Phantoms and Monsters |
- Videos: Ghosts of Haiti
- Cannock Chase 'Panther' Possibly a Wild Wolf...or Worse?
- Reporter Fears She Has Allowed Ghost Into Her Home
- The Royal Society Convenes to Discuss if Extraterrestrials Inhabit Earth
- The Era Of 2012
Posted: 25 Jan 2010 08:06 PM PST Click for video This supposed apparition was captured on a news clip of the Haiti earthquake devastation. Granted, it's difficult to see in the still images. Click for video After one of the greatest catastrophes in the history of humanity, the earthquake that has taken thousands of lives in Haiti, came this curious news on various television channels. A rescuer from Colombia had a strange experience when he witnessed this apparition. NOTE: I received an email a few days ago in reference to an apparition that was captured from a news clip on television. I'm not sure if it was one of the anomalies in the videos above...but I'm supposed to receive a DVD in the mail. I imagine there will be more than a few apparitions detected among the devastation in the coming weeks and months. Stayed tuned...Lon |
Cannock Chase 'Panther' Possibly a Wild Wolf...or Worse? Posted: 25 Jan 2010 10:21 AM PST ![]() Over the past decade, many eyewitnesses claim to have spied a big cat prowling the vast undergrowth of Cannock Chase. But this year, residents who have caught a glimpse of the Chase Beast claim the creature is more lupine than feline. Resident Peter Derbyshire said he saw a wolf-like creature while driving near Pottal Pool. "I was driving through the trees in the direction of Stafford when I saw something dark moving amongst the bushes on the right hand side of the car," he said. "I slowed down to get a better look. It was probably about 80 metres away. It was aware I had slowed down, but did not seem too fussed. It disappeared into the bushes and I lost sight of it. "It was definitely not a cat, it had more of a dog's characteristics. It had a long nose and sharp, pointy ears. "It looked much larger than a dog, though - it had a long back and was dark black in colour. "It could have been a wolf. It was certainly wolf-like. I think people may have been seeing this creature and believing they had seen a panther. "It is quite a shock when you see it moving through the trees, because it is so large." Peter's comments back up those of resident Jane McNally, who saw a wolf-like creature while out walking on the Chase. "I was walking with my partner and his dog," Jane said. "We put the dog back on the lead as we thought in the distance there was an enormous 'dog.' As we approached the animal we realised this wasn't a dog and it just stared at us for a while – I said I thought it looked like a fox, but the size of a lioness. It then turned into the wooded area, and we proceeded to walk on. "As it turned its long, bushy black tipped tail, we realised it was definitely not a dog. "I have just logged onto the net and went onto images of wolves, and can honestly say whatever we saw yesterday was the closest thing to a wolf." ________________________ Originally posted 4/4/08 Return of the Cannock Chase Beast The disturbing discovery of the fleshless corpse of a mutilated deer on Cannock Chase is leading many to believe that the mythical beast of Cannock Chase is back and on the prowl. The image was snapped by a local man out for a Sunday stroll with his family. Matthew Harrison, of Cannock, said that he was disturbed by the discovery. Every ounce of flesh seemed to have been stripped from the animal in a meticulous manner. Matthew told us: "Me and the family were out for a walk at Cannock Chase on Sunday March 30. "As we were walking I found a carcass of a deer. "It was a very fresh kill - no smell and very few flies. What flesh was left was still red and fresh. "To me, if the animal had died naturally, surely it would take a while for small predators (such as foxes) to dispose of the carcass, or for it to decompose. "But the most interesting thing was that when I found another carcass only 200-300m away, this one had been killed or died a few months ago. "Maybe the story of wild cats on the Chase are true, and this is one of its hunting places?" Texas-based paranormal investigator and author, Nick Redfern, has spent many years investigating the mysterious ancient woodlands of Cannock Chase. He said: "I've investigated quite a few big cat encounters on the Chase. "There is definitely something weird going on and the theory that some of them (Bigfoot sightings) could be big cats in trees is a genuinely interesting one." And Martin Rainer, Cannock Chase Coordinator for Big Cats in Britain, said: "I strongly believe these big cats are out there. "Maybe not in the heart of the Chase, but possibly around the fringes which do not receive as much human traffic as the main Chase. "There are several theories as to what these cats are, but we can only go on the facts. "Seventy percent of all reported sightings are of a black animal. "These can only be one of two - a black jaguar or a black leopard. Both are known as the Black Panther." |
Reporter Fears She Has Allowed Ghost Into Her Home Posted: 25 Jan 2010 09:34 AM PST ![]() "I am scared - I think I've let a ghost into my own home."....Amy Dale dailytelegraph - Having spent days investigating all things ghostly, dozens of haunting tales have flooded in. But here is one of my own - involving blackouts, creatures in my bed and my once-adoring cat too spooked to come near me. It began when two ghostly children mysteriously appeared in the background of a photo of Picton cemetery sent to The Daily Telegraph. Since Tuesday my work days have been a blur of mist, mysterious figures, orbs and the question of what, if anything, is out there. So it was a relief to be heading home for a night in. ![]() It was strange coincidence but a night with no electricity gave me a chance to imagine what life was like circa 1886, the same year 11-year-old Blanche Moon died at Picton. Three hours later and the lights were restored so I headed for bed. But hopes of slumber were ended after a nasty eight-legged creature ran across my pillow. Nothing like a spider to wake you up faster than three shots of coffee. After these few strange instances, I was ready for a few cuddles from my cat. My 13-year-old cat Dilly is usually only too willing to rub against my legs. But not that night. In fact, ever since the first story about the Picton ghosts appeared, my once faithful feline won't have anything to do with me. He bounds away with a wild and terrified look in his eyes. His fear is akin to someone who's just seen a ghost. |
