the horizon. I so busy trying to get measurements and directions in my head that I forgot to film it. Go figure. After it faded into the night we drove up to the next crossroad which is County Road 538 and turn left and drove about 100 feet to get away from the traffic. We parked there observing the night sky for another hour or so but there was no more activity. We are planning to set up there again tonight. NOTE: I sent a message to the witness asking if he can provide further evidence as well as keep me in the loop. I'll post updates if other information becomes available...Lon UFO Investigation Continues - New Video - Wilson County, Texas |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/21/2010 Posted: 21 Sep 2010 10:54 AM PDT Alien Abduction Insurance Now Available! ![]() However bizarre it may sound, you can actually get insurance against alien abduction. According to Newser, British Insurance has made $3 million selling this policy to gullible Californians. But the company's managing director admits it's a joke. "Let's face it," he says, "Insurance is so tedious that if I can enlighten my dreary life with a bit of humour every now and again, I will." Apparently the weird insurance is purchased usually by the weak minded. With most people having a health, car, house and life insurance, companies are coming up with wacky insurance policies. Here's a list of Asylum's wackiest policies ever devised, reports Newser. Immaculate Conception: Three Scottish virgins were so convinced that God might impregnate them that they took out a policy that would pay them $1.5 million if it happened. AlienChest Hair: An unknown celebrity asked an insurance company to insure his manly chest rug for $7 million. Alas, he never took out the policy. Giant Crab: When the Birmingham Sea Life aquarium took possession of a gigantic Japanese spider crab measuring 10-feet across, they assured the public wasn't dangerous-then took out a $1.5 million policy against visitor death or dismemberment. Thailand Riots: To reassure tourists about their eminently safe country, the Thai government is offering visitors riot insurance. ********** Unknown Tiger Group Found Living in the Himalayas Television footage shot by the BBC's Natural History Unit has provided the first evidence that tigers can live and breed at extremely high altitudes. The team filmed the animals, normally found in jungle habitats, more than 4,000 metres high in the Himalayas. Experts say the discovery could make it easier to create a conservation corridor, linking populations of the endangered felines across Asia. ********** Chemical Suicides swns - Fire crews wearing specialist chemical protective clothing were called to a car park on an industrial estate in Braintree, Essex. A stunned warehouse worker raised the alarm after finding an apparent suicide note pasted to the car's window warning the vehicle was filled with hydrogen sulphide. The bodies of a young man and woman, believed to be in their 20s or 30s, were found inside the car and fire crews cordoned off the car park. It is believed that the deaths are one of the first 'chemical suicides' to occur in Britain. The craze, which is sweeping Japan and USA, involves mixing bath salts and detergent to create deadly hydrogen sulphide gas. A source close to the scene said: "It is believed this is a 'chemical suicide' which is a growing trend around the world but could be the first in the UK. "There was a warning note on the window of the car telling people not to open the door. It warned the emergency services there were hazardous fumes inside so they knew what to deal with." Joy Hale, spokesman for East England Ambulance, confirmed today that paramedics from the Hazardous Response Team are at the scene. The bodies of two people were found in the car but have not yet been officially declared dead, Miss Hale added. She said: "We have resources down there including the Hazardous Response Team trying to make the area safe because it is a public area and people are trying to get to work. "We are aware of two people in the van and we are working with all emergency services." A spokesman for Essex Fire Service said: "A chemical zone has been put in place while we work out what we are dealing with." A spokesman for Essex Police today described the operation as "an ongoing situation". She said: "A car with two bodies has been found in a a car park on an industrial site. "All emergency procedures have been put in place because we believe the car may contain some form of noxious substance. "Until we get into the car and find out exactly what we've got it's difficult to speculate what has happened. "We've evacuated the vicinity as a safety precaution until we know what we are dealing with." ********** ![]() Dead 'Polar Bear' Was Really a Cow telegraph - The presenter of ITV's West Country breakfast bulletin informed astonished viewers that an animal more commonly spotted near the North Pole had turned up in the seaside town of Bude. Video footage showed a large, white beast lying on the shore. "A walker in Cornwall has caught an extraordinary sight on camera. A polar bear has washed up on a