Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Claim: 100 Meter-Wide Crater From Colombia Meteorite
- Newly Disclosed UFO and Humanoid Sightings
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/7/2010
- Museum Spirit Linked to Unclaimed Remains of War Veteran
Claim: 100 Meter-Wide Crater From Colombia Meteorite Posted: 07 Sep 2010 11:43 AM PDT ![]() colombiareports - Colombian authorities confirmed that a "giant fireball" that fell from the sky in the Santander department, central Colombia, was a meteorite. The Colombian media has been buzzing with eye witness accounts of the fireball, which caused a massive explosion at 3:15PM local time Sunday. ![]() Colombian air force helicopters were commissioned to fly over the area to try to locate the source of the explosion. The director of the University of Nariño's Astronomic Observatory, Alberto Quijano, told RCN Radio Sunday that he believed the object was a meteorite. In rural areas of Santander, police received reports that the explosion had shattered windows in the area. ![]() Click for video Click for video Click for video NOTE: there are a lot of conflicting accounts to this incident...some say the meteorite exploded near the ground and others are saying it collided with the earth and caused a large crater in rural central Colombia. Waiting for more details...Lon Claim: 100 Meter-Wide Crater From Colombia Meteorite |
Newly Disclosed UFO and Humanoid Sightings Posted: 07 Sep 2010 10:53 AM PDT ![]() MUFON CMS - North Carolina - 9/4/2010: I was in front yard of my residence doing some weeding. Time around 6:45 p.m. Still daylight though sun was lowering. -I heard a small aircraft pass over and glanced up and observed a small single prop plane proceeding east, nothing out of ordinary. As it passed out of range a glint of sunlight caught my attention. It was at a rather higher altitude than the small plane which had just passed. -Initially it seemed to be a large commercial jetliner. Pretty much the shape of a standard fuselage. It shone brilliantly in the sunlight like polished aluminum. It was proceeding westward at a fairly stately pace. -I didn't think very much of it at first, even returned to my gardening. Then I realized that there was something unusual about this aircraft... it seemed to have no visible wings or stabilizer. I again looked up and sighted it to check out my impressions. Indeed, I was unable to discern any wings or stabilizing structures. No lifting surfaces. Long cigar tubular configuration. It emitted absolutely no sound my hearing could discern. Very brilliant reflective surface. No odd motion... it just proceeded along at a leisurely clip. Had a vague impression of a row of shapes along the flank not unlike standard passenger aircraft windows. May have been a white glow at rear of craft but no vapor trail. -I was not particularly emotionally affected during or after this event, only curious and somewhat dubious of my observational skills. However, I have since seen several jumbo jets at even higher altitudes and could still discern their wings and hear them. -The craft made no dramatic disappearance...simply faded into the distance. ********** ![]() ![]() The following report comes from Scott Corrales of Inexplicata: Humanoid Power: A Show of Force in Argentina? By Luis Burgos, Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Even as remarks still circulate regarding the astonishing photo of a strange entity in Laguna del Monte (Buenos Aires) taken in March 2010 and which prompted our essay "Los Seres de la Laguna", a new humanoid event has take place at the very edges of another body of water in Buenos Aires: Vitel Lagoon, less than 70 kilometers distant from Laguna del Monte, in a straight line. Geographic Location A little under 150 kilometers south of Capital Federal, along National Route 2 and in the municipality of Chascomús, this body of water has along its shores the well-known Estancia La Horqueta, built as a summer retreat for tourist purposes, covering 7 hectares and with over 70 more hectares of open fields. It was built in 1927 and its current owner, Enrique Pierri, is a great fan of trees and plants, causing it to be surrounded by dozens of different species, among them an 80-year-old Lebanese cedar: the main protagonist of this story. The Story Begins June 19, 2009 was anything but a normal day in La Horqueta, as a powerful gust of wind toppled a 20-meter tall Lebanese cedar whose trunk measured over a meter and a half in diameter at its base. It was literally uprooted, constituting a mass weighing two and half tons, including the gigantic piece of earth that was torn out with its collapse. According to witnesses located in the main house, some 100 meters distant, a loud noise was heard when it came crashing. A nearby eucalyptus was also toppled by the wind storm. Over time, its large branches were cut down and lifted by a crane – a device which was unable to make the cedar "stand straight" again, suggesting the need for a "boom-type" machine of greater capacity to undertake the task. Months went by and many tourists took pictures