Phantoms and Monsters |
- The Maine Tree Creature...What Is It?
- Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 3
- Warner Amazon Expedition 2010: In Search of Yacumama
- The Interaction of Universal Species
- Flight 253 Passenger Claims Visit By FBI
The Maine Tree Creature...What Is It? Posted: 02 Jan 2010 11:32 PM PST ![]() Click for video Well, this photo showed up on the 'Coast to Coast AM' website the night before last. Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo asks if this is the 'First Blobsquatch of 2010?' There has also been some suggestion that this may be a North American Porcupine, which is the second largest of all rodents. It has a small head, a large, chunky body with a high arching back and short legs. Its head and body are 25 to 40 inches long, with a long, thick, muscular tail growing as long as 8 inches. It weighs from 10 to 40 pounds. In the winter, they mainly eat conifer needles and tree bark. They do not hibernate but sleep a lot and stay close to their dens in winter. Anyway, IMO, it is most likely a North American porcupine unless someone can come up with more definitive evidence that it is not. Declaring it as a primate of any species in the order cannot be substantiated just with the video. On the other, if it is a porcupine, it is one of the largest examples I have seen...Lon ![]() ![]() |
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 3 Posted: 02 Jan 2010 12:52 PM PST ![]() Location: Overland, Missouri Date/Time: June 1982 - 11:30 pm local time WINGED HUMAN ENCOUNTER Witness heard his Border Collie barking and whining at something in the garden behind the barn. Witness set out with a flashlight to investigate the disturbance. As he turned the corner of the barn, he nearly stumbled over his dog, which was cowering and shivering next to the building. Thinking that the dog had been hurt, he knelt briefly beside his dog, checked quickly for any injury then stood up and directed the beam of the flashlight toward the sounds of movement in the garden. At first, he saw a figure that he thought was human with a blanket wrapped around it, bending over and eating a melon. The witness yelled at the figure and it suddenly stood up revealing itself to be a tall human-like creature with dark wings that had been folded around it's torso. As it stretched itself to it's full height of well over six feet, each wing unfolded to a width of what appeared to be seven to eight ft....about fourteen feet from one wing tip to the other. The terrified witness dropped the flashlight and slid down to the ground. The humanoid then emitted a terrible screeching sound and lifted off into the night sky. "Its wings made a sharp, leathery slapping sound as it flew away." Source: private investigator, St.Louis, MO _______________________ Location: Delta, British Columbia, Canada Date/Time: January 17, 1997 - 2:00 am local time "PINK HUMANOIDS" WITNESSED BY 2 BOYS Two 12-year old boys had sneaked out of their homes as their parents slept and had gone to a nearby storage yard to play for awhile. Soon they headed home taking a short cut through a large equipment yard, sliding underneath the chain link fence. Halfway through the lot they noticed a very large shiny white box on the ground. As they passed it they heard a "thump" like noise. Right after that came a "popping" sound. They moved on to see a series of lights, red, blue, green reflecting from some nearby equipment. Unable to determine the source they crossed the yard and reached a dark area of the property. They then heard a lengthy high-pitched screech that made their hair stand up. Whirling around they saw, three small "pink figures" walking rapidly between some items of equipment, then quickly becoming lost from view. The beings had no sign of a buttocks cleavage, nor visible evidence of knee joints or fingers. During the whole encounter it was very warm. At this point a maroon van suddenly roared around the corner and came to a skidding halt near the boys. The headlights illuminated the boys and bald headed driver remained inside the van. Very frightened at this point, the boys ran out of the property vaulting over the chain link fence. They felt extremely thirsty upon arriving home. Source: reported by family friend ______________________ NOTE: I refer to the next encounter as the 'I Am Jimmy Hoffa' report. I heard about this not long after is was reported and just recently came across it again. Please note that union leader Jimmy Hoffa had been missing since July 1975 which makes this report very unusual...Lon Location: Pelham, Georgia Date/Time: August 6, 1977 - 10:30 am local time "I AM JIMMY HOFFA" Tom Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, hovered several feet off the ground in a field in front of him. He immediately noticed that he was unable to move a muscle as well as his dogs and the cattle in the field seemed likewise to be immobilized. