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- Recent UFO Sightings / Reports / Updates
- Fortean / Oddball News - 9/25/2010: Gigantic Emerald, Chinese UFO and Blackbeard Shipwreck
- Tragic Spirits Loiter In Old School's Recesses
Recent UFO Sightings / Reports / Updates Posted: 25 Sep 2010 11:29 AM PDT ![]() ********** Strange Lights Over Tucson, AZ KOLD - Our newsroom received calls all night about strange lights in the sky on the southwest side. Was it a UFO over Tucson? Many people describe them as a 3-5 lights in a triangle shape. Here's some what people are saying on our Facebook page: * Armando says, "It's not a plane. Five lights stood still then two lights disappeared and came back to a perfect straight line. Then it disappeared." * Crystal wrote, "I was freaked out at first too, all my kids gasped. It had us talking about aliens the rest of the way home." * Angelique said, "What I saw was a plane. It was huge. I saw it three times and it was round and on its side with lights all around it." KOLD called people all over the place trying to get answers, from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base to the Arizona Department of Public Safety. One spokesman from the Air Guard said that they are performing night flights this week. Witnesses that talked with KOLD's Dan Marries on the phone insisted the lights they saw were not coming from a plane. One woman even said the traffic and street lights flickered as it flew overhead. Another said she had to re-set her satellite television after it flew past her house. Click for video ********** Strange Objects Silhouetted by Moon MUFON CMS - Illinois - 9/23/2010 - (unedited): My wife and I were sitting on our back pation facing due east looking at the very bright moon around 7:45pm to 8:35pm on Sept 23, 2010. There was intermittent cloud cover but during the sighting it was a clear sky. We noticed around 8:33pm a solid dark mass shaped like a boomerang approaching the moon from the south. It was quite large and was easily seen with the naked eye. It started at the top view as we looked at the moon from the right and it went across to the left and down in front of the moon and then changed course went up and behind the moon. In around 10-15 seconds it reappeared back at the right side and below the moon and moved off to the left until we could not see it. As the first object as moving out of sight a second one approached from the same right south side from the middle to lower half of the moon and moved across in a downward angle to the right. The second dark solid boomerang object appeared to be exactly like the first one. I had my camera on hand since I was trying to take photos of the moon since it was so bright and beautiful. The camera has a video mode and I have a short video of the second object moving from right to left but since the camera is not of a professional quality you can only tell the mass is solid and sort of fuzzy as it moves by. I tried to get the first object in a video but could not focus well on the moon due to its brightness. The event last about 2 minutes or so. We were so excited that we did not think to go get our binoculars until after it was over. None of my photos turned out very well. Around the 30-35 second mark you can slightly see a dark mass moving from the right to left at the bottom of the moon. Wish I had a better video camera and was not so excited that I could hold the camera still. ********** Garland, Texas - Cigar-Shaped UFO MUFON Case #25534 Date/Time: 2010-09-23 08:06 City: Garland State: Texas Shape: Cigar, Cylinder Duration: 00:05:00 Distance: Unknown Location: City Visibility: Partly Cloudy Weather: Windy, Medium Entity Type: None Summary: Long, gray, cigar/cylindrical shape. No wings,tail,or rudder. MUFON CMS: This is my second time to report a sighting to MUFON.I observed this one from the exact same location as the first. Since the first sighting, I tend to keep my eyes to the sky a bit more. Today, it paid off again. I was at work a little early, before 8:00AM CST, and this morning looked to be stormy with the chance of some rain. The clouds were broken, and moving North, with about 60 to 70% broken overcast, and wind from the South about 20 MPH. The clouds were very dark West of my location. Approximately 8:05 I stepped outside to take a look at the weather, and noticed that commercial flights from DFW and Love Field were being diverted to the North/Northeast around the heavy cloud bank to the West. I saw a Southwest airlines plane going North East and saw an American Airlines going South toward Love Field or DFW. Both planes were around 2500 to 3000 feet AGL. Both aircraft generated broken contrails due to the fairly cool air and high humidity. Through a break in the clouds I observed a gray "cigar/cylindrical" shaped vehicle. It's path was to the North West. It had no wings,or tail surfaces, and appeared to be about 2 to 3 times longer than the Southwest airlines plane. I believe the Southwest