Phantoms and Monsters |
- The Hotel Bethlehem's 'Room With A Boo'
- MUFON State Director Admits to 'Misleading the Public'
- Orange Triangular UFOs, Possible Lost Time - Howell, Michigan
- Billy Meier Warns Apophis Asteroid Could Devastate Europe
The Hotel Bethlehem's 'Room With A Boo' Posted: 11 Jan 2010 02:10 PM PST ![]() So who's haunting this place? The most well-known guest during the days of the Eagle Hotel, Hotel Bethlehem's predecessor, was May Yohe. The actress/singer was born in the hotel, which her grandpa owned, in April 1866. As a child, Yohe would sing and dance for guests in the lobby. Even though she ended up performing in Europe in her later life and subsequently married and left Lord Francis Clinton (the owner of the Hope Diamond), Yohe was supposedly most happiest in life at The Eagle. So she may have chose to return there in the afterlife as people say they hear her singing in the lobby. And randomly, she's been seen chilling in the exercise room. Ghosts need to work on their fitness, who knew? The oldest guest, Francis "Daddy" Thomas, has been spotted in the hotel's boiler room. Back in the day, Thomas served as the town tour guide, tending to visitors. He died in April 1822, but it's said that he stays in the hotel to continue his work of welcoming tourists, though if he came to wish us a how-do-you-do, we'd book it outta there. In the Eagle days, its owners, the Moravian Church, weren't happy with the landlords, Mr. and Mrs. Brong. The Mr. constantly got drunk with the guests and the Mrs. had a predilection for running around without shoes or stockings—scandalous, we know. So the church booted the couple, but some kitchen staff and restaurant diners report seeing a woman in period clothing walking around sans shoes. If you're a ghost hunter, stay in room 932 on the ninth floor. The hotel calls it a "Room with a Boo" for all the paranormal activity that happens there, including sightings of things in the mirror, lamps flashing and the bathroom wallpaper turning pink. One couple stayed in the room and were woken by a man standing over them asking, "Why are you in my room?" and when they put on the light, he disappeared. The room, a popular request, costs about $199 a night. And if you're not a believer, 932 offers another perk: the top-floor executive suite has a prime location with a view of Bethlehem's famous illuminated star that hangs above the city year-round. ____________________ THE HOTEL BETHLEHEM HAUNTINGS ![]() The Haunting: Guests and staff report seeing apparitions, shadows and unexplained reflections in mirrors and glass. Staff have reported hearing their names called when no one is there, being tapped on the shoulder, and seeing pens drop on the front desk from nowhere. Staff have also reported vacuums turning on and moving across the floor, even when they were not plugged in. The ghosts are generally believed to be from the Victorian and Colonial eras. Who's Haunting the Hotel Bethlehem?: A little girl who appears in one of the windows is believed to be May Yohe, who grew up in the hotel. She later became a well-known actress and singer in the 1890s. May went on to fame and fortune; she was a well-known actress and singer in the 1890s, and married a man wealthy enough to own the Hope diamond, which she occasionally wore. Her adult life, however, was marked with scandal and broken hearts, and it was believed that her childhood at Hotel Bethlehem was her happiest time. Other Hauntings: One unknown woman appears in period dress in the kitchen and dining room. Spooked guests have occasionally asked to leave early because they saw an apparition in their rooms. One engineer avoids the subbasement because of his experiences. Hotel Bethlehem History: Hotel Bethlehem was built in 1920 on the site of the Eagle Hotel which was demolished so the new owner, Bethlehem Steel with tycoon Charles Schwab at its helm, could build an elegant inn for clients. The Eagle Hotel, owned by the Moravian Church, was constructed on the site of Bethlehem's first house. The hotel changed ownership three more times. The present owners did extensive renovating to restore it to original splendor and offers an elegant atmosphere, superior hospitality and gourmet dining. Hotel Bethlehem is one of only 213 hotels and resorts that are members of the National Trust Historic Hotels of America, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Ghosts of Hotel Bethlehem * Francis "Daddy" Thomas: Daddy, known for his kindness and humor, welcomed and attended to visitors who came to the town. His ghost has been sighted in the boiler room. * Mrs. Brong: She and her husband were innkeepers of the Eagle Hotel until 1833 when the Moravian Church fired them. Mr. Brong had a habit of getting so intoxicated that he had to be put on a bench when he could no longer sit. She, except for a then shocking habit of greeting