Phantoms and Monsters | ![]() |
- Inexplicata: The Hopping Phantom of Calchín
- Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft in Free-Fall and a Strange Phone Call
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/15/2010
- Paranormal Investigator Probes Father's Death
Inexplicata: The Hopping Phantom of Calchín Posted: 15 Sep 2010 02:02 PM PDT The following report is from Scott Corrales at Inexplicata - The Hopping Phantom of Calchín The Hopping Phantom of Calchín By Scott Corrales and Christián Quintero Reports of strange humanoids resembling the legendary "Springheel Jack" came out of Argentina in the mid-Aughts (2004-2007) and were widely circulated in the local and foreign press, as readers beyond Argentina became acquainted with all manner of "petizos" and "pomberos" and other improbable parahuman creatures. Our friend and colleague Christian Quintero (co-founder of Planeta UFO with Guillermo Gimenez) has drawn our attention to the reappearance of one of these bizarre humanoids in the town of Calchín, Cordoba Province (pop. 2000). Sightings appear to have commenced in August 2010 and have attracted considerable attention in the print media and on Argentinean radio (Christian has kindly sent us mp3 files of local radio shows featuring witness accounts) The first of the journalistic sources dates from August 17, 2010 and reads: "Alarm in Calchín Over the Mysterious Apparitions of a Ghost". This report, written by staff writer Ignacio Martino, notes that local residents have spoken of nothing but the "tall skinny guy" who covers his face with a balaclava and is terrorizing their communities. As occurred in Puerto Rico during the early days of the Chupacabras sightings, bands of citizens have formed to catch the mysterious personage. In the lyrics of the old song by TOTO: "You better watch out / there's a stranger in town." Martino's article quotes the experience of Gustavo, a youth who has thrown his lot in with the vigilantes who hope to catch the stranger. "20 days ago, a character started going around town between 21:00 and 23:00 hours every night. He bangs on doors, tries kicking them down, runs across backyards screaming and laughing, and no one has been able to identify him. This is happening very often, all weekend, for example. He appeared in various parts of town and always turns up in places from which he can make a quick getaway." Gustavo (no surname given) was also interviewed on 08.17.10 by a radio program on which he added further details. There are abandoned houses in the Calchín area where inverted cross graffiti can be found, and which appear to have been partly burned down during the course of what we might loosely term "cult activity". "I did not see them," he stresses. "But it is said that there are crosses, that there were names scrawled on the wall, the name of the town among them. What I did see, because I approached the areas, were the remains of fires, several piles of ash." Nor is the stranger afraid of the police. He (she? it?) has taken to prowling around the police barracks, and despite sharp commands to halt, officers have only seen him running off into the eucalyptus groves. The vicinity of Calchín has become filled with cars and curiosity-seekers armed with flashlights, but all their efforts have been fruitless. The next article that Christian has sent us reads: "Police Looks Into Apparitions of Calchín's "Hopping Phantom" and is dated 08.22.10 with the skyline: "An Unusual Event in Córdoba". The moniker "hopping phantom" may not have the same ring as "Springheel" or even "Mothman", but it describes perfectly the agility of a figure allegedly able to leap in excess of two meters in the air, according to those who have seen it. Flooded with phone calls reporting the antics of this unknown entity, the police have had no choice but to open a formal investigation into the matter. A band of vigilantes perhaps came closer to catching the "hopping phantom" than it may have bargained for. The article reads thus: " Tired of living in fear, a group of local residents decided to go after it one night. Upon reaching the place (sic) they saw an immense bonfire on a stretch of empty ground. When they approached, the saw a person kneeling before the fire. Perceiving their approach, the figure took off running at incredible speed. There were many candles in the shape of a circle around the bonfire." An anonymous witness made a concerned statement to Cadena 3 radio. "Everyone is afraid. It gets into backyards, bangs on doors and windows. Its yells are overwhelming. It has shown up in different parts of town." What is interesting about this article is that the authorities "have not discarded the possibility that black magic could be involved" as it is "a customary practice in the area." This hearkens back to the summer of 2002 and the Argentinean cattle mutilation epidemic, when the presence of "red magic" – blood sorcery – was suggested as the cause for the slaughter. Law enforcement, regardless of the country, tends not to make such candid assertions. Candles and bottles were reported in an Argentinean UFO case in the early '00s that suggested that the source of light had been "summoned" through sorcerous means. On 08.21.10, a woman named Daniela made the following statement on one of the Cadena 3 broadcasts: "Look, all I can say is that I haven't seen it, but people are truly appears between nine and eleven at night, it has scared a lot people...people who are credible, whom you wouldn't laugh at. Yes, it gets into back yards, bangs on windows, screams in a way that truly frightens people." She goes on to tell the host that the subject has become the subject of conversation "at school, at the grocery store, everywhere you go" although no one directly affected by the phenomenon had spoken to her." When asked by the radio show host if the creature (whom he refers to as "el sátiro", the Satyr) has chosen a particular lurking ground, she replies that the mystery figure does not appear to have any predilections, although the eucalyptus groves have been the area where most of the civilian searches have taken place. Walter – another caller – states that the police has been forced to look into the "fantasma saltarín" as a result of the volume of calls received from the citizenry. "This person," says the caller, "he hops beside you as your car is driving into Calchín...he appears out of nowhere in front of you, and according to some, he can jump two meters in the air." At this point in the exchange, the show host pours the proverbial pitcher of cold water over the subject, saying that when similar things have occurred in other towns, it always turns out to be "someone who isn't well, let's say, someone with an imbalance" and that doing such things "occurs often in small towns." One wonders if people in small towns leaping two meters in the air are a tribute to clean rural lifestyles. A trucker driving his vehicle in the middle of the night through the area, twenty five kilometers south of Calchín, told Cadena 3 in San Francisco that a figure made a sudden appearance in front of his truck, dressed all in black and hopping alongside the road. It stopped to look at the driver, who nearly drove the vehicle off the road in fright. Mass hysteria in the dead of the southern hemisphere coldest recorded winter? An entity summoned by sorcery for some unknown purpose, feeding off the fear of a small, terrified community? The latest manifestation of Springheel Jack, whatever he/she/it was? Perhaps the arrival of warmer weather will allow for further investigation. For the time being, there's an involuntary curfew going on in Calchín as of nine o'clock at night, when mystery comes banging on the door... NOTE: I hope Scott can provide further updates on this phenomena...this is one I have never heard before. Thanks again to Scott! Lon Inexplicata: The Hopping Phantom of Calchín |
Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft in Free-Fall and a Strange Phone Call Posted: 15 Sep 2010 01:23 PM PDT MUFON CMS - Colorado - 9/10/10 - (unedited): I was taking my granddaughter for a walk in broad daylight near my home. There were scattered clouds in the sky, but it was mostly clear. I looked up and noticed an odd shaped object moving slowly from a westerly direction moving easterly. It was high in the sky and it was quite a long distance from my vantage point but I could tell immediately that it was not an aircraft (there were no wings or helicopter blades and there was no sound). My first thought was that it was some sort of balloon but it didn't resemble balloon shapes that I'm familiar with. After moving slowly eastward for a time, it stopped and hovered above my head for perhaps a minute or so. I always carry a small camera with me so I pulled it out and snapped a couple of photos zooming to the maximum that this camera is capable of (about 5x). I wasn't sure that the pictures would turn out since it was difficult to zero in on the image with the camera's viewfinder. After a minute or so the object drifted behind a small cloud. I watched for several minutes thinking that it would pass through the cloud and become visible again. After it vanished behind the cloud I never saw it again. My initial reaction was that this was an object that is not commonly seen, at least in my experience, and it definitely piqued my curiosity. I was quite surprised to discover that the photos captured the object fairly well, especially the second photo. When zeroing in on the object with my computer's software I was very surprised to see that it was shaped like a dirigible or torpedo but it seems too small to be a blimp or similar type aircraft. It also appears to have a shiny metallic skin the reflects sunlight. The fact that it stopped and hovered