Phantoms and Monsters |
- Planet Size Spheres Appear In Sun's Corona
- Dr. David Kelly Post-Mortem Ordered Buried For 70 Years
- Ancient Cattle To Be Bred Back From Extinction
- House For Sale...Ghosts Included
Planet Size Spheres Appear In Sun's Corona Posted: 24 Jan 2010 02:43 PM PST Click image for larger version ![]() Click image for larger version ![]() Click image for larger version ![]() Click image for larger version ![]() ![]() ![]() Click for video On Jan. 18th, several objects started to appear on many of the EIT images. Commentary with video: These huge spherical UFO's started appearing around January 18, 2010. They are on both the forward and rear images taken by NASA's Stereo Spacecraft in space. They appear to be moving as they are in different positions on many photos. Remember these are huge possibly at least the size of Earth. Further, if they were planets or some type of huge asteroid comets, they would already have been pulled into the sun by the strong gravity the sun produces as in the case of the recent comet. Notice also that they are reflecting the suns light just like a metal constructed ship would do. My best guess is that they are huge planet sized spacecraft either observing the sun, or could it be that disclosure is now happening. Either way, I await NASA's official explanation. Please help to make this viral so that we can get this out to the world. This could finally be the evidence that NASA can't cover-up or ignore ![]() Click for video Older video the demonstrates solar flare and plasma expelled from the surface: Click for video NOTE: OK...I've been reading a few of the discussion threads that started showing up on 1/21. There are a lot of theories...UFOs, planet sized asteroids being pulled by the sun, expelled plasma, video anomaly, light distortion, etc. I haven't made up my mind though the expelled plasma theory seems valid. Take a look at the evidence and judge for yourself...Lon |
Dr. David Kelly Post-Mortem Ordered Buried For 70 Years Posted: 24 Jan 2010 01:48 PM PST ![]() In a draconian – and highly unusual – order, Lord Hutton, the peer who chaired the controversial inquiry into the Dr Kelly scandal, has secretly barred the release of all medical records, including the results of the post mortem, and unpublished evidence. The move, which will stoke fresh speculation about the true circumstances of Dr Kelly's death, comes just days before Tony Blair appears before the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War. It is also bound to revive claims of an establishment cover-up and fresh questions about the verdict that Dr Kelly killed himself. Tonight, Dr Michael Powers QC, a doctor campaigning to overturn the Hutton findings, said: 'What is it about David Kelly's death which is so secret as to justify these reports being kept out of the public domain for 70 years?' Campaigning Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has also questioned the verdict that Dr Kelly committed suicide, said: 'It is astonishing this is the first we've known about this decision by Lord Hutton and even more astonishing he should have seen fit to hide this material away.' The body of former United Nations weapons inspector Dr Kelly was found in July 2003 in woods close to his Oxfordshire home, shortly after he was exposed as the source of a BBC news report questioning the Government's claims that Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which could be deployed within 45 minutes. Lord Hutton's 2004 report, commissioned by Mr Blair, concluded that Dr Kelly killed himself by cutting his wrist with a blunt gardening knife. It was dismissed by many experts as a whitewash for clearing the Government of any culpability, despite evidence that it had leaked Dr Kelly's name in an attempt to smear him. Only now has it emerged that a year after his inquiry was completed, Lord Hutton took unprecedented action to ensure that the vital evidence remains a state secret for so long. A letter, leaked to The Mail on Sunday, revealed that a 30-year ban was placed on 'records provided [which were] not produced in evidence'. This is thought to refer to witness statements given to the inquiry which were not disclosed at the time. In addition, it has now been established that Lord Hutton ordered all medical reports – including the post-mortem findings by pathologist Dr Nicholas Hunt and photographs of Dr Kelly's body – to remain classified information for 70 years. The normal rules on post-mortems allow close relatives and 'properly interested persons' to apply to see a copy of the report and to 'inspect' other documents. Lord Hutton's measure has overridden these rules, so the files will not be opened until all such people are likely to be dead. Last night, the Ministry of Justice was unable to explain the legal basis for Lord Hutton's order. The restrictions came to light in a letter from the legal team of Oxfordshire County Council to a group of doctors who are challenging the Hutton