beach near Bude," an excited Miss Lloyd said. "The bear comes from the Arctic Circle and an investigation is under way as to how it could have ended up there." Alas for Miss Lloyd, the tale of the Cornish polar bear turned out to be several thousand miles wide of the mark. Closer inspection revealed that the polar bear was, in fact, a cow. The farm animal had been bleached white by sea water. Red-faced bosses at ITV dropped the item from later bulletins, but insisted that it was an easy mistake. "The animal caused quite a stir in Bude. Several people has seen the animal from a cliff top and thought it was a polar bear," a spokesman said. "Its size and colour and its lying position on the beach did make it look like a polar bear and we had several calls. "But on closer inspection we discovered it was a cow. The tide was very strong and it did bring several dead animals in along that stretch of coast." The spokesman conceded that the mistake was "a bit embarrassing". Several dog walkers and ramblers contacted the television station after spotting the animal early yesterday morning. The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) service also received calls. A BDMLR spokesman said: "Mostly we deal with stranded seals, whales, dolphins and porpoises. We don't get calls about polar bears in Cornwall all that often. Or cows, for that matter." Miss Lloyd was unavailable for comment last night. ITV West Country has an available audience of up to two million viewers and the bulletin was broadcast at 7.55am. Students of geography would have realised the unlikeliness of a polar bear appearing in the warm seas off Cornwall. The animals live on the Arctic sea ice and Greenland is the closest they get to Britain. There are around 25,000 polar bears left in the wild and their existence is threatened by global warming. Earlier this year, the RSPB pulled off an April Fool's joke by claiming that a polar bear had been washed up - still alive - on the Isle of Mull. This was not the first time that something unusual washed up on the beach at Bude. In 2008, seven suitcase-sized packages of cocaine were found on the beach, part of a £2.5 million haul washed up along the coastline. ********** Christine O'Donnell Denunciation of Witchcraft Infuriates Witches gawker - Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell hastily dismissed her witchcraft background this weekend, after Bill Maher released an old tape of her describing high-school experimentation with satanic altars. Now the Witch Community is furious, and will transform O'Donnell into a carrot. O'Donnell laughed off her 11-year-old remembrance of high school — where she "dabbled in witchcraft" and dated a comely witch who took her to a bloody "satanic altar," for a picnic — saying that we all all hung out with "questionable folks," i.e. evil witches, in high school! This is essentially true. And yet the Wiccan community ("Big Witch") is outraged over this smear job, according to the Huffington Post's Sam Stein: Yes, this was 11 years ago she said that," said Reverend Selena Fox, the High Priestess & Senior Minister of the Circle Sanctuary a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting paganism and nature spirituality. "But the kinds of things she is saying now, saying 'well in high school you are with despicable characters' or some such thing, she is actually defaming Wiccans. Whether she intends to do that or not as a way to try and get herself out of this political problem she has created for herself, the fact is America really needs to be a place where you can celebrate diversity and practice your religion without getting ridiculed or defamed." And here's Diotima Mantineia of 'The Witches' Voice," a "neopagan network," who also warns O'Donnell about how her hate speech could lose her the Delaware Witch vote: I really have to question what she is talking about because witchcraft and Satanism are two different things... witches or Wiccans do not believe in Satan. We don't even believe that Satan exist. Satan is a Christian deity of some kind. He is part of the Christian religion not ours. We worship nature; we work very closely with nature. We do not have blood on our altar and we have little to do with Satan. So I don't know what Ms. O'Donnell is talking about. I wonder if she knows what she was talking about. When will Christine O'Donnell apologize to these friendly witches? NOTE: I know that there are several readers of this blog who are Wiccan. I'd like to read your response to this article...Lon Fortean / Oddball News - 9/21/2010 |