The Royal Society Convenes to Discuss if Extraterrestrials Inhabit Earth Posted: 25 Jan 2010 09:18 AM PST ![]() timesonline - It is the classic sci-fi scenario: discovering aliens, not in outer space, but right here on Earth, sitting next to you in the workplace, serving food in your local restaurant, or, scariest of all, in your own home. The premise might sound like the film Men in Black, but this week it will consume the great minds of science at a meeting of Britain's most venerable institution, the Royal Society. Paul Davies, a physicist at Arizona State University, will suggest tomorrow that the search for extra-terrestrial life should be focused right under our noses. His audience will include representatives from Nasa, the European Space Agency and the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, while Lord Rees, President of the Royal Society and Astronomer Royal, will also lead one of the sessions. Addressing the meeting to mark the 50th anniversary of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) programme — a quest that has fallen far short of its objectives — Professor Davies will argue that demonstrating that life has appeared more than once on Earth would be the best evidence yet that it must exist elsewhere in the Universe. He told The Times: "We need to give up the notion that ET is sending us some sort of customised message and take a new approach." According to Professor Davies, "weird" microbes that belong to a completely separate tree of life, dubbed the "shadow biosphere", could be present in isolated ecological niches in which ordinary life struggles to survive. Likely hiding places include deserts, scalding volcanic vents, the dry valleys of Antartica or salt-saturated lakes. One team, led by Felisa WolfeSimon, of the US Geological Survey, is investigating the possibility that places that are heavily contaminated with arsenic, such as the Mono Lake in California, might support forms of life that use arsenic in the same way that other life forms use phosphorus. Not all are convinced by the "shadow biosphere" concept. Colin Pillinger, who led the Beagle 2 Mars landing mission, said: "I prefer to deal in scientific fact — this is wildly science fiction. You'd be off your trolley to go searching for arsenic-based life." Professor Pillinger, who is due to speak at the Royal Society today, argues that Mars remains the best bet for finding alien organisms. The conference will also address the social implications of the search for alien life. Albert Harrison, from the University of California, Davis, will discuss how human beings might respond to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. "It is easy to imagine scenarios resulting in widespread psychological disintegration and social chaos," he said. "But historical prototypes, reactions to false alarms and survey results suggest that the predominant response to the discovery of a microwave transmission from light years away is likely to be equanimity, perhaps even delight." |
Posted: 25 Jan 2010 08:20 AM PST ![]() Chris Holly's Paranormal World - I do not believe the the earth will end on December 21, 2012. I understand that is the given date for our planets to align in our solar system. I know many fear this event as the end of all things but I am not one of them. My fears are for a time on earth that I refer to as the Era of 2012. I believe that we have placed many real facts and real science in a bag with many unknown facts and uncertain fears which has confused the facts with fears and keeping the subject in the world of the paranormal. I do think in this case the mixture of this thinking is a devastating situation as it has given many who are skeptical about things paranormal an easy out concerning the real and proven era we are entering. There is no mistake that our earth goes through cycles that repeat. These cycles have been known and understood by science for a long time. We know volcanoes erupt. We know that earthquakes occur. Look at the horrid circumstances going on in Haiti from the 7.5 earthquakes that devastated the area and cost so many their lives. Tsunamis are part of life on this planet as we learned watching the last large one take over a hundred thousand lives in Indonesia. I think it is obvious that we are entering the cycle of devastating earth changes that I consider the era of 2012. Many things are due to happen as nature cycles through its normal routine. We have not been riding the surface of this planet long enough or have been able to record clearly what happened before our new era of technology. We are not experts yet on the facts of our history but have learned enough to know that we have had many huge earth changes before and are due to have them again. For mankind the normal happening and routine of this planet still seems awkward and new. The earth however has been around for billions of years and it is going to do exactly what it needs to do. The fact we may not be able to handle the natural happenings is another story. I need to re word that and say the fact we may refuse to get ready and ride the natural cycles of things to come- that refusal is not the earth's problem it is our problem. For a time now we have known that hell is getting ready to hit earth as it throws it self into what it does and has done from its start. The earth moves its crust, earthquakes hit and they can be devastating. It is something we need to learn to handle. I do not think building large cities along active earthquake areas was our best idea knowing only time would be between the earth in those areas staying solid or quaking with great force. The same thought has to be given to volcanoes, flood areas and tornado lanes. We know it is going to happen yet live in denial becoming deer locked in head lights when they hit. Yellowstone is one of the world's biggest super volcanoes. It has blown in the past and it is timed to blow again. We know this, we know it is becoming active, and yet we seem to sit around in denial that this world event is something we need to contemplate and deal with. I do admit that I do know two different men of science who took a trip to Yellow stone. Both returned back to their homes located close to that part of the country and sold