Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- 9/11: Reflecting On What Really Happened
- Videos: UFO Crash - Central Valley, California - UPDATE
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/9/2010
- For Sale: Haunted English Manor...Ghosts Included
9/11: Reflecting On What Really Happened Posted: 09 Sep 2010 01:35 PM PDT ![]() Click for video Click for video Clcik for video Emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, and key 9/11 eyewitness, Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7. Jennings passed away at age 53 from circumstances not yet disclosed. A spokesperson for the Housing Authority has now confirmed his death, after weeks of rumors circulating online, but refused to give any further details. Several other individuals at the Housing Authority also confirmed that they knew Barry Jennings, and that indeed he had passed away about a month ago. No other details were available. No one has yet been able to contact anyone in the Jennings family and the official cause of death is not yet known, but online comments have reported the date of death as August 19, 2008. It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial 9/11 witness would die only days before the release of NIST's report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the buildings blown-out lobby. The BBC aired The Third Tower in July in attempt to debunk Barry Jennings' account, which is both contradictory and damaging to the official 9/11 story by making issue over whether or not he said he saw dead bodies in the lobby. Yet Jennings' own statement in an exclusive interview with Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas, which has not been denied was: "The fire fighter who took us down kept saying, Don't look down. And I said, Why?.. And we were stepping over people, you know, you can feel when you're stepping over people." Now the release of Jason Bermas Fabled Enemies is giving further exposure to Jennings' controversial account. The film features a full interview with Barry Jennings, as well as the statements he and Michael Hess, who was also trapped with him inside WTC7, made to news media on the day of the attacks. Barry Jennings reiterated in the exclusive interview his confusion over the explanation for WTC7s collapse given that he clearly heard explosions inside the building. That interview was not released until June 2008 at the request of Mr. Jennings, who had received numerous threats to his job and asked that it be left out of Loose Change: Final Cut because of those threats. Jennings statements have lit fire to questions about what really caused the sudden collapse of WTC7 just as NIST had hoped the release of their report would quash widespread beliefs that the building was brought down by controlled demolition. News of Jennings' death comes on the heels of losing another 9/11 hero and eyewitness Kenny Johannemann, who reportedly committed suicide 12 days before the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Johannemann is credited with saving at least one mans life on 9/11 and was also a witness to explosions in the towers. NIST's report, as well as that of the 9/11 Commission (which did not even mention WTC7), completely ignored statements from the building leaseholder Larry Silverstein as well as numerous police, fire fighters and other eyewitnesses who have testified that they were warned about the buildings collapse and told to get back. One rescue worker even heard a countdown for the buildings implosion. The truth about WTC7 will come out, and Barry Jennings' testimony will not be in vain. Click for video Click for video Above: In this scene from the documentary 'In Plane Site,' Dave von Kleist discusses the extra equipment found on the underside of UAL flight 175 that hit the South Tower, 9/11/01. The extra equipment is not normal on commercial airliners, thereby indicating that flight 175 was not a commercial flight. This is more evidence that the government's version of the events of 9/11/01 is untrustworthy. Terrorists' Activities: Prior Knowledge Furnished to the FBI Six Months in Advance of 9-11 NOTE: over the years I have presented different pieces of evidence that questioned the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As with most material I post on the blog, I try to be (somewhat) objective and allow the reader to make up their own mind of what really happened. But...after 9 years, I have come to the realization that 9/11 was a conspiratorial plot designed to sway the general public into hatred of Muslims and to ease the path to war in Iraq. As to who participated in the conspiracy...I have my suspects, but will not post here. Besides the tangible and physical evidence provided from several sources, I have also sought the help of those who investigate with 'the mind's eye'...namely, those that can reach beyond the level of the five senses. Evidence can be hidden from people's sight, sound, smell, taste and touch...but the enchanted mind always finds the truth. Lon ********** 9/11 Commissioner States Attacks Were Part Of 30 Year Old Conspiracy ![]() After it ended, he was