Phantoms and Monsters |
- A New Mother's Concern
- Workers at Haunted Mansion Discover Hangman's Noose
- Children Used For Ritual Human Sacrifice In Uganda
- 'Skull & Bones' Skull to be Sold at Auction
Posted: 07 Jan 2010 02:18 PM PST ![]() Two months ago, Lisa gave birth to a baby boy. She never mentioned anything about the child's father but I assumed by some of her comments that she was not in a relationship. Her pregnancy was uneventful though, the OB/GYN insisted that she remain at home for the last trimester. The reason he gave was that Lisa was slightly built and it would be better safe than sorry. She lived with her mother and sister so there was someone usually there to watch over her. In those last months of her pregnancy, the OB/GYN told her he and a nurse would come to her mother's home for her exams instead of her coming to his office. She didn't give it much thought at the time, but did recognize that this was a bit unusual. The exams were not anything out of the ordinary except for one occasion when the nurse gave her an injection of a 'mild sedative' to relax her during a cervical exam. I asked her what had happened during that exam and she whispered "I don't know". Lisa had fallen asleep or was under strong sedation but only remembers the nurse applying a cold compress to her forehead just before they got ready to leave. She said that she thinks that the examination lasted almost a full hour from what she could recollect about the time of day. I asked if her mother and sister were home but she said that both were at work that day. In early November, Lisa gave birth to a 6lbs. 8oz baby boy at her local hospital. The labor and birth went easier than she had expected...her contractions lasted about 10 hours but she said it was more bearable than she had imagined it would be (this was her first child). The procedure was performed naturally without any pain medication though she said that she did suffer a slight infection a few days later which required her to remain in the hospital for 2 extra days. Her OB/GYN performed the delivery and the nurse who had come to her home was also present. Everything was fine with the child and Lisa leading up to the holidays. She had taken the baby to another OB/GYN because her regular doctor was on a 'long vacation' another doctor in his clinic was taking care of his patients until he returned. A few days before the New Year, Lisa was feeding her child when she noticed that the baby's eyes were a dark, almost violet color instead of it's normally blue hue. She said that the baby acted normal but she called the doctor's office anyway. She was told that infants' eye color can change fairly quickly and it was nothing to worry was just part of the growing process. After a few days, the child's eyes seemed to lighten some...until New Year's eve. It was late morning and Lisa was at home alone because her mother and sister were at a friend's wedding. She was in the living room when the baby started to suddenly it was being hurt. Lisa picked him up and noticed that his eyes were very dark violet but seemed to shine when the baby blinked. The baby continued to scream...then stopped on a dime. The child's eyes opened wide, looked directly at her and blinked SIDEWAYS! Membranes came across both eyes from the corners and blinked like, in her words, "...a lizard". OK...I'm thinking "...was someone setting me up?" "Why was this woman telling me a story like this?" I asked Lisa to continue her story. She said she immediately called the doctor's office and was told to go to the hospital since the doctor was on call. When the baby was examined, it was determined he was fine and that there was nothing wrong with the eyes. Then Lisa inquired to the emergency room doctor about her regular OB/GYN...she was told that someone would get back to her on that question. About a half hour later, the OB/GYN who was on call and had filled in for her regular doctor came to the examination room. She said that she looked at the exam reports and everything was fine. Then Lisa was told, in a matter-of-fact manner, that her regular OB/GYN had quit his practice. Lisa asked about his attending nurse. The doctor looked at her like she was crazy and said "what nurse?". She described the nurse and was told that no one of that description worked at the clinic or the hospital. Since that day, Lisa says her child's eyes are a light violet color and that she has not noticed the strange side-to-side blinking at all but swears there is something wrong. The child looks at her in a strange manner, with very wide eyes...then slowly closes his eyes and gives her an unsettling 'smile'. She said she has investigated the OB/GYN and has found that he was licensed to practice but is not anywhere to be found. In the meantime, I'm still wondering if I was having my leg pulled. After some checking, Lisa is actually who she said she was...all the information I was given was true. I did asked her why