plane was a Boeing 737-400. Both of the commercial airliners were moving through the broken cloud layer and the other vehicle was well above the cloud deck, and I estimate it was at 5000 feet AGL. It didn't create any contrail at all. From my vantage point, the Southwest airplane looked to be about 3/4" long and it's bright orange paint was highly visible. The vehicle I saw looked very similar to the shape of a stretched medicine capsule. Long and thin, and my angle of view was from from its left rear and below. It had no lighting of any kind. No landing lights, marker lights, or anti collision strobe. I actually had a digital camera on hand, but as luck would have it, the batteries were dead. I had spare batteries, but I didn't manage to change them quickly enough to get any photos before this machine was obscured by clouds. Everything occurred in a matter of 3 to 4 minutes. I was ecstatic to see something like this again, but when I realized my camera batteries were dead, it was a very quick emotional letdown to say the least. Maybe the third time will be the charm for me. ********** Capri Residents Take to the Airwaves With Tales of UFOs marcoislandflorida - How ironic was it that within hours after WGCU public media host Mike Kiniry interviewed MUFON state section director Morgan Beall and two residents from the Isles of Capri that many people reported lights spotted off our coast? Although most readers are now aware that the mysterious lights seen on Sept. 13 over the Gulf have been attributed to military operations, not all believe that this explanation is totally accurate. "I'm also investigating this further," said Beall. "I am seeing some really strange orange lights in V formation heading toward Marco Island," said a neighbor in his phone call to me shortly after 9 p.m. "Have you seen them?" Although my husband and I have witnessed several strange phenomena in the skies around Capri over the last six months, we missed this one entirely. This day will long be remembered. My husband and I were invited to share our UFO sightings on WGCU radio earlier that day along with Beall. Michael Fauerback, FGCU's resident astronomer, was also a part of the program dedicated to UFOs and other planets. Under investigation Beall shared that not only is the Isles of Capri case still under investigation, he also told of several other cases, one of which occurred in 1964 near Cape Canaveral. John, an Internet listener from Massachusetts, called in to ask about a case in Bonita Springs in May. "I was fishing with my friend, Gus, about 25 miles off the coast at about 1 p.m. when we saw a shimmering ball-bearing-shaped object about 35 degrees off the horizon. "It hovered 20 or 30 seconds, and then in a millisecond, sped off and disappeared. I first thought it was an airplane coming into Southwest Regional Airport, but because it was not moving at all, and then sped off in milliseconds, that was unexplainable," the caller said. Beall is working with boat captains out of Tampa, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs and Sarasota, who overwhelmingly talk about these types of objects seen at eye level or right over their boats. Many are delta-shaped and the size of three to four football fields. 3 lights hovering Another caller, Juan from Fort Myers, asked Beall to clear up the case reported in The News-Press about 10 years ago. He witnessed three lights that hovered for a while and then split apart and disappeared. Beall acknowledged that there had been a lot of inquiry about that case. "Part of my job is to review historical cases like this," Beall said. Radio host Kiniry asked Beall if there were a single, irrefutable, verifiable case of a strange happening that could not be explained with normal physics. "Cases where there is radar data are the ones that come to mind," Beall said. NOTE: Honestly, there are MANY cases in Florida that have been ignored or poorly investigated by MUFON over the years...especially entity related experiences. I receive regular reports of dissatisfaction from witnesses throughout Florida. I have many MUFON members that read this blog (I am also a member) who are aware of my overall thoughts on the organization's direction the past few years. I do want to say that, IMO, there are several state MUFON chapters that stand above the norm and provide excellent service and investigative protocol, in particular chapters in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana...Lon Recent UFO Sightings / Reports / Updates |