answering questions as he was walking to his next engagement. He stopped and talked for a few minutes to people of "We Are Change LA". They talked about 9/11 and Kerrey claims 9/11 was a 30 year conspiracy. The conversation went like this; LA CHANGE :"Do you support a criminal investigation into 9/11, because I know yours was a exposition was not a criminal investigation. Kerrey : "No, I don't think so, but I don't know, I do support a permanent commission to examine not just that, but lots of things in this area so... LA CHANGE : But if it's a permanent cover up... it's an act of war and it's hiding things, which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then its a cover up of a act of war and under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution. It's treason, so unless we get to the very bottom of it, were still talking a treasonous exposition. Kerrey : This is a longer conversation, I'm not sure we will ever to the bottom of it. LA CHANGE : We have to or I don't think we can save our country sir. Kerrey : I don't think. Well if that's the condition upon which we'll be saving our country, because the problem is it's a 30 year old conspiracy. LA CHANGE : No, I'm talking about 9/11. Kerrey : That's what I'm talking about LA CHANGE : Oh, you are... Click for video - fast forward to 5:50 for conversation. 9/11: Reflecting On What Really Happened |
Videos: UFO Crash - Central Valley, California - UPDATE Posted: 09 Sep 2010 11:48 AM PDT Since early July of this year, I have been documenting the UFO activity over the Fresno / Clovis / Sanger, California areas thanks to information forwarded to me by my friend Jeff Gonzalez, MUFON State Section Director/Investigator and founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society. Here is a link describing the most recent event of August 21, 2010 and previous incidents. Today, Jeff forwarded the videos he produced during the investigation: Click for video 1 Click for video 2 Click for video 3 Click for video 4 Click for video 5 Click for video - August 22nd Triangle Craft Sighting Over Clovis, CA NOTE: I'm not going to come to any conclusions at this point...but will offer a view observations. There are military facilities in this area which tends to discount any non-terrestrial activity related to this craft since there were no military 'scrambles' detected. The arc welding (I assume it's arc welding...not torch cutting) may seem to indicate repairing of some type. The screen capture of the mountainside depicts an object...but I'm not sure what it is. I agree with Jeff that the craft in question was probably moved during the night. Your thoughts? Lon Videos: UFO Crash - Central Valley, California - UPDATE |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/9/2010 Posted: 09 Sep 2010 11:07 AM PDT ![]() Real 'Tractor Beam' Developed insidescience - Tractor beams, energy rays that can move objects, are a science fiction mainstay. But now they are becoming a reality -- at least for moving very tiny objects. Researchers from the Australian National University have announced that they have built a device that can move small particles a meter and a half using only the power of light. Physicists have been able to manipulate tiny particles over miniscule distances by using lasers for years. Optical tweezers that can move particles a few millimeters are common. Andrei Rode, a researcher involved with the project, said that existing optical tweezers are able to move particles the size of a bacterium a few millimeters in a liquid. Their new technique can move objects one hundred times that size over a distance of a meter or more. The device works by shining a hollow laser beam around tiny glass particles. The air surrounding the particle heats up, while the dark center of the beam stays cool. When the particle starts to drift out of the middle and into the bright laser beam, the force of heated air molecules bouncing around and hitting the particle's surface is enough to nudge it back to the center. A small amount of light also seeps into the darker middle part of the beam, heating the air on one side of the particle and pushing it along the length of the laser beam. If another such laser is lined up on the opposite side of the beam, the speed and direction the particle moves can be easily manipulated by changing the brightness of the beams. Rode said that their technique could likely work over even longer distances than they tested. "With the particles and the laser we use, I would guess up to 10 meters in air should not be a problem. The max distance we had was 1.5 meters, which was limited by the size of the optical table in the lab," Rode said. Because this technique needs heated gas to push the particles around, it can't work in the vacuum of outer space like the tractor beams in Star Trek. But on Earth there are many possible applications for the technology. The meter-long distances that the research team was able to move the particles could open up new avenues for laser tweezers in the transport of dangerous substances and microbes, and for sample taking and biomedical research. "There