Inexplicata: Mystery Animals of Yesterday and Today Posted: 21 Sep 2010 09:53 AM PDT ![]() Mystery Animals: Yesterday and Today By Scott Corrales A curious news item made its way to the Reuters World Service in October 1996: Elements of the Egyptian police had allegedly shot and captured two strange savage animals of a pack that had terrorized the small Egyptian town of Armant, a community in the Nile Valley some three hundred miles south of Cairo, killing three villagers and wounding dozens in a series of nocturnal raids against the population. The news item went on to say that the bloodthirsty creatures resembled "large hyenas or wild dogs." Known to the locals as salaawwa, the beasts allegdly belong to no known species of canids. Egypt's Ministry of the Interior offered the theory that the animals had been driven northward from the Sudan in search of new hunting grounds. Armed villagers joined the gendarmes in efforts to ensnare the bizarre animals, ultimately managing to wound a specimen as it emerged from the farmland bent on attacking individual homes. Another such creature had been shot dead, and no further information was available on the beasts. In a world in which new species are added to the roster every year, the news of hyena offshoots attacking humans in the Nile should simply be chalked up to animal reactions resulting from changes in the environment. But the Egyptian news story has a curious ring of familiarity to it. In the year 774 A.D., during the reign of Emperor Leo IV, called "the Khazar", the Eastern Roman Empire was swept by a plague of quasi-biblical proportions which was followed by the appearance of bizarre carnivorous animals which could be dead-ringers for the one in the Reuters item. A Syriac priest and chronicler of the time, Denys de Tell-Mahre, describes the creatures as having no fear of humans and resembling wolves, but with smaller and narrower muzzles and horse-like ears. "The skin on their dorsal spine resembled the bristles of pigs," adds the medieval chronicler. Swarms of these strange canids fanned out across Anatolia, devouring dozens of farmers and villagers. The animals fought their human attackers fiercely, unafraid of weapons, brazenly carrying off children out of homes and fields. Soon, however, we begin to encounter clearly paranormal overtones emerging from this Syriac chronicle: the nameless beasts were able to "abduct children from their beds" and dogs refused to bark at their appearance. Entire herds of cattle were destroyed, and "when one of them attacked a herad of goats, or flock of sheep, it took away several at a time," adds the chronicle. In a medieval fairy-tale of the same period, a paladin would doubtlessly have appeared to redress the situation, but what happened in real life was far more prosaic: the monstrous creatures simply moved on to a new hunting ground, apparently what is today northern Iraq. No mention of the creatures is made in subsequent Middle Eastern annals. Paranormal creatures of every shape and size conceivable appear and disappear around the world, causing physical damage and preying on domesticated animals. The same pattern has repeated itself over the centuries well into the twentieth century. The Moca Vampire -- Deja Vu All Over Again On Februrary 25, 1975, a Puerto Rican newspaper ran one of the very first headlines concerning the wave of mysterious animal deaths to occur in the vicinity of the small town of Moca, on the island's western side. The creature, christened "The Moca Vampire" by the press, began its activities in Moca's Barrio Rocha, where it killed a number of animals in a grisly fashion never seen before. Fifteen cows, three goats, two geese and a pig were found dead with strange puncture marks on their hides, indicating that some sharp object --natural or artificial-- had been inserted into the hapless bovines. Autopsy reports invariably showed that not a single drop of blood remained within the animals, as if it had been consumed by some predator. Police officers were adamant about ascribing the deaths to dogs, since they correctly believed that not even the wildest of feral dogs could climb some of the fences surrounding the dead animals' pens. On March 7, 1975, a cow belonging to Rey Jim‚nez was found dead in Moca's Barrio Cruz, presenting deep, penetrating wounds on its skull and a number of scratches around the wounds on its body. Jim‚nez's cow was added to the growing list of victims, which now totalled well over thirty. As the number of victims grew exponentially, the Moca Vampire acquired an identity of its own, much in the same way that the Chupacabras would twenty years later. Speculation as to its nature was rife: many believed it was a supernatural "bird", like the one seen by Mar¡a Acevedo, a Moca resident who noticed that a strange animal had landed on her home's zinc rooftop in the middle of the night. According to Acevedo's testimony, the bird pecked at the rusty rooftop and at the windows before taking flight, issuing a terrifying scream. The UFO phenomenon did not wait excessively long before manifesting itself in the dark skies over Moca: on March 12, 1975, Luis Torres, together with his son and daughter-in-law, witnessed an object which resembled "the lights on a police cruiser" spinning in the night on the outskirts of town. Torres and his family estimated that the object had been engaged in an overflight of the fields in which mutilated animals were being found. A few days later, on March 15, farmer Cecilio Hern ndez notified authorities that the elusive Moca Vampire had slain thirty-four chickens on his property at some point during the night. The supernatural entity was by now responsible for ninety animal deaths in a two