guests barefoot, was a good hostess. Staff and guests have seen her ghost in the restaurant and kitchen, dressed in attire of the 1800s, but stockingless and shoeless. * Mary "May" Yohe: She danced and sang for the hotel guests in the lobby. The Moravians sent her to Paris to be taught operatic art. By 1888, she was one of the best known stars of the stage. May was also known for her romances. During the 1890s, she went to England and met Lord Francis Clinton Hope. They fell in love and married. He owned a magnificent blue diamond, named for the family, said to be cursed. She often wore the gem. May left him for an American soldier, who later left her. People have heard her ghost singing. The player piano in the lounge frequently plays on its own. May's specter has been witnessed in the exercise room on the third floor and in the lobby. Hotel Bethlehem's Haunted Room 932 * A couple reported seeing a man in an undershirt and boxer shorts standing at the foot of their bed. He vanished when the light was turned on. They immediately checked out! * Another couple woke to find a man standing by the bed. He asked why were they in his room. He also vanished when the light was turned on. * Other guests saw the bathroom wallpaper turn pink, papers fly off the desk and lights blink. There are photos of the room in which orbs appear. * EVP has been recorded. A voice proclaimed the bathroom was beautiful. One said she was Mary. Another claimed to be locked in the closet. Someone said percipients should look out of the window. Paranormal Miscellany in Hotel Bethlehem * Guests in ninth floor rooms reported the shower turning itself off or the water flow varying. The plumbing is not faulty. * The third floor has cold spots and unaccountable breezes. * A guest felt the presence of a sad girl about three years old, dressed in white peering through the mezzanine's railing. Others heard a child playing in halls and sighted a young girl dressed in white. * Another guest heard somone call her name, but when she looked to see who it was, no one was there. Sources: |
MUFON State Director Admits to 'Misleading the Public' Posted: 11 Jan 2010 01:43 PM PST When the crew and Easter meet in Rachel, NV, somebody named Peter pulls up in jeep with the remains of a nose cone from a test rocket Area 51 launched in 1967 as well as 1000 pages of tech information on the rocket. Joe quotes from the source "When we arrived at the destination the producer proceeded to explain how the sequence would be shot. We had to pull the huge pile of debris out of Peter's Jeep…and plant it in the desert so on camera we could drive up and discover it. In the shot Peter and Mark are kneeling next to the debris and pulling pieces out talking about them as they pretend they are looking at it for the first time." Joe states in his post "The producer then instructs Easter to interject certain words about the debris into the dialogue like "alien", "extraterrestrial" and the word "UFO". They all then proceeded to go searching the site for other debris. When they didn't find any, the producer again came up with a brilliant, if less than ethical, solution. They would plant a piece of the debris and act as if they just found it. This farce even went to the extent where the show sent the material out to a Rutgers' scientist for analysis." Easter goes on to apologize for his misleading actions. Is this 'confession' in the MUFON UFO journal supposed to rectify the farce...or simply make Mark Easter and the higher echelon at MUFON feel better? This is a sickening revelation, though I do give him credit for coming forward. Oh, BTW, Mark Easter is also the MUFON International Director of Public Relations. If you remember, Easter posted a comment on this site after I followed up complaints made by witnesses who had filed sighting reports with MUFON and didn't receive a call back or were visited by non-MUFON personnel. Later, I questioned BAASS and MUFON benefactor Larry Bigelow's government involvement after an FAA press release. Here is the link MUFON Responds to Posts. Mr. Easter's comment is posted below: With all due respect... Slow down Lon! This only proves that you are more concerned with stirring up conspiracy theory than reporting the truth of the matter. For the record, BAASS is not involved in any way with the management of MUFON, nor is MUFON involved with the management of BAASS. MUFON has been independently investigating UFOs since 1969. BAASS has recognized that MUFON investigates with scientific protocol and a strict code of ethics. MUFON's finest Certified Field Investigators are finally being respected and rewarded for their talent, persistence and professionalism. BAASS is only one of many benefactors who have recognized MUFON as the leading UFO investigative organization on the planet. MUFON is thankful for the support received from all of our benefactors