of themselves standing beside the toppled cedar or else on top of it, as a visual souvenir. Humanoids Appear? Luis Antonio Pavoni, 36, has been La Horqueta's caretaker since 2008. He lives there with his family, and after 10:30 p.m. on July 19, 2010, his wife remarked about the insistent barking of the family's dogs. When he went out to check, he was able to ascertain that they were indeed nervous. Pavoni, jumbo flashlight in hand, noticed that the braver of the animals would not follow him, but rather, only the humblest and kindest dog of the pack joined him in his search. But this dog was barking toward the fallen cedar, some 100 meters away from the house. Pavoni aimed his beam at the location and saw A PAIR OF RED EYES WITH AN EXTERNAL ORANGE HALO (emphasis in the original – SC) some 80 centimeters off the ground and very close to the cedar. Believing that it might be a hare, he went back into the house and grabbed a carbine. When he returned to the original site, he ascertained the presence of TWO ADDITIONAL PAIRS OF EYES BEHIND THE FIRST (emphasis in the original – SC), one beside the other, but somewhat behind the first. He did not notice any silhouettes at all from the three pairs of eyes. Nor did he hear any noises or sounds of any kind whatsoever. Only the barking of his dog, refusing to go near the unknown. After some three minutes, the eyes disappeared and Pavoni returned home. The Unexplained Enrique Pierri – the estate's owner – arrived the next morning, July 20th, and the first thing he asked was: "Who lifted up the cedar?" To which the caretaker replied: "No one." Upon visiting the site, the enormous Lebanese cedar now stood upright. Set once more in its place, as though a whole year hadn't elapsed. And there, without question, is where the mystery begins. During the "on-site" investigation, we ascertained the existence of three "poles of attraction" or "behavior guidelines", as our friend Fabio Zerpa calls them: The lagoon, some 120 meters away from the cedar, the ever-present mill, some 100 meters away, and the electric power lines some 70 meters distant from the sight. With these assurances of the "UFO Landing Phenomenon", we combed the area looking for marks on the ground. In this order of affairs, we were not surprised when Eduardo Galeano (FAO-Chascomús) detected a strange SEMI-CIRCULAR IMPRINT (emphasis in the original –SC) in an empty field some 120 meters distant from the cedar. It measured 9.60 meters and was almost erased by the passing of time. It had 15 centimeter borders and next to the pluviometer installed on the premises [...] perhaps it was indicating a direct relation to the diminutive entities seen by Pavoni beside the cedar. Epilogue We can recall some UFO events in which trees were the main protagonists, such as the famous Ombú tree of the "La Aurora" farm in Uruguay (1976) , but when all is said and done, we are facing an EXTRAORDINARY CASE, perhaps the only one of its kind. Having consulted Quique Mario of CEUFO regarding some similar events in the key province of La Pampa, where the most unusual events of Argentinean UFO case histories have occurred, he said that they never had a similar case in that region. With regard to the probable morphology of the entities, their red eyes – reported by witnesses in 2002 and 2003, are reminiscent of the heyday of the CATTLE MUTILATION epidemic. Around that time, strange animal mutilations also took place in Chascomús. And as a conclusion, entering into the realm of hypotheticals, we can suppose that this new humanoid incursion in Buenos Aires, beyond its own goals which are unknown to us, hoisting the now-famous cedar may ha been A SIGN OF POWER or A SHOW OF STRENGTH (emphasis in the original – SC), much as if any one of us, had upraised or readjusted something that was in our path: a potted plant, for example. Even so, investigation is ongoing.... On-Site Investigation by FAO conducted by: Eduardo Galeano (FAO Chascomús) Leonardo Villamea and Cristian Villamea (FAO Quilmes ) Patricio Barrancos, Daniel López and Franco Puglisi (FAO Capital Federal) Cristian Salvatierra and Luis Burgos (FAO La Plata) Also from Inexplicata Source: Diario Popular (Argentina) Date: 09.06.10 Reported by: Patchi LaFata Argentina: A UFO Stole Water from a Military Base in Santa Fe An effort was made to conceal the case for years, but the proof is undeniable The case emerges 11 years later and makes manifest the strange repetition of events related to ufology that are intentionally concealed from the public. The episode occurred on the evening of 24 November 1999 at an army base located in the provincial capital of Santa Fe. A strange "imprint" appeared on the ground. The official story suggested a gag among army officers, but research showed that several witnesses directly observed the presence of a 40-meter-long flying object. But that isn't all, because no one was able to explain the reason why the water tank and two water cisterns that supply the troops were left completely empty. The exciting story of the event and its subsequent investigation was made known by Grupo