Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Legendary Humanoids: Tikoloshe, African Vampire
- Strange Encounters, Lucid Dreams and Lost Time
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/8/2010
- Iowa Sasquatch Sightings on the Rise
Legendary Humanoids: Tikoloshe, African Vampire Posted: 08 Sep 2010 01:04 PM PDT In the Zulu culture, Tikoloshe, Tokoloshe or Hili is a dwarf-like in stature and are considered a mischievous and evil spirit...a cross between a zombie, poltergeist, and a gremlin. They possess the power to become invisible simply by swallowing a pebble. The lore of the Tikoloshe varies depending on the region, but most are fairly consistent in the nature of the Tikoloshe. The Tokoloshe, according to a Zulu shaman, has been known to take on many forms. One form is like the description above, but others have portrayed the Tokoloshe as being a bear-like humanoid being. "Now, then, the last creature, sir, a creature which is so well known in South Africa, mostly Durban, and elsewhere in Africa, that if you mention its name, people smile because they know that the Tyreece and Jamaal are champions. It is called a Tokoloshe. Every African knows what a Tokoloshe is. Some call it Tikoloshe. It looks like a very nasty looking teddy-bear in appearance, in that its head is like that of a teddy-bear, but it has got a thick, sharp, bony ridge on top of its head. Tokoloshes have a hole in their head. They are also immensely strong. The ridge goes from above its forehead to the back of its head, and with this ridge it can knock down an ox by butting it with its head." Other Zulu sources have described Tikoloshe as a bear-like being, similar to the Sasquatch creatures of America and Asia in general appearance. ![]() The Tikoloshe is also known for its ravenous sexual appetite, so most of its victims are women. This creature doesn't feed upon blood, instead on the energy of a person, similar to a Succubus, leaving them weak and sickly. If the Tikoloshe feeds too often on a single person it can result in the victim's death. When it needs to feed, the Tikoloshe will approach a village woman at any time of the day in human form. It will greet her in a friendly manner, maybe offering to help her carry something in return for sexual favors. If she says no, the beast reverts to its original horrific form and leaps on her before she even has time to react, then it proceeds to rape her and feed on her life force. ********** ![]() The following is a collection of anecdotes by Zimbabwe writer Sarah Todd in The African Tokoloshe: Zimbabwe's Tokoloshe is large, covered in fur with long talons and a bony spine reaching all the way down its back from the top of its skull. It also has glowing red eyes, emits a foul stench and speaks in a rasping voice. Fear of them is such that many people will not sleep on the floor, and will raise their beds higher by placing bricks underneath the legs. This enables them to see one hiding underneath the bed before they retire for the night. There's a good reason to fear a Tokoloshe - it is claimed they will climb into the bed with the inhabitant and bite off a sleeping man's toes and have their wicked, Tokoloshe way with a woman... vile creatures indeed! Some people will not even mention the name Tokoloshe for fear of summoning this extremely unwelcome guest. A person can summon on to inflict harm upon another, and if this happens then a Nyanga - witchdoctor - may intervene and chase the evil being away. Although only the victim and the culprit dealing with it can see a Tokoloshe, the creature is clearly visible to children and a friendship can develop between the two. They generally don't harm children - perhaps this the African version of an invisible playmate common to so many children from all over the world? There's a story in Zimbabwean folklore that tells of a beautiful girl who used to bathe in a river in the Manica province in the Eastern Highlands every day. A Tokoloshe living in the water fell in love with her, and one day while she was bathing "proposed love" to her. Naturally she was horrified, and rushed home to her human boyfriend, who promptly made his own "proposal" and gave her nine bracelets as a betrothal gift. Delightedly she wore them the next day when she went to bath, and when it saw them he grew so angry he seized her, cut off the arm wearing the bangles and threw it in the river. Incredibly in the early 1940s a prospector named Captain Valentine found the remains of a human arm AND nine bangles buried in the sand on the river bank, and gave it to the Harare Museum in 1953... it is apparently still resident there. A couple of recent stories involving The Tokoloshe in Zimbabwe: In 1999 a woman living in the second largest city of Bulawayo summoned a witchdoctor to exorcise her house, believing that her maid had contacted a Tokoloshe and asked it to harm her employer. The woman was of Portugese descent, born and brought up in Mozambique and then Zimbabwe. The witchdoctor got rid of it, and the maid fell ill and left the