Fortean / Oddball News - 9/25/2010: Gigantic Emerald, Chinese UFO and Blackbeard Shipwreck Posted: 25 Sep 2010 09:55 AM PDT peopledaily - Two students saw a bright object fly into their camera lens that they thought might be an unidentified flying object (UFO) while taking photos of the city's night views at the 10th Pingyao International Photography Festival held in the ancient city of Pingyao in central China's Shanxi Province on the night of Sept. 22. The whole incident lasted about 40 minutes. The two sent the photos they took to a reporter on the afternoon of Sept. 23 hoping the mystery could be revealed. The object in the photo was a sphere with two flickering columns on its two sides. However, it actually could not be seen with the naked eye. The two photographers kept following it and shooting pictures, and were able to take many clear images of the objects. The object kept appearing and disappearing in the sky from time to time and its position and flying trajectory also kept changing. When some tourists passing by were looking at the pictures taken by the students and comparing them with the sky, they were also surprised. The two students took about 200 pictures of the UFO. For a period, the object disappeared in their camera lens, but at nearly midnight, it appeared again when one of the students adjusted the time of exposure to 20 seconds and pressed the shutter. However, this time, the columns on its two sides reversed and the object had also moved to a position above the moon. A group of youth passing by witnessed the whole event with the two students and left their telephone numbers for them. A girl gave them her mobile phone number, and said that she was willing to testify about this incident in the future. The two students, named Gu Peiwen and Sun Jiali, were admitted to the Department of Photography of the Harbin Normal University's School of Communication in 2008 and are in the same class. On Sept. 18, the two traveled to Pingyao with their photographs to take part in the 10th Pingyao International Photography Festival. They always go out to photograph local scenery in their spare time. It was Mid-Autumn Festival on Sept. 22 and the moon was bright and beautiful on that night, so they went to Mingqing Street to take pictures of some night views. *********** telegraph - The Bahia Emerald was dug up in Brazil in 2001 and tipped the scales at 840lbs. It is valued at around $400 million (£250 million). Several people have claimed the suitcase-sized rock since it was found and a small army of lawyers gathered in front of a judge in Los Angeles on Friday for the start of a civil trial over ownership. The precious stone, which consists of green shards embedded in a host rock, had a circuitous and mysterious journey after vanishing from Brazil. In 2005 it was in a warehouse in New Orleans and narrowly escaped flooding during Hurricane Katrina. At one point it was listed for sale on internet auction website eBay for $75 million (£47 million). It was seized from a gem dealer in Las Vegas and is now in the custody of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. One of the claimants, Tony Thomas, is arguing that he purchased the emerald first from a Brazilian gem dealer for $60,000 (£38,000) shortly after it was excavated. He claims that, after he arranged to have it shipped home, he was tricked into believing the rock had been stolen so it could be sold to someone else for more money. His case is being considered by the judge but other interested parties have argued it should be dismissed because the emerald was never delivered to him. Other ownership claims will be reviewed at a later date. They include a man who says he was retained by the Brazilian owners to sell the emerald. Another claimant says he received it from a gem dealer as collateral for a shipment of diamonds. ********** Man Faints With Head In Museum Noose mcphersonsentinel - A visitor to Boot Hill Museum thought he'd found a photo opportunity Wednesday, but he wound up in the hospital instead. A 69-year-old man from Parks, Ark., discovered that a noose attached to the museum's "Boot Hill Hanging" Tree had slipped out of position Wednesday afternoon, according to Dodge City Police Chief Robin James. The man put his head into the noose and crouched down, increasing tension on the rope. He was posing for a photo when he passed out and slumped into the noose. The man's wife and another woman were with him, but they were unable to remove him from the noose. They summoned help from others at the museum — including an off-duty police officer from out of town — who were able to get him out of the noose. "If there hadn't been somebody there within a minute or two, there would have been a different result," James said. The police department learned about the incident shortly before 1 p.m., and an emergency crew was on the scene within minutes after receiving the call. When the police arrived at the scene, the man had just been removed from the noose and was being treated by emergency medical personnel. He was revived and taken to Western Plains Medical Complex, where he was in stable condition. "It sounds like an oxymoron, but he's probably the luckiest man in Dodge today," James said. "The man was hung from a tree at Boot Hill, Dodge City, Kansas, and he walked away from the hospital without significant injury." He declined to release the man's name since no crime had been committed. ********** More