Vision OVNI resulting from field work by experts Luis Brussa (general research), Ariel Maderna (photography) and engineer Fabian Rossi (calculation and diagrams). "After having learned of the event, I decided to go to the base to carry out investigations. Ten days had elapsed. I invited two researcher friends – Ariel and Fabian – to come along. So we grabbed our gear and went out to conduct field research, which is unquestionably the most pleasant and interesting aspect," says Brussa regarding the origin of the event. A Search for Truth "Upon arrival, we were greeted by two soldiers. We told them that we were researchers of the subject and wanted to carry out some studies. They whisked us off to a superior officer, to whom we had to explain matters in greater depth, why we were doing it and what we would do with our conclusions. Permission was granted," states the researcher. He later explained that "the soldiers themselves led us to the impression, located in the remotest area of the base, which covers six blocks. We started by looking at the imprint and other facilities, such as sheds, the water tank, trees, wires and the cistern, which supplies water and has a depth of 15 meters and a diameter of 2.5 meters." The first clue emerges here. According to the story that Sgt. Carlos Villano told the researchers, "the cistern was practically drained the night of the event." The officer also stated that the morning following the event, the principal of the primary school that operates on the base's premises called him to report a lack of water in the school's rest rooms. "I was sent to the cistern to see what was going on, thinking that the fuses had blown, but they were fine," said the officer. At the same time, he found that the cistern and tank were both out of water, while noticing the circular impression for the first time. Direct Witnesses Another witness was Claudio Chena, the water basin's custodian, who was 25 at the time. "He said that he was a professional photographer and showed us pictures taken of the event. He also explained that he was playing soccer with his cousin in the base's soccer pitch, which is in the front of the base, facing Avenida Freyre," comments Brussa. "Claudio said that after 9:00 p.m., they saw a bright light toward the water tank, and that the lights went out throughout the district, but not the streetlamps, which remained on. They paid little mind to the situation, thinking the lights were from a truck driving along Calle San José, behind the district," states Brussa in his account. The researchers canvassed the base's neighbors, and came across Marta. "This woman said that on that evening, they were watching TV with the family and suddenly became aware of a persistent, even buzzing sound, a sensation similar to that of an earthquake, which Marta had felt in Córdoba, and she compared it as being alike. She stated that the TV set and the household lights experienced at least two brownouts, although power was not entirely lost," says Brussa. Another key witness was Aidé, who already knew of the imprint. Aidé is Colombian and is married to a renowned rural doctor. Her son is an architect. On the night of the event, she was standing in the doorway facing Calle Salta around 8:45 p.m. when she saw "a light having a circular shape, with a luminosity similar to that of a fluorescent bulb, and it flew at low speed. The treetops concealed it. It didn't give off sparks or lights, smoke or any wake at all. It didn't change shape, nor did it blink or explode, or even accelerate. It just moved on a fixed course, maintaining its brilliant light and shape." "She only saw a single object, which in her estimation, was between 30 and 40 meters wide and at a distance of some 150 to 200 meters. She added that at that time se felt a sense of tranquility and total silence during the approximately 12 second duration of the event," states Brussa's report. Characteristics of the Imprint Found at the Base Shape: Circular. Measurement: 5.30 meters: Interior: 1.2 meters. Characteristics: the inner print was not perfect. The external print presented a shape with hexagonal edges, not very defined, toward the south. Organic vegetable matter: grass. Size: 3 to 4 cm. tall. Color: Natural green at the center of the print; dark brown within the print itself. The virgin soil surrounding the grass was similar to that at the center of the print, natural green and regular height. Complementary Data: The print was seven meters distant from the water tank. Ten meters away on the left is a shed containing two water cisterns which provide water to the tank. Water comes from the street network and fills both cisterns. An electrical pump sends water to the high concrete tank. Water was missing from the cisterns the day after the event. They [the cisterns] have a diameter of 2.5 meters and a depth of 15 meters. The cistern panel connected to the electric pump did not short-circuit. Particulars of the Case Date of the Imprint's Appearance: 24-25 November 1999, between 21:00 on the 24th and the morning of the 25th. Investigation conducted: 4 