verdict. Last year, a group of doctors, including Dr Powers, compiled a medical dossier as part of their legal challenge to the Hutton verdict. They argue that Hutton's conclusion that Dr Kelly killed himself by severing the ulnar artery in his left wrist after taking an overdose of prescription painkillers is untenable because the artery is small and difficult to access, and severing it could not have caused death. In their 12-page opinion, they concluded: 'The bleeding from Dr Kelly's ulnar artery is highly unlikely to have been so voluminous and rapid that it was the cause of death. We advise the instructing solicitors to obtain the autopsy reports so that the concerns of a group of properly interested medical specialists can be answered.' Tonight, Dr Powers, a former assistant coroner, added: 'Supposedly all evidence relevant to the cause of death has been heard in public at the time of Lord Hutton's inquiry. If these secret reports support the suicide finding, what could they contain that could be so sensitive?' The letter disclosing the 70-year restriction was written by Nick Graham, assistant head of legal and democratic services at Oxfordshire Council. It states: 'Lord Hutton made a request for the records provided to the inquiry, not produced in evidence, to be closed for 30 years, and that medical (including post-mortem) reports and photographs be closed for 70 years.' Nicholas Gardiner, the Chief Coroner for Oxfordshire, confirmed that he had seen the letter. Speaking to The Mail on Sunday today, he said: 'I know that Lord Hutton made that recommendation. Someone told me at the time. Anybody concerned will be dead by then, and that is quite clearly Lord Hutton's intention.' Asked what was in the records that made it necessary for them to be embargoed, Mr Gardiner said: 'They're Lord Hutton's records not mine. You'd have to ask him.' He added that in his opinion Lord Hutton had embargoed the records to protect Dr Kelly's children. The inquest into Dr Kelly's death was suspended before it could begin by the then Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer. He used the Coroners Act to designate the Hutton Inquiry as 'fulfilling the function of an inquest'. News that the records will be kept secret comes just days before Mr Blair gives evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry on Friday. To date, Dr Kelly's name has scarcely been mentioned at the inquiry. One source who held a private meeting with Sir John Chilcot before the proceedings began said that Sir John had admitted he 'did not want to touch the Kelly issue' . A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said: 'Any decision made by Lord Hutton at the time of his inquiry was entirely a matter for him.' A spokesman for Thames Valley Police said yesterday that it would not be possible to search their records during the weekend. The Mail on Sunday was unable to contact Lord Hutton. ______________________ David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944–17 July 2003) was an employee of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD), an expert in biological warfare and a former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq. Kelly's discussion with BBC Radio4 Today programme journalist Andrew Gilligan about the British government's dossier on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq inadvertently caused a major political scandal. He was found dead days after appearing before the Parliamentary committee charged with investigating the scandal. The Hutton Inquiry, a public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his death, ruled that he had committed suicide, and that Kelly had not in fact said some of the things attributed to him by Gilligan. The following day, 28 January 2004, the Independent ran a special issue, the front cover being largely blank and containing in the centre, "WHITEWASH? THE HUTTON REPORT. A SPECIAL ISSUE." - Wikipedia ________________________ THE HUTTON INQUIRY ![]() Click image for link to report |
Ancient Cattle To Be Bred Back From Extinction Posted: 24 Jan 2010 11:31 AM PST ![]() telegraph - Aurochs were immortalised in prehistoric cave paintings and admired for their brute strength and "elephantine" size by Julius Caesar. But despite their having gone the way of the dodo and the woolly mammoth, there are plans to bring the giant animals back to life. The huge cattle with sweeping horns which once roamed the forests of Europe have not been seen for nearly 400 years. Now Italian scientists are hoping to use genetic expertise and selective breeding of modern-day wild cattle to recreate the fearsome beasts which weighed around 2,200lb and stood 6.5 feet at the shoulder. Breeds of large cattle which most closely resemble Bos primigenius, such as Highland cattle and the white Maremma breed from Italy, are being bred with each other in a technique known as "back-breeding". At the same time, scientists say they have for the first time created a map of the