Evidence of Witchcraft at California Cemetery valleycentral - Brian Hartung took our Action 4 News cameras to where his father has been buried at the La Havana Cemetery just west of La Joya While making the small trek to the site an overwhelming stench took over. "Why would they want to target his grave?" asked Hartung. "A Vietnam Vet's grave." Hartung pointed to a corpse of a chicken, wrapped in a plastic bag, and placed on his father's grave-already covered in maggots. "It's supposed to be some kind of sacrilegious---I don't know what the significance of it is--but it's disheartening to find this on my father's grave," said Hartung. Brian said he is way past angry-he just wants answers. "What's the purpose," asked Hartung. "This was an honorable vet who served his country proudly-- To come and find this is devastating." This is not the first time there have been claims of witchcraft at the cemetery. It was just last week that Action 4 News reported about a local mother who found a shrine to Santa Muerte, a cow's tongue and other objects she considered "evil." "We saw witchcraft objects," said 'Jane.' "We saw a jaw with candle wax, burned paper, and red chile peppers wrapped in plastic bags." Who's responsible for them remains a mystery. But there are some that point to Pagans. Those who practice said there is a misunderstanding about their religion and what they do. "There are so many religions out there that intertwine together," said Karl Sawyer. "There are some parts of Christianity that intertwines with Wicca." Sawyer, who owns The Gallery in McAllen, said Wicca is an Earth-based religion and not about casting spells to harm others. "The religion has to do with worshiping a god and goddess," Sawyer said. ********** Researchers Resume Hunt For Artifacts At Blackbeard Shipwreck Site enctoday - As underwater archaeologists dive to recover 300-year-old artifacts from the shipwreck presumed to Blackbeard's flagship, the effort to keep the public a part of the project are all 21st century. A six-week dive expedition at the Queen Anne's Revenge shipwreck site began this week, and anyone interested in following its progress can do so via the Facebook page Blackbeard's-Queen Anne's Revenge. Full information on the project is also available at the website After a day of field preparations, a Wednesday afternoon Facebook post announced the biggest news of the expedition: "Returning to USCG Fort Macon. Still need to get a mooring in but unit grids are set. The first excavation since fall 2008 will start first thing (Thursday) morning." The 2010 expedition will continue through October. While small dives on the wreck, such as a three-day dive in May, have allowed researchers to monitor and conduct limited work on site, this expedition marks the first excavation in two years. According to information on the QAR website, objectives of this dive include the excavation and full recovery of artifacts from approximately 37, 5-foot by5-foot archaeological units in the midship and forward hold area. While little wet storage space at the QAR conservation lab limits the full recovery of the ship's largest artifacts — such as its anchors and cannons — there are plans to move one of the ship's largest main deck cannons from its current location to the large artifact holding area on site. In other activities planned, members of the expedition will take readings from anchors and cannon already undergoing corrosion treatment underwater and attach the aluminum-alloy anodes to begin treatment on others. The anodes are used to change the electrochemical process that corrodes iron in saltwater, reducing or even reversing the amount of salts absorbed by the iron objects. By beginning the process underwater, it can save time and space in the conservation lab. "It's imperative that we stop the damaging effects of salt water on these treasures. This is a good alternative to help stabilize them when laboratory space is not available," stated QAR Archaeological Field Director Chris Southerly in a news release announcing the dive. A dozen cannons, which range from 6 feet to 8 feet in length and weighing 700 pounds to a ton, will undergo the treatment along with three large anchors. The anchors are 11 feet to 13 feet long and weigh an estimated 1,800 pounds. To date, more than 700,000 artifacts have been recovered. Many are still undergoing conservation while others are exhibited at the N.C. Maritime Museum in Beaufort, the repository for QAR artifacts. The expedition is being led by the N.C. Underwater Archaeology Branch with team efforts including NOAA, the N.C. Maritime Museum and Friends of the Queen Anne's Revenge. The dive expedition is made possible by a grant from NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation as well as support from the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, the U.S. Coast Guard at Fort Macon, Fort Macon State Park, Nautilus Productions and Discovery Diving. Fortean / Oddball News - 9/25/2010: Gigantic Emerald, Chinese UFO and Blackbeard Shipwreck |