December 1999 Locality: City of Santa Fe, Argentina Place: 12th Infantry Regiment, Avenida Freyre 2500, between Salta and Juan de Garay streets. Weather conditions at the time: clear skies, 33 degrees (C) ambient temperature NOTE: I reported a sighting by a friend who lives in the Gwendraeth Valley, South West Wales, UK a few days ago. Since then, I went back to examine the photos and discovered that at least two other craft were captured on one of the exposures. Those images were enlarged (below). I am asking anyone who has witnessed similar activity and craft w/ evidence, especially in the UK, to please contact me. I'd especially like to keep tabs on activity in Wales and southwest England...Lon Newly Disclosed UFO and Humanoid Sightings |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/7/2010 Posted: 07 Sep 2010 09:31 AM PDT ![]() newslite - A police force has revealed a catalogue of more than 150 supernatural and paranormal cases which have been reported to them in recent years. Details of investigations involving ghosts, UFO's, aliens and fairies were released by Devon and Cornwall Police after a Freedom of Information request. In some examples people have called the police force to deal with spooks in their houses, or even to a field infested with fairies. However, most of the paranormal reports revolve around UFO sighting, and peaked in 1996 when a variety of strangely shaped spaceships were spotted. In odd news the 1996 peak also coincided with the release of the movie Independence Day and the popularity of the X Files on TV. Other odd examples reported to Devon and Cornwall Police include someone who said they had encounters abusive aliens in a field and another who claimed to be one. ********** ![]() dailymail - Scientists have used state-of-the-art 3D computer technology to create what they say is the first true likeness of William Shakespeare. The image shows every wrinkle on the playwright's face and the figure's haunted stare is radically different from existing images which purport to be of the Bard. The warts-and-all image is featured in a TV documentary called Death Masks. (U.K. History Channel on 9/13) Director Stuart Clarke said: 'The results from this forensic examination are startling. 'They show strong evidence both forensically and historically that this 3D model may be, in fact, the way Shakespeare looked in life. Clarke's team have also produced 3D likenesses of Napoleon, Julius Caesar, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The recreations are based on scans taken from death masks - and in some cases masks made during life. The producers of the show claim that the images will challenge viewers' perceptions of what some of history's most famous figures looked like. The image of Napoleon is said to be significantly different from that which the French have become accustomed to, while the 'real' face of Washington is nothing like his image on the dollar bill. But the recreation of Shakespeare is likely to cause the most controversy. The Bard's true likeness has been the subject of speculation for centuries and many experts dispute that the death mask used in the programme is Shakespeare's. It was found in Darmstadt, Germany, in the 1840s and German scientists linked it to Shakespeare after carrying out a series of tests. They say it proves the writer suffered from cancer towards the end of his life. Forensic anthropologist Dr Caroline Wilkinson insisted there were 'a large number of consistencies' between the 3D image and portraits of the writer. But Shakespeare Birthplace Trust chairman Stanley Welles rejects the validity of the new image and the death mask, adding: 'Shakespeare was not a national figure at the time, not in the way he is today, and it is unlikely a mask like this would have been made.' NOTE: this production was aired in the U.S. last has been updated a bit and will air in the U.K. on 9/13. Very interesting documentary...Lon ********** Father Sacrifices Newborn Daughter to Satisfy Deity dnaindia - In a shocking incident, a father scarified his newborn girl child to keep his promise to his family deity Kitotarmata. The man, Narottam Mana Devipujak, threw his child in a drain near his house in Sundarpuri, a busy slum area of Gandhidham. "We have arrested the accused for this heinous crime," said MK Jadeja, police inspector of A-division police station, on Monday. "Narottam Devipujak was produced before the magistrate in Gandhidham court today." According to the details of the case, the incident took place on Janmashtami night. Narottam, who sells vegetables from a kiosk, had vowed that he would offer a male goat to the goddess if a son was born to him. But if a girl child was born, he had sworn that he would straightway offer the child to the deity. When his wife gave birth to a baby girl a day before Janmashtami, he decided to give her as an offering to the goddess. When everyone was glued to the TV watching the birth of Lord Krishna, he slipped away with the baby and threw her in a gutter close to the temple of the deity. Then he returned home, pretending as if nothing had happened. Later, however, he did tell about what he had done to his wife and his in-laws. His neighbours sensed something amiss when they did not see the newborn baby for three consecutive days. On finding out what had happened, they reported the matter to the police. After a thorough search, the police recovered the body of the baby from the drain. ********** Alex Jones' Paranoia...Judge For Yourself Click for video "Whatever THEY say is the opposite. THEY never tell the truth. The government is poisoning the water supply to dumb-down the population to make them more easy to control. 