for awhile also seems a bit strange since the cloud next to it was moving slowly with the prevailing wind. After viewing the photos on my computer I felt a sense of mystery and intrigue and am really anxious to see if there's some sort of conventional explanation for this sighting. I suppose it could be some sort of weather or scientific research balloon and I intend to do some follow-up to see whether or not that is a plausible explanation. I do find it especially strange that the object did not appear again after drifting behind the cloud. Any insights that you can provide would be appreciated. If you have any further questions feel free o contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. ********** Click on image for larger version MUFON CMS - near LaVernia, TX - 9/14/10 - (unedited): I was driving west on Texas State road 87 towards La Vernia. It was lightly drizzling and the traffic was driving slowly. I saw a little light shining through the rain clouds so I pulled over to get a better look at it because there no other star or light in the sky at that time. I stepped out of my truck and stood there next to the driver's door for an about five minutes. As the rain cloud slowly dissipated and moved from South to North and I discovered I was looking at a shining star or a planet. However, as I was about to reenter my truck, something fell out of the slow moving rain cloud. At first I thought there was a mid-air collision so I imminently called 911 to report it. First I got through to Bexar County 911 dispatch then I was transferred to Wilson County 911 dispatch. A second car pulled off the road about 100 feet behind me and I believe they too witness this event. This is what I reported to 911: I told them I was driving on 87 heading to Stockdale, Texas. I was presently between San Antonio and somewhere near La Vernia. I told 911 to hold on and I jumped back into my truck and drove about 200 to 300 feet to give them a crossroad. I pulled up to County Road 365 and relayed my position. Then I explain that I saw something about the size of a jet liner fall straight down from the rain cloud but there was no more rain coming from it now. The 911 dispatcher asked if I was sure it was a plane. I told them it looks like an airplane but the wings had broken off (I did not see any wing on the side facing me) and about the size of a Boeing 757 or a bigger 747. I estimated the bottom of the cloud was 20,000 feet and it fell for about 5,000 to 10,000 feet and I think I counted 2 to 3 seconds of free fall. The object was about 20 to 30 miles East of me and was burning up on its way down but it was engulfed in blue flames with dripping hot metal falling more from one side of it (Like when you see videos of the Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up on reentry). Except this thing is dropping straight down from the cloud and it was falling horizontal as if the plane hit a wall, stayed intact and started falling. As I watched it fall, all the flames had burned out about 5,000 feet above the ground. I could not hear anything because of the passing traffic and I did not see a ground impact because of the trees on the horizon. I told 911 that it was not a meteor because meteors fall like left to right or across the sky. 911 asked me where I thought it had falling. I told them it fell to the north and between of La Vernia and Stockdale. They asked for my full name and said they are sending a car out to investigate. After I hung up the phone with 911, I continued my drive to Stockdale and picked up my son and told him what I had called into 911 about 15 minutes earlier. So we continued East on 87 looking for the crash. We drove all the way to Nixon with no luck so we stopped into Nixon's Dairy Queen to get something to eat and asked around if anyone had seen anything fall from the sky. There were about four employees but no one had seen or heard anything. It was now exactly 9:51PM when I stepped outside of the Nixon's Dairy Queen when I heard and noted a twin engine plane flying very slow in a circular formation right above the town. I motion my son to come out and verify the aircraft. I could not see any markings (just the anti-collision lights flashing) but by it slow speed and altitude I believe it to be a search plane. Next we drove back to Stockdale. On the drive back to Stockdale from Nixon, we passed two police cars heading East but I could not tell if they where State or Local law enforcement. About 4 miles West of Stockdale we took up a looking position at the southern corner of the intersection where 87 and 97 from Floresville meet. At exactly 10:33PM a low flying Helicopter was flying from West to East just north of 87 in the direction to where I reported the possible impact area. At exactly 10:55 two police cars with sirens and lights flashing were driving very fast from Stockdale direction towards La Vernia