week period. A false moment of hope marked this critical period in the Moca crisis: Luis Torres, the same farmer who had reported seeing a UFO over Moca's outlying regions, became the man of the hour after slaying two enormous snakes (Puerto Rican boas) measuring an unheard-of six-foot length. Torres had captured the creatures as they stood ready to attack a 600-pound heifer. The media hailed this act of heroism as the "solution to the mutilation riddle"; citizens could finally issue a collective sigh of relief. However, the Moca Vampire had its own agenda. On March 18, 1975, two goats belonging to Hector Vega, a resident of Moca's Barrio Pueblo, were found drained of blood. Puncture marks on the goats' necks were the unmistakable sign that the strange creature causing the deaths was still at large and hungrier than ever: it returned to Vega's farm the following night to finish off ten more goats and wound another seven. The horrified farmer also discovered that ten additional goats had gone missing. It was this last spree of vampiristic activity that finally prompted official action in the form of a visit from the Senate Agricultural Commission, led by Senator Miguel A. Deynes, Police colonel Samuel L¢pez and a number of functionaries. After talking to the affected parties and to local law enforcement officials, Senator Deynes requested that Astol Toledo, the Superintendent of Police "redouble his efforts in getting to the bottom of the situation," as there was no doubt in his mind that no animal could cause so many deaths. (In yet another curious parallel between the Moca Vampire and the Chupacabras of the nineties, the Superintendent of Police 20 years later would be Pedro Toledo). Supporters of the "killer snake" theory which had gained adherents in the wake of Luis Torres' exploits had their hopes dashed yet again by Dr. Juan Rivero, a Mayag�ez-based herpetologist who stated in no uncertain terms that the Puerto Rican boa, a non-poisonous reptile, was physically incapable of killing animals as large as a goat, much less a cow. The herpetologist added that snakes' mouths were not adapted to suck blood. Felix Badillo could not believe his eyes when, on the morning of March 23, 1975, he found a ten pound piglet dead in it pen. The tiny porker was missing an ear and had a sizeable hole on the side of its head. Badillo was haunted by the fact that such a thing could have happened to one of his animals, since his fierce watchdog had neither barked nor growled during the night and there was no sign of a struggle. The pig farmer was hardly comforted by the expert opinion of Dr. Angel de la Sierra, a specialist with the University of Puerto Rico, who noted that the cut on the piglet's ear stump was similar to certain incisions made in experimental surgery to study deafness. The Moca Vampire had apparently tired of its diet and was ready for a new treat. At ten o'clock at night on March 25, laborer Juan Mu¤iz was allegedly attacked by a "horrible creature covered in feathers," as he would later describe it. Mu¤iz was returning home to Moca's Barrio Pulido when he saw the unsightly entity. The laborer threw stones at the creature to frighten it away, but only managed to provoke its anger: the creature flew toward him, prompting Mu¤iz to seek shelter behind some bushes before running to a neighbor's house. An armed group of locals sought to find the strange being, but no trace was found. By April 1975, the "vampire" had transcended the narrow confines of Moca, embarking on an island-wide spree of animal killings. Among its first depredations outside the San Juan metropolitan area was the slaying of a pig on a farm belonging to one Benigno Lozada in Guaynabo, P.R.. Meanwhile, an all-out effort to apprehend the suspected human element behind the mutilations had been set into motion by the police, while on the other hand, the media bent over backward to find a "rational" or "scientific" explanation that would dismiss the strong supernatural air surrounding the unknown predator. When some "odd bats" were discovered in a limestone cave near Moca, hope welled in newsrooms throughout the island. However, it was soon pointed out that the bats were in fact of the ordinary kind, who live on fruit and do not attack animals. On April 2, the predator paid a visit to a farm owned by Isauro Melgar in Corozal's Barrio Negro. The Moca Vampire killed eight goats and a dozen rabbits on the property. This loss was particularly painful for the small farmer, since the breeding rabbits had been quite valuable. Fearing that the unknown creature would stage a return on the following evening, Melgar mounted a watch all night, spreading poison on the ground to eliminate whatever it was seemed interested in his bunnies. Joined by a group of armed neighbors, Melgar kept watch until three in the morning. The moment the men disbanded, whatever it was returned with a vengeance to slay more animals. This only strengthened the farmers' determination to remain awake all night, if need be. At half past midnight on April 5th, Isauro Melgar and his companions were startled by a deafening sound which suddenly blanketed