she contacted me and was told that I was 'referred' to her and that I could give her some idea where to go. I gave her some contact addresses and links as well as assurance that I would remain available if she needed to contact me. My last question to Lisa was "what do you think is going on?". As I expected, she tells me her theory of 'reptilians' and 'alien hybrids'....and that the OB/GYN and nurse may be aliens, etc. I'm not discounting any of her thoughts. But as with every other incident or case I research, I'm not taking all the information as fact. I truly believe Lisa is sincere and I will continue to keep in touch with her. But, in the meantime, I'll continue with an open and somewhat skeptical mind...Lon BTW...if anyone thinks they can offer Lisa advice, I'm sure she will be checking the blog. Just leave your comments. Thanks...Lon THIEVES! XNEWSNOW.COM is hotlinking paranormal sites and stealing bandwidth! Help us stop this now! Thanks ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. |
Workers at Haunted Mansion Discover Hangman's Noose Posted: 07 Jan 2010 10:40 AM PST ![]() camdenadvertiser - Studley Park House's reputation for being haunted has deepened after workmen responsible for repairing the old house made a disturbing discovery. The men have been busy replacing parts of the iron roof and repairing the slate to make the 120-year-old Victorian mansion watertight. But it's the interior that has had them buzzing after they stumbled on a hangman's noose dangling from the home's steeple roof. Studley Park House the centrepiece of Camden Golf Course has long been regarded as one of Camden's most haunted abodes. The haunting theories were spawned by several tragic incidents that occurred on the site like the drowning of a 14-year-old boy in the property's dam in 1909 and the death in 1939 of the son of then-owner Arthur Gregory, a sales manager for Twentieth Century Fox Australia. Mr Gregory's son reportedly died in the home's theatrette from appendicitis. Rod Nash, director of Affordable Roofing, the company repairing the roof, said he had no doubt the house was haunted. Despite uncovering the hangman's noose, Mr Nash said he was keen to visit the house at night. Studley Park House was built by Narellan grazier William Payne in 1889 for his bride but after running into debt he sold it to an architect. The grand home changed owners several times over the years and has been used as a private residence, as Camden Grammar School and for army training during World War II. Camden Historical Society's Ray Herbert researched Studley Park's long and interesting history. ``I've been in the house at all hours of the day and night and I haven't seen a ghost,'' he said. The same can't be said for the four contestants who spent time isolated in the dormitory, cellar, theatre and tower for the 2001 filming of Scream Test, a psychological reality game show. The brave participants were locked in the house as cameras filmed their feelings, thoughts and any paranormal occurrences. One of the contestants, who reported hearing voices, was too spooked to continue the challenge and another said he'd heard a baby crying from a corner of the room. ``Kids have said they've walked past the house and seen a lady looking out the window,'' Mr Herbert said. ``Someone once reported seeing the lights on in a part of the house where there were no lights. Another time when the fire brigade was called to investigate a report of lights being on, they checked the mains and found they were switched off.'' ______________________ THE HISTORY OF STUDLEY PARK HOUSE ![]() Unfortunately, due to financial difficulties, Payne was forced to sell the house to pay off his debt to the house's architect, a man named Francis Buckle. Buckle used Studley Park House as a weekend retreat until it was sold to Dr Henry Oliver, the headmaster of The Camden Grammar School in 1902. The school had originally been located at St Helen's Park House in Campbelltown. On October 15, 1909, fourteen year old student Ray Blackstone and 5 of his fellow boarders decided to go for a swim in a nearby damn. Despite being told time and time again about the dangers of swimming in the dam, the boys ignored the warning. During an attempt to swim to one side of the damn and back, Ray began to struggle. Despite the assistance of his friend, Sydney Langford, the boy drowned. His lifeless body was brought ashore by senior students and it is reputed to have been stored in the cold, dark cellar of Studley Park House, awaiting burial. The school was sold in 1919 to Reverend Charles Herbert Palmer and continued to operate until 1933 when it was packed up and moved to the home of Parliamentary Member for Sydney, William Bede Dalley, in Manly. Studley Park was sold to Arthur Adolphus Gregory, sales manager of Twentieth Century Fox Australia. Gregory furbished Studley Park House in Art Deco style and converted the student's dining room into a theatrette. A keen golfer, he had a nine hole course designed for the land surrounding the house. A further nine holes were later added and the original stables block/classroom was converted into the golf club. In 1939, tragedy struck when Gregory's son died in the theatrette from appendicitis. When World War II began the property was taken over by the Department of Defence and became The Eastern Command Training School. Accommodation was increased to house the 280 staff and students attending the school's courses. Lieutenant A. R. Cutler, a future Governor of New South Wales, was one of the first students to graduate. In 1951 the first intake of the Women's Royal Australian Army Corps began their training at Studley Park. Sources: |