Tragic Spirits Loiter In Old School's Recesses Posted: 25 Sep 2010 08:43 AM PDT thetelegraph - Old Milton School in Alton, IL, built in 1904, is a hotbed of paranormal activity, stemming from the death of a child by a pedophile that occurred there sometime in the late 1930s. "We have had people run screaming from the building," tour company business manager Marlene Lewis said. "The vibe there is so intense that people have actually become physically ill." The school, owned by Meredith Elston and Joel Johnson, has built a reputation in the area for its malevolent murderers and school-age spirits. "I would definitely call it the creepiest place I have ever been in," Andrews said. "We have loyal tourists who have been going on our tours for years and have told us they will not go when we visit the Milton School. "Specifically negative entities (malicious or sad) can affect you in negative ways. People can become very sick, their legs can get heavy, or they can feel very tired. Positive entities will affect you in a positive way, such as an affectionate tug on your clothing. That may startle some people, but the manifestations themselves are harmless." Antoinette's Haunted Alton Tours, formed in 1992, is the oldest ghost tour company in Alton. Formed by Lewis and Antoinette Eason as Right Brain Activities, the company has treated curiosity-seekers to Alton's cemeteries, the interior of the McPike Mansion, and other local haunts over the years. This season, there will be two tours available. In addition to the "Milton Paranormal Investigation" tour, phantom fanatics also can travel through time on the "Ghosts of the Civil War" tour, visiting sites such as the confederate cemetery and Smallpox Island. "We had decided months ago that we were going to do a Civil War tour this year," Andrews said. "It is extremely popular. History buffs not really interested in the paranormal love it because of the history, and ghost hunters who could not care less about history love it because of all of the active locations. "We decided on a specialized tour for the Milton School for people who are into spending a little more time investigating and using equipment in the investigation (such as divining rods and EMF detectors)." Other stops on the Milton tour include the Milton Cemetery, the Robert Wadlow statue and Wadlow's boyhood home. On Oct. 6, the SyFy Channel will air an episode of "Ghost Hunters" featuring the old Milton School and Antoinette's Haunted History Tours. ********** HAUNTED HISTORY OF THE OLD MILTON SCHOOL Milton School was built in 1904 and remained open for 80 years, serving students until it closed down for good in the summer of 1984. After the school closed, it was abandoned for some time and then re-opened in the early 1990's as a factory for Intaglio Design, a company that manufactures items of decorative glass. The company still operates here today and includes a warehouse, a showroom and an antique mall. Other businesses have also taken up residence in the old building, including a martial arts academy. While some believe that only old memories still haunt the corridors of the school, the legends of the place tell a different story. While the stories may be merely legend...something, or perhaps more than one something, lurks in the dark shadows of this building. Could the story of the murdered girl be simply a piece of Alton "ghostlore", an elusive tale created to explain why a place is truly haunted? Or could the events have been covered up to keep fear from running rampant through the community? According to the legend, the events began one fall afternoon, a few hours after school had dismissed for the day. The building was deathly silent by this time and the shadows began to grow longer as twilight was now coming earlier with each passing week. The teachers and students had all left for the day, except for one, a young girl (who later generations of students would dub "Mary") who was finishing a seasonal bulletin board for her classroom. By the time that she had stapled the last construction paper leaf on the board, the sun was beginning to dip low in the sky. Mary knew that she had better get home, before her mother started to worry. She gathered up her school books and hurried down the shadowy corridor to the doors by the gymnasium. She knew that she could push them open and leave the building and they would lock behind her. As she skipped down the last stairway and rounded the corner into the gymnasium, she heard a noise behind her. Curiosity about that noise was the last conscious thought that she ever had. Mary was discovered the next morning in the girl's shower room, in the basement of the school. Her small body was bloody and battered, her clothing torn and scattered about. Most horrific of all was that fact that the young girl had been brutally raped. The hunt was on for the culprit, but the police had no leads. What sort of animal would