auroch's genome, so that they know precisely what type of animal they are trying to replicate. "We were able to analyse auroch DNA from preserved bone material and create a rough map of its genome that should allow us to breed animals nearly identical to aurochs," said team leader Donato Matassino, head of the Consortium for Experimental Biotechnology in Benevento, in the southern Campania region. "We've already made our first round of crosses between three breeds native to Britain, Spain and Italy. Now we just have to wait and see how the calves turn out." The last animal disappeared from the British Isles in the Iron Age and the breed was declared extinct in 1627 after a female died in the forests of Poland. Aurochs are depicted in ochre and charcoal in paintings found on the walls of cave galleries such as those at Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain. Caesar described them in The Gallic Wars as being "a little below the elephant in size" and a favourite hunting prey for wild Germanic tribesmen. Their abiding mystique means they remain as the symbol of several states and cities in Europe, having figured prominently in Teutonic folklore. In ancient times, killing an auroch was seen as a great demonstration of courage, with the horns turned into silver-clad drinking cups. The last time there was an attempt to recreate the animal was on the express orders of Hitler. The Nazis ordered a pair of German zoologists to recreate the auroch as part of the Third Reich's belief in racial superiority and eugenics. Herman Goering hoped to use the aurochs to populate a vast hunting reserve which he planned to create in the conquered territories of Eastern Europe. Many geneticists argue that though the Heck may resemble their ancient forebears, they will be genetically very different. "There are a number of rare breeds that have been brought back to life in recent years, such as the Cumberland pig," said Dr Claire Barber, from the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. "But our view is that what has been recreated is something that looks like the old breed, but which is not genetically the same. "You would need to interbreed animals that are very close to the auroch in their genetic make-up. The closest you could find in Britain are two semi-feral breeds: the Chillingham and the Vaynol. If there are breeds which maintain many of the attributes of an auroch, then it could well be feasible. It's certainly a very exciting project." If the Italian-led project is successful, it will raise questions of what to do with an animal which boasts a size and temper akin to a tetchy rhinoceros. "Even the wild cattle we have today are very hard to handle and an auroch would be even more difficult," said Dr Barber. "Aurochs were significantly larger than any cattle in existence and they would be potentially dangerous. "There would be some serious management issues – to look after their teeth and feet, for instance, you might have to sedate them with dart guns. "You wouldn't want to try to milk one – that's assuming that the females produced milk when they didn't have calves." |
House For Sale...Ghosts Included Posted: 24 Jan 2010 11:15 AM PST ![]() From the first day she walked through the front door, the owner says, "I felt I wasn't alone here. I felt surrounded by a loving energy, I heard footsteps. When my son was a little boy, he would walk past the bathroom door and close it. I asked him why. He said, 'because there are three ladies in there.'" Ms. Rixten believes her 1901-era home is haunted. Occasionally, she'll hear what sounds like someone in work boots on the third floor, or a heavy object being dropped, when she knows she's alone. But that's not why she and husband Rod McDonald -- a fervent non-believer in the spirit world -- are selling (it's listed for $1.89-million). After operating Wolfe Manor for the past six years as a bed and breakfast, they feel it's time to take life easier, and plan to build a smaller home down the road. When Ms. Rixten bought the 8,000-square-foot home, it was a "shambles," she says. She spent the next quarter-century gutting the interior and rebuilding it to her high standard. She met Mr. McDonald and they built a 1,600-sq.-ft. west wing to live in, and opened the adjacent old rectory as a seasonal B&B. Mr. McDonald says Wolfe Manor could continue as a B&B, but the possibilities are endless -- perhaps it could become an artist's studio, spa or family compound. "The island needs a seasonal high-quality restaurant. This place is fitted for a restaurant," Mr. McDonald says of the newer wing, pointing to the upgraded electrical service and roughed-in plumbing for additional toilets. Listing agent Scott Stren of Harvey Kalles Real Estate says Wolfe Manor would be a "turnkey operation" for anyone interested in taking over the bed and breakfast. It even has reservations for its spring opening. With the separate smaller home next to the rectory, Mr. Stren says, "it would also