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humanoids 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. The first stepped down cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground; then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin "as white as a flour sack," their noses were sharp and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely nude. The clothing of the rest, male and female alike, was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed, turned up toes. The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body. While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came from the object, shouting three times "I am Jimmy Hoffa" (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the voice was not heard again. After completing the examination, all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about 10 feet away and "went into a conference." They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard the word "Jupiter." He had the impression they were debating whether or not to take him on board; at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object rise to 75 feet then, in a wink, it was out of sight. Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could say nothing more than "space ship!" He was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria. Source: UFO Bureau of Georgia |
Warner Amazon Expedition 2010: In Search of Yacumama Posted: 02 Jan 2010 04:25 PM PST ![]() I received this message from Leana Warner at "I really enjoy reading your posts on Phantoms and Monsters. I thought you might be interested in the following information:" "I have attached a link for an expedition that my family will be undertaking this year in search of Yacumama." Here's the link to the PDF - Warner Amazon Expedition - August 2010 – Dry Season BASE: IQUITOS, PERU SITE 1 - NAPO Examine snake at channel in photo 317, world controversy ⇒ Remote Cams, rivers & lagoons ⇒ Look for areas clear of surface vegetation = Activity ⇒ Collect samples for DNA testing Giant snake shape, Sachamama, Google Earth Coordinates (Possible King Kong Story) ⇒ If live Sachamama: electrical charges, chemical charges ⇒ Dead Sachamama: DNA samples, bones, for species identification Rappel to Remote Zones ⇒ Assistance of Military, use government contacts from first expedition (2009) ⇒ Jesus Rivas for Tracking and study of biology SITE 2 - HAMBURGO Manatee Dung ⇒ Remote Cams & Bio Bags DNA ⇒ Floating islands, wallows & Nesting area, Mud, Faeces, Scales, Skin, Teeth, Bone, Mucus, Urine INRENA: Background Check ⇒ Feasibility ⇒ Who's been there, when, why? ⇒ Diving Platform? ⇒ Closest Settlement/Tribe ⇒ Rangers Station 8 SITE 3 - MORONOCOCHA Small floating island 200m x 200m Dog teams for initial examination and risk management Sample collection from floating island, scales, faeces, blood, bone, urine Underwater technology (sonar, fish finders) Electrical Charges TEAM 2010 1. Mike Warner, Researcher* 2. Greg Warner, Planning, Logistics, contracts* 3. Jesus Rivas/Prof. Ian Montgomery – Biologist/Ecologist 4. Deborah McLaughlin, Fixer/Location Manager* 5. Jose Valles Padilla, Guide & Translator (part of story)* 6. Steve Warner, Ground Crew, site interrogation, 'daredevil stuff' 7. 2 x locals for sample collection (to be recommended by Jose Padilla) * Team members from Warner Amazon Expedition 2009 The remainder of the PDF include research, equipment and resources. Hopefully, we can receive updates on this expedition before and after it has begun. ______________________ Originally posted 6/10/09 Photo: Leviathan 'Yacumama' Anaconda Found in Peruvian Jungle ![]() It sounds like an Indiana Jones adventure. After 23 years of research including the detailed study of ancient art, cultures spanning 3000 years and three continents to the latest in satellite imaging technology, a father and son make an extraordinary trip deep into the heart of the Peruvian Amazon to confirm their theories that this is where a giant anaconda with a difference lives. But that's precisely what Mike Warner (73) and his son Greg (44) have done, seeking evidence that this was the home of the Yacumama and actually capturing a picture of the creature. A leviathan of the jungle, which reports say reaches 40 metres in length and two metres in diameter, it dwarfs any snake known to science. This anaconda is not green but dark brown and is known by the locals as the 'black boa' or 'Yacumama'. "Yacumama is translated as Mother of the Water and reports of this giant snake abound throughout the Amazon basin and history." Mike, who is partially sighted, has spent 23 years researching the beast but it was only six months ago when his son discovered his research documents and they decided to take part in the incredble journey. Cryptozooologist Mike of Hillhall spent his life savings setting up the expedition with Greg to find out more about the snake, which reports say can engorge water then shoot a monkey out of a tree like a water canon. The team spent 12 days in March using the latest satellite equipment to take images of the huge reptile and were able to officially announce the discovery on May 2. The explorers were dogged by hazardous weather conditions in the middle of the rainy season but eventually managed to take off by hydroplane from the Amazon River on day five of the expedition. "Despite being buffeted by a freak storm we managed several flyovers at an average altitude of 400 feet recording video footage from two cameras at either side to the rear of the aircraft and Greg, located in the front with the pilot, taking around 300 still photographs" said Mike who had his 73rd birthday while in Peru. After an exhausting 12 days in the jungle and a 30 hour trip back home the father and son team were finally