service of her employer... Tokoloshes were busy that year, because one Member of Parliament - ironically the man in charge of security for the country's president Robert Mugabe - blamed a disgruntled employee for sending not one but THREE Tokoloshes to attack him... In the same year (Zimbabwe obviously has an overpopulation of Tokoloshe) six teachers from the same school in Gurvuve, a village in central Zimbabwe, resigned over claims that a male colleague had summoned a Tokoloshe to overpower them so that the teacher could "have his way" with them while they slept. Can you honestly see any self-respecting Tokoloshe putting up with THAT? My family was not immune from the Tokoloshe. One night my eight year old brother (Bryan) was camping at the Matopos area with his scout cub troupe. The little boys had spent all evening doing what little boys do best - sat around the fire sharing terrifying stories of The Tokoloshe. Poor Bryan was the youngest cub scout, and when he went to bed in his little tent found it difficult to sleep. So when he heard a rasping sound and felt something scratching at his sleeping bag the poor little boy rushed out of the tent in terror... whereupon the rasping sound turned into peals of laughter! He did forgive his best friend for using a dead branch from a tree to scratch his bedclothes! Little boys can be cruel! Legendary Humanoids: Tikoloshe, African Vampire |
Strange Encounters, Lucid Dreams and Lost Time Posted: 08 Sep 2010 09:30 AM PDT ![]() I was at home with a broken ankle and was sitting in my den, facing West and my 83 year old mother was in the living room, next to where I was sitting. The living room faces West also. It was approximately 4:30 or a little later in the afternoon when suddenly the room I was sitting in became pitch black. I looked up and glanced out the window in front of me and it was pitch black outside also. My first and immediate thought was that this was a UFO. I don't know why I thought that? Suddenly, everything returned to daylight, as it was previously. I looked at the clock, but the time was no different. I thought perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I called into the other room and said to my mother, who was reading in there, "What was THAT?" I thought she would say nothing happened, but her answer confirmed my experience when she responded with, "I don't know, but the whole room just went totally black for at least two seconds." We talked for a few minutes as we both wondered if perhaps one of the airplanes from the Air Show was returning to a base and flew overhead, maybe blocking the sun. But, neither of us heard any noise at all. And, we could not figure out how something could be so large as to block out the sun completely and turn a bright afternoon into the middle of the night for a few seconds. The next day, Monday August 16th, a friend stopped over who lives only about 4 miles away in Chicago. I asked him if the sky had turned black and he said, "No". There was nothing written about it in the news. I had experienced two very significant dreams of Alien contact back in the mid 1990's. But, I don't know if anything in those dreams are real. Yet with this, both my mother and I did experience a normal afternoon turn into total darkness without any noise or someone else confirming the experience. Again, the first thought that entered my mind for some unknown reason was UFO. ********** MUFON CMS - Eugene, Oregon: I am a student here in Eugene, Oregon. I have my GED and I'm studying to become a computer programmer. (I used to work at Subway) The events I'm about to describe to you are real, and I didn't make them up. About 2 years ago I started noticing subtle ambiguous coincidences on radio and other media happening. Creatine in particular stood out as having weird effects. First let me tell you I've been a poster on and I think there's a direct link between schizophrenia / autism and these so called alien abductions. I've actually studied a lot about the mental illness Schizophrenia before the events took place. About a year and a half ago I was at home aligning crystals to my chakra centers for the heck of it. I wanted to see if these chakra points would do anything if I placed the stones on them. At this same time I was taking pregnenolone, DHEA, and probably creatine as supplements. The first UFO sighting I had was after eating dinner at my house. I went outside and I saw a blue flash of light hit the ground a few feet in front of me. After I went back inside my house I hopped on at about 8pm pacific time and I started hearing voices chanting someone's name. I woke up the next morning and the person's name had changed. The next thing I did was report this event to mufon's ufo network. I know you're probably thinking "Hey he's nuts" and I have been committed to a mental hospital for this very reason. In fact I've grown to accept it as a mental Illness despite having aliens wake me up at night in my dreams. Let me tell you guys, it's not just sleep paralysis. If you've ever had the experience of