offer privacy to the parents of a large family or it could be an ideal corporate retreat." The rectory's main floor consists of one ensuite bedroom, open-concept eat-in kitchen and lounge with wood-burning fireplace, library and 14-foot ceilings. The other three ensuite guest suites on the second floor are reached by a refinished hardwood staircase. One suite consists of adjoining bedrooms. There are two additional fireplaces. The third floor is a large open room dominated by a billiard table that had to be lifted into place by crane. The table stays, Ms. Rixten insists. Stairs from this level lead up to a partially enclosed widow's walk, offering 360-degree views of the woodland and fields, Lake Ontario and Kingston beyond. The rectory features decks and verandahs on three sides, with gardens and woods. There are two garden fountains and a path that leads to the still-in-use Roman Catholic church next door. The eight-acre property is zoned commercial and annual taxes are $7,500. Nearby is a wind farm, income from which has helped to keep the island's property taxes down, says Mr. McDonald. Mr. Stren says there are more than 80 windmills on Wolfe Island. "They're close enough to see, but not close enough to hear," he points out. As you turn off the street at the edge of the island village of Marysville, a winding, tree-lined laneway leads to the main house. The laneway is one of Mr. McDonald's favourite features. "You turn the curve in the driveway and all of a sudden you see the house. What a sight!" The main house retains its original hardwood doors, floors and mouldings. Finishes from its days as a rectory remain, including decorative windows and a cross high above the main entranceway. "There are a lot of traditional aspects to the home," says Mr. Stren. "Updates keep to the period the house was built." The addition, reached from the rectory by way of an attached deck, has an open-concept main level and two-bedroom, two-bath second level. There is also a nearby carriage house. The island boasts many seasonal homes and the permanent population of 1,500 doubles during the summer. There are 40 operating farms and 70 home-based businesses. The Kingston ferry runs year-round and while it is shut down from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., someone is always on call for emergencies. There is a privately run toll ferry to Cape Vincent, N.Y., during the summer. Ms. Rixten admits to mixed feelings about selling. "It's been a happy house, a place with a good feeling about it. There's a lot of love in the house." Guests who hear about Wolfe Manor's friendly ghosts often come hoping for an experience, she says. "Some say they feel something, but if you're not sensitive to these sorts of things, you're not going to feel anything here." Mr. McDonald insists he does not believe in haunted houses. Yet when attempts to reach a reporter by phone one clear, calm morning result in static and several dropped calls, he is asked whether he thinks the spirits might be having fun. Mr. McDonald forces a laugh. "Well ... maybe," he says. _______________________ THE WOLFE MANOR INN HAUNTING The property became a family home in 1980 when Rod and Martha purchased it. Previous to this, Martha remembers going on treks to see the "old haunted house" as her and her sister peered through the nearby forest trying to get a glimpse of the grand edifice. The priest who lived in the rectory for 15 years before Rod and Martha came in was Father M. Farrell. He wasn't that popular amongst the islanders and this is when the rumours of the house being haunted surfaced as he was known to nail everything shut from the inside as if he was afraid that something or someone was going to come in. Rod and Martha knew immediately that they weren't alone from the moment they stepped foot inside the home. The place was just filled with energy that they both could sense. According to Martha, "it's a very loving energy" and their "home is like a haven. Spirits stuck in purgatory would go there to get sent home - the god of their knowing was not that forgiving." Sometimes Rod and Martha can hear the sound of footsteps walking upstairs when no one else is in the home, as if someone was wearing heavy, work boots, dragging their feet. The occasional door opens on its own or a light turns on right after Rod had made sure to switch it off. One evening, exactly at 12 midnight, Martha was awoken by a large crash at the main entrance on the first floor. She ran to see what happened an noticed that a delicate angel decoration that was securely hung to the wall with several large screws fell off the wall, but oddly enough, didn't have one chip or scratch on it. Events like this don't bug them anymore however. Both Rod and Martha have become used to the spirits in their home that they rarely pay attention anymore to the strange things that occur. Unless of course it's hard not to notice like the time their friends were visiting and decided to enjoy the scenery