and members. I for one am pleased that MUFON finally has funding and state of the art equipment to properly investigate reports of unexplained aerial phenomenon in a thorough and timely manner. I remember when everyone bitched that there needs to be "serious funding" for true and professional UFO investigation and research. Now that MUFON has access to the needed resources to independently and properly investigate, the poles are automatically shifted to make a positive into a negative. Am I the only one to notice this? The UFO phenomenon has not gone away. And it still brings out the good, the bad and the ugly in everyone. By the way, my name is Mark Easter and I am the International Director of Public Relations for MUFON. Is anyone interested in the positive things happening at MUFON? There are many! This is Mr. Easter's contact information: Contact: Mark Easter, MUFON International Director of Public Relations Phone: 775-358-9205 E-mail: Web: and Blog: Again, please go to Joe Capp's post and read the entire post Will Success Spoil MUFON? NOTE: MUFON may deny any ties to the government...but they sure as hell act like political elitists. How can we, serious ufologists, be sure that this was a single incident? Well, we can't. I wonder what Larry Bigelow's reaction was when he found out someone at MUFON participated in hoaxing a UFO crash? Maybe someone should ask him...Lon |
Orange Triangular UFOs, Possible Lost Time - Howell, Michigan Posted: 11 Jan 2010 11:45 AM PST I was a clear night, with only a few wispy clouds in the sky, and the moon was almost full. It was a perfect night look look up, and I was always fascinated with the night sky. I knew that by the time I was an adult, we would be up there with our flying cars, commuting back home to Mars from an honest day's work here on Earth. Well... That's what was supposed to happen, right? Santa, I think he went by the name "Dad," around that time, had given me a telescope for Christmas. It was the best gift ever, or maybe second to the Jetfire tranforming robot that I found under the tree as well. It was around nine, and the sun had just set with still a bit of orange on the horizon. I had set up the telescope in the five-acre field between my home, and the home of my best friend, Ricky, then went to his place to have him join me for a little moongazing. I knocked on the window outside his bedroom, but there was no answer. So, I climbed, like we did, to the balcony of the upper floor to see if anyone was home. It's a good thing we lived in the woods and they were used to monkeys climbing on houses, I guess. Ricky's mom came out and told me that he had left with his father to Pennsylvania to visit family, and wouldn't be back for a couple of weeks. So, we ended up talking for a few minutes and then I caught something from the corner of my eye in the sky to the north. Maybe one degree south of the treeline from the perspective of the balcony of her home, I saw 12 to 16 neon orange V shapes. They seemed to be substantial, because as they moved they would block out stars that they would pass under. I looked at Ricky's mom to bring it to her attention, but she was already staring up at this display. It was a shock at first, and we watch with interest for 20 minutes according to her watch. What we witnessed were these V shapes assembling to two locations in the sky, pointing inward, and then joining to form two discs, like slices of a pizza. The assembly farthest to the north had merged without trouble, and simply hovered in the sky without sound, and perfectly still. The grouping to the south came together for the most part, but one of the vehicles was moving awkwardly and seemed to be having difficulty joining with the other craft. And this is what we were watching, and discussing the entire time. After that 20 minutes, I had asked her if she had a camera. We simply didn't have the presence of mind to consider a camera at the time. Who would want to go into the house and miss a moment of this anyway? She said she had no film for it, but after a while, decided to go inside and look for some. I stayed there on the balcony and watched, until she returned. She said that she had no film, and then asked me where they had gone. I looked from her to the sky, and they were gone. Just like that. The entire display lasted maybe a half hour, then was gone the moment I looked away at my friend's mom! It was an amazing night. After talking for a little while about what we had seen, I went back home. My mother was irritated, and informed me that it was midnight. She told me that she went to get me, but I had just left my telescope out and was nowhere around it. I thought that was impossible. There was no way. I could not have been out for more than an hour, being generous. There was just no way I was gone that long. Ever since then, there are other