the otherwise silent countryside. Amid the unearthly din, the farmers saw a shadowy figure running swiftly through the trees, away from an open pasture. They would later discover that four more goats had been slain. Stoical despite of his losses, Melgar told the press that "whatever killed my goats was definitely not human. I don't believe in vampires, of course, but I really can't say what kind of creature killed my animals." Two months into the Moca Vampire scare, official declarations began appearing in the media and in government communiqu‚s. Dr. Benedicto Negr¢n, a veterinarian for the Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture, noted that "the situation was a concern" to his agency, expressing a fear that the uncanny events might unleash hysteria among the population. In an April 9th editorial, the now-defunct El Mundo ran an editorial requesting greater leadership from the government in solving the bizarre mutilations. As was the case during the Chupacabras events in 1995, it would take more than an exhortation from the media to prompt official action, so the killing spree continued. A variety of ducks, chickens and other poultry were drained of blood at locations as disparate as Aguadilla (on the island's western shore) and Guaynabo (a suburb of San Juan). Heavy UFO activity was reported over the metropolitan suburbs of Santa Rosa and Cerro Gordo, while a massive cigar-shaped UFO, emitting strong yellow lights through rectangular portholes, hovered some 1500 feet over a family home in the suburb of Cupey, giving the homeowners and their neighbors a leisurely, 45 minute-long look. Researchers found scorched vegetation the following morning, presumably at the location where the unknown vehicle had made a furtive landing. On May 13, 1975, Jos‚ Santos, of Corozal's Palo Blanco sector, reportedly encountered a round-headed, hairy-tailed and large-eyed creature which issued growls similar to those made by a small dog. Santos believed that whatever the small creature was, it was definitely not native to the island. Back in Moca, however, three roosters, a rabbit and five goats belonging to the municipal treasurer met untimely ends at the hands (fangs?) of an unknown intruder. UFO activity had increased to a record high during May 1975, paralleling the rise in animal mutilations. A group of three objects, two of them resembling stars, flew over Fajardo, P.R. with impunity. Among the witnesses were an astronomer and a Ph.D in psychology, who were absolutely positive in classifying the objects as neither natural nor of human manufacture. At nine thirty p.m. on May 17th, a UFO flew low over a home in Park Gardens, Rio Piedras. Three women who had been engaged in conversation on the front porch were startled to see a large ball of powerful yellow light engage in a series of complex maneuvers overhead. Simultaneous sightings were taking place elswhere over San Juan: three witnesses were surprised to see a house-sized luminous craft spinning in the night skies over a historic landmark -- Fort San Crist¢bal -- in the city's old section. An object surmounted by a red light flew in front of an apartment building facing the Condado Lagoon. According to the professional couple who witnessed its maneuvers, the object turned its light off as it flew by, remaining a dark mass against the sky. The Moca Vampire's activity persisted well into the summer: On June 25th, it killed 25 farm animals outside of Isabela, P.R.. Fourteen fighting cocks were later exanguinated by the same predator, this time in Yauco, P.R.. As the summer wore on, the "vampire", its appetite seemingly sated, diminished its activity before vanishing altogether in August 1975. UFO researcher and journalist John Keel, in his landmark book The Eighth Tower (Dutton, 1975), makes several observations which can be applied to the paranormal events which occured in the Caribbean during the '70s and which would repeat themselves years later. One of the reasons for the apparent imperviousness of these so-called monsters to bladed weapons or bullets (the reader will recall the number of Bigfoot cases in the U.S. in which high-power rifles apparently have no effect on these entities) is due to the fact that they are composed of "highly condensed atoms" such as those in plutonium. Keel goes on to theorize that if dense, probably radioactive, atoms account for these creature's composition, it would explain why these manifestations have such brief existences in our material world. When first materialized, Keel suggests, these creatures pose no threat to humans, but as their atomic integrity deteriorates, they might easily project lethal radiation. Investigators following the trail of the Chupacabras in 1995, both in Puerto Rico and Central America, reportedly found considerably high radiation readings at the locations in which the entity staged its attacks. Across the Mona Passage Another puzzling streak of animal mutilations occurred in the Dominican Republic -- separated from Puerto Rico by the narrow body of water known as the Mona Passage -- three years after the Moca Vampire entered into legend. The killings took