is the possibility that one could use the hollow spheres as a means of chemical delivery agents, or microscopic containers of some kind, but some more work would need to be done here just to check what happens inside the spheres, in terms of sample heating," said David McGloin, a physicist at the University of Dundee in the U.K not connected with the Australian team. ********** ![]() Thai Woman Claims She Gave Birth to an Egg phuketgazette - Villagers in Nong Hin District have been rushing to see a woman who had reportedly given birth to an egg. At last report Chawee Chinchaiphum and her husband, Prayut, both 40, have not let anyone see the egg, but enterprising locals have been selling photos of the recently-arrived object for 10 baht each. Demand has been so strong that the pictures have sold out many times. Mr Prayuth said that around 9am on August 16, his wife, who was nine months pregnant, began to complain of stomach pains – pains identical to contractions as if she were ready to give birth. Mr Prayuth called an ambulance, but when it arrived Mrs Chawee refused to get in. Eventually the ambulance left – without her. At 11:30 am, Mrs Chawee shouted that she had just given birth to something, Mr Prayut explained. When he went to see, he found only an egg-like object approximately three centimeters long covered in blood. Mr Prayut washed the "egg", dusted it with talcum powder and placed it on a tray. Word of the mysterious birth soon made its way through the village, prompting curious neighbors into coming round and asking to see the newborn. Mrs Chawee, however, refused to let anyone come in to see her or her egg. Another mystery yet to be unraveled, however, is that somehow someone took a photo of the egg. Police Sen Sgt Maj Prayan Somkhan said that when he heard the news he led a team of three officers to investigate. Mrs Chawee, however, was steadfast in her resolve and refused to let them see. Before leaving, the officers warned Mr Prayut that if the story turned out to be pure fabrication, the couple would be charged with deceiving the public. Sen Sgt Maj Prayan said he was a tad suspicious of why Mrs Chawee refused to get in the ambulance when it came to take her to hospital. An intrepid reporter for Khao Sod daily news began investigating the story of Mrs Chawee and the egg, and went to the clinic where Mr Prayut said he had taken his wife for her prenatal care. Staff at the clinic confirmed they had indeed seen Mrs Chawee, but said that she was tended to for stomach pains – not pregnancy. Dr Wiwat Korwiriyakamon of the Loei Public Health Office, said that he, local police and the District Chief, would visit the couple to discover the real facts behind the story. ********** ![]() dailymail - Scientists have caught the process of evolution in action as a species of Australian lizard abandons egg-laying for live births. The variety of skink, which is snake-like with four tiny legs, has been found laying eggs along the coast of New South Wales. However, the same yellow-bellied three-toed lizard living in the colder mountainous region is giving birth to offspring like a mammal does. There are only two other types of modern reptiles which use both types of reproduction methods – another skink species and a European lizard. One in five snakes and lizards gives birth to live young, with records showing nearly a hundred reptile lineages have changed from egg-laying in the past. Study co-author James Stewart, a biologist at East Tennessee State University, in America, told National Geographic that the discovery provided scientists with a rare opportunity. 'By studying differences among populations that are in different stages of this process, you can begin to put together what looks like the transition from one [birth style] to the other,' he said. Mr Stewart said the transformation could be linked to how newborns get nourishment. Or it could be a way of protecting the young in harsher climates. Baby mammals are fed via a placenta which is connects the foetus to the ovary wall. Through this it can breathe and pass back waste. Embryos of egg-laying species get nutrients from the yolk while absorbing calcium from the porous shell, which also protects them from the external environment. However, some fish and reptiles are using a mix of both birthing styles. Mothers form an egg which she keeps inside her body until the last stages. The shells thin, allowing the embryos to breathe until birth – but, according to scientists, this poses a nourishment problem, as it contains less calcium. This discovery prompted Mr Stewart and his colleagues to investigate the nutrient issue in the structure and the chemistry of the Australian lizard's uterus. He explained: 'Now we can see that the uterus secretes calcium that becomes incorporated into the embryo – it's basically the early stages of the evolution of a placenta in reptiles.' However, Mr Stewart added that the process of reptiles moving from egg-laying to live birth is common in historic terms as making the switch is relatively easy. 'We tend to think of this as a very complex transition,' he added. 