direction. At about 11:15 with no further incidents, we drove home so I could make this report. I have added a few maps of the area to show my location when I called 911. ********** marcoislandflorida - Marco artist Anthony Dallmann-Jones posted this blog about the UFO seen in the Gulf Tuesday night. I am sure you have heard from people about "The strange lights" off the Marco Island Resident's Beach last night. We first noticed them at 8:35PM – They were there, in various formats until 9:15PM and were seen no more (by my wife and me). Neither of us drinks. ;-) We are also both professors of higher education so we are not totally unable to make intelligent judgments. Nuff on that. We DO have pictures that my wife took…IF you are interested. MOSTLY, I am hoping you can just tell me what we saw. I was a science major and this one baffled me in terms of a logical understanding. Description. I do believe these were near the horizon line, although they started off closer. I believe they were receding to the West. I have some very powerful binoculars and probably saw things most did not. WHAT were they? They were "hot" in the sense that they were glowing orange-yellow balls. Some might say they were lights on a UFO, and I can see how some of the angles would give that notion. Here is what we noticed. The first four we saw were in an arc * * * * but rose in the middle like an eyebrow slightly. They would then "go out" and new ones would appear. They remained 2 – 4 minutes, would extinguish and would then new ones would suddenly "blink on". The most there were at any one time was eight. They alignment was either in a bar or lights, one time they were in a V formation, and once in an almost perfect octagon. Telling clues. They were above the horizon and never moved vertically or horizontally (except once) – never swooped or rose or fell. Just "appeared" then dimmed slowly and went out, much like a flame running out of fuel might. They had smoke trails! With my binocs I could see them – almost like the ball of fire was emitting a large trail of smoke rising straight up. This could not be seen by naked eye very often. The one aberration was that while in an almost octagon, one of the balls fell. It was the only one that did this we could see. Most just stayed in place until they went out, but his one definitely fell. It started dropping slowly and when it hit the water a flash went up…which is the one way we could tell it was over the horizon line as it was NOT on THIS side of the horizon line. Can you tell me what this was??? I have thought and thought on it…was it the Coast Guard testing wind patterns, or ?? The interesting part was how "fixed" they were. Except for that one, the only "movement" was coming on and fading away. ********** ![]() Intrigue After Scottish Couple Capture UFO On Film forres-gazette - A Forres couple have been sitting at their window looking into space and wondering, ever since they spotted an unidentified bright light in the skies above Forres. And after speaking publicly about the UFO (unidentified flying object) mystery, they received an alarming phone call warning them off speaking about the incident. Don and Pat MacArthur were at home at 2 Nelson Road, watching the TV on Friday, September 3, shortly after 8.45pm when they both spotted a strange light in the skies above the town. "We both spotted a bright light at the living-room window above the trees on the other side of the road," said Don, who works for Moray Council's lands and park crew. "I thought it was a helicopter searchlight, and was waiting for the aircraft, but it wasn't that. "My wife just ran to the window to see closer," he added. "I knew it wasn't a helicopter and I ran into the other room to get my cine camera." The couple's living room window looks out over the houses on the opposite side of the road, and they both spotted the object above the chimney pots and tops of trees coming from the rough direction of Forres High Street. "I don't know what it was, but I managed to capture a few seconds of it on camera," said Mr MacArthur. "I ran out the door in my socks and zoomed in full to try and get a better picture." The images show a bright, pink, largish, diamond-like object in the sky and then just disappearing. Moments later, a black object appears in the corner of the screen, appearing to come from roughly the same direction, but much higher in the sky with a small trailing light at the top of the screen. Then a black object appears, falling slowly towards the earth, before disappearing from sight by the chimney pots. Mr MacArthur said he has shown the film to several people and no one can explain what it is, or has ever seen anything like it before. He dismissed the idea that it could be a burning chinese lantern - which are available for sale locally - due to the height, shape and colour of the object and the way he claims it moves, having