Phantoms and Monsters |
- Storied Phantom Children Captured In Photograph
- Inmates Fear 'Suicide Cell' at British Prison
- Report: Close Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoot in Pennsylvania 2009
- Strange Events of Long Island
Storied Phantom Children Captured In Photograph Posted: 20 Jan 2010 10:10 AM PST ![]() - Does this photograph show the figures of two children, born nearly a century apart, walking in their own paranormal playground? The family who took this picture while on a ghost tour in Picton, NSW, swear there were no children inside the St Mark's Cemetery. Which begs the question: who, or what, is out there? Local legend has it that the two children are David Shaw and Blanche Moon, who died 60 years apart. Blanche was crushed to death in 1886 when a pile of sleepers that she and a number of children were playing on slipped. David was the son of a minister who died in 1946 from polio. The woman behind the lens of this mysterious photo, Renee English, said she was "a sceptic" before undertaking the ghost tour on January 9. "When we were standing at the bank looking into the Cemetery I was just snapping away and making jokes about the whole thing and asking when the ghosts were going to come out," the Port Macquarie resident said. "I know that when I took that photo there was no-one else in the cemetery. The only people we saw were a family of four about 10 minutes later but those kids were clinging to their parents the whole time. "When we uploaded our photos and saw the children all the hairs on my arm stood up and I just went cold all over. "That night I couldn't sleep at all and I'm never watching a scary movie again. "I wasn't a believer in ghosts, but now I'm intrigued." Local historian Liz Vincent conducted ghost tours in Picton, claimed to be Australia's most haunted town, until her death last year. Since then, her husband John and daughter Jenny Davies have taken up the mantle. "Picton's just so haunted," Ms Davies said. "We find people always love to see their photos afterwards because most of these things aren't visible to the naked eye." One of the tour's most popular figures is Emily, a lady who was hit and killed by a train in 1916 while taking a shortcut through the Redbank Range Tunnel, also known as the Mushroom Tunnel, to visit her brother. Emily Bollard resided near the railway line and was a single woman aged in her 50s. Before taking her shortcut, she didn't check the timetable and was hit in the tunnel by a train coming from Thirlmere. She died instantly. "She likes to move among the participants and loves to touch their hair and body, particularly their arms and legs," Ms Davies said. "Those on the tour often say that they've also felt a cold wind blowing through the tunnel." NOTE: I'm going to reserve judgment on this one until the image is inspected a bit further...Lon ______________________ THE GHOSTS OF ST. MARK'S CEMETERY - PICTON, NSW ![]() There have been quite a few spooky stories about this beautiful old church and cemetery. A woman who was parked nearby spotted a young boy and girl holding hands and walking around the graves. After ten minutes or so the children disappeared behind the headstones. It was not until the woman had left the area that she realised the children had been dressed in old-fashioned clothes. There have been several other reports of these strange spectral children. An acquaintance of mine claims to have seen a small girl dressed in white wandering through the cemetery very late at night. A large dog has also been seen on more than one occasion and is responsible for the harassment of a few terrified visitors. Could it be the ghost of a minister's faithful St Bernard that is buried on the church grounds? Sources: |
Inmates Fear 'Suicide Cell' at British Prison Posted: 20 Jan 2010 09:19 AM PST ![]() The lock-up at HMP Brinsford, near Wolverhampton, is being avoided by spooked lags after the deaths took place on the same day of the week – at the same time. Now sources claim crooks are refusing to enter the 'haunted' cell and are demanding that priests are called in to perform an exorcism. HMP Brinsford is a Young Offenders' Institute housing almost 600 inmates aged between 15 and 21, including many awaiting trial for serious offences such as murder, rape and robbery. The two suicides are said to have taken place in the same cell in 2009, although full details have not been made public. But insiders claim a previous occupant was a devil worshipper – and that talk of the 'demonic' lock-up has now swept the jail. "The deaths were on the same day and virtually at the same time,'' a prison worker told the Sunday Mercury. ''We have had a devil-worshipper in there and the chaplains are convinced that there's something not right about the cell. "They want it closed off completely. A lot of people are unhappy about it and the chaplains feel very strongly about it. "There's a lot of inmates who are very afraid, people don't even want to walk past it anymore. "It's spooky... there's definitely something strange going on in that cell." Another guard confirmed that prisoners had been raising fears about the cell since the second suicide in October. "With two deaths so close together there has been talk on the corridors," the warder said. "Word gets around and everyone who has been here a year knows about the suicides in that cell. "The cell is back in action again now as once the police and the coroner have finished their bit it comes into use again. ''There is only so much room in prison and you can't have one cell cordoned off." Prison chaplain Phil Seadon refused to answer any questions when quizzed by our reporter saying he could not "confirm or deny" plans for an exorcism. A Prison Service spokesman said there was "no truth" in suggestions that an exorcism was planned. But exorcisms have been carried out at public buildings before by priests, including at hospitals and schools. One vicar who has worked for the Church of England's highly secretive 'Ministry of Exorcism' for 40 years said that any ceremony at HMP Brinsford would be aimed at "blessing" the cell, to protect it in future. "If the chaplains or local church are asked for help, they would certainly be able to give it," the reverend said. "The cell could be blessed if something like a suicide has taken place in there. "Buildings and rooms can acquire a good or a bad atmosphere. If a building has a force of unrest of this kind, Christian ministers within the prison can hold a ceremony. "The priest would go into the cell, say the appropriate prayers, bless the room and use holy water. ''It's something that we do quite regularly, although I don't remember a case in a prison. "But it's nearly always a successful procedure." |