able to examine their photo evidence in more detail, over 700 photos and five hours of video "The data is immense and will take months to fully appreciate but already it supports our theories of 'channels' created by these giants as they make their way through the dense jungle knocking down trees 90 feet tall, but more importantly we managed to catch one of these reclusive giants on camera as it made its way through one of its watery channels." It was Colonel Percy Fawcett, who was commissioned by the Royal Geographical Society of London in 1906 to map an area of the Peruvian Amazon in a dispute over rubber production who, after an encounter with a giant anaconda, first documented large 'trails 6 feet wide' or what are now called 'channels'. And according to Greg it was the link made between his account and the evidence of large irregular 'channels' at the site they visited that led to the discovery. They have now shared their findings with the Peruvian government, the National Geographic Society in Washington and Queens University in Belfast. The team will now spend months analysing the footage and plan to return to same location in October to get thermal imagery which will help find the numbers of anacondas. This time they hope to bring with them a television crew. Greg concluded: "The real hero is my father. It must be incredible to have spent 23 years researching this and then to succeed in an expedition where others had failed." There was an amazing postscript to their trip when an anaconda, believed to be the one they located in March, is thought to have been responsible for smashing the house of an elderly couple in a small village in Peru earlier this week. |
The Interaction of Universal Species Posted: 02 Jan 2010 10:38 AM PST ![]() For those who want to believe, I will offer you a true report, one that you have NEVER heard before, and one that I am of age to tell. I am older now, in my early forties, and like many, the older we get, the less we worry about how society perceives what we say. So before I tell it the way it really is, understand this, I could care less if someone calls this report a whacknut, simply because I don't care. This is a true report of life events, and will blow some minds, and for those who read it all, a miracle will unfold. A miracle that has always been right underneath your nose. My earliest recorded memory "through hypnotism" was prior to birth, and when I described the memory to my parents, it was verified, the living room I described as well as the contents within, and the visiting family, it was all real, and it took place when my mother and father first met, before I was conceived. Strange? But definitely true. My earliest memories of childhood are about 3 years old, had a little girlfriend, blonde, named Allison, we didn't communicate too well verbally, but, we were neighbours, and we played together. The other memory is my room in the apartment my parents had, and my little sister who was only one at the time. She was just learning to walk and make basic grunts and giggles. I used to go to my room, when I was called by the hum, by what many of you refer to as aliens, not greys, at least not yet, these beings I was communicating with looked more like nothing you have ever seen or had described in alien Hollywood. They were definitely friendly, there was always a "hum", the humming sound would always let me know they were in there, inside my room waiting for me. There was enough of them to surround my bed, and they communicated to me, not by words as they have no mouth, but by thought, feelings, not a verbal language, but their eyes were like thought windows. I was always amazed when one of my parents would walk in to the room and they would suddenly vanish from around my bed as the doorknob turned, it at the time, seemed fun and I wanted to do it as well. I did understand these beings, I couldn't really speak much myself, very basic vocabulary at 3 years old, but I did understand them. I was a child of my parents on Earth, but I did not belong to my parents on Earth. This I understood and I also understood there was a recognition of each other, between myself and the beings, we knew each other, and they were interested in my well being on Earth. The messages I felt from them were more like "babysitters" wanting to keep me entertained, and then, at times, more like I was an "investment", something they were nurturing. The strongest feelings they communicated were that somehow, I was once with them. From there, life experience as usual, nothing out of the norm, but I always sensed their presence. One day, when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was playing on the roof of my house, having climbed a large tree to jump on the roof. My parents told me to get down, so I did, literally. I jumped off the roof into the tree and missed the branches and fell head first and blacked out. I heard a hum and a voice of my grandfather yell something out. Next thing I knew I was hanging upside down head first with my hairs on my head sweeping the concrete. I was caught by an unnatural force, only an inch from head on impact with the concrete patio. My grandfather years later told me although he never yelled out when I was falling, he was thinking those exact words in his head as he heard the falling from the tree and could