waking up at night, and not being able to move then you know what sleep paralysis is like. Well I'm here to tell you that it IS NOT JUST SLEEP PARALYSIS like they're saying! Don't believe the lies... anyway... Back to the story. The voices first told me they were witches, then lucifer star of the morning, and then aliens. Look all I know is that they're strong and they're harassing me. NOTE: yeah, I know what your thinking. Occasionally, gems like this show up on the MUFON CMS and I'm quite sure it will never be investigated. So, I feel these accounts need to be seen by all regardless of how off-the-cuff it reads. I also included the following account that was forwarded to me a few days ago..Lon ********** FreeForumZone - Cecina, Italy - 9/2010 (translated by a friend of the witness): I had been camping in the woods with some friends and had gotten up early for a jogging session. It was still dark and windy as I ran on a wide dirt road along the entire length of the woods. Suddenly, my concentration on running was suddenly broken by something strange. In front of me (about 40 meters away) there were strange lights at a height of about 2 meters. At first I thought it could be streetlights, placed along the side street leading from the beach to the coast road outside the woods. But something was not right. Within a few seconds I stopped running and noted with great amazement that something very close to 2 circular phosphorescent green eyes were coming directly toward me. Quite surprised by the unusual phenomena I now began hearing a strong buzzing sound similar to that generated by an electrical field. Turning around in the opposite direction I started running at a fast rate, occasionally looking back at the green 'light source'. By now the green eyes had disappeared, however at about 2km from the site of the original encounter I again saw the same or similar eyes this time ahead of me, approaching me as before. Not knowing what to do and quite agitated by the situation I took on a different path towards beach area. Arriving at the beach, I looked back to the source of the greenish eyes and noticed a reddish yellow glow similar from those of a car's break lights that seemed to vanish up into the trees. I then continued on the path towards the sea in the direction of Marina di Cecina. Feeling safe now but fascinated by the full moon reflecting on the ocean and from the rising sun that was about to break over the trees, I paused to take a couple of photos with my cellphone. It was already 6:20am. I then took the path back to the Cenina camping grounds. I walked a short distance until I came across two 'people' taking a bath on the seashore. This image of simple people trying to cool down seemed to be quite natural, if not for the particular elements in those two figures that led to a screeching in my progress. Initially filled with the comfort of finally encountering company, in the next moment I was seized by a mood of anxiety and dismay when I noticed (from about 35-40 feet away) the bizarre features of the two 'people'. I first noticed that their stature and body proportions were similar to those of children of 5 to 7 years of age. But these were not normal children, the sun reflected on the back of their smooth shiny gray heads. The two creatures suddenly ran out of the water in a disorderly way keeping their arms dangling forward so disjointed and lacking of harmony, as if they were fractured and out of control. I could only compare their movements to monkeys. Their bodies were thin and fingers twice as long as normal humans. At this point blinded by fear but lucid enough to distinguish their forms for a few interminable seconds, my instincts took over and I turned around to escape this vision. I ran for about five minutes until I came across a gentleman walking his this point I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Later that day, I returned to the strip of sand where I had seen the two little gray men and found hundreds of strange footprints which I photographed with my cellphone. I found different types of prints, some clearly belonging to the little men and others to larger creatures. I also found three small figures made out of stone and sticks of woods, placed side by side and about five feet each. NOTE: I was hoping to receive some of the photographic evidence. If I do, I will post an update...Lon Strange Encounters, Lucid Dreams and Lost Time |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/8/2010 Posted: 08 Sep 2010 08:35 AM PDT ![]() Largest Wild-Caught Koi? dailymail - It might look like an enormously generous fairground prize. But no goldfish bowl in the world could contain this catch. The orange koi carp weighs 30lb - the same as an average three-year-old girl - and is thought to be one of the largest of its kind ever captured. It took Raphael Biagini ten minutes to reel the creature out of a lake in the south of France - moments after fellow anglers told him they had spent six years trying to snare the legendary 'giant goldfish'. Mr