place on the Dominican Republic's border with Haiti, near the sugar-producing region on the Bay of Ocoa, between late 1977 and early 1978. The grisly events were almost a replay of the Puerto Rican scenario: mutilations, accompanied by strange lights and bizarre creatures, tormented the cane-cutters of the town of Barahona, who claimed that a "gigantic dog" was slaying and eating domestic animals in the dead of the night. This monstrous canine possessed above average intelligence, being apparently able to enter locked pens and cages to extract the last drop of blood from its victims, which consisted largely of cats, hens and rabbits. Dominican officials scorned any extraterrestrial or paranormal suggestions, stating that the mutilations were merely "a joke in the poorest of taste" perpetrated by the poor inhabitants of this agricultural area. The fact that the locals could ill afford sacrificing their animals for the sake of a prank was deemed irrelevant. The Dominican newspaper El Caribe reported in its December 18, 1978 issue that a strange animal with canine characteristics was devouring chickens, roosters, rabbits and other domestic animals: "According to the locals' beliefs, the baca or dundun (Voodoo entities) of some local merchant is responsible for the carnage. They say that it might also be an "evil spirit" sent by a rural warlock, or a witch who broke her covenant with the Dark Powers and is roaming through the night." A ghostly entity was in fact reported in the wake of the Barahona mutilations. Eyewitnesses to its activities described it as having the body of a long-haired woman clad in black, but with her mouth, eyes and nose appeared to be covered "by something resembling cotton" (ectoplasm?). The mutilations were closely followed by a number of "occupant" sightings as the flap reached its peak: Cone-shaped beings were seen in November 1978 by five women in Santo Domingo, the island-nation's capital. Three creatures,twice the height of the tallest human, carrying lanterns on their abdomens, descended a steep hillside to surround an automobile that braked to a screeching halt. The automobile's headlights died as the witnesses heard sounds which they assumed were blows being inflicted upon the vehicle by the conical trio. Their terrified screams attracted the attention of neighbors, who came to their aid. Not a trace was found of the bizarre creatures, nor of the automobile they had apparently surrounded. Wings over Miami The city of Miami is generally associated with events of a worldlier nature. After all, we hardly need to be reminded of "Miami Vice" and its attendant fashion statements. But even the Sunshine State's largest city has not been immune to paranormal events involving strange creatures. One such event took place on January 9, 1976: Sergio Cervera and his teenage daughter Mercedes had been driving along Miami's 9th Street at two o'clock in the afternoon when a shadow fell over their car. Thinking at first that it was merely another cloud, Cervera suddenly became aware that the shadow had a distinctly bird-like configuration, measuring between 16 and 20 feet across. Experiencing a moment of confusion, he turned to his daughter and asked her if she had noticed anything unusual. Mercedes, rather frightened, said that she'd noticed the ghostly form of an enormous bird flying over their vehicle, and even heard the beating of its unearthly wings. Neither Cervera nor his daughter ever saw the phenomenon again, but the former was suddenly reminded of a series of strange experiences he had undergone earlier that same week: he had been followed everywhere he went by a strange-looking man dressed in black, whom he at first thought to be a priest but without the white clerical collar. The mysterious MIB kept his distance, and quit following him precisely the day before the phantom bird incident. Conclusions In many respects, apparitions of unknown predatory creatures appear to follow a sort of pattern which defies our understanding. As exemplified by the enigmatic hyena-like beasts seen in Egypt, it appears to be a slightly modified replay of events which can be traced as far back as medieval times. The points of contact between the Moca Vampire and the Chupacabras are too numerous to mention, but foremost among them are the unknown predator's dietary habits and the almost identical response to it by officialdom and the press. Not only were there curious coincidences (such as the similarity of surnames among the police superintendents), but the very cyclical nature of the mutilations appeared to repeat itself twenty years later. Both in the 1970s and 1990s, the phenomenon transcended the island of Puerto Rico to manifest itself in other countries (although descriptions of the entity, always contradictory, varied from one nation to the other) before extinguishing itself altogether. Does it then follow that in as the vernal equinox of 2015 rolls around, we will be treated to another "bout" of strange bloodsucking mutilators? Many 'thanks' to Scott Corrales! Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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