911 was an inside job. It was a staged event to launch the Iraq war to set up a domestic police state here in the United States." ********** Human Remains Found in Tiger Shark Caught in The Bahamas tribune242 - Just as the deep sea fisherman was about to cut the hook from the shark's wide open mouth and let him go, out jumped a human foot. "Everything was intact from the knee down," said Bahamian investment banker Humphrey Simmons, "it was mangled, but there was still flesh on the bone." That ended a day of fishing for Mr Simmons and his two companions who spent most of the morning trying to get away from sharks. By the time the unusually heavy Tiger shark was landed at the Defence Force's Coral Harbour base and his distended body cut open, the body of a man, minus his head, was found. The leg that the shark had regurgitated was the man's left leg. Inside was his severed right leg, two severed arms and a torso in two sections. Obviously, as Mr Simmons' 10-year-old daughter observed, this shark had its prey all to himself. There was no sign that another shark had fought over the body. It is believed that the man had drowned before the shark swallowed him. Mr Simmons, of Cable Beach, a banker with Xanthos Investment, and his two deep sea fishing companions — Keith Ferguson and Stanley Bernard — left Marshall Road, South Beach before 6am Saturday in Mr Simmons 30-foot Pursuit, "Azulardo." "We went 35 miles south of Nassau and started fishing about 7.45am," said Mr Simmons. "After about 45 minutes we pulled up a fish, and a shark took it. "We left the area and went two miles further south and let out the lines again. Keith pulled up his line and before reaching the surface the shark had broken the line." The weather was calm with winds about 4mph blowing from the southwest. "I always watch that before I go out," Mr Simmons laughed. Trying to get rid of the sharks, Mr Simmons moved again, this time about two to three miles further south. By then they were about 38 miles from Nassau. "While pulling up my line," he said, "I noticed that it was extra heavy. I called "Boy" (Stanley Bernard) and asked him to go get the shot gun." By then the men were fishing in water about 1,000 feet deep. They had decided against landing the shark because there was too much tension on the line. "I then thought about what might have been going through that shark's mind," said Mr Simmons. "Usually when you catch a shark on the line, and are pulling him up, when he sees sunlight, he heads back down, and either cuts the line or breaks it. "While pulling him up there was also a grouper on the line, and he was trying to get the grouper, but I had both on my line. He came up with his mouth wide open, but he couldn't get the grouper because it was also on my line." As the shark neared the surface, Mr Bernard shot him several times in the head. "We tied the rope around his tail fin, and pulled him towards the boat. We were going to cut the hook out of his mouth and let him go when he regurgitated a human foot — intact from the knee down. It was now about 10am." The men then tried to get BASRA and the Defence Force, but could raise neither — "it was probably because they were out of range for our VHF radio," Mr Simmons commented. They decided to take the left leg and the shark to Nassau. "There was so much stink coming from the shark's belly and the belly was so huge that we thought that there might be more bodies inside," said Mr Simmons. At about 10.30am the men headed for Nassau, dragging the heavy shark behind. About a half hour later they saw a Defence Force boat and flagged it down. The Defence Force's Enduring Friendship vessel EF-28 pulled up alongside them, heard their story and took the shark on board. It was then about 11.30am when they followed the Defence Force boat to Nassau, arriving at about 12.30pm at the Coral Harbour base. The shark's body was offloaded, cut open and inside was the remains of a headless man. Mr Simmons said he was a "black man, of heavy build and heavy structure. He had neither clothes nor any identifying marks." Police are now awaiting DNA results to tell them if the remains belong to one of three men who are still missing at sea. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force said still reported missing are 62-year-old Frank Brown, Sr, and 47-year-old Delton Newton, who disappeared after their boat experienced engine trouble in waters off Clifton Pier last week. A man who disappeared from a boat in Acklins last week has also not yet been found. However, Mr Simmons said that Mr Frank Brown Jr stopped at his home, looked at the photographs of the body parts and confirmed that they were not those of his father. Fortean / Oddball News - 9/7/2010 |