tell by the speed of the branches cracking, it was not good, and that is when he thought the words I clearly heard. From there, again, nothing unusual occurred until I was 13 years old. Then, a new chapter, one night, a school night, I picked up a book at 11 PM sharp and started reading the "preface" of the book, and then I decided to put it back up on the shelf my grandfather built. It was now 7 AM, and I had to go to school, 8 hours disappeared within a single minute. This leads up to where I started of my first memory, before the womb, I later used hypnotism to remember what happened during the 8 hours that night that vanished in what seemed to be a few paragraphs. What happened in those 8 hours, a major light flash came through my window to the West, and suddenly these beings came walking through the wall, around my bed, levitated me with them into a vessel hovering above the house, and I was inside. These beings were of the same origin as the ones I would communicate with when I was 3, and they still meant no harm. They again bonded with me, communicating feelings without speech, again, they have no mouths like we do. Then they introduced me to what many refer to as a grey. This grey was not harmful as well, in fact, the being seemed very bored with what apparently was a job task. I was the task. The being, or grey if you will, was the psychologist, or the one who was communicating a variety of questions to me, analysing and observing my feelings and responses. The grey does not use a mouth to communicate, like the others, the grey communicates thought. There were no horrible experiments, there has been no horrible interactions. I can't speak for all, so when I say they seem benevolent, this is only my experience. Others may be telling the truth about some serious horrifying experiences, however, I can not. The importance of the meeting when I was 13, is it left an impression with me somehow, that I was able to communicate thoughts. For two weeks after the event, I was clearly able to interpret people's thoughts. I challenged people to write things down and put it in their pocket, and I would tell them the answer with precision, They would write the weirdest things and test me, I was able to feel their exact thoughts, for two weeks, and just like that, the ability disappeared, completely. I have to say now, everything I am writing is the truth, of course, I like anyone have debated my own self, trying to make a more human sense of my events, but, as I am older now, I know the difference between imagination and confirmation. The events were 100% real, and I know this, and could care less about the skeptic who may be jealous because they want to experience proof. Well, I am leading to the proof at the very end. In my adult life, I have done highly articulate jobs, I have been highly involved in employments and activities that involve government, law, and commerce. I am highly professional, and highly rebel, I don't agree with what I have learned. I hate the words, "it is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all", and I highly agree with the adage, "ignorance is bliss". When you know too much, and you have seen too much, and you have been inside the circle, it screws with your perceptions of reality. Or for the most part, the human reality, the experience we have temporarily here on Earth. I would much prefer to go back in time, and know nothing of what I know now, I truly understand what it means when they say the human psyche can only handle so much. I have seen UFOs as they are referred to, the ones like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", the Triangular one, the ones that are like massive orbs that split apart. I have seen them up damn close, too close for comfort. I have also seen them from long distances, and the only way to explain this is like panning for gold. People that don't have experience with gold are not sure of what to look for, but those who have seen it, can identify it quick. My children have experienced them, and one night, they pointed them out to me, in fact, the triangular one was hovering above our house, close enough to throw a baseball at and hit the bottom, but now, they dismiss it, because the human psyche. Keep in mind, the children I refer to, the one who pointed the triangular vessel out, that it was right above our home, she was 16 years old, more than old and mature enough to clearly make a decision of what she was identifying metres above our rooftop. What follows, was the obvious confirmation, the one that (rhymes with "ducked") me up completely. The confirmation of purpose. It had been over 25 years since their last communication with me, that I can consciously remember anyways. I was woke up and this time, it was a being I never encountered before, and I will not describe the being, simply because the human imagination will not perceive the description, best way to summarize it. I could try and describe the features of the beings I communicated with when I was three, but not this one, would be moot at best to try and explain. However, no verbal communication, seems that all communication is by thought transference. Only way to explain it, when you feel shocked and your whole body tightens up, it is a feeling, it is definite and real, and it is the same as communicating with these beings. It is