'But it's looking like it might be much simpler is some cases than we thought.' ********** Super Bug on the March Worldwide A new gene in bacteria that allows the microorganisms to become drug-resistant 'superbugs' is circulating widely in India. Just like the HIV virus that causes AIDS, the man-made Doom Bug alters bacteria, making them resistant to all known antibiotics. Along with India, the Doom Bug has been detected in small numbers in Australia, Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden and the U.K. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said Tuesday that it is planning to list the new superbug NDM-1 as a communicable disease. NDM1 - New Super Bug - The Death Of Us All? CDC to list new superbug NDM-1 as communicable disease Drug-resistant 'superbug' found in hospitals in London and Nottingham Japan confirms its first case of new superbug gene ********** Suicides Cost Japan Economy $32BN BBC - The government in Japan says suicides and depression cost its economy almost 2.7tn yen ($32bn; £21bn) last year. The figures refer to lost incomes and the cost of treatment. It is the first time Japan has released such figures. Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, with more than 32,000 people killing themselves last year. PM Naoto Kan sees it as proof of an economic and emotional downturn. The government is setting up a task force to try to reduce the rate. "Given that the number of suicides in Japan has been over 30,000 for 12 straight years, this is a problem that needs to be addressed by the entire nation," a health, labour and welfare ministry official said. "We hope this study triggers stronger prevention measures." The study showed that those who took their lives last year - 26,500 people in 2009 - when they were aged 15 to 69 would have earned 1.9tn yen had they worked until retirement. Mr Kan has pointed to the suicide numbers as proof of what he believes is wrong with the country, with too many people suffering economically and emotionally. "There are many causes of suicides. Decreasing them would be one way to build a society with a minimum level of unhappiness," he said. But attitudes to depression in Japan arguably demand equally urgent scrutiny, correspondents say. In a country in which stoicism and consensus are highly valued, many older people in particular view mental illness as a stigma that can be overcome simply by trying harder, they say. The use of psychotherapy to treat depression has lagged behind North America and Europe, with Japanese doctors often viewing medication as the sole answer, they add. NOTE: these links are to posts in reference to Japanese suicides and the paranormal / strangeness aspects - Japan's High Suicide Rate Continues and Destination Truth: The Aokigahara Suicide Forest...Lon Fortean / Oddball News - 9/9/2010 |
For Sale: Haunted English Manor...Ghosts Included Posted: 09 Sep 2010 10:09 AM PDT ![]() Security guards refuse to work alone at night at Wymering Manor in Portsmouth, Hampshire. The property, believed to be the city's oldest house, needs major restoration and structural repairs - and hence has a guide price of STG375,000 ($A631,100). The building is a 17th century former vicarage, monastery and family home, and was a youth hostel from 1960 until 2006. The manor was mentioned in the Doomsday Book in 1086. It has seen much-documented paranormal activity, including sudden drops in temperature, children whispering and strange apparitions, and over the years has appeared on TV's Most Haunted and video website YouTube. The building's current owner, Portsmouth City Council, is selling it to cut costs. Jeremy Lamb, chartered surveyor at Andrews & Robertson, said the property's reputation could prove a great attraction. "This is a property of some renown for being haunted, so there is a fair chance a future owner may use it as a guest house because of the novelty factor attached to it. "It's certainly a unique selling point and (it's) not often that we offer a haunted house. "When I surveyed it, the security guards told me they feel there is something 'fairly spooky' going on in the house and, though they patrol it on a 24-hour basis because it attracts lots of people who are intrigued by its levels of paranormal activity, they refuse to work alone there at night." Currently, the building has planning permission for use as a hotel. It will be offered by Andrews & Robertson at auction at London's Grand Connaught Rooms on September 21. Click for video ![]() Paranormal occurrences reported at the manor include visitors who claim to have heard the whispers of children, spotted strange apparitions and seen items in the manor move of their own accord. Dramatic drops in temperature and accounts of unusual or intimidating 'spirit energies' have also been reported. Film and video footage has captured both orbs and other strange light anomalies. For Sale: Haunted English Manor...Ghosts Included Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, support and guidance worldwide SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() |
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