Report: Close Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoot in Pennsylvania 2009 Posted: 20 Jan 2010 07:42 AM PST Pennsylvanians Report - Close Encounters With UFOs and Bigfoot During 2009 From Researcher: Stan Gordon ![]() I have been researching and documenting such odd happenings of Pennsylvania incidents for over fifty years. My on-scene investigations of such occurrences started after the Kecksburg UFO incident took place in December of 1965. I began to take calls from the public in 1969 regarding such encounters. Over the years I founded and directed three volunteer research groups that investigated these mysterious events across Pennsylvania for many years. Today, I continue to investigate current strange encounters as an independent researcher. UFO, Bigfoot, and other anomaly reports continue to be called in to my phone at 724-838-7768. I also receive such reports via e-mail at: . I also maintain contact with many local and national researchers and organizations in the UFO and Bigfoot field who also receive reports. The National UFO Reporting Center and the PA Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network also receive UFO sightings from Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society conducts current Bigfoot investigations. I continue to find that while many of the encounters reported seem initially strange and mysterious, quite often after investigation most are determined to be either of a manmade or natural origin. For example, some UFO reports can be explained as bright planets and stars, fiery meteors, re-entry of space debris, or even searchlight displays. One explainable example occurred on the evening of September 19th when numerous UFO reports were received from western Pennsylvania and across the state as well as from numerous other states. Sightings were quite consistent of a bright light source or cone shaped light beaming down from the sky, then soon disappearing. I quickly did some research and found the unusual lights to be the result of a sounding rocket being launched from the NASA facility at Wallops Island, Virginia. Also, some Bigfoot observations over the years were determined to be bear or large shaggy dogs. However, not all such reports are so easily dismissed. Bigfoot Reports 2009 was very active with reported sightings of Bigfoot from various statewide locations. Many of the reports originated from Fayette County, where there has been a long history of such creature observations along the Chestnut Ridge. The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society looked into creature sighting in Pike, Elk, and Clearfield counties, as well as the following Fayette County creature encounters. In early July on a late warm afternoon, a woman driving outside of Uniontown swerved sharply to miss hitting a large man-like creature covered with dark hair that walked out in front of her car. The woman got a good look at the creature which had large dark wide set eyes that were, "wild looking" that frightened the driver. A similar incident occurred in August near Jumonville, when a woman driving down a road in the early morning hours turned abruptly to miss hitting a large hair covered creature walking down the center of the roadway. In late August, also near Jumonville, a man driving through the area reported seeing a reddish brown orangutan-like animal run across the road on four legs. In September, a woman and her daughter taking a scenic ride in the mountains near Dunbar observed a large, upright broad shouldered, hair covered creature run across a gas well line and go into the woods. UFO Sightings Reported sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects originated from many locations throughout Pennsylvania. There were reports of hovering spheres and cylindrical shaped objects, as well as formations of lights, and numerous observations of triangular shaped objects. In January, a motorist during an afternoon drive on a rural road outside of Greensburg observed a metallic cylinder-like object similar in shape to a hot dog with a fin on the back. While hovering low in the sky, the object suddenly flipped upwards from the bottom to the top, and seemed to change into a different shape. The object made an odd backwards J shape motion, than shot across the sky at a very fast rate and went out of sight. On September 4, two people in Latrobe observed a bright yellow-white pulsating sphere of light hovering low in the sky. The silent object suddenly shot across the sky and was gone. One witness stated, "With the snap of a finger it was gone." He said that it moved off with "astronomical speed." During the early evening of October 31, on Route 30 outside of Greensburg near the entrance to Home Depot, a somewhat stealth-like, triangular shaped object described by a witness as "like a fighter jet with its tail end down, and nose up", passed low over the highway. The object was initially observed as a bright white light source moving rapidly, but as it got closer it slowed down. The solid dark colored structure could be seen surrounded by white light as well as a cloudy mass. The silent object moved off in the distance across the sky. A solid white chevron shaped object, which seemed to follow along the path of Route 30 heading eastward, was reported during an afternoon near Greensburg in early December. The slow moving object either went through the clouds or blended in with them as it passed underneath them. On December 23, in rural Armstrong County, a man went outside after hearing an odd sound. The witness observed a large cylindrical object moving slowly across the evening sky. The object, which appeared quite low, was moving towards Freeport. The observer quickly ran inside to get a camera. When he soon returned, the original object was gone, but in the same location in the sky was a huge triangular pattern of lights. The light pattern and the movement suggested that the lights were attached to a larger structure. The object moved slowly and silently into the distance. The witness attempted to take pictures with his older model digital camera but was unsuccessful. For current UFO, Bigfoot, and other strange reports from Pennsylvania as well as updates on my lectures and upcoming book releases, visit my website at I can also be contacted at P.O. Box 936, Greensburg, PA 15601. |