definite and real, however, it is feelings for the most part, but this last being, actually thought in the English language, spoke thoughts to me in clear and indisputable English. Confirmation! Most people want this, most people want direct communication that they can consciously remember, most people want to travel the stars or see a grand miracle, I encourage those who do, think again. The human psyche is a bio-design, it is fragile in nature and can only handle so much "non human reality" or "depression", before it collapses into post traumatic stress disorder. All humans are built of the same design, and all are fragile, you really don't benefit as a human being to deal directly with out of world experiences that defy human logic. So understand now, this report is not exciting, but it is true, in every letter, it is fact that I know without doubt, and without needing to believe, it is true, and it is ominous in nature, not to the world, but to the human mind. It has literally nearly destroyed me in every cell of my body, so leave the supernatural to Hollywood and you are better off, because when it enters your life, it (rhymes with "ducks") you up. What I have not mentioned as of yet in this report, is what exactly has been communicated to me since I was three, and for good reason, I have left this all out. I have left out both the general feelings of communication and the specific words spoken. What I will tell you, is what most of you know, they are real, and they are a part of Earth as much as we are. I could tell you specifics, however, I have learned the hard way, even if they do drop down in front of you and talk to you directly, your mind will cause you to ask hard questions, "did you have an illusion?", "was this a set up by a government agency?", "were you dreaming?", the physical mind designed and nurtured on Earth seeks Earthly explanation, as per the limitations of the physical design. No proof will ever be proof enough! This is why it is important not to mention what was said, simply because, you will question this report alone. I do not question writing this report, I know this report is as real now as my meeting with a friend for coffee, as my meeting with these beings were just as real in every way. I don't believe, I know. For today, this population will seek magic and miracles, and for tomorrow, this population will continue to seek to explain the unexplained. Since the beginning of recorded time, all cultures have tried to connect with higher beings and looked for supernatural explanation. This is, was and always will be an inherent element of the physical design and psyche of the human being. I can only surmise why government departments will not disclose truth, but I can assure you it is definite, they will not because they know society will freak. You have to experience something to truly understand it, and the guys in government who have, they are right, keeping a lid on this is the best interest of national security. There is a reason why the human population expanded to billions over a few hundred years and why science, medicine and technology advanced beyond imagination over the last few hundred years as well. There is a higher agenda, and there is a human agenda, and the fact is, the agenda is no different than your own, no different than your neighbour or co-workers agenda, the agenda is self achievement and social betterment for their own. I will leave it at this, the being I communicated with last defies the beings that preceded since I was three, and this final being, would be likened to an advanced being to the beings us humans would call advanced. Call them what you will, ET's, greys, what have you, but the beings that are entering Earth constantly in secrecy are primitive in knowledge compared to this final being I communicated with. The universe does not need to unfold, it already has; and you don't need to understand it because you are already a part of it. The battle between good and evil doesn't stop on your street or workplace, it does not stop between countries, it does not stop between human kind and the races visiting and positioning for dominance, the battle exists throughout the universe. The problems of Earth never have been, are not and never will be isolated and unique, if you knew what I know now, the vast majority would mentally break down to the point of psychosis. There is a balance between good and evil, and not in the traditional or religious sense as taught here, but this balance, or a "force" as Yoda would put in Star Wars (for the fans of the movie lol), this balance really does exist. Anyways, these events are true and I am of age to be comfortable to talk about it, without fearing the peer pressure of an ignoramus trying to ridicule. Out of respect, I left out the details that would (rhymes with "duck") you up, because there really is an end to this report, and an end that is inescapable for every living human on Earth right now. For the environment lovers, and the climate change activists, the good news is, do not fear for the Earth, it will always be here and it will never be destroyed. What I can tell you all, anyone who reads this report, is to read this paragraph carefully. You are an illusion of cellular form, an extension of the nutrients of the Earth, your bodies are mere mannequins under the control of a consciousness, one that formed the mannequin from mere nothingness. The mannequin or human body, the mind that interprets what is being read right now, was created from a single invisible cell, and it is controlled by this invisible presence called a spirit right now. You still want to witness something supernatural or a miracle? Go find a mirror, your looking at one. NOTE: this account has received a fair amount of response on the thread. It's an anecdote that offers many similarities to other personal experiences but also adds some interesting commentary as to how humans perceive these extraterrestrials species and if we could actually adapt to change (or, possibly, the truth)...Lon |