Children Used For Ritual Human Sacrifice In Uganda Posted: 07 Jan 2010 10:11 AM PST ![]() webwire - The BBC has obtained first-hand accounts of human sacrifice in Uganda amid concerns that the practice is spreading – just as the country becomes more modern. One witch doctor was filmed confessing that he had clients who captured children and brought their blood and body parts to his shrine. Another former witch doctor, now campaigning to stamp out the practice, was recorded admitting to having murdered about 70 people – including his own son. The Ugandan government told the BBC that human sacrifice was on the increase and public concern was now a major issue. According to the head of the country's Anti-Human Sacrifice Taskforce, the crime is directly linked to rising levels of development and prosperity – and an increasing belief that witchcraft can help people get rich quickly. In the course of their investigation, to be broadcast tonight on Crossing Continents (BBC Radio 4) and Newsnight (BBC Two), the BBC team witnessed the ritual torching by anti-sacrifice campaigners of the shrine of a particularly active witch doctor in northern Uganda. The witch doctor allowed the destruction after agreeing to give up the practice. He told the BBC clients came to him in search of wealth. He says: "They go and capture other people's children. They bring the heart and the blood directly here to take to the spirits... They bring them in small tins and they place these objects under the tree from which the voices of the spirits are coming" Asked how often clients brought blood and body parts, the witch doctor says: "They came on average three times a week – with all that the spirits demand from them" The BBC saw a beaker of blood and what appeared to be a large raw liver in the shrine before it was destroyed, although it was not possible to determine whether they were human remains. The witch doctor denied any direct involvement in murder or incitement to murder, saying his spirits spoke directly to clients. He says he was paid 500,000 Ugandan shillings (about £160) for a consultation. Most of that money, he says, was handed over to his "boss" in a nationwide network of witchdoctors. The head of the Anti-Human Sacrifice and Trafficking Task Force, assistant commissioner Moses Binoga of the Ugandan police, says there were 26 murder cases thought to be part of ritual sacrifice in 2009. He says: "We also have about 120 children and adults reported missing whose fate we have not traced. From the experience of those whom we recovered, we cannot rule out that they may be victims of human sacrifice" In 2007 there were just three cases. Earlier figures are not available. Child protection campaigners believe the real number of cases is much higher, as some disappearances are not reported to police, and others cannot be fully investigated. Polino Angela, former witch doctor turned anti-sacrifice campaigner, says he has persuaded 2,400 other witch doctors to give up the trade since he himself repented in 1990. He told the BBC how he had first been initiated as a witch doctor at a ceremony in Kenya, where a boy of about 13 was sacrificed. Polino Angela says: "The child was cut with a knife on the neck and the entire length from the neck down was ripped open, and then the open part was put on me" He says that, when he returned to Uganda, he was told by those who had initiated him to kill his own son, aged 10. "I was instructed... ''On reaching home, pick your own child, place him across the doorway, and on walking over him, cut him, kill him, sacrifice him.' This very painful exercise made me so hardened, I had no mercy for anyone" When asked how many people he had killed, he says: "It is difficult to remember exactly but I can say that even 70 can be a figure that is not too exaggerated" Asked if he was afraid he might now be prosecuted as a result of confessing, Polino Angela says: "I have been to all the churches... and they know me as a warrior in the drive to end witchcraft that involves human sacrifice, so I think that alone should indemnify me and have me exonerated" ________________________ BODIES OF THREE CHILDREN MURDERED BY CULT EXHUMED IN UGANDA allafrica - Police in Luweero on Monday exhumed