things. Dreams.. Curiosities.. I can't be certain, but I think somehow, I know how those things work. I know something else, too. Something rather useful. Well... I guess it's all moot. Who is going to believe a nobody like me? My own wife never believed me! And this is not my only sighting. And I'll never have the money to explore the information that's been wedged somewhere in my mind. But if I could, this world would be forever changed. I wish I could. But I can tell you this. Difference waves. From the smallest particle, to the workings of the brain, to the mystery of consciousness. It's all a highly complex orchestra of difference waves. Even space itself. All you need to transmute anything from one form to another is the difference image of the result you're looking for. I guess this is why thought affects things in reality to some degree. The brain is a difference wave processor, not the digital device that medicine compares it to. Science doesn't realize this yet. So they slam particles into each other with the effect of a musician beating his guitar against a wall, and consider everything in the universe in terms of ones and zeroes. But it's neither a one nor a zero, yet also both, as well as the infinity in between. All images exist simultaneously. All possibilities are present. And we can't understand why people have such widely varying world views. It's because we're all seeing something different, and trying our best to come to a consensus that we can call reality. Unfortunately, violence and hatred seems to be our tool of choice. Maybe I was supposed to act. Maybe I was given a gift and squandered it. If so, I apologize to all of you. Hm... But maybe now is the time.... Maybe I will teleport that water molecule someday soon. NOTE: Frankly, I'm not sure if this witness wanted to submit a witness report or an example of creative writing. He really should start a blog site. Anyway, this was an unusual report but similar to a sighting in western Pennsylvania several years ago. I looked for the incident report but drew a blank...Lon |
Billy Meier Warns Apophis Asteroid Could Devastate Europe Posted: 11 Jan 2010 11:09 AM PST ![]() Meier, who claims that the information was first provided to him by extraterrestrial human beings in 1981, published a warning in 1991 that if the 350 meter-wide asteroid strikes Earth, it would "split the crust of the Earth from the North Sea to the Black Sea and create a new continent". Devastating Effects Russia, Germany, Poland and many other European nations would be the first to incur the devastating effects of the impact, including the huge blast wave and fireball, sky-blackening fallout, enormous fires and catastrophic landmass changes. Millions of lives would be lost at once with millions more to follow from climate disruptions, flowing masses of red-hot lava, toxic gases and a deadly westward drifting sulfurous wall. The magnitude of such an impact was echoed by scientists such as Dr. Michio Kaku who said, in his Wall Street Journal editorial (January 5, 2010), that such an impact would be a "country buster". Dr. Kaku welcomed the Russian effort, saying, "If we prepare now, we better our odds of survival." Who to Trust Meier says that in 2009 the extraterrestrials again urged that "terrestrial scientists must use everything conceivable" and immediately begin the process of sending nuclear devices to deflect the asteroid's path. They strongly advised against blowing it up and said that trying to land on the asteroid, or using sails or other methods to deflect it, would be impractical and nearly impossible. Russia's proposed cooperative actions closely reflect Meier's advice. They may believe him more than NASA, which officially reduced the odds of collision to about 1 in 330,000, because so many of Meier's specific, astronomical predictions have proved to be accurate. Meier, who began publishing his prophetic and predictive information in 1951, claims that his face-to-face contacts with extraterrestrials began in 1942 and continue to this day. Meier's American media representative, Michael Horn, added, "Meier was told that only earth scientists could stop this event. Considering the extraterrestrial source and the proven accuracy of Meier's copyrighted and published predictions, all of us should be encouraging NASA to cooperate with Russia and the international scientific community." Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. Start a page on a subject or add your input to an existing page or thread. ![]() Join me on Facebook Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog ![]() "The latest news from beyond the mainstream" Join Ben & Aaron for their weekly podcast! Check out Mysterious Universe Plus+ all access format! ![]() Want to help support Phantoms and Monsters? Please visit our online shop. Thanks! |
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