Flight 253 Passenger Claims Visit By FBI Posted: 02 Jan 2010 09:53 AM PST ![]() Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. They say another man tried to help Abdulmutallab board the plane in Amsterdam. Haskell had two detailed posts in two different stories. Here is Part One, originally posted here (Nothing below in the indent has been changed. Only links have been added.): Today is the second worst day of my life after 12-25-09. Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans. Let me explain. Ever since I got off of Flight 253 I have been repeating what I saw in US Customs. Specifically, 1 hour after we left the plane, bomb sniffing dogs arrived. Up to this point, all of the passengers on Flight 253 stood in a small area in an evacuated luggage claim area of an airport terminal. During this time period, all of the passengers had their carry on bags with them. When the bomb sniffing dogs arrived, 1 dog found something in a carry on bag of a 30 ish Indian man. This is not the so called "Sharp Dressed" man. I will refer to this man as "The man in orange". The man in orange, who stood some 20ft away from me the entire time until he was taken away, was immediately taken away to be searched and interrogated in a nearby room. At this time he was not handcuffed. When he emerged from the room, he was then handcuffed and taken away. At this time an FBI agent came up to the rest of the passengers and said the following (approximate quote) "You all are being moved to another area because this area is not safe. I am sure many of you saw what just happened (Referring to the man in orange) and are smart enough to read between the lines and figure it out." We were then marched out of the baggage claim area and into a long hallway. This entire time period and until we left customs, no person that wasn't a law enforcement personnel or a passenger on our flight was allowed anywhere on our floor of the terminal (or possibly the entire terminal) The FBI was so concerned during this time, that we were not allowed to use the bathroom unless we went alone with an FBI agent, we were not allowed to eat or drink, or text or call anyone. I have been repeating this same story over the last 5 days. The FBI has, since we landed, insisted that only one man was arrested for the airliner attack (contradicting my account). However, several of my fellow passengers have come over the past few days, backed up my claim, and put pressure on FBI/Customs to tell the truth. Early today, I heard from two different reporters that a federal agency (FBI or Customs) was now admitting that another man has been held (and will be held indefinitely) since our flight landed for "immigration reasons." Notice that this man was "being held" and not "arrested", which was a cute semantic ploy by the FBI to stretch the truth and not lie. Just a question, could that mean that the man in orange had no passport? However, a few hours later, Customs changed its story again. This time, Mr. Ron Smith of Customs, says the man that was detained "had been taken into custody, but today tells the news the person was a passenger on a different flight." Mr. Ron Smith, you are playing the American public for a fool. Lets take a look at how plausible this story is (After you've already changed it twice). For the story to be true, you have to believe, that: 1. FBI/Customs let passengers from another flight co-mingle with the passengers of flight 253 while the most important investigation in 8 years was pending. I have already stated that not one person who wasn't a passenger or law enforcement personnal was in our area the entire time we were detained by Customs. 2. FBI/Customs while detaining the flight 253 passengers in perhaps the most important investigation since the last terrorist attack, and despite not letting any flight 253 passenger drink, eat, make a call, or use the bathroom, let those of other flights trample through the area and possibly contaminate evidence. 3. You have to believe the above (1 and 2) despite the fact that no flights during this time allowed passengers to exit off of the planes at all and were detained on the runway during at least the first hour of our detention period. 4. You have to believe that the man that stood 20 feet from me since we entered customs came from a mysterious plane that never landed, let its passengers off the plane and let this man sneak into our passenger group despite having extremely tight security at this time (i.e. no drinking even). 