and spend the night under the stars in the backyard. They were just drifting off to sleep when all of the sudden their camper began to rock back and forth, rather aggressively. It was a very calm and still night with no wind so there is no explanation for what happened. Their son has not only sensed but also saw things right from the time he was a young child. At a birthday party taking place at the house some kids attending came out of the bathroom saying that there were 3 nuns in there with them. Martha senses that the nuns like to follow their son around to protect him. There is also said to be the spirit of a little boy that likes to sit on the stairs with his head resting in his hands. The nuns like to keep him safe too. There is a very old cemetery near the property of their home behind some bushes and might very well be the oldest cemetery on the island. When sitting inside the "Widow's Walk" at the very top of the house, you can enjoy the spectacular view and see almost the entire island. On occasion, Rod and Martha have seen very strange lights flickering at night in the dark cemetery. A WOLFE MANOR EXPERIENCE After chatting with Rod and Martha for close to two hours and hearing all of great history and spooky stories, we were really intrigued and curious to see if anything cool would happen to us during our stay! We thanked them for their time and headed up the old wooden staircase to our suite. The first thing we did was use some of our tools around the room to see if we got anything interesting. The divining rods were really active and pointed out several spots in the room. Even some pictures we took produced some questionable "orb" shots that we can't explain. After all the investigating, we decided to get comfy and enjoy our suite. Rob had brought us some wood to burn in the fireplace so we lit that and got comfy. After taking a lot hot bubble bath and warming up in our cozy pajamas, we crawled under the huge duvet covers and talked about our day. Being the "scaredy cat" that I am (yes, Stephanie the invincible ghost investigator), I was a bit timid after all of the stories that were told so I asked Dan if w could leave one of the two lights on either side of the bed on. Dan agreed and in a matter of seconds, we both drifted off to sleep with the soothing sound and warmth of the fireplace crackling in the background. About an hour later I opened my eyes and peered at the alarm clock that read 11:46 p.m. An intense ice storm had hit around that time too so I could hear the ice pellets belting across the window panes that surrounded our bed. Something was different. I couldn't put my finger on it until I sat up and tried to look around the room. The only problem was that I couldn't see anything as the room was enveloped in complete darkness. I hastily began pushing Dan in his side and awoke him from his slumber. "Dan, Dan, the lights have all gone out… even the fireplace too!" I began freaking out as I knew that we both agreed to leave one of the lamps on for the entire night. Dan sat up and wondered what had happened. At first, we thought perhaps the electricity went out due to the storm outside, but looked at the alarm clock and realized that was still fine. We turned the lamps on quickly and eyed the room for anything or anyone! We pulled out the camcorder and tried using our night vision feature to capture a spirit or entity that was obviously in the room as we both felt this incredible amount of energy right there with us. After 10 minutes of filming the clock turned to midnight. We listened to see if anything strange would happen as it does so frequently to Martha at this exact time. Nothing happened and we were really tired so we decided we were going to go back to bed. That was until I asked Dan to leave the lights on again. Before we went to sleep, we decided to conduct a little experiment, one that we wont' soon forget! We shut one lamp off and kept the other one all the way up (they were dimmer lamps). We asked out loud, "if there is a spirit here, please show us a sign" and at that very second the lamp that was on began to dim. Darker, darker, and darker it went until there was almost no light in the entire room. I started freaking out and grabbed ahold of Dan. After taking a few deep breaths, we turned the light up again to it's brightest setting and asked out loud, "if there is a spirit here, please show us another sign that you're here". At that moment again, the light began to dim, but then quickly lit up and them dimmed again… going back and forth, light to dark! We decided to leave it at that as this was freaking us out too much. Dan went to the bathroom and turned on a lamp that was in there. We shut the two beside our bed off and went to sleep. We awoke the next morning with the bright winter light shining on our faces and talked about the previous night's events. Sources: Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. 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