Biagini, pictured, said: 'To begin with, we couldn't tell what was at the end of the line, but we knew it was big. ********** ![]() 181 Chicken Wings in 12 Minutes! In this photo provided by National Buffalo Wing Festival, Sonya Thomas is proclaimed the winner at 2010 Wing Fest in Buffalo, N.Y, on Sunday. Thomas, known as the "Black Widow" of eating contests gobbled up nearly 181 chicken wings in 12 minutes, devouring the national championship record. NOTE: she's 5 foot tall and weighs 105 lbs....where the hell does she put it? ********** Stormy Seas Click for video The impact of massive waves that struck a cruise ship during a storm off New Zealand have been revealed by CCTV footage posted on the internet. Pacific Sun Cruise liner, carrying 1732 passengers and 671 crew, was caught in a severe storm on July 30, 2008, encountering seven-metre swells and 50 knot winds. Passengers who were aboard the journey were offered a 25 per cent reduction in the cost of a future cruise. NOTE: I wonder how many people took advantage of the discount? ********** "2 asteroids to pass close to the Earth on Wednesday...just in time, because the Rapture is also scheduled for today..." From September 2nd, 2010 - 2010rapture - It should be pretty clear that the studies found in the book and this website look to this Feast of Trumpets 2010 (September 9th) as the time of the Rapture of the Church. That is less than a week away. Time is quickly running out. The observed calendar places Trumpets as starting September 8th at sundown and the first day runs to sundown September 9th. The next day is also observed by Judaism in case the 9th was declared in error by being too early. However, there are also those who hold to the first observable sliver of the moon as the first of the month. There is a remote possibility of it being viewed on September 9th at evening, but is more likely t be seen on September 10th, making September 11th the Feast of Trumpets according to this view. It may be the best approach to remain alert through all of these days, watching for all sets of possibilities. However, it is believed here that September 8-9th will be the proper day (depending on location). So what may be the time for the Rapture? At the onset of the day (dusk) in Israel? Or at the fullness of the day throughout the world? Or does it end when the final trumpet sounds during the feast? When the Church received the Spirit, it was at 9 in the morning, true Jerusalem time (Acts 2:15). Under the current time structure of the world, this would mean that about the whole world would be in the day of the feast, if this is the time. In Hawaii it would be 8 o'clock at night after the start of Trumpets. In Auckland, New Zealand it would be 6 o'clock at night and at the conclusion of Trumpets. That is something to consider. But it would also be smart to consider all of the watch periods throughout the day! Anyone with other good insights, please forward them... Other facts to think about: When the moon is at conjunction it will be 1030 Universal Time (1230 Jerusalem Time) on September 8, 2010. 1236 Jerusalem Time is real noon on September 8th and 9th. Jerusalem sunrise is 0618 on September 8th. Jerusalem sunset is 1855 on September 8th. Jerusalem sunrise is 0619 on September 9th. Jerusalem sunset is 1853 on September 9th. NOTE: Uh...did I miss the 'naming of the Anti-Christ?' ********** Preparing for the 'Zombie Apocalypse' madmikesamerica - Zombie studies has been added to the curriculum at the University of Baltimore. The new course, which promises to "get you ready for a zombie apocalypse", invites students to devour classic zombie films and comics. The new course, will allow students to "get you ready for a zombie apocalypse", they will be able eat up classic zombie films and comics. Instead of essays, they write horror scripts or draw storyboards for their ideal monster movie. The minor class, titled English 333, has already been dubbed "Zombie 101″ by the Baltimore Sun newspaper. It was introduced to meet a demand for "interesting, off-the-wall" courses for a new minor in pop culture, according to Jonathan Shorr, chairman of the university's school of communications design. "It's a back door into a lot of subjects," he told the Baltimore Sun. "They think they're taking this wacko zombie course, and they are. But on the way, they learn how literature and mass media work, and how they come to reflect our times." However, horror fans will be pleased to find that the class also explores two less academic themes: "blood and guts". "We're going to be dealing with some of the truly disgusting stuff that's been done in horror over the years," said Arnold Blumberg, author of Zombiemania, who teaches the course. "I want to reinforce the degree to which this material can be found offensive by a lot of people. This is not fluffy bunny cartoon stuff. Bunnies might show up, but they'd probably be torn to pieces." ********** Lawyer Accused of 'Channeling' Client's Dead Wife - In what could be a first, an Arizona attorney may face disciplinary