their homes, found new jobs and moved to the eastern section of the United States that is considered a safe distance from the destruction area that this volcano would destroy. I listen daily to those who quickly dismiss, laugh at or ridicule those who try to discuss the 2012 fear. I understand that since 2012 has had many hands trying to use the subject to cause fear for profit the subject has become confused. Of all the paranormal subjects 2012 has been bounced around by both the world of science and the frauds of the paranormal leaving 2012 with a bad name. I often write about the fact I do not think the earth will end on December 21, 2012. I think those who sit in fear of that exact day or think living past that exact day is all needed are not thinking this out clearly at all. It seems obvious to me that this earth and its place in this solar system in this universe is going to do what it has many times before and shake itself, slap its self around and cause hell for all living things upon it. Along with all the internal changes and natural weather cycles due to take place on the earth we have the additional concerns of the sun and its cycles, which for earth can be problematic. We have lived through the sun blasting our planet with flares before without too much damage or concern to mankind. The difference for us now is that during those explosive events on the sun we were not an energy driven society of technology. We were living with fire and horses as our energy sources. We rose at sunset and went to bed at nightfall with hours of hard work in-between as our survival method. We did not have communications, air travel, cars, refrigeration or any of the technologies of modern life. However, that is not how the world spins today. Solar flares could wipe out our energy grid. We would be without electric, phone, cell phones, communications, air travel, transportation, and every other modern convenience our society uses to survive today. We would be thrown back 200 years in a day's time. This would bring hysteria, hunger, panic and survival of man to a place it has not known and is not equipped to deal with. It could take three or four months or three or four years to re-establish any degree of return to a normal energy grid. The question is can any of us survive that considering our present lifestyles? Along with these natural earth and solar concerns we have other items to add to this era of 2012. I watch the sky over my home every day. I watch as the continuation without hesitation of odd spraying goes on over the New York area. I watch as the planes zig zag in odd patterns precise lines that work together to build a sky full of fake clouds and large masses of stuff that hovers over our heads doing whatever it is it does in our atmosphere. I am hopeful that this incredible undertaking that has been going on for many years is a attempt to keep the earth and earthlings alive and able to weather that which may be due to come. I am hopeful that all the spraying is a method of counter acting the effects of extreme weather changes or tremendous damage from a sun timed to hit us with its fury. I know that there are many ideas of why this spraying is taking place. I can only hope it is for the good of mankind. We certainly do not need anything else stacked against us at this time in history- in this era of 2012. I have written about all of this many times before. I keep trying to get this warning out about this 2012 era which may have started around 2000 and may last until 2020 or longer. I keep trying to get those who read what I say and toss it aside with a yawn as boring or ridiculous to wake up. If you do not believe me go research all the things I have talked about. Read the facts, find the sources and then decide if your yawn is worth your life? For those who consider this all-paranormal nonsense I dare you to do the same. To all the skeptics among you- I especially suggest you use all your science links or connections to test what I am telling you before you laugh this off or feel it is not your concern. Not understanding your place on this earth may be a sad and fatal mistake during this era of 2012. It is a time to prepare for what may come to the best of your ability. It is a time to have a family plan for disasters. It is a time to stock a light source and try to have a heat source for heat and cooking. It is a time to have extra food and supplies. It is a time to give these things some thought and action. It is without question not a time to sit and do nothing. The future may be the days of those who did and those who did nothing being the difference in survival or not. I realize some of you are well prepared. I also know many of you do nothing at all to help you or your family as far as disasters are concerned. All I can tell you is to look to those who now face horrific circumstances like the earthquake in Haiti and ask your self truthfully how you would fare if it were your city, your town, your home and family in that disaster. I promise you those with a shovel, those with some water and food; those with light at night are those with hope for a tomorrow. Stop falling into the mold of the numb and entertained and understand that the era of 2012 is not a fairy tale; it is not a silly internet story- it is real, it is here, and you are the one it is about. I hope nothing bad ever happens again on this earth. That statement is truly unrealistic and sadly impossible. I can only warn you that slacking off facts and ignoring all warnings as ridiculous is not the road to secure your welfare during this juncture in History. I think the key to life on earth during this time is to be aware of what is going on around you and prepared for what may come. I hope every word I have written is wrong and we all live in happy peace and safety in a healthy way. I hope come 2025 someone finds this old article and laughs how silly this writer was to think any of those things would happen. I will gladly be a fool if all of you will trust to the side of safety instead of sorry when it comes to the era of 2012. Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved Thanks to Chris Holly of Chris Holly's Paranormal World Are you interested in the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and conspiracies? Go to Phantoms and Monsters Wiki and become a member of this unique network. 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