compared it against other pictures of the lanterns, which are lit and released into the sky, before they just gradually burn out. "If it was a lantern, then why didn't my camera show it burning out," he said. "I had it pointed there and it just disappeared. In my opinion it was something moving away extremely quickly." Mr MacArthur claims that the far right of the pink diamond light has a white light, which indicates something moving at speed while the left hand side has a sort of glow, as if the article has come from that direction. He also claims that there is a sort of vapour trail in the third sequence, as if the object is smoking or spilling fuel. Forres man Dan MacArthur is convinced he saw something unusual in the skies above Forres. Mrs MacArthur, who works part-time for Moray Estates, said when the light appeared at first that she thought it was a firework, but it never exploded and then moved sideways. There was very little wind on Friday night, and no reports of any flares, or fireworks. Spokesman for the Findhorn Marina and Moray Inshore Rescue Organisation, Simon Paterson said that if someone had released a flare, he didn't know about it. He said a flare was quite distinctive, and usually red, green or white in colour and roughly circular shaped, and could remain in the sky for about a minute, being designed to burn out before descending. He added that there might be a parachute attachment which could drop afterwards. He said that flares were sometimes released above the bomb dump area at RAF Kinloss, but agreed that it was quite late on a Friday night. A spokesman for RAF Kinloss said that there were no flares or anything else released on that Friday night, and no reports of anything unusual or any aircraft activity above the town at the time. The mystery deepened further when Mr MacArthur received a phone call, with a recorded message telling him that to tell people he had seen a UFO would harm his bed and breakfast business. "I was really surprised," he said. "It was a recorded message - a woman's voice - telling me to press various keys for further information." The call came just hours after he had spoken to 'The Forres Gazette' about his experiences. "My son knows someone who filmed something which he thought was a UFO," he said. "They came and took his camera and kit away from him. It makes you wonder." Recent UFO Sightings, Burning Craft in Free-Fall and a Strange Phone Call |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/15/2010 Posted: 15 Sep 2010 12:33 PM PDT ![]() Wood-Eating Catfish Discovered In Peru telegraph - Scientists from the US National Science Foundation made the discovery during an expedition last month to a national park in the Alto Purus area of northeastern Peru. The fish, which reaches 70cm long (2ft 3 ins), have evolved "spoon-shaped teeth" specialised in scraping tree logs that fall into the river waters. The indigenous people have long eaten the fish which they catch by shooting them in the water, but it is the first time a specimen has been caught alive to be studied by scientists. Paulo Petry, a zoology professor at Harvard University, said the fish was found in an area bursting with biodiversity but also under threat from development. "The particular specimens that we captured are the first that are fresh specimens, so we have the entire fish from which to take tissue samples," Dr Petry explained. "They seem to be really tough to find and catch. You have to catch them with gill nets or cast nets, or shoot them. Since they eat wood, you're not going to catch them with a line." ********** Elephant Arrested For Murder In Chhattisgarh, India the police of Dhamtari district have arrested an elephant for killing a man. The elephant had been brought from Allahabad to a park for joyrides. Locals at the park started teasing the elephant and climbed onto its trunk. In spite of repeated warnings given by the elephant's handler, the locals did not stop. Finally, in a rage the elephant flung a man in the air with his trunk. ********** NASA Calls Igor 'Monstrous Hurricane' livescience - Hurricane Igor, currently churning across the Atlantic as a major Category 4 storm, has been followed by NASA satellites, and dubbed a "monstrous hurricane," in a NASA statement. Igor is so large that it is the same distance from one end of the storm to the other as it is from Boston, Mass., to Richmond, Va., some 550 miles (885 kilometers). That's a 10-hour drive. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station were so impressed by Igor's immensity that they nicknamed it, "Igor the Terrible." Igor's winds have weakened slightly, hitting a maximum of 145 mph (233 kph), but it remains a major Category 4 hurricane. While it's projected path is somewhat uncertain, it could make a direct hit on Bermuda in the next three or four days. But even if it doesn't make a direct hit, Igor is so large that the National Hurricane Center noted that Bermuda can be buffeted by winds of hurricane-force or tropical storm-force on its current track. Hurricane-force winds extend outward from the center of the storm up to 45 miles (72 km), while tropical-storm-force winds extend as far as 225 miles (362 km) from the storm's center. Igor is accompanied by Hurricane Julia, also a Category 4 hurricane, in the Atlantic, and Tropical Storm Karl in the Gulf of Mexico, which made landfall at Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula earlier today (Sept. 15). Julia is not expected to be a threat to land, but Karl is expected to move over the Yucatan and back out over the Gulf before hitting the coast of mainland Mexico. ********** Body Falls From Sky...Then Disappears pressofatlanticcity - Police suspended the search for a person who witnesses say fell from a plane without a parachute Tuesday afternoon. An extensive aerial and ground search for the person was halted at dusk. Egg Harbor Township police received reports from three "credible witnesses" at Shore Veterinarians North on the Black Horse Pike that a person appeared to be free-falling from the sky, but did not have a parachute, Capt. Michael Morris said. A news release further described the person as falling headfirst, with the body at a slight angle. Police launched a ground search. But after finding nothing, authorities began searching from the air using State Police and U.S. Coast Guard helicopters, Morris said. The search centered on the area bordered by the Black Horse Pike, the Atlantic City Expressway, Uibel Avenue and English Creek Avenue. An orange Coast Guard helicopter hovered just above treetops for hours and smaller State Police helicopters whizzed a little higher in the sky. The witnesses said they last saw the person slightly northwest of the Black Horse Pike, closer to Tilton Road, Delilah Road or Westcoat Road, the news release said. Atlantic County Emergency Management set up a command post in the parking lot behind the King Pin Bowling, where Egg Harbor Township police directed operations. Officials from the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office also were on the scene and are investigating, spokeswoman Madelaine Vitale said. On Tilton Road, the Cardiff Volunteer Fire Company set up its ladder truck on the side of the road and firefighters stood atop the aerial platform. At least a dozen police officers were canvassing in the area. The search was suspended at about 7:30 p.m. because of darkness, but Morris said the investigation is continuing and may resume this morning. Police are asking for any additional witnesses who may have seen similar activity in the sky over the Cardiff section of the township at about 3:20 p.m. Tuesday. Morris said there were no reports of missing skydivers or similar incidents from area airports. "This is not an area where we see skydivers," he said. ********** 'Fake' Football Team Allegations BBC - Togo's football authorities are investigating allegations that a fake national team played a match against Bahrain earlier this month. Bahrain won the friendly match 3-0, but said they were surprised by the poor quality of the Togolese team. Togo later said it had never sent its national team to play in the game, staged at the national stadium in Riffa on 7 September. Togo's sports minister said he would ask Fifa to investigate. But Fifa says it has not yet received any official complaint and so has not launched its own investigation. The match took place as Bahrain prepares to play in the West Asian Football Championships, which begin on 24 September. The Bahrain Football Association (BFA) said it had been arranged under all the usual official procedures, and through an agent they had known for several years. "Everything seemed to be in order until after the game, when we began to hear that some people are wondering about these players and this Togo team. We ourselves were surprised when we heard this," a BFA spokesman told the Gulf Daily News. He said they had received all the official documentation for the match, including the players' passports. The spokesman rejected reports that the match was organised by a fake football agent, saying the agent in question had always been "100% alright" and was now co-operating with the investigations. Togo's Sport Minister Christophe Tchao told the Jeune Afrique magazine nobody in Togo had "ever been informed of such a game". "We will conduct investigations to uncover all those involved in this case," he said. Bahrain's head coach, Josef Hickersberger, told the Gulf Daily News the match had been a wasted opportunity for the team to practise before the West Asian championships. "They were not fit enough to play 90 minutes - the match was very boring," he said. "Basically it was not good for us because we wanted to get information about the strength of our team, especially playing with many of our professionals." Fortean / Oddball News - 9/15/2010 |