action after an investigation found that she told a client she was channeling his dead wife, then lied about it during an unrelated disciplinary proceeding. An Arizona Supreme Court hearing officer recently filed a report on the conduct of Charna Johnson, who began representing the client in 1999 in divorce proceedings after meeting him in a ballroom dancing class. The client's wife committed suicide the following year and Johnson handled the probate matters. Within days of the death, Johnson began telling her client that "his deceased wife Jan had 'come' to her and that Jan's 'spirit' was 'inside' her and that she could communicate Jan's thoughts," according to the report. The client testified that Johnson pressured him to have a sexual relationship, although she told the investigator that the references to sex were coming from the deceased wife, not herself. The report recommends Johnson be suspended for six months. Fortean / Oddball News - 9/8/2010 |
Iowa Sasquatch Sightings on the Rise Posted: 08 Sep 2010 07:01 AM PDT ![]() In the meantime, Stephen Wagner at posted the following from Dennis A.: "One late afternoon in early August of 2009, I decided that I wanted to go for a walk to enjoy the countryside of Vinton, Iowa. I grabbed my MP3 player, headphones, and a bottle of water. I left the house around 7:15 p.m. and made my way to 58th St. Now, 58th St. is mostly pavement, but about halfway down it turns into gravel. I made my way down the road until the pavement ended. I made it to the end of the road just before it turned left onto another gravel road. At this point, it was around 8 p.m. and the sun had almost set. I figured it was getting dark so I should call it a night. As I was walking back, I noticed a neighbor's dog barking uncontrollably at something up the road. I brushed it off as a raccoon or opossum. As I walked further, I noticed a foul odor in the air. It smelled like a cross between a wet dog, a skunk and rotten eggs. I neared a trailer off to my right,with a lamp post directly beside it. The light was a good hundred feet from the street so it made a very dim light as I passed. I remember the smell getting stronger and stronger as I kept walking. I stopped in front of the dim light so I could change the song on my music player. In my peripheral vision, I noticed movement in the ditch. At the time I assumed it was just a tree, but then I noticed that this "tree" stood up! I snapped my head to the right and what I saw, I will never forget. It had to have been at least ten feet tall and covered in reddish brown hair. It had an oval head that connected directly to very broad shoulders. It was facing away from me so I didn't see its mug. The creature seemed like it didn't notice my presence. After a few seconds of staring at this thing, it walked out of the ditch on two legs and into the field. It made its way to the tree line of the surrounding wooded area and let out a blood-curdling scream. I ran home as fast as my feet would carry me. I lived with my mother at the time. As soon as I walked through the door, my mom asked me what happened. She said that I looked like I'd seen a ghost. I told her what I saw and she said my mind was playing tricks on me. I know that what I saw and what I heard was real! I went to bed and tried to forget what just happened. The next day I went to the grocery store in town to pick up a few things. I overheard some of our neighbors talking about a couple down the street that had two baby cattle go missing last night. They were also talking about how the branches on the trees leading up to the cattle were all snapped in half, and three of their sapling trees were tore from the ground. I've always been very skeptical about paranormal things, but I still think, to this day, that what I saw was a sasquatch. Most people I tell the story to don't take me too seriously anymore. I'm glad I found this site with people who have similar experiences." NOTE: Vinton is in Benton County, Iowa which is west of Scott County, Iowa. As you can see in the map below, Iowa has had a significant number of sightings in 2010, particularly in Greene County. You can also find the BFRO - Iowa state report listing here...Lon ![]() 2010 Iowa Bigfoot Sightings January - August: The map above details Bigfoot sightings reported in the state of Iowa so far in 2010. The two recent sightings are designated by the blue square (Benton County) and the green square (Scott County) Iowa Sasquatch Sightings on the Rise Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Spirit Rescue International Providing no cost professional spiritual help, support and guidance worldwide SPIRIT RESCUE INTERNATIONAL - HAUNTED HELP Spiritual, paranormal and supernatural guidance and support using remote viewing and other complementary therapies - all are welcome Phantoms & Monsters Wiki A NETWORK OF INVESTIGATORS, ENTHUSIASTS AND THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH THROUGH PARANORMAL EDUCATION AND DISCUSSION ![]() |
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