commit such a terrible act? During her last moments, Mary had managed to scratch her assailant, as his bloody skin was still under her fingernails. The authorities warned school officials to be on the lookout for anyone with scrapes or scratches on their hands or face. Several days passed before someone realized that a janitor who worked in the school was missing. He had not shown up for work in nearly a week, so police officers went to his house to ask him a few questions about where he had been on the night of Mary's attack. Not surprisingly, they found scratch marks on both of his hands, although he claimed his cat had left them there. The man lived with his elderly mother, who maintained that he had been sick with the flu and had been at home with her on the afternoon of the murder. The detectives did not believe his story, but had nothing to arrest him for. He was moved to the top of their list of suspects. Police officers began driving past his house at night and the janitor was kept under constant surveillance. Rumors began to fly and teachers and staff members at the school began to talk of the janitor's strange habits and of his inappropriate attention to some of the children. Did the harassment of law enforcement and the gossip of the staff at the school drive an innocent man to take his life? Probably not, but we may never know. A few days later, the body of the janitor was also discovered in the school. He was found hanging, the end of the rope around an exposed beam above an upstairs hallway. Beneath his dangling feet were an overturned chair and a scrawled note which read simply: I did it! Many former students can tell stories of strange experiences in the old school and also tales of their friend's encounters with "Mary". Years later, when Intaglio Design took over the building, some of the employees of the company began to notice some very peculiar things were going on in the place as well. Footsteps were heard in the dark hallways at night when no one else was there, items began to appear and disappear around the offices and soon, one of the staff members even spotted the apparition of a small girl. Was this the ghost of Mary? This little girl even reportedly became very attached to one particular employee of the business, a young woman named Vickie (name changed). The spirit began to make frequent – and sometimes unnerving – appearances in her office, which was located at the bottom of a stairwell outside of the gymnasium. It was not uncommon to find that things in the room had been moved from place to place. She would also sometimes catch a glimpse of the girl out of the corner of her eye, playing quietly or sitting on the stairs near her office. On other occasions, Vickie would come into the office and find that someone had been tapping on the keys to her computer keyboard, leaving behind patterns of X's and O's. There had been no one in the office at the time. While the ghost of the little girl was completely benevolent, and was in fact welcomed by Vickie – the problem was that she did not haunt the school alone! Another presence was also in the building and this one was described by Vickie as being very threatening. The staff believed that this other ghost was the janitor who had taken the girl's life so many years ago. He was apparently still trapped in the building where he had committed this terrible act. Vickie, who had grown attached to Mary, now nervously found herself being stalked by the janitor's more malevolent ghost. According to reliable witnesses, Vickie became absolutely terrified by the unseen presence in the building. The majority of her encounters with the ghost took place on the stage area of the gym and down in the hallway behind the girl's shower room. Near the shower room, other staff members also reported an unsettling presence that could cause them to become short of breath and feel a panicked sensation. On many occasions, glass items that were left near one particular former shower stall (which tradition holds is where Mary's body was found) were reportedly found to be shattered into pieces. No explanation could be found as to why this was occurring. Eventually, Vickie became so frightened by the things that were going on that she simply refused to work in the building at night. Eventually, she left her job and although this was several years ago, strange things continue to happen at Milton School today. - from The Legends of Alton's Milton School by Troy Taylor NOTE: Troy Taylor has written extensively on the paranormal activity in Alton, Illinois. I have covered a few of the locations previously, particularly the Cracker Factory. Tragic Spirits Loiter In Old School's Recesses Send us an email ![]() New Items - Strickler's Celebrity Autographs Works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() The 'C' Influence Actualizing Esoteric Discussion ![]() ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! 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