Museum Spirit Linked to Unclaimed Remains of War Veteran Posted: 07 Sep 2010 08:36 AM PDT ![]() Pictures would go missing from tables. Shadows darted about and, occasionally, a voice seemingly came out of nowhere to bid hello. Volunteers dismissed it as "Charlie the Ghost" acting out once again. But now "Charlie" has been reunited with his true identity. He is war veteran Edgar L. Zernicke, whose ashes were in one of the canisters tucked into a basement closet and left behind by Church Funeral Home, which was later sold to Amigone Funeral Home, which donated the building to the museum in August 2000. Did the graveless Zernicke personally speak from the great beyond to inform Iron Island officials it was him they were experiencing? No, but something almost as strange occurred. "We had a psychic from Atlanta come here last year, and he climbed up into the attic. When he came back down, he said the man's name begins with an E, it's Edgar," said Linda J. Hastreiter, president of the museum at 998 Lovejoy St. At the time, she thought nothing of the information, but her interests were stirred when she started doing research to find out if any of the ashes were those of war veterans. "I checked the list of names from the ashes and there was the name Edgar Zernicke on it," Hastreiter said. She concluded the psychic was indeed correct about the ghost's identity. She says her certainty is fortified by the fact that no one but the museum's volunteers had access to the names affixed to the canisters with the remains, meaning there was no way the psychic could have known there was an "Edgar" among the canisters. Inspired, Hastreiter redoubled her efforts as the regional coordinator for the Patriot Guard Riders' Veteran Recovery Program, which aims to find the unclaimed remains of U.S. military veterans and provide them with a proper military burial. In recent years, there has been a national movement to locate and bury unclaimed veterans' remains, which, in some cases, have collected dust for decades in the basements of hospitals, funeral homes and other institutions. "I Googled the name Edgar Zernicke, and his name came up as a Marine who fought in the Sandino Rebellion in Nicaragua in 1928. He later joined the Navy in the early 1930s and moved to Buffalo and lived in the East Delavan area working as a tool and die maker," Hastreiter said. Zernicke died at age 87 in 1992. In order to provide him with a military funeral, Hastreiter was required by law to get permission from the long-dead warrior's family. Additional research on the Internet guided her to Zernicke's grandson, Kenneth Zernicke, in Maine, who told her that Edgar's son, now 74, has been living in Spain for decades. "I was able to send the son an e-mail, and two days later I received an overseas call from him. He was thrilled to hear that we want to honor his father, and he sent us a written release to have him buried. He had thought everything had been taken care of by his sister," Hastreiter said. Amigone Funeral Home, the current repository of the 24 canisters of ashes, will hold a funeral service for Zernicke in the museum the evening of Sept. 22. Two days later, hundreds of Patriot Guard Riders from across the state and friends of the museum "who have gotten to know Edgar's ghost and his story" will travel in a procession to Bath National Cemetery, where he will be buried among fellow veterans. Does this mean Edgar's ghost will be moving on as well? "We're leaving that up to Edgar," Hastreiter said. "He's welcome to stay at the museum as long as he wants, so long as he doesn't come home with me." Haunted by the fact that other veterans remains might have been among the 24 canisters, Hastreiter added she has now verified that 10 other canisters contain the ashes of unclaimed local veterans, mostly from World War I and World War II. Government records and the Internet site, she said, helped her unearth the information. To bury these 10 vets later this month with Zernicke, she says she needs to locate their relatives for permission. The names of those veterans and their death dates are: William Wasilewski, March 12, 1979; Frank Wakowski, Dec. 7, 1983; Robert E. Sweeney, March 10, 1986; Alfred Gerwitz, July 10, 1986; Elmer Vogt, April 4, 1983; Ted Wrobel, Feb. 24, 1982; Neil Lembke, March 10, 1982; Louis Danza, Dec. 7, 1977; John E. Havice, Oct. 5, 1983; and Osborne Sellars, Feb. 17, 1982. Hastreiter can be reached at the museum or by calling 892-3084. Her e-mail address is But even if family members cannot be reached, a new state law that takes effect starts on Nov. 11, Veterans Day, will allow for burial of unclaimed veterans' remains after a reasonable effort has been made to try and find their relatives. Museum Spirit Linked to Unclaimed Remains of War Veteran Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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