bodies of three children who died under suspicious circumstances and were secretly buried at a home of a detained cult leader. Two of the children were three years old, while the other was two years old. The exercise at Nsozibbiri village on the outskirts of Luweero town, followed the arrest of four members of the Ttonda Bulongo cult. The commissioner in charge of the prevention of human trafficking and child sacrifice, Moses Binoga, said the cult members do not dig, do not treat their sick and previously set fire on their belongings in preparation for 'a new life'. The members, who belong to the same family, believe that they are immortal and they only disappear from the world, but do not die. They were living in isolation in an impoverished home. Those arrested included Grace Senfuma alias Kabaka wa bakabaka (supreme king) who is the head of the cult and Martin Kiyaga, an aide of Senfuma. Others were Juliet Nassuuna alias Ttonda (queen mother), who is Senfuma's mother and Hudson Mubiru alias Jajja Mukasa, a subject. Also arrested was Edward Sekawunde alias Mulyannaka, the owner of the home, who is Senfuma's father and his subject. The group said a woman called Nnalongo Senkaayi, who stays at Kawempe in Kampala, had initiated them into the cult. After exhuming the bodies, Binoga said: "If we find that the children were strangled or killed in any other way, we shall charge him (Sekawunde) with murder. He disclosed that Sekawunde allegedly used to bury the children single handedly, in the absence of any other person, and later declare that they had gone to heaven. The Police deployed heavily during the exhumation to deter the angry residents from lynching Sekawunde, who was brought from the cell to help the Police locate the unmarked graves. Binoga said the Police learnt of the cult after Sekawunde's daughter-in-law, Grace Nabbaale, complained about her 3-year-old child who had been buried secretly, after being removed from her when she fell sick. "When I demanded to know where my child was, my father-in-law told me she had disappeared into heaven," Nabbaale said. Nabbale said everybody in the home slept on the bare floor, except Senfuma who slept on a mattress. |
'Skull & Bones' Skull to be Sold at Auction Posted: 07 Jan 2010 09:25 AM PST ![]() Christie's estimates the skull will sell for $10,000 to $20,000 when it is auctioned on Jan. 22. Fittingly, the auction house has agreed to keep the seller's name a secret. On Monday, it described the person only as a European art collector. The skull is fitted with a hinged flap and is believed to have been used during voting at the famous society's meetings. The auction house said it also may have been displayed at the society's tomblike headquarters on Yale's campus in New Haven, Conn., during the late 1800s. Skull and Bones, an elite society founded in 1832, has closely guarded its members' names and its activities since the early 1970s. Prior to that time, the group published an annual roster. Publicly known members, known as Bonesmen, include President William Howard Taft, both presidents Bush, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, businessman and diplomat Averell Harriman, publisher Henry Luce and author and commentator William F. Buckley Jr. "I think it's a macabre artifact," Margot Rosenberg, head of Christie's American decorative arts department, said Tuesday. "It's an intriguing story tied to America, tied to Yale. I think it will generate interest for people who are former Bonesmen, people who collect Americana, people who are interested in history." The skull is believed to have been owned by Edward T. Owen, who graduated Yale in 1872 and went to become professor of French and linguistics at the University of Wisconsin. The word THOR is etched into the skull; it may have been the nickname given to Owen or another society member. The skull is being sold with a black book, inscribed with Owen's name, the year 1872 and the numeral 322, a reference to the society's year of inception and to the death of the orator Demosthenes in 322 B.C. It contains the names and photographs of about 50 Bonesmen, including Taft, who became the 27th president of the United States; Morrison Remick Waite, who became U.S. chief justice in 1874; and William Maxwell Evarts, who served as U.S. secretary of state and U.S. attorney general. Skull and Bones invites 15 Yale seniors to join each year. Bonesmen swear an oath of secrecy about the group and its strange rituals, which include initiation rites such as confessing sexual secrets and kissing a skull. On Tuesday, the society's secrecy remained intact. Efforts to reach a society member or a representative of its business arm, the Russell Trust Association, through a Yale spokesman were unsuccessful. The Ivy League school, which is not affiliated with the society, did not return a reporter's call. Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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