Paranormal Investigator Probes Father's Death Posted: 15 Sep 2010 10:18 AM PDT ![]() Elvia's father, Adan Martinez, died when his car went off Military Highway as he returned from Reynosa in December 1950. Hidalgo County sheriff's deputies ruled Martinez's death an accident. But that never sat well with Elvia, a 64-year-old paranormal investigator, who said some relatives and friends of her father told her the death was suspicious. A 25-year investigation by Elvia into her father's death culminated last month, when her family exhumed his skeleton from Hillcrest Memorial Park in Edinburg. An autopsy of the badly decomposed skeleton revealed Adan's skull showed blood stains and stress on his skull, likely from a blunt force impact, said Rockcliffe, Elvia's son. At first glance, Adan's injuries seem aligned with that of a serious auto wreck. "It wasn't a single-car accident," Rockcliffe said Tuesday. "We believe something else occurred." Other evidence gained through Elvia's amateur investigation leads her to believe her father was murdered. ACCIDENT? Benny Garza and his family found Adan's body in front of his Dodge sedan at dawn on Dec. 18, 1950, about 40 yards west of U.S. 281 south of Pharr. Newspaper accounts at the time quoted deputies who said Adan died in a rollover accident. And the injuries Adan suffered could have occurred in an auto wreck. But Garza recalls a different scene. A teenager in 1950, Garza gave Elvia a sworn statement in May, saying Adan's car was undamaged when he and his family found him dead on the ground, lying in front of the hood. "The automobile in question had no visible damage, with the exterior being in excellent and undamaged condition," the affidavit states. All accident records taken by deputies had already been destroyed before Elvia launched her investigation in the mid-1980s. Without that evidence available, Elvia and Rockcliffe pursued their own conclusions through their own probe. 'BIZARRE' The mother-son duo work as paranormal investigators, traveling the country looking into reports of ghosts and ghouls believed by some to haunt houses or other buildings. That belief in the paranormal helped push them to find an alternate answer to Adan's death. The pair announced their latest suspicions at a press conference Tuesday morning at the Adobe restaurant in Edinburg. "There is a part that will sound bizarre," Elvia said. In 2008, Elvia and Rockcliffe placed an audio recorder on Adan's headstone for about 20 minutes. The recording revealed an EVP — electronic voice phenomenon — of an unknown voice telling them to proceed with digging up the skeleton. "Go back to the grave," the voice apparently says. Elvia and Rockcliffe said the EVP also mentions gold, "Metz" and "it's in France," leading them to believe Adan may have found stolen Nazi gold or other valuables that may be buried somewhere in Europe. NEXT STEP After the autopsy and replacing Adan's remains back in the ground, Elvia and Rockcliffe said they went to the National Archives in College Park, Md., where they were able to track Adan's movements with during World War II. He was part of a unit that moved through Metz, France, a city in the northeast part of the country captured by U.S. forces in November 1944. The Nazi regime was known for pillaging gold from the governments and citizens it defeated during its march across Europe, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars to fund its war effort. Whether Adan actually found gold during his time in Europe remains unknown. Elvia and Rockcliffe said they believe they know where it may be hidden, but refused to give the location. Regardless, that would not positively identify whoever killed Adan — even if he was killed — as he drove back from Reynosa nearly 60 years ago. "That is what ultimately led him to meet his demise," Rockcliffe said. "We can't legally accuse anybody." Adan's second wife was with him in Reynosa before she left prior to his return, apparently receiving a note from a bar waiter that they would face trouble. Elvia and Rockcliffe — whose matriarch was Adan's first wife — say they believe his second wife, already dead, may have been behind his death. For now, though, the amateur investigators said they would meet with their lawyer later this week to begin negotiations with the French government — and possibly hunt down Adan's lost treasure. "Could it be coincidence?" Rockcliffe said. "Sure. But in our chosen field, we don't believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason." NOTE: EVP audio is available at 'Family that dug up patriarch's skeleton believes he was hunted for Nazi gold (Click to listen to the EVP)'...Lon Paranormal Investigator Probes Father's Death Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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