Posted: 20 Jan 2010 07:31 AM PST ![]() PLUM ISLAND, N.Y. (WPIX) - An alleged mutated human body washed ashore on Plumb Island, a small island where the U.S. Government typically studies dangerous animal diseases. A security guard on foot patrol reportedly discovered the clothed decomposing body Thursday afternoon on the southwest beach area of the island, where access is restricted, police said. The body was described as that of a white male about 6-feet tall with a large build and "very long" fingers. According to authorities, there were no obvious signs of trauma. An autopsy will be conducted by the Suffolk County medical examiner in order to determine an exact cause of death. Plum Island, which is located about 100 miles northeast of New York City in the Long Island Sound, has been called a potential target for terrorists because of its stock of vaccines and diseases. Chris Holly's Paranormal World - The above report was all over the Internet sites recently. The body was found January 15th on the Shore of Plum Island, which is located only about a mile off the shore of Long Island New York. The locals of Long Island know Plum Island for its top-secret activities. It has been known as the best kept secret of the dangerous kind for a very long time to native east end Long Islanders. No one ever knew exactly what all the strange scientists where working on as Plum Island was a protected guarded top secret projects that sat openly on the small island known as Plum Island directly off the long island coast. If you were not from the Long Island area you most likely never heard of the place. The odd thing about Plum Island is that it not only has been the home of extremely dangerous experiments and lab procedures for many years – it was done right off the coast of Long Island which is just a short distance from one of the biggest cities in the world. The fact that this extremely dangerous place existed for so many years so close to such a densely populated part of the country has always made the locals of Long Island scratch their heads. I grew up on the end of Long Island. I always knew Plum Island as a place of Frankenstein type experiments and top-secret projects. Living close to Plum Island and Brookhaven Lab we often felt the paranormal events the coastal communities of Long Island experienced had links to these dangerous centers. The fact that Long Island sticks out into the ocean surrounded by open sky and sea makes it a good choice for strange events. Years ago Long Island was far less populated on the eastern end which added to the draw of those who wanted to hide what they were doing yet have easy access to the ocean or in the other direction the entire population of the tri county area. I always found the placement of both Plum Island and Brookhaven Lab- just plum crazy! Growing up in the 50's and 60's along the shore of Long Island in a small country area was both wonderful and different. The wonderful part came with the advantage of living on a River that was linked with easy access to the beaches and beauty of the Atlantic Ocean. Difficult were the times many of us had sightings of odd crafts and beings that were frightening, confusing and traumatic. I often felt that the presence of both Plum Island and Brookhaven Lab added to the odds of Island natives having sightings of UFO's, Lost Time events and encounters with strange beings. I have written about all of these things, which occurred during the hay day of Plum Island by the locals living along the Long Island small Towns. The idea crossed my mind many times that the creature my friends and family encountered in the mid 60's hiding in our house may have had a link to Plum Island The creature we encountered was of abnormal strength with the ability to rip a large window frame and all from the side of a house as well as leaving a horrific stench behind for days after being in our home. The creature we experienced then was not human yet was an intelligent as well as dangerous beast that was stalking, waiting and wanting to harm us. Thank goodness my friends and I realized this creature was laying wait in my house making it possible for us to call for help. Other wise I would not be here today to write about the event. Experiences like that made us fully aware things were just not perfectly normal along the coast of Long Island. Having written many stories about events people have endured on Long Island I know this island is a paranormal haven. The fact I once lived close to Plum Island and Brookhaven Lab may be part of the reason I had experiences with the unknown while living on Long Island. I think the short distance from vast open sea to full blown urban populations also gives Long Island the edge as a place to draw strange things to happen. It is within a short distance to a large population base yet close to a quick getaway of open land and sea. I was not shocked at all to read the story about the body being found on Plum Island. I am sure like other things found on or near Plum Island a neat little packaged story will appear explaining away what they found so it can quickly and quietly be swept under the rug and thought of no more! That may fool most of the people most of the time – but for old Islanders the fact will more likely be accepted that another odd creature was found on Plum- and we will go on never knowing what it is that creeps along the coastal shores on cold Long Island night!. Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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