5. FBI/Customs was hauling mysterious passengers from other flights through the area we were being held to possibly contaminate evidence and allow discussions with suspects on Flight 253 or to possibly allow the exchange of bombs, weapons or other devices between the mysterious passengers from other flights and those on flight 253. Seriously Mr. Ron Smith, how stupid do you think the American public is? Mr. Ron Smith's third version of the story is an absolute implausible joke. I encourage you, Mr. Ron Smith, to debate me anytime, anywhere, and anyplace in public to let the American people see who is credible and who is not. I ask, isn't this the more plausible story: 1. Customs/FBI realized that they screwed up and don't want to admit that they left flight 253 passengers on a flight with a live bomb on the runway for 20 minutes. 2. Customs/FBI realized that they screwed up and don't want to admit that they left flight 253 passengers in customs for 1 hour with a live bomb in a carry on bag. 3. Customs/FBI realize that the man in orange points to a greater involvement then the lone wolf theory that they have been promoting. Mr. Ron Smith I encourage you to come out of your cubicle and come up with a more plausible version number 4 of your story. Haskell continued his comment in a different post on MLive. For the last five days I have been reporting my story of the so called "sharp dressed man." For those of you who haven't read my account, it involves a sharp dressed "Indian man" attempting to talk a ticket agent into letting a supposed "Sudanese refugee" (The terrorist) onto flight 253 without a passport. I have never had any idea how it played out except to note that the so called "Sudanese refugee" later boarded my flight and attempted to blow it up and kill me. At no time did my story involve, or even find important whether the terrorist actually had a passport. The importance of my story was and always will be, the attempt with an accomplice (apparently successful) of a terrorist with all sorts of prior terrorist warning signs to skirt the normal passport boarding procedures in Amsterdam. By the way, Amsterdam security did come out the other day and admit that the terrorist did not have to "Go through normal passport checking procedures". Amsterdam security, please define to the American public "Normal passport boarding procedures". You see the FBI would have the American public believe that what was important was whether the terrorist in fact had a passport. Seriously think about this people. You have a suicide bomber who had recently been to Yemen to but a bomb, whose father had reported him as a terrorist, who supposedly was on some kind of U.S. terror watchlist, and most likely knew the U.S. was aware of these red flags. Yet, he didn't go through "Normal passport checking procedures." What does that mean? Maybe that he flashed a passport to some sort of sympathetic security manager in a backroom to avoid a closer look at the terrorist's "red flags"? What is important is that the terrorist avoided using normal passport checking procedures (apparently successfully) in order to avoid a closer look into his red flags. Who cares if he had a passport. The important thing is that he didn't want to show it and somehow avoided a closer inspection and "normal passport checking procedures." Each passport comes with a bar code on it that can be scanned to provide a wealth of information about the individual. I would bet that the passport checking procedures for the terrorist did not include a bar code scan of his passport (which could have revealed damning information about the terrorist). Please note that there is a very easy way to verify the veracity of my prior "sharp dressed man" account. Dutch police have admitted that they have reviewed the video of the "sharp dressed man" that I referenced. Note that it has not been released anywhere, You see, if my eye witness account is false, it could easily be proven by releasing the video. However, the proof of my eyewitness account would also be verified if I am telling the truth and I am. There is a reason we have only heard of the video and not seen it. Dutch authorities, "RELEASE THE VIDEO!" This is the most important video in 8 years and may be all of two minutes long. Show the entire video and "DO NOT EDIT IT"! The American public deserves its own chance to attempt to identify the "sharp dressed man". I have no doubt that if the video indicated that my account was wrong, that the video would have already swept over the entire world wide web. Instead of the video, we get a statement that the video has been viewed and that the terrorist had a passport. Each of these statements made by the FBI is a self serving play on semantics and each misses the importance of my prior "sharp dressed man" account. The importance being that the man "Tried to board the plane with an accomplice and without a passport". The other significance is that only the airport security video can verify my eyewitness account and that it is not being released. Who has the agenda here and who doesn't? Think about that for a minute. NOTE: I'm interested in some comments on this piece. Frankly, I sympathize with this couple but the FBI should not be expected to divulge all evidence...this still is an